– Don’t neglect cities in these tough economic times.
– “We’re all together. We’re all going to jail as a union.”
– Carmageddon!!!!!!
– Jesus’s face pops up on the strangest places.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Don’t neglect cities in these tough economic times.
– “We’re all together. We’re all going to jail as a union.”
– Carmageddon!!!!!!
– Jesus’s face pops up on the strangest places.
GOP Candidate Says Mosques Should Be Banned
Never mind the Constitution (Republicans don’t respect it anyway), Herman Cain says communities have “a right” to ban mosques.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy obviously isn’t going to be president, so I won’t bother to discuss the chutzpah of a guy who thinks being a CEO qualifies him to lead the Free World.
Instead, I want to focus on his pandering, bigoted remarks. When somebody puts on bedsheets and starts fomenting religious and racial hatred among the rubes, you’d expect the media to jump all over his ass — and run him out of town.
So why don’t they? Why does our degenerate media treat demagogues like this as though they deserve to be taken seriously?
Well, I guess we’re making some sort of progress when black guys can wear bedsheets and form their own KKK chapter.
I love this comment by Pudge posted over at (un)SP,
I wish everybody would quit lying to Pudge. Can’t you see that it makes him cry?
So how did The Undefeated do at the boxoffice? This last weekend was the big opening. heh- Did Palin kick some Potter butt?
Oops! That’d be a “no”, as in, “No way, no how.”
Not much will happen in the budget standoff this week. Basically, GOP leaders are moving to prove to House Teahadists that a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution can’t get a 2/3rds vote in a Democrat-controlled Senate. So we’re going to have “show and tell” time in kindergarten, followed by recess, for the next several days. But even though the GOP Congress is standing still, nervous financial markets aren’t; the Dow is off about 160 points this morning. Does anyone in Wall Street, London, Bonn, or Bern believe GOPers will pull the default trigger? Nah, not really, not yet, 160 points is nothing. When it sinks in that these people are as crazy as they tell us they are (anyone who wanted to know what Hitler would do if he got into power only had to read his book, so why did it comes as a surprise?), the REAL selloff will begin — wait until you see the Dow drop 3,000 points in 30 seconds! Where is this all going? I’ll tell you. GOP leaders will emerge from smoke-filled rooms, put their plan on the House floor for a vote, and their own members will vote it down. Then, all hell will break loose in the financial markets.
@4 Has the Palin-worship movie pulled in $100 yet?
@3 HA doesn’t ban people for calling wingnuts liars.
Some encouraging earnings reports this morning, but the stock market is seriously down as investors take out cash as debt ceiling talks fail to yield fruit.
Stocks slump amid debt talk worries
Geitner says leading Republicans are backing away from default, but it’s not clear if that includes the Tea Party fringe on the far right, who could scuttle any deal by refusing to vote for it in the House.
Top Republicans take default off table:Geithner
In the meantime, gold hits a new high at $1,600 per ounce.
Gold rallies to record highs, hits $1,600 an ounce
I’m not sure if everyone knows the back-story on this, but one of the problems with gold as an investment was that you had to store it somewhere. You could store it in a commercially available secure space, but regular storage fees would apply, eating away at your investment. Or you could store it at your house, and pray nobody broke in and stole it. Selling it required a physical transfer of ownership.
A few years ago this changed when a new “investment vehicle” was approved, allowing shares of firms holding gold to be bought and sold as simply as buying shares of stock. This allowed investors to begin investing in gold at rather modest levels, without having to worry about the storage fees, etc. (the company who’s stock they own takes that all into account).
Once President Obama was elected, and even before he took office, this investment vehicle was marketed agressively on AM radio, particularly political talk-show format. This meant nationwide, it was primarily marketed on right-wing radio, since those having a more liberal format make up a small fraction of the market. Although the companies themselves only taughted gold as a good investment generally, the radio hosts used fear of an upcoming economic disaster, massive terrorist attack, racial warfare, etc. to predict the imminent collapse of economcy, society and order soon after President Obama’s inaugeration.
