– Tom Fucoloro is mostly right here, but he seems to think The Seattle Weekly might produce good journalism if it wasn’t trying to protect its parent company’s child prostitution notification business.
– KBR is simply godawful.
– People are driving less. Maybe because of low car diets (h/t).
– I cannot tell you how much I like this picture.
– I like The Decemberists (as you’re required to if you’re from the Northwest) and their newest video was directed by one of my favorite bloggers ever (Ken Tremendous, formerly of Fire Joe Morgan).
Rick Steves is taking up the “tax the rich” issue, by donating his Bush tax cuts to a public institution:
We’ve talked about this idea here in the past, that if the govt isn’t going to tax, we can at least do charitable giving. So hats off to Rick Steves, who deserves props for taking bold stances on many issues.
At the same time, it’s been recognized for a long time that philanthropy is how the rich actually exert a great deal of pretty undemocratic power in shaping society and public institutions to fit with their values and assumptions.
The most obvious example is the Gates Foundation, which doesn’t just write checks, but supports charitable initiatives that are consonant with its own core assumptions about the nature of societal problems and how to solve them. Their work on technology in education is one area where their biases are pretty clear.
So the current regressive tax system has the effect of creating hugely powerful philanthropic institutions that basically decide big policy issues through enormous grants.
And we have to accept that billionaires know what’s best for us. How’s that for class warfare?
@1 The only rational for taxing the rich at a higher rate than any one else is
1) managing the deficit. Every country runs a deficit. Those that don’t are stagnant places – not investing in their future or the well-being of their communities. The trick is to manage it sustain-ably.
2) Paying for world class benefits. For better or worse we have a gold plated military. If this is truly needed (it isn’t) then the rich should gladly pay for it because they have more to lose if the military is sub-standard.
But we’ve put too much emphasis on wealthy households. The real freeloaders are the corporations who’ve paid less and less into the federal coffers over the years until it now regularly under 10 percent and that means it’s only small/medium sized businesses that are paying any appreciable amount of tax. That sucks.
KBR has zero chance of getting Rule 11 sanctions against Jones.
Texas drought – a disaster. The nutcases are praying for rain and there is no relief in sight.
I guess Pat Robertson will say it’s God punishing Texas for cheap labor right wingers employing too much cheap stoop labor.
More rational people will say its due to mankind dumping too many gigatons of greenhouses gases into the atmosphere.
This WordPress is really strange. It won’t post certain comments, even though they have no links or vulgar words in them.
OK, all I could do was post the link to that news story — WordPress rejected 3 different versions of my simple one-sentence comment describing the news event is.
This is about the eighth or tenth time this has happened. It seems to affect only news stories involving shootings or mass killings. It’s as if the WordPress software reads and understands the content, then decides to censor it. I get an error page that tells me the web site doesn’t accept my registration or something like that. Weird.
The biggest problem with Fucoloro’s article is that “Seely,” “Seattle Weekly,” and “journalistic standards” don’t all belong in the same sentence.
Prosecutorial Discretion
A case involving a federal prosecution of an Idaho man for shooting a grizzly bear on his own property, ostensibly to protect his children, is stirring passions on rightwing blogs.
Jeremy Hill, who lives on the Idaho-British Columbia boundary on land sandwiched between two grizzly bear “recovery areas,” shot one of three grizzlies that wandered onto his property on May 8. He faces a jury trial on October 4.
The bears headed toward a pen housing his kids’ 4-H pigs. Hill knew five of his six children were outside in the yard, but contends he couldn’t see them and didn’t know where they were. He says he yelled at the years and retrieved a rifle from the house, which he used to shoot one of the bears.
After the bear was shot and down, Hill finished it off with two more shots. By then, he knew his kids were safely back in the house.
Hill then reported the bear shooting to the Idaho Fish and Game Department, which took the position that Hill shouldn’t be prosecuted for shooting the bear. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials also reportedly opposed prosecution. The decision to prosecute was made by the U.S. Attorney’s office, and occurred against a backdrop of rising occurrences of hunters shooting bears, some of them from behind, then claiming self-defense.
The charges against Hill have stirred rightwing passions. The case gives them a colorful and emotionally-stirring opportunity to attack the Endangered Species Act. What’s really at issue here, though, is not the ESA’s objective of protecting endangered wildlife but how and why federal prosecutors made the decision to prosecute in this case.
I suspect the fact the guy shot the bear two more times after his children were no longer in any danger may have something to do with it, although the assistant U.S. attorney handling the case hasn’t offered any explanation to reporters.
