– I hope the Seattle 8th graders who signed up for College Bound is a product of an aggressive push, and not a crappy economy.
– Great turnout for the Metro hearing. If you didn’t make it, you can still make public testimony here.
– News Corp makes GE’s paying 0 taxes seem like a good deal for taxpayers.
– Republicans, stop pointing guns at journalists (even adorable guns).
– “if any of your readers would also like to send me the batteries that would be great“
Now that the Wizard’s curtain has been pulled back, we see that Rupert Murdoch’s Oz is not merely a rightwing propaganda shop, but is a far-flung criminal enterprise. Honestly, I’m not surprised. Who said power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
I’m sure Dwight Eisenhower never imagined the Republican Party he once led would, within fifty years, turn into a hate machine that advocates civil war, reinstitution of slavery, and imposition of fascism on the United States of America.
I absolutely feel both of those GOP legislators should be prosecuted for felony assault. There is no place in America where you can point a gun (loaded or not) at another person except in self defense, and differences of political viewpoint is not a circumstance that gives rise to the right of self defense.
In the case of the Maine GOP legislator, the guy appears to be simply deranged, and was arrested and is facing prosecution. In the case of Arizona’s crazy female GOP legislator who carried her Pam Roach impersonation too far, the journalist on the business end of her little pink .380 should file charges against her forthwith and turn her into a convicted felon so she can’t legally possess a firearm ever again, before she goes off the deep end and concludes some sixth grader with a suntan is a Hispanic kid and shoots him in the name of protecting America from illegals.
the cutain has been pulled back on the republicans and “the debt”. Faced with a 4 trillion debt reduction package, republicans decided to bail out to protect their most favored constituents: big oil, millionaires, corporate and banking executives.
Republicans prefer to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, college kids, children, the elderly and the sick.
All that talk about how important a balanced budget is….was just alk. When actually faced with balancing the budget the republicans jumped….at the chance to NOT balance the budget.
The tea party/republicans cannot be trusted to run the country – hell, they cannot be trusted to even do what they said ten minutes ago. Republicans are like irresponsible little kids who whine for goodies and then have a tantrum when they can’t vget exactly what they want.
Like Michelle (idiot) Bachmann who won’t sign ANY budget reduction bill unless the health care reform act (which saves us over 1 trillion dollars) is gutted.
Shows you how dumb and how wedded to idealogical “purity” the republicans really are.
Scandal Of The Day
While it’s hard to top the implosion of Rupert Murdoch’s “news” empire (which has its own CIA) — although the gangster enterprise run by Silvio Berlusconi in Italy which he passes off as a “government” gives Ruppie a stiff run for the Goat Award — we have our own homebrewed scandal smashing its way into the headlines today.
Phone cramming.
This is simply outright theft, and the major phone companies are a party to it, but they may have outfoxed themselves because it turns out their own corporate phone lines are being crammed.
CIA Officer Implicated In War Crimes Probe
“A CIA officer who oversaw the agency’s interrogation program at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and pushed for approval to use increasingly harsh tactics has come under scrutiny in a federal war crimes investigation involving the death of a prisoner, witnesses told The Associated Press.”
Meanwhile, “The Justice Department inquiry into CIA interrogations of terrorist detainees has led to a full criminal investigation into the deaths of two people while they were in custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, Attorney General Eric Holder announced Thursday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Remember how the Bushies mocked those of us who objected to the Bush regime’s torture policies, claiming U.S. interrogators did nothing more to detainees than flush Korans down the toilet, when we said they were killing people? Well, it turns out they were killing people.
Where Did The GOP Money Machine Go?
The GOP’s traditional strength in elections has been its ability to outspend Democrats in campaigns by tapping into its base of rich donors.
The impregnability of the GOP’s money fortress was shaken in 2008, though, when Obama raised over $900 million and McCain had to fall back on public funding to keep his sputtering campaign from flickering out like a candle in the wind.
Right now, it appears 2012 will be little different: Obama’s campaign team set a fundraising goal of $60 million for the last quarter and blew right past that marker by raising $86 million, while all of the GOP contenders combined reported raising only $35 million.