Which makes me wonder a bit – how much do the folks behind the financial interests of the Republican Party stand to gain by the run-up of gold? You can be sure it’s going to collapse as soon as a deal is reached, so it’s the suckers who are buying gold now who will lose their shirts. The big guys are the ones who are either already selling (somebody has to sell if others are going to buy), or will sell in earnest as soon as they receive back-channel updates that a deal is in the works. this smells like a bubble, and it’s about to pop.
It reminds me a lot of the “Black Friday” collapse of gold prices in 1869, after Jay Gould and “Diamand Jim” Fisk ran up the price of gold and then sold it just as the last suckers were climbing on board.
Here’s how the corporate masters pay the puddybitch back for being sooooooo loyal.
With friends like these…I’m just sayin’.
PS…Wasn’t “Troll” pimping this meme a while ago?
From Fox and Friends on Sunday,
So Romney is not a Christian. I can damn near feel sorry for Mitt, being stuck as he is in a party of haters.
The shock and awe waged by the Republicans in the midwest, in WI and MI in particular – where did that come from????
Look no further:
Disaster oligarchy at its finest.
The shock and awe waged by the Republicans in the midwest, in WI and MI in particular – where did that come from????
Look no further:
Disaster oligarchy at its finest.
I don’t know why Chrome double posts like that..
@1 The Stranger ran a very worthwhile article the week before last for which one of their reporters made the great personal sacrifice of seeking out what’s apparently the only remaining Godfather’s in the Puget Sound area (in Federal Way) and attempting to suppress his gag reflex enough to actually eat a meal there. If the “turnaround” of that particular restaurant chain is supposed to be Herman Cain’s great achievement in life to date, no doubt he’d attempt to run the country in an equally unappetizing manner.
28 At this point, the gold spike is probably the suckers jumping in who have no business playing with the big kids. I’ve been hearing from friends who’ve been seeing spam emails and ads on Web sites screeching that they’ll starve to death in the gutter if they don’t sell all their stock and jump into precious metals and other commodities right away. I tell them not to pay any attention.
Hmm, what are the odds of someone at Fox having hacked Mitt’s phone already?
re 10: The interesting thing about Perry is that he wants to simultaneously secede from the Union AND be president of same Union.
Some smart Democrat in Texas should challenge Perry to sign a loyalty oath. The man’s obviously a traitor.
@16 I’m sure they’ve tried to hack Obama’s phone.
Want Republicans Want To Cut
“The new plan promises to cut $35 billion more from so-called mandatory programs like farm subsidies, food stamps and Medicaid, the health program for the poor and disabled, but doesn’t say where they would fall.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No mention of cutting defense, corporate subsidies, or spending on surveillance and incarceration! They just want to cut things that help working-class Americans.
Let’s talk about political reality for a moment. Republicans and Democrats have very different visions for America. The GOP wants to deregulate business, eliminate taxes on capital, make government much smaller and less effective, and eliminate the safety net. A large majority (two-thirds) of the American public doesn’t support this agenda and Republicans don’t have the votes to enact it. So what do they do? They try to coerce the rest of us into accepting it by holding their own money hostage. You see, Republicans own most of the wealth in this country, they’re the ones who will be hurt by the financial crash that a federal default would trigger. I think we should let them shoot their money.
I’d count all of the Republican lies and atrocities of the past few days but there’s just too damned many of them.
As Lilly Tomlin said: “I try to be cynical, but it’s so hard to keep up.”
The Murdoch/News-of-the-World scandel keeps growing, and it’s hinting that tapping a few celebreties and crime victim’s phones is just a part of it. It appears that Murdoch’s reach into the bowels of the British government, and control over the police and the politicians, was to the point where few politicians would dare to cross Murdoch’s interests. A previous British Prime Minister recounted how he was was informed of his fate at an event, when a News-of-the-World editor told him that since he wouldn’t play ball with them, that NewsCorp. was going to “crush him”. And they proceeded to do so, with daily negative press and exposes of “shocking” goverment misconduct, with news announcers all agreeing that it was time for him to go.
But over here, the FBI says it’s only investigating whether NewsCorp. employees tapped a couple of celbrity phones in the U.S. But there are some dark hints that quite a bit more is afoot.