Neighbors have raised money for Hill’s defense, and politicians (including Idaho’s governor) have come out in support of dropping the charges against Hill.
The case isn’t as clear-cut as some are making it out, though. Grizzlies are native fauna that were completely driven out of the Lower 48 states, and the federal government has made significant investments in efforts to aid their recovery. On the other hand, grizzlies are not benign or harmless animals; they mingle with humans very poorly, and anyone who knows anything about grizzlies would consider this mama bear and her two cubs to be potentially dangerous.
On the other hand, prosecutors who reviewed the evidence may have concluded there was no danger to the kids and Hill shot the bear because he just doesn’t like bears — a case of a person involved in a human-wildlife conflict taking the law into his own hands.
Prosecutors, for example, have been known to prosecute abuse victims who shot their abusers under circumstances that law enforcement officers and prosecutors concluded didn’t satisfy the legal test of self-defense, which requires an imminent threat of bodily harm. I remember a Tacoma case, for example, of many years ago in which a woman shot an ex-boyfriend through a closed door. She went to jail for that, but a case like that wouldn’t be prosecuted today.
Personally, I don’t know enough about Hill’s case to say whether his shooting of the bear was necessary or malicious. Federal law doesn’t let him shoot bears just because they’re on his property. But no one in his right mind would argue he doesn’t have a right to protect his family from marauding grizzlies. Whether he could shoot an endangered and federally protected bear to protect his kids’ pigs falls somewhere in between — that issue will really get the “property rights” folks going.
We also don’t have all of the context from the news reports. It makes a difference, in terms of prosecutors’ attitudes, whether this was an isolated incident, or whether federal wildlife officials have been frustrated by a rash of bear killings in the area. If the latter, authorities may have decided to make an example of the next person who shoots a bear.
It’s hard for me to see a local jury convicting this guy, though. If all the prosecution does is create divisions between local residents and federal wildlife officials, and generate animosity against the endangered species law itself, then going forward with the charges may be a bad idea, even if the guy is technically guilty. In any case, it’s never a good idea to prosecute a case where a jury is unlikely to convict.
Choke on it bitches…
Obama and the progressives are proposing and doing the exact same things that Hoover did during the depression…how come the progressives refuse to tell us this?
Here is what Hoover did(see if they sound familiar from today’s administration)
– Hoover raised taxes on the wealthy from 24% to 63% – the Revenue Act of 1932…it was the largest peacetime tax increase in history – so suck on that all you tax lovers….and it also raised the taxes on corporations and doubled estate taxes.
– Hoover began a massive public works spending program(Emergency Relief and Construction Act) – Hoover Dam sound familiar? Roosevelt ended up adopting and continuing Hoover’s public works projects…of course the progressives wont tell you that.
Also sounds familiar to Obama’s plan of the last few years.
– Hoover and congress approved the Federal Home Loan Bank Act – designed to reduce foreclosures and spur home construction….and it worked somewhat.
– Hoover pressured congress to investigate the NYSE and pressured congress to implement reforms on the stock exchange….this too sounds like the popular chant of the progressives
in the election of 1932:
FDR actually actually accused Hoover of taxing and spending TOO MUCH! Saying it was “reckless”
in the 1932 election, FDR’s running mate, John Garner, accused Hoover of “leading the country down the path to socialism”!!!!!
looks obama is doing the Hoover playbook, step by step.
and in a final coup de grace:
Rexford Tugwell, one of the members of FDR’s braintrust, stated that “”practically the whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs that Hoover started.”
hmmmmmmm….three conclusions:
1. Today’s progressives are clueless about history
2. FDR gets way too much fucking credit Hoover’s programs, and Hoover gets far too much bad PR.
3. Obama is following Hoover almost step by step.
is today cut-n-paste day?
nevermind, everyday is cut-n-paste day for you.
re 8: If you copy something directly with no additional comment from yourself, sometimes it will not print. A line of dots or a smiling rabbit face made out of colons (yech) and stuff will do the trick.
If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin”!!!
re 12: Kiss my petooty, Marinade Brain!
If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’!!!!
12 – heh.. Now there’s a monument to stupidity.
Let’s take it one at a time..
