– I’m not sure zero tolerance is a good strategy for dealing with gun crimes. But the previous strategies clearly weren’t working.
– RIP Rodney King.
– If the Tea Party doesn’t want to be seen as racist, maybe don’t start off a rally with a racist joke.
– Lord Player says more homophobic nonsense.
– Publicola are back.
– Happy Solstice.
– This is the greatest headline in human history.
Text of Obama’s new immigration policy is now available, online as a letter. He won’t even sign his name to it.
Turns out what he said and what reality is are two different things:
No wonder it isn’t showing up as an executive order. When it morphs into something no one wants, he’s got plausible deniability.
I was SO hoping for another 2-4 years of Pelosi running the House.
Check this detailed story about the Obama Regime’s Secret Service team. Totally out of control. Reflects Obama’s inability to command respect and accountability. Obama is clueless.
If Obama is clueless about this, what else is he mismanaging? I mean we are talking about the guys who are supposed to protect him! These fools could have easily been compromised..especially the married ones with all the young girls. Nuts. But telling.
Is Obama blaming Bush for this too?
OK, all snark aside, I found this set of maps pretty informative. It’s a pretty clear picture of the importance of energy production issues to states that both candidates will need to win this year:
In 1980, Carter was pretty much abandoned by members of his own party in Congress.
Not saying the same thing is happening to The One.
Not saying it isn’t, either.
Just for fun:
50+ old photos of Obama. I like the parade one, # 11 – he’s in Revolutionary war garb.
Guns don’t kill people heterosexuals do.
Gman’s back, how unfortunate.
So much for all that crap about how disenchanted the GOP base has been with Romney:
Mitt Romney receives newfound enthusiasm from Republicans
It’s not about how much we like our guy. We have two needs:
1. Our guy should be competent.
2. Our guy should be capable of beating Obama.
To the extent we believe Romney meets each need, yeah, we’re comfortable with it.
Your side can keep ‘likable’. We prefer ‘competent’.
Go read the comments on the article from that hysterical headline.
Those people are seriously crazy.
@9 RMoney is probably one of the lowest intelligence candidates we’ve seen for POTUS in our nations history. He’s even stupider than Sarah Palin who has an IQ of around 83, certifiably lower than George W Bush, who measured at 87. The fact that he constantly gets things flat out wrong, then doubles down on them when actual experts make a point of illustrating what was wrong about it, only bespeaks who he’s working for.
He certainly has the rubes and the trailer park quarterbacks convinced.
“And interestingly,” CBS adds, “Apparently President Obama got a bit of a lecture from Putin about some other failed transitions that are going on around the world.”
Yeah, we’ve had our hand directly in Libya, gave Mubarak a pretty good shove in Egypt, and things haven’t worked out so well. Nice of Putin to point that out.
@ 10
Yeah, Harvard Law School has never been good at picking out good people. Harvard Business School had been slack at that as well, come to think of it.
And that Baker Scholar award he earned at Harvard?
The top academic honor at HBS is the Baker Scholar designation (High Distinction), given to the top 5% of the graduating MBA class. In a typical year a Baker Scholar will have achieved “1s” in approximately 70–75% of his or her course credits. Students receiving honors (top 20%) in both their first and second years are awarded the MBA degree with Distinction. (Wiki)
They give that to almost all of the Harvard MBA recipients. Well, the top 5%, anyway. Any dumbfuck could earn that.
@ 11
Yeah, perhaps it would be better for everyone all around, if we stopped meddling in Middle East politics altogether.
Odd thing, the “Conservatives” were all for Reagan bombing Libya in reprisal for the Lockerbie 747 bombing, but were falling all over themselves to criticize Obama for doing it in support of the revolution that took Qaddaffi out, the man most responsible for that bombing. He ordered the destruction of a nearly fully-loaded 747 aircraft to kill one single person.
@9 the only thing competent about Mitt is that he knows how to strap a dog to the top of the roof of a car.
@ 12
An MBA is an unchallenging degree to aquire. It requires little intelligence compared to a law degree. All the work has been done, it is entirely about repeating what is already stated in the textbooks, more of a stenographers degree than anything else. You are comparing a babysitting degree that spoiled rich kids go for, to one that requires real scholarship and intelligence.
Barack Obama has a LAW degree, not a Haahavaad MBA. I think you’re thinking of our previous President, who it may be pointed out, never received any such awards during his student years, and had to have his daddy bribe his way into the school in the first place.
Don’t forget Darcy and Harvard.
Is Fraggy stupid or is Fraggy STOOOOOPID?
Mitt Romney has both ya STOOOOOOPID moron. Mitt obtained his MBA from Harvard Business School in the top 5% of his class in 1975 (Baker Scholar), and graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School with his Juris Doctor the same year, finishing in the top 5% of his class.
Fraggy, drinking the loony bin kook-aid and STOOOOOOOOOOOPID as ever! I would postulate you are not thinking but then again from all your posts that was never a Fraggy attribute!
BTW Mitt graduated with a 3.97 at BYU.
And what was your vaulted Obummer’s grades at Columbia or Occidental? Gee we just don’t know becuz he won’t release them! So what is Obummer hiding Fraggy?
Think about that!
@ 13
It’s hard to know where to begin. Lockerbie killed US citizens and was state-ordered murder, attributed to Libya.
The Libyan uprising did not kill US citizens, to my knowledge. We have a history of selective involvement in other countries in which citizens are being killed. For some reason 52 Libyan deaths was a crisis but 250,000 Sudanese was not.
