– This story about how Obama’s DREAM act executive order will play out in the Tri-Cities is interesting, but is Tri-Cities a reasonable dateline?
– The Vagina Monologues to be performed at the Michigan capital.
– Extra value?
by Carl Ballard — ,
– This story about how Obama’s DREAM act executive order will play out in the Tri-Cities is interesting, but is Tri-Cities a reasonable dateline?
– The Vagina Monologues to be performed at the Michigan capital.
– Extra value?
Desperation shows its ugly face in many ways……..
At the same time, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican whose star is rapidly rising in his party, was close to introducing his own bill to help illegal immigrant students by giving them a temporary status, something quite similar to what White House officials had in mind. They feared Mr. Rubio’s proposal would pre-empt the president, making it appear he did not want to work with Republicans.
Panic sets in at the White House
That’s the Boston Globe that’s a wholly owned subsidiary of the NYT.
This is June.
Panic is an understatement.
Carl, what is the problem with legal immigration? Why do you libtards hate legal immigration?
Author of linked article:
bub is up early spreading the FUD.
From bub’s link @1:
That’s call responding to your allies and constituents. All the better that he undercut a rising young Repub star.
What’s not to love?
Bub is a right-wing shill, an amateur propagandist, and not a very good one.
Got better things to do than swatting flies…
@ 4
He was more than just that. He was a WH Chief of Staff for George H.W. Bush as well.
I didn’t post the link as a news item. The link title clearly includes the word ‘opinion’, Lib Sci.
No worries, tho. The private sector’s doing fine, coz the president sez so. All evidence
to the contrary.
Don’t worry, be happy.
Further bolstering my point that it was a political hit piece from a non-disinterested party.
Thank you.
@ 5
Actually, Obama’s got a habit of prempting others who planned first.
Remember this gem from 2009, when Obama decided he couldn’t just sit back and let Cheney give a speech, so he decided to schedule one of his own immediately beforehand?
Does that seem like a move made by a confident president? Or is it a move made by someone trying to impair the efforts of another?
Our president reacts to the leadership demonstrated by others. He does not, himself, provide leadership.
Hopenchange, baby.
Seems like good politics, to me. Taking the wind of of the sails of up-and-coming Rubio the potential veep, garnering further Latino support, and putting Mittens in a corner – TRIFECTA!
But..but…it was Mario’s idea first! (actually wasn’t)
*stamps foot like a 4-year-old*
God you’re a WATB.
WATB = Whiney-ass titty baby
All Mitt has to say, “I support legal immigration”.
P E R F E C T!
Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter” Conservative seems to be upset that the president did something that the republicans had no intention of doing.
Like get Osama Bin Ladin.
All Mittens did say, “I support self-deportation.”
POW! Shot in own foot! Go, Mittens, go!
I think bub’s relentless, adolescent Obamawhining ™ is a cover for something he’s feeling inadequate about.
You mean there’s a downside to reckess, directionless spending just so that we can say we’re spending?
Someone tell Krugman.
@ 13
I think that presidential offspring is a fine looking young man.
On the high-note unemployedbob strikes @17, I’m outta here.
My time is better spent elsewhere…I’ll check in later and see how many times unemployedbob posts this fine Monday morning.
Romney is all over the map on immigration
Alien employment cards ; not amnesty. (Nov 2011) ( Drive down wages )
I don’t believe in rounding up 11 million people. (Nov 2011) ( That could cost votes! )
FactCheck: Took hard-line on illegals, but only late in term. (Dec 2007)
FactCheck: Illegals employed at his home, but by contractor. (Nov 2007) ( Do as I say, not as I do! )
Build 2,600-mile fence with enough guards to secure it. (Sep 2011) ( Why does this remind me of East Germany and 1984 )
I like legal immigration; let business determine visas. (Aug 2011) ( Yeah, that will be fair! )
Immigration practices are upside down: more hi-tech visas. (Mar 2010) ( Cannot keep paying americans with skills high wages!)
Current system is concrete wall against best & brightest. (Nov 2011) ( We need more people driving down wages!!)
FactCheck: Took no action against 4 Mass. sanctuary cities. (Nov 2007) ( Do as I say, not as I do! )
Awww, is Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter” Conservative because
Where’s Bob? Did he call in sick this morning? bob is missing! We’re worried about you, Bob! (We’re a caring crowd here on HA.) Maybe he went to visit friends in Chicago? …
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
Forty-two people were shot, seven fatally, in Chicago this weekend, bringing Chicago’s body count to 18 KIA and 110 WIA for the first three weekends of June.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think we have too many cops and not enough guns. Who in their right mind votes Republican?
@ 20
Posting an article from January about a Romney veto of something that is not a law seems a little silly, does it not?
One does not veto an executive order, NTfF.
@ 21
Yes, an executive order in lieu of legislation does create some challenges for furthering said legislation. Unless, of course, that executive order turns out to be unconstitutional.
It’s hard to know, of course, because as of today that executive order still doesn’t exist:
It might be most fair to state that Rubio is waiting to see the language of what Obama said he would do but would not permit questions regarding, no?
The SCOTUS conservatives stomp workers again, by the usual 5-4 vote. Obama has his shortcomings, but I don’t see how letting the GOP appoint more anti-worker judges makes things better for workers.
@ 23
Where was our president this weekend, RR?
Why, I believe he was in………
wait for it…………
Did the president have much comment on the violence in his hometown on the weekend he was there, before he went off for Golf Round Number 100 during his term, RR?
Presidential commentary would be more interesting than RR commentary on this issue, after all.
@24 I suspect at this point Hispanic voters would rather see Obama than Rmoney setting immigration policy.
Bush was a mixed bag for Latinos. He let millions of them in, because business wanted their cheap labor, but refused to give them any status.
If the GOP had its way, even kids born in the U.S. would be stripped of their citizenship and kicked out. Imagine that — deporting some kid who might otherwise grow up to be president. (See, e.g., Mitt Romney.)