STOOPID. Obama is not a progressive. So this would imply he hasn’t done what progessives have wanted. Progressives wanted Guantamono closed. He hasn’t done it. Progressives wanted single payer health care and would compromise on a public option. He hasn’t done either of those. Progressives wanted a mortgage cramdown to correct the wildy inflated home values during the Bush housing frenzy so people could keep their homes. His alternative barely spent 2 billion of the 50 billion allocated. It was a failure. Progressives and any economist with half a brain said his much too small stimulus program mixed with a tax cut to buy Republican votes in the Senate would not reboot the economy. They were right.
to be continued..
Heh. It started June 6, 1932 – 6 freaking months before his term ended!
It raised taxes on corporation a WHOPPING
(drum roll)
1.75 percent on the net income of corporations who were probably losing money at that point (again 3 1/2 years into Hoover’s administration) because of rampant DEFLATION!
Hoover did raise taxes a lot on individuals – especially lower income individuals – again whose incomes were DROPPING because companies were laying them off in droves.
FDR was completely right in saying tax increases on modest income people were totally out of line.
Have your taxes gone up since Obama’s been in office? He said he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than 250K. Ok he rose taxes on smokers to fund health insurance for kids. What an evil guy.
He let the Republicans keep the Bush tax cuts for two more years so unemployed people would have at least of a ghost of chance to weather this recession.
Yes this started July 1932 (at least 10 million Americans were unemployed at this point, a 24.9 percent unemployment rate) after his early efforts
What were his early efforts??
Hmm. A federal agency to coordinate “volunteer” efforts..
“Moral suasion” to convince corporations to go easy on issuing dividends to stockholders so they could keep their workers wages a bit higher and labor to not demand “unreasonable” wage hikes.
Oh yeah he spent a paltry 100 million on public works after the Democrats won the House in 1930, first time in 12 years.
This progressive is telling you yes that part is ok.
A progressive would START with a public works program. And if a right winger finally came around after two years of failed approaches a true progressive would GLADLY pick up where the right winger left off.
And why not? If the private sector is not doing the job of keeping everyone who needs a job employed what’s the alternative?
Starving? Grinning and bearing it until the private sector decides it’s more profitable to produce goods and services employing labor instead of hoarding cash and playing finance games over what’s left of the economy?
Obama at least STARTED with a stimulus package – too small and too compromised and yes, I just barely give him points for trying.
Heh. Yeah a lot of people lost money on the stock market in those – many lost everything. And government shouldn’t investigate to find out why to possibly what?
Prevent insider abuses maybe?
It’s none of their business I guess.
Let’s see in those days Democrats had to appeal to conservative southerners to win elections. So a presidential candidate had some criteria for a running mate.
Who was John Garner?
A TEXAN! And an EAST TEXAN to boot. Cotton country! Deepest of the deep south..
Nice try stupid.
Hmmm. Since Obama’s been in office he’s LOWERED taxes on moderate income people
Hmmm. There goes that comparison to Hoover.
So asshat troll are you getting your B.S. from Roger Hedgecock?
Prolly not. He’s only one of dozens who’s making this bullshit comparison.
You know Hedgecock is straight outta’ compton right?
straight outta compton!
‘nother crazy ass right winger!
the most progs I smoke, yo! my rep gets bigger!
I’m a bad asshat and you know this!
but them pr0no lovin’ right wingies won’t show this!
re 23: Hedgecock??? That’ll make your Cockburn.
Obummer’s US Attorney Roger Dumb Rabbit?
hmmmmmmm….three conclusions:
1. Today’s knee jerk asshats are clueless about the right wing bullshit they get through their e-mail.
2. FDR gets way too much fucking credit. He stopped stimulating the economy too early resulting in a double dip in 1937 and was pretty much bailed out by the biggest public works program of this country’s history: WWII. Hoover’s hapless too little too late administration deserves the shellacking history gives it.
3. Any good Obama would want to do is staunchly opposed by degenerate right wing Republicans whose grandest desire is not to relieve the suffering of ordinary Americans but to make the first African-American president a one termer. That there are some Democrats who are sellouts and tools of special interests doesn’t help either.
The arschloch sucked up some Steve’s Stupid Solution through his pores because he’s all arschloch.
Been reading Daily Kooks again eh arschloch?
Wow all that arschloch response above…
Daily Kooks! Damn man… busted again!
ROTFLMBBAO! And you attack one person through your channeling of a vile person arschloch? Remember it his blog that attacked Bristol Palin and Trig Palin, a down syndrome baby! That’s where you ran too?
OMG! Such a complete arschloch!
28 – Yawn wrong again…
Just googled “Obama is another Hoover”.
Doubt it, everyone knows your track record. Daily Kooks… Kooks TV, etc.
