In infant mortality, the U.S. is in the same league as Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Croatia; and behind such countries as Cuba, Malaysia, Lithuania, and Poland.
Texas has the third-highest teen pregnancy rate in the country, a state which forbids any sex education in schools except abstinance-only. When confronted with that fact, Rick Perry insisted: “Abstinance works”.
Yeah, it works to make you have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country.
This morning, to my shock, AJ has just announced that it has found a letter from Denis Kucinich to Saif el Islam offering the Congressman’s support for the Gaddafi thugs.
I realize that this will offend many of you and, like you hope that AJ is wrong or that the letter is a forgery.
# 5: Sounds pretty suspect to me. I’d disregard it without some pretty convincing proof to support it.
Al Jazeera is a VERY reliable journalistic source.
They were careful to state that they had not been able to get Kucinich to comment.
I you look at the post at TA, I did a link to related stories, DK has been pretty outspoken on his opposition to NATO and Obama’s actions. K may just see this as part of his form of progressiveness .. akin to Fonda et al. during ‘Nam.
I haven’t hard the report or read any articles, so I’m only responding to your post. There may be a letter, but is it far in the past, and completely mis-characterized as to intent?
Remember that there are a lot of folks out there who would be more than willing to try to pass off a forgery such as that. Kucinich has his own enemies, it may be a pre-emptive strike against him running for an open seat in Congress. But more likely, giving the release to Al Jazeera, it is someone in the middle-east attempting to re-focus the “Arab Spring” uprisings against the U.S.
One of Al Quida’s main recruiting points was that the U.S. supports and props up corrupt dictatorships throughout the Middle East. Lots of folks who think like Dick Cheney figure that as long as it’s a dictatorship which is under our control, everything is fine. But President Obama’s management of the situation has been a dead-on perfect balance between forcing the abdication of the dictators, without putting American troops in harm’s way, and without giving the dictatorships ammunition to accuse the rebels of being tools of U.S. interests.
This has taken a lot of the wind out of Al Quida’s recruiting campaigns – but I’ve been expecting them to try to make a comeback soon. The death of Osama Bin Laden may have complicated that effort for them. But this may be their first effort at trying to portray the U.S. involvement as being pro-dictatorship, instead of pro-democracy. They will certainly try to gain control of attempts to form an early democracy in those countries, but we will have to deal with that as it arises.
I can’t answer the forgery question but I do think Kucinich is an egoist who could see himself as a modern Jane Fonda.
I doubt el Qaeda would get any mileage out of this.
To be fair, I have included in the TA post links via Google that should provide follow up.
For now, though, I better ge toff here as Lee censors all my posts. I felt this was too important not to share.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ex-Powell Aide Slams Cheney
Dick Cheney was “president for all practical purposes” during George W. Bush’s first term in office and “fears being tried as a war criminal,” according to Colin Powell’s chief of staff during his time as secretary of state.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cheney’s book is making heads explode, but not quite the way he planned. I always said this Republican rats would turn on each other. This is gonna be fun!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Study: Companies Pay CEOs More Than Uncle Sam
A”t least 25 top United States companies paid more to their chief executives in 2010 than they did to the federal government in taxes, according to a study released on Wednesday.
“The companies — which include … eBay, Boeing, General Electric … and Verizon — averaged $1.9 billion each in profits, according to the study by the Institute for Policy Studies ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentaries: Looks to me like there’s plenty of room for corporations to pay more taxes to help close the deficit.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in Boeing, General Electric, and Verizon, and may get less dividends if these companies have to pay more taxes — but screw that, make them pay anyway!)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Recession? What Recession?
For some people there never was a recession.
“The gap between CEO and average U.S. worker pay rose from 263-to-1 in 2009 to 325-to-1 last year.”
It says that not only are we overdue for a major quake along the Juan de Fuca fault line at the junction of the Pacific and North American plates, but it’s likely to be close in scale to last March’s 9.0 earthquake in Japan.
Japan was able to survive the earthquake itself rather well, it probably has the best earthquake-proof building codes in the world. It was the following tsunami which did them in. here it’s unlikely we could escape with as little damage from the quake. But the tsunami might still cause the biggest loss of life.
““When that earthquake hits, it’s going to shake for a long time,” says Corcoran. “Three to five minutes or more. You’re going to feel lucky to survive. Then guess what. You rode out the quake? Congratulations. Now you have 15 minutes to get above 50 feet of elevation. Fifteen minutes. You’re elderly and not very mobile? Sorry. Your condition does not change the geologic facts. It’s called a tsunami. The water’s coming. It can’t be stopped….”
Like Japan, it’s not just that the Tsunami will create a thirty+ foot wall of water. The earth movement will create a permanant drop the level of all the ground in the area by about five feet, perhaps more. That’s why the ten-meter flood walls in Japan failed to stop the Tsunami, the ground sunk five feet, and the thirty-foot wall of water spilled over the sea walls (there’s lots of video of this).
Also, the tsunami isn’t really a wave, which we see on the beaches. It’s more like a massive inflow of tide which keeps coming and coming – reports from Japan said the level of the incoming water didn’t drop for at least a half hour. As the tsunami worked it’s ways up the river valleys and into the tributaries, it spread destruction far inland. Once it reaches it’s nadar, the withdrawing water did at least as much damage to structures as the incoming water (including dragging thousands of people who were clinging to debris out to sea, where most ultimately drowned).
So, where would fifty feet of innundation reach to? All of harbor island, the SODO district, and Seattle up to second avenue? The Ballard Locks would be swamped, extending the devestation through lower Ballard, Fremont, the U. District, and wiping out shorline homes in Lake Washington????? The one good point about Seattle is that there are plenty of hills nearby, if you are physically able to run to them, and up them, in time. For the coastline, that’s another story.
I had to agree with the commentator on the P.I. site: “We’d be Juan de Fuca’d”.
Looks like my comment was too long to post, so here’s the short version:
We are overdue for a 9.0 earthquake on the Juan de Fuca plate. We can expect a 30-foot tsunami, along with a five-foot permanant drop in the ground level in the region (Japan experienced a four-foot drop as a result of it’s recent quake, Alaska experienced a five-foot drop in it’s 8.9 quake in 1964). We would have fifteen or twenty minutes to find some fifty feet of elevation above sea level (plus whatever tide level in effect at the time).
A staggering $12 million squandered every day for the last 10 years — that was among the findings the Wartime Contracting Commission uncovered in more than two years of investigating war-related spending since 2001.
Releasing its report on Wednesday, the bipartisan commission set up by Congress urged lawmakers to enact many of its recommendations in order to prevent billions more in wasteful spending in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It found that between $31 billion and $60 billion spent on projects in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last 10 years has been lost to waste and fraud. That amounts to as much as 29 percent of the $206 billion spent on security, infrastructure, and other projects in those two countries over the last decade. If the amount of contract fraud and waste falls in the middle of the commission’s estimated range – and at least one commissioner said he believes it is closer to the high end — the commission concluded that it comes to $12 million wasted every day for the last 10 years.
Go Pittsburgh!
Larry Murdock says too many hours on the Parkway East made him want to hit the trail.
He became part of a growing number of people who see the bike and pedestrian routes networking the city as a reason to move near them.
Taking the bus to work also gave him a good bit of time to read and figure out whether he could make the move to Washington’s Landing, just up the Allegheny River from Downtown. “When I figured out we could, that was it,” he says.
Liz Keller and her husband, Liam Cooney, passed up moving to Morningside or Polish Hill for a Lawrenceville house because of its close proximity to a trail and easy bike ride to the North Side.
Reed Agnew moved his intellectual-design firm to a spot along a trail in the South Side. The trail has become a part of his firm’s “corporate culture.”
Bicycling or walking to work, shop or to entertainment venues has become a way of life for those living near trails or bikeways. Before work or after, the trails are frequented with walkers carrying their briefcases to the office or bicyclists with packs bearing a change of clothes.
John Valentine, president of the Downtown Neighborhood Association and consultant for the Urban Redevelopment Authority, is a resident of Gateway Towers. He says he is on his bike three or four times a week, not only for recreation, but also to run errands.
re 9: Your entire argument lies upon the assumption that Dennis Kuchinich is an ‘egoist’. …an egoist who is, in addition to egregious egoism, just like that notorious egoist, Jane Fonda.
But, let’s say you are correct: Kucinich is an egoist just like Jane Fonda. That would make Ronald Reagan a baby murderer — a baby murderer who used a time machine to go back in time and kill the Lindbergh baby.
Now that’s egoism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Well, now we know why Republicans claim government is full of waste and fraud — they know from personal experience!
Alan “Ace” Greenberg, former CEO of Bear Stearns Cos., is among executives who support Buffett’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy.
‘I Want to Pay More’
“I agree with him, I want to pay more taxes,” said Greenberg, now at JPMorgan Chase & Co. “For him to pay less taxes percentagewise than what his secretary pays is ridiculous.”
Buffett has said his tax rate is the lowest among the about 20 employees at Berkshire’s headquarters. Capital gains from most assets held for longer than a year are taxed at a top rate of 15 percent, while wage income is taxed at a top rate of 35 percent. The difference between those two accounts for Buffett’s lower rate.