@26 Our president, unlike his opponent, did not say we have too many cops or cities don’t need help to cope with a depression. Not saying something isn’t much, but it’s slightly more than nothing, which is what Chicago would get from Rmoney.
@ 25
You’re an idiot. You can’t be a lawyer.
You failed to note that the Ninth Circuit, the nation’s most liberal circuit court, decided the same way the Supremes did.
You applied the decision to ‘workers’ when it only affects a very, very small group of individuals who work more or less autonomously. This was no Ledbetter decision. This was a niche decision that will affect maybe 0.1 – 0.5% of US employees.
Jesus, you CANNOT have been a lawyer. Go to volokh.com for some background, clown.
@ 27
If the GOP had its way, even kids born in the U.S. would be stripped of their citizenship and kicked out. Imagine that — deporting some kid who might otherwise grow up to be president. (See, e.g., Mitt Romney.)
You’re a total, fucking idiot.
(See, e.g., The United States Constitution.)
Anyone watch the miraculous comeback of Webb Simpson to win the US Open yesterday? It was spectacular. He is an amazing Christian young man.
Bubba Watson, devout Christian, just won the Masters and gave all the credit where it belongs. God is amazing and puts us in positions and gives regular folks who do extraordinary things a platform to share the Gospel. It’s awesome!
@24 “Posting an article from January about a Romney veto of something …”
You’ve got a point. Romney’s position on that issue probably has changed at least 40 times since then.
@30 I’m talking about Republicans wanting to change the Constitution, numbnuts. Are all wingnuts as dense as you, or did your parents send you to a re-education camp to make you that way?
It’s nice you hash & re-hash stuff about the past and hurl generalizations Roger Rabbit, but that’s not going to get it done. Obama needs to actually do something to give the Private Sector a huge boost real, real soon or he is going to lose with the negative momentum he has.
What can Obama do to improve the Economy?
There are dozens of House Bills tied up in the Senate being held hostage by Harry Reid.
Obama ought to tell Harry to start passing some of them and give Obama a chance to pretend he understands the private sector economy by signing them.
I suspect you will see that happen….soon.
@29 And you failed to note the Second Circuit, a less liberal court, went the other way. You also failed to note the SCOTUS justices voted along strict ideological lines — with the 5 conservative justices voting against the workers and the 4 moderate/liberal justices voting for the workers — which strongly suggests SCOTUS has become politicized by the GOP’s appointment of ideologues to the Court.
On another note, it’s theoretically possible I’m an idiot, although accumulated empirical evidence indicates that’s extremely improbable. I used to think you had to be very smart to be a lawyer, therefore idiots couldn’t be lawyers, but after 40 years in the profession I know better now. We have plenty of idiot lawyers, and some of them sit on our courts.
See, e.g., Antonin Scalia, who goes duck hunting with Duck Cheney while a lawsuit against Duck Cheney is pending before the Court. In any other court, that not only would get you hauled before a Judicial Conduct Commission, it might also get you disbarred.
However, I feel pretty confident that even though I’m a lawyer, I’m not an idiot because I never did anything like that when I was a judge. In fact, I can prove I’m not an idiot. The proof is simple: I’m not a Republican.
@31 Dipshit. Where was your awesome, Republican God when a hedonistic Buddhist mongrel was winning 14 majors and over 70 PGA tour events?
@34 “Obama needs to actually do something to give the Private Sector a huge boost”
I thought conservatives’ position was government should leave the Private Sector alone and stay out of markets??? According to you, that’s what he’s doing, so what more do you want?
@ 36
Mongrel? Inappropriate.
Really good point, otherwise.
@ 35
I noted it just fine but a 3-judge panel is trumped by a full court decision, which was the Ninth Circuit.
The only point you have to make is that one of the Second Circuit panel judges was a GWB43 appointee.
“You’re an idiot. You can’t be a lawyer.”
Good fucking grief! This dumbfuck racist troll comes across as having the worst case of narcissism we’ve seen yet and, considering some of the basketcases we’ve seen pass through this cesspool, that’s really saying something. Gawd, the insufferable one knows more about medicine than a doctor, more about law than an attorney/judge, and more about statistics than a statistician. And so much so, he judges them as idiots within their own professions.
Must our trolls share their inadequacies with us? Have they no clue what they’re doing?
I guess he’s waiting for the Etch-A-Sketch to clear.
“Mongrel? Inappropriate.”
That was for you racists, you dumbfuck twit.
Naaahhhh…the fucking Rethuglicant’s wouldn’t try to shit-can the economy so they can “Blame It On Obama (TM)”.
Asshole motherfuckers.
What a shock!
@39 “The only point you have to make is that …”
… one of the ways you get SCOTUS to take a case* is if there’s a conflict between the rulings of two or more circuits. If you were a lawyer, you would know that.
I wouldn’t say that’s the only point I have to make (I’ve already made another one), but it’s a point. There are other points a lawyer could make about this case to a dilletante like you who doesn’t know where to begin with a SCOTUS ruling, but let’s save that argument for when SCOTUS comes out with its Obamacare ruling, which will happen either today or next Monday, most likely next week. That one’s going to be a lot more fun.
* SCOTUS accepts about 200 appeals of the thousands it receives every year, so the high court is very selective, and getting an issue to the Court can take many years.
36. Steve spews:
Why are you so angry Steve? It’s not about winning, it’s about God using Webb Simpson, Bubba Watson, Jeremy Lin, Tim Tebow and many other young athletes to share the Gospel. There aren’t perfect and certainly don’t win every time. They all face troubles, challenges and sin. You totally miss the point.
I feel for Tiger Woods. He has made some horrible decisions that will impact his kids for the rest of their lives. I don’t know what is in his heart or runs thru his mind. He seems to be trying but who knows. It’s not about perfection, it’s about sharing the Gospel and accepting Christ as your Lord & Savior.
