– Will the Supreme Court Ignore the Evidence? Facts vs. Beliefs in the Hobby Lobby Case
– The Spokesman-Review should probably do a better job of getting pictures.
– Let’s Build The Ballard Spur!
– I honestly couldn’t have told you who was the Seattle School District Superintendent, but now he might be leaving.
– My Real Change vendor keeps asking me to go to his church, but this is neat too.
Banda said another challenge has been stabilizing district leadership after years of churn…
Moving on after two years on in the top job isn’t exactly stability at the leadership level.
It’s still early, of course, but Seattle Times provides a glimpse
of who will benefit right away from the minimum wage increase:
Tipped employees, who comprise El Gaucho’s minimum-wage work force, will see their base hourly pay rise by 7 percent next year. Mackay notes that in the first quarter of 2014, tips added an average of $31.50 an hour to a server’s paycheck, while busers received $12.50 on top of their base hourly rates. Servers work, on average, 28 hours a week.
Nontipped employees, who already make $11 and up in hourly wages, will have to wait until 2018 or longer before the law requires they get a raise, Mackay says.
“Next year, things don’t change much, if at all, for the back of the house. All the benefits flow to the front of the house,” he says.
The lowest-paid will see benefits as their wages rise to match those paid by less fortunate restaurant owners.
And then there are those who will see a wage increase although a substantial increase in expected work effort to go along with it:
He plans to raise room rates and reduce workers’ hours to pay for the wage increase.
“We’ll do our best to become more efficient,” he says. “Rooms have to be cleaned faster, and if people underperform, instead of working with them more, we’re going to have to let them go.”
That’s really not a problem. Just don’t underperform.
Whatever anger you have about minimum wage, the First Amendment, or public transportation, this is more important:
@ 4
The author, David Barron, was nominated by Barack Obama to the First Circuit Court of Appeals, and confirmed by the Democrat-led Senate.
John Yoo was not immediately available for comment. Neither was Senator Obama.
In Ohio, a nearly pure TeaFascist State, the State Board of Education now has people openly calling for the Fascists to take over the schools. They’ll teach what the other Fascists always have over the last century, that there are “some people” who do not deserve equal treatment under the Law because they were cursed with the wrong skin color, ancestry or were born into an “unfortunate” faith. One of the themes that pervaded German Education during the several generations before WW2 was that Jews were not to be considered human, and had no rights under German Law. This was easily translated into the propaganda the German and Austrian people were subjected to in the period between WW1 and WW2 about all non-Aryan races, including Americans. Anyone remember what happened when Jessie Owens won his Gold Medal?
Maybe SchizoPuddles would like to move there, I’m sure they’ll find “work” for him to do. Arbeit macht frei, right?
ZzzzzzZzzzzz… Think of all the teenagers that will benefit from those jobs in “the back of the house”.. Ground floor! Opportunities! Yay America!
*ROLLS EYES* at idiot concern troll Bob..
In Ohio, a nearly pure TeaFascist State, …
You must mean nearly pure with the exception of the 50.7% – that’s 2,827,621 people – who voted for Barack Obama in 2012.
Schizos gonna schiz. Her “source” is one of SchizoPuddle’s favorite websites.
These people are fucking insane.
Remember when you said this would not happen by the end of June 2014?
Syria meets deadline for chemical weapons disclosure
OWS Racist Fraggy is Effin’ insane. Yeah Ohio went for Obummer in 2012 butt that doesn’t matter to the crazed and inzane Fraggy. Oh no gotta make some stooooooooopid point about Fascists when it doesn’t see one in the mirror each day!
Fascists wanna shut up the opposition. Now who endeavors to perform that each day…? OWS Racist Fraggy!
Definition fascism: ( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. Sounds like the Obummer sadministration and his HA DUMMOCRETIN cronies like OWS Racist Fraggy!
You identify your political differences and issues with Obummer you are a racist! No wonder OWS Racist Fraggy has issues with fascism… He is one!
Sux to be OWS Racist Fraggy… The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Fraggy is a DOPE!
