– The survivor of the South Park rapes and murder speaks up in her own name for the first time.
– I don’t know what to say about the UK riots.
– US Bonds have been downgraded. We need to find something safe. Like US Bonds!
– GOP celebrates it’s ability to lose seats in Wisconsin.
– Middle Man.
– Eyman’s latest dumbass initiative may cost us federal money.
It’s amazing that Limbaugh, etc. are calling the Wisconsin recall elections a “mandate to roll back 65 years of Democratic policies”.
We went into their own turf, in conservative districts, and took back two out of six seats. That they were able to retain control of the Senate by one vote, in a very close race, may give them reason for a sigh of relief, but nothing more.
Next year the entire Wisconsin Assembly (similar to our House) is up for re-election. And Scott will be up for recall, he’s currently got an approval rating in the low 30’s. This should be fun to watch.
But here in Washington we should treat the 2012 elections as an opportunity to recall every Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives. There should be no safe Republican seat in Washington state. Time to get off our rear ends and get to work.
Rachel Beckwith’s cause has received a Nicholas Kristoff/New York Times bump and might top $900,000 today.
An HA bump would have been smaller, but would have still accounted for something, if only a small gesture. But it’s not gonna happen because a post about this remarkable little girl wouldn’t be in the “spirit” of HA, which apparently is discussing pot, and bashing wingnuts, God and Christians. The reality of hope and change in this world, led by a little girl, obviously has no place here.
Do you want to make hope and change a reality? Click here and give generously,
I heard a caller on the radio this morning, who was apparantly a plant from the Rick Perry campaign. He was insisting that under Perry, more jobs were created in Texas than in the rest of the U.S. combined, and that Texas is currently operating under a budget surplus.
Of course, it’s complete B.S., those conclusions could be reached only by manipulating statistics to the point where they bear absolutely no resemblence to reality. But expect this to be their campaign strategy. It will appeal to the low-information voter who doesn’t want to get into the numbers, and it is abbetted by the news media which thinks it has to show “both sides” of the argument without pointing out that one of the sides is an outright liar.
One party already rules this state, and you want more of the same?? Lol….
Steve, unfortunately you are seeing what ha and goldy and his lackies are really about.
Keep up the postings for rachel, steve…..the wife-unit made another donation last night and is rallying her coworkers to do the same.
We will golf soon and celebrate what the charity has done
# 2: I already gave. But quite frankly, I give most of my charitable contributions through my church.
The only charity goldy is willing to promote was the one designed to help pay his mortgage and household bills…and we all remember that one.
We went into their own turf
we??? u dont even live in wisconson? so you’re an out of state rabble rouser.
thats funny, ’cause in taxachusetts the libs always complain when they find out a 25 dollar check went to a gop candidate from out of state.
The “Kids for Cash” judge in Pennsylvania has been sentenced to 28 years in jail for racketeering. Since he is 61 years old, this is pretty close to a life sentence.
You might remember the details. Juveniles would be brought to his court on minor charges. They would not be informed of their right to have their parents or a lawyer present. The judge would often cut them off when they tried to speak, and sentence them to just short of a year in a private juvenile prison facility. One girl was found guilty by him an sentenced for merely setting up a facebook page which lampooned her principle.
It turned out the judge (and one or two others) were getting substantial cash payments – kick backs – from the company running the private prison for each inmate that was sent to them. Over 4,000 convictions have been reversed after this became public.
Of course, this won’t stop the Republicans from continuing to claim that private companies can do anything the government can do, only better and cheaper, despite the fact that a profit motive isn’t always the best motivation for essential government functions.
# 9: “We” means Democrats, a political party of which I consider myself a member. “Their own turf” means Conservative Republican districts in Wisconsin.
How difficult is that for you to understand?
And since when did either of the Koch brothers become Wisconsin residents? They contrubuted the lion’s share of the Republican war chest to fight these recalls, over a million dollars that can be tracked directly to them, and probably much more which can’t be tracked.
# 9: “We” means Democrats, a political party of which I consider myself a member. “Their own turf” means Conservative Republican districts in Wisconsin.
oh ok. i didnt realize. its just a metaphor, like for example “targeting” certain representives for defeat. nothing wrong with that i dont think.
Right wingers are the “it” thing these days.. Wow so cool to be a right wing batshit insane tea bagger.
So great to be a right wing idiot. You just make shit up.. Live in a fantasy world. It’s easier than you know – dealing with reality.