It seems that about a year ago, Roger Ailes called an agent to insist that he stop representing a former colleague of Ailes. I’m not sure if the threat was literal or implied, but the gist was that the agent’s professional career would be in tatters if he didn’t do as Ailes said. So the agent calls his client, and asks him what in the world caused this phone call. His client said nothing – except that he had decided to write a book about Ailes and Fox News. The problem was, only two people in the whole world knew about the project – him, and a reporter who would help him write the book. They had both agreed early on to discuss it with no one else, they hadn’t even told their own agents or spouses yet.
So how would Ailes have known about the project? The probability that Ailes had the former colleague, the reporter, or both bugged seems to be looking like a high probability right now.
Add this to the rumor that since there is a room at Fox News headquarters which is off-limits to most Fox News personnel. Ostensibly it is a “research” department. But no research seems to go into, or out from, that department. It seems to have an agenda all it’s own.
And if someone operating under the cover of Fox News IS tapping phones here, what are the probabilities that they are tapping the phones of U.S. politicians here, as well as in Britain? Where is that info going? And did they get the assistance of the Bush administration, especially under the auspices of data gathered by Homeland Security under the Patriot Act?
Remember what Nixon’s colleagues said about Nixon after he resigned from Watergate. They said he tried to cover it up not because of the failed burglary. It was because he didn’t want the investigation to go further, into other areas where the Nixon White House was breaking the law. We know they bugged Daniel Ellsburg’s phsychiatrist, gave a list to the I.R.S. with instructions that they should perform “special audits” of those individuals, and kept an “enemies list” including the names of quite a few journalists. We also know that Young Republicans and College Republicans were used as recruitment and training sessions for political dirty tricks (Karl Rove was involved at the time). It makes you wonder what else went on, that we didn’t discover?
Oh, and to top it off, the whistel-blower who initially started this investigation was found dead today. Police won’t say much, except that his battle with alchohol and drugs was “well known”.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Nothing to see, move along.
Whatever the reasons for his death (see # 23 above), it serves as a potent warning for those who News Corp. employees who might be thinking about cooperating with the prosecutors. Nobody has to prove that anything nefarious was behind the death, the mere speculation it would naturally entail would be enough to have the intended effect.
# 17 said: “The interesting thing about Perry is that he wants to simultaneously secede from the Union AND be president of same Union.”
We should print up our own bumper stickers:
“Jefferson Davis & Rick Perry for President”.
When he can’t avoid the substantitive media interviews, someone whould ask Rick Perry:
“You’ve advocated having Texas seceed from the Union – again. If you were elected President, would you enforce the Union, as Pres. Lincoln did, or would you watch it being dismantled, as President Buchanan did?
How would you destroy 500 DVDs?
Anybody have a practical way to destroy a large number of disks? Other than bonfire or shotgun? Content is not super secret but I am obligated to destroy them.
@26 Do you have access to an industrial-strength shredder?
@22 If God has any love for this world, perhaps we’ll be able to add Rupert Murdoch to the roster of toppled tyrants in this decade’s rebirth of democracy.
It would seem that Rupert had his own vision of a world ruled by one man.
1. Dig a hole in the ground.
2. take a small grate from a BBQ, place in bottom of hole leaving about six inches of space between the bottom of the hole and the grate.
3. Put a layer of charcoal on top of the grate.
4. Make a grid of dry kindling on top of the charcoal.
6. Add charcoal lighter juice (or Boy Scout water, as we used to call it). Soak charcoil and kinling liberally (of course).
7. Add disks on top of grate made from kindling.
8. Add lit match.
9. Take out the marshmellows, a few green sticks, and sing Kumbaya as the disks are destroyed (optional).
10. After destruction, fill in hole with dirt.
11. Be sure to make a video recording of the entire proceeding, to satisfy the curiosity of whoever insists the CDs be destroyed.
Republicans Threaten Consumer Nominee
After President Obama nominated Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today, Republican senators immediately threatened to block his confirmation — and anyone else, too.
“Republicans fought fiercely against the creation of the bureau last year and have been trying to place restrictions on its work. …
“On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell [said] ‘we’ll insist on [changes] to the agency before we consider any nominee to run it.’
“The financial industry has also expressed concerns about the agency, worrying that it would restrict new products just when companies are seeking to replace profits squeezed by the new financial rules.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yep, that’s what it’s all about, Republicans will oppose anything that keeps the rapacious banking industry from taking more money from us. Why would any consumer ever vote for any Republican?