Buffett has praised members of both parties for offering to compromise. Among them are Republicans Alan Simpson, co-chairman of a deficit-reduction commission; and Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma senator; and Democrats Erskine Bowles, the commission co-chair with Simpson; and Dick Durbin, an Illinois senator.
‘A Real Statesman’
“They were putting the country ahead of their personal feelings,” Buffett told Charlie Rose in the interview broadcast on PBS on Aug. 15. “I may not agree with Tom Coburn but I think that, you know, I think he’s a real statesman.”
Tom Coburn? I don’t know if I’d go that far but shit, what’s gotten into him lately?
15 – Oh that’s ok – according to right wing pinheads (take your pick of any tea bagger) – that 21 to 60 billion was for “national security”.
Wolfman Jackspews:
How is being a fey little Teapartier less derogatory than being a fullsteam ahead Teabagger.
In my day, teaparties were for little girls.
Fox opinion piece by CEI’s Iain Murray asking that since the forecast of Hurricane Irene intensity was wrong, isn’t it time to defund the National Weather Service (NWS)?
Today the NWS justifies itself on public interest grounds. It issues severe weather advisories and hijacks local radio and television stations to get the message out. It presumes that citizens do not pay attention to the weather and so it must force important, perhaps lifesaving, information upon them. A few seconds’ thought reveals how silly this is. The weather might be the subject people care most about on a daily basis. There is a very successful private TV channel dedicated to it, 24 hours a day, as well as any number of phone and PC apps. Americans need not be forced to turn over part of their earnings to support weather reporting.
The next time Jim Foreman pops up on my TV, I’m going to call KING5 and tell them to stop hijacking the station!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Perry Was Fer Hillarycare Before He Was Agin’ It
Here’s another GOP flip-flopper who’s against healthcare reform as long as he gets his:
“Gov. Rick Perry may face an old political ghost from his tenure as Texas Agriculture Commisioner — a complimentary letter he wrote in 1993 to then-First Lady Hillary Clinton to urge her to consider the needs rural residents as she drafted what would later be derided as ‘Hillarycare.’
“In the letter, dated April 6, 1993, Perry wrote to Clinton, ‘I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation’s health care system are most commendable.’ He went on to request that the health-care task force consider the unique needs of ‘farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just what we don’t need — another Republican socialist!
Maybe we haven’t had any large earthquakes because we aren’t going to get any more (that last one wasn’t much if you’ve lived in CA or Japan). All of the places that get large earthquakes, seem to get them with some frequency – are we special?
Tsunamis do more damage in shallow bays and inlets. The Puget Sound and Elliot Bay are deep water with a steep rise to the shore in most places. Since it is more likely for the quake to be off the coast, that is where the risk is much greater as the coastline has a shallow rise.
Doesn’t look like Puget Sound is capable of generating a Tsunami of more than 2 meters.
Can a Tsunami Happen in the Puget Sound?
Yes. In the Puget Sound the two major tsunami threats stem from earthquakes and land slides. If a major earthquake happens in the Seattle area and it is violent enough to trigger a Puget Sound tsunami it won’t be like the one’s unfolding today. Imagine a bowl filled with water and what happens when that bowl is shaken from right left? The water splashes about surging up the sides of the bowl. The effect would be very similar in the Puget Sound with it taking a while for the waters to calm down due to the waves bouncing off the shorelines and back into the deeper water to then bounce back towards the shore. http://www.barnettassociates.n.....get-sound/
# 26: Some places, like California and the San Andreas fault, have “lateral” crust-moving quakes that are more frequent but are mostly in the “moderate” range (up to 6.0). There are exceptions, San Francisco tends to have bigger but less frequent quakes, every 75 years or so.
Where there are subduction zones (one plate slips under another), the quakes tend to build up pressure and then finally release in a really big quake every two to five hundred years or so. This is characterized by the ground level “bulging” imperceptively, but steadily, over time, as one plate gets stuck but the one slipping under it continues to exert pressure, until it becomes unstuck. The release causes an outward movement (and downward) movement of the upper plate.
This “upward” bulge has been measured, noting that interstate highways have rising across Oregon and Washington by several milimeters since their elevation was first recorded – less than twenty years ago. This might not seem like much, but remember that it’s been 311 years since the last Jan. 1700 quake which hammered the Washington coast, estimated at close to 9.0 range. We have evidence to support an earthquake and tsunami at that time from native verbal history, remnants of submerged forests caused by that quake, and records of an “orphan tsunami” in Japan at that time.
If we did have a Tsunami all the tourist crap at Pier 90 and Gorst might be toast, so really it might be a net positive for us to have one.
Japan has a number of fault lines (and volcanic activity), with some of them lateral-moving faults, and some of the subduction faults. That’s why it’s hard to generalize about the types of earthquakes which occur in Japan. In Tokyo, they just shrug off earthquakes like the one experienced recently on the U.S. east coast. The biggest problem would that Japanese trains are programmed to immediatly come to a halt when there is an earthquake, and they are not allowed to proceed until the tracks are inspected. They do this pretty quickly – usually all the trains are up and running within a couple of hours. But it can make a commute last all evening long. A reasonable precaution, nonetheless.
I’m not so sure that the Puget Sound wouldn’t experience a tsunami of some sort, even apart from the “bathtub” effect. Most models assume that the “force” of the tsunami would be absorbed by Whidbey Island, etc. But it’s not just the force, it’s the sheer volume of water carried with it that must be contended with.
Remember that a given mass of water, if confined to a narrower opening, picks up force and depth. If aided by an already high tide, then you’ve got a lot of water that has to go somewhere. That mass of water could raise the sea level pretty high. At the very least, Port Townsend and Sequim would see a huge mass of water rushing past them into the Puget Sound, and some of the Orcas Islands could be inundated.
who run Bartertown?spews:
@32, 31, et al..
Its quite a laugh reading posts by people who dont have the foggiest idea of what they are talking about.
Its even funnier when they write/talk like they are some sort of expert or have a decent knowledge base, when in reality they are clueless.
Thanks for the chuckle RHP. You should stick to legal matters – at least then you have half a chance of looking intelligent.
Wolfman Jackspews:
re 33: Maybe you need Rush to explain it to you. But don’t hold your breath. Rush doesn’t partake of factual discussions.
@18 Michael on 08/31/2011 at 11:21 am,
Pittsburghers know their biking like they know their football.
proud leftistspews:
Does anyone know if any credible Ds are planning on running against Herrera Beutler? Any rumors of candidates?
I’m rooting for some Tsunami based blight removal wiping out Gorst. I hear the girls at the strip club in Gorst are so ugly that people pay them to put their clothes back on.
or your dumbass comparisons of Obama and Hoover. Gee if Obama was really driving the U.S. into the ditch like Hoover did why does the world want our treasury bonds and dollars?
or your dumbass comparisons of Obama and Hoover. Gee if Obama was really driving the U.S. into the ditch like Hoover did why does the world want our treasury bonds and dollars?
Stick to what you’re best at – middle-school yard style name-calling.
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
This morning in our car pool the big libtardo brought up this PMSNBC divorce rate link. I naturally asked did they break it down from city to country? He didn’t know. So I went to the Daily Beast to see what cities are in those states.
Why did I bother with the cities… well they normally vote libtardo, they have most of the population and I knew the first person to throw up the link on HA wouldn’t think this way.
DA Winner: Roger Dumb Rabbit! Who else?
What a moron the Dumb Rabbit is!
@24 – More proof that either Fox News contributors are batshit crazy, or they believe their audience is.
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Then Cass Sunstein’s favorite idiot rhp6033 marched right in with the state teen pregnancy and naturally he highlighted Texas. Ohhhh lookie here… most all Texas cities voted for Obummer in 2008. And they are for teen repeat births.
They used to have the breakdown here between cities and rural areas. It’s not there now. I wonder why rhp6033?
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
I haven’t hard the report or read any articles, so I’m only responding to your post.
Because you are too busy looking at left wrong sites rhp6033!
MarkS Puddy is a Koch suckerspews:
So is Herrera taking a cue from Eddie Munster and charging $15 to attend her townhall meeting?
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Gave a whooooooooooooole lot more money to libtardo DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans. Butt did you think a “man” who’s home all day would perform DD before posting? Hell NO!
He’s just the HA arschloch, all day 24x7x365.25.
MarkS Puddy is a Koch suckerspews:
But they’re job creators. (Sarcasm)
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
In my day, teaparties were for little girls.
with progressives perving them!
Sound like another headless lucy moniker to me!
who run Bartertown?spews:
The only Rush I listen to are the trio from Canada…saw them live last year as a matter of fact.
Neil Peart truly is the master.
MarkS Puddy is a Koch suckerspews:
Wonder how much of that Haliburton received?
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Wonder how much of that Haliburton received?
Well perform some DD and tell us!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Well let’s see … according to putz’s link … the divorce capital of USA is Panama City, Florida, which is in Bay County, Florida, where the GOP candidate for US Senate got 72.56% of the vote to 10.82% for the Democrat … looks pretty REPUBLICAN if you ask me.