Right wing crap head Mitch McConnell in 1990.
re 12: It is interesting that Wisconsin Republicans consider losing 2 seats in the state legislature in a non-election year as a triumph.
May you continue to dominate in such a decisive way.
With all the hype and bluster that the progressives put into wisconsin, I think grabbing only 2 seats is seen as a failure for the democrats
Keep on living with your heads you know where right wingers.
The earths climate has always changed…and always will, no matter how much money you give to algore. The only people who have thbeir head buried in the sand are the ones who think that by spending money and controling how everyone lives that we can cause mommy earth’s climate to never change.
You’ve been duped….
Careful rhp – you might get attacked by the usual suspects for being envious of ‘tuh evul rich’.
18 – You’ve taken my advice @ 17! Thanks for playing.
I never bought into the bullshit like you have. Your the only one playing.
re 16 — ‘…hype and bluster….’? I guess you guys only lost a little bit — and that spells victory in Wingnuttown.
re 16: ‘Mission Accomplished’
21 – I’ve looked at the evidence and accepted the conclusions of many climate scientists – you’ve done something else.
Hint: I’ve described it at the end of comment 17.
@2 Little Rachel’s $300 fundraiser currently tops $930K and is now in the stretch run toward $1 million.
@21 To the contrary, you’ve bought into the bullshit big-time.
Donations to Rachel’s cause are way up today, reaching $930,000. Comments like this one help explain why.
Of course, there will be no media bump from the likes of HA and (un)SP. Neither site can be bothered, as there are more important things to discuss than how a little girl’s birthday wish is changing the world for the better.
‘Kids For Cash’ Judge Gets 28 Years
Ex-judge Mark Ciavarella, 61, who took sold thousands of children to a private prison company to keep their beds filled for $1 million of bribes, was sentenced today to 28 years in federal prison following his conviction on racketeering and conspiracy charges.
A number of other individuals involved in the scandal, including court officials, also are facing prison sentences. More than 4,000 juveniles who served time in the private prison have had their convictions vacated, and a class-action lawsuit has been filed against the two corrupt judges, their spouses, the prison company, its owners, and other conspirators on their behalf.
If I were on that jury, I’d give those kids $10 million each. I’d put that prison company into bankruptcy. Oh, and one more thing, I think every Republican legislator in America who wants to turn hand over our public institutions to private contractors for private gain should be in jail right along with these corrupt bastards.
I mean, selling little children — some as young as 10 — into prison so some asshole can buy a yacht and private jet with taxpayers’ money … how fucking mean and low can you get???
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I know a lot of my liberal buddies here are bleeding hearts who are against executing anyone for anything, but at a gut level, it’s tempting to at least toy with the thought of executing some of these motherfuckers for what they did to these kids. I don’t want to be a rabble rouser or instigator of anything, but it’s also tempting to imagine an outraged parent getting a handgun and … oh, never mind, that’s just a Wisconsin joke.*
(* Wisconsin GOP legislators think anyone should be able to buy and carry a handgun anywhere, including into schools, courtrooms, theaters, and daycares, without a background check or permit.)
@27 Well, you and I are keeping it alive here, aren’t we? I will continue to do so.
@18 Oh please. Leave science to scientists and go play in your sandbox.
10, 28 — oops, you beat me to it; but still, it’s not possible to express too much outrage over this. And we need to constantly remind people that this scandal was made possible by the rightwing ideology of privatizing government functions.
There’s a reason why government, and not private companies, should run courts, prisons, police departments, and other public services of an essentially government nature. Actually, there are many reasons, including cost — privatizing does NOT save taxpayers money, this has been demonstrated over and over — but the biggest reason is because we have at least some control over how government functions are managed through elections, public meetings, and other means; whereas we have NO control over how privately owned entities behave.
The bipolar stock market closed 423 Dow points up today after closing over 500 Dow points down yesterday. Day traders are making a mint from this daily whipsawing.
@3 “I heard a caller on the radio this morning, who was apparantly a plant from the Rick Perry campaign. He was insisting that under Perry, more jobs were created in Texas than in the rest of the U.S. combined, and that Texas is currently operating under a budget surplus.”
Texas also has some of the worst schools and lowest levels of public services in the nation — and, judging from the number of people who are executed there, that state is not exactly crime-free.
@28 Execution is too merciful for them. The justice they deserve awaits them in Cellblock D’s showers and prison yard.