Federal Budget By The Numbers
Total spending: $3.83 trillion
Discretionary spending:
— Defense: $895 billion
— Other discretionary: $520
Mandatory spending:
— Social security: $730 billion
— Medicare: $491 billion
— Medicaid: $297 billion
— Interest on debt: $251 billion
— Other mandatory: $621 billion
Total revenues: $2.57 trillion
— Individual income taxes: $1.1 trillion
— Corporate income taxes: $297 billion
— Social security and payroll taxes: $934 billion
— Excise taxes: $74 billion
— Estate and gift taxes: $25 billion
— Customs duties: $87 billion
— Other: $87 billion
Deficit: $1.27 trillion
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To eliminate the deficit just by cutting discretionary spending, you’d have to cut 80% of all discretionary spending, which would leave us with a Defense Department not much bigger than a metropolitan police force. Eliminating Medicare altogether, which would empty America’s nursing homes, would close less tan a fourth of the deficit gap. You could get there — barely — by totally eliminating Social Security and Medicare for senior citizens — but only if you make workers keep paying nearly a trillion dollars a year in payroll taxes for benefits they will never receive — this would then simply become an income surtax. The bottom line is that it’s going to take a combination of higher revenues, discretionary and mandatory spending cuts, and continued borrowing. If a major entitlement program must be jettisoned, the logical one to go is the most recently enacted, Bush’s prescription drug program — which is very costly and was designed to mainly benefit the pharmaceutical industry. And I can’t visualize any plausible scenario under which you don’t pare a couple hundred billion dollars a year from defense by closing some overseas bases, exiting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, procuring fewer new weapons, downsizing the active aircraft carrier and SLBM fleets, and through force reductions.
Roger @27, I wish.
rhp6033 @30, I’ve already ruled out bonfire. And I’m too lazy to dig said hole. ;-)
As this chart shows, since World War 2, payroll taxes have ballooned and corporate taxes have plunged.
@33 String them all on a rope and drag it behind your car.
@26 Look up Datasite NW on the Web. They’re one of the outfits that serves the needs of big businesses by showing up on-site with one of those roaring shredder trucks…but they also have three drop-off locations in the area. One’s on Aurora in N. Seattle. We just availed ourselves of their services to dispose of 25 years’ worth of old canceled checks and financial records. Cost $30 for about 200 pounds of stuff. Their machines can gobble optical media as easily as they do paper.
@32 You know that’s not going to happen. Social Security may be in the crosshairs, but the military-industrial complex ain’t gonna go away quietly. Iraq and Afghanistan winding down? Someone will find a way to start a new adventure in Iran or someplace else.
@22 That “room” at Fox was probably (and perhaps still is) as directly connected to the “rooms” at the telco facilities as the corresponding “room” at Homeland Security. In fact, you can probably think of it as a three-way party line.
Wisconsin Update
Wisconsin holds the second of four recall elections tomorrow. Last Tuesday was a primary contest in which 6 bona fide Democratic challengers to GOP senators facing recall defeated 6 “fake Democrats” recruited by the GOP.
Tomorrow’s election is a primary to choose 2 GOP candidates to face off against 2 Democratic senators facing recall, and a general election for a seat currently held by the 3rd Democratic senator facing recall.
General elections for 6 GOP seats and 2 Democratic seats will be held on two separate dates next month.
Tomorrow’s general election should be a slam-dunk for the Democrat. The challenger is a flake with several criminal charges and at least two convictions in his past. The Democratic incumbent has raised $318,000 to the challenger’s $2,000. The challenger is relying on his pesonal doorbelling to take his message to voters.
In the other 8 senate districts, though, Republicans are mounting major ad campaigns, but still are being outspent 2-to-1 by Democrats. Total spending on all 9 races is expected to exceed $20 million — an incredible amount for legislative races. Much of the money is coming from out-of-state; these 9 recall races effectively are a national election on GOP fiscal and labor policies.