@9 LMAO at the miserable BUTThole troll!! Nice catch MBS!
This talk by Diane Roark former Republican staffer for the Senate Intelligence Committee is pretty scary.. It’s worth an attentive listen:
Great news for our trolls: the idiotic, moronic BUTThole troll and especially his leeeeeeetle sidekick Dr. Bob.
Guess what? The ACA’s gonna work. Already it’s helping so many people idiot trolls hardly talk about it anymore but still a new development makes it an almost 100 percent lock.
No not because of anything TWO TERM President Obama has done or will do.. Just the march of science and technology:
Damn! Over 20 BILLION a year in potential savings? That’s serious coin! Yeah sure it’s new but they’ll work out the bugs.
Heh. Nice try trolls.
Hey clueless crazed cretin@6,
Looks like you could be making a little bread working at El Gauchos instead of living off the wife all these years! Of course the HA DUMMOCRETIN bottom feeder just farts out any old comment hoping for another lookie here moment when facts state otherwise: http://www.businessweek.com/ar.....yment-rate
Teenagers will take any job. Puddy’s sons did when they were teenagers. After UW my son was a manager at a car rental chain before law school. Otherwise you’d be stooooooopid and lazy like the crazed clueless cretin screen scraping and trolling HA DUMMOCRETINS for a useless blog no one visits!
Well back to the salt mines as the moron would claim! Except this salt mine is out of the country and paying Puddy well again Oh yes Puddy realizes you’ll be checking the link status to find where Puddy is this week.
Sux to be the clueless crazed cretin. Roos Perot’s vacuum comes to mind!
LMAO!!! Your “opposition” is discredited, always wrong wing BULLSHIT!
Remember what Darryl said:
You’re a pathological liar!
Today’s monday stupid.. You retired?
Damn! It’s salt mining EVERY NIGHT NOW?
Heh.. The fool’s gonna be burning up the comment threads every freaking night! Shit it’s that or wiping out the local Wal-Mart of its little blue pills!
40 something k is nothing. This jerk’s gonna pass Roger Rabbit!
Did the clueless crazed cretin@12 publish something about Obummercare from February? Well here’s something more recent… Read and weep clueless crazed cretin. Even the people where Puddy is working made the claim America is becoming like them each day with Obummer at the helm. So much for that two term moron! http://www.americanthinker.com.....of_49.html
Sux to be the crazed clueless cretin!
Uhhhh. Moronic Butthole troll.. Exactly my point! If the “back of the house” lags behind the “front of the house” it’s an opportunity for kids..
Do us all a favor and go F yourself! Maybe THAT will prime the pump for salt mining tonight. Save some coin on the little blue pills.
Eh crazed clueless cretin… Puddy wrote… Well back to the salt mines as the moron would claim!You are the moron. And you played your part perfectly AGAIN! clueless crazed cretin is so EASILY played!
Good try at a partial hijack moron!
He’s going to American Stinker and the Avik Roy Institute for his info now..
Yeah that’s credible – NOT!
What a joke this bullshitting BUTThole troll!
Yet, the crazed clueless cretin will sit at home all day blogging!
See ya. Thanks for playing.
Facts EXPLODE crazed clueless cretins femtometer mind
Notice that the MISERABLE bullshitting BUTThole troll is strangely silent about Syria…
LMAO@this joke of a fiend!
Meanwhile at The Beast… they not too happy… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....iraq.html#
Silly DUMMOCRETINS. In Obummer’s interview with Mika he claimed what? http://youtu.be/yVhvNVTPKv0 Remember Obummer claimed Al Qaeda was “decimated”! Wow Mika was somewhat tougher than Matt Lauer!
Is Obummer actually thinking those troops have no need to worry about being tried in Iraqi courts anymore since there’s really no Iraq government anymore? Well their military does suck right now! http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06......html?_r=0
Nice change of subject crazed clueless cretin! Don’t like being told about work? Teenagers more interested in job seeking that the crazed clueless cretin? Health care facts smacking your koro? Facts bothering you again so change the topic? Sure Puddy will play along!
