– Jamie Kilstein challenges Jonah Goldberg to a fight. [h/t]
– Bain Capital Owns and Controls Clear Chanel
– There are upcoming campaign kickoffs for Rob Holland and Hans Dunshee
– The Westboro Baptist Church is going to be in Olympia.
– It may be that President Obama’s evolution on gay marriage upsets fundamentalists more because they don’t believe in evolution than they don’t want gay people to have rights.
Factory orders down.
Small wonder Obama’s whining so loudly about Romney. If the elections about Obama’s performance he’s toast;
If ONLY Obama could just campaign and not govern.
Doggone those mean Republicans, expecting him to actually perform in office. What do they want from him? Experience? Competence? Even-handedness?
SO unfair.
More moronic Democrat behavior in WI:
Jesus, no wonder Obama stayed away.
Clear Channel’s near-monopoly of talk radio (Clear Channel) isn’t really news. It’s just right-wingers buying and selling among themselves, with most of it becoming consolidated within one corporate hands. But it is already having an effect on the few remaining independent radio hosts, who have shyed away from criticism of Romney with a specific reference to Clear Channel/Baine Capital ownership of their station (one local channel morning show comes to mind).
@ 3
This is why I’m here. I didn’t know any of that. Thx.
Romney’s in town, but you wouldn’t know it unless you were looking hard for it. Romney slipped into town on his campaign jet, landed at Boeing Field, and slipped in (and out) of a Medina fundraiswer without making any public remarks or taking any public questions. Both come to town looking for money, and Medina is a convenient source for that – but Romney’s broken records with his silence.
Forget cremation, this is what I want done to me when I die.
@ 5
Still waiting for Obama to announce in public that he might have to re-do Obamacare if he wins a second term. He’s told his fatcat donors in private, of course.
Obama attended six fund-raisers on Friday, none in WI even though he flew over that state in the middle of the day. I wonder how many public comments he made at those events? Does Obama OWE the public time for commentary at each stop he makes? I think not. Why must Romney have something to say, particularly in a state that won’t go red, anyway?
Romney’s here. He just appointed Cathy McMorris-Rogers his House liaison. Somehow I think the guy who was going to boycott because Romney didn’t visit Tacoma would be OK with that.
@ 6
I just got done mentioning ‘dead-cat bounce’ on the Friday night thread. Heh.
While governor of Massachusetts, Romney set himself apart from the members of the assembly – both figuratively and literally. Assmemblymen from both parties reported that he only had a couple of meetings with the key members of the leadership. The meeting was short, conducted in a large room at the governor’s mansion with Romney seperated from the assemblymen by a rope barrier and several feet of space. Romeny told them what he expected of them, then turned around and strode out. Assemblymen were left looking at one another and shaking their heads – no handshakes, no “thanks for coming”, no listening to their concerns. Just orders to underlings. Assemblymen reported that after the second such meeting, when word began to leak out about their complaints, there were no invitations. The assemblymen were being treated like underlings in the corporate worlds who could be fired at any time.
@ Rujax:
You didn’t cut and paste far enough down in the article, asswipe.
You would have learned:
[1.] The GOP campaign noted that Massachusetts officials approved Konarka’s loan application for a new pilot production assembly line in December 2002, the month before Romney was sworn in. …
[2.] And even if Romney had been in office then, the agency that greenlighted the loan wasn’t under the direct control of the governor. …
[3.] Later in his term, Romney tried to defund the underlying green energy financing program. …
[4.] Konarka, in the meantime, went on to raise $170 million in private capital as it amassed more than 100 patents for a variety of solar products, including thin, flexible panels that its customers then build into bags and umbrellas. It also raised $5 million more in state loans under Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick’s administration.
So a solar company that received a loan not from Romney went out business 9 years after receiving the loan, and that’s Politico’s headline.
Also, there is no report of any Konarka investors doing double duty as a Romney campaign bundler.