Oh so now you admit it wasn’t your own research… just hijacking without attribution.
That’s even worse!
You know the typical Republican administration lowers taxes and increases defense spending..
Obama has done what again?
Oh he’s sat in the oval office while black – no 4 more years for him.
And the next Republican president will do what?
Of course you do. You’re insane. Trying the same feckless bullshit… you know the rest.
YLB called it right on the money!
Now he’s caught so the arschloch tries to change the subject.
Where are all those links for those “facts” arschloch giving attribution serial plagiarizer? I found most of it on Daily Kooks.
Nope IDENTIFYING the source of your feckless bullshit, serial plagiarizer!
Notice how the degenerate Puddydope is not countering the facts of history but instead making a failed guilt by association slur..
To be expected.
hey burritoface, I got it from wikipedia, if you dont like the facts, then take it up with them.
the facts are the facts, and you progressives just got owned.
you are pining for the same shit Hoover did. Period. end of story.
deal with it, before you get bitch slapped.
Could this be racist?
to be a knee jerk bigot asshat.
And you’re succeeding quite well at it.
18 has one for a start. A u.s. history website – Wow. How “leftist”..
Oh I forget – the truth is “leftist” to you degenerates.
Awww poor poor arschloch…
Serial plagiarizer! Can’t link to the materials you use! Why? Because it cements everyone thought of how much of a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT loon you really are.
No Original Thought under that pink hair!
call me what you want, I dont give a fuck.
your a lazy POS, and thats about all that needs to be said of that. people like you are irrelevant and always will be. You dont have the ballzak to be a man and take charge. you sit in the background cowering like a little seniorita.
you only compare favorably to people like rujaxoff, who inhabit the bottom rungs of society – not for lack of opportunity, but for lack of effort.
life goes on.
40 – So you’re calling me a name with no backup.
As you’ve been saying a lot lately
but you won’t.. next..
41 – Hey you took a stab at an historical analysis that you’re probably lying about as to its source.
Different from your usual name-calling.
It was a piece of shit and that’s to be expected from you.
Where are the links serial plagiarizer? You proved my point above! Where did you get your “material” from starting with Post #18? Can’t seem to find da links! Where did you hijack it from? Hence the serial plagiarizer is very appropriate! Remember when I proved your Christian Science Monitor link was direct from Daily Kooks? That was PRICELESS work from Puddy!
Now run back to your crazed databaze for your next response!
No links, just plagiarizing DA Kooks! Serial Plagiarizer!
44 – Yawn. There’s one in 18..
Need more? On what facts?
John Garner? You want to see a link for that?
What did I say there that wasn’t true?
The asshat was the one who mentioned John Garner.
Just google him and you find he was an East Texan.
Of course, he’d rant about “socialism”.
Your response to anything that blows up your little left wrong world. BTW I proved it above.
Oh wow one historical link. You know exactly what I’m discussing here. The Daily Kooks serial plagiarizing you did!
I gotta go. Things to do money to make so my son can spend it on law school!
Wait for that special comment everyone…
47 – Yawn.. Haven’t proved shit. Never saw that Kos diary..
Yes I’M DENYING I have read it.
If you have proof positive I read it then present it.
Otherwise please stay away longer.
Heh. Indeed.
Love the Sightline bit.
Um… Sure Obama sucks. He’s doing it all wrong. We’re all doomed. Gonna die in a giant fireball. Whatever. Can you point to someone’s who doing it right? Where are the good results to be had?
I really DO think there’s something to that Ellen White shit about masturbation as it affects the pudypussy:
Poor guy…sucks to be him.
Maybe that’s why he can’t refute anything.
Poor puddypussy…him and his Dr. Laura nekkids. What a way to go.
Cite: http://www.ellenwhiteexposed.com/criticc.htm
51 – The think the asshat likes Republican Ron Paul.
First time the coward’s taken a stand of support for anyone except Dale Peterson.
Supporting Ron Paul is like supporting Pat Paulsen or Frank Zappa back in the day. (May he rest in peace).
It ain’t too serious.
But if the two parties keep screwing up the country then yes, we may end up with a fringie in the White House.
Shit it isn’t as if we haven’t tried anything else save for putting a woman in charge.
@13 Let me know what you think was cut and pasted after you read the comment, which you obviously haven’t done yet.
@14 Sorry, but that explanation doesn’t work this time (or any of the previous times). The one-sentence comment that WordPress wouldn’t post was entirely of my own authorship.
