– Pam Roach loves herself some junket.
– The ugly SCOTUS voting rights flim-flam
– A budget framework is not a budget, the Senate.
– The AP is sure a news outlet.
– Now that more people are using Metro, it’s a perfect time to cut services.
– Ana Mardoll’s piece on #StandWithWendy is a work in progress, but I’m looking forward to coming back.
– And I hope that it’s a reminder to lefties everywhere, myself included, not to write off the South.
– Those of you on Instagram who want to follow Patty Murray, now you can.
The linked budget story contains this jaw-dropping passage from our friend, Sen. Tom:
Well, now we know of at least one constituent Rodney Tom listens to. Oh – wait – Boeing isn’t even in Tom’s district…
Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who lost her legs while serving in Iraq, ripped into a federal contractor who got preferential treatment by claiming disability based on a phony “war wound” that actually was a prep school football injury.
Even as the Federal Reserve continues to subsidize banks and Wall Street with artificially low interest rates at the expense of savers and pensioners, students will above-market interest rates on their student loans, because Republicans want to.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not hard to rationalize GOP behavior. They want to create a one-party political system. To accomplish this goal, they’re hell-bent on alienating as many voting blocs as possible, to ensure they will cease to exist as a viable party.
It’s a real horse race to determine who the stupidest GOP governor is, but Rick Perry gives the others a run for their money. His latest jackassery is his lame attempt to take down a new Democratic superstar — one he helped create.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s obvious why Perry wants to obliterate this formerly obscure state senator he helped make world-famous: She could take his job away from him. Oh, and don’t miss his delicious whining about her filibuster “hijacking the Democratic process” — as if Republicans themselves have never resorted to obstructionism to block legislation they oppose.
Which will just get reversed in the courts or in a legislative session in a couple of years later, but keep up the good work dipshit.
“hijacking the Democratic process”
Like changing the time and date on a vote?
@1 As a matter of fact, Boeing isn’t even in Tom’s state. Oh….a lot of the messy stuff’s here, but the money gets counted in Chicago.
# 2: Does it matter how he was injured? I thought the preference in conracting was intended to even out the disadvantages suffered by the disabled?
But I agree it sounds a lot like the GOP Chickenhawk who claimed he was too injured from high school football to go to Vietnam, but then went on to play professional football for several years.
The response from retired Federal Judge Vaughn Walker, whose ruling on Prop 8 was affirmed by the Supreme Court on standing. He knew he had Justice Kennedy and three others on the merits, but in the past, Justice Ginsberg had ruled ballot measure supporters do have standing to defend court challenges.
@2 Roger & @8 rhp6033,
Braulio Castillo is what the loser of the last presidential election and those who supported that loser should rightfully be called a “taker”.
A Cheater’s Guide to Winning $500 Million in Government Contracts
This dude is a POS
‘O those fun loving frat boys…
@ 11
When I was in high school in Edmonds some dude did that at one of the keggers that happened pretty much every weekend. When I saw those vids start to pop up on YouTube, I really realized that stupidity knows no specific generation. Butt goddamn the shit is funny as hell. (Probably NSFW.)
With Glen, he bent over down on his elbows and knees and the bottle rocket was one of the 6 inch ones. When it started off, he jumped about 10 feet in the air and then ran around jumping and screaming with the rocket sticking out of his ass. Then it exploded in a big ball of red and blue sparks.
We were in fucking stitches. For days. Weeks. Rolling on the ground and getting the hiccups. That shit was so goddamn funny that I’d continue to mention it for years after, and everyone knew the story already. Including his parents.
See, he ended up with third degree burns on his nutsack and around his asshole. He was at Harborview for a few days, then spent a couple weeks lying face down on his bed with his mom having to change his bandages and wipe some ointment on the wound. He lost a fair bit of skin. I doubt his pop will ever let him live that one down.
Ya gotta love the Human Race.
There’s all sorts videos of this! How the human race has survived all these years is beyond me.
@8 He conflated a football injury into a “war wound.” Duckworth’s point is that’s insulting to our real war-disabled veterans (e.g., her).
@11,12 — Don’t laugh, these clowns are our nation’s future CEOs and investment bankers.
Interesting controversy in Canada, where Mounties are accused of seizing firearms from homes affected by the floodwaters. The residents are hopping mad.
The RCMP response:Sgt. Topham said he didn’t know when residents would be allowed to return to their homes. “People much higher up are going to make those decisions,” he said.
He did confirm that officer relied on forced entry to get into numerous houses during the early stages of the flood because of an “urgent need”, said Topham.
Police are no longer forcing themselves into homes and the residences that were forced open will be secured, he said.
Topham said the confiscated firearms have been inventoried and are secured at an RCMP detachment. He was not at liberty to say how many firearms had been confiscated.
“We have seized a large quantity of firearms simply because they were left by residents in their places,” said Topham.
The guns will be returned to owners after residents are allowed back in town and they provide proof of ownership, Topham added.
As for gun politics in Canada, Alberta is a big Conservative bastion, it’s where PM Harper’s own district is, and the Progressive Conservatives run the show at the Provincial Legislature in Edmonton. Once in the Majority, the Conservatives moved to scrap the long-gun registry.
Also in Ottawa, OC Transpo took delivery of six Alstom Coradia LINT 41 light Diesel Multiple Units as part of an expansion of the O-Train Diesel-powered light rail line. They are cleaner and more fuel efficient than the Bombardier vehicles already in use. I find it interesting that they went with a Frenxh manufacturer to supply the capital of Canada. Alstom also beat out Bombardier for electric LRV’s for Ottawa’s Confederation line. Although Ottawa’s in Ontario, Quebec is just across the river.
Although Prop8 decision was Wednesday, which the Supreme Court ruled on standing, there are a few more steps. One of them, was the 9th Circuit, which had put a stay on the lower court ruling that overturned the ban. The 9th has now removed the stay.
19)The orders from Sacramento to County Clerks were to begin issuing licenses upon the 9th Circuit lifting the stay. That has now happened.