Conservatives supported bombing Libya the same way a majority of Americans supported taking out the Taliban after 9/11, because they were harboring OBL. It’s what we do when our citizens are successfully attacked from abroad.
@ 13
It’s been pointed out by @ 17 that what I was referring to was Romney’s dual degrees.
I would also point out that while the brilliant President Obama earned his JD at Harvard Law, the stupid Mitt Romney earned his JD at Harvard Law simultaneously with his MBA at Harvard Business School.
What a dumbfuck, that Romney. Two degrees simultaneously from an Ivy League school. What a blockhead.
I guess, Deathfrogg, I’m pointing out the idiocy of your @ 10 post.
Great article about the douchebag multi-millionaire leftist comedians making millions & millions making fun of Romney’s wealth!
I wonder if the dunderheads who watch these hypocrite 1%ers ever stop for a second to say…wait a minute here. Let’s exam these high-livers and all the excesses they enjoy on the backs of guys like Romney. Heck, even Obama is a multi-millionaire thru writing books about himself and getting sweetheart deals on them.
Funny how Cereal Cunt-servative, Smilin’ (micropenis Bob) & Puddy all show up about the same time of morning to post multiple times on this thread.
I think we’ve got just one racist redneck Retardican troll posting under about 5 different names here …
@ 21
I see we have our latest-joining member of the black helicopter HA society.
On my second name. Smilin’ and I are two different people. Darryl can tell you that.
I think we all show up in the morning because we have reasons to get out of bed, being working conservatives with careers and family expectations of us. The libs roll out of bed around 11 unless it’s welfare check day and they need to be in line earlier to make sure they get theirs.
16 out of 23 or 70% of comments are total fucking bullshit.
Can we get a new batch of trolls? These guys suck.
The joke that made the teabaggers laugh.
Here we are in the 21st century and here we have Bob, Smilin’ and the rest of the racist core of the Republican party furiously attempting to suppress the vote of minorities all across the country.
I suppose each person who goes down that path does so for their own reasons. Perhaps it’s simple race hatred. Maybe it’s a thirst for power without regard for who gets trampled underfoot. I really don’t care what drives these people to suppress the rights of others. I just know that it’s not right and that we need to put a fucking stop to it.
@ 24
I see you set your alarm clock a little earlier @ 23 than usual today, Rujax.
@ 25
And for Dr. Steve, the first step is to pass on a racist joke.
Class act, man. Your mother must be so proud. She was the one that taught you the joke, right?
Hey rael AKA dipshit… I visit DL at times. Professor Darryl will verify that I am not any of those peeps.
Good try. Keep stupid and rujax-like!
Did you deliver the blow job rael? How can you be sure? Sounds like you have Koro Disease and it’s a projection. A Psych 101 thing?
rujax farts
Yeah, facts from this bunch hurt his leetle beety eyes!
re 30: “Yeah, facts hurt his leetle beety eyes!”
The Russian ship sending arms to Syria has just turned around. I’d say Puddy’s statement was a case of the pot calling the kettle black — except he’d call me a racist.
Do any of you have jobs? All you do is post all day on this blog.
@ 25
What’s next, Doctor Steve?
Will you make some sort of threat against the president, and then go off on how the GOP hates Obama so much they want him dead?
Even the racist headless dorky lucy can get something right now and then!
Mitt does have a combined Law and MBA degree from Harvard. Quite a few universities offer such joint degrees, sometimes it requires a year more of attendance, but in many graduate schools it merely requires you to have a business “concentration” in law school elective courses – so the student can graduate within three years with both degrees.
I won’t criticize either Romney or Obama for Harvard law degrees, both are considerable achievements which show that both are unusually intelligent. The problem is one of context. One person with a law degree can see the law in the context to which it’s benefits are made available for the rich and priviledged, whereas used against those who are poor and unrepresented. Another person can come from a background so wealthy and priviledged that he doesn’t see the problem. The President represents the former, Romney is a pefect example of the latter.
Why do you care?
# 23: This is a perfect example of a “straw-man” – the construction of a false image of your opponant so as to make it easier to knock it down in a rhetorical fight, rather than cross swords with a real opponant.
I got up at 5:00 a.m. this morning, after an hour commute was at work by 6:30 a.m. I’m taking a short break to catch up on the comments here, but my posting will be sporadic this week. I’m supervising the exporting a couple hundred million dollars of (mostly) American-made products overseas this week, if things go well. Next week is another hundred million dollars or so of exports. I’ll be lucky to make it home by midnight any night over this week and the next, and that includes the weekend.
So don’t go crying to me about how hard you conservatives work and we liberals sleep ’till noon. You are just making that stuff up.
@23 –
Assuming that you aren’t lying thru your teeth when you say you have a job, there are only two other possibilities:
1. you are paid to post fascist propaganda on the web …
specifically HA
2. you are ripping off your employer by spending all your time every day posting on HA INSTEAD of doing your job …
… so which is it?
“Class act, man. Your mother must be so proud. She was the one that taught you the joke, right?”
That was really pathetic, Bob, even for a dumbfuck racist troll such as yourself. That was the joke told by the teabagger who opened the Arkansas teabagger rally. It’s from the fourth link offered by Carl.
“If the Tea Party doesn’t want to be seen as racist, maybe don’t start off a rally with a racist joke.”
But you knew that, didn’t you? Gawd, you’re such a racist asswipe, Bob. And a really fucking stupid one at that.