Syria you moronic clueless crazed cretin…? It was your party whom told Obummer to stand down over the red line in the sand. Chemical weapons… turn the other way Senate DUMMOCRETINS told Obummer! With no cajones (reminds Puddy of you crazed clueless cretin) Obummer stood down and turned away and his red line in the sand blew away!
Uhhh… Moronic BUTThole troll. The Syrians met the deadline with the chem weapons deal..
That blows your BULLSHIT right out of the water…
Damn! That BULLSHIT you read is so freaking WEAK!
Does this idiot mean the worthless Avik Roy bullshit that was discredited so long ago?
and what the idiot’s retort back then?
“He was on CNN!””
Fiend… I have to thank you! With “friends” like you, the interminably WRONG WING doesn’t need enemies..
Thank you for your SERVICE to the progressive cause!
So CNN gets a cheerleader for Shrillary? Amazing… And the libtard slobbering press published it? Not from Fox News…? What will the HA DUMMOCRETIN gang say? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....-friendly/ Clinton News Network still fits!
Avik Roy clueless crazed cretin… Looks like time has proven Avik RIGHT and you WRONG again! http://www.forbes.com/sites/th.....taxpayers/ And lookie here… June 2014 FACTS!
Really sux to be you crazed clueless cretin!
@27 – Last I looked R-Money was still the top choice..
Like some ASSHOLE troll said recently: Romney wasn’t the greatest candidate.. the establishment choice…
Don’t support Hillary stupid.. She’s a corporate Dem..
But if it’s a choice between her and a GREEDHEAD degenerate like R-Money.. The lever goes to Hillary!
Where’s da beef? Got link? WikiPedia has “declared” sites. “On June 23, the last declared chemical weapons were shipped out.[1]”. So… has the UN ratified it? From the BBC
Hmmm…? Now what could the crazed clueless cretin be using…
ACA subsidies are financed by taxpayers?
OH HEAVENS.. This shithead troll is gonna expire on us with all this taxing and spending.. Someone get his nitro pills!
Yeah “teach” they are! Just like they were for Romneycare!
Thanks again for your SERVICE to the progressive cause!
Asshole @ 30
Get your eyes check stupid.. MBS provided the link..
In THIS thread even..
What a dope.. Thanks again for your SERVICE to the progressive cause!
Wow… living in the past with 2012 links while Puddy living in the present with 2014 links.
Nitro pills? Reaching for cialis again?
Thanks again for playing crazed clueless cretin. Sux to be living in the past!
Meanwhile Mark Halperin nails it again… http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....-every-day
Tata dumbass! I’ve wasted enough time toying with your miserable LIES!
But I have to thank you! One look at your miserable crap in these threads..
And people truly know what the ALWAYS WRONG WING is all about..
Thank you for your SERVICE to the progressive cause!
Golly clueless crazed cretin… Did you LOOK AT THE DATE of MikeFlubScout’s post?
Syria meets deadline for chemical weapons disclosure
By Thomas Escritt
AMSTERDAM Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:18pm So much for June 30th 2014.
Puddy knows the FlubScout is a moron. He proves it every day.
You on the other hand are just a bottom feeding IDIOT!
Do you realize how much you really suck around here?
@13 – who gives a fuck where you are Puffy, I have no interest, so long as you are not with 5 feet of me.
Puffy you are pathetic for bragging about how fortunate you are with money (your wealth). Before you start to compare yourself to Roger Rabbit, well Roger speaks with a point to be made. When you can own a $300,000 house and afford a $2800/month rent in NYC, at the age of 48, then maybe you’ll have something to brag about. Oh and I have plenty of cash in the bank and it keeps growing along with plenty of money in a 401k. You are Pathetic,
LMAO.. Sorry BUTThole.. Cialis or Viagry is what you reach for when the wife chases you from the computer with the rolling pin.
Back to the salt mines goes the BUTThole troll!