You don’t earn your way to Heaven…but if you know Christ and love God, you try to please him in what you say, think & do. But it’s not easy in this world, is it Steve.
37. Roger Rabbit spews:
@34 “Obama needs to actually do something to give the Private Sector a huge boost”
Not quite Roger Rabbit. You see, the government has already done things to negatively affect private industry..uncertainty about taxes and excessive costly regulations. I’m just saying get rid of some of the excessive regulations, cut the cost & role of government and give the Private Sector certainty about taxes. Obama has done none of these…in fact, he has piled on.
That’s the problem.
Fuckwad @46…
….Yeah if Tiger had embraced “teh jeeebus” he coulda ben like Jimmeh Swaggart or David Vitter.
Too bad for him, huh?
@47 ” I’m just saying get rid of some of the excessive regulations, cut the cost & role of government and give the Private Sector certainty about taxes.”
And I’m saying your position on regulations, role of government, and taxes sucks; and I won’t vote for what you want. But we can agree the economy needs more certainty.
So let’s re-elect Obama, boost Democratic strength to 60 votes in the Senate, and give House control back to the Democrats — in other words, unyoke our political process from Republican obstructionists — so we can make decisions and get things done in this country.
The problem is that jerks like this have completely fucked the economy and now they are desperate to blame THEIR failures on ANYBODY else.
Page ONE of the Rethuglicant Playbook.
@ 46
If you had bought big-time into the Hopenchange fraud four years ago and have watched it come crashing down, and you now realize that you were complicit in a group of incompetents assuming control of the White House, wouldn’t you be angry?
Doctor Steve’s angry at himself, mostly. But it’s easier to transfer that anger onto others, because blaming others rather than accepting personal responsibility is what liberals do.
Hell, it’s what liberals ARE.
@ 52
Maybe The One can have him deported.
Can you tell us why his birthplace is relevant if he’s here legally, Rujax?
Did anyone else get a chance to ask Obama about this on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, Rujax?
Do you think that someone should, Rujax?
This is how “serious” the stupid motherfuckers like “bob” and “max” (whatever their screen names are today) and “dumb as a box of rocks” puddypussy…
…this is how serious these “comedians” and this clown show is about America.
This guy really IS stupid isn’t he?
Maybe JESUS can tell you why you are so fucking stupid.
@ 55
That’s what I thought. You don’t even understand things you post, much less what people have to say about them.
Maybe I don’t “understand” everything…but I “get” infinitely more than THIS jejune ass.
Maybe the brilliant “serial clownservative” can help us all understand a piece of shit like this…and like Chris “the insatiable pie hole” Christie.
@6 If he’s here to attempt to make Puddy look like less of a lunatic by comparison, he’s failed.
A cartoon I saw on Facebook
A blowhard white conservative male is pointing to a family of puzzled Mexican looking people and frothing “IT’S TIME TO RECLAIM AMERICA FROM THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!”
The punch line is a Native American looking at the white guy and saying
“I’ll help you pack!”
I am of two minds of this. I’m a liberal, I can support nuance and context. I support the Dream Act for kids because kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents, but I also do not support hiring of illegals. If we put people who HIRED illegals in jail, the demand for their cheap labor would dry up and most of them would not be here.
From the Christian Left on Facebook
They have a good point.
Why are you conservatives NOT upset by American jobs being sent overseas?
Now that you make me think about it, I’m rather proud of what the Democrats have accomplished in the face the unrelenting obstructionism and partisanship of the republicans. Yes, I would have liked a whole lot more change, but giving the traitorous power-hungry actions of the republicans and there sycophants who cheer them, I think they have accomplished much.
Recent electoral setbacks reveal diminished public support towards government workers, Richard Hurd, a labor relations professor at Cornell University, said in an interview.
“It’s going to be very difficult for unions to turn themselves around,” Hurd said. “It’s how the political winds blow.”
@ 63
I heard once before that dissent was patriotic.
Yes, I’m sure I heard exactly that.
You’ve devolved into the same level of idiocy that Lib Sci now spews. I thought you were smarter than that.
I guess this is what happens when you’re out of ammo. You accuse the other side of all sorts of inane things.
@52. Rujax!
Right-wing “reporter” who heckled Obama over immigration is here on a green card
That is ironic. Typical republican exhibiting Last Place Aversion. ” I’m in, I got mine, I want to make sure someone is doing worse and or shut the door so nobody else can get in. ”
Puddy and Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter and proud of it!” Conservative write that way all the time. They cannot stand that someone could do better. They are naked envy and loathing, striving to tear down and ridicule, to make themselves feel better. When you call them on it, they project and claim that it’s the Democrats who are engaging in class envy.
No you idiot rujax, these are those “stupid motherfuckers” (sic) here and here
They think just like you rujax!
@46 Your glassy-eyed Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s an affliction. Consider trading in your pastor for a shrink.
@51 You’re a clueless twit, Bob.
BULLSHITTIUM! I write about poor inner city blacks all the time and how Al and Jesse have done nothing for them. Al and Jesse have theirs ya moron! That’s reality. What planet are you from idiot? I am from Earth!
U write worthless horse manure!
Wow….failed musician rujaxoff is certainly cementing his position as HA’s cellar dweller.
Freakish stupidity and anger have combined to form the rujaxoff.
Remember folks, this is the same rujaxoff who bragged about his “nights of fun”, which were nothing more than vandalizing local churches.
what a lazy douchebag the rujaxoff is…
@ 66
Actually, there are plenty of Hispanics who feel similarly. How about:
“I waited my turn, I got in legally, I want to make sure that my family is not disadvantaged by those who didn’t do it the right way.”
Hispanics are split when asked to assess the effect of illegal immigration on Hispanics living in the United States: 29% say it has had a positive impact, 31% negative and 30% believe it made no difference, according to the study by the non-partisan Pew Hispanic Center. That is a sharp decline from a 2007 survey, when 50% of Hispanics said illegal immigrants were having a positive impact.
