– Want!
– Moochers.
– I chose to blame you for not stopping me earlier.
– Metro will cut well used routes without the $20 increase in car tabs.
– Aside from the idea early on that Costco and Kemper Freeman are somehow exactly as ungrassroots as SEIU, this is an interesting piece on Eyman’s latest shitty initiative (h/t).
– I love Thrifty Thursdays.
I just love it when the left takes the ball from the righty editorial writers at the LA Times and runs with it. It’s especially neat went the left does so when The Times has screwed the pooch on the data they’re using.
People don’t like the word. They say it’s racist. But it’s not racist if it’s true. There IS such a thing as a nigger:
The thing on the right is not black. It’s not even human. It can be called nothing more than a nigger.
@ 2
There IS such a thing as a nigger
Of course, ’cause only people with dark skin can be that bad…
My point it there are certain times to use the word; where it’s appropriate. When people tell me it’s offensive to use the word, I want to show them that picture, and say, no, THIS is offensive.
Well, if you want it, figure out how to pay for it without raising the sales tax again.
“I don’t really mind subsidizing rural Washington, if that’s what it takes for them to earn a decent living growing all that delicious food.”
(From the “Moochers” link)
What food? Washington’s entire agriculture output, a good part of which comes from western Washington, amounts to less than 3% of the state economy (about $9.5 billion of more than $351 billion — 2010 data).
@4 There’s never a time to use the “n” word, nor is there ever a time when it’s not offensive.
Workers Hate Their Jobs Dep’t
“Nearly 8 in 10 employees who left their job this year would not recommend their former employer, a steep increase from just a few years ago … according to the Corporate Executive Board, which runs exit surveys … companies ….”
Maybe that’s because “many people [are] working harder, … for less money,” and — no shit Sherlock! — “that appears to be having a big impact on how they feel about their employers.”
Add to that, the fact employers will lay off workers or outsource jobs without blinking, and you have a workforce that has no loyalty to employers because employers have no loyalty to them.
What goes around, comes around.
A discontented and angry workforce is yet another legacy of the Cheap Labor Conservatives.
It can be called nothing more than a nigger.
You’d call these guys that right?
@ 4
My point it there are certain times to use the word; where it’s appropriate.
My God, you’re a stupid fuck. What word would you use if the guy were white, and why is that word not appropriate under these circumstances?
We’re getting what appears to be a technical bounce in the stock market today — last I looked the Dow was up 175 points. I think this is probably temporary, and not a turnaround, because the underlying problems of a weakening U.S. economy and European insolvency are still out there. I made one small stock purchase this morning.
Want to know what it is? I added to my existing position in Hartford Insurance Group (HIG) to get an average lower acquisition price.
Here’s how this strategy works. Let’s say you buy 100 shares of Company X at $20 a share and it goes down, so you buy another 100 shares at $14, now the stock only has to go above $17 for you to make a profit — so if Company X returns to $19, you have a $400 profit instead of a $100 loss. I’ve used this strategem repeatedly through the years, often with good results.
Why Hartford? Because its shares are available today for less than 5 times earnings — that’s a steal. Why? Because investors don’t like financial stocks, period, and tarred them all together, overlooking the fact some financial companies are better tan others. Although Hartford’s income took a hit during the 2008 – 2009 financial crisis, and the company cut its dividend, Hartford wasn’t a subprime lender with bad loans on its books. It stayed profitable through the Great Recession and its earnings are bouncing back. This stock has been unfairly shunned and is undervalued. While waiting for the market to give HIG the recognition it deserves, I’ll collect the 2.2% (and growing) dividend.
Other stocks I’m watching carefully: 3M, a premiere blue-chip that’s nearly at its 52-week low; Disney, which reports earnings tomorrow, and will benefit from falling gasoline prices; AFLAC, which is feeding on the Japanese public’s huge hunger for annuities; Dow Chemicals, a cyclical stock, but one that’s undervalued at the current quote; and even Boeing is a good buy at today’s price (which is almost exactly what I paid for it when I originally bought it). If you want to gamble on only mild cuts to defense spending, then several defense stocks — Lockheed, Northrop, and Raytheon — are cheap.
The question is whether to snap up stocks at today’s price or wait for the market to go lower. I don’t know the answer — nobody does — but I’m holding back most of my cash for now. If I see a definite turnaround, then I’ll spend it all, because long-term you don’t want your assets in cash. Although the stock market probably won’t be gangbusters the next for several years, carefully selected stocks bought at the right time will be one of the best places for your money for some time to come.
I continue to dislike bonds, utility stocks, and fixed-income investments of all types, for the obvious reason that prices of these securities move in opposition to interest rates, and when interest rates are zero there’s only one direction interest rates can go.
@10, 11 — I’d be careful about giving that chain-yanker all the attention he craves.