The outcome may be very close, with 2 of the 6 GOPers considered very vulnerable, and 1 of hte 3 Democrats being heavily targeted by the GOP. The Democratic strategy necessarily is to defend that seat if possible but to win at least 2 more GOP seats in case a Democrat loses. The Democrats need a net gain of 3 seats to take control of the state senate and stymie Gov. Walker’s remaining legislative agenda.
I think Rupert should suffer the public humiliation of a good old-fashioned tar-and-feathering. I wonder if anyone is still around practiced in the art . . .
@37 It’s very simple. If Republicans want to maintain the current level of defense spending, they’ll have to borrow for it, and they can’t borrow that money unless they raise the debt ceiling. If they go the default route the administration, not Congress, will decide which half of the government’s bills get paid. If Obama stiffs debt service, the GOPers’ rich buddies won’t get their interest payments; or, he can decide that Social Security recipients won’t get their checks — and blame the Republicans. Heads, Obama wins; tails, Republicans lose.
The GOP has painted itself into a corner. This is going to be fun.
Add to #39: Expect more vote-counting shenanigans in Wisconsin counties with Republican county clerks.
@41 OK, let’s get something straight here. The Republican officeholders collectively don’t give a rat’s ass about balancing the budget or the debt limit or “controlling spending”. They want to borrow and spend as much as the Democrats and more…but they want to make damned sure it all goes into corporate coffers and the already well lined pockets of their rich friends. There are only five reasons for all the theatrics right now:
(1.) Dump on Obama and kick him out of office next year.
(2.) Short-term profit for the “investor class” from a temporary US credit default or the threat of one, by playing commodities against greenbacks and treasuries.
(3.) Dump on Obama and kick him out of office next year.
(4.) Push the majority of Americans into further hardship and desperation, bust what’s left of organized labor and turn the entire country into one big sweatshop.
(5.) Dump on Obama and get him out of office next year.
Additionally, a number of congressional Republicans are acting the way they are because they truly are batshit crazy. Plus, they are being pumped up by a blogosphere of similarly batshit crazy folks who make the batshit crazies in Congress think they actually know what they’re talking about.
That’s why George Soros has 11 Tons of Gold in his stash rhp6033? Right wing AM Radio?
Cass Sunstein’s malleable Homer Simpson idiot strikes again!
Each week you deliver another wormburner!
So with DUMMOCRAPTS outspending Republicans we know who are funding the DUMMOCRAPTS from the OUTSIDE eh Dumb Bunny? And if the Republican win Roger Dumb Rabbit… what will be your next pellet load?
Butt Roger Dumb Bunny, just tax the rich and you’ll get $1.27 Trillion…
I woke up with Jesus’s visage shaved shaved into my left ass cheek after a hard night of drinking once.
I should, totally, be beatified by the catholic church.
Did some moronic right wing idiot say anything worth the time of day?
Looking forward to:
The rout of the degenerate Republicans in WI.
The complete implosion of the House of Murdoch..
The teahadist head explosions in the House of Reps..
Gonna be interesting
No mention of the Atlanta Public School Cheating Scandal. OF course not… Just a whole bunch of DUMMOCRAPTS in action. Nothing new here move along. Just 178 Atlanta Public School teachers and principals so far involved!
Huh?? Do I hear some babbling from a right wing stooge?
Hey yelling loser boi ask about this regarding your wife’s union…
Wait for it… ekim will crawl out of his goat’s ASS and say something STOOOOOOOOOOOPID!
So a simple question for the simpletons who call themselves leftists… How does the claim “good intentions” make law breaking OK?
A popular term among office network engineers and IT support departments, it arose due to a need to discreetly describe arrogant users (who falsely believe the system or computer is at fault) in their presence with a suitably technical and legitimate-sounding term. – Urban Dictionary!
Describes the utterly arrogant yelling loser boy who blames Chrome for his keyboard lunacy!
Cain sez… “Our Constitution guarantees the separation of church and state,” he said. “Islam combines church and state. They’re using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their morals in that community, and the people of that community do not like it. They disagree with it.”
Amazingly PMSNBC leaves this comment out of their story. Now why did these leftist pinheads over there do that? Because kook-aid drinkers like Roger Dumb Bunny wouldn’t dig deeper and read the whole transcript!
Gee Pud, i would have thought you could figure this out.