@ 35
Ah, yes.
“At some point you’ve made enough money.” morphs into
“At some point you’ve been provided enough legal protection and we should ignore the law and decide what’s ‘fair’ rather than what the law prescribes.”
BULLSHIT… Mitt Romney’s father was a poor immigrant you moron. His father worked hard without a degree and made something of himself. George Romney didn’t inherit it like the Kennedy’s or marry into it like John Effin Kerry. Mitt Romney’s father provided a great life for his children because he worked hard, something a useless libtard such as yourself denigrate.
Of the hundreds of Romney’s law and business school classmates at Harvard, just 15 earned the dual degree rhpee6033. So this wasn’t some context problem as libtard blogs have said. Where is that from… Populist Daily? Media Morons? TPM? So easy to perform a google search on your crap!
Man rhpee6033, you are STOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID too!
Facts, the enemy of rhpee6033.
I should also point out that the dual-degree program (JD and MBA) available at many law school precludes quite a few elective law courses which many might like to take if they were inclined to careers in litigation or other non-business aspects of the law.
But most of those working toward the joint MBA programs don’t expect to actually practice law very much. They just want to know how to read a contract. For everything else, they anticipate that they will hire their own lawyers for the day-to-day litigation, etc.
This has always amazed me – that someone can think of lawyers as massive labor commodities, interchangeable to a degree, which are simply an assett which they have enough capital at their disposal to hire and fire at will. Few Americans can envision having enough money to think this way.
Geez, want to avoid talking about your teabagger racism much?
No more deflecting, Bob. No more hiding. Own your fucking racism, asshole.
Now please tell us more about your visions of white militias roaming the streets of Detroit, shooting blacks on sight, as you hide behind your screen name as though it were a white sheet.
That’s nice rphee6033. I started work at 4AM to ensure the next European and African installations worked perfectly. IT DID!
See ya!
@ 42
Looking at them that way beats hiring Gloria Allred.
I have an attorney who does only contracts. If anything like a suit or motion needs to be filed, I need a different attorney.
He’s saved my ass on more than one occasion. I’m OK with a guy who works in a small niche and having to hire someone else when I need something else.
Here is the Harvard dual businesss and law degree program description from Harvard. You evaulate it yourself vs. reading the horseshit from the horsesASS rhpee6033.
FACTS, explode libtard kook-aid sites!
@24 I have to admit I rather miss Cynical…and for that matter I’d dearly love to hear from “IAFF Fireman” regarding his thoughts about the GOP’s full-court offensive against public-employee unions.
Let’s try this again, Bob. This is the racist joke told by the opening speaker which drew big laughs at the Arkansas teabagger rally.
You think that’s funny, don’t you, Bob?
# PuddyFart @ 41: Thanks for acknowledging the facts of my post, while disavowing the conclusions. Typical.
Romney’s grandfather was the immigrant (or re-immigrant, if there is such a word). Romney’s father came along and was hard-working and deserves some laurels for his efforts. Of course, Romney’s father was pushed aside from the GOP in the “Reagan Revolution”. He was too liberal to be among the Reaganites taking office in 1980. Since today’s Tea Party wouldn’t even allow Reagan into the tent with his “liberal” ideology, that just goes so far to show how far the Republicans have pushed each other off the cliff to the right side of the ideological spectrum.
Romney, however, was born into wealth. His father was the head of what was then one of the “Big Four” auto-makers, and later governor of the state. As the “haircut” incident shows, it went to his head – he became a bully. It keeps showing up at inconvenient times – he put red lights on his car and dressed in a state trooper uniform to scare his friend’s dates. He put his dog in a cage on the top of the car, and simply hosed it down and continued when it lost control of it’s bowels out of fear. At Baine Capital he became impatient with the slow pace of venture capitalism and replaced it with “vulture capitalism” instead, buying up companies to milk the money from them and their workers, then dismantle them and outsource their contracts without concern for the average workers who built the company over their lifetimes. So far, I don’t see any change from the “bully” years – the context changes, and the number of lives affected changes, but the moral issue remains the same.
Speaking of moral issues, Puddy, I haven’t seen that you repudiated your buddy Glenn Beck for him calling the teenage victims of a white supremecist murderer the equivilents of “Hitler Youth”, thereby implying they deserved their fate.
@ 48
Noted, and apology offered for my error.
@27, @33 incorrectly posted and your point fully acknowledged.
I generally don’t click on each and every single link offered at the top of an open thread, do you?
# 46: Nothing there which repudiates what I posted. It’s simply a part of the admissions practice.
If I recall correctly, when I was in graduate school at the U.W., it had a similar program. But you had to meet the prerequisites for admission into both programs, which just made sense. The requirments have probably changed over time (at both Harvard and the U.W.), I haven’t looked at it in decades.
Did you read the facts from last week rhpee6033 or did you skip over them as always? George Romney was NOT American Motors president when Mitt was born.
Do you ever fact check your BULLSHIT or accept the leftist wrong site horse manure as gospel?
We’re reviewing Romney’s educational background because someone thought he’s one of the more stupid presidential aspirants.
I think that idiotic statement has been debunked beyond rational question.
Did you read the Harvard link rhpee6033? Did you read the curriculum? Doesn’t seem so!
Yeah Fraggy is STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID. Now we have serial denier rhpee6033 stepping up to the plate to denigrate the HBS and HLS dual degree curriculum as the next attempt.