The Moochers link takes it’s data from a LA Times editorial where the Times screwed the pooch on the data.
re 2: It is thought that the original meaning of the word was ‘a person who has ability, but refuses to use it’. Let’s assume that’s true. Fine and dandy, in the parlance of the day.
But it has come to mean something very different, and if using the word hurts innocent people, then I say stop using it. I am as guilty of using the word as anyone, but I’ve changed my ways.
The stick-up artist can be punished without resorting to offensive words. Don’t be such an ignorant peckerwood, Troll.
My favorite part of the LA Times editorial.
There are only 5 majority rural states.
@4 I think someone can only get a pass nowadays on using that word, if they can do it in front of a large mixed audience and make ’em all laugh. I don’t know that anyone’s been able to do that since Richard Pryor died.
But….I think I know what you mean. To borrow another term from the vernacular of days gone by, in the same fashion there are “white people” and there are “honkeys”.
We do have other operant terms in the present time, that have no racial overtones. “Asshole”, “Dickhead” and “scumbag” come to mind. Of course, since this ended up being recorded on video, you could add “idiot” and “future occupant of the Crossbar Hotel”.
It’s Prior and Chris Rock.
@12 You never want to plan on holding cash (meaning actual greenbacks, or money on deposit in a bank) over the long term, because it’ll inevitably lose value. This is known as “inflation” and if it ever reverses itself, we’ll all have other things to worry about, like fighting over boxcars to sleep in and foraging for food.
That’s why I convert all my cash into guns, ammo, wheat berries, and canned goods. J/K.
It is interesting watching the progressive movement evaporate as predicted. Getting elected is one thing. Leading after gaining power is yet another. And therein lies the abysmal failure.
3 major polls (CNN/Gallup/Rasmussen) ALL have the Obama approval rating at -10. I guess all 3 of these polls could be wrong, but probably not by much. The incompetent fool with the golden tongue who loves to make speeches but can’t lead & make decisions has set himself up for failure. You can try & blame it on the Tea Party or some vast right-wing conspiracy, but these political wounds were self-inflicted. The only thing that can save Obama is wimpy RINO’s. They sure have tried to prop the man up. But he continues to gouge his own eyes out. Running to fundraiser after fundraiser while our home, the one he was elected to protect & create opportunities for, is f@*@ing on fire. I get no joy out of watching the inexperienced, incompetent chosen one fall, as he takes the country with him. It was just predictable because of his ill-advised, academia-based agenda.
RE 21: I won’t even finish reading your blather. It’s easy to tear things down or stymie progress — which is all that conservatives can do.
2 21: You are no Chinaman standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen square. You are no Galtian hero, either.
You are more akin to the fat kid who stands in the middle of the sidewalk knocking toddlers off their trikes.
You have no merit.
I do believe it’s wrong to apply the n-word to a black who’s not an n-word. Just as I believe it’s wrong to call all women bitches. Some women are bitches, so what’s wrong with calling them that?
A black has been accused of breaking into a white, blind man’s house to rob it, and when he was startled by the homeowner, he allegedly stabbed him to death. If he is found guilty, I see nothing wrong with calling him the n-word, for, in fact, he will become one.
The vapidity of wingnut trolls never ceases to amaze me.
re 24: You don’t seem to get the point.
If you insist on cherry-picking a few black criminals so you have an opportunity to say n?*?!!, by all means, have at it.
It’s boring.
Didn’t Goldy tell us to vote for Obama?
I’m now sorry I took his advice. I should have voted for Hillary. I think she’d be doing a better job.
Shouldn’t Goldy apologize to us?
Open thread:
The crazy folks who fear Saria is coming to the U.S. (Bachman, Cain, Piddly) might want to take note of the Warren Jeffs case.
Here we have a defendant who claimed religious exemption from child assault laws. Claimed that only the religious court of his God could make a ruling and claimed his actions righteous and outside of U.S. law. Sound familiar?
Jeffs will be spending the rest of his sorry life in prison.
@21 “It is interesting watching the progressive movement evaporate as predicted.”
Move along folks, there’s nothing to see here. Nothing has happened here.
@27 Yet another wingnut pretending to be a Democrat because there’s nothing respectable about being a Republican.
Btw Carl,
The largest growth area in “transfer payments” from the federal government to rural areas is in healthcare. Medicaid and Medicare payments to be exact.
Sorry, but you, Goldy, Atrios, Mother Jones and god knows who else got played by the Righties at The LA Times on this one. Or maybe you agree with the LA Times that we should be cutting Medicaid and Medicare?
@28 He can amuse himself by reading stock reports.
Never take advice from someone who needs throw fundraisers in order to pay household bills.
Carlys hatred of anything rural continues…….
Hooverism In All Its Resplendent Glory
“Even as the central bank is struggling to … encourage more borrowing, the economy is being weighed down …. Spending cuts at all levels of government are producing a major drag on growth.”