Let’s see, according to putz’s link, the #2 divorce town is Sierra Vista, Arizona, which is in Cochise County, Arizona, where the GOP candidate for US Senate got 59.00% of the vote to 33.01% for the Democrat … still looks pretty REPUBLICAN if you ask me.
Gave a whooooooooooooole lot more money to libtardo DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans.
LMAO! Appointed by St. Ronnie Raygun and took 40k from right wing Savings and Loan swindler Charles Keating.
Wow what a lefty!
And what a MORON Puddydope is!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Don’t forget that puddy also thinks Jared Loughner is a “lefty” because he hangs with white supremacists and shot a Democratic congresswoman …
Roger Rabbitspews:
U.S. Faces Decades Of Slow Economic Growth
The stupidity of Republican economic policies is superseded only by the boorishness of their warmongering. But let’s skip over their murderous tendencies for now and go to the subject everyone’s talking about — JOBS.
In a Business Week article, investment strategist James Paulsen of Minneapolis says America’s shrinking workforce (due to population aging) will hold back economic growth for 20 years to come:
“The demographic changes may be the biggest and least-appreciated reason why the two-year recovery has slowed ….”
Other observers agree:
“‘A weaker labor force does dampen the pace of the rebound,’ … said Dean Maki, chief U.S. economist at Barclays Capital Inc. in New York. ‘We should be lowering our sights on potential GDP compared to when our population was younger.’
“Anemic gains in the number of new workers has effectively cut the long-term ‘speed limit for growth’ to 2.25 percent, estimates Maki, a former senior economist at the Federal Reserve.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for growing our way out of the Bush Depression. There’s a solution to this dilemma, and it’s not going back on the gold standard, believe it or not. I don’t remember where I first read this, it was quite a while ago, but it was in the context of bailing out Social Security by letting millions of IMMIGRANTS take jobs American workers don’t want. If you let them work above board, and let employers employ them above board, they would pay payroll taxes but never collect benefits, boosting the solvency of the Social Security Trust Fund.
But the benefits of letting IMMIGRANTS work in America go far beyond padding the retirement of the rest of us. Alien workers not only perform useful work and pay taxes but also buy stuff, boosting the economy. If you want to know where tomorrow’s workers and consumers will come from, look no farther than our neighbors’ teeming work-hungry masses.
It’s a pretty good deal for lazy overfed Americans, if you ask me, but Republicans are too stupid to take advantage of it. Their economic plan is to throw out the IMMIGRANTS, build a huge wall to keep them out, and eliminate the minimum wage so people will be able to make more money by working in Mexico or Latvia than by coming here.
Republicans would rather tank the economy than give IMMIGRANTS a chance to bootstrap themselves by doing work we overfed lazy Americans consider ourselves too good to do. Personally, I think they’re doing the IMMIGRANTS a favor by keeping us from taking advantage of them. But I’m sure their motivation has a lot more to do with skin color than compassion.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Demographic Impacts On Stocks
The article I linked @54 refers to the S.F. Federal Reserve report another HA commenter asked me about a couple days ago:
“The aging population also may hold down stock values for the next two decades as boomers sell shares to finance retirement, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco research paper released Aug. 22. …
“An estimated 72 million people, or 19.3 percent of the population, will be 65 and older by 2030, compared with 40 million, or 13 percent, in 2010, the Census Bureau estimates.”
That’s a substantial increase.
“All this means the workforce will expand 0.6 percent annually for the next 40 years, down sharply from 2 percent between 1950 and 1985, according to the bureau.”
Unless we bolster our workforce with IMMIGRANTS, but Republicans are too stupid to see this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The answer for investors is to own stock in companies with strong overseas sales, because you need growth to boost dividends and share prices, and that growth won’t come from domestic markets.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The bright side is that when everyone in America is over 50 and Republicans have thrown out all the IMMIGRANTS they won’t be able to get anyone to fight their wars.
The answer for investors is to own stock in companies with strong overseas sales, because you need growth to boost dividends and share prices, and that growth won’t come from domestic markets.
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Gave a whooooooooooooole lot more money to libtardo DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans
NewsMeat makes the arschloch all arschloch every day. Of course if the arschloch went to NewsMeat he’d be admitting to his arschloch size!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Heinberg isn’t an economist or scholar. He’s not even a college graduate. I don’t want to get too hung up on his credentials; after all, Bill Gates Jr. was a college dropout, too. And Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling; he was homeschooled by his mother.
But what does matter is that Heinberg is an idealogue, not a dispassionate seeker of truth. It’s not hard to figure out where his ideology came from; he was a close associate of Catastrophist Immanuel Velikovsky. Heinberg also is a Peak Oil advocate and a Truther.
Thus, Heinberg is a man with a meme to sell, not an economist or investment professional trying to figure out how to fix an ailing economy or make a buck in a changing economy. He has a predisposition for certain conclusions, rather than investigating facts and then drawing conclusions from observed facts, and that makes his conclusions suspect — as it would in any scientific or objective endeavor.
In short, he’s not the kind of guy I rely on for investment advice. When I’m betting with my own money, there’s no room for ideology in my calculations; I’ve got to know how things are and what works.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Go away. You’re cluttering up the thread. There are serious discussions going on here. Go back to first grade — you’re not ready for college.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 There is, however, some basis for your argument that emerging markets alone won’t be enough to bail out U.S. companies.
In general, though, as middle classes expand in the developing world, markets in those places will provide a source of corporate sales and profits.
Btw, of the companies mentioned in the above article I looked at Avon Products, Whirlpool, and Citigroup — and rejected all three for my own portfolio because of their flat sales and earnings trends (Avon and Whirlpool). Citibank I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole.
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
@52 Don’t forget that puddy also thinks Jared Loughner is a “lefty” because he hangs with white supremacists and shot a Democratic congresswoman …
Ummm no thinking Roger Dopey Rabbit. Fact delivery as always!
1) 9/11 Truther – like some HA libtardos here
2) College Delinquent – well?
3) Atheist – like most HA libtardos here
4) Stalked Giffords since 2007
5) Loved the movie “The Zeitgeist”. It’s anti-Capitalist, anti-religion like most HA libtardos here
6) Pothead creep, Need I say more about this HA libtardos
7) Left wrong psycho – like most HA libtardos here
8) Hated the US military – like most HA libtardos here
9) Told his friend Giffords was a fake.
ROTFLMBBAO at Roger Dopey Rabbit!
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Unless we bolster our workforce with IMMIGRANTS, but Republicans are too stupid to see this.
So immigrants can afford to purchase US stock at today’s prices working in the fields as you claim Roger Dopey Rabbit?
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Notice Roger Dopey Rabbit focused on senate races of 2010 after the DUMMOCRAPTS ran their own party into the toilet where no one wanted to vote for them. Instead Puddy focuses on presidential races.
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
I’m Sorry, Michele Bachmann
I thought it would be good for me to respond to you all directly about the controversy surrounding my upload of Michele Bachmann saying, “Who likes white people?” As most of you already know, she actually said, “Who likes wet people?” There was a following line that was removed from my upload in which she said, “because we have the God of the winds and the rain, don’t we?” Nothing was dubbed but the video cut was misleading
Typical misleading edit from a left wrong whack job.
He’s a right winger too. Next thing you know Puddydope will find a
connection for Coburn..
Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized egospews:
Saint RAYGUN appointed Greenspan FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!
The person is Alan “Ace” Greenberg!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Republicans Should Not Be Elected
If you love money, don’t vote Republican. Why? Because they’re economic illiterates. They learn nothing from history. (Witness how many of today’s Republicans yearn for a return to the gold standard and Hooverite economic policies of the early 1930s — what a bunch of idiots!)
Here’s an object lesson from history on how to do build a booming economy:
“From the 1870s to the Great Depression, Cleveland was a hotbed of technological innovation, with networks of entrepreneurs, start-up companies, and financiers. … Cleveland’s networked economy was reminiscent of contemporary Silicon Valley, according to a series of scholarly papers by economic historian Naomi Lamoreaux of Yale University and Levenstein of Michigan.
“Granted, Cleveland was geographically blessed. The region was rich in resources, including oil. It became a major transportation hub with access to the Erie Canal and Lake Erie, as well as three main railroad lines. But by the standards of its times, Ohio had a well-regulated banking sector, a relatively equal distribution of income, and an educated workforce, Levenstein says. Community elites, eager to make money, drove large investments in infrastructure. …
“‘Lots of people were participating in the economy and they were not impoverished,’ says Levenstein. ‘And the economic interests of local boosters were tied to local infrastructure.’
“America has faltered at making the kind of productivity-enhancing investments that powered entrepreneurship in Cleveland back then. In inflation-adjusted dollars, American infrastructure spending is about the same level as in 1968. Little wonder freight bottlenecks and congestion cost the much larger economy of today about $200 billion a year, or 1.6 percent of GDP, according to the Transportation Infrastructure Report 2011.