Don’t you hate it when facts get in the way of your meme?
I have no problem with Dissent. Dissent is to hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
To be a traitor is to be a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. Repblicans were elected to do the good of the country, not just to get back in power. To obstruct the democrats in everything they do, big or small, is betraying that trust.
But this falls on deaf ears, to Serial “Ridicule the looks of the president’s daughter and proud of it!” Conservative‘s
mind, anything that defeats democrats, is good, regardless of how bad it is for the country.
Really? Giving handouts to those who lazily sit on their ASS all day on blogs or drinking MadDog 20-20?
Hmmm.. Yet another “leftist” publication challenging the dogma about “job creators”:
@ 68
Any original contributions from you today, Doctor Steve, or did you just stop by to ridicule those who disagree with you, without anything original to add to a conversation?
C’mon, Doctor Steve. Give us a reason to believe you and Rujax don’t share the same brain.
Now see the pin-heads of the local troll brigade..
Till next time..
“they project and claim that it’s”
It’s always a Psych 101 thing with these guys. Perhaps what HA needs is more complex, Psych 201 caliber trolls.
rujax doesn’t get it…
As Obummer did his liiegal alien law end around, Congress isn’t letting Obummer do his Keystone Pipeline end around. So it’s on Obummer’s head the jobs not created by approving the Keystone pipeline and his head on the transportation bill.
@ 72
Problem with your argument is that it requires an assumption that what Dems do is by and large correct.
Not a correct assumption.
There was a bipartisan letter written by 44 Senators to the president over the weekend, split pretty much evenly between the parties, telling Obama that he was taking the wrong approach on Iran.
There’s bipartisan effort in some areas. In areas in which politics dominate, sorry, your side hasn’t earned deference from mine. Quite the opposite.
Ask yourself why Obama didn’t approach Rubio when it was clear that Rubio nearly had a bill ready to introduce into the Senate on immigration.
Then tell me about obstructionism.
@75 How about offering up a symptom we haven’t already seen a hundred times over already? I mean, really, Bob, troll narcissism is really getting fucking old.
John T. Harvey
Silly all arschloch moron. John Harvey is a leftist writing in Forbes!
I always check your horse manure!
I’ll spell it out for you:
The reporter (legal or not) is a foreigner.
The question he interrupted the President with was: “Why do you favor foreigners over Americans?”
I understand that it’s hard for you to see this because he’s a white foreigner.
Like all cunt-servatives you’re a bible thumping mother humping inbred redneck cracker who only cares about getting rid of the non-white immigrants (legal or not).
Our first black President has done a thousand times better than our last white one.
So suck it, bitch.
Show us a Psych 201 leftist!
Here legally. That point is lost on Rael!
Because the politically incorrect thing to say anymore is illegal alien which those 800,000 peeps are. That point is lost on Rael!
Color has nothing to do with it. There are white latinos who you’d never know that until they open their mouth. I went to school with one. He had blue eyes too!
Projecting your family heritage again? It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Yes, he’s giving us a big deficit. $200,000 mortgage per new born baby!
So it seems you have some sucking to perform right now!
headless and his 71 doppelgangers…? his latest being the dorkyone
And from 1995-2006 DUMMOCRAPTS didn’t obstruct, confuse and use the libtard media to interfere?
You don’t remember their first 1995 screed? Of course not, you are libtard! Newt cut the rate of growth from 8% to 5% and DUMMOCRAPTS went to their slobbering press friends and incorrectly claimed Republicans were starving school children? Lie after lie after lie!
48. Rujax!…there’s liars, damned liars…then there’s the puddypussy. spews:
Christians in prominent positions fail all the time. I can’t speak for them. But the message and the evidence doesn’t change just because mere mortals proclaim Christ and then fall short by their actions. Are you that shallow that that is all the better you can do?
OK. But you haven’t addressed the evidence. All you do is point to those who have publicly failed. You are missing the point.
49. Roger Rabbit spews:
Actually you had that back in 2009..and what did your guys do? ObamaCare and a failed massive stimulus and a massive increase in the National Debt.
Are you suggesting Democrats would do better this time around??
Not sure you will get that chance because you just had it and failed.
56. Rujax!…there’s liars, damned liars…then there’s the puddypussy. spews:
Wow, that’s impressive. A real model of exchanging ideas and engaging in meaningful conversation. Seems like Rujax has made those same rants before. Guess it means he is a suffering empty vessel with nothing of substance to offer. Too bad.
Why didn’t Obummer pass the Dream Act in 2009? He had his 60 votes!
68. Steve spews:
Wow, again angry Steve offers nothing of substance, is unable to refute the evidence and resorts to meaningless drivel.
Thanks for proving my point angry person.
Gee, just last week everyone (and this goes regardless of political ideology) was upset at a H.S. senior who’s lawyer mis-calculated her deadline for filing for a visa due to a leap year, and was going to miss attending her high school graduation and giving the valivictorian speach. A special effort was made to push through her waiver so she could get her green card. She was a small child when her parents brought her to the U.S., so was an “innocent undocumented”.
It seems like the Conservatives love to feel generous and make such exceptions on a case-by-case basis. But trying to process immigration petitions where each instance is a “special case” is generally bad policy, in that it gums up the works and causes even more delays for those involved.
The President’s system of priorities gives a bit of order to the system, without having force of law (it is not an amendment to existing law, nor is it an excutive order).
But Romney took two whole days to come up with an comment to make, and all he could come up with for the Sunday talk shows was a rather weak “This is not a permant solution, we need a permanant solution”. He then criticized the President for not putting a permanant solution into effect earlier. He claimed he could do so just by “working with Congress”.