Just ask Michelle Rhee what happens when you tie school funding and teacher salary directly to performance on standardized tests by students. No one could have ever imagined that some would cheat and elevate the scores of certain sub-par students. No one could have imagined that some chronically underfunded districts would cheat to keep from exacerbating their funding problem.
No one could have imagined that “No child left behind” would be a giant failure.
BTW, you are aware that the Georgia legislature that funds public education in Atlanta and mandates student performance be a part of teacher review (that pesky “get them to pass or lose your job rule) is hugely majority REPUBLICAN. Missed those details, did you?
There is no law in the U.S. governing the eating of shelfish. Shall communities have the right to disallow the building of an Orthodox Haissidic Temple because their ecumenical leaders insist that their congregants adhere to laws beyond the U.S. or State? Shall we eliminate any future Catholic Cathedrals as the church will not allow comon law divorce even though it is permissable under the laws of all 50 states?
Man, you are stupid and easy to pick apart. The full transcript shows every bit the lack of constitutional grasp as the excerpt. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
Why do you hate the Constitution Puddy? Why do you hate your country?
The Banks Lied!!
Robo-foreclosures are still going on — but Republicans tell us you don’t need a consumer agency to police the financial industry. I guess you don’t … if you’re a Republican banker.
@58 How is using the power of government to ban a religious group from a community not a violation of the First Amendment?
Oh, and one more thing, dumbass — no matter what a Muslim community’s attitude toward Sharia law is, Sharia law is not law in the U.S. It is, at most, a membership condition imposed on the members of a private religious group which can be enforced only by denying membership.
@48 “Butt Roger Dumb Bunny, just tax the rich and you’ll get $1.27 Trillion…”
No, you won’t, and I never said you would — dumbass. What I actually SAID was higher taxes has to be part of the mix or you can’t get there.
Let’s recap: Republicans slashed taxes and went on a spending spree, turning surpluses into gargantuan deficits — and now they’re complaining about the deficits THEY created!!! The solution obviously is to let Bush’s tax cuts and spending increases expire.
Oh yeah, one more thing, pussybutt — it was George W. Bush who decided to throw hundreds of billions at bank bailouts to prevent the total collapse of our economy.
That was the ONE thing he did right. (Much as I hate banks — and believe me I do hate banks — the financial system HAD to be saved or we would all sink with it.)
Well, since Cain and Puddy are so unfamiliar with the Constitution it isn’t surprising that they don’t get that any bit of Sharia Law if used as a defense against Federal or State law will run headlong into Article VI and the supremacy clause. Honor Killing…won’t be legal. Beating women…not legal. Not following Sharia Law, grounds for divorce in most states under irreconcilable differences.
FEAR the Muslims.
You don’t hear much about Libya anymore. That’s because, when wars turn into a dogged slog, the media loses interest in them. Executive summary: Gadhafi’s days are numbered and the clock is ticking down.
Rethinking Employment
This guy is on my wavelength (except for his half-cocked ideas about inflation). To wit: The employer-employee relationship is slavery, is not needed anymore, and everyone should work for himself from now on.
I’ve been saying this all along, of course. One of the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’ favorite taunts is, “How much should the minimum wage be?” They think there shouldn’t be one. I tend to agree — there should be no legal minimum wage, and for a social-justice liberal like me, that works just fine because I think there should be no employees, either.
I think EVERYONE should be self-employed so they can take advantage of the tax breaks the self-employed get. This would satisfy the teabaggers, too, because if everyone is self-employed no one will pay any taxes, and how much more teabag can you get than that?
As I’ve said before on this blog, our economy doesn’t need $5.15-an-hour waitresses. We shouldn’t have any waitresses at all. They should all be replaced by self-employed “hospitality consultants” who charge fees of $50 an hour and up. That way, restaurant owners wouldn’t have to hassle with hiring, training, and supervising employees; wouldn’t have to pay payroll taxes; wouldn’t have to screw around with benefits; they’d simply contract with independent consultants and pay consulting fees of $50 – $100/hr. to have them wait on customers. Everybody will be rich, nobody will pay any taxes, and everyone will be happy. In fact, this system would create a vast new market for restaurants: When their former waitresses are making $50 – $100/hr. they’ll be able to afford to eat in the restaurants they work in.