“State funding of higher education has declined since the mid-1970s …. The federal share of spending on research and development hasn’t breached 1 percent of GDP since 1992, and in 2008 it was only 0.73 percent.
“Workers are taking home a smaller piece of the economic pie. … Labor’s share averaged 64.3 percent from 1947 to 2000 …. That share fell over the past decade to its lowest level on record, 57.8 percent in the third quarter of 2010.
“[Meanwhile,] the financial-services industry went on a record-setting spree of financial speculation during the 2000s.”
Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong about the economy. Republican economic policies, when not outright disastrous, produce anemic growth at best. This isn’t histrionics; it’s demonstrated by hard cold economic facts:
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003 …
–Democrats held the White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs, Republicans 36,440,000. Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during this period of whom 6 presided over a depression or recession.
–The Dow Average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics (; Economic Policy Institute (; global & world almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
Just look at what Republicans are proposing today:
Cut government investment in education
Cut government spending on infrastructure
Re-deregulate the financial industry
Outsource jobs and cut wages
Shrink the money supply and restrict credit
How stupid can you get?
The GOP’s latest wunderkind, Rick Perry, is running on a “record” of “creating jobs” in his home state of Texas. But if you look closely, you see that most of Texas’ recent job growth came from splurging on government hiring. That’s right, government hiring — a massive expansion of public employment fueled by oil dollars brought in by soaring oil prices that hurt consumption everywhere else in the U.S.! That doesn’t sound like a “jobs policy” that can be replicated on a national basis.
Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong about the economy. That’s been true for 100 years and continues to be true. Remember this when you vote.
If you hate money and don’t want a job, vote Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
65, 66 — Put on ignore list.
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
What a tard this arschloch is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 et al. — Who gives a shit about Alan “Ace” Greenberg? The guy’s a failed CEO, a bridge player, and an amateur magician. His magic didn’t work too well for Bear Stearns, did it? Why are you wasting your time on him?
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
65, 66
Roger Dopey Rabbit can’t stand facts!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 “So immigrants can afford to purchase US stock at today’s prices working in the fields as you claim Roger Dopey Rabbit?”
I didn’t say that. You poltruded it out of your ass.
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Who gives a shit about Alan “Ace” Greenberg?
Ask your HA arschloch. It’s another of his trainwrecks he throws up on HA getting libtardos to “look at me” “look at me”!
Puddydope who forgets from within the vacuum between his ears that Saint Raygun appointed Greenspan Fed Chairman and Greenspan took money to write puff pieces for right wing swindler Charles Keating’s failing Savings and Loan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For an example of facts, see #70.
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
@77 He probably can’t tell the difference between Greenberg and Greenspan.
Oh no Roger Dopey Rabbit. I know the difference. Your HA arschloch delivered both to this thread. Then to cover his ass he jumps all over the place. Nothing between the eyes but crapola.
Of course, you, being the barely lucid one can’t follow a thread from beginning to present. Too much reading especially with all the crap you post!
Then Saint Raygun who appointed this “liberal” to be FED Chairman has to be liberal too then?
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Who gives a shit about Alan Greenspan?
Who wrote this arschloch? You did. NO ONE ELSE! What a dickforbrains. A real live arschloch assfacia spotting.
Makes you look really stupid. Wait… you are really stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Republicans Are Wrong (Part II)
“Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue serves as Agriculture Minister of Equatorial Guinea, a tiny, impoverished country on the west coast of Africa. … The son of Equatorial Guinea’s President last year flirted with the idea of buying a $380 million yacht, though his annual salary is just $60,000. … Consider, too, that he also owns a $30 million home in the Los Angeles suburb of Malibu and you’ll understand why the U.S. Congress approved a regulation designed to pull back the curtains on the finances of secretive governments.
“Tucked into the Dodd-Frank financial reform act is a provision requiring U.S.-listed oil, gas, and mining companies to reveal what they pay governments around the world for permission to tap resources. In Angola, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Venezuela, and more than a dozen other oil- or mineral-rich countries, those numbers may suggest why there is sometimes a huge disconnect between government paychecks and leaders’ lifestyles, says Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), a backer of the measure. The money ‘props up corrupt billionaire dictators or fuels armed conflict,’ Leahy says.”
So, two questions. First, why are Republicans so obtuse? Second, why would anyone vote for them?
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Oh my another of his “Im going to get Puddy” attacks.
Chronologically idiotic.
Now you are three for three. Three attempts and three times struck out!
Your half of the inning complete.
Now Puddy up to bat.
Hmmm… what should my first entry be?
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
“Tucked into the Dodd-Frank financial reform act is a provision requiring U.S.-listed oil, gas, and mining companies to reveal what they pay governments around the world for permission to tap resources.
88 – LMAO @ a fool who’d think Saint Raygun would appoint a “liberal” to be a Fed Chairman!
So stupid – I don’t have to “get” anyone.
You do that to yourself. All anyone has to do search through the comment threads for the idiocies.
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Your inning is over arschloch. I know you will try for extra attempts in the batter’s box, butt all can see how much of a monomaniacal chronological failure you are.
Oh but you are. Nothing you’ve ASSerted has worked. You’ve inserted your puny ASSets from your crazed databaze.
FAILED SAVAGELY! Does your wife read your fetid attempts at glory?
ROTFRLHMBBAO! You claimed you had all these “PUDDYCOMMENTS”. Well those three attempts are an EPIC FAIL! All that time at home during the day and nothing useful so far!
When shown leftist pinheads such as Rubin, Leavitt, Greenspan and others were against people creating laws to control the proliferation of derivatives and their reckless use
91 – LOL! When confronted with his idiocies the fool has to drag in my wife..
You can’t escape Puddydope.
You concluded though stupid, braindead thought patterns that Alan Greenspan was a “liberal” and a “leftist pinhead”.
You never once considered that Saint Raygun appointed Greenspan to one of the most critical offices in the land and therefore had a much bigger brainfart then you did.
How in the imagination of any right winger could the patron saint of right wing idiocy – Raygun make such a mistake?
Butt, butt, butt..
You also called Hank Paulson a “leftist” too – for whatever stupid reasons. Who appointed Paulson? Some miserable idiot you voted for twice Puddysilly.. Have you blamed that brainfart on Soros yet fool?
Good night!
Roger Rabbitspews:
For an intelligent discussion of taxes, by a business-friendly author in a business-oriented publication, click here:
You might not agree with everything this writer says. But at least he’s trying to get people thinking rationally about the issue. And he’s not polemical.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Given how many of puddydope’s incoherent rantings have polluted this thread, I almost feel embarrassed to post the word “intelligent” here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Little Rachel’s $300 charity drive has raised $1,229,206 to date, which is enough to bring clean drinking water to 61,460 people, equivalent to a city larger than Pasco. There are still 29 days left to donate.
Donations, which at one point exceeded $100,000 a day, have slowed but a little over $10,000 a day would allow Rachel to reach $1.5 million by the end of her charity drive. Her original goal was $300 and she personally raised $220 before her death.
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
To the arschloch@92, Once again you fail. Four times in seven days. Apparently that vaulted crazed databaze isn’t working out for you!
You fail for taking a comment out of context to the whole thread. I explained what Greenspan said and did in 1994. You conveniently left that out from the thread. I know why! You don’t remember what Greenspan said.
This is another of your EPIC FAILURES! Just like your EPIC FAILURE of not knowing what the SEIU did in 2007.
Still stupid, hateful and all arschloch 24x7x365.25
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Wow serial plagiarizer arschloch Henry Paulson. Do you remember the proof I delivered? Wait you can’t look at NewsMeat because you’d personally solidify your own serial plagiarizer arschlochness. Who cabal did Paulson belong to serial plagiarizer arschloch? You can’t answer that one either.
Now that’s 5 attempts.
Still stupid, hateful and all serial plagiarizer arschloch 24×7×365.25
ROTFRLHMBBAO! I’ll keep allowing you to did your own hole.
So how is your John Deadwards support now? You called me a liar on that last week. I delivered the goods on your Deadwards support.
So sad. You never answered and we know why serial plagiarizer, does Mrs arschloch read these fetid attempts at blog glory?
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Roger Dopey Rabbit, every thread on this blog is hijacked by your BULLSHITTIUM every day!
Gunman Opens Fire on Office of Democratic Texas Lawmaker
By David
The Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff’s Department are investigating two gunshots that were fired through the window of U.S. Rep. Gene Green’s (D-TX) office Tuesday.
Houston Police told Fox 26 that they were not ruling out the possibility the shots could have come from a BB or pellet gun.
The Capitol Police were also investigating the matter, according to Politico.
Thanks to a law signed by Gov. Rick Perry, Texans with concealed-carry permits can bypass the metal detectors when carrying weapons into the Texas Capitol building as of Thursday.
Earlier this year, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head outside a Tucson supermarket.
puddypussy’s gonna say this sicko was a “leftist” too.
who run Bartertown?spews:
seeing as how nobody knows who shot the BBs(insert laughter here), it would also be a little presumptuous of you think it was a “rightist” as well.
how was your “night of fun” last weekend? how many churches did you get? better make sure they arent the same ones on your mail route…police can put 2 and 2 together you know…..I suppose they could just listen for shitty music too and track you down..
