– Sen. Murray Proposes Summer Food Benefits For Low-Income Kids
– It’s kind of amazing to think you can pull off a both-sides-say about something that’s in people’s face like income inequality.
– More playing in the street, pleez.
– I was never much of a fan of Ken Schram, but Andrew at NPI has a nice remembrance.
– In conclusion, donate your motherfucking organs.
– Richard Sherman’s Let’s Move video is pretty great.
– It’s kind of amazing to think you can pull off a both-sides-say about something that’s in people’s face like income inequality.
I don’t think this is the link you intended. Happy Monday.
@1 Maybe one of the inner tubes that Al Gore invented burned out.
“The Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of a woman who was convicted of violating a chemical weapons treaty by attacking a rival in a love triangle. The justices unanimously concluded the federal government overstepped its authority ….
“[She was] accused Bond … of using chemicals … to try to poison a woman who allegedly was impregnated by [her] husband.
Instead of being charged in state court, [she] was indicted in federal court on two counts of mail fraud and two counts of violating a federal law and international treaty on the possession and use of chemical weapons.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I haven’t read the opinion yet, but this looks interesting on a number of levels, as it appears SCOTUS may be saying a number of things here. First, the court appears to be taking anti-terrorism laws away from prosecutors as a tool to use against ordinary criminals. Second, that ordinary crimes not involving broad threats against the public should be prosecuted in state courts. Third, the court seems to want to limit the power and authority of federal prosecutors, i.e. there’s a states’ rights overlay here. I caution these are just my preliminary guesses made before reading the opinion.
Apparently there was a preliminary jurisdictional decision in 2011 that sheds some light on the what SCOTUS is doing here. From Wikipedia:
“Bond v. United States … is a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that individuals, not just states, may have standing to raise Tenth Amendment challenges to a federal law. The issue arose in the prosecution of an individual under the federal Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act for a local assault using a chemical irritant. The defendant argued, in part, that this application of the law violated the Constitution’s federalism limitations on Congress’ statutory implementation of treaties. Having decided the defendant could bring the constitutional challenge, the Court remanded the case without deciding the merits of the claims. …
“[T]he Supreme Court found that Bond had standing to argue that a federal statute enforcing the Chemical Weapons Convention in this instance intruded on areas of police power reserved to the states. Justice Kennedy reasoned that actions exceeding the federal government’s enumerated powers undermine the sovereign interests of the states.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So it looks like I guessed right about the states’ rights aspect of today’s decision.
A good case for Tenth Amendment junkies to read on a rainy day.
@ 3-5
One would think that an attorney would know where to go to find the actual opinion, rather than using Wiki.
Yeah, well, you tell ’em, Ace. Slow day in the radiology department? Or do doctors spend all their time looking up court cases? That would explain the diagnoses some people get.
You know, I’ve figured out the medical racket. Doctors do about as much in their jobs as I do at home squatting in front of my computer staring at stock quotes.
I figured this out when all my similarly-aged friends told me they’re all taking the same pills I am. When somebody comes in sick, doctors just grab a pre-printed prescription form and scrawl their initials on it, and that’s all the work they do for an entire day.
Pharmacists have the same cushy deal because they hand out the exact same pill bottles to every customer who comes in, so there’s no work involved in their jobs, either.
Looks like everybody in this country now operates like us Capitalists do, i.e. we get paid for keeping chairs warm with our fat asses.
No wonder people who slave over a hot griddle all day for a crummy $15 an hour are discontented. I would be, too, if I had to do that.
Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I own stock! I’m making about $33/hr today for sitting on my ass, staring at stock quotes, and doing absolutely no work and producing absolutely nothing of any economic value. It sure beats buying $4 gas and fighting commuter traffic to get to a minimum wage job.
Wow, it seems this Bergdahl swap is getting more curiouser. Traitor? http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....s-conduct/
More lies from the Obummer sadmininstration… http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....4088.html# As we have long said, however, we would not make any decisions about transfer of any detainees without consulting with Congress and without doing so in accordance with U.S. law. Yet Carney claimed it was not an option to follow the law. In the Friday Night Comix thread Roger IDIOT Wabbit didn’t answer the question about following the law.
NRA Calls Gun Wavers ‘Foolish’
“Gun-rights advocates who’ve recently stormed Texas businesses wielding assault rifles in a brazen show of support for the state’s open-carry laws have ‘crossed the line from enthusiasm to downright foolishness,’ the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm said Friday in a statement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, the NRA isn’t calling out these yahoos for reasons of altruism or public spirit. They’re worried. They’re worried their antics might hurt pro-gun candidates in this fall’s elections. I sure hope so.
@1, Fixed. Thanks.
@9 “Traitor?”
It’s better form to give the guy a trial and a chance to defend himself before you convict him.
Of course, all the publicity being ginned up by those eager to hang him ensures the government will have to let him walk because he won’t be able to get a fair trial.
His own platoon members say it too IDIOT Wabbit.
This story is developing. We’ll see what the deal is before too long.
@15 Do you know the difference between a witness statement and a verdict? No, I didn’t think so.
@16 There may be a story here, and if there is, the Far Right is already tripping over its collective dick.
Let’s approach this logically, and in proper sequence. When one of your guys is a POW in enemy hands, the first thing you have to do is get him back. Then nurse him back to health. Only then can you deal with any beef our military authorities may have with him.
And it is the military, not a bunch of armchair bloggers, who decide whether there’s a beef. If there is, you charge him under the UCMJ, appoint a prosecutor and defense counsel, and give him a trial on the charges. If he’s found guilty by the court-martial tribunal, only then is he “guilty.”