Also, as governor Romney tried to kill the racket that is taxpayer-funding of green energy.
Rujax, at least once a day try to do the following:
1. Read an article to its conclusion.
2. Pull your head out of your ass and take some long, deep breaths.
Did you advance past middle-school, Rujax? No one hear believes you did. You reinforce that suspicion on a daily basis.
That was Kirby Wilbur the head of the WSRP that said he might boycott. McMorris-Rogers’ name has been bounced around a few times connected to the Romney campaign. I found it interesting how unmotivated the Republicans seemed about Romney’s visit. Not that the couple of news articles I skimmed meant much, just something I found curious.
On Sunday Romeny’s mouthpieces tried to do the news-show circuit by re-writing history again.
It’s been well documented that during his presidency, Massachusetts had a job creation record which ranked the state at 57 out of 60. It would have been 58, except that Katrina knocked it a bit lower (I guess it takes a huricane to do worse than Romney).
But now Romney’s mouth-pieces are trying to confuse people by claiming that figure is inacuarate. They claim that if you go through several gymnastics of mathematics, adding in some irrelevant data and excluding other relevent data, they claim that Romney’s record isn’t quite so bad.
There goal isn’t to convnince those who can do math, who won’t be in Romney’s camp anyway. Their goal is to take those who don’t want to go through the trouble of figuring it out, and then claim that the correct figure has been “debunked” and refuse to discuss it anymore.
So what we should do is the obvious – hit the subject hard, again and again. The fact that they are worried about it enough to come up with a cover story shows that it’s a weak point for them. When they try to come up with their cover story, just laugh at them.
@ 12
Romney’s not a rock star. No media fawn over him in this state.
From what I hear, things are slightly different in eastern WA.
WA will go blue. I cannot imagine WA going red at presidential level this year. However:
There will be a governor McKenna.
First district will probably go red.
Vance thinks there will be gains in both state chambers.
I’m OK with that.
@ 13
Or, you could point out Obama’s stellar record of accomplishment as president.
Better hurry, tho.
@ 12
I don’t recall Dem people being much excited about Kerry, either. They were excited about Dean. Kerry was the guy left standing. The important thing to Dems, as I recall, was to bounce GWB43 from office. Who did the bouncing was of less importance.
To the extent that the preceding paragraph is accurate, I guess we feel the same about Obama. Romney’s a means to an end and we see him as competent, if not exciting.
Romney’s our ‘Everyone looks good at 2 a.m.’ candidate, I suppose.
We weren’t.
You know Obama’s in deep shit when Ezra Klein decides to try to paint lipstick on his pig:
@ 18
Aw, c’mon….
He had that great salute to start off his acceptance speech. And his wife played so well to America.
Remember when it was OK to be rich and run for president?
To hell with Westboro church, I have better things to do. I sold Walgreen last summer for $43.40 and bought it back today for $30.51. Wall Street gave me $12.89 per share. Stealing from rich Republicans sure beats working for Republican wages.
Ya think?
@ 21
More than a little hypocritical to accuse the GOP of getting rich by taking advantage of people, while essentially doing the same thing yourself and then bragging about it online, isn’t it?
@1 Shit, dude, do you know anything about economics at all? Governments, businesses, and individuals are deleveraging. No president can do much about that; like a common cold, it has to run its course.
But President Obama has done damn good in the circumstances. Do I need to post the bikini graph again? It seems I have to, as we still have too many dumbclucks posting chickenfeathers in these threads:
When GOPers ran the country, we bled jobs like a stuck pig! Job numbers began improving the day Obama took office, and the economy has been adding jobs for two years now.
The idea of a Republican running on a jobs platform is a fucking joke! Republicans are always crappy about jobs, because their policies don’t create jobs, and they don’t care about the unemployed — they have other priorities. Don’t take my word for it; here are hard numbers:
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Republican Hoover (9.0%)
Did you notice that every single Democratic president did better than any Republican president? That’s because jobs aren’t a GOP priority.