Could it be the GOP donor base is suffering from financial fatigue? Or maybe the base is suffering from economic malaise brought on by their self-induced financial collapse and economic depression, i.e. they’re not as rich as they used to be? Or is it even possible that some of that formerly GOP money (especially Wall Street’s “smart” money) has abandoned the Party Of Crazy and changed political horses in the interest of self-preservation? You could argue these guys didn’t get where they are by backing schizoids who point pretty pink handguns at reporters; and, seeing where things are going, have concluded it’s now necessary to support Democrats in order to preserve what’s left of our formerly glorious civilization.
Have the Republicans blinked first on the budget/default standoff? Sure looks like it.
7 – Maybe corporate contributors to the RNC are going the 527 organization route (like “American Crossroads”) to avoid unwanted scrutiny.
And possibly Republicans see a better advantage by taking the Senate given the motley crew who wants Obama’s job.
Obama has shown he’s willing to cave to just about anything they want anyway.
It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!
Up yours asshole!
RR @ 7: I don’t think the GOP money is dissapearing. I think big donars are holding back, waiting to see how the field develops. Providing primary money at this stage is pretty risky, anything can happen and you could end up hitched to the wrong horse – the one sent grazing out to pasture, while others remain on the track.
While politicians think very highly of donars who take the risk to give money early in the game, they also tend to get upset when early donations to opposing candidates fund negative campaigns which almost derail their campaign – and they don’t forget it.
It’s all about access and influence. The Republican donars want their candidate to remember that they owe the donar a favor. They will want to time that contribution so it has the most impact on the candidate as possible, without the risk of spending money on a potential loser. Also, contributions given late in the campaign don’t show up on a candidate’s reports until after the elections are over.
Of course, some donars spread small amounts of money around early in the game. Sometimes this is a token amount given to a long-shot, based on the assumption that even if they don’t win this time, they might become a big player in future years. Others give money based not upon the chances the candidate has of winning the presidential race this time around, but because they are already on influential committees in Congress which oversees some affairs in which the donar has an interest.
Well on this debt ceiling drama, Obama didn’t cave.
He insisted that in exchange for caving on entitlements, the Republicans allow a few tax loopholes to be closed.
And the Senate lackeys of wealth blinked and now will “allow” Obama to raise the debt ceiling on his own with little resolutions of “disapproval”.
So debt ceiling is raised and not a cent of spending is cut (as I understand it anyway).
And Grover Norquist is placated because taxes don’t budge.
Yes, the teahadist nutjobs will not be pleased even though so many of them get Medicare and Social Security, veterans pensions, whatnot but their politicians like Bachmann will distract them with some preaching about God, gays or guns.
I read that Pelosi and Reid are supporting the Republican plan so apparently they’re willing to go along even though there may be some political cost to Dems in 2012. It’s not clear at all if that will be real.
Great article today in the Huffpost:
All about Rep. Issa (R from corruptland) who cancelled his own investigative hearing (where he was hoping to blame Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and redlining for the financial crisis) because the evidence indicates:
1. The banks screwed up and redlining was not the cause.
2. The republican members of the panel that was supposed to investigate the financial crisis were illegally communicating with lobbyists and others for the banking industry.
3.Currupt repulican staffers shared information with banking lobbyists and advisors that should not have been shared.
Bottom line – the republican narrative that Fannie and Freddy or redlining caused the financial crisis is flat out wrong and a lie and republicans are still trying to cover that up.
Now who do we know (what troll) who kept insisting on these pseudo-facts?
Pudddy – yup – Puddy kept insisting the republican lies were true long after they have been proved false by a “mountain” of information.
Thanks Puddy – you have shown yourself, once again, to be a prumulgator of lies and misinformation.
How does your supposed religion deal with people who deliberately deceive and lie?
Interesting poll results today.
Bachman appears to be well in the lead for the Iowa Republican Caucus.
Bachmann at 29 percent.
Mitt Romney at 16 percent.
Tim Pawlenty 8 percent.
Herman Cain 8 percent
Source: Poll: Michele Bachmann with big lead in Iowa
Of course, it’s a long time to the Iowa caucuses, lots of things can happen between now and then, etc. etc.
But there was also a poll out that showed in a head-to-head match-up (if the election were held today), Obama would get 50% of the vote and Bachman only 37% (the remainder undecided).
Bachman – Not America’s Cup of Tea?
So it looks like the Republican/Tea Party might be headed straight for a cliff. Too bad they can’t ask Barry Goldwater what that feels like – but then, Barry Goldwater would not have given them the time of day.