@29 I’ve noticed!
Texas doesn’t have the highest murder rate, but it’s consistently above average, and more than double Washington’s.
States with consistently low murder rates include New Hampshire, Vermont, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa.
Romney Gets In Shouting Match With Iowa Crowd
Clearly, the American public is angry and upset about what’s happening in our country. While campaigning in Iowa, Mitt Romney got into it with the crowd — you can watch the video clip here:
Basically, the confrontation started when a senior citizen tried to ask Romney a question; the exchange then went like this (I’m paraphrasing, not quoting verbatim):
Senior Citizen: I want to ask you a question.
Romney: We’re not going to do this.
Senior Citizen: I’m on social security and Medicare. What are you going to do to strength social security and Medicare without cutting benefits?
Romney: I’ll tell you what I’m not going to do. I’m not going to raise taxes. If you don’t like my answer, vote for Barack Obama.
The crowd then starts chanting, “Wall Street greed! Wall Street greed! Wall Street greed!”
That’s because it’s too damn cold to go out and kill somebody for half the year in those states. Plus, in ND people forget they need to adjust for windage in any shot over 10 feet.
@38 I didn’t think of that, but you may be onto something.
@38 (continued) You’d think, though, that being cooped up inside for six months would lead to more “cabin fever” (a/k/a “domestic”) homicides.
One of the human mysteries which I, as a rabbit, have never been able to figure out is why so many humans kill the people they married.
Down here in the ground, in our rabbit burrows, where we rabbits live together in confined proximity during the cold months, there’s a certain amount of kicking and biting but nobody ever loses their lives, just a few patches of fur and a few drops of blood.
Bosses Are Bullies Dep’t
Working America, a union-sponsored website, ran a contest for workers to submit “bad boss” stories. Their version of the Golden Goat Award went to this guy:
“Working America’s staff picked as its winner the tale of a person whose team was forced to work standing up after the boss took away their chairs. The worker was then asked to fire a disabled worker because she couldn’t stand up.”
Actually, that probably worked out pretty well for the disabled worker, after her lawyers got through with that boss, thanks to the Americans With Disabilities Act (the boss apparently didn’t get that memo from his legal department). The runner up was:
“The ‘people’s choice’ winner details the tribulations of a coffee shop worker who was being taken by ambulance to the hospital for heart problems and had to field several telephone calls from the boss, ‘specifically harassing me about how my health problems were causing scheduling problems for the business.’ Bonus: The employer later eliminated the worker’s health insurance and then expressed surprise when he or she quit.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ve created a culture here in America where employers are treated like gods and workers are treated like dirt. Yet our culture teaches our children a “work ethic” that says in effect working you ass off to make someone else rich is good, and refusing to work for low pay under dirty, dangerous, and demeaning working conditions is somehow morally reprehensible.
Well, guess what, that’s all a con job. The truth is, people who actually work hard and make something (the “producers”) are considered fools while our culture idolizes and worships people who are adept at getting paid huge bucks for contributing absolutely nothing of any value to society.
(N.B.: The teenaged “Barefoot Bandit” just got $1.3 million for the movie rights to the story of his crime spree.)
I’m not sure how much Snookie gets paid for being a jackass on TV — this is what passes for “entertainment” in today’s America — but I’m sure she gets more in one year (maybe one month) than most working stiffs would see from a lifetime of backbreaking (and body-destroying) physical labor in a non-union chicken processing plant or tire recycling center.
Well, fuck that crap, I don’t work! At the very least, I won’t work for Republican wages on Republican terms and conditions. I used to do that, but I wise up and realized it’s much more profitable to sit on my ass in front of a computer screen flipping stocks, which produces nothing and adds no wealth to the economy. I get paid for pushing the same money in endless and meaningless circles. Want to know how much I get paid? I put a little over $5,000 into the stock market 25 years ago, and today I made over $4,000 — in one fucking day! — for sitting on my ass producing absolutely nothing! Why would anyone work for $10 an hour in a system like this? I don’t, and you shouldn’t, either.
Wow, quite the day for little Rachel’s cause, with donations now totalling over $952,000.
I remember reading a story about billionaire Ron Perelman, who in a meeting told one of his managers to put his sick wife in a nursing home so he could spend more time at work — the guy quit.
And I read another story about how Perelman’s Long Island mansion is guarded by private security guards armed with submachine guns. It’s not hard to figure out why he needs that kind of security.