Roger Rabbit, did you vote for Obama or Hillary?
@36 I voted a secret ballot.
Little Rachel Beckwith’s $300 charity drive is now up to $856,769.
Yep, thanks to big spenders like you…….not.
@39 I gave her 20 bucks. How much did you give?
@39 crickets chirping …
@40…a few hundred….but then again you don’t see me bragging about how much money I’m making on the stock market 10 times a day either.
It would appear that mr. Daddy warbucks rabbit stock market king is just an angry old skinflint cheapskate……I would expect about as much as from from some old fart progressive who sits around all day on the computer bitching about how other people should be taxed more….but not him of course.
re 42: Does this mythical cheapskate Progressive have a name, or is he just another figment of your febrile imagination?
It was vetting close to closing but I see they’ve re-set it. A million is looking doable again.
If you read HA and are so dirt poor you can’t spare the minimum $9, that’s O.K. But…
I also think there are anonymous people who will get it over in the last days if they’re not there. Maybe the same billionaire who likely made sure the Pioneer square pagoda got restored. You know, the charitable guy who is pretty focused on third world health issues.
The stock market was all over the map today but closed with the DJIA up 429.92, it’s 10th-largest point gain in history, a day after the Dow’s 6th-largest point loss. Here are the closing averages:
DJIA: 11239.77, +429.92, +3.98%
S&P 500: 1172.53, +53.07, +4.74%
Nasdaq: 2482.52, +124.83, +5.29%
Oil: 80.55, -0.79, -0.93%
Gold: 1742.10, +28.90, +1.69%
I made $194 on the Hartford stock I bought this morning. Not a fortune, but hey, it’s free money I didn’t have to work for — sure beats working for some Republican asshole for Republican wages.
@43 I don’t exist. I’m an ephemeral wisp of imagination in his insane mind. I come back from the deep well of his subconsciousness to torment him on a daily basis. He can’t handle it, and is seriously cracking up.
@44 I noticed that too. Someone knows a good thing when he sees it. But it’s for a worthy cause.
@42 “…a few hundred…”
Assuming you’re a Republican who doesn’t lie …
More open thread stuff.
A few posts down the usual suspects were claiming that the public won’t buy that the debt ceiling fight and the downgrade are the republicans fault.
Well lookee here:
Some key numbers (Favorable/unfavorable/undecided) in the first poll since the deal:
Dems: 47/47/6
Reps: 33/59/7
Tea: 31/51/15
$194 divided by 8 hours is $24.25 an hour. I’ll take it for 5 minutes’ work. (In those terms, it’s $2,328 an hour.) And that’s just one stock. Overall, I made about $4,800 today.
@49 Nationally, the Tea Party’s approval rating has fallen to 20%.
Wisconsin Update
Wisconsin media report heavy turnout in today’s recall elections against 6 Republican state senators. Private groups are doing exit polling but haven’t reported any numbers yet. However, the heavy turnout should favor Democratic candidates.
MSNBC: S & P Downgrade May Have Been Revenge
A major media outlet, MSNBC, has finally dared to say the obvious: Standard & Poor’s has it in for the government.
As usual you assume wrong: I’m not a republican.
Nice try mr. Cheapskate.
Do us all a favor, leave the rachel charity updates to steve….at least he put some heart and soul into pushing it along.
And you can keep blathering on and on with your stockmarket tips(or rather re-worded cut and paste articles from cnn money).
@54 Wrong on every point, except calling me a cheapskate — I’ll plea bargain that one.
If you dislike the security of a defined social security retirement benefit based on your earnings and guaranteed by the government, and prefer to stake your retirement on the gyrations of the stock market, then vote for Republicans.
On Wisconsin …
Here’s how Mother Jones handicapped today’s recall elections:
“Looking good for Democrats” — District 32, where polls showed Rep. Jen Schilling (D) leading Sen. Dan Kapanke (D) by 14 points; and
District 18, a normally Democratic district with a high concentration of public workers where Jessica King (D) is challenging Sen. Randy Hopper (R) in a rematch of their 2008 race, which Hopper won by a mere 183 votes. Hopper is not helped by the fact his own wife is campaigning against him — because he left her to live with his 26-year-old mistress this spring. (Gee, where have we seen this GOP theme before?)
“Too close to call” — District 14, where Rep. Fred Clark (D) is challenging Sen. Luther Olsen (R). Clark led by a few points in early polls, but that lead has been erased by Olsen’s attack ads, which include actual video of Clark hitting a bicyclist with his car, and accuse Clark of not paying child support;
District 8, where Rep. Sandy Pasch (D) is challenging Sen. Alberta Darling (R), who is Gov. Walker’s top ally in the state senate. Early on, Darling was thought to be safe, but Pasch has closed the gap and may be slightly ahead, according to recent polling; and
District 10, where Sen. Shelia Harsdorf (R) is trying to fend off Shelly Moore (D), a union organizer. Harsdorf comes from a locally famous political family and also enjoys name recognition from her 23-year legislative career, but a late-July poll showed this race as dead-even. Even so, Democratic Party officials don’t expect Moore to pull off an upset, and conservative groups are spending massively on advertising in this district, which laps into the Twin Cities media market.
