– On Monday my computer was acting up, so we had a later in the day Open Thread, today I’m just acting up (ie, I didn’t prep enough earlier) and we have an afternoon Open Thread. Any preference if it’s morning or evening on Mondays and Thursdays?
– I don’t know if it’s sad or saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad that his polling firm is still trying to unskew the polls on Eric Cantor’s race.
– Women in the Workplace: Bryant Corner Café and Bakery
– One of my favorite things about the Internet is when people who don’t share my obsessions do something. This piece about how Fox News would cover The Marvel Universe is great even as a non-comics guy.
– Report: Obama Can Act to Reduce Inequality for Women, Minorities
– A lot of sports try to sell the economic benefits to a place rather than the cultural ones. And most of the time that’s bunk. If you care about the fact that the US Open is coming to the area next year, I’d think what it says about us is more interesting than the potential dollars. But Emmett tries to sort it out.
That Marvel on Fox link was a hoot and I know the owner in Women in the Workplace: Bryant Corner Café and Bakery. Great links today.
Massachusetts passed an $11 minimum wage today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The federal $7.25 minimum wage is too low, and because Republicans in Congress refuse to raise it, a growing number of state legislatures are taking matters into their own hands.
Oh noes… Big Bang (Read – Evolution) Theory takes a direct hit… So much for that peer reviewed garbage argument proffered by DUMMOCRETINS all the time… http://gizmodo.com/big-bang-di.....1593658445
@1: Thanks.
What will the country be like in 10 years where some states have a high minimum wage and some only have a poverty wage?
Gotta love Obummer’s sadministration. Now they are after Daniel Snyder and the Washington Redskins. Somehow Puddy has that feeling Scary Harry Land Deal Reid is behind this… Why isn’t Harry Reid worried about the alcoholism rate or the high high school drop-out rate on Indian Reservations? Puddy had to visit one recently. Nice people, love technology and their casino doing great. Butt, with a forty-nine percent (yeah 49%) high school drop out rate, where is the Senate big mouth on that? Why is it when libtard DUMMOCRETINS scream racism everyone is supposed to react? If the Native American community overwhelmingly still has no problem with the Redskin name where is the issue.
And, here’s the latest from WikiPedia… the leftist leaning Nets Pedia.
Why do DUMMOCRETINS force someone to act as they want. What happened to the US Constitution, and free speech and being an American?
If it’s “offensive” that’s America! This blog gives the right to be “offensive” to hundreds of American DUMMOCRETINS. That’s part of America. Since many Native Americans DO NOT FIND the name offensive, Congressional and sadministration DUMMOCRETINS will FORCE a change?
Then there is this moron from PMSNBC… http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....oppression Puddy amazed Da Perfessa hasn’t used Toure’s recent comedy on the Friday Night Comix!
Yes Obummer can – Report: Obama Can Act to Reduce Inequality for Women, Minorities, by starting in the whitey house with equal pay for the wimens who work there!
Meanwhile it seems when Shrillary was a young lawyer she didn’t have compassion for young rape victims… http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....rough-hell
Wait for it… DUMMOCRETINS will smear this lady and claim she’s lying. Of course look at what they’re doing to others who challenge the Clinton Machine!
Butt butt butt, the ACLU loves Obummer… http://dailycaller.com/2014/06.....ying-case/
Way to get out in front of bad press.
Paul Ryan made many excellent points… will the DUMMOCRETIN Obummer-ASSkissing lamestream media cover them today? http://dailycaller.com/2014/06.....lieve-you/
No coverage so far on the three nightly newscasts!
@6 why do democrats have to solve all the problems? What are Republicans doing to help out the Indians with their 49% high school drop out rate, anything specific, other than get them dead in a war, or putting them in the back of the bus if they were gay?
And Republicans don’t force people to live the way they want people to live? You are full of shit.
See being anti-gay makes you the biggest hypocrite when you try to preach freedom, or try to preach about someone focing you to do something, like forcing you not to be gay. Or forcing the Bible on me with Christian Sharia Law.