Fine. Propose a permanant solution, Romney. I’m going to enjoy watching everyone take pot shots at it as his “hispanic vote” strategy goes down in flames. Right now he may be stuck with selecting Rubio as his running mate, because he needs hispanic votes. But those who think the hispanic voters all speak with one voice don’t understand the vast differences between the anti-Castro Cuban refugees in So. Florida, as opposed to Mexican, Guatamalian, Argentinan, Brazillian, and even Spain itself.
I love the smell of wingnut brains burning.
Where do you get your compass from?
I assume you have a conscience..where did it come from? Random atoms banging together? That defies all logic Steve.
Please read the postings from Josh McDowell and challenge yourself to think about it rather than using your anger & other emotions to guide you.
Posting slurs like you consistently do really proves my point. You pride yourself as a thinker but refuse to think.
You simply cannot have Creation without a Creator who transcends finite time. Can’t happen. Didn’t happen. Your self-pride allows you only to submit and worship your own knowledge and things of this puny world in a finite time period.
And you call believrs shallow??
Give it a shot Steve.
Refute the evidence with facts.
We are waiting for you to further the discussion. Ridicule is the tool of the ignorant.
rhp @ 92–
But what has Obama done to improve the economy?
He had 60 in the Senate and a supermajority in the House in 2009. Who can he blame for that…Bush?
What precisely did he do and what was the impact?
Obama says the Private Sector is “Fine”.
Huh? Totally out of touch because he never worked in the private sector.
You can bring up all these anecdotal sideshows, but in the end it will be about accountability for actions & inactions. Elections are a Report Card of sorts.
rhp is worried about a grade in PE rather than Economics. Your priorities are all screwed up.
@ 92
There’s no executive order regarding Obama’s reset on immigration.
What is there for Romney to stick his neck out to comment on just yet? How about “I haven’t seen the order yet…..”
What should Romney say, when no questions were allowed, Obama gave no interviews over the weekend, and we’re still waiting for text, NTfF/rhp?
re 95: “But what has Obama done to improve the economy?
He had 60 in the Senate and a supermajority in the House in 2009. Who can he blame for that…Bush?”
If, after having this talking point of yours refuted for the umpteenth, you cannot refrain from stating it yet again, I can only assume that you are repeating it as a form of ‘big lie’ type propaganda and it should be erased without comment.
Simpleminded tautology presented by an unctuous wingnut
It’s the only explanation for which there is any data.
A creationist demanding facts? That’s too, TOO rich.
Please provide factual evidence for Adam, Eve, Noah, God.
Yup, didn’t think so.
A mind is a terrible thing to immolate on the altar of mindless religiosity.
We’re now entering our third summer following the pronouncement that ‘Recovery Summer’ was coming.
How’s that workin’ out for ya, Demmies?
Didn’t Beau Biden’s daddy say we’d have job growth of 500,000 per month?
When Democrats have tried to put through permeant solution the Republicans freaked. When Newt G. tried to come up with a permeant solution on the campaign trail the Republican base freaked.
It’s the policies of cheap labor Republicans that drive good jobs out of America and bring illegal cheap labor into America.
I think most American’s understand that the Republican Party owns our dysfunctional immigration system.
@83 “Psych 201 leftist”
Heh. Goldy and his weekly Bible Study thread.
@ 100
Shouldn’t that be ‘When Democrats tried to ram through a permeant solution…..”
I don’t know specifically what acts you are referring to but the years 2009 and 2010 really only involved the Democrats and three Republicans.
And, yeah, a lot of us on the right weren’t happy with quite a bit of the stuff that came out of Gingrich’s mouth. Call it a character flaw on our part, I guess. We don’t much like him, either.
@94 I’m a Christian who has defended my faith many times in these threads. I just don’t cotton to your glassy-eyed, right-wing, politicized version of Christianity. It’s like an invasion of the Pod People or something.
@ 103
It’s that rabid, profane, seriously angry form of religion you must cotton to, then, Doctor Steve. Are there fatwas in what you believe? Venomous snakes, perhaps? How about fucking little girls? You seem to have this unnatural interest in caprine copulation, after all. Do you spend much time in Enumclaw, Doctor Steve?
re 104: You’re nuts.
re 104: You seem panicky. What’s up?
@ 105
Not at all. Doctor Steve spews filth with about every second sentence – he’s big on calling people goat-fuckers and using the F-bomb in general. He’s got one insult after another for anyone on the right. He’s threatened me. Since I now find @103, to my surprise, he’s a Christian, I thought I would ask the mother-fucking hypocrite so tell me a little more about his religion.
@ 106
Naw, panic @ 2 was this morning.
I think Lance Armstong just cracked a bit of a smile.
“the mother-fucking hypocrite”
My deeply held Christian faith calls on me to shit on little two-bit racists and fascists such as you and your dumbfuck friends, Bob. Shouldn’t that have dawned on you by now? Get with the fucking program.
Yesterday I asked Lib da schmuck a question… he ran ran ran so I’ll ask it again today
Just answer da question Lib da schmuck!
“He’s got one insult after another for anyone on the right.”
That’s so obviously not true. I don’t insult every troll here. There are several who are my friends. You, on the other hand, I simply don’t like. That’s because you’re a smarmy, snide, racist asswipe, a dumbfuck who deludes himself into thinking he’s not.
Do you have a problem with that, Bob?
re 107: If the right can accept Newt Gingrich’s forgiveness-laden bath in the Blood of the Lamb for his true mendacity concerning his former wives, surely you can overlook a few ‘bad words’.
If you can’t, you are just another right wing creeper.
You, on the other hand, I simply don’t like. That’s because you’re a smarmy, snide, racist asswipe, a dumbfuck who deludes himself into thinking he’s not.
Steve, what do you really think?
re 112: “Question:) Do you feel sorry for the poor babies in Africa and India when they starve to death?”
I can’t answer for anyone else, but I think those babies need to show a little personal responsibility for their plight.