@25 Oh lordy, pussy, at least try getting within 1,000 miles of actual facts instead of totally making shit up.
Here’s one for the puddypusy to de-bunk.
Maybe “wingnutdaily” or “clownhall” or “pjswiththedropflap media” can help out. I just SURE it’s wrong…or left wing propaganda or…something.
@27 Brought to you by the same Stoopidity that claims Hitler was a socialist.
@30 If I had YOUR track record I would drown myself.
Boy! She sure is smart! Boyhowdy!!!
@52 You forgot retinal detachment — jerking off makes puddy blind, remember?
@60 If Bachmann doesn’t like government spending she should support raising the minimum wage.
The existing minimum wage, you see, allows employers to push approximately half of the their labor cost onto taxpayers.
That’s because nobody can live on the federal minimum wage. Workers, like businesses, have costs associated with providing their labor which include, among other things, keeping themselves alive. You know, food and shelter and clothing and health care. About half the cost of minimum-wage workers’ subsistence is borne by taxpayers through government programs that provide food assistance, housing assistance, energy assistance, medical assistance, training assistance, daycare assistance, etc.
The minimum wage is a gigantic subsidy for employers.
Michelle Bachmann apparently wants workers to provide their labor for less than it costs them to provide it. I can’t think of a more effective job-killing program than that.
That’s like asking a businessman to sell widgets that cost $5.00 to produce for $2.50.
No one expects anyone in business to do that; so why does everyone in business expect workers to do that?
I have my own subsistence program: I don’t work for the wages Republicans want to pay. In fact, I don’t work at all. That way, they don’t have to pay me, and I don’t have to work for them, and everyone is happy.
52 – Rujax his insanity goes even deeper than that.
Any sexual dysfunction he may have is probably the least of his problems.
The guy walks in a delusional dream world where sex has no place. It’s all about his right wing bullshit.
Wow, what a smarty!
Yes, let’s win that race to the bottom!
You keep bringing this up rujax! So how many did you see? So how many did you download?
You seem to be the expert here!
Gee you know Warren Buffet thinks he’s required to pay too little in taxes compared to the lower income people who work for him.
Buffet thinks there should be a tax bracket for those making between one million and 10 million and another for over 10 million..
Buffet also thinks people who bring home a paycheck should keep the current 2 percent payroll tax break at least until the economy is growing and creating an adequate number of jobs.
Buffet isn’t talking about anyone of modest income. He’s talking about people like him. He doesn’t have a problem with paying his federal taxes at a higher rate than the middle income who work for him.
Oh my Roger Dumb Rabbit…
The serial arschloch plagiarist won’t produce his links. Very telling. And I know why! Read his BULLSHITTIUM from post#18 onward and then read this link from Daily Kooks…
I realize your reading comprehension has dwindled lately since the Cass Sunstein Homer Simpson Quote has been in the blogosphere for months now! So take your time and parse his response to Bartertown and compare to the Kookville Posting. When the serial plagiarist won’t produce his source, well it smells of Kookville!
Another truism from the arschloch
Except the money comes from Mrs arschloch and her SEIU job! It’s amazing the things you write in one of your few lucid moments!
Wow arschloch, telling the truth for a change. Keep it up. There is hope for you yet!
Warren Buffett should write a $5Billion check to the US Treasury. That should relieve his guilty mind of his low taxes!
Sure seems the misogynist rujax is worried is pocketpool playing days are catching up to him.
Let’s review those “stellar” qualities:
Has been musician
Bottom dweller in HA
Disparages Conservative blond hair women with misogynist attacks
Disparages Conservative First Generation Cubano Senators
Hates his own people in the postal system
Race baitor
Is a clown with a blog of unrenown
Didn’t figger out the black girl passed over for valedictorian in Arkansas was living in a city that overwhelmingly voted for Obummer in 2008
Yep that’s a start!
Calling someone burrito face assumes you’ve seen them. We see his picture so calling him little troll man is way more appropriate! I liked it when he had his left eye full of crap. When you blew up the picture the Neon light was on saying:
“Space Available In Here Under My Pink Hair”
The more you think about it
1) He had that little troll man since he was a little kid
2) He bought the little troll man with Mrs arschloch’s SEIU paycheck
3) He gave the little troll man to his kids as a Christmas present. Big spender
4) He stole the little troll man from his kids
5) He called one of his loontardo friends and got the little troll man
Heh. Lying @ 71. Never read that kos post.
72 – That remark referred to your kid. You’re so sick with ODS you dream of him being the anti-OBAMA.