This is the kind of people Republicans want to give tax breaks to.
@44 Correction, the guy didn’t quit, Perelman fired him.
So here we go again with the cheapskate rabbit..today he brags to us about making $4k in one day……and mr big spender gave a whole whopping $20 to the rachel fund. And then the cheapskate bastard has the gall to update us on the rachel fund. Gee thanks rabbit.
You really an old, angry pos aren’t you rabbit
Typical progressive?
Oh, and thanks for the update steve.
Before some troll jumps in here and says Perelman was a Clinton backer, let me add that I don’t give a shit whether he’s a Democrat or a Republican, an asshole is an asshole.
But you can bet I already know the answer to that one. (Remember the old adage about how a lawyer should never ask a question he doesn’t know the answer to?)
Perelman is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Or, at least, you can’t determine what he is from his campaign contributions. Who knows who he votes for? But campaign contributions are public record, and in 1996, Perelman did give money to Clinto but he also gave money to Dole. Perelman is one of those guys who tries to cover all the bases by buying politicians from both parties.
@46 I also gave $100 to Operation Helmet. Remember that one? Movie star Cher spearheaded a private charity that raised millions of dollars to buy better head protection for our soldiers in Iraq — helmets the Bush administration was too cheap to buy for our troops because, you know, those tax cuts for millionaires were expensive.
Oh, and before I forget, the Bush administration tried to eliminate combat pay for our troops in Iraq only three months into a war that ultimately lasted more than 7 years, and housed our wounded Iraq heroes in moldy barracks.
I mention this because my contributions to the greater good go far beyond the 20 bucks I gave to Little Rachel’s clean-water charity drive. The four decades I’ve been voting against Republicans is of inestimable value to America and the world — it’s simply not possible to put a dollar value on that.
“- US Bonds have been downgraded. We need to find something safe. Like US Bonds!”
Rhetorical points aside, bonds (and other fixed-income investments) are anything but safe. Here’s how the math works.
Let’s say interest rates are 3% and a $100 bond pays 3%. If you sell that bond in the market, someone will pay you $100 for it, because that’s what you have to pay for $3 a year of income.
But now let’s suppose interest rates go up to 5%. Who wants a bond paying only 3% when he can get 5% everywhere else? You can still sell that 3% bond, but you’ll get only $60 for it, because to get $5 a year of income the purchaser needs to buy 1.66 of those bonds.
Of course, you can avoid losing $40 of the $100 you paid for that 3% bond by keeping it until maturity, but you’re losing $2 a year of income by doing so.
It should be obvious that when, as now, short-term interest rates are zero there’s only one direction interest rates can go — up — and given that bond prices always move in the opposite direction of interest rates, anyone buying a zero-interest bond is investing in an asset whose market value can only go down.
Why would any rational person buy an investment like that?
Fixed-income financial products — which include bonds, CDs, Treasuries, and savings accounts — have their place. CDs are a good place to keep emergency cash that you don’t want to tie up in long-term investments. The cash you put into stocks should be surplus cash, not money you may need in the near future for medical expenses or other personal needs. But as investments, bonds and other fixed-income vehicles are lousy investments. Over time, they consistently underperform stocks by a factor of roughly 3-to-1.
Over the long haul, absolutely nothing comes close to common stocks for delivering total return. Of course, you have to choose stocks intelligently, and you have to manage your stock portfolio calmly and rationally. Sure, you’re getting paid for risk, but most risks are readily manageable — that’s why well-managed insurance companies not only can stay in business but can make money year after year. The way you manage stock market risk is by choosing stocks of well-managed and financially sound companies that sell products and services people want; are steadily growing their sales and earnings; return value to shareholders by not overpaying executives or making stupid acquisitions, and by paying dividends and regularly increasing dividends; and by making sure you buy those stocks when they’re undervalued, or at least not paying too much for them.
Sadly, he’ll find no shortage of political prostitutes to buy.
As long as we’re discussing the 20 bucks I gave to little Rachel’s charity, let’s talk about how Republicans want to replace government programs like food stamps and unemployment insurance with private charity.
The point is, I didn’t have to give Rachel’s charity anything, and that’s why America’s unemployed and hungry people shouldn’t have to depend on private charity.
Capitalism is a fickle system. It distributes wealth unfairly and unequally, and in order to maximize market efficiency, it has to destroy less-efficient enterprises and render people unemployed through no fault of their own. Most of America’s millions of unemployed go there by the luck of the draw, not because of anything they did wrong (or failed to do right).