Yeah. Did you remember what YOU posted?
You said the Syrians busted through all the deadlines with the implication they weren’t going to comply with the agreement. Not even close ASSHOLE:
Syria hands over final chemical weapons for destruction
Remaining 8% of Assad’s acknowledged chemical weapons and precursors arsenal sent to Italy as UN deadline draws near
Sorry BUTThole – your beloved ALWAYS WRONG WING Bullshit fails again..
And YOU with it..
Almost forgot.. One look at your miserable bullshit in this thread and people know what your WORTHLESS politics is all about..
Thank YOU once again for your SERVICE to the Progressive Cause!
Mariners SLAUGHTER the Red Sox 12-3 – that’s 4 wins in a row?
Nice.. Good night!
And where has Puddy did this empty teabag (lost his stones in someone’s butt)? Didn’t Jack claim you shouldn’t use the name teabag on here? Well in your case it fits. Empty and lost! Or maybe it feels great on your chin?
BTW, empty teabag, it’s crazed clueless cretin who tracks Puddy. Even tracked Puddy one year when Puddy had a job in Korea. Look up on Google “Seoul brother site:horsesass ylb” and you’ll learn how the bottom feeder lives vicariously on Puddy! Well you are an empty stone idiot so you’ll miss the association!
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa… Called itself the HA Hero. What did you do to become a hero crazed clueless cretin? How many lives have you saved? How many burning buildings did you run into to save a soul? How many burning cars did you break into to save a soul? How many muggers did you stop to save a soul? clueless crazed cretin claims to be a “hero” so what did you do… Oh DAYUM, Puddy gets it… it’s all crazed clueless cretin’s imagination. HA clueless crazed cretin dreams of being a hero “someday” and as Tony Robbins sez, if you dream it you can become it.
It was you who offered MikeFlubScout’s link WITHOUT READING IT. It was you who went nutzo over it. Now you are in CYA mode like always. You not only look stoooooooopid, you are stooooooooooopid! Did you actually read the facts above? Let’s try again… Puddy realizes you are a moronic idiot twerp:
From the BBC:
Puddy uses left wrong sites like the BBC to smack your silly ASS all over bottom feeder.
Even CNN claims they only shipped out their declared stockpile. No one has had full access to Syrian chemical sites. Butt then you are the lowest of the low DUMMOCRETINS on this site.
Of course the clueless crazed cretin believes ASSad. Well the first three letters are ASS!
So while teenagers are stridently looking for work, the crazed clueless cretin sits on his MAC at home screen scraping HA for is unread blog!
Moron. Puddy is black. Those “stimulants” are not necessary. Well maybe for rujaxoff!
Keep dreaming on what you aren’t… sux to be you!
So fudged data… like the fudge packers on HA? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ear.....-data.html
Golly the Chinese on the Internet talk like all DUMMOCRETINS including those on HA regarding political speech from your opponents… Suppress it as much as possible. http://thediplomat.com/2014/06.....-internet/
Hmmm… Puddy was just thinking over the last few days if the smug IRS Kommissioner Jon Kostinen, deliverer of $100,000+ to DUMMOCRETIN campaigns was black, the national libtard DUMMOCRETIN loving msm would be screaming racism like they always do. Instead there is a 50ish balding whitey guy who really is clueless about computer systems and they can’t comment without lending an ear to the American people.
Yet DUMMOCRETINS try and tell the IRS your computer crashed when you are having an audit! Good luck with that!
General Electric has won the battle to acquire the power business side of French company Alstom, which will also acquire GE’ s rail signalling business. Alstom will concentrate on it’s rail business now.
@48 that’s a derogatory statement. Fudge packer . Not sure how Daryl lets you get away with it, you ape dwelling watermelon eater.
On the Ballard Spur, as someone who works in the Ballard/Interbay area,I could use the Downtown leg mentioned in the one map. The D-line is sometimes not reliable. LINK has had a few delays, but they are rare.
Fudge Packer A machine used by Cadbury’s to put bars of Fudge into boxes for distribution