What Obama did to therepublicans was masterful. He was willing to compromise and reduce the budget. He put out the plan to cut the budget by 4 trillion and the republicans RAN away….they insisted that there be no fair taxes on millionaires and that no loopholes for oil companies and corporations be closed.
Now we know where the republicans really stand – all that false talk about how important the budget deficit is….is just hot air. Really, they want to cut aid to the poor, to college students, to the elderly and the sick – but they don’t want to touch millionmaires, hedge fund parasites, big oil, big Pharma, insurance companies and the like.
When push comes to shove with the deficit – protecting their well-heeled msters is most important for republicans.
Now. How do the progressives exploit this? What do we have to do, to keep this in the forefront of the American people and the republicans voters that republicans care more for business than them.
Or do we let this slide, like we always do?
Wow. Right wing teahadists and Republicans are sure busy putting Americans back to work!
Heh. I think the best way is to let the Republicans do it themselves. This is the prime objective of the “rope-a-dope” strategy..
It’s becoming pretty clear that’s this is what Obama has been doing.
Of course we should always be pointing out the obvious – that the right wing cares only for consolidating their power so that they make their rich patrons richer.
The city of Tacoma’s battle over digital billboards has, sadly, never graced the pages of HA (Still hating on Tacoma, huh), however it did make it onto Hufpo complete with a photo taken by Tacoma blogger Kevin Freitas.
@13 “He insisted that in exchange for caving on entitlements, the Republicans allow a few tax loopholes to be closed.”
And that isn’t a cave-in? Exchanging entitlement cuts for a few tax loopholes isn’t a cave-in? I say that’s a cave-in.
Bet this guy was a tea bagger too:
@14 “Now who do we know (what troll) who kept insisting on these pseudo-facts?
Pudddy – yup – Puddy kept insisting the republican lies were true long after they have been proved false by a “mountain” of information.”
Speaking of that krazy loon’s lies, there’s the lie he repeatedly tells about SEIU “thugs” beating up that guy at a Russ Carnahan rally.
I’m sure the wingnuts are absolutely outraged.
22 – Only if the Republicans said yes to the tax increases.
Of course Obama knew they’d never do it.
David Brooks at the NY Times freaked out that the Republicans would walk away over this deal. 3 trillion dollars of entititlement and other spending “reform” in exchange for 1 trillion of tax increase.
So now it looks like we’re getting the debt ceiling increase with no movement in spending or taxes in exchange for Obama vetoing Republican whining 3 times till the election.
Obama roped the dopes!
Goldy puts the recent McCupcake incident in Bellevue into its proper frame, with recordings of the harrowing 911 calls!
Key parts:
24 – Nice catch. I was wondering where that’d end up.
@27 I’m pretty sure that won’t keep the krazy loon from continuing to lie about it.
It blows me away to witness the willingness of wingnuts to lie their asses off. They’re not simply mistaken about this stuff. From the Republican leadership on down to dumbfuck blog trolls, they knowingly fabricate lie after lie after lie. And they do this without knowing any shame whatsofuckingever.
Our Washington State Dept of Ecology $27,000 Block Grant at work. You’ve got to watch this video.
What a waste of taxpayer money.
It would appear that the Great Republican Meltdown has bummed out our trolls. So sad.
@28 The reason they do that is because, in 1988, Newt Gingrich redefined politics as “civil war” (from a Republican perspective); and therefore, because they now consider politics to be the moral equivalent of war, anything goes and only Victory matters.
Shit, even the Nazis took prisoners. Sometimes.
@29 Yeah, we don’t need to educate dog owners to pick up their pet poop, so go ahead and step in it!
Dogs are useless! They should be abolished. The only thing less useful than dogs is Republicans.
The only way to shame is to put them out of power and then reject them – time after time after time.
That’s what happened after the 30’s depression – it was so bad Republicans couldn’t get elected dog catcher.
Obama is starting to show some cojones. About fucking time. He’s dealing with children–it shouldn’t be that hard to act parental. The House Republicans need to wear diapers until they get potty-trained.
Geez, trolls, what gives? No talking points today? heh- Given his now-so-obvious incompetence, I figure dumbfuck Eric Cantor must be in charge of that department.