Wow I’ve achieved a high water mark. Puddydope is putting “Saint Raygun”, a term of mockery, mocking right wing worship of that doddering fool of a Preznit, in Puddydope’s handle.
You can’t escape your idiocy Puddydope.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 “serial plagiarizer … serial plagiarizer … serial plagiarizer”
Triple yawn … I guess you gotta expect people who make up “facts” to make up definitions, too …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 “shot the BBs(insert laughter here)”
You think that’s funny?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 So go commit suicide already.*
* Just kidding! That’s just a rightwing-asshole joke. (See, e.g., #102.) I don’t want you to fucking DIE pussybutt, hell, I don’t even want you to go away — you’re too entertaining.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 Maybe he secretly despises Saint Ronnie.
who run Bartertown?spews:
@105….I dothink its funny, but for reasons you wouldn’t comprehend
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
The HA misogynist appears
Nice job making yourself a total laughing stock
You of all people calling someone a laughing stock when caught blaming tea party people for things proven done by liberals?
As always misogynist rujax added nothing to the conversation!
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Puddydope is putting “Saint Raygun”, a term of mockery
Again another night of lies from the serial plagiarist arschloch. Where did I say that?
Who gives a shit about Alan Greenspan?
Notice everyone he throws a line on the blog and attributes it to me. Butt, I never wrote it. It another in the long list of serial arschloch plagiarizer lies on this blog!
Sucks to be you fool. Now you are a 5 time chronologically monomaniacal loser.
Puddybud, identifying the arschloch saying Saint RAYGUN appointed Alan “Ace” Greenberg! FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!spews:
Of the 10 states with the highest divorce rates, 9 voted for McCain in 2008, the only exception being Nevada.
In infant mortality, the U.S. is in the same league as Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Croatia; and behind such countries as Cuba, Malaysia, Lithuania, and Poland.
Texas has the third-highest teen pregnancy rate in the country, a state which forbids any sex education in schools except abstinance-only. When confronted with that fact, Rick Perry insisted: “Abstinance works”.
Yeah, it works to make you have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country.
I listen to Al Jazeera every morning to get news.
This morning, to my shock, AJ has just announced that it has found a letter from Denis Kucinich to Saif el Islam offering the Congressman’s support for the Gaddafi thugs.
I realize that this will offend many of you and, like you hope that AJ is wrong or that the letter is a forgery.
# 5: Sounds pretty suspect to me. I’d disregard it without some pretty convincing proof to support it.
Al Jazeera is a VERY reliable journalistic source.
They were careful to state that they had not been able to get Kucinich to comment.
I you look at the post at TA, I did a link to related stories, DK has been pretty outspoken on his opposition to NATO and Obama’s actions. K may just see this as part of his form of progressiveness .. akin to Fonda et al. during ‘Nam.
I haven’t hard the report or read any articles, so I’m only responding to your post. There may be a letter, but is it far in the past, and completely mis-characterized as to intent?
Remember that there are a lot of folks out there who would be more than willing to try to pass off a forgery such as that. Kucinich has his own enemies, it may be a pre-emptive strike against him running for an open seat in Congress. But more likely, giving the release to Al Jazeera, it is someone in the middle-east attempting to re-focus the “Arab Spring” uprisings against the U.S.
One of Al Quida’s main recruiting points was that the U.S. supports and props up corrupt dictatorships throughout the Middle East. Lots of folks who think like Dick Cheney figure that as long as it’s a dictatorship which is under our control, everything is fine. But President Obama’s management of the situation has been a dead-on perfect balance between forcing the abdication of the dictators, without putting American troops in harm’s way, and without giving the dictatorships ammunition to accuse the rebels of being tools of U.S. interests.
This has taken a lot of the wind out of Al Quida’s recruiting campaigns – but I’ve been expecting them to try to make a comeback soon. The death of Osama Bin Laden may have complicated that effort for them. But this may be their first effort at trying to portray the U.S. involvement as being pro-dictatorship, instead of pro-democracy. They will certainly try to gain control of attempts to form an early democracy in those countries, but we will have to deal with that as it arises.
I can’t answer the forgery question but I do think Kucinich is an egoist who could see himself as a modern Jane Fonda.
I doubt el Qaeda would get any mileage out of this.
To be fair, I have included in the TA post links via Google that should provide follow up.
For now, though, I better ge toff here as Lee censors all my posts. I felt this was too important not to share.
Ex-Powell Aide Slams Cheney
Dick Cheney was “president for all practical purposes” during George W. Bush’s first term in office and “fears being tried as a war criminal,” according to Colin Powell’s chief of staff during his time as secretary of state.
— Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cheney’s book is making heads explode, but not quite the way he planned. I always said this Republican rats would turn on each other. This is gonna be fun!
Study: Companies Pay CEOs More Than Uncle Sam
A”t least 25 top United States companies paid more to their chief executives in 2010 than they did to the federal government in taxes, according to a study released on Wednesday.
“The companies — which include … eBay, Boeing, General Electric … and Verizon — averaged $1.9 billion each in profits, according to the study by the Institute for Policy Studies ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentaries: Looks to me like there’s plenty of room for corporations to pay more taxes to help close the deficit.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in Boeing, General Electric, and Verizon, and may get less dividends if these companies have to pay more taxes — but screw that, make them pay anyway!)
Recession? What Recession?
For some people there never was a recession.
“The gap between CEO and average U.S. worker pay rose from 263-to-1 in 2009 to 325-to-1 last year.”
I think CEOs can pay more taxes to help reduce the deficit, too.
Interesting article by Outside Online magazine, which was linked to on the site.
Thursday, August 25, 2011 30
Totally Psyched for the Full-Rip Nine
It says that not only are we overdue for a major quake along the Juan de Fuca fault line at the junction of the Pacific and North American plates, but it’s likely to be close in scale to last March’s 9.0 earthquake in Japan.
Japan was able to survive the earthquake itself rather well, it probably has the best earthquake-proof building codes in the world. It was the following tsunami which did them in. here it’s unlikely we could escape with as little damage from the quake. But the tsunami might still cause the biggest loss of life.
Like Japan, it’s not just that the Tsunami will create a thirty+ foot wall of water. The earth movement will create a permanant drop the level of all the ground in the area by about five feet, perhaps more. That’s why the ten-meter flood walls in Japan failed to stop the Tsunami, the ground sunk five feet, and the thirty-foot wall of water spilled over the sea walls (there’s lots of video of this).
Also, the tsunami isn’t really a wave, which we see on the beaches. It’s more like a massive inflow of tide which keeps coming and coming – reports from Japan said the level of the incoming water didn’t drop for at least a half hour. As the tsunami worked it’s ways up the river valleys and into the tributaries, it spread destruction far inland. Once it reaches it’s nadar, the withdrawing water did at least as much damage to structures as the incoming water (including dragging thousands of people who were clinging to debris out to sea, where most ultimately drowned).
So, where would fifty feet of innundation reach to? All of harbor island, the SODO district, and Seattle up to second avenue? The Ballard Locks would be swamped, extending the devestation through lower Ballard, Fremont, the U. District, and wiping out shorline homes in Lake Washington????? The one good point about Seattle is that there are plenty of hills nearby, if you are physically able to run to them, and up them, in time. For the coastline, that’s another story.
I had to agree with the commentator on the P.I. site: “We’d be Juan de Fuca’d”.
Looks like my comment was too long to post, so here’s the short version:
We are overdue for a 9.0 earthquake on the Juan de Fuca plate. We can expect a 30-foot tsunami, along with a five-foot permanant drop in the ground level in the region (Japan experienced a four-foot drop as a result of it’s recent quake, Alaska experienced a five-foot drop in it’s 8.9 quake in 1964). We would have fifteen or twenty minutes to find some fifty feet of elevation above sea level (plus whatever tide level in effect at the time).
Totally Psyched for the Full-Rip Nine
Or in the words of one commentator on the P.I. site: “We’d be Juan de’ Fuca’d”.
@5, @6 If true, this would apparently be the only thing Kucinich and John McCain would have in common (other than really good looking wives).
Go Pittsburgh!
Larry Murdock says too many hours on the Parkway East made him want to hit the trail.
He became part of a growing number of people who see the bike and pedestrian routes networking the city as a reason to move near them.
Taking the bus to work also gave him a good bit of time to read and figure out whether he could make the move to Washington’s Landing, just up the Allegheny River from Downtown. “When I figured out we could, that was it,” he says.
Liz Keller and her husband, Liam Cooney, passed up moving to Morningside or Polish Hill for a Lawrenceville house because of its close proximity to a trail and easy bike ride to the North Side.
Reed Agnew moved his intellectual-design firm to a spot along a trail in the South Side. The trail has become a part of his firm’s “corporate culture.”
Bicycling or walking to work, shop or to entertainment venues has become a way of life for those living near trails or bikeways. Before work or after, the trails are frequented with walkers carrying their briefcases to the office or bicyclists with packs bearing a change of clothes.