And it was, after all, lame-ass GOP policies that got us into the Great Recession in the first place.
Republicans tell us they’ll cut taxes on rich people so they’ll create jobs. The trouble with this argument is they’ve already cut taxes on the rich — who now pay far less in taxes than at any time in the last 60 years — so where are the jobs all this tax-cutting was supposed to create?
The trouble Republicans always run into with their fairytales is reality has a nasty habit of catching up with them, and then Lucy has some ‘splaining to do. If someone promises something, then doesn’t deliver, how long do you keep voting for them?
Employment will be tough for a while, no matter who is president, although it wouldn’t be quite so tough if Obama’s stimulus program had been bigger (virtually all reputable economists say it was too small); and it’ll get tougher if Romney gets in and shoves more austerity down our throats.
But the biggest reason why people of conscience can’t vote for Republicans is because they have no conscience. Living in a civilized society involves tradeoffs, and one of these tradeoffs is that when capitalism fails to provide enough jobs for everyone needing work — as it periodically does — our government takes care of the unemployed. But Republicans want to cut food stamps and spend more on weapons. That’s just not the kind of ethics that any decent person has. If you vote Republican in this election, you’re unethical.
Being rich isn’t an issue, being a stuffed shirt is. Also, being born with a silver spoon in your mouth and acting like you weren’t is an issue. Note the different reactions that Jon Huntsman and Romney got in regards to their wealth.
@23 The difference is they take advantage of poor people and
I take advantage of them. I’m a hypocrite with half a heart.
@23 (continued) Also, I’m not corrupt like Republicans, who even grab stuff that’s nailed down; I only take what rich Republicans willingly give to me. It’s not like I’m robbing them
with a gun.
@ 25
I’ll take stuffed shirt if competent comes along with it.
Obama’s an incredible narcissist. Which would be fine if it was comingled with competence. Unfortunately……
@ 26
No, you’re a braggart blowhard who doesn’t understand that a lot of people on HA are more intelligent than you and probably invest more wisely as well, but don’t have the need to brag to assuage some sort of insecurity.
You aren’t the creator of the ‘buy low, sell high’ concept, RR. People are sick of hearing about it. I’m just willing to tell it to your online face.
Ever think that you might be taking advantage of another middle-class Democrat forced to sell into a falling market, asshole? No, I didn’t think you would. STFU about your silly-ass investments. You’re not nearly as sage as you believe yourself to be.
We should re-elect Obama becasuse we’ll never hear the end of it if we don’t. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be demonstrating against “racism” in the street if Obama doen’t get re-elected. Eugene Robinson and Leonard Pitts will be burning up their newspaperr columns with how “racist” Aemrica is because we didn’t re-elect Obama. Let’s just re-elect him and avoid all that noise from these demagogues. After all, once Obama is re-elected, he immediately becomes a lame duck prez! It’ll all be over soon enough.
# 17: Well, that’s the best explanation I’ve heard of why so many Republicans are willing to step on board (rather than “jump upon”) the Romney bandwagon. But the expression usually refers to beer-bottle glasses, as in “she looked a lot better through the bottom of the beer bottle at 2:00 a.m.”. Thbse have got to be pretty think beer-bottle bottoms through which the Republicans are looking to make Romney look good.
@ 31
Regarding looks…..
John Kerry walks into a bar. Bartender sez, ‘Hey, why the long face’?