GWB is a monkey. Mitt Romney is his uncle.
I wonder when being born into privilege was an exclusionary factor.
Al Gore, Jr.’s father was a US Senator. Didn’t seem to hurt his candidacy for president any (perhaps because it certainly wasn’t going to be Bush bringing up the point).
John Kerry didn’t have that luxury at birth but chose instead to marry into it. One does not choose to be born into wealth but he certainly chose to marry into it (as did his wife, with her first husband).
Why, now, are libs suddenly unhappy about Romney’s wealth?
There are 3.7 people looking for work for EVERY available job in America. But according to the conservative Trolls those people are just lazy.
And the republicans are blocking any and every initiative to spur the economy.
@ 58
“…any and every…”
You mean like those bills passed by the House that Reid hasn’t acted on? Those initiatives?
They aren’t being blocked by the GOP.
Good try fascist lover. Who was described by Puddy?
Blog trollers and MadDog 20-20 peeps. So who else did I identify?
Stay stoooooooooooopid. You are a great Fraggy cousin.
Why, now, are libs suddenly unhappy about Romney’s wealth?
We are not upset with his wealth, we are unhappy with the character flaws he exhibits using his wealth. The wealth is just an enabler. The man will gut the middle class if he get elected and he won’t care.
No No No Harry Reid is a Republi… ummm no he’s a DUMMOCRAPT!
Got real proof? Not from left wrong kook-sites!
You mean like those bills passed by the House that Reid hasn’t acted on? Those initiatives?
Those have already been shown to be fake jobs bill and only give ways to the oil industry or things that destroy environmental regulations. Calling them jobs bills doesn’t make it so.
Those were answered when you were “bob”
Got real proof? !
Nothing anyone could post would make a dent in your force field.
@ 58
It’s not going to get better any time soon, either.
If only one party would take the lead and pass some bills @ 59 that are structured to get business moving and people hired again.
@ 64
So, they were bills you didn’t like.
Ah, and then there’s Keystone. Which you also don’t like, job content aside.
You choose to dismiss everything and then say they block all efforts.
Must be nice to play Heads I Win, Tails You Lose. You have about 4 1/2 more months of that.
Marco Rubio says he would come to the US illegally if he had to
Do you know what’s disgusting? Larry The Moron O’Donnell on PMSNBC attacking Ann Romney for riding a horse to combat her multiple sclerosis.
Why are the PMSNBC morons, favrits of HA leftists such dipshits?
Didn’t think so.
Thanks for playing.
Ah, and then there’s Keystone. Which you also don’t like, job content aside.
No, I don’t think it was safe, there is a difference.
If only one party would take the lead
Or if one party would show some bipartisanship and compromise. But that might make Obama look good.
@ 73
Or, from the perspective of the Democrats, that might make Obama look bad.
Asian immigrants to U.S. surpass Hispanics for first time
It will be interesting to see how they influence the country over the next decades and how our existing culture reacts to them.
Are the Asians here legally? I have no problems with any group who come here LEGALLY!
U can’t comprehend that fascist one!
Things anathema to libtards!
What does it say about America, Arizona or emboldened racists when the talk radio host apologetically goes on and on comparing Obama to a monkey?
Puddy does this bother you?
The Mitt (R-Money) plan for education:
In short, “take it private..”
marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success. Things anathema to libtards!
That is a right wing meme that you know is a lie.
Then why are gay trying to get married and raise kids?
Then why are women and minorities trying to get equal pay for equal work for their career success?
Then why are the democrats trying to start the economy and the republicans trying to stall it?
Liberals value marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success just as much as conservatives. We just don’t have as a narrow, exclusionary version of them as conservative have.
Puddy is an example of one of the seven deadly sins: Willful Ignorance.
77 – Of course it doesn’t bother him.. He’s a bigot himself..
Another example…
Right wingers are passionate about “smaller government”, i.e lower taxes so when in power they do… nothing:
Doing “something” to right wingers means tax cuts for the rich and corporations, giving corps carte blanche to pollute, injure workers and screw consumers and of course start yet another recreational war of choice on swarthy skinned people for their constituents to enjoy on Faux News.
The GOP hates women that are raped while performing military service:
Wow! Any chance of the degenerate right wingers in Congress correcting this? Heh. No chance.
Sorry right wingers.. The people aren’t buying your bullshit about the “job creators”:
But it’s worth discussion, what is the consequences of taking education private?
Public schools have to take everyone. Will private schools? Will all the special ed kids be abandoned?
Will the right wing be support of private schools that are Madrasas?
Will it be acceptable if private schools for poor kids have 100 kids a class, but schools for wealthier kids have a much lower student to teacher ratio?
What other consequences do you see if we go to private schools?
Another fascist fart
Think Progress? Another of those divisive libtard left wrong blogs? Your own peeps here called Bush a chimp.
Nuff said sucka!
84 – They don’t see consequences for their actions. All they see is more profits for themselves and their big contributors.
Bad consequences are for another day. They invent another scam for that.
Here’s one for birfer boi, the yd(iot):
Sheriff Joke makes Dim Dave look like a saint!
more HA arschloch crapola
The NEA has done such a great job educating our children.
Yes but paying public school teachers not to teach is priceless.
According to your boy George Will liberals make more money than conservatives. Look it up.