@ 114
I overlook 99% of what Doctor Steve has to say because he doesn’t contribute unless it is to bash someone or something he doesn’t like. Rujax BJ’s Obama on everything, Doctor Steve spews hate about everything conservative. They’re the two most predictable identities here.
Doctor Steve’s an empty suit sewn of hate and anger. Come November, maybe he’ll wear a little depression necktie as well.
“re 104: You seem panicky. What’s up?”
He’s just having a fit of Psych 101 projection. Push their buttons and they do it every time. It usually reveals much, such as…
“caprine copulation”
Damn, Bob, really?
Well, I want to read what Lib da schmuck thinks!
I seem to recall that the Democrats didn’t have 60 votes in the Senate without at least one defection from the Republican side. Republicans filibustered most other votes, with the major exceptions being the health insurance reform (two Republican defections) and the auto bailout (several Republican defections).
By the way, Puddy, have you ever repudiated your guilding light, Glenn Beck, who likened teenage victims of a White Supremicist shooting in Sweden to Hitler Youth? I thought not.
“I overlook 99% of what”
You stupid fascist bitch, if you want that to ring true then you might try not talking about me so damned much.
“caprine copulation”
You’re just too fucking weird for words, Bob. You do know that, don’t you?
@ 121
Oh, Doctor Steve.
Let Us Pray.
“Steve, what do you really think?”
See @101 for a half-way serious thought. I figured you’d know where I’m coming from with that one.
@122 Fixated on me much? That’s a Psych 101 thing too, Bob. But I’m going to help you with this. That’s what I’m here for, Bob, to help people like you.
Always good talking over you, Doctor Steve. Don’t forget to pray, now, Christian.
Funny how when the Republicans have to votes to do something it’s the democratic process at work and when democrats try to do something they’re “ramming in through.”
Bush tried to fix immigration and the Republicans screamed. Clinton tried it, same result.
I think we should bring up Darcy Burner’s past too!
@ 126
From the date of Al Franken’s seating to Kennedy’s last functional day there was a Dem 60 seat majority, in addition to House and Oval Office control.
When is the last time that the GOP was able to do something without the necessity of convincing at least ONE representative of the other caucus (stated this way so that Lieberman and Sanders aren’t excluded) to go along? Not in my lifetime.
I’ll answer when you explain to me how Noah prevented the velociraptors on the Ark from eating the Emperor Penguins, also on the Ark. Bonus, I’ve also asked you how the Emperor Penguins got forth and back between Antarctica and Mesopotamia.
I asked you first, nya-nya.
Misses the point. Republican’s freaked about immigration reform under Obama. They freaked under Bush 2. They freaked under Clinton, but Clinton still managed to get something passed. Not sure what went on under Bush 1. They freaked under Reagan. Reagan passed a reform that stripped most employer enforcement- which really opened the flood gates.
But, the point is, that Republican’s can not talk about immigration in a healthy and helpful manner. They just can’t get the job done.
@ 126 @ 130
Would it be missing the point for me to say that the Senate was under Democrat control in 2007? That even if Bush had every single GOP Senator on board he still would have needed Dem help?
How about if I point out that 9 Democrats also voted against it?
I think it’s more complicated than the black/white mask people try to assign.
At one point a bill in the Senate passed cloture:
but things apparently went to shit when amendments were added or otherwise voted upon.
If it passed in one form, it was acceptable to the Senate. Then people started messing with it.
This is not a simple issue. Unless, of course, one guy decides to ignore Congress and do whatever he thinks he needs to get re-elected.
From day 1, President Barack Obama has worked to end the war in Iraq, expand access to health care for all Americans, and implement an economic recovery program that has created nearly 3 million jobs. The question is simple: Will we go on to build upon these reforms, or will we return to the miasma of Republican hegemonic oligopoly with its depressions, recessions, and stagflation.
CHANGE IS: equal pay for equal work – Improving women’s health – protecting women’s right to choose
CHANGE IS: Ending insurance company abuses – keeping premiums low – expanding access to care – closing the Medicare prescription ‘donut hole’ (or, as it is better known, as the average Republican voter’s intelligence quotient).
CHANGE IS: Putting Americans back to work and rebuilding a fair economy for the middle class – 3.6 million jobs saved or created by cutting taxes, investing in clean energy, roads and bridges, — keeping teachers in classrooms – AND protecting unemployment benefits. Obama saved the American auto industry, preventing the loss of 1.4 million jobs – The private sector has created nearly 3 million jobs in the past 21 months and President Obama is fighting for the American Jobs Act, which would put even more people back to work and more money in peoples’ pockets.
CHANGE IS: Creating an economy built to last beyond the next bubble created by the bankers that subsidize Republican hegemony.
We need to: Out educate the rest of the world – out innovate the rest of the world – make sure everyone plays by the same rules – make sure that everyone does their fair share.
Why does a presidential aspirant like Romney need a secret Swiss bank account? Isn’t that for deposed dictators?
And, finally, Change is ending the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; refocus our energies toward dismantling Al Qaeda and similar organizations and honoring our veterans who have fought for a decade in wars started by the criminal Bush administration to enrich companies such as Halliburton and Blackwater.
Join us.
Stamp the dust of the past off your shoes, turn a deaf ear to the winjy-whiny Smigels of the reactionary right, and move this country forward.
103. Steve spews:
Not sure what you are specifically referring to Steve. Yes, I’m a Conservative. So what? I have lots of Liberal Christian friends. We can agree to disagree on the role of government in our lives…but we all get along because we are brothers & sisters in Christ. Right?
114. Smilin’ Cereal Bob spews:
Again you totally miss the point of Faith & Grace. It’s not about anecdotal examples of people falling short. The reason we need Christ is to be reconciled with God because of our sinful nature. Look at John Edwards. Hardly a Christian role model, is he? But his wife certainly was.
I believe all things come thru the hands of a loving God. Good & bad. That’s how I live my life. Otherwise you can be tied up in knots of bitterness & resentment.