You are a fucking moron.
If Hillary is a liar, she is in with some good competition on the other side of the aisle. I like her lies better than the lies of the Republican Right Wing Whackos. GOP = Grand Ole Problems.
“Teabagger” is probably not the best screen name to use on this blog, chief.
Empty Teabag@12,
It is Harry Reid who is screaming about the Redskin name. Nice attempt at deflection. Harry only cares about the name.
Sux to be you. EPIC FAYLE!
More like Empty Teabag… Lost Stones! Lost Mind!
Because republicans don’t have solutions that the majority of voters want. It’s much easier to sit back and cry how the Democrats are doing it wrong, than figure out a fair and just solution that won’t get them kicked out of a job by their pissed off tea baggers in the primary.
Oh Empty Teabag…
Puddy on record saying Puddy could care less what gays do behind their closed doors. Puddy claimed that at a Drunk Libtard meeting. You can ask the clueless xrazed cretin for a replay from it’s crazed databaze.
Marriage before it was “changed” by DUMMOCRETINS was found here: http://www.webster-dictionary......n/Marriage.
Christian Sharia Law… Now that’s funny. Sharia law DEMANDS you execute gays you idiot. Proves just how out of touch you are reading left wrong websites empty teabag!
Sux to be you!
@18, Really? We’re learning how Obummer was reerected through many 2012 lies and deceptions. Soooooooooooooo, the only was DUMMOCRETINS keep power is to lie!
Harry Reid focuses on the Koch Brothers and when he learns the Koch Bros gave $25,000,000 to the UNCF it’s onto the Redskins!
Really sux to be an empty teabag. Becoming the third bottom feeder of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Fox News anchor Bret Baier has beef with the Arizona Daily Sun. Baier called out the editor of the Daily Sun, Randy Wilson, for refusing to give equal coverage to climate-change deniers.
I liked the response.
“Yes, journalism is supposed to give voice to the powerless, but that’s not the same as allowing a small minority to filibuster what is arguably the most pressing problem on the planet,” he wrote.
I get that climate change is hard to see, it’s so slow and so vast, but the facts are in and we need to stop pretending it’s not happening.
About 2,000 showed up. Just the hardcore committed haters. Now that public opinion has turned against them, they are feeling like victims because nobody will let them imposes their bigotry with out question.
““I feel bullied,” said Jim Kerr, of Virgina. “Bullied because I’m trying to express myself like any other American has the right to express themselves, and to suppress that I don’t think is fair. So, I’m here to make a statement here…This is my God-given right, not government-given right.” Jesus!””
They have a god give right to express them selves, but not a god give right to have no consequences for that expression.
@16. Talk about deflection. I wasn’t speaking about the name of the Redskins. You mentioned that democrats weren’t doing anything for the plight of the American Indians. So I ask what are the Republicans doing and we get a classic response by you, the Moran, and then you be the pot calling the kettle black. You are a moron.
@15. Why not?
better isn’t your alter ego empty teabag?
You seem to forget your side… http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=621
or http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=612
or http://zombietime.com/sf_prote....._dictator/
Well it seems the HA ASSESHeads now block zomblog…
So better, AKA empty teabag… here is a view of your side…
zombietime. com/ sf_protesters_to_obama_please_be_a_dictator/
www. zombietime. com/ zomblog/?p=621
www. zombietime. com/ zomblog/?p=612
@19 to bad you found out that the dictionary had the wrong definition. I don’t live by the definition of a dictionary. That’s too bad for you. I don’t live by the exact translation of the bible, neither most conservative people, who cheat, lie, steal, murder, rape, and hate. It is unconstitutional to not let two gays to marry. Go fuck yourself!
That was the only definition until your kind decided to trash people who disagreed with you like the Cake Company in Oregon, the chairman of Mozilla, etc.
You see empty teabag/better… It’s your way or you are out of business. Even the Pope claimed that is wrong… butt you don’t care, it’s the DUMMOCRETIN way!
What is the definition of douche bag. Look it up. You will see your face next to it.