Here is union dues at their worst for DUMMOCRAPTS by amount: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/
AFSCME: $43,337,561 (98%)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: $32,930,966 (97%)
National Education Association: $32,021,910 (93%)
Laborers Union: $30,106,550 (92%)
Carpenters & Joiners Union: $29,154,808 (89%)
Service Employees International Union: $29,139,982 (95%)
Teamsters Union: $29,126,809 (93%)
American Federation of Teachers: $28,731,591 (98%)
Communications Workers of America: $28,273,156 (98%)
United Auto Workers: $26,949,252 (98%)
Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union: $26,170,977 (98%)
United Food & Commercial Workers Union: $25,226,733 (98%)
AFL-CIO: $18,744,496 (95%)
Sheet Metal Workers Union: $17,901,313 (97%)
Plumbers & Pipefitters Union: $17,547,376 (94%)
Operating Engineers Union: $17,103,385 (85%)
United Steelworkers: $14,493,901 (99%)
United Transportation Union: $14,414,260 (88%)
Ironworkers Union: $14,069,875 (92%)
American Postal Workers Union: $13,312,673 (95%)
Seafarers International Union: $8,704,594 (85%)
Transport Workers Union: $8,582,649 (95%)
Amalgamated Transit Union: $7,648,918 (93%)
90 – Which union is it?
Ahhh yes feckless crazed deranged databaze attacks #65 & 65. More EPIC FAYLURE from the arschloch!
RIGHT ON TIME… Damn and in only 3 minutes!
Notice how the fascist one will not address legal Asian immigration vs. illegal immigration by everyone!
Heh. Bristol Palin has a new reality show. Damn that librul lamestream media!
From one of the kinder reviews I’ve found although, from the source, it appears that it may have been written by a commie.
Perhaps one of you trolls can come up with a better review.
Which makes Darcy Burner a lose.
Wait she’s a two Time loser!
Thanks for playing!
O’ noes it’s the dreaded George Soros! From Puddy’s link @90
There’s also stuff about Democrats being Islamist Jihadists, or some shit like that. Never mind that is was the Obama admin that’s killed off most of the real Jihadists and Democrats want gay people to be able to be married, which doesn’t sound Jihadist at all.
Puddy’s got to see a doctor soon. Obviously, his medication is off. He posts links to current dual-degree Harvard programs and complains that I must not have read the links. Hint: No I didn’t. It has nothing to do with a program he graduated from some thirty years or so ago, why waste my time in such minutia?
You can tell when Puddy’s best bud is getting walloped when he starts trying to post stuff which avoids a rational discussion of the points. (Gee, I came in defending Romney, and his knee-jerk reaction is to attack my post!)
That’s all I’m posting here today, I’ve got more important stuff to attend to. And seriously, Puddy, make an appointment with your doctor. I’m afraid you are about to have a stroke or something.
@90 Yay for unions! Strong unions make a strong America! Union wages mean trickle-down jobs for millions.
Romney Veep Choices: Who’s In, Who’s Out
The Rmoney campaign is keeping a tight lid on its veep vetting process, but reporters can figure out from tell-tale signs who’s being considered and who isn’t.
In: Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, Paul Ryan
Out: Chris Christie, Marc Rubio, women (too vulnerable to Palin comparisons)
The fascinating name here is Pawlenty, who appears to be emerging as a major contender.
Assange Seeks Asylum In Ecuador
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has taken refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy and is asking Ecuader for political asylum.
Then how can you comment on it? rhpee6033 blah blah blah… Not the same program from 1971. And you know this how rhpee6033? Never any links from rhpee6033 on his crap, just regurgitated rewritten material easily found through careful google searches. You see even NPR can’t do a hit piece on Romney at Harvard, but rhpee6033 tries to. He’s right there when someone makes an association 15, 30, 45 years ago that he likes and cheers but runs for cover when facts are presented blowing apart his puny arguments.
Anyone Republican doing a graduate dual degree program and graduating in the top 5% of both programs is NOT ok to rhpee6033.
You need meds. Plagiarizing is a serious disorder. Well you are in Joe BiteME territory!Then he uses the standard HA drug attack.
Roger Rabbit’s Stock Tip Of The Day
Investors pushed stocks higher today on hopes the Federal Reserve will debase our currency further.
I added to my existing position in Walgreens because the company raised its dividend and bought a European pharmacy chain. Investors didn’t like the acquisition and dumped shares, causing Walgreen’s stock to plummet nearly 6% to slightly above $30. The share price decline coupled with the dividend increase caused Walgreen’s yield to jump from 2.8% to 3.6% overnight.
This makes it a buy, because Walgreen is a quality company that reliably raises its dividend every year, and has a strong market position with good long-term business prospects. The acquisition gives the company a platform to go global. I think the stock’s a steal at 30 bucks.
The opinions expressed here are those of an allegedly dumb rabbit suspected by some of being a socialist, therefore rely on them at your own fucking risk. I won’t be responsible for your mistakes.
Hey Michael, Soros has spent 400 Million spreading his socialist mantra. He’s spending more this year.
@104 So what? It’s his money. He can do whatever he wants with it. Are you a fucking commie?
@75 “Are the Asians here legally?”
My 18-month-old grandson says a lot, and once in a while it makes sense. Puddy almost accomplishes the same thing here.
Thinking back, back when our adventure in Southeast Asia was unravelling, I don’t recall how much (if any) effort was being made to vet all the “boat people” who got scooped up out of the South China Sea and wound up here. I do remember a lot of Americans went to considerable effort to accommodate them, including a lot of conservatives–although just a few years later, the same people ended up taking a lot of shit from rednecks.