Again, non-believers like to focus on those who fall short as if that somehow proves God does not exist.
Ask yourself these questions–
1) If we were perfect, why would we need Christ? It’s about saving grace and understanding our sinful nature. It’s NOT about a free ticket to do whatever you desire and somehow believe that will fool an all powerful, omnipresent, omnipotent God as non-believers like to misrepresent.
2) What if you non-believers are wrong?
Obama had a bunch of fucking “blue dogs” in the House and Senate.
These dumbfuck crapheads conveniently forget how ONE Senator can block legislation. They are deliberately disingenuous.
They are LYING…like usual.
Yes it would. Because, the point is that the Republican’s are completely dysfunctional when it comes to immigration. This isn’t about the Democrats.*
*They have their own issues.
The fact that the Republicans are deeply dysfunctional on issues of immigration, pay for women, sexuality, and public health has NOTHING to do do with the Democrats.
Nobody’s perfect, but there is no manifest need for Sky Daddy in order for a person to live the Golden Rule. There is no threat of eternal retribution that is necessary for a person to Love.
If your god is as loving as you say, then she’ll commend me for living a moral life, for using my talents for good, for trying to love as unconditionally as possible.
If that’s not good enough for her, tough, I did the best I could without being judgmental prude or a Republican.
Why are you so unevolved as to require the threat of ‘eternal damnation’ in order to treat people well, if you do at all?
Then you are an historical idiot rhpee6033. You can google it instead of being an idiot.
Wait… you are what you are!
“but we all get along because we are brothers & sisters in Christ. Right?”
Wrong. You are first and foremost a fascist, getfactsfirst. With that, it doesn’t matter to me who or what you worship. I’ve never taken to you damned fascists and I never will.
@92 What the hell…at least for once, the right thing got done, regardless of whatever motivated it.
The fact that such a happenstance is so rare as to actually be newsworthy, however, is pathetic.
Bob is like the playground bully who, after poking all the kids with a stick and then getting his ass properly and appropriately kicked, whines to teacher. Bob uses swear words in many of his posts. He goes off on “fucking” this, “dumbfuck” that. But when I swear at him, he goes fucking nuts.
Bob is also that way about namecalling. He’ll call Roger an “fucking idiot”, Lib Sci a “dumbfuck”, and then whine like a baby when I call him a few names. Hey, if Bob insists on being the bully in the playground, I’ll oblige and play the part of the guy who’s had enough of his bullshit and who gives him what’s coming to him.
Like the other fascists who have shown up here, Bob is nothing but a narcissistic whining bitch.
Marco Rubio is a Horses Ass.
Today the man who had previously falsely claimed to have come to our blessed republic (USA!) as a child of parents fleeing Castro Communism said this:
Oh Noes! That rascally Kenyan derailed Marco’s similar efforts.
A reasonable person may ask “What efforts?” Did Marco introduce a bill? No? Surely one is written. After all Marco Rubio has been talking about how he is going to do something for some time.
Marco Rubio, the GOP and the DREAM Act from April 17, 2012
Yes, in April it was just a concept and 2 months later it was still just a concept.
Today, Marco Rubio, killed that concept because that rascally Kenyan president actually got something done that Republicans (whose presidential candidate’s position is “self deport”) have been preventing from happening since 2000.
Fk Marco Rubio and his Sad.
132. Dorky Dorkman, thanks for posting something we are for!
It’s nice to not just react against what ever bigotry and casual cruelness posted by the trolls.
Wow interesting material racist one.
Interesting assertion by libtards everywhere. Unfortunately the facts speak otherwise. The American auto industry didn’t need to be saved as it was never on the verge of collapse. Well the collapse was the auto unions. Obummer say the writing on the wall and it was some magical fantasy. So this wild ASS implication for the need of Government Motors is truly bogus. Because of the UAW, GM and Chrysler were in deep trouble! These US producers: Ford, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, BMW, Kia, Hyundai, Honda, Mazda, and Toyota were fine.
Facts, explode libtard arguments!
Self deportation is following the law. What part of illegal immigration confuses mikecubscout?
Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?
A federal lawsuit alleges ConAgra defrauded customers by selling non-kosher meat under its Hebrew National brand, and that employees who tried to blow the whistle on the company’s practices were threatened or fired.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One more alleged example of how American businessess has become a cesspool of corruption, lying, deceit, and fraud. If they’re guilty of this, I hope the jury awards a million dollars to every Jew who’s gonna go to Hell because he ate non-kosher meat.
@146 “The American auto industry didn’t need to be saved as it was never on the verge of collapse.”
Obama is the ultimate “user”. He has a complete disregard for those who help him and is willing to throw them under the bus in a heartbeat if they no longer serve a purpose. Take for example the Doctor who truly lead Obama to Osama Bin Laden.
Accused vigilante killer George Zimmerman keeps digging himself into deeper holes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy shouldn’t have had a gun. Our gun laws are too lax.
137. Michael spews:
So why do both Nancy Pelosi and Patty Murray pay female staffers much less than males??
Sounds like that is a bipartisan issue Michael, don’t you think?
And the R’s want legal, orderly immigration..not something out of control that can have major negative consequences.
Oh I just looked it up… we still have 500 Million shares of Government Motors. The latest Treasury Department study describes a $23 billion loss on the auto bailout by US taxpayers. So why hasn’t Obummer sold them yet?
What Obummer doesn’t want peeps to know is the UAW hiked Detroit’s labor costs 50-80% higher than Nissan and Toyota for example. Obummer didn’t want peeps to know Chrysler paid $75.86/hr and GM paid $70.51/hr in UAW wages and benefits. The average American worker earns $30.15/hr in wages and benefits. Now if they went through bankruptcy the labor costs would have been about $47/hr. And guess what? American taxes paid for the UNION bailout.