Now the pope also said hoarding money like capitalists is wrong too, you didn’t seem to agree with him then. Again, go fuck yourself
Talk about trashing. Your side is trashing gay people every day and then you claim freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I got FREEDOM to do what I want too, asshole.
Let’s see – republicans don’t put people out of business either. Again pot calling the kettle black.
Let’s see – why can’t the N word be said, without putting a person saying out of business? Do the blacks and Jews get special treatment?
Run away Douche Bag, run away.
oh poor empty teabag… Got his leetle pink panties all a twist… Yes, you people are soooooooooooooooo inclusive… http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.c.....ecruiters/
So don’t preach intolerance to Puddy when your peeps are MORE intolerant!
Sux to be you… Be sure to hide your reversed curved tail under your crotch!
Regarding the n-word? Hey your side been calling Puddy that for a long time. All you got to do is research headless lucy and it’s definition of field ni@@ers vs. house ni@@ers. Puddy don’t remember which category Puddy fell into per headless because headless is useless as tits on a bull! Prolly still fondles those wrestlers it coaches! Sept 9-15, 2005. Multiple references since!
BTW Puddy been telling my friends to not use that word. It denigrates us.
Not over the sexual partners in marriage… That’s what your kind does!
And yes you do have some freedom to speak from your asshole. But when the deposits from an asshole magically land on another’s yard you get caught and then resign in disgrace… Direct from a libtard site… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....05665.html
douche bag… Maybe you need to visit http://www.summerseve.com/
Then you could experience every day fresh.
It’s always a good idea to ask WHY a decision was made the way it was. At least for liberals. Conservatives rarely seem to bother to figure out the deeper story. Maybe it’s too hard for them, maybe the real reasons would interfere with their propaganda, it’s hard to know.
“The military’s current ban on transgender service members serving openly, minority recruitment tactics, and sexual assault scandals were factors in the board’s decision, said Pride Executive Director George Ridgely.
Last year, the National Guard had a booth at Pride Weekend for the first time – staffed by gay soldiers – following the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.”
It’s shoddy reporting like that, not bothering to report the why, that gives the lie to the right wing meme of “Liberal Media”.
How come in Conservativeland, when Cliven Bundy and the Tea Bagger Patriots doesn’t like the military it’s perfectly OK,
but the SF Pride Committee doesn’t like the military, that’s wrong?
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Bans Log Cabin Republicans from being Represented.
“The official “ban” was on any formal participation by gay conservatives as sponsors, panelists, or speakers.”
I await the same level of conservative outrage vented toward CPAC as vented toward the SF Pride.
Oh my the simpleminded better/empty teabag just doesn’t get it.
Cliven Bundy sees the military as part of the Obummer/Reid cabal. Obummer won’t make the US a sovereign nation by defending the borders from illegal aliens crossing US borders but Obummer/Reid will send federal agents/army to look at some desert grazing rights for some turtle over cattle?
The SF Pride is standard DUMMOCRETIN hatred of the military. You seem to forget the treatment of Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon mates by your peeps in the public arena! You seem to forget how Obummer ignored his generals over a contingency force in Iraq to not allow what’s happening now in Iraq. Or the Pentagon ignored by Obummer over those 5 enemy combatant creeps freed for Bergdahl. Obummer was told even by Dianne Feinstein not to do it. DUMMOCRETINS hate the military.
Sux to be better/empty teabag. More EPIC FAYLES!
Isn’t CPAC a private group while the SF Gay Pride Parade an open air public event?BTW Puddy didn’t agree with their decision but they are a private group. That’s the big diff! Keep searching empty teabag/better!
Puddy rests your honor. Better/empty teabag is specious as always!
Gotta go empty teabag. Gotta buy some parts! Sleeze you lata!
Now we’re on transgenders? What’s next better/empty teabag? Necrophiliacs? Bestialities?
The article seems to be..
“yeah, I’m a Republican, but vote for me, cause the tea bagger is worse. ”
Cochran Asking Blacks to Rescue Him in Republican Primary
Now we’re on transgenders? What’s next? Necrophiliacs? Bestiality?”