Your fearless leaders got their asses handed to them by President Obama. Best of all, they were revealed as the asswipes they all are. Your decision to hide is confirmation that you know it to be true. heh- Even you’re not that stupid. Just think about it, trolls. Last fall you had it all in your hands and you blew it. After half a year of holding the house you’re now heading into an election year despised by any American with more than two functioning brain cells. Yup, ya blew it. It sure sucks to be you, doesn’t it? But you think this is bad? Just wait until you realize that you hate yourselves and each other more than you hate us. That’s gonna really suck for you.
One of the central tenets of wingnuttia is that if we don’t spend money on something, then it doesn’t have a cost.
The voters in WI took them out back of the woodshed as well.
@35 Our towns and cities wouldn’t need dogcatchers if they euthanized all the fucking dogs! Dogs are worse than useless! All they do is poop on sidewalks and chase rabbits.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Question 1: On what date does the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren open its doors for business? (This is a trick question.)
[ ] 1. July 21, 2011
[ ] 2. October 16, 2011
[ ] 3. January 8, 2012
[ ] 4. May 6, 2011
Question 2: Who is the head of the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? (This is a trick question, too.)
[ ] 1. Elizabeth Warren
[ ] 2. Warren G. Schlocter
[ ] 3. Richard Cordray
[ ] 4. Nobody
“Oh where, oh where, might our trolls be tonight,
Oh where, oh where might they be?
Has Beck not yet spoken, nor Rove given orders?
Has Limbaugh not yet decreed?”
Republicans don’t like Elizabeth Warren. They don’t like the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, either. Republicans like greedy bankers, crooked mortgage brokers, rapacious car dealers, and pernicious payday lenders. They think completely unfettered “free markets” are more efficient — especially at transferring money from consumers to their business cronies.
Dodd-Frank and the new federal CFPB probably have been flying under the radar of most of you. Well, you can never know too much, but you can know too little, especially in the realm of public policy. This article in Business Week isn’t that long, you can read it in less than 10 minutes, and it may even renew your faith in Obama.
Heh. Is Puddyfool lurking???
Newsflash: JOKIII has his hand out!
Grease it right wing dopes!
I’d love to see Warren as head of the CFPB, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
Back in the Good Old Days, fair lending practices and debt collection were both handled with a broadsword. Now that’s efficiency for ya!
Love it.
How Bad Is Housing?
One of the ways I add value to this blog is by parsing news and information sources, and after exercising my editorial judgment (I went to one of the country’s top journalism schools), bringing items of exceptional significance to your attention.
Republicans suck, but you already know that, so let’s skip over how badly Republicans suck and talk about how badly housing sucks.
My source for this is Business Week (link below). With further ado, let’s bottom-line this: Housing. Sucks. Really. Bad. And. It’s. Not. Gonna. Get. Better. Any. Time. Soon.
“Doug Ramsey of Minneapolis investment firm Leuthold Group is a student of asset bubbles …. Ramsey calculates that single-family housing starts would have to soar an unprecedented 60 percent to 70 percent from their current … rate just to hit the average low of the past six housing busts since 1960 ….
“Ramsey says every housing statistic he tracks … has … matched the pattern of prices after the bursting of other bubbles, including the Dow Jones industrial average following the crash of 1929 and Japan’s Nikkei after its 1989 peak. It starts with a steep decline lasting three or four years, followed by a brief rally that ends in years of stagnation. The Dow took 35 years to return to pre-crash levels. The Nikkei trades at less than a third of where it peaked 22 years ago. ‘The housing decline,’ he says, ‘will be a long, multiyear process, and the multiplier effect across the economy will be enormous.’
“Others are equally gloomy. ‘It’s still a vicious cycle of foreclosures, prices falling, and buyers remaining on the sidelines,’ says Jonathan Smoke, head of research for Hanley Wood, a housing data company. … Smoke calculates that the nation needs 1.6 million fewer homes that it now has. ‘We’ve gone through a period when we should have been tearing down houses,’ he says. ‘The supply of total housing stock is beyond what is necessary.’
“Scott Simon, a portfolio manager who heads real estate analysis for bond giant Pimco, says because this housing bust is so much worse than previous ones, it’s hard to tell when it will end. ‘There are all these things going on that we have never seen before,’ he says. ‘No one knows how or what to model.’ … Three of 10 homes, he notes, are now sold for a loss. American homeowners have equity … half what it was in 1950. … The crux of Simon’s analysis is that the loose lending practices seen during the housing bubble allowed 5 million renters to become homeowners, and hat the market is in the protracted process of evicting this group. He believes housing prices will decline … with 6 million to 7 million more foreclosures yet to come. …
“The bottom line: Despite intermittent signs of recovery, the housing market may be in the midst of a slump that could last a generation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Be a patriot! Torch your house and collect the insurance! Heh, just kidding — that’s a wingnut joke, along with pretty pink pistols pointed at reporters.