I vividly remember a few years later when refugees from terror in places where America had, shall we say, “interests” (like El Salvador, for instance), were being hunted down by the INS while right wingers gasbagged about “securing our borders”…Seems some themes keep repeating themselves, eh?
So why are you libtards upset when the Kock Brothers or Sheldon Adelson spend their money their way? Hmmm…? Another libtard double standard.
Thanks for playing Roger DUMB Wabbit. You make my point all the time!
And while Artfart attacks me, notice he didn’t add much to the thread.
Wait for it…
@107 See 104…
Portman’s an unknown and unexciting pick. But, he’d be a good veep.
Tim “bridge collapse” Pawlenty. We’d have fun with that one.
puddles is either the most dishonest, disingenuous person on this thread, or the dumbest.
We went over this the other day, and it shut him up at the time – he conveniently forgets this…
George Romney:
Automobile industry lobbyist, eventually Managing Director of Automobile Manufacturers Association – 1939-1947
** Mitt born 1947 **
Executive Vice President and protege of the Chairman, American Motors, beginning 1948, becoming Chairman of the Board, 1954
Puddle is dishonestly (of course) being picayunish about the year of Mitt’s birth and his dad’s ascendency from executive Vice President of AMC to Chairman.
This IN NO WAY negates the fact that Mitt was born into privilege (and Obama was not).
Bush bore a striking resemblance to a chimp, both intellectually and in terms of facial features.
Obama does not.
What’s the issue, puddles?
Why is right-tard darling Scotty Brown afraid of Elizabeth Warren?
The Kennedy Institute was a perfectly fine venue for him in 2010, but now he is throwing up outrageous demands in a transparent effort to dodge and hide from the Warren-ator.
What an ass.
@ 114
Seems to me I recall Dems having the same problem about Fox.
Why, yes, I do:
LAS VEGAS — The Nevada Democratic Party on Friday canceled an August presidential debate in Reno that was to be co-hosted by Fox News, citing comments Thursday by the network’s chairman. Liberal activists and bloggers had been protesting the debate plans, calling the channel biased.
@ 113
And Obama’s oldest daughter bears a striking resemblance to a boy.
“If I had a son, he would look like my oldest daughter.”
What’s the issue, libbies?
You’re constantly whinging about George Soros. It’s incessant.
Thing is, Soros is spending his money on expanding democracy and creating a better-informed electorate. The Koch-suckers* are spending their money trying to protect and extend the power and privilege of the already too-rich.
In short, Soros is doing good, the Kochs are Satan incarnate.
You hate Satan, don’t you, puddles?
*(Apologies to cock-suckers everywhere, you’re wonderful)
You are unbelievably small. Nasty, snide and not above attacking children – mighty brave of you.
NBC once again grossly distorts the truth with edited videos. Why would anyone trust what NBC says when they keeping pulling these kind of shenanigans-
yes he does.
re 34: I thought your side said that this was a post racial society?
That means that your little complaints about being called ‘names’ is meaningless. You are now in the same boat as everyone else, so shut your yap and act like a man.
Kinda like the left’s whinging about the Koch brothers, eh?
you have to be fucking kidding me. Are you really that dense and naive? or just brainwashed?
The Kennedy Institute is not itself a rabidly partisan organization – like FoxNoise. From the Kennedy Institute’s mission statement:
MOREOVER, Warren has agreed to two radio debates on hostile territory – a right-wing radio host’s show, and one by the Boston Herald, a former Murdoch property and long term right-wing rag.
What’s Scotty so scared about? Big bad Elizabeth Warren has Scotty soiling his pants.
Seems to me I rememeber plenty of Bristol Palin and Trig Palin jokes by just about every huckster on the left….and this board.
Absolutely believe that.
Prove it wrong.
Bonus, demonstrate how the Koch brothers are doing things that will hurt their bottom line while helping the average family of four living on the edge of poverty. Show your work.
Dont you have some bubbles to go study?
being a partisan brianwashed sycophant must make life easy and simple for you…
Bush looked like a chimp. Obama looks like Alfred E Newman.
Human memory is a notoriously fallible thing. Please provide links to support your scurrilous charges.
I have never heard anyone on the left attacking Trigg.
Bristol – she’s put herself in the limelight and as a public figure deserves no deference afforded any President’s minor-age children. Criticizing Bristol Palin is NOTHING like attacking the appearance of Malia Obama.
Typical dishonest straw-man argument from the right.
Why can’t you people even bring yourselves to tell the truth?
I think you got them reversed.
That is not a demonstration of evidence. Please, convince me. Show me the light. C’mon, show your work.
sure….of course you havent..lol
Bubble are fascinating examples of surface tension dynamics. Moreover, bubble nucleation is a property of the quantum vacuum and is also a very fascinating topic.
What’s your point?
Perhaps you should do a little research on soros’ penchant for destroying foreign markets all for his profit.
I hear the english and Thais especially love him.
funny how those claiming to be the most logical among us, are also the ones who are the biggest sheep.
just wondering how your bubble studies are coming along…
blue john, windie, libtard boeing bob,
Lib da schmuck loves ya!
Here is a great Soros web site…And this will shock and amaze you about Lib da schmuck’s hero
An evil, evil, evil man, hero of the left loved by many HA libtards! Rejects his own people.
Moses chose to be with his people.
Yeah, I hope Michael goes with that one, since it was a design flaw from the 60s. Yes Michael, you are clueless!