What Obummer doesn’t want peeps to know is that your tax $$$ paid for those UAW retirement health benefits in addition to Medicare benefits they all retire and get.
Now you know the rest of the story!
140. Steve spews:
Facist? how so? Is anyone who disagrees with you politically a facist Steve? Really? That seems pretty harsh…based on raw emotion, anger. Do you always let emotion guide you Steve? What a roller coaster existence that can be. Christ is our ROCK, right? Does He care more about us striving to know Him better, or what Obama, R’s and D’s do??
Easy to get sucked in to things of this world.
Yes, we can all have opinions…that differ significantly.
I prefer to keep things in the 5 Billion year perspective. How many years do you figure you have left on this earth Steve? 20 or 30 at best? Do you really want to waste them being pissed of at things that won’t matter 5 Billion, or even 100 years from now??
I don’t.
I’ll speak what I believe and share info..but I won’t detest you Steve for disagreeing with me.
You know that perpetually angered is not the way God wants us to live.
@153 “So why hasn’t Obummer sold them yet?”
I dunno — because he’s waiting for them to go up? That’s what I do when I buy stocks.
Let’s get personal here…
So what does this mean?
Sucks to be the racist one on that point so wildly cheered by bluejohn!!!!!
Hey putz, if you don’t wanna buy a car from Government Motors, I have a suggestion — buy a Ford!
Ford didn’t ask for, or get, any bailout money. They stayed capitalist through this whole thing. By buying Ford, you’re not supporting socialism.
Best of all, I own Ford stock, so by buying Ford you’re supporting Roger Rabbit! =:-D<
Ahhh yes… class warfare! The standard DUMMOCRAPTIC playbook!
Fords kick ass……no bailout for them, so they made a customer out of us.
Noah didn’t prevent anything. God chose what animals went on the ark. And since God created the Emperor Penguin, God could have move them to Noah’s location just as He intervened in the October 6, 1973 Yom Kippur War.
Your turn Lib da Schmuck.
@159 “Fords kick ass”
Apart from a few minor quality problems. You know how “Ford” got it’s name, don’t you? It’s derived from F.O.R.D., which means “Fucker Only Runs Downhill.” One hundred years later, you still have to push-start the damn things, but that’s only a technical problem which I’m sure they’ll solve one of these centuries.
Already own one. Once again you don’t pay attention Roger DUMB Wabbit. Told you this long ago. Ginko Biloba dude! Or ask the HA pink haired arms outstretched arschloch ylb. He’ll gladly replay the crazed debazed databaze link for you! He likes DUMB Wabbits.
@160 Can your God start my Ford? I’m waiting …
@162 “Told you this long ago.” [Emphasis added]
So when you gonna trade in that clunker, cheapskate?
We’re all Ford guys around here. Sorry, Chevy.
@165 Now puddy, how would you feel if Obama sold our shares before the election, then Rmoney won and the stock doubled? Be patient! Haste makes waste.
I though it was, “Found on roadside dead.”
On the whitehouse.gov web site you can see most of the headless racist dorky points. They are still claiming to saved 3.6 million jobs. Well Obummer’s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) release two reports; one at 2.4 and the other at 3.6 million. So let’s take the rosy value posted again by racist lucy! That’s still $185,000 per “job saved”.
Wow, that’s great spending.
@168 There are different versions.
Not a clunker moron! Runs great just broken in.
@169 If you think that’s a bad investment, then walk, ride a bike, or take the bus.
@171 “just broken in”
That’s what my aunt said a week before my uncle dropped dead.
So let me ask you a question, putz. The Pentagon says it costs the taxpayers $1 million to keep 1 soldier in a combat zone for 1 year. Do you think that same money would be better spent saving 5.4 permanent autoworker jobs? If not, explain why not.
Non sequitor question Roger DUMB Wabbit. The “job saving” wasn’t a job saving and you know this!
Try again DUMB Wabbit!
A Church Bus is fire bombed on Friday and crickets chirp from the libtards
Libtard fool Thom Hartmann wants Obummer to kill the military
Yes, image the sha’ria arriving to our shores with no military and all the gays are hung from gallows and liquor is banned and women wear burqas. Yes, Hartmann is one of yours.
And it seems RoseAnne Barr isn’t a friend of Nancy Pelosi.
I wonder what rujaxoff was doing Friday night…
FORD used to stand for..Fix Or Repair Daily.
Most of the transmissions last about 100,000. My wife got 125,000 out of her Ford Van.
Toyota’s are much better quality vehicles.
@178 Yep, we spend $700 billion a year to keep our women from wearing burqas, because wingers think a burqa is a type of birth control, and that’s a no-no.
@175 No, I don’t know this. Explain it.
An MSNBC article about state pensions says Wisconsin was 100% fully funded as of 2010 and Washington ranked fourth among states at 95% fully funded.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Wisconsin is the best-funded state, and is 100% funded, why did Gov. Walker claim his state has a pension problem?
DUMMOCRAPTHSS!!1!! caused Romney to have a Swiss
bank account.
Wow. Just wow. You could demonstrate that Romney was Satan, and puddles would find a way to defend him.
So puddles…you out there?
You posed a question earlier on this thread to me, and then brayed about me not answering…
I’m perfectly willing to answer your question. I’d just like to to answer mine first, since I’ve been asking you my question, and it’s gone unanswered for weeks, if not months.
So, just answer, and you’ll get my response to your question.
In case you’re confused, here it is again:
How did Noah prevent the velociraptors from eating the Emperor Penguins when they were all on the Ark together?
Bonus Points: How did those Emperor Penguins get back and forth between their range in Antarctica and the departure dock in Mesopotamia?
re 177: “A Church Bus is fire bombed on Friday and crickets chirp from the libtards”
It’s amazing those crickets survived the fire. It was probably bombed by a right wing Christardo.
Lib da schmuck,
See #160. I realize reading and comprehending is NOT your strong suit!
Really? How does Lib da schmuck know