@28 I guess your idea of “competent” doesn’t include:
Preventing another Great Depression
Saving the U.S. auto industry
Stoppping the job hemorrhage
Recapitalizing the banks
Ending the war in Iraq
Reducing U.S. involvement in Afghanistan
Supporting veterans
Passing health care reform
Passing financial reform
Passing credit card reforms
Creating consumer protection agency
Improving food safety
Improving school nutrition
Expanding health care for kids
Removing restrictions on stem cell research
Boosting fuel efficiency
Killing Osama bin Laden
Stopping GOP torture policies
Toppling Ghaddafi and Mubarak
Imposing sanctions on Iran
Closing dirty power plants
Reducing nuclear warheads
But I guess these things may not be seen as accomplishments depending on what your values and priorities are …
# 29: I think you and Puddy are the only ones who are tired of listening to RR. He’s posting his investing success only because if he didn’t, you and Puddy would be trying to paint him as a poor retired civil servant who doesn’t have the brains to invest as Republicans do. If he were to stop, I give it less than six months before some Republican troll appeared here and made that claim.
Awww there’s the O’Felafel syndrome again..
Bob everyone here on the side of goodness and light ignores right wing orders.
RR IMHO can say whatever he cares to in these threads. He’s more than earned the privilege.
Thanks again for making our point.
@32 Slow afternoon at work?
@29 “You aren’t the creator of the ‘buy low, sell high’ concept, RR.”
When did I say I was? Cite please.
rodent said:
“I’m a hypocrite with half a heart.”
Well, I don’t know about your coronary configuration, rodent, but the hypocrite part is correct.
Very often on blogs people will say how wonderfully they’re doing in market, but few actually can provide any concrete figures on overall protfolio performance. The braggart who crows, “I made $3,200 in the market this oorning,” may have a losing protfolio overall becasue he or she rarely mentions the bad investment decisions. What’s needed is strict compliance with performance measurement. Excel’s XIRR function is a good “de-liar” when it comes to measuring real investment performance. If all the stock flippers truly looked at their investments with this tool there’d be a lot less bragging going on.
Check it out for yourself – open Excel and try the XIRR function on some made-up figures. You may have to open the Analysis ToolPak, but that’s easy to do. It’ll un-zip the required files so you can run XIRR on a set of dates and numbers.
@29 “STFU about your silly-ass investments.”
Make me.
@ 33
‘Recapitalizing the banks’? You mean, TARP?
Which passed before the election?
BTW and speaking of TARP, that Rex Nutting piece in Marketwatch a couple of weeks ago?
He counted TARP against Bush43. He then counted the repayment of those funds by the banks TO Obama.
Among other obvious errors.
@ 34
Market has seriously spanked me. I just don’t have any reason to bore anyone with the details. You don’t need to know what I had for breakfast or what color my socks are, either.
But those inane factoids are as relevant as RR’s stock ramblings.
@40 Lifted straight from Breitbart in kneejerk wingnut fashion.
Have you ever had an original thought of your own, or do you always need a rightwing propaganda mill to do your “thinking” for you?
Thinking? Sometimes. Numbers-crunching? Yeah, I let others do it. Until what they spew makes absolutely no sense, then I look for sources to tell me why.
See ya.
@41 “Market has seriously spanked me.”
I’m so sorry.
@38 Er, how do you find the XIRR function in Excel?
“Obama’s an incredible narcissist”
Gawd, wingnut projection never ends. You showed up here with your grandiose narcissistic fantasies of being of the 1%, telling us of your three-year residency and bragging about the huge service company that you own. You’ve shared racist fantasies of white fascist council rule and militias roaming our nation’s cities. And now we get to see a narcissist’s self-esteem, self-image, and self-confidence being completely derived from the achievements of others in a political election. Damn. You really can’t help but devalue yourself in front of everybody, even as you attempt to devalue others. That’s because you’re a loser, Bob. You’re a loser today, and whoever wins tomorrow or in November, you’ll still be a loser. You’re a loser because you’re just too damned fucked up in the head for words, Bob.
I just thought you should know.
@38 “concrete figures”
My stock porfolio is down 5.71% since Dec. 31, mostly because I’m overweighted in energy stocks, although pretty much everything is going down in the current selloff.
But I’m also overweighted in cash, so whenever my portfolio is down I’m also buying cheap stocks, which sets the stage for future gains.