Why should their basic necessities — food, clothing, shelter, medical care — depend on someone else’s willingness to voluntarily donate $20, $200, or $200,000 to a private charity? Why can’t we collectively agree to insure ourselves against the calamities of economic downturns, unemployment, illness and disability, or the whims of bullying bosses, by setting up government-run programs that we pay for ourselves by taxing ourselves to create a “safety net” of guaranteed benefits that we don’t have to hope or beg for, but are entitled to as a matter of legal right, so we don’t have to depend on Roger Rabbit’s willingness (or lack thereof) to give more than 20 bucks to a private charity?
That’s exactly what we’ve done. It’s a great system. Or at least, a better system than depending on the charitable impulses of a cheapskate like Roger Rabbit. And that’s the system Republicans want to dismantle.
Why would anyone vote for Republicans? Seriously — why would YOU vote for them? I’m talking to YOU, trolls! Explain yourselves.
Government “safety net” programs not only protect our citizens, they also protect capitalism. By insuring the capitalist system’s casualties against destitution and hunger, these programs maintain public support for the capitalist system. An economic system that fails to provide some of the people with life’s basic necessities isn’t long for this world. If you think capitalism is the best system there is, why would you want to see it overthrown by angry starving mobs?
Republicans like to forget that FDR’s New Deal saved capitalism at a time when lots of desperate people were ready to scrap it.
Seems to me that the Republican’s remember perfectly well that they had everything set up to turn America into a hybrid neo-feudal/facist state and old FDR came along and smashed their plans. That FDR was one of the wealthy, ruling class, made it that much worse.
Hey, Max, the folks who are raising money to pay for Rachel’s family’s medical expenses is having a tournament on September 15th at Redmond Ridge.
I’m not sure if they’ll earmark entry fee money for the family or not. I’ll inquire. Either way, it’s a great group and they do good things. Are you interested?
Glenn Beck sez, “I firmly believe that race riots are on the way,” he said. “They are being encouraged…[the Obama administration] will take this country down. If it looks like they are losing, the uber left, they will take it down. If I can’t have it, no one will.”
What an ass.
Mitt sez, “Corporations are people, my friend.”
Another ass.
I don’t know what to say about the UK riots.
what you could say, carl, is that with your own eyes you can see that the huge majority of the rioters are minorities. despite the medias best effort to spin it otherwise. i saw an interview yesterday with a rioter, his was hooded and masked but you could see he was white. the laugh was that there were hundreds of unmasked rioters behind him, all black. so why did the media chhose the 1 in 100 guy to interview. then of course the guy they arrested in the raid was, of course, black. plus, it was miday and he was arrested at home. i guess he was just waiting for the mailman to get his welfare check.
Among Romney’s gaffes at today’s “soapbox” event in Iowa, was his insistence the “Corporations are people too”.
I’m sure the Democratic National Committee is making sure they keep that recording around for use a year from now if Romney wins the nomination.
In other news, Texas governor Rick Perry is about to throw his had into the ring. It’s curious that he waits until the day of the Republican debates prior to the Republican straw-poll in Iowa, but I guess he’s thinking (a) he doesn’t want to be just another of the severn or eight dwarfs fighting for attention on stage; and (b) he wants them to make the first mistake.
My guess is that by the end of this year it’s going to be a three-way race for the Republican nomination: Romney in first place, followed by either Bachman or Perry, both of whom will be trying to elbow the other out of the way as being the “anti-Romney” candidate.
The Republican rules are set to favor an early front-runner sliding into the nomination without significant opposition after the “Super Tuesday” primaries in March, but this scenario suggests the possibility that while Romney might have the lead, he won’t be able to get the nomination nailed down before the convention – opening the possibility of a brokered Republican convention for the first time in a very long time.
I think one observation could be that since the beginning of 2011 young people around the world (e.g. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and now England) are asserting with increasing frequency a disdain for their current social contract and are willing to take significant personal risk to express themselves.
Yes, quite a lot of the violence in England is simply and purely criminal, but crime is a social construct and if you don’t care or don’t give a f*ck, … well then all bets are off.
Social control often requires a bit of fear for any deterrence to work, and there’s more than a bit of evidence that abandoning one side of the contract leads to abandonment of the other (AUSTERITY AND ANARCHY: BUDGET CUTS AND SOCIAL UNREST IN
EUROPE, 1919-2009).