Ask why did Soros buy 2 Million Halliburton shares? Isn’t that the evil Cheney’s realm?
Yeah no leftist pinhead ever attacked Trigg Palin.
Lib da schmuck, a real loser!
I advise everyone to go to puddles reference site for all things Soros…
That is where puddles swims in the gutter.
Soros on Soros (Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire, by Michael Kaufman):
Matahir (of Malasia) on Soros:
You do, however, agree with Krugman (from The Accidental Theorist):
You are, once again, right-tard team, full of shit.
Moreover, don’t you guys like guys who make pots of money exploiting the nature of the financial system (See Romney, Willard Mitt)? Or only the ones who keep it all in Swiss Bank accounts?
This amid the links that puddy is using to “prove” left-wing attacks on Trig Palin:
I would remind the gentle readers of this blog that ‘Objectivism” is the scam, er, philosophy originated by Saint Ayn Rand.
Further proof that puddles does read the links he posts – they’re PotemkinLinks.
That last line should read (OBVIOUSLY):
My apologies, gentle readers.
@107 “Thanks for playing Roger DUMB Wabbit.”
Feel free to take Koch money out of politics, and Soros money too.
“You make my point all the time!”
How is this possible? You never have a point.
@123 “you have to be fucking kidding me.”
No, he’s not.
“Are you really that dense and naive?”
No, he’s not.
“or just brainwashed?”
No, he’s not. But you …
@131 “I think you got them reversed.”
I think not.
@135 “soros’ penchant for destroying foreign markets”
Bullshit. Soros exploits market distortions created by official policies. He’s a cop who keeps governments honest.
@138 “hero of the left loved by many HA libtards”
Not really, but we’ll take his money. It spends as good as Koch money.
@140 “Ask why did Soros buy 2 Million Halliburton shares?”
To make a profit? Shit, puddy, even I own oil and coal stocks.
Better turn you oxygen tank up a bit – me thinks you are a bit light in the head…
you need to brush up on your george soros history…teh gugle is your friend…
My links display
Yes my links
Yes my links
George Soros convicted criminal!
Lib da schmuck loves convicted criminals. Whatadickhead
Yes from my Trig links
Yes from my Trig links
Yes from my Trig links
Nuff said sucka! Who da sucka? Lib da schmuck!
I would remind everyone that the left hijacks thoughts, deeds, actions and words as needed. It’s an attack plain and simple.
Lib da schmuck can’t EXPLAIN it away!
re 155: “I would remind everyone that the left hijacks thoughts, deeds, actions and words as needed.”
People hijack your thoughts? You about ready for that tin foil hat.
Wow, just wow.
You’re nutz!
Your linky about Trig had a list of complaint articles about a variety of topics – you had obviously gone to some whacked out right site and searched ‘trig palin’ and threw up what you trolled.
Some weren’t about Trig at all, just mentioned his existence, as you might find with the search you did.
Not one of the excerpt you list above, unlinked, is actually about Trig, per se, but rather his abominable mother and her exploitation of him, like the rest of his family.
Your big dig at Maher, for example, is him likening Fox viewers to Down’s babies – apt, I’d say, though an insult to trisomy people everywhere.
Now you’re complaining about people hijacking your thoughts. Get help.
If, puddy, you’re so incensed about the Left’s treatment of baby Trig, why haven’t you called out you fellow rightist blowhard bob/serialconservative, about his quite explicit attack on Malia Obama?
Is this more right-wing double standard, to paraphrase you?
You got the quote wrong, Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter and proud of it!” Conservative
The quote was ” “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon,”.
@ 159
I know what the quote was.
Famous uses of executive privilege:
After Nixon, the next President to invoke executive privilege was Bill Clinton, in 1998, trying to keep aides from testifying in the Lewinsky scandal. The district court judge ruled against him. Clinton also used executive privilege to negotiate the terms of his own testimony in the scandal.
I’m going to add my “Obama is like Nixon” tag. I think a lot of Americans, when they hear “executive privilege” think of Nixon. And, unfortunately for Obama, we’ve been hearing plenty of talk about Watergate lately, what with the 40-year anniversary of the break-in. Most notably: “Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought.”
Welcome to the club, Barack!
From the wikipedia entry on “executive privilege”
“The George W. Bush administration invoked executive privilege on six occasions.”
Want to know which six?
… and I would remind everyone that the right are white supremacist neanderthal racist religious fanatics …
… or at the very least, are in bed with them.
@ 162
I initially thought there might be an eery similarity between Pat Tillman and the Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry.
Then I rethought. Tillman’s death was accidental and the true cause was initially covered up.
The Border Patrol agent’s death was a direct result of an Obama DOJ plan to demonize guns by intentionally giving them to criminals.
Not so similar, I don’t think. Tillman’s death was an accident during war action. Terry’s death was the result of a political ploy conducted by DOJ, the involvement of the White House apparent by the fact that they’re hiding behind Holder rather than throwing him under the bus.
@164, please explain how Obama started the “Obama DOJ plan” back in 2005-6?
Oh wait, that was the Bush Administration.
@ 165
Different programs. Thanks for playing.
Cover-up surrounding Tillman’s death
A tight 3 round grouping to the head from an estimated range of 10 yards. Accidental. That is good.
“The three-star general, who withheld details of Tillman’s death from his parents for a number of months, told investigators approximately 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn’t recall details of his actions.”
@ 165
Maybe this will help.