My investments are worth more today than they were in Dec. 2006 or Dec. 2007 — I’ve come through the Great Recession with gains. That’s the test that really matters.
And I did post specific numbers for today’s trade. I paid $30.51 for Walgreen. If it’s worth $45 a year from now I’ll be a hero; if it’s worth $20 I’ll be a goat. The math isn’t hard, and unlike Bob,
I can do it in my head.
Wisconsin Update
Scott Walker’s lead has shrunk to the margin of error, despite outspending Tom Barrett by 7.5-to-1. It’s now this close:
“If Democrats turn out in the numbers they did in 2008, Tom Barrett will win a surprise victory. If they don’t, Walker will survive,” a pollster said today.
Walker has spent $30.5 million, two-thirds of which is out-of-state money, mostly from Super PACs and corporations.
Barrett, by contrast, has spent $4.2 million, only one-fourth of which is out-of-state money.
(Source: NBC News) http://www.nypost.com/p/news/n.....3Dfu0QXkYM
Personally, I think Scott Walker will “win” the recall election. Why? Because it’ll be close and if Tom Barrett wins by, say, 5000 votes Kathy Nikolaus will “find” 7500 more Walker votes
in torn ballot bags in Waukesha County.
GOP Hypocrisy On Parade
Scott Walker says ousting him in tomorrow’s recall would “set a bad precedent.”
But wait, didn’t Republicans start that “bad precedent” when they ousted Gray Davis in California?
Hmmm …
This piece of shit speaks for who?
puddypussy? the emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first)??
Sure, buddy. Right on…(fucking racist teabag asshole)
figures a dolt like you would believe that…
I think there is broom with your name on it…start pushing it, bitch.
notice rujaxoff wont comment on his ownage from earlier in the day.
what a retard.
keep posting them links without reading the story….lol.
Well, well, well.
Even the fucking p.o.s. wins he’ll be under indictment by July.
Fucking Republican scab.
The emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first, home of the 10mm dick) ought to take the torque wrench to his own mells like it’s getting loose. (phew!!!)
@50 Somewhere in the land of the dead, Bob La Follette is weeping at what the Republican Party he tried so valiantly to save and redeem has done to his beloved Wisconsin. Five years of hard work as Governor of Wisconsin, plus the work continued by his sons and his political heirs, being slowly unraveled by the money power and the vast corporate combinations.
Bob La Follette, as it happens, knew something about dealing with conservative Republican intransigents: when your agenda is being blocked, don’t back down.
Still waiting for Obama to announce in public that he might have to re-do Obamacare if he wins a second term. He’s told his fatcat donors in private, of course.
Did you all know that bob is psychic and or telepathic?
I hope Obama has the votes to implement a non crippled version of single payer.
Go Rabbit Go!
Thats it? thats all you can come up with?
poor failed wannabe musician rujaxoff, getting pwn3d left and right…
50. Rabbit said “Kathy Nikolaus will “find” 7500 more Walker votes in torn ballot bags in Waukesha County.”
I agree, they would do that. after all bob said the purpose of politics is “to prevail”, apparently by any means available.
More BULLSHITTIUM from rhp6033. I recently agreed with his latest economic diatribe. I didn’t see rhp6033 come out and agree.
Another rujax EPIC FAYLE! Hey rujax, how is that fast acting formula treating you?
That emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first, home of the 10mm dick)…a real stand-up asshole all rght….the sick motherfucker.
Davis was very incompetent. CA voters blamed Gray-out Davis for the electricity crisis and the budget crisis. It seems Walker has created 33K jobs and reduced the budget deficit by $3+ Billion!
Spoken by one who unleashes useless left wrong sites and screams to the world this is truth until it explodes in his face. Poor rujax!
you are right: I am sick – sick of losers like you sucking of the tit of the govt and wasting resources that the rest of us have to keep bringing in.