Whether public official can restore law & order in England is dependent upon whether or not that order and law is still considered viable.
@58 You’re infringing on Troll’s turf. Troll hates on blacks. You hate on Jews. Please try to keep this very simple rule in mind before you post any future comments.
# 58: Remember that the original “Tea Party” folks were considered rioters and destroyers of private property. In response, the British closed the port of Boston and sent occupation troops to enforce the closure, until such time as the colony of Massachusetts paid for the tea.
They are still waiting for payment on that bill.
I’m sure President Obama would love to win all 57 states next November!
Hey, I just had a thought.
I’ve had several occassions where the phone company dunned me for what they claimed was an overdue bill going back many years. The bill had been paid long before, it was simply wrapped into the billing for my new number, and somehow GTE had the final bill listed under my old account as unpaid.
So like many corporations, the phone company regularly would send a data list of all it’s old accounts which were “written off” to a collection company, which would attempt to call people to get them to collect.
At first I was upset, searched through all the old records, and eventually sent them copies proving that the bill was paid. The second time (now under Verizon) I just got angry, and told them it had been paid and I wasn’t going to look through years-old records for them a second time, and to go away. The third time (now under Frontier) they called, and I pointed out that the bill was over fifteen years old, and the statute of limitations had long expired. The collections agent tried to argue that the statute of limitations didn’t expire, because I was “hiding myself” from collection efforts. I laughed in his face, pointing out that he had called me on the same phone number that the phone company had given me over fifteen years earlier, and they had been sending their billings to me at this adddress the entire time, and I was obviously not hiding myself.
Anyway, this brings me back to the original issue of the Tea Party and Romney:
(Phone rings):
“Is this Mr. Romney, the governor of Massachusetts?”
“Well former governor, who is this?”
“Sir, we represent the accounts of the British East India Company.”
“The British East India Company. You know, the owners of a certain quantity of tea which was dumped into the harbor by Boston rioters before that unpleasantness in 1776”.
“You’ve got to be kidding”.
“No sir, I assure you, we are quite serious. I also understand that you represent the interests of the current Tea Party in America right now.”
“Well, I think they are a fine organization, and their members have protected the American taxpayer from…”
(Cutting him off) “Yes Sir, that’s the point, sir. You still have an unpaid balance of 90,000 British pounds owing to the British East India Company. Adding interest to that amount from December of 1773, that comes to a substantial amount of money.”
“Well, I’m not going to pay it”.
“Well, sir, then we are going to commence legal proceedings to collect it from you. I understand you have several million dollars in campaign funds at your disposal. I would suggest you pay that to us, as a down-payment, to avoid further action, otherwise we will garnish those funds…”
(I would go on, but I just don’t have the time right now. But if you’ve ever heard Bob Newhart’s telephone bits, and imagine him being the one calling Romney, you can get a big kick out of this).
I think you got that one exactly right.
Of course they’re minorities, the majority don’t need to riot.
Actually, scratch that. The white kids rioted a while back when their college tuition got upped. Some part of the royal family even got stuck in it.
Gotta couple of laughs today.
Rick Perry is a serious GOP presidential candidate.
The likely GOP presidential candidate, Mittens, can’t seem to beat foot in mouth disease.
Despite the incredibly lousy economy, Obama has a good chance of winning in a landslide.
@65, If you liked that, I’ll go one further.
In part because they are younger, the ability of disgruntled youth to discover and apply technology in ways the powers that be simply cannot is becoming a game changer.
Cameron is talking quite a bit now about stopping it, but the rioters have the element of surprise and are using communication tools of the 21st century that give them significant tactical advantage. That lesson won’t soon be forgotten by those who did it or others watching it. Disadvantage for the status quo.
Bitching about the parents being bad parents is absolutely ridiculous.
How about they learned their actions from American AFL-CIO union THUGS?
Yeah that’s the ticket!
Did you know the AFL-CIO DC orifices are behind the whitey house on the other side of Lafayette Park? No wonder Trumka is a frequent visitor to the whitey house!
Hey rhp6033, wasn’t Ciavarella a DUMMOCRAPT?
Why yes he is…! Hence,
This paragraph is your standard rhp6033 Cass Sunstein malleable Homer Simpson BULSHITTIUM… no facts just horseshit!