DOJ has retracted their claim that the Bush team knew about Fast and Furious:
Be sure and read it all. It’s not the Kool-Aide you’re used to drinking.
@ 167
Or maybe it was 70 yards:
This is grassy knoll shit. Google ‘pat tillman murdered’ and you’ll find lots of far-left sites musing on the possibility but nothing from MSM suggesting it was intentional. Wonder why that is? Wouldn’t the MSM, who had no reason to support Bush, blare it loudly were it true? They didn’t hold back on Abu Ghraib or the Wuterich stuff, why hold back on Tillman?
You are straying from the point that Fast and Furious was very, very different from the Bush-era programs.
See @168.
Done with Tillman.
THAT’s Rethuglicant “competence” in action.
I don’t know about you guys…but I’D like to know more about THIS:
…or THIS:
By Susie Madrak
UPDATE: Via Miss Kitty, it looks like Darrell’s minions have been busily scrubbing Wikipedia! Nice to know they read us, huh?
Dear, dear Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the incoming subpoena-wielding chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was on Faux News this weekend, attacking ACORN and Attorney General Eric Holder, talking about how “corrupt” the Obama administration is. I thought I’d take the opportunity to remind people just who’s lecturing us on morality. Via Wikipeda:
Geeeeee whizzzzz…that’s a REAL “paragon of virtue” ain’t it.
A Rethuglicant role model for sure.
A fucking CAR THIEF!!!
@169 You are amusing, you know that?
You link to an article that essentially is repeating the army cover up story that was discredited later and the general that was pushing it demoted.
But the doctor who actually did the autopsy says around 10 yards.
AP: New details on Tillman’s death
@ 172
Speculation based on proximity of wounds. He didn’t state anything in a declarative manner, or at least it’s not in your link.
I reiterate my point – there’s no massive MSM allegation of possible intentional murder following this. MSM had no reason to hold back.
Only the black-helicopter bloggers ran with the conspiracy theory.
There’s no there, there.
This ignorant motherfucker is as dense as the puddypussy.
THAT’S why the clownservatives cannot win. They truly ARE idiots.
But the link does say:
I don’t know who killed Tillman. But what I do know is that at least one doctor tried to start a proper criminal investigation into the matter. I also know that the killing was covered up. And that the cover up was orchestrated by a 3 star general.
So how did Tillman die? Looks like the general did a good job and we will never know.
160. Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter and proud of it!” Conservative spews:
@ 159 I know what the quote was.
Ok. you are willfully an irritating and contemptible person then. Glad you own it.
@ 176
Hey, if Trig Palin is fair game for your ilk then the president’s son is fair game as well.
Well…when the President has a SON…I guess we’ll have to worry about that won’t we?
There really is NOTHING racist assholes like this one won’t stoop to to slam President Obama, Mrs. Obama or their children.
These are horrible horrible monsters masquerading as human beings.
Good thing they’re losing.
@177. Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter and proud of it!” Conservative seems to think he’s justified.
The 13 year old girl is the daughter of a black democrat.
I can see why HE think she is fair game for ridicule.
@ 179
Ah, your descent into lunacy is complete. Anything leveled against The One is racist.
Trig Palin, on the other hand…….
Well, he’s the son of a conservative. He’s just got it comin’.
Anything leveled against The One is racist.
Of course not. There are legitimate issues to call Obama and the Democrats, or romney and the republicans or palin and the teabaggers on. Health Care, Immigration, the Economy, the environment, marriage, filibusters, obstructionism.
However, You making fun of a young girl’s looks is not a legit issue. And you know it. No matter how you try to spin it.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA – holy fucking shit rujaxoff, you need to take a mellow yellow and chill out. Me thinks you take this blogging shit a wee bit too seriously.
get a grip – and get a fucking job.
its funny watchign all the left nuts get bent out of shape about a damn joke –
but they crucified the Palin family and thought it was just so hilarious. Now I dont give a crap about the Palin family – they arent my gig. But it kinda funny to watch you all get so huffy and puffy over something so irrelevant.
its kinda like the “dont you dare criticize or make fun of the obamaniator” shit. Hell, 8 year ago you assholes where calling Bush “Hitler”, drawing him like a monkey, burning him in effigy, etc…..to you thats all good to go, but somehow its over the line to smack the current prez around
you all are a bunch of pussies….every damn one of you. I doubt you have a pair of balls between the bunch of ya.
@183 “a damn joke”
When wingnuts tell jokes is there any other kind?
Yes Goebbels Rabbit, you tell ’em!
These lousy scab motherfuckers flee from the truth like the cockroach they are.
get bent out of shape about a damn joke –
He’s proud of his humor and has justified with the “everyone’s doing it” argument, among others.
No, I’m not upset. For me, it’s an indicator of his character, his values, his morals, of how he would treat the innocent.
It wasn’t any conservative who said if I had a son it would look like Treyvon. It was Obummer.
Nuff said sucka!
This shows how in the tank Andrea Mitchell and NBC are for the Chosen One. Manipulating videos to attempt to make Romney look bad Come on. Is this ‘professional” journalism?
Even journalists from the left are critical of the lack of ethics. No wonder their rating have tanked. No one trusts them.
In addition to being an unprofessional journalist (ugly mentally), have you noticed how hagged out Andrea looks on the outside. How could anyone watch her. She has made a 1-day story, a 3-day story or longer. This won’t go away until she & NBC apologize. I love it when they shoot themselves in the foot.