– The pride flag will fly above Seattle City Hall.
– Lindy West continues to be pretty awesome.
– I don’t know why anyone would have lutefisk as part of a diet. In my family, it’s mostly just an excuse to have cream sauce.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– The pride flag will fly above Seattle City Hall.
– Lindy West continues to be pretty awesome.
– I don’t know why anyone would have lutefisk as part of a diet. In my family, it’s mostly just an excuse to have cream sauce.
No intelligent person pays much attention to the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal. One of the reasons why:
Watch the video. It’s hilarious.
My mother-in-law ate lutefisk. The smell was enough to drive you out into the street!
@1 O’ fuck, bicycles!
I had hopes for John Kerry as Sec. State, but the man’s just a mealy mouthed tool.
I grew to hate Kerry during the election. He had such a talent for saying the wrong thing to destroy any momentum in his candidacy. I did not understand the reasoning of putting someone with such a talent for self sabotage as the top diplomat.
Go read the comments on the Flag story. The haters were out in full force, their fingers flying. There is a lot of bigotry and intolerance, just under the surface, waiting to come out anonymously. The very acknowledgement that we exist, drives them into a frenzy.
A new study shows young voters “tended to associate the [Republican] party with words like ‘rich’ and ‘religious’ while stating that adjectives like ‘open-minded,’ ‘caring,’ and ‘co-operative’ were traits that least describe the GOP.” From a liberal think tank? Guess again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans don’t need a new image; they need a new party.
@2 Are you sure it was the lutefisk?
I wonder. The Republicans are busy destroying themselves. Are the Democrats busy working to expand their mind share, or does it feel like they are just coasting.
From 8,
Interesting export from an Illinois-based manufacturer. National Railway Equipment is one of the leading builders of multi-engine GenSet locomotives. Now they are marketing it overseas, Australia to be specific. What I like about the concept NRE pioneered, is using smaller, but multiple engines, it allows the engineer to use only the horsepower they need, and can shut off what is not needed. Besides running cleaner, they also use less fuel.
The Australian locomotive market is a tough one to crack, but American builders large and small are gearing up for it, although they face competition from Chinese buulders. Since the Australian National Railway was broken up, the Interstate lines are owned by a government corporation, and a series of fly by night freight operators, and a few that are well established, but investment in new locomotives had been lacking. Add to that, Interstate lines and local lines in New South Wales being standard gauge, and local routes in other states being a mix of Narrow and Broad Gauge track.
9)I think that they might be coasting. Some could be afraid to try something new, fearing a backlash.
@9 Coasting on a flat surface, going slower and slower every day.
@6 fuck them all even those that are so called supporters.
# 11: Gee, why does the Australian railway system remind me a bit of the railway system under the Confederacy? Private operators, different gauges, etc. Under the banner of “states rights” and “local control”, some towns forbid railroads within the city limits, others had different private railroads which would not meet (passengers and freight had to disembark and travel across town to board another train for the next leg of the journey), and a multitude of different track gauges which prohibited the transfer of locomotives and rolling stock from one railroad to another. It played hell on Longstreet’s attempts in Sept. 1863 to take two divisions from northern Virginia and travel south into S. Carolina, then west to Atlanta, then north to Dalton, Georgia. Most of the soldiers had to travel on flatcars, and the wagon train and horses and mules had to be left behind. They finally arrived just in time to barely catch up with the battle already in progress at Chickamauga.
It’s so acceptable to hate gay people, inevitably the word nigger, spic, chink, and wetback will come back in style
15)The best I have found, is it dates back to the days when Australia was a series of separate colonies. They are still adding to the network, with the Alice Springs to Darwin extension nearly ten years ago, it was built to Standard. An American company operates that line, and a couple branch lines in other states, that operate opa variety of gauges. Canberra and the State governments are always having disagreements on other issues.
In Boise, a new bus transit center is facing interesting NIMBY opposition. The proposed site is across the street from the Idaho State Capitol building. The NIMBY’s? Legislators, afraid of not just bus riders, but also the homeless people the bus center would attract.
Maybe they have a point. I have seen the Olympia Transit Center, and a few people that look undesirable hang out there, and there is also a medical marijuana dispensary across the street. Still, the OTC is a mile or so from the capitol campus. Although the proposed Boise Transit Center would have a police station in it.
do you guys take turns giving holder blow jobs
The Tampa golddigger who failed to sell her influence (such as it was) as a South Korean honorary consul to a businessman for $80 million now wants we taxpayers to line her purse with lucre for, um, violating her privacy.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Give her a wooden nickel and send her on her way.
@10 Now there’s a man of confidence; or maybe just a confidence man.
We are now told the IRS hired a “happiness expert” to boost employee morale. I guess this implies that working for the IRS is a glum job. Ask Michelle Bachmann what it was like. Maybe that’s when she went crazy.
Or maybe it was raising 28 children, only 2 of whom were boys, that drove Michelle over the edge.
Rabbits have big families, too, but we’re made of better stuff than you humans. We also have a more efficient system for parenting our offspring. They’re easy to replace, so if one gives us too much trouble, we just kick him under the wheels of a passing car; there’s plenty more bunnies where he came from. I can get 8 or 10 more within a few weeks simply by spending a few minutes with Mrs. Rabbit.
Being of Norwegian descent, I know all too well the evil that is lutefisk. Here’s a better dish for a Nordic Diet – Farikal!
2 – 3 lbs. lamb stew meat
One large head of cabbage
One liter of water (approx.)
1/8 cup peppercorns
1 – 2 tbsp. salt
Tear the cabbage into chunks about the same size as the stew meat. Cover the bottom of your slow cooker with a layer of cabbage leaves, then sprinkle on a little salt and some peppercorns. Cover the layer of cabbage with a similar layer of stew meat, then season that layer with some salt and a sprinkle of peppercorns. Continue with the alternating layers until you reach the top of the cooker, then add the water. Turn the slow cooker on high for three hours. Serve with boiled red potatoes.
O’ hell yeah. I might have to get me a smart phone.
@24 Buy nothing and support none of ’em.
Roger: According to the book of Genesis, Noah brought two of each animal aboard the ark. How many rabbits did he have when the ark ran aground on Mt. Ararat?
From 21,
Yes, I’m confident that it was lutefisk that my mother-in-law liked to eat, and I’m confident that it was the lutefisk that smelled so bad.
You are quite the narcissist, Roger.
@27 “You are quite the narcissist, Roger.”
When I see boilerplate like this, it tells me you have an assistant doing your posting for you.
@27 Probably the original pair. I’m not saying they didn’t multiply; but I would guess that’s how Noah kept the rest of the animals fed during their long sea voyage.