It seems Walker has created 33K jobs
Yes it seems that way, in your fantasy world fed you by your republican handlers. But in the real world, not so much.
How brave of our president to spend 140 (or fewer!) characters on Barrett.
What a guy.
This is what’s called voting ‘present’.
It’s Election Day in Wisconsin tomorrow, and I’m standing by Tom Barrett. He’d make an outstanding governor. -bo
BiasedGirl @BiasedGirl
Scott Walker leaves the seat up.
I am sick – sick of losers like you sucking of the tit of the govt and wasting resources that the rest of us have to keep bringing in.
Damn straight! Get rid of the welfare and medicare and medicaid and employment insurance. Bring back debtors prisons. Let the poor starve! Better yet, use the deadbeats for organ transplants. Sell the kids of the losers for medical experiments or let them earn money by “dating” republicans. Stop letting non landowners vote. Limit voting to only those who have a million or more in wealth. Get rid of the undesirables. Make the gays go back into the closet or into pens if they don’t. Go through every email or message board and blacklist or pith anyone who ever did not agree with bob or puddy.
That will bring back the glory days of America. That will be taking America BACK from those (shudder) other people!
Mitt Romney on the Pay Check Fairness Act:
Nnnooothing… from the Mittster.
Like I’ve said before, I can understand why people might not like the Democrats, but can’t see why anyone would like the current Republicans.
@71 What are you babbling about? Work WITH the calming drugs, dont’ fight them.
puddy bob, where do YOU stand on the Pay Check Fairness Act? Would you vote for it? Yes or No?
I’m looking.
@ 75
I would be leery of anything that provides for ‘unlimited’ punitive damages. If that’s there in the Senate bill, I suppose it wouldn’t be in the House version and there would be a compromise, but ‘unlimited’ is idiotic. A giveaway to trial lawyers.
The other thing is that there are shifts in demographics that are occurring and I think there needs to be some way to address that. Example: A profession formerly male-dominated that is trending to female-dominated. Someone with 15 years experience, a woman, would be outearned by men, but in another 10 years a woman with 25 years experience would likely outearn the average man. Seniority-based issues, I assume.
The GOP likes to point out that the White House only pays women around, what, 71% of what it pays men? thehill.com said one reason is that women don’t have the seniority that men do, because they haven’t been a major part of the workforce as long.
There’s a lot of talk about the Senate bill but I really don’t know what’s in it, and because so much of what I read is that it’s being brought up for a vote to force Republicans to take an uncomfortable vote and it won’t pass the filibuster, it’s really a gimmick and what’s in it doesn’t so much matter.
Off-point but the Lilly Ledbetter act is something I support. It remedied a defect in the law on which the Supreme Court decision was based, essentially. Sometimes that’s what’s necessary. The Kelo decision is another example.
I googled and had a little trouble finding the ’12 bill text. Found the rejected ’10 bill text.
@ 75
Biggest problem I saw was this text:
punitive damages as may be appropriate
That might as well be ‘unlimited punitive damages’.
If there was a companion House-passed bill that wouldn’t be there and a compromise would be worked out in the conference committee, but if a Senator wanted to make an amendment that’s the first place to amend. If the purpose of the bill was to force GOP to filibuster it by not allowing amendments, that would be the clause that would cause the bill to fail.
The other thing is that fund to be used to train women and girls to…….
That’s a slush fund and it either needs to be dropped or targeted much more specifically so that it does not sound like reverse discrimination.
Done here. Good question, tho.
@77 “I would be leery of anything that provides for ‘unlimited’ punitive damages. If that’s there in the Senate bill, I suppose it wouldn’t be in the House version and there would be a compromise, but ‘unlimited’ is idiotic. A giveaway to trial lawyers.”
Apparently you don’t understand how punitive damages work. They’re never unlimited, because there has to be a rational basis for the jury’s determination of amount, which is always subject to reduction by the judge.