John Valentine, president of the Downtown Neighborhood Association and consultant for the Urban Redevelopment Authority, is a resident of Gateway Towers. He says he is on his bike three or four times a week, not only for recreation, but also to run errands.
Read more: Pittsburgh’s bikeways, walkways lure businesses and homeowners – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
re 9: Your entire argument lies upon the assumption that Dennis Kuchinich is an ‘egoist’. …an egoist who is, in addition to egregious egoism, just like that notorious egoist, Jane Fonda.
But, let’s say you are correct: Kucinich is an egoist just like Jane Fonda. That would make Ronald Reagan a baby murderer — a baby murderer who used a time machine to go back in time and kill the Lindbergh baby.
Now that’s egoism.
@15 Well, now we know why Republicans claim government is full of waste and fraud — they know from personal experience!
Right wing pinheads will explode:
Tom Coburn? I don’t know if I’d go that far but shit, what’s gotten into him lately?
15 – Oh that’s ok – according to right wing pinheads (take your pick of any tea bagger) – that 21 to 60 billion was for “national security”.
How is being a fey little Teapartier less derogatory than being a fullsteam ahead Teabagger.
In my day, teaparties were for little girls.
Fox opinion piece by CEI’s Iain Murray asking that since the forecast of Hurricane Irene intensity was wrong, isn’t it time to defund the National Weather Service (NWS)?
The next time Jim Foreman pops up on my TV, I’m going to call KING5 and tell them to stop hijacking the station!
Perry Was Fer Hillarycare Before He Was Agin’ It
Here’s another GOP flip-flopper who’s against healthcare reform as long as he gets his:
“Gov. Rick Perry may face an old political ghost from his tenure as Texas Agriculture Commisioner — a complimentary letter he wrote in 1993 to then-First Lady Hillary Clinton to urge her to consider the needs rural residents as she drafted what would later be derided as ‘Hillarycare.’
“In the letter, dated April 6, 1993, Perry wrote to Clinton, ‘I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation’s health care system are most commendable.’ He went on to request that the health-care task force consider the unique needs of ‘farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just what we don’t need — another Republican socialist!
Maybe we haven’t had any large earthquakes because we aren’t going to get any more (that last one wasn’t much if you’ve lived in CA or Japan). All of the places that get large earthquakes, seem to get them with some frequency – are we special?
Tsunamis do more damage in shallow bays and inlets. The Puget Sound and Elliot Bay are deep water with a steep rise to the shore in most places. Since it is more likely for the quake to be off the coast, that is where the risk is much greater as the coastline has a shallow rise.
Doesn’t look like Puget Sound is capable of generating a Tsunami of more than 2 meters.
# 26: Some places, like California and the San Andreas fault, have “lateral” crust-moving quakes that are more frequent but are mostly in the “moderate” range (up to 6.0). There are exceptions, San Francisco tends to have bigger but less frequent quakes, every 75 years or so.
Where there are subduction zones (one plate slips under another), the quakes tend to build up pressure and then finally release in a really big quake every two to five hundred years or so. This is characterized by the ground level “bulging” imperceptively, but steadily, over time, as one plate gets stuck but the one slipping under it continues to exert pressure, until it becomes unstuck. The release causes an outward movement (and downward) movement of the upper plate.
This “upward” bulge has been measured, noting that interstate highways have rising across Oregon and Washington by several milimeters since their elevation was first recorded – less than twenty years ago. This might not seem like much, but remember that it’s been 311 years since the last Jan. 1700 quake which hammered the Washington coast, estimated at close to 9.0 range. We have evidence to support an earthquake and tsunami at that time from native verbal history, remnants of submerged forests caused by that quake, and records of an “orphan tsunami” in Japan at that time.
If we did have a Tsunami all the tourist crap at Pier 90 and Gorst might be toast, so really it might be a net positive for us to have one.
Japan has a number of fault lines (and volcanic activity), with some of them lateral-moving faults, and some of the subduction faults. That’s why it’s hard to generalize about the types of earthquakes which occur in Japan. In Tokyo, they just shrug off earthquakes like the one experienced recently on the U.S. east coast. The biggest problem would that Japanese trains are programmed to immediatly come to a halt when there is an earthquake, and they are not allowed to proceed until the tracks are inspected. They do this pretty quickly – usually all the trains are up and running within a couple of hours. But it can make a commute last all evening long. A reasonable precaution, nonetheless.
I’m not so sure that the Puget Sound wouldn’t experience a tsunami of some sort, even apart from the “bathtub” effect. Most models assume that the “force” of the tsunami would be absorbed by Whidbey Island, etc. But it’s not just the force, it’s the sheer volume of water carried with it that must be contended with.
Remember that a given mass of water, if confined to a narrower opening, picks up force and depth. If aided by an already high tide, then you’ve got a lot of water that has to go somewhere. That mass of water could raise the sea level pretty high. At the very least, Port Townsend and Sequim would see a huge mass of water rushing past them into the Puget Sound, and some of the Orcas Islands could be inundated.
@32, 31, et al..
Its quite a laugh reading posts by people who dont have the foggiest idea of what they are talking about.
Its even funnier when they write/talk like they are some sort of expert or have a decent knowledge base, when in reality they are clueless.
Thanks for the chuckle RHP. You should stick to legal matters – at least then you have half a chance of looking intelligent.
re 33: Maybe you need Rush to explain it to you. But don’t hold your breath. Rush doesn’t partake of factual discussions.
@18 Michael on 08/31/2011 at 11:21 am,
Pittsburghers know their biking like they know their football.
Does anyone know if any credible Ds are planning on running against Herrera Beutler? Any rumors of candidates?
I’m rooting for some Tsunami based blight removal wiping out Gorst. I hear the girls at the strip club in Gorst are so ugly that people pay them to put their clothes back on.
33 – Like your expert analysis of U.S. imports of Iranian oil:
we buy iranian oil..
or your dumbass comparisons of Obama and Hoover. Gee if Obama was really driving the U.S. into the ditch like Hoover did why does the world want our treasury bonds and dollars?
Stick to what you’re best at – middle-school yard style name-calling.
33 – Like your expert analysis of U.S. imports of Iranian oil:
we buy iranian oil..
or your dumbass comparisons of Obama and Hoover. Gee if Obama was really driving the U.S. into the ditch like Hoover did why does the world want our treasury bonds and dollars?
Stick to what you’re best at – middle-school yard style name-calling.
This morning in our car pool the big libtardo brought up this PMSNBC divorce rate link. I naturally asked did they break it down from city to country? He didn’t know. So I went to the Daily Beast to see what cities are in those states.
Why did I bother with the cities… well they normally vote libtardo, they have most of the population and I knew the first person to throw up the link on HA wouldn’t think this way.
DA Winner: Roger Dumb Rabbit! Who else?
What a moron the Dumb Rabbit is!
@24 – More proof that either Fox News contributors are batshit crazy, or they believe their audience is.
Then Cass Sunstein’s favorite idiot rhp6033 marched right in with the state teen pregnancy and naturally he highlighted Texas. Ohhhh lookie here… most all Texas cities voted for Obummer in 2008. And they are for teen repeat births.
They used to have the breakdown here between cities and rural areas. It’s not there now. I wonder why rhp6033?
Because you are too busy looking at left wrong sites rhp6033!
So is Herrera taking a cue from Eddie Munster and charging $15 to attend her townhall meeting?
Gave a whooooooooooooole lot more money to libtardo DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans. Butt did you think a “man” who’s home all day would perform DD before posting? Hell NO!
He’s just the HA arschloch, all day 24x7x365.25.
But they’re job creators. (Sarcasm)
with progressives perving them!
Sound like another headless lucy moniker to me!
The only Rush I listen to are the trio from Canada…saw them live last year as a matter of fact.
Neil Peart truly is the master.
Wonder how much of that Haliburton received?
Well perform some DD and tell us!
@40 Well let’s see … according to putz’s link … the divorce capital of USA is Panama City, Florida, which is in Bay County, Florida, where the GOP candidate for US Senate got 72.56% of the vote to 10.82% for the Democrat … looks pretty REPUBLICAN if you ask me.
Let’s see, according to putz’s link, the #2 divorce town is Sierra Vista, Arizona, which is in Cochise County, Arizona, where the GOP candidate for US Senate got 59.00% of the vote to 33.01% for the Democrat … still looks pretty REPUBLICAN if you ask me.
Oooops … puttbutt didn’t fact-check again …
LMAO! Appointed by St. Ronnie Raygun and took 40k from right wing Savings and Loan swindler Charles Keating.
Wow what a lefty!
And what a MORON Puddydope is!
@52 Don’t forget that puddy also thinks Jared Loughner is a “lefty” because he hangs with white supremacists and shot a Democratic congresswoman …
U.S. Faces Decades Of Slow Economic Growth
The stupidity of Republican economic policies is superseded only by the boorishness of their warmongering. But let’s skip over their murderous tendencies for now and go to the subject everyone’s talking about — JOBS.