73 – Warren Buffet thinks all rich people should pay because he’s smart. When all rich people pay, it better solves the problem. The government needs to spend because the private sector won’t.
David Stockman goes even further than Buffet – a one time 15 percent surcharge to cut the deficit in half. Remember he was Saint Raygun’s right hand man for at least 5 years.
Oh my! Wonders never cease. You agree with me that the asshat troll is being a dumbass racist when he attacks me for my brown skin people blood..
Hmmm. You’ve done a little of the same. You were ranting and raving a couple times about my people having something against black people.
You’re full of shit of course. My people have no more against blacks than asians or whites. You haven’t proved shit about shit.
And you proved yourself stupid again. The little troll man is pointing fun at all you right wing dings.
I’m the guy on the inter tubes having fun at you trolls’ expense!
Thanks for making my point again!
heh.. Saint Raygun’s right hand man Stockman is a “class warrior”..
And Warren Buffet is a traitor to his class or a self-hating plutocrat.
Hey! This gal is all right!
Never bothered with high school. An independent sex entrepreneur. Her wikileaks piece is an interesting read. Bookmarked!
@72 You got something against people getting paid union wages?
I don’t know a single Republican millionaire who’d be happy if he had to live on SEIU workers’ wages.
Not at all moron… I differentiated myself from others. We see your picture each day.
And they are in prison for murder charges moron. Review your crazed databaze.
Serial Plagiarist @77,
No links just more arschloch farts (lies). You even admitted to copy and paste above
See ya serial plagiarist. Such a silly ASShat. Pfffffffffffft. “Yawn”.
Roger Dumb Rabbit,
I see you are getting more senile each day. Read the conversation then comment.
You’ll look more intelligent in the twilight years!
Serial dumbass @ 83
don’t follow your orders moron… The dates I cited are pure U.S. history.. For the umpteenth time I never saw that kos diary. Like everything else you bring here – it’s a pure fantasy that I referred. I addressed the asshat’s bullshit historical analysis point by stupid point with google serarches.
Hoover wasn’t a tax and spender like the asshat wants to paint him. He was a conservative.
He rose taxes near the END of his term and only to balance the budget. Those were the days when Republicans actually took balanced budgets seriously. His spending programs if anything were overly cautious and weren’t sufficient to address the country’s economic malaise. It was pushing on a string.
The freaking right wing Hoover Institute at Stanford is named after Hoover. Your favorite economist (next to Art Laff-a-minute) Thomas Sowell works there.
hows this for lying about a source”
you just got served, now go have a taco and shut the fuck up.
86 – Did the wikipedia article make a stupid ass comparison between Hoover and Obama like you did and any number of right wing tools out there like Roger Hedgecock.
No asshole.
Have a great weekend, go do something anatomically awkward to yourself.
You miserable bigoted asshat – skip the fruit, vegetables and the meat you never know whose brown skinned hands prepared it for your consumption.
LMAO!! I don’t take degenerate right wing orders.
Tack on another six months of free speech for that.
I call you as I see you – always will..
Count on it.
@84 What makes you think I bother to read your so-called “comments”?
If you’ve heard one fart, you’ve heard ’em all.
Puddystupid popped one of his two synapses when he found out my wife is a dues paying SEIU member – and no we don’t opt the dues out of their political agenda.
The remaining synapse – trained by Glenn Beck – has been on a teahad ever since.
That’s all puddypussy’s got.
Fuck that’s weak.
Jesus…Jackson sucks.
Uhhh NOPE you DOPE!
It’s very plain and utterly simple arschloch idiot! It just proved who wears the pants (Mrs arschloch) and who wears the pink panties tight around their Koro scrote (the HA arschloch)!
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit, you comment on them all the time!
So now that you know about Cass Sunstein, you can see how you are one of his malleable idiot!
To the idiot@92:
Read again… Yep that’s a start! It’s your recent moronic loony material from 2011.
Ahhh the HA serial arschloch plagiarizer farts (lies)
From where serial plagiarizer? Source?
No links no proof. It doesn’t exist! Just bluster from a loony buzzard! Just more arschloch farts (lies). You even admitted to copy and paste above
Uh yes you liar. No use denying it:
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b seiu -c
| count |
| 148 |
1 row in set
The HA serial plagiarist always runs to the crazed databaze when he’s lost another discussion. Notice he posts some chronologically useless links more and more these days.
HA crazed databaze arschloch – serial plagiarist
| count |
| 1 |
only row in set
No links no truths just lies Lies LIES!