@45 Of course it’s not gonna happen, it’s terrible politics, and besides she’d rather return to the ivy yard.
@45 (continued) Ya know, Michael, creators don’t have to be administrators. You can have a brilliant idea, one that changes the world (or at least an important piece of it) — then let someone else run it, and everything will be fine. You don’t have to be something you’re not (a manager) and your time will be free to come up with another brilliant idea. Creative people should never be fettered with administrative duties.
That’s it for Business Week; now let’s check in with Barron’s, a conservative pro-business weekly magazine (whose online edition is updated daily) for investors that I read religiously — because when it comes to making money, I think and act like a fucking Republican. Why the hell not? Why should Republicans get all the money? For that matter, why should humans get it all? Let’s spread some of it around to rabbits!
Okay, here’s what Barron’s says (besides observing that idle cash is flooding into — shudder — GOLD!!!):
“The last financial crisis isn’t over, but we might as well start getting ready for the next one. Sorry to be gloomy, but there it is. Why? Here are 10 reasons.
“1. We are learning the wrong lessons from the last one. …
“2. No one has been punished. …
“3. The incentives remain crooked. …
“4. The referees are corrupt. …
“5. Stocks are skyrocketing again. …
“6. The derivatives time bomb is bigger than ever and ticking away. …
“7. The ancient regime is in the saddle. …
“8. Ben Bernanke doesn’t understand his job. …
“9. We are levering up like crazy. …
“10. The real economy remains in the tank.”
Oooooh — I deleted all the explanations! Wicked me! I guess you’ll just have to fucking READ the fucking article if you fucking want to know! If I cut-and-pasted the whole article, you know what would happen, it would be deleted for violating the HA posting policy, and then you wouldn’t even know about this. On the other hand, no fucking amount of fucking vulgarity gets a fucking comment in this fucking blog fucking deleted, ever fucking ever. So, I’m doing you a favor by making you READ the fucking article to find out what the fuck is fucking going on!
Look, I went to a lot of trouble to find that article linked in #51, so you’d better print it out and tape it above your computer and read it three times before you:
1. Quit your job;
2. Buy a house;
3. Sell a house;
4. Buy gold;
5. Sell gold;
6. Buy stocks;
7. Sell stocks;
8. Get your girlfriend pregnant;
9. Marry your pregnant girlfriend;
10. Divorce your pregnant girlfriend; or
11. Become an expatriate and join the French Foreign Legion and volunteer for Sahara Desert duty, which may actually be your best option.
Roger Rabbit Applies For Job
That’s right, I submitted a JOB APPLICATION to this afternoon. It’s not like I need a job or anything like that — Pop Rabbit, who was almost 100 years old, made peanuts as a newspaper reporter; but he knew a good thing when he saw it, and back in the 1940s he bought more life insurance policies than the bank administering his estate can even count, so I’m shortly going to have a six-figure income without even lifting a paw — or even want a job, but, you know, somebody in this country has to do something productive and since the Owning Class never does a fucking thing except churn imaginary money that nobody owns in endless and meaningless circles, I guess I’m gonna have to.
This job is right up my alley, it involves writing Environmental Impact Statements for the federal government. The pay isn’t much — far less than I get paid for sitting on my ass doing nothing — but you know what they say, idle hands are mischievous hands, and I need something to do. Posting 10,000 comments a year on HorsesAss, writing two novels and outlining a third, playing the stock market, and fucking 100 cute fluffy female bunnies a day (to sustain the bunny supply) just isn’t enough to keep my paws out of the peanut butter jar. So, I applied for a fucking job.
If I get this job, which seems extremely unlikely given my attitude toward work, I may have to ratchet down my HA activity because of, well you know, the political sensitivity of high-visibility federal employment. I’m not saying I would RETIRE from HA, geez I’m not even thinking about anythind as drastic as that, all I’m saying is I might have to institute some extra security to protect my fucking identity. Instead of pretending to be a rabbit, I might have to pretend to be a crocodile, or a magpie, or a mosquito. If I were a mosquito they’d have to investigate a hell of a lot of bugs to have any chance of ever finding me.