Case in point: The jury award in the famous McDonalds coffee case (in which the victim was severely burned and required skin grafts), even though it amounted to only one day’s worth of coffee profits to the chain, was reduced by the judge to a few hundred thousand dollars.
I understand just fine. After hundreds of thousands of extra dollars of legal fees, some common sense MIGHT prevail.
Who gets those hundreds of thousands of dollars? Trial attorneys. Who do trial attorneys overwhelmingly donate to? The Democrat Party.
I understand just fine. And there are plenty of damage awards that are excessive but end up standing because it’s too expensive to fight them and take a chance at losing until someone with some common sense ends up adjudicating.
The bill has no chance of passing and you know it. Maddow’s blog post title even admits as much:
It’s not there to become law, but to use women and those of HA who choose to talk about it as pawns, because it’s election season. Might as well load it up with every giveaway possible, just to make sure the lawyers keep donating to the Dems.
@78 It seems Bob, on his own motion, has changed the language of the statute from “as may be appropriate” to “unlimited,” which means he’s either dishonest or incompetent at reading statutes.
Here’s a clue, Bob: Statutes are drafted by lawyers, who use language with great precision, and do not say “A” when they mean “B” or vice versa.
There’s no such thing as “unlimited” punitive damages, because a series of SCOTUS decisions say, in effect, that unlimited punitive damages are unconstitutional. Therefore, it’s not necessary for statutes to specify limits, because legal principles exist which already do that.
Bet you didn’t know that, huh, Bob?
@80 “After hundreds of thousands of extra dollars of legal fees”
Oh, so now you’re conflating “legal fees” with “punitive damages”? Interesting concept.
@80 “Who gets those hundreds of thousands of dollars? Trial attorneys. Who do trial attorneys overwhelmingly donate to? The Democrat Party.”
Now we’re getting to the heart of the problem in Bob’s eyes.
So fucking what if trial lawyers donate to the Democratic Party? How is that different from corporations and business people donating to the Republican Party? What do you want, a one-party country?
Here’s another clue, Bob: If you don’t want to pay legal fees and damages, then don’t violate other people’s legal rights.
@80 “use as pawns”
And I suppose your side never does that?
Exhibit A: Right-to-lifers, who have been giving their votes to GOPers for decades, and have gotten almost nothing in return.
Exhibit B: GOPers solicit votes and campaign donations from the anti-immigrant crowd, then open the floodgates wide to illegals because their business sponsors want the cheap labor.
You know, RR, you are not worth the time. Someone with a fair amount of intelligence @75 asked me a provocative question and I answered it. Now you want to play games based on a word here or there in my response.
I’m not interested. Go on with your incessant bragging about your amazing prowess in the stock market and how every gain you make is at the expense of some nameless, faceless Republican.
You’re the guy with the three-inch penis driving the lifted half-ton with the stenciled words ‘Big 10 inch’ on the back window.
Build yourself up to whatever you want to be. Everyone has to be important to someone.
@85 “Now you want to play games based on a word here or there in my response.”
I’m not playing games. When you come into these comment threads and lie about what a proposed law says, you’re going to get a public hiding. Some of us here (including me) are lawyers, so don’t expect to get away with it.
@85 “You’re the guy with the three-inch penis driving the lifted half-ton with the stenciled words ‘Big 10 inch’ on the back window.”
That’s good — you should try your hand at creative writing. You have no talent for law.
I was mistaken when I initially thought Bob might be a paid troll. He’s not good enough at this to get paid for it.
I think it’s funny that I’m the most rabid capitalist on this blog. Maybe the world isn’t as black-and-white as some folks convinced themselves it is.
Any bets on the WI Walker recall..I’ll bet he survives, because people realize that in these tough times, fiscal responsibility is necessary.