Wow what right wing ding said this???
Oh PuddyMORON!
That was from 2007. Why nothing bad to say about a union that represents many public sector workers? It’d be the best irony if it turned out YOUR WIFE is a dues paying SEIU member!
And what changed your tune idiot? Could it have been your slavish worship of the idiocy of Glenn Beck?
But there’s more…
Wiki stated the facts.
I posted them here,.
Perhaps you are too dense to make the comparison yourself. fact is, Obama and the progressives want to do the same thing Hoover did.
I can tell you are the type of person that doesnt have the ability to think for yourself – you need everything told to you, which is why you need to take orders like a good little seniorita….in fact we all know you dont wear the pants in your family.
keep denying the facts all you want, but you and your ilk are hoover defacto hoover lovers and supporters.
now go back to cowering like the little girly-man you are.
rujaxoff drives a mail truck?
wow, are you sure he’s qualified for that? I’m thinking he lied on his resume.
Pavlov calls it again. Butt then again he hijacks a partial comment from a thread where something happened in the SEIU in 2007. Can the HA serial plagiarist crazed databaze arschloch remember what happened in the SEIU in 2007?
Remember crazed databaze serial plagiarist arschloch you proffered the link so now tell us what happened serial plagiarist!
Let’s see how long this takes the crazed databaze serial plagiarist arschloch since he only partially replayed the comment!
101 – The comparison between Obama and Hoover was BULLSHIT and I proved it.
Raising taxes six months before Hoover’s term ended had NOTHING to do with 24.9 percent unemployment that was going on MANY MONTHS before that.
That among other stupid things in 12 that looking around on the internet I see that other right wing bigots and lie makers have put out.
I can tell that you’re the kind of person like Puddybud who’ll tell any freaking kind of lie to hide the fact that you don’t know too much and even if you do you can’t stand it when facts conflict with your bigotry.
Now go back your miserable bigoted existence where you drive 50 to 100 miles a day to escape from people you hate. Gas can’t go up to over 5 dollars a gallon too fast for people like you.
PuddyStupid – serial dumbass.
Can’t open a freaking US history book to save his miserable life.
Does the wife belong to SEIU fool? Any close family member? Someone going to your church?
Confirm or DENY FOOL!
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
That’s why I called him re-run. Nothing unique just a copy!
Remember this funny
Oooooo… serial dumbass. That’s the best you got serial plagiarizer? Did you copy that from Googling the ‘nets.
LMFAO..I only drive 20 miles to work.
and I can afford $5 dollar gas….can you?
and guess what, its boating day again! time to pollute more water! WOOHOO! Of course you know I need to pollute the roads first with the F350 to get the boat to the lake, today is a double pollute day! I might even let it idle for an extra 20 mins just to make sure I bet some bonus carbon into the air!
do you think algore will let me do some “carbon trading”? (insert laughter here about algores scam)
and the comparison isnt bullshit – its fact. you just try to squirm adn BS your way out of it, but once again you fail.
LMFAO @ “lookign around the internet”.
fuck dude, do you have a fucking life or not? what a god damned miserable life you must have – “looking around the internet”..fuck, this really is how you live your life it? – everythign revolves around blogs, wackadoodle political sites, and nutty conspiracy theories.
nerdly ass shut-ins like you need to get a life….maybe you should buy a boat.
104 – and dumbass bigot piece of crap???
The economy under Obama HAS BEEN GROWING. Too slowly – not enough to produce the jobs that are needed but it has been growing.
That’s a fact.
American corporations and Wall Street are busting profit records. Have been for a long time.
owned… I think you’re done now.
Again you’re the king of person who’ll hide the fact that he gets most of his information from right wing hate talk radio and the e-mails forwarded to him by his right wing bigot buddies.
107,108 – Deflecting from the FACT that you were a one time SEIU “jockstrap”..
If you weren’t against them you were for them..
Tell us why Puddybud. Cough it up Beck worshipper!
Wow you just owned yourself dumbshit.
What did you do in 12? Copy and paste an e-mail from a fellow bigot lobotomy?
Nope you DOPE. You don’t even know what happened in the SEIU for me to write that.
Nope you DOPE. Always been against them moron! You pulled the link so answer it yourself moron!
You are just plain stupid. You are the stupidest of the most stupid here. The bottom dweller of HA.
So that’s 40 miles right? Only off by 10.
But of course who in their right mind would believe anything you’d type?
ahhh, see this where you take the final fail.