Nope. That’s a tired Right Wing scare tactic meme. The dead and animals cannot give consent.
What part of “Consenting Adults” is unclear to conservatives?
Because it’s as if your saying you’re a Libertarian but really are just another run.-of-the-mill Republican.
Another shining example of conservative Christians showing their respect for the President.
What would Jesus do?
Nobody mentions the anti-Semitic voters in the Slave State South. I would guess they make up more than the percentage of votes Cantor came up short.
Puddy was waiting for someone to go there. Cantor went to Congress how many times from the same district Bert? Even WA beltway DUMMOCRETINS like Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz are NOT using that as an attack. Butt, Bert does.
Waytogo libtardo!
Look at link 612 and 621 and then compare what DUMMOCRETINS do to anything conservatives do!
The jackass puddypussypissypants is at it again.
Why thanks rujaxoff. When rujaxoff attacks, it proves Puddy is making sense and delivering factual evidence again!
rujaxoff, your masta headless lucy is calling!
Get a life puffy…..if you need to be more comfortable in another country I suggest you don’t hesitate to move, I hear some middle eastern Islamic country are great spots now a days.
At 12:39 you say you have to go (to buy some parts) and then less than four to five hours you are right back at it again… Sounds like you have no fucking life, and that you want to ruin the lives of everyone else.
I thin better got the better of you – I leave it at that!
What does it say about a black man when he is outraged if liberals compare bush to Hitler but is not bothered with the imagery of people pissing on the black president.
The first is people making parallels to the actions of a leader, the second is people who despise the leader and take pleasure in degrading his icon.
The first is anger at what the person does, the second is degrading what the person is.
Wow, DUMMOCRETIN libtards comparing someone pissing on a doll vs. public pictures of calling for the death of a president.
Somehow the association is totally missed by the DUMMOCRETIN libtards above!
Always wondered how DUMMOCRETINS think of their “names”, If you know where to purchase the parts it’s a no brainer even for ones like you with no brains. BTW since Puddy travels a lot if Puddy comes home Fridays, Puddy gets the day off with just email checks.
Sux to be you buttpuffy! Ahhh… Puddy sees… too much up the butt action so butt is puffy!
I see the dude playing puddibigot is really going at it – spooging all over this thread.
I was struck particularly by his (nonsensical) comments @3. I find it HILARIOUS that someone who professes to believe in “Biblical Literalism” and a 6000-year old universe would find something to comment on in a story about astrophysical observation, calibration and analysis of data regarding events taking place ~14 billion years ago, just after the Big Bang.
The story is about science working as it should – data gathered to test a hypothesis, discussion and criticism from the community (in this case calling into question the precision of calibration of instrumentation), refinement of analysis and published statements.
Somehow the moron character puddibigot “thinks” he has something to crow about here…but as usual with his posts – scratch the surface and find….*nothing*
@ 47 @ 54
Google ‘Piss Christ’.
First Amendment can be a bitch sometimes.
@ 54
What does it say about a black man when he is outraged if liberals compare bush to Hitler but is not bothered with the imagery of people pissing on the black president.
What does it say about a HA libbie who has no problem differentiating between smearing GWB43 as Hitler and the act of urinating on an image of Obama, but would likely giggle like a little schoolgirl if he had taken the time to learn that the same type of imagery
occurred when GWB43 was in the White House?
It’s not because Obama is black. It’s because it’s Obama’s turn to be president.
Turns out you don’t even have to be president to be treated this way. Even running for president
gets you the urinal treatment.
When I wrote
that you are true form, Better, this is why.
Here, Better:
Let me save you the trouble of feigning outrage in 2016 that the right would treat a woman with such cruelty.
’cause your side would never,
ever do that. Not even in jest.
@58 what is the similarity to one man’s demented way of expressing what he calls art and another “group of people” representing or trying to govern a nation, disrespecting and being childish. Any 6 year old wouldn’t even behave that way the Islamic Republic of America acts.