In a Business Week article, investment strategist James Paulsen of Minneapolis says America’s shrinking workforce (due to population aging) will hold back economic growth for 20 years to come:
“The demographic changes may be the biggest and least-appreciated reason why the two-year recovery has slowed ….”
Other observers agree:
“‘A weaker labor force does dampen the pace of the rebound,’ … said Dean Maki, chief U.S. economist at Barclays Capital Inc. in New York. ‘We should be lowering our sights on potential GDP compared to when our population was younger.’
“Anemic gains in the number of new workers has effectively cut the long-term ‘speed limit for growth’ to 2.25 percent, estimates Maki, a former senior economist at the Federal Reserve.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for growing our way out of the Bush Depression. There’s a solution to this dilemma, and it’s not going back on the gold standard, believe it or not. I don’t remember where I first read this, it was quite a while ago, but it was in the context of bailing out Social Security by letting millions of IMMIGRANTS take jobs American workers don’t want. If you let them work above board, and let employers employ them above board, they would pay payroll taxes but never collect benefits, boosting the solvency of the Social Security Trust Fund.
But the benefits of letting IMMIGRANTS work in America go far beyond padding the retirement of the rest of us. Alien workers not only perform useful work and pay taxes but also buy stuff, boosting the economy. If you want to know where tomorrow’s workers and consumers will come from, look no farther than our neighbors’ teeming work-hungry masses.
It’s a pretty good deal for lazy overfed Americans, if you ask me, but Republicans are too stupid to take advantage of it. Their economic plan is to throw out the IMMIGRANTS, build a huge wall to keep them out, and eliminate the minimum wage so people will be able to make more money by working in Mexico or Latvia than by coming here.
Republicans would rather tank the economy than give IMMIGRANTS a chance to bootstrap themselves by doing work we overfed lazy Americans consider ourselves too good to do. Personally, I think they’re doing the IMMIGRANTS a favor by keeping us from taking advantage of them. But I’m sure their motivation has a lot more to do with skin color than compassion.
Demographic Impacts On Stocks
The article I linked @54 refers to the S.F. Federal Reserve report another HA commenter asked me about a couple days ago:
“The aging population also may hold down stock values for the next two decades as boomers sell shares to finance retirement, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco research paper released Aug. 22. …
“An estimated 72 million people, or 19.3 percent of the population, will be 65 and older by 2030, compared with 40 million, or 13 percent, in 2010, the Census Bureau estimates.”
That’s a substantial increase.
“All this means the workforce will expand 0.6 percent annually for the next 40 years, down sharply from 2 percent between 1950 and 1985, according to the bureau.”
Unless we bolster our workforce with IMMIGRANTS, but Republicans are too stupid to see this.
The answer for investors is to own stock in companies with strong overseas sales, because you need growth to boost dividends and share prices, and that growth won’t come from domestic markets.
The bright side is that when everyone in America is over 50 and Republicans have thrown out all the IMMIGRANTS they won’t be able to get anyone to fight their wars.
Sorry, Roger. I agree with Richard Heinberg:
The End of Growth
Be sure to check out the video clip @upper right.
NewsMeat makes the arschloch all arschloch every day. Of course if the arschloch went to NewsMeat he’d be admitting to his arschloch size!
@58 Heinberg isn’t an economist or scholar. He’s not even a college graduate. I don’t want to get too hung up on his credentials; after all, Bill Gates Jr. was a college dropout, too. And Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling; he was homeschooled by his mother.
But what does matter is that Heinberg is an idealogue, not a dispassionate seeker of truth. It’s not hard to figure out where his ideology came from; he was a close associate of Catastrophist Immanuel Velikovsky. Heinberg also is a Peak Oil advocate and a Truther.
Thus, Heinberg is a man with a meme to sell, not an economist or investment professional trying to figure out how to fix an ailing economy or make a buck in a changing economy. He has a predisposition for certain conclusions, rather than investigating facts and then drawing conclusions from observed facts, and that makes his conclusions suspect — as it would in any scientific or objective endeavor.
In short, he’s not the kind of guy I rely on for investment advice. When I’m betting with my own money, there’s no room for ideology in my calculations; I’ve got to know how things are and what works.
@59 Go away. You’re cluttering up the thread. There are serious discussions going on here. Go back to first grade — you’re not ready for college.
@58 There is, however, some basis for your argument that emerging markets alone won’t be enough to bail out U.S. companies.
In general, though, as middle classes expand in the developing world, markets in those places will provide a source of corporate sales and profits.
Btw, of the companies mentioned in the above article I looked at Avon Products, Whirlpool, and Citigroup — and rejected all three for my own portfolio because of their flat sales and earnings trends (Avon and Whirlpool). Citibank I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole.
Ummm no thinking Roger Dopey Rabbit. Fact delivery as always!
1) 9/11 Truther – like some HA libtardos here
2) College Delinquent – well?
3) Atheist – like most HA libtardos here
4) Stalked Giffords since 2007
5) Loved the movie “The Zeitgeist”. It’s anti-Capitalist, anti-religion like most HA libtardos here
6) Pothead creep, Need I say more about this HA libtardos
7) Left wrong psycho – like most HA libtardos here
8) Hated the US military – like most HA libtardos here
9) Told his friend Giffords was a fake.
ROTFLMBBAO at Roger Dopey Rabbit!
So immigrants can afford to purchase US stock at today’s prices working in the fields as you claim Roger Dopey Rabbit?
Notice Roger Dopey Rabbit focused on senate races of 2010 after the DUMMOCRAPTS ran their own party into the toilet where no one wanted to vote for them. Instead Puddy focuses on presidential races.
Of course we see a DUMMOCRAPT lying as always
Typical misleading edit from a left wrong whack job.
DOPE @ 59
Saint RAYGUN appointed Greenspan FED CHAIRMAN FOOL!
SAINT RAYGUN of all people makes Puddystupid a dope ALL DAY, ALL YEAR – FOREVER!
And Coburn???
He’s a right winger too. Next thing you know Puddydope will find a
connection for Coburn..
The person is Alan “Ace” Greenberg!
Why Republicans Should Not Be Elected
If you love money, don’t vote Republican. Why? Because they’re economic illiterates. They learn nothing from history. (Witness how many of today’s Republicans yearn for a return to the gold standard and Hooverite economic policies of the early 1930s — what a bunch of idiots!)
Here’s an object lesson from history on how to do build a booming economy:
“From the 1870s to the Great Depression, Cleveland was a hotbed of technological innovation, with networks of entrepreneurs, start-up companies, and financiers. … Cleveland’s networked economy was reminiscent of contemporary Silicon Valley, according to a series of scholarly papers by economic historian Naomi Lamoreaux of Yale University and Levenstein of Michigan.
“Granted, Cleveland was geographically blessed. The region was rich in resources, including oil. It became a major transportation hub with access to the Erie Canal and Lake Erie, as well as three main railroad lines. But by the standards of its times, Ohio had a well-regulated banking sector, a relatively equal distribution of income, and an educated workforce, Levenstein says. Community elites, eager to make money, drove large investments in infrastructure. …
“‘Lots of people were participating in the economy and they were not impoverished,’ says Levenstein. ‘And the economic interests of local boosters were tied to local infrastructure.’
“America has faltered at making the kind of productivity-enhancing investments that powered entrepreneurship in Cleveland back then. In inflation-adjusted dollars, American infrastructure spending is about the same level as in 1968. Little wonder freight bottlenecks and congestion cost the much larger economy of today about $200 billion a year, or 1.6 percent of GDP, according to the Transportation Infrastructure Report 2011.
“State funding of higher education has declined since the mid-1970s …. The federal share of spending on research and development hasn’t breached 1 percent of GDP since 1992, and in 2008 it was only 0.73 percent.
“Workers are taking home a smaller piece of the economic pie. … Labor’s share averaged 64.3 percent from 1947 to 2000 …. That share fell over the past decade to its lowest level on record, 57.8 percent in the third quarter of 2010.
“[Meanwhile,] the financial-services industry went on a record-setting spree of financial speculation during the 2000s.”
Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong about the economy. Republican economic policies, when not outright disastrous, produce anemic growth at best. This isn’t histrionics; it’s demonstrated by hard cold economic facts:
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003 …
–Democrats held the White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs, Republicans 36,440,000. Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during this period of whom 6 presided over a depression or recession.
–The Dow Average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics (; Economic Policy Institute (; global & world almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
Just look at what Republicans are proposing today:
Cut government investment in education
Cut government spending on infrastructure
Re-deregulate the financial industry
Outsource jobs and cut wages
Shrink the money supply and restrict credit
How stupid can you get?
The GOP’s latest wunderkind, Rick Perry, is running on a “record” of “creating jobs” in his home state of Texas. But if you look closely, you see that most of Texas’ recent job growth came from splurging on government hiring. That’s right, government hiring — a massive expansion of public employment fueled by oil dollars brought in by soaring oil prices that hurt consumption everywhere else in the U.S.! That doesn’t sound like a “jobs policy” that can be replicated on a national basis.
Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong about the economy. That’s been true for 100 years and continues to be true. Remember this when you vote.