I am comparing the programs and legislation that each has passed or tried to pass….and in that I win..again.
burrito spin fail.
you going spend another sunny day plowing TEH INTWARWEBS?….ya, you know you are.
BAD to say about them!
You’ve been exposed Puddybud!
@112: Ironically, if we were ever to live in God’s kingdom, Pudpuller would be a slave.
Pudpuller’s fellow travelers in the cracker states cited the bible often as their divine right to own other people and beat them mercilessly when they get out of line.
110 – FAIL AGAIN. What tax increases has Obama passed beside a increase on tobacco taxes for teh evul cause of health insurance for kids?
The only thing Obama has proposed is letting SOME of the Bush tax cuts expire. It won’t happen before his first term ends.
You’re still in denial that you’re a dumbshit. Always will be.
Oh my serial plagiarizer…
You fell into your own trap and now without the crazed databaze to guide you, you are lost. I had nothing bad to say about them AFTER something happened.
You are just plain stupid. You are the stupidest of the most stupid here. The bottom dweller of HA.
ROTFLMBBAO! Search the crazed databaze moron. Wait… he can’t figger it out!
Its a company gas card fool…..I negotiated that in.
and if 20 miles each way scares you, then you are a bigger pussy than I thought.
you may think Im a dumbshit, but somehow I am more successful and wealthy, and obviously more happy and content, than you are – or ever will be.
I bet that keeps you up at night too.
time to load hitch up the boat….
He is the pussy of the arschloch household!
120 – Do you declare that compensation on your income taxes?
How fortunate for you! Lots of working stiffs stuck in traffic can’t possibly dream of getting a benefit like that.
Shit I bet even Puddybud declares those frequent flyer miles he brags about on his taxes.
yea right LMAO!!!
I KNOW YOU ARE A DUMBSHIT. No one with half a brain would write the stupid crap in 12.
You should have stuck to name-calling.
119 – That’s the first time you mentioned SEIU.
Where’s the link serial dumbass?
Why Puddybud were you at one time was an SEIU “jockstrap”?
This is too funny. YOU said in 2007 you had NOTHING BAD to say about them.
Not even ONE thing????
You owned yourself as a one-time SEIU “jockstrap” Puddybud!
I bet your wife is an SEIU organizer. You’ve been quiet about that. If that’s true that’d be too freaking rich!
Been fun right wing dumbasses.
Got to go to have fun with fambly…
LMAO!! And part of being “happy and content” is getting fortified with Pendleton, coming here and calling people ugly names.
yea, what a life!
Oh poor serial plagiarizer…
This is about your plagiarizing of Internet documentation! No links just LIES!
You brought up the SEIU question so answer it yourself moron! I know why! Apparently you don’t.
Another chronological failure with the HA crazed databaze!
You are STUCK on STUPID!
Oh my serial plagiarizer… you have no idea what happens in the world of work! Gas cards and other perks are considered part of your compensation so it’s already declared.
You are an insignificant chronological serial plagiarizing moron with no knowledge of the world of work! But you know how to copy and paste.
Oh serial dumbass you had NOTHING BAD to say about SEIU.
Not even to condemn them for OPPOSING an Eyman intiative????
How will all your fellow Glenn Beck fans treat after this is revealed??? It so sucks for you fool!
DENY IT Puddybud! Someone very close to you is heavily involved with SEIU.
Up above I DENIED reading that kos diary because that is the truth – never saw it before you posted it.
DENY your wife or any else close to you works with SEIU!
O serial dumbass what facts did I mistate about Hoover’s record?
Facts you can lift from any decent u.s. history book.
But you get your u.s. history from Glenn Beck and that’s why you’re such a laughable buffoon.
Keep making me laugh O serial dumbass.
No links just lies serial plagiarizer arschloch. How can I know what is truth and lies with out links serial plagiarizer arschloch?
Just a rolling train wreck!
10:32 am!
Next post 10:34 am
Wow two minutes with da fambly!
Could have fooled many of us since no links serial plagiarizer arschloch!
No I said something else moron you chose like always to hijack the part you think is important.
ROTFLMBBAO because he can’t ask Mrs arschloch what happened at the SEIU in 2007!!!
No I said something else
O serial liar again you said this:
It’s documented. It’s in the threads. You’re trying to spin it like a dumbass fool.
And then you asked:
To make the same old stupid ass insults against the memory of folks here as if anyone cares to remember any of your utterly moronic and boring name-calling rants.
If anyone reads your blather it’s to mock it. Poor serial liar.