In other news it’s Soros time again… Soros and his minions have donated $400 Million+ to higher education since the year 2000. The Koch brothers have donated less than $7 million to universities. Now we see $400/$7 is greater than 57X; Soros gave more than any other group. Alternet, funded by George Soros, complained about a “shady deal”. What was this “shady deal”? The Kochs sent money to Florida State University. Colorlines, also funded by Soros, farted about the donation: “FSU Trades Academic Freedom for Billionaire Charles Koch’s Money.”
Totally barfable! Soros throws $400+ Million to indoctrinate and his minions attack Koch for $7 Million. It’s documented Soros has thrown $48 Million into trying to sway the news.
Truth and Facts, enemies of libtards.
Validated by Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Sucks to be a Fascist pinhead!
It seems when you go against DUMMOCRAPTS you get pounded…
Why did Scott Walker’s opponent vote against school choice for the 99%ers but sends his children to PRIVATE SCHOOL?
DUMMOCRAPTS, a bunch of wining hypocrites!
@93: Gateway Pundit sez: “Support Democrat Ernestina Cruz. Or get a concussion. Your choice.”
In these tough times, fiscal responsibility is necessary.
so in other words
in these tough times, it is appropriate to strip away workers rights to unionize.
Will you thus be writing in the future
In these tough times, it is appropriate to get rid of minimum wage.
In these tough times, it is appropriate to get rid of get rid of child labor laws.
In these tough times, it is appropriate to get rid of work place safety rules
In these tough times, it is appropriate to bring back serfdom.
Just saying, you just justify a lot in the name of “fiscal responsibility”
Not stripped away Fascist one. The DEMAND to automatically take the union dues from you for causes you don’t SUPPORT!
The rest is useless drivel!
If the Conservatives turn out for Walker, then it’s a done deal. DUMMOCRAPTS realize the deficit has been greatly reduced and this plays into conservative hands.
Amazingly, WI liberals find yet another way to score an own-goal, this time on the eve of the recall election:
From the article:
Kevin Kennedy, the state’s chief election official, said this is the first time that a group has used voter lists in this way.
Based on the backlash, probably the last time as well.
Thanks, unions!
I think The One is getting a bad rap here:
After all, he put an awful lot of effort into that tweet @70 he sent out yesterday.
I mean, what do liberals expect from the guy? A backbone? From State Senator Present?
I stand corrected.
The One is pulling out all the stops in order to secure a union victory in WI.
That’s TWO tweets:
Barack Obama
RT @Obama2012: Hey, Wisconsinites—polls are open today from 7am-8pm CT. Find your polling place: OFA.BO/iwhoqh
About the only person who has had more than one tweet from Obama is Vera Baker, and those were direct messages.
Even teachers think teachers’ unions are fucked up:
The number of teachers holding negative views of unions nearly doubled to 32% from 17% last year.
This is what happens when some teachers take a week away from teaching and drag their students with them to protest for more salary and benefits. Their more rational colleagues are appalled and ashamed of that behavior.
When the public sees it on TV, so is the public.
Oh that’s RICH…
…coming from this vituperative, mendacious, obfuscating asshole.
Really, really rich.
Yeah…this motherfucker is sick…
…sick of good working people in his own community trying to save their houses and support their kids and have decent schools and Public Services. Like the ones this greedy, selfish pile of shit got when he was a kid…and was a fukkin’ great football star, maaaaaaan.
This bastard is just sick.
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most vituperative, mendacious, obfuscating asshole of them all.
(Booming echo) Factless rujax?
Isn’t it great to know I am in rujax and ylb’s heads!
I own these twerps!
You don’t even own your own asshole, asshole.
You’re everybody’s bitch here.
the booby needs a new candidate…Newt???
The Hermanator????
@108 Looks like Rmoney finally realized how stupid his criticism of the auto bailout was, and is flip-flopping again to save himself.
Yeah, Mitt, go right ahead and throw away Michigan’s electoral votes, it’s a small and unimportant state anyway …
Maybe what Republicans have against the auto industry is the workers are unionized …