Anyway, read this article and get a new perspective on the concept of working. This will, of course, mainly be of interest to those so unfortunate as to have to work. Me, I’m a fucking capitalist, so I don’t do any work or anything else that can be remotely described as productive.
What’s Puddy carrying on about. Righty Christians try to change our laws to fit their view all the time and there’s this:
Really the righty Muslims and the righty Christians are more alike than different.
We neglect cities even in good times, so why shouldn’t we neglect them in tough times?
@65 “since Cain and Puddy are so unfamiliar with the Constitution”
Cain is a pizza peddler, so you don’t expect him to know anything about the Constitution; but what’s pussybutt’s excuse?
@70 “Cain is a pizza peddler”
You mean he was a pizza peddler. Now he’s more like the startup company hypothesized by Doonesbury in the late 1990’s whose only product was its own stock.
@67 One of the many revelations we experienced during our visit to New Zealand earlier this year was that nobody tips. Anywhere. This is because hospitality employees there actually get paid a living wage, and trying to “bribe” for better service than someone else is getting is considered an insult. The only exception to this that we observed was that some establishments had a Christchurch donation jar next to the cash register.
@23 Contrast the deadly silence from the righties about Sean Hoare with their hysterical bleatings about Vincent Foster back in the day…
Talk about thick and stupid. Shellfish, Divorce. Poor examples from the “self-proclaimed genius”. Does the Catholic Church tell it’s adherents to call gentiles infidels and kill them? Since you are an infidel, you are on their list. When the NYC Bomber who chose to become a US Citizen was asked why did he plant the car bomb, do you remember his answer checksaaz?
It’s your kind who screams separation of church and state. It’s your kind who gets all a tizzy about anything a Republican says about religion. Leftist Pinheads. So Herman Cain places a suggestion and you all now support church and state?
Man you leftists are a scary bunch.
Ummm Roger Dumb Rabbit… which side of the political spectrum screams separation of church and state everyday in every way? IT’S NOT REPUBLICANS Roger Dumb Rabbit! It’s the slothful DUMMOCRAPTS.
Once again you demean yourself with your own idiotic commentary!
Puddy is really out in the weeds, eh?
There are hundreds of “Baptist” congregations that preach that murder of living adults is acceptable to end abortion. You ready to eliminate all future Baptist churches?
Still having trouble grasping the Supremacy clause? Why do you hate the words of the founding fathers? Why do you hate the Constitution? Why do you hate our country? You must hate the troops since you hate the country.
Herman Cain is an idiot – a dangerous bigoted idiot. His idea that Islam should somehow be treated differently from other religions is just plain stoopid and wrong. Sharia law – that is just BS. Yes, all religions have laws that may not conform to the US laws.
That is like saying that the Amish will all make us ride buggies with horses, or that the Catholic Church will make us not get divorces, or that certain evangelicals will make us all give up our possesions for the “coming” rapture….
Mainstream Islam does not preach that the infidels should be killed – that is just a lie and a fabrication. You could say the same of Judaism from passages in the bible – but no one says that of mainstream Judaism.
Only a simple-minded fool would make that patently absurd argument.
@55 “Huh?? Do I hear some babbling from a right wing stooge?”
The final straw for me was when that dumbfuck started boring me to death. I no longer bother to read his comments. Hell, it’s to the point now where I get bored just reading his stupid fucking screen name.
Funny how the Puddy tries to use links to articles in the Moonie-owned Washington Times to support some of his arguments, then he supports Cain in the argument that some religions should be prohibited in the U.S., despite the 1st Amendment.
Police And Prosecutor Misconduct In Anthony Case
In any criminal trial, prosecutors are required to disclose any exculpatory evidence in their possession to the defense.
A Canadian computer expert (and former police sergeant) who was called as a prosecution witness during the trial said today he told the police and prosecutors in June that analysis of Anthony’s computer showed one search for the word “chloroform,” not 84 searches.
The claim that Anthony sought information about chloroform on the internet dozens of times was a key element of the prosecution’s case against her.
But they never told the defense about their witness’s analysis and conclusion. Had Anthony been convicted on the strength of this prosecution claim, the conviction would have been overturned.
@77 “a simple-minded fool”
Isn’t this the essence of all the GOP candidates?