“Looking good for Republicans” — District 2, where Sen. Robert Cowles (R), who has been a state senator fo 24 years and has built a reputation as a moderate, is being challenged by Nancy Nussbaum (D), whose prior political experience includes serving as mayor of a Green Bay suburb. Democratic Party officials don’t expect her to win, but polls showed the race a tie.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For prediction purposes, I’m going to assume Schilling and King win their races. Taking down Sen. Harsdorf looks tough to me, so I’ll give that one to the GOPers. Democrats need one more, from the three remaining races. My guess is Olsen’s negative ads against Clark will save Olsen’s skin, and Democrats have a slightly better than 50-50 chance to taking one of the two remaining seats and might get them both. So I’m calling it 3 or 4 seats for the Dems, and I believe the Democrats will successfully defend their two senators facing recall elections next week, as both of the Republican challengers in those contests are flawed candidates.
In Wisconsin, are they using paper ballots or those hacked electronic voting machines? That will make a big difference in the outcome of the election.
Here is polling data from this weekend:
District 32, Shilling (D) leads Kapanke (R), 54% – 43%, with 3% undecided;
District 18, Hopper (R) leads King (D), 49% – 48%, with 3% undecided;
District 14, Olsen (R) leads Clark (D), 50% – 47%, with 3% undecided; and
District 10, Harsdorf (R) leads Moore (D), 54% – 42%, with 4% undecided.
The race to watch is District 18, which is a “must-win” for Democrats, as Districts 2 and 10 look hopeless, and a miss in 18 would require them to win both 8 and 14 which looks pretty uphill.
It’s gonna be exciting and interesting. We should have some preliminary vote tallies by about 6:15 p.m. our time, and a clear picture of the outcome by 8 p.m. our time.
@58 Statewide, about 90% paper ballots and 10% touch-screen. I don’t know what the breakdown is for the 6 senate districts on today’s ballot.
Max is a nihilist. Assuming Bartertown is Max.
RR – Hey, $194.00 per day isn’t a bad wage, especially at capital gain tax rates. You don’t have to pay SS & FICA on that. I can never figure out why rich people bitch and moan about taxes so much – even if they don’t take advantage of all the special tax loopholes created for them, they still don’t pay very much.
I take your point about the LAT (although, I wouldn’t have known they were a conservative Ed Page before this thread). But Goldy and Atrios explicitly say they aren’t advocating cuts to rural areas.
Re 54: You can punch up your own ‘blathering’ by sometimes opting for a different, possibly more interesting word: like, ‘dithering’.
Example: Barterboy spends his working hours non-productively ‘dithering’ with his fingers while everyone else takes care of business.
I’d say more, but I don’t want to be accused of blathering by a dithering idiot like you.
They’re still taking up the righties ball and running with it… Grumble, grumble, time to take my fiber, wanders off…
Lol….how you figure that?
I think blathering has more pop than ditherng….opinions vary I guess.
I think everyone here would agree, that this thing, if convicted, can safely be called a nigger:
That’s NEVER ok you obnoxious fucking cracker.
68 – 67 is your friend. He agrees with everything you say. You eggplants need to stick together.
68 – 67 is your friend. He agrees with everything you say. You eggplants need to stick together.
re 67: We can come to an Omamaesque compromise with the word ‘blithering‘. That word not only has pop, but crackle, pop, and pizzaz to boot.
@7. Roger Rabbit spews:
@4 There’s never a time to use the “n” word, nor is there ever a time when it’s not offensive.
Right, using African-Englishman would make it much better.
@9. Roger Rabbit spews:
A discontented and angry workforce is yet another legacy of the Cheap Labor Conservatives.
Another good point, Obama stopped building the border fence because he wanted American wages to rise, Cheap Labor Dims know how it’s done.
@54. who run Bartertown? spews:
Do us all a favor, leave the rachel charity updates to steve….at least he put some heart and soul into pushing it along.
but The Billionaire still doesn’t chip in that $100K gambling money he has;
“17. Steve spews:
@8 As somone (sic) involved in billions of dollars worth of development, I can tell you that development is no more a good in itself than any other value. Development is only good when and if it is good. This is Gig Harbor’s call, not yours and not the developer’s. Gig Harbor doesn’t want the big box. You’ve got issues with that? Tough shit.
As for your “I bet 99% of you” remark, would you care to back that up with a $100K bet? If not, then crawl back in your shit hole and STFU.”
07/22/2011 at 6:44 am