It’s hard to see how this process could be followed if he was left in enemy hands. And it’s hard to see how you can justify leaving him in enemy hands based on assumed guilt when the UCMJ entitles him to a presumption of innocence. It follows that if you have an opportunity to secure his release, either by rescue or prisoner exchange, you do that.
Obama didn’t invent the idea of prisoner swaps. That’s been going on since the invention of warfare. Everybody does it. So why is it a problem if Obama does it? What do his critics think he should have done, turned his back, and left Bergdahl in Taliban hands?
You know what? That’s exactly what conservatives are saying. And that’s fucked up, like everything else they do. People with any brains don’t listen to them anymore, because they have shit for brains.
I suspect this thing will backfire on the far right guys behind it. Just give it a few days, and those guys will be trying to focus attention elsewhere to cover their mistake.
@ 19
…those guys will be trying to focus attention elsewhere to cover their mistake.
Give any consideration to the possibility that the exchange of the Gitmo captives for the soldier was to focus attention elsewhere, anywhere, rather than on the VA?
Since you brought up distraction and all.
What a crock these DUMMOCRETIN leftists scream here. His platoon lost six servicemen looking for him. They had to sign non-disclosure agreements. http://www.redflagnews.com/hea.....y-going-on
Too bad this wasn’t found on the various left wrong puke sites HA DUMMOCRETINS love to frequent. Even Jake Tapper at Commie Nazi Network looked into it.
Even people in the DUMMOCRETIN Party are wondering why Obummer accepted those five names from the Taliban. Butt wait… HA IDIOT Wabbit Layers had the audacity to ask “How do we know they are Taliban?” PuddyAnswer… They were asked for and accepted by the Taliban!
See ya!
@20 That thought never occurred to me, and I doubt it occurred to anyone else, except you.
@21 Looks like the lynch mob is already gathering.
There’s One Born Every Minute
Scott Fistler, 38, of Phoenix, Arizona, ran twice for public office as a Republican in his heavily Hispanic district, and lost twice. So now he’s trying something different: He had his name legally changed to Cesar Chavez and is running as a Democrat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He reminds me of another failed Republican office seeker, Low Tax Looper, who tried to “win” a Tennessee state senate seat by murdering his Democratic opponent 29 days before the election. (The cutoff for a replacement candidate was 30 days.) Looper died in prison last year.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 20,
“Give any consideration to the possibility that the exchange of the Gitmo captives for the soldier was to focus attention elsewhere, anywhere, rather than on the VA?”
Riiiiiiiiiiggggh…ohhh, just like he did with killing Osama bin Laden. He waited until just before Orly Taitz’s big court date, to distract from the birth certificate revelations. Hey…it seemed to work!!!!
You know, Squirt, it’s statements like that that peg you as Just Another Rightwing Nutjobber.
Quote Of The Day
I fished this comment from a CNN news article. It seems the perfect answer to trolls waving the “socialist” flag:
“I take it then that you claim the current system is anti big-business and heavily stacked in favor of the poor and middle class. If you are claiming the government has become socialist then that is how I would read your argument.”
@ 25
ran twice for public office as a Republican in his heavily Hispanic district, and lost twice. So now he’s trying something different: He had his name legally changed to Cesar Chavez and is running as a Democrat.
Well, the name Charlie Crist was already taken.
@ 26
I’m just wondering what other explanation there might be for the Administration’s apparent assumption that exposing themselves to news items with titles like this:
Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero (CNN)
The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl (Time)
is an improvement relative to more recent news items.
My comment was in response to another comment that I found to be poorly reasoned. If it’s a ‘mistake’, there are an awful lot of news organizations currently delving into it. NPR spent a fair amount of time yesterday talking about the circumstances of Bergdahl’s departure from his unit, for instance. Hagel isn’t denying that his departure was voluntary, either.
As far as the nut-job comment, it’s clear to me that there are plenty of others already staking out the left wing nut-job territory on this site. I see no reason to blend in with the crowd.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 29,
“I’m just wondering what other explanation there might be for the Administration’s apparent assumption that exposing themselves to news items with titles like this:”
Strap on that tin foil hat, buddy!!!
“NPR spent a fair amount of time yesterday talking about the circumstances of Bergdahl’s departure from his unit, for instance. Hagel isn’t denying that his departure was voluntary, either.”
“As far as the nut-job comment, it’s clear to me that there are plenty of others already staking out the left wing nut-job territory on this site. I see no reason to blend in with the crowd.”
So you admit to your right-wing extremism?!?
Travis Bickle… Why argue with DUMMOCRETINS who dig their feet into the freshly poured concrete and ignore all facts while the concrete hardens around them? His own platoon had to sign non-disclosure agreements not allowing them to discuss Bergdahl walking off post on his own accord. The Pentagon doesn’t dispute this yet “people” like the anthropology perfessa call writing about facts — like the VA scandal and reacting to this as “right-wing extremism”! Strange… these are the same people who reacted violently to anything GW Bush did that could have moved the narrative in the lamestream media!
The left wrong nut jobs run this site! They even disagree with mainstream DUMMOCRETINS!
You can’t get anywhere when someone’s mind is already made up with their own “facts”!
I wonder if it’s true that puddypissypants is really still fucking goats. I heard he takes that Bickle character with him now that the cranky Montana fellow goat-fucker Cynical and his cabana boy Marv are gone.
Yeah…we’ll leave an American Serviceman to rot in a foreign country because Sarah Palin and her toilet sub puddypissypants say so.
At this time I am ready to do my breakfast,
later than having my breakfast coming yet again to read more news.