So, if Roger Rabbit disappears and Mike Mosquito shows up here, you’ll know that through some incredible fluke I got the fucking job.
It’s not like I want to work or anything like that, but I gotta get out of this fucking burrow, Mrs. Rabbit is driving me bonkers.
I’m desperate.
Hey Cass Sunstein’s favorite Homer Simpson malleable idiot rhp6033,
Since you commented on Rupert Murdoch’s British Newspaper holdings… In my latest travels on some TGV bullet trains over the past week I picked up the final Sunday edition of News of the World. Very colourful. Tastefully done. You can meet me at a Drunkard Libtards one day and you can see it.
BTW, we saw some sights many of you blithering idiots (yeah that’s the local term) will never see in your lifetime. Look up Mathew St. in Liverpool for example. Why? Look inward for a change!
Reprimanded? What a joke! They knew what they were doing… probably under the direction of Obummer’s whitey house too! Everyone knows NBC and PMSNBC are Obummer’s favrit stations.
It’s fools like these libtardos in the slobbering left wing press that makes today’s journalism putrid for most REAL Americans.
Wait for it… rhp6033 will claim the link is really from Fox News. Well we know Cass Sunstein likes rhp6033…
Oh my this is great…
Wow Ed! Looks like Obummer has lost some of his NYC Jewish constituency. This should make manfromthelefttruth happy.
Yeah presidents before him… ones who actually thought out foreign policy instead of shooting from the left hip!
Heh heh heh
Oh yeah the link isn’t from Fox News either rhp6033…
SEIU Union pay for a high priced attorney and the SEIU union thugs beat up a black man and escape.
Yes, Union money protecting Union thugs!
Oh my it’s NOT from Fox News!
Is this guy any relation to Sandy Stuffed Underpants Burgler?
Another Fox News link? Hmmm…?
I see ButtPutty is at it again. I had a few moments to waste so I followed his links. As I expected he links to articles that have very little if any connection to his rants.
This begs the question, is ButtPutty completely irrational or is he just posting stupid shit just to please his masters, the Koch brothers?
Hey ButtPutty, how much does it pay to be a Koch whore?
I miss the good ol’ days when Puddy was defending the banks, big Pharma and the super-rich.
Now all Puddy has is silly trivia while his beloved tea party is self-destructing.
Of course the tea party is going to self destruct, it was formed with Koch money, promoted by Faux News (Murdoch corrupt) and Grover Norquist (a proven liar and corporate bagman). Now when we actually have a President who proposed 4 trillion in cuts…the republicans have run away like scared little children to protect their corporate interests, hedge fund investors (who meet with Paul Ryan), oil company profits and big pharma.
Where is the troll who can only talk about the deficit? Where is he now? That fool believed the tea party crap…really, the republicans have shown who their true constituents are.
Ryan was willing to sell out college student laons for tax breaks for oil companies and millionaires.
Republican priorities cannot stand the light of day when you actually flesh out what republicans truly stand for…
Need something to do this evening?
You are cordially invited to attend CITY BUSINESS CASUAL.
Here is a chance for “mingling with leadership representing the Mayor, City Council and City Departments.” Probably not intended for HA rifraff… but hey, it is an open invite and no RSVP required and free appetizers. 7:00 at the Artic Club Hotel, 700 3rd Ave.
PROVE GOATKIM! You are nothing, you got nothing and you’ll always have your goat.
ButtPutty. He so funny. He make me laugh. Poor, poor ButtPutty. Too bad he smell bad.
ButtPutty, how much does it pay to be a Koch whore?
Hey ButtPutty, we already know you full of shit. That why you smell bad.
But really ButtPutty, I don’t have a goat. You’re confusing yourself by believing that since you have a goat then everyone else must have a goat.
The quality of ButtPutty’s posts, while never very good, have been falling off. Could it be ButtPutty’s master is not supplying him with good copy any more and he must come up with his own rants?
Hey ButtPutty, who’s your master these days?
Heh… In the last 12 years taxes on the richest 400 household WERE CUT ALMOST IN HALF!
How many jobs did that create?
Musta been a lot?? Right? The orange man Boner says they’re the “job creators”.
And their income increased by 400 percent! Life is good indeed!