If you hate money and don’t want a job, vote Republican.
65, 66 — Put on ignore list.
What a tard this arschloch is.
@69 et al. — Who gives a shit about Alan “Ace” Greenberg? The guy’s a failed CEO, a bridge player, and an amateur magician. His magic didn’t work too well for Bear Stearns, did it? Why are you wasting your time on him?
Roger Dopey Rabbit can’t stand facts!
@64 “So immigrants can afford to purchase US stock at today’s prices working in the fields as you claim Roger Dopey Rabbit?”
I didn’t say that. You poltruded it out of your ass.
Ask your HA arschloch. It’s another of his trainwrecks he throws up on HA getting libtardos to “look at me” “look at me”!
The person is Alan Greenspan.
And YOU called him a “liberal”.
Because he’s married to Andrea Mitchell.
What a moron!
@74 What facts?
Man the arschloch jumps all over the place. It’s hard to follow this moronic twit anymore. First Greenberg now Greenspan!
Another of his whoppers!
@77 He probably can’t tell the difference between Greenberg and Greenspan.
That’s sort of understandable. After all, both claimed to be magicians, and both fell on their asses onstage.
Try reading! It’s Fundamental!
Puddydope who forgets from within the vacuum between his ears that Saint Raygun appointed Greenspan Fed Chairman and Greenspan took money to write puff pieces for right wing swindler Charles Keating’s failing Savings and Loan.
For an example of facts, see #70.
Oh no Roger Dopey Rabbit. I know the difference. Your HA arschloch delivered both to this thread. Then to cover his ass he jumps all over the place. Nothing between the eyes but crapola.
Of course, you, being the barely lucid one can’t follow a thread from beginning to present. Too much reading especially with all the crap you post!
Another of Puddydope’s whoppers!
Then Saint Raygun who appointed this “liberal” to be FED Chairman has to be liberal too then?
Who wrote this arschloch? You did. NO ONE ELSE! What a dickforbrains. A real live arschloch assfacia spotting.
Makes you look really stupid. Wait… you are really stupid.
Why Republicans Are Wrong (Part II)
“Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue serves as Agriculture Minister of Equatorial Guinea, a tiny, impoverished country on the west coast of Africa. … The son of Equatorial Guinea’s President last year flirted with the idea of buying a $380 million yacht, though his annual salary is just $60,000. … Consider, too, that he also owns a $30 million home in the Los Angeles suburb of Malibu and you’ll understand why the U.S. Congress approved a regulation designed to pull back the curtains on the finances of secretive governments.
“Tucked into the Dodd-Frank financial reform act is a provision requiring U.S.-listed oil, gas, and mining companies to reveal what they pay governments around the world for permission to tap resources. In Angola, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Venezuela, and more than a dozen other oil- or mineral-rich countries, those numbers may suggest why there is sometimes a huge disconnect between government paychecks and leaders’ lifestyles, says Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), a backer of the measure. The money ‘props up corrupt billionaire dictators or fuels armed conflict,’ Leahy says.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans want to repeal Dodd-Frank.
Even business doesn’t want that.
So, two questions. First, why are Republicans so obtuse? Second, why would anyone vote for them?
Oh my another of his “Im going to get Puddy” attacks.
Chronologically idiotic.
Now you are three for three. Three attempts and three times struck out!
Your half of the inning complete.
Now Puddy up to bat.
Hmmm… what should my first entry be?
Maybe that’s why George Soros dropped non-family members from his holdings
88 – LMAO @ a fool who’d think Saint Raygun would appoint a “liberal” to be a Fed Chairman!
So stupid – I don’t have to “get” anyone.
You do that to yourself. All anyone has to do search through the comment threads for the idiocies.
Your inning is over arschloch. I know you will try for extra attempts in the batter’s box, butt all can see how much of a monomaniacal chronological failure you are.
Oh but you are. Nothing you’ve ASSerted has worked. You’ve inserted your puny ASSets from your crazed databaze.
FAILED SAVAGELY! Does your wife read your fetid attempts at glory?
ROTFRLHMBBAO! You claimed you had all these “PUDDYCOMMENTS”. Well those three attempts are an EPIC FAIL! All that time at home during the day and nothing useful so far!
Good night… Mrs Puddy calls and my duty awaits!
Here’s another:
Wow according to the silliest dope of these comment threads (Puddymoron) – Saint Raygun appointed a “leftist pinhead” to be FED Chairman!
Toooo Dammmnn Fuuuuunnyyyy!
91 – LOL! When confronted with his idiocies the fool has to drag in my wife..
You can’t escape Puddydope.
You concluded though stupid, braindead thought patterns that Alan Greenspan was a “liberal” and a “leftist pinhead”.
You never once considered that Saint Raygun appointed Greenspan to one of the most critical offices in the land and therefore had a much bigger brainfart then you did.
How in the imagination of any right winger could the patron saint of right wing idiocy – Raygun make such a mistake?
Butt, butt, butt..
You also called Hank Paulson a “leftist” too – for whatever stupid reasons. Who appointed Paulson? Some miserable idiot you voted for twice Puddysilly.. Have you blamed that brainfart on Soros yet fool?
Good night!
For an intelligent discussion of taxes, by a business-friendly author in a business-oriented publication, click here:
You might not agree with everything this writer says. But at least he’s trying to get people thinking rationally about the issue. And he’s not polemical.
Given how many of puddydope’s incoherent rantings have polluted this thread, I almost feel embarrassed to post the word “intelligent” here.
Little Rachel’s $300 charity drive has raised $1,229,206 to date, which is enough to bring clean drinking water to 61,460 people, equivalent to a city larger than Pasco. There are still 29 days left to donate.
Donations, which at one point exceeded $100,000 a day, have slowed but a little over $10,000 a day would allow Rachel to reach $1.5 million by the end of her charity drive. Her original goal was $300 and she personally raised $220 before her death.
To the arschloch@92, Once again you fail. Four times in seven days. Apparently that vaulted crazed databaze isn’t working out for you!
You fail for taking a comment out of context to the whole thread. I explained what Greenspan said and did in 1994. You conveniently left that out from the thread. I know why! You don’t remember what Greenspan said.
This is another of your EPIC FAILURES! Just like your EPIC FAILURE of not knowing what the SEIU did in 2007.
Still stupid, hateful and all arschloch 24x7x365.25
Wow serial plagiarizer arschloch Henry Paulson. Do you remember the proof I delivered? Wait you can’t look at NewsMeat because you’d personally solidify your own serial plagiarizer arschlochness. Who cabal did Paulson belong to serial plagiarizer arschloch? You can’t answer that one either.
Now that’s 5 attempts.
Still stupid, hateful and all serial plagiarizer arschloch 24×7×365.25
ROTFRLHMBBAO! I’ll keep allowing you to did your own hole.
So how is your John Deadwards support now? You called me a liar on that last week. I delivered the goods on your Deadwards support.
So sad. You never answered and we know why serial plagiarizer, does Mrs arschloch read these fetid attempts at blog glory?
Roger Dopey Rabbit, every thread on this blog is hijacked by your BULLSHITTIUM every day!
The puddypussy is a fucking joke.
Nice job making yourself a total laughing stock, fuckwad.
puddypussy’s gonna say this sicko was a “leftist” too.
seeing as how nobody knows who shot the BBs(insert laughter here), it would also be a little presumptuous of you think it was a “rightist” as well.
how was your “night of fun” last weekend? how many churches did you get? better make sure they arent the same ones on your mail route…police can put 2 and 2 together you know…..I suppose they could just listen for shitty music too and track you down..
Wow I’ve achieved a high water mark. Puddydope is putting “Saint Raygun”, a term of mockery, mocking right wing worship of that doddering fool of a Preznit, in Puddydope’s handle.
You can’t escape your idiocy Puddydope.
@98 “serial plagiarizer … serial plagiarizer … serial plagiarizer”
Triple yawn … I guess you gotta expect people who make up “facts” to make up definitions, too …
@102 “shot the BBs(insert laughter here)”
You think that’s funny?
@99 So go commit suicide already.*
* Just kidding! That’s just a rightwing-asshole joke. (See, e.g., #102.) I don’t want you to fucking DIE pussybutt, hell, I don’t even want you to go away — you’re too entertaining.
@103 Maybe he secretly despises Saint Ronnie.
@105….I dothink its funny, but for reasons you wouldn’t comprehend
The HA misogynist appears
You of all people calling someone a laughing stock when caught blaming tea party people for things proven done by liberals?
As always misogynist rujax added nothing to the conversation!
Again another night of lies from the serial plagiarist arschloch. Where did I say that?
Notice everyone he throws a line on the blog and attributes it to me. Butt, I never wrote it. It another in the long list of serial arschloch plagiarizer lies on this blog!
Sucks to be you fool. Now you are a 5 time chronologically monomaniacal loser.
Take you own advice Roger Dopey Rabbit!
LMAO @ at a total moron @ 110,111..
Anyone can see the words “Saint RAYGUN” in your handle fool.
It’s a term of mockery of your failed ideology and you’re carrying the banner!
What a tool! LMAO!!!