The ex-Wisconsin DUMMOCRAPT Governor and today’s Wisconsin DUMMOCRAPT legislators think anyone should be able to buy and carry a handgun anywhere, including into schools, courtrooms, theaters, and daycares, without a background check or permit.
In cities where DUMMOCRAPTS lead!
Dear motorists,
If you pass someone on a bicycle so closely to their left side that the cyclist can rap on your window not only are you too close you’re breaking the law.
On a related note, it’s really bad form to yell at a cyclist whom you’ve just passed way too closely for touching your car. I could see yelling at them If they’d busted out your window with a U lock, but a gentle rap as they dodged right to avoid your mirror, sorry you owned that one.
Yeah Roger Dumb Rabbit… He gives most of his largess to the DUMMOCRAPT cause! He should be taxed to the max! Stop him giving to DUMMOCRAPTS!
We like our Republicans better than your CRUMMY DUMMOCRAPTS.
Plain and simple!
Here are just a few of many Obama gaffes-
1. How many states? Vice President Dan Quayle was virtually laughed out of Washington for misspelling potato back in 1992, yet Barack Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states—I think one left to go.”
2. Hero soldier mix-up: While commending troops at Fort Drum, N.Y., for their completed deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama said, “A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.” Wrong hero. Sgt. 1st Class Jared Monti was killed in action, another soldier, Staff Sgt. Sal Giunta, was the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor that fought in Afghanistan.
3. What year is it? During a trip to London’s Westminster Abbey, President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011. (Maybe he was wistfully dreaming about his 2008 election campaign at the time.)
4. Look at the map: Not only does Obama not know how many states there are, he also doesn’t know where they are. During the 2008 primary campaign, he explained why he was trailing Hillary Clinton in Kentucky: “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.” Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.
5. What language is that? In April 2009, on one of his many foreign trips, President Obama mused, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.
6. Twister casualties: After a devastating tornado hit Kansas, Obama discussed the tragedy without help from a teleprompter, saying, ”In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed.” He was only off by 9,988 as the twister killed 12 people.
7. How old is Malia? The President last month thought he was so clever, unfavorably comparing Republican procrastination on the debt limit to his daughters finishing their homework early. In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12. Imagine the press reaction if Michele Bachmann made a misstatement about any of her five children or 23 foster kids.
8. Special Olympics insensitivity: The President called and apologized to the head of the Special Olympics, after making this insensitive comment following a game of bowling: “No, no. I have been practicing. … I bowled a 129. It’s like—it was like Special Olympics, or something.” Maybe he should have also apologized to bowlers for his feeble effort.
9. Faith confusion: No wonder so many Americans are unsure of the President’s faith, as he seems to be confused himself. During the 2008 campaign, during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Obama said, “What I was suggesting—you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith,” before Stephanopoulos jumped in to help, saying ”your Christian faith.”
10. Health care inefficiencies: During the health care debate, President Obama explained all the benefits of ObamaCare, saying, “The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” Mr. President, we already have enough inefficiency in health care and, yes, your “reforms” will only make it worse.
Like that thought above on Judge Ciavarella rhp6033?
Spare us!
We condemn Democrats who do wrong. A wingnut loon assigns Republicans who do wrong to his bullshit Alan Greenspan or Timothy McVeigh wing of the Democratic party. That way, Republican shit still smells like roses.
Oh my Stupid Solution Steve is reading PuddyPosts again!
It’s good to see you are absorbing real facts!
Tim McVeigh hated God. Not a qualification for a conservative!
See ya!
In case anyone isn’t fucking clear on this, I don’t converse with krazed, hate-filled loons. And if a hate-filled loon ever casts his shadow on my fucking door, I’ll introduce him to my friend, Mr. Detonics .451. That’ll be the fucking end of it.
Re @70 – 73: Would someone please call the EPA Pollution Patrol? Puddy is stinking up the HA threads again.
@75 See #47.
@82 You’ve got a Detonics .451? Awesome! I (heart) Detonics. Especially the old ones, but the new ones are good too.
Steve you crack me up…. :)
My Ruger stocks are doing pretty well.
@86 heh. Thanks!
Refer to my post @55. I heard back from Band of Brothers and if we play in their tournament, our money goes to pay off Rachel’s family’s medical bills. Are you game? It’s a $150 entry fee. I think it’s on September 15th.
“I just wanna be loved!! Is that so wrooooooooooooooooooong?”
@27. Steve spews:
Donations to Rachel’s cause are way up today, reaching $930,000. Comments like this one help explain why.
