– If we put a fund together, I bet we could get enough to change the Tacoma Dome to the “HorsesAss.Org Awesomedome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
– 8 Ways Not To Be An “Ally”: A Non-Comprehensive List (h/t to my friend M on Facebook)
– I was just talking to someone from West Seattle about cycling on the Spokane Street Bridge, and now there’s a counter.
– Please — that’s only 45 words. That’s not even a blog post — it’s almost a Tweet. Clearly trivial.
– Fun Facts are my favorite Tom the Dancing Bug, and Fun Facts About New York City is my favorite in a while.
What is it with the Republicans in the state legislature? First it was Pam Roach having her own caucus issuing a “no contact order” against her with respect to their staff.
Now another Republican is filing a complaint against against a fellow Republican senator:
State Senator files comlaint
@1 rhp6033,
Nice catch!
But to be fair to Rivers, Benton is one of the biggest assholes in the Republican caucus.
You’d think Benton would have learned by now that when anyone (especially a Republican colleague) directs expletives at him that this is the highest compliment his dickish behavior can earn.
Fk You Benton! You Dk!
You mean this isn’t a normal GOP caucus conclave?
Scott Walker hired a student be a regent, representing the student of Wisconsin. Then conservative groups combed the public records and found the student had voted to authorize the Scott Walker recall. Scott Walker then fired the student.
That is the kind of behavior my conservative teachers in High school used to scare us about the horrors of Russia and Communism. I find it ironic that Wisconsin Tea Bagger conservatives are acting just like the communists. “You didn’t genuflect enough to the communist party at the last comrades meeting, you don’t get the job. ”
Walker is showing an entire generation of students what a petty tyrant looks like.
Small Government Republicans – Add 20,000 border patrol cops to an already 20,000 strong force. The border is less than 2000 miles long, thats 20 people per mile watching a fence. Seems a little excessive to me. But I bet Perry and Jan Brewer love it, pork spending at its best.
4)He definitely is. All the student did was sign, supposedly he did not even vote in the recall election. I wonder if Walker is getting his ideas from the governor of Maine.
@5 Do they get to sleep or take vacations?
If they work 8 hour shifts and never take breaks that’s only 6 per mile.
Better pay them well.
I heard that 4 Wa State Senators are scheduled to travel to Russia in the very near future. I hope they hide their rings.
More Irony by Republicans. Is there any irony in saying that the government or Obama was responsible for the death of the ATF Agent (Remember Fast and Furious)? Well if guns don’t kill people and the gun isn’t responsible then why would the person or government who provided the gun be to blame? People kill people, not guns or the supplier or the manufacturer of the guns. So why did some republicans want to hold Obama responsible for the death of the Agent.
Maybe the solution to war is not being void of weapons, weapons don’t kill people, people kill people, so get rid of the people and there will be no wars. One Nucleur Bomb will solve it all, one big one for the whole world.
@7 – They eat, sleep and pee, take vacations and require sick leave but best of all they are suject to DOMA. They should be on horseback but they probably will be in air conditioned Ford Explorers. 6 per mile (3 shifts), so 1 every 880 feet staring at a fence. Looking in two directions that will only be 420 feet to have to watch.
Republicans don’t mind spending billions when it’s for stuff they want.
Some nonprofits exploit a federal exemption to pay their employees as little as 1 cent per hour while their execs make millions.
Some people are so greedy they steal from their own mothers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t understand you humans. We rabbits share. On a sunny spring day after rain showers, you might see 40 rabbits grazing together on the lush lawn of Green Lake Park. That is, before the Fascist Parks Department rounded up my buddies and carted them off to Bunny Meadows in Redmond. Now they pay humans to mow the grass. Humans make no sense.
Yet another banking swindle is about to blow up in banksters’ faces:
“Holders of mortgage bonds may be facing billions of dollars of undisclosed losses after a review of investor documents showed that individual houses are being reported as being in foreclosure long after they’ve been sold or the loans paid off. The reporting lag has enabled banks and servicers to continue charging investors monthly fees, and could lead to new litigation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: American banks and bankers are so systematically dishonest that we ought to put all the banks out of business and all the bankers in jail, and start over with completely new institutions and personnel. This might be a way to put new MBAs to work.
@14. why are those people not in jail?
15. Because it is a white collar crime. The higher up the corporate ladder the less time the criminal/bankster spends in prison. Enron for example: Fastow pleaded guilty to fraud in 2004, admitting to skimming millions of dollars from Enron through shady deals and kickbacks, and helped prosecutors secure indictments against Skilling and Lay.
He agreed to serve 10 years, but another judge reduced his term. Fastow went to prison in September 2006 and was released in 2011.
The banking sector is always the root cause of economic difficulties.
@15 As my dear sweet spouse intimated @15 above, in this country, you have to steal food to go to jail. Stealing money, especially lots of money, doesn’t count.
I notice puddybigot, after his huge flameout over Intelligent Design, has been really scarce – just like cheapshotBob after his ass-whupin’
Here’s to hoping that they’re making beautiful love together somewhere and never besmirch these threads again (I know – dare to dream!).
@11 “Republicans don’t mind spending billions when it’s for stuff they want.”
There’ll be plenty of cheap Mexican labor available to build that fence, too.
In case you’ve ever wondered…
I talked to Benton once, it was like talking to someone from another planet. Nothing the man said was true or made any sense.
this is too sad….stupid Dem afraid of terrorists
@19 They’re probably sharing a goat on Mr. Cynical’s farm.
I saw one of those ads on a bus yesterday and was appalled.
I don’t understand (though I really do) why those ads aren’t featuring all the cracker white supremacist Christianist terrorists who actually commit most of the terroristic crimes in the US of A.
Toddlers with guns have killed more people than terrorists this year.