Indeed, the litmus test for GOP presidential candidates is being a simple-minded fool. And, being a nativist bigot is a big help.
@79 “Funny how the Puddy tries to use links to articles in the Moonie-owned Washington Times”
A little like Cynical’s erstwhile “Rasmussen dances”. Actually, Cyn seemed to have a better sense of rhythm.
At a time of great urgency, House Republicans push a constitutional balanced budget amendment that cannot possibly become law. I cannot imagine a legislative body acting in a more childish fashion. We really need to replace these juvenile panderers with adults.
That’s why maxeeeee always smells a little funny. It’s the santorum.
Puddydope once claimed that his ancestors came from Europe.
Here’s scientific proof:
Now what was that Ted Kennedy said about Neanderthals again?
Hey Puddydope,
Murdoch is doing an apology tour:
You love that old degenerate. To you he’s a “truthteller”.
Now why should he apologize?
Ummm Cass Sunstein malleable Homer Simpson idiot…
Where do I SUPPORT Herman Cain?
I’ll wait while you scour the nets. Meanwhile you use what? Left-wing puke and pablum or you make these generalizations with no links whatsoever to back up your “thoughts”
You sure love to ascribe comments to me never made or written.
Cass Sunstein loves peeps like you; malleable Homer Simpson Idiots!
Oh really correctnutright? Did you know Britain has 85 sharia courts right now? Look up the Arbitration Act of 1996 and the clause they use. It’s the only religion where it’s adherents go out and kill on purpose.
Let’s see your friends in action.
FT Hood Killa.
The Almost NY City Bomba.
The Almost NY City Tunnel Bombas.
Richard Reid Bomba.
Underware Bomba.
Bill Ayers?
See ya!
Who’s discussing mainstream Islam? Not me. It’s not mainstream Islam wanting sha’ ria law!
@89 I’d post a list of Christians who have murdered people, but there aren’t enough pixels in the universe.
@89 (continued) “It’s the only religion where it’s adherents go out and kill on purpose.”
Really? So all these people were Muslims?
Hey, don’t get me wrong, I think the people who flew the planes into the World Trade Center were real assholes.
Thanks for the comedic relief. Those must have been Muslims that bombed abortion clinics in the south.
Yeah, how about atheists Roger Dumb Rabbit?
And their ministers called for killings. Did Christian ministers do that Roger Dumb Rabbit?
Feel that Christian love, ButtPutty?
I’ve heard Christian minsters call for kill all sorts of folks, all though they tend to cloak their words a bit and I’ve marched with Christian misters in anti-war marches. The same can be said for Jewish rabbis and Muslim Clerics. Funny thing is, it’s always the left side of the isle that’s at the peace marches and the right side of the isle calling for blood to flow.
Wow, I really need a new keyboard.
Another preacher showing his love, ButtPutty.
@97 He can’t feel love. He’s a self-loathing, hate-filled wing-nut. And you know, of course, that wing-nuts are known to do very, very bad things to goats and other farm animals. Apparently they get a kick out of moral decadence and degradation.
An idiot says:
Hmm, let’s start with the crusades, move on to the inquisition, skip ahead to the past conflict in Northern Ireland, the treatment of the native Americans, include the white supremacist “christians” and the anti-abortion christians…and we have an idiot who claims Islam is the only religion that kills on “purpose”.
The worst single terrorist act on Amerciasn soil until 9/11?
Oklahoma city by a self-proclaimed white supremacist – of course, an earlier more religious group of “christians” called the Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord ALSO planned to blow up the same building but were arrested first.
Only an idiot would write something so stoopiod and be SOOO ignorant. Grow up Puddy, learn to actually think and reason before you spout ridiculous stuff.
pudwacker is such a tool of the fear machine. The arbitration act you refer to allows parties to voluntarily, agreed by both parties, submit to arbitration. BUT non British law courts are STILL subject to appeal.
Ever hear of Rabbinical courts in the U.S. Just like in the U.K., they can decide congregational matters but can’t make rulings that are against standing law. Just like Britain. If a sharia court orders a judgement that would fall outside common law, judgment invalid.
Fear. Puddy afraid. Puddy no understand legal system. Puddy scared.