Zvia Schoenberg $50 08.11.11 Thanks for sharing, Mr Kristof
Didn’t you leave one out?
The Billionaire $100,000.00 Thanks for sharing, you lying phoney. Comments like this one help explain why;
“17. Steve spews:
@8 As somone (sic) involved in billions of dollars worth of development, I can tell you that development is no more a good in itself than any other value. Development is only good when and if it is good. This is Gig Harbor’s call, not yours and not the developer’s. Gig Harbor doesn’t want the big box. You’ve got issues with that? Tough shit.
As for your “I bet 99% of you” remark, would you care to back that up with a $100K bet? If not, then crawl back in your shit hole and STFU.”
07/22/2011 at 6:44 am
@35. Roger Rabbit spews:
Texas doesn’t have the highest murder rate, but it’s consistently above average, and more than double Washington’s.
States with consistently low murder rates include New Hampshire, Vermont, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa.
This is impossible, diversity is our greatest strength. Those states must have higher murder rates than a nicely diverse state such as Texas. You should double-check that.
Oh Poor Roger Dumb Rabbit is having another of his well known fit attacks @83… he has a fit when facts attack his brain through those red bloodshot eyes. LOL
@85 see #74 AGAIN! Ron Perelman is a DUMMOCRAPT. Since you have big time issues with the facts allow this PuddyPost to assist you:
$89,800 Republican 27%
$245,270 Democrat 73%
$285,800 special interest
total: $620,870 – Pretty clear cut who Perelman likes better Roger Dumb Rabbit
He gave most of his special interest largess to DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (D) and the DNC SERVICES CORPORATION / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE (D). He gave the some of his Republican money back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Anyone can look this up. Roger Dumb Rabbit is too lazy. Maybe Carl Grossman “Left Foot” can send you some virtual oxygen bottles from Texas, although I haven’t seen Left Foot post in a while. I hope he is still alive and kicking!
Also Perelman was married to Patricia Duff DUMMOCRAPT Girdle Supplier!
Unlike the marriage between Mary Matalin and Chester James Carville, Jr., where they kept their political leanings true; Perelman was a BIG TIME DUMMOCRAPTIC jock strap Roger Dumb Rabbit… Ron held an expensive fundraiser for House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on 6/4/2007 at his house. Simple searches can find out even more about this DUMMOCRAPTIC jock strap. Even The Nation’s leftist progressive Katrina vanden Heuvel, PMSNBC regular visitor, thinks Ron Perelman is a DUMMOCRAPTIC jock strap.
BTW Perelman’s previous ex-wife Ellen Barkin has donated close to $100K to DUMMOCRAPTIC candidates over the years.
As always Roger Dumb Rabbit performs a half-ASSed search when the cards point DUMMOCRAPTIC. Puddy always finishes the job Roger Dumb Rabbit leaves half done.
Was this your research method as a lawyer Roger Dumb Rabbit? Having another Cuyahoga or Stafford County fact check moment Roger Dumb Rabbit? Just checking.
@90 You need to fire up a few brain cells if you want to avoid the ignore list, cuz you’re coming off as the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
Hmm, considering the loon with the fucked up head, make that the second dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
Take the fucking bet or STFU, Klown, before I decide to take $100K out of your fucking hyde.
I had a fascinating discussion with a conservative. He was for slashing every last social safety net program to balance the budget and opposed to any increase in revenue of any sort.
He talked about how American poor had it so much better than the poor of El Salvidor and he felt the poor here should get down to that level before he would want to help.
Then I find out his dad died when he was little and his mom and several siblings only survived because of AFDC.
He got his, so now he wants to make it even worse for those who come after him, so he has a few more dollars to spend on himself.
Donations to Rachel Beckwith’s charity drive topped $1,000,000 this morning!!
Tip of the hat to Nicholas Kristoff and his New York Times editorial. I believe it is because of Kristoff that donations have soared the last 24 hours.
Interesting introductory paragraph in this article:
Is your ISP cheating you out of bandwidth? New gov’t test offers a hint
Oh lookie here… it’s a poor (NOT) person who has been trained in union thuggery tactics!
In this case her parents were pizzed!
As one would guess, the article the self-loathing loon @96 linked to says absolutely nothing about anybody being trained in so-called union thuggery tactics. Not even remotely. This is just further evidence, as if we need it, that the self-loathing loon is filled with the devil’s hate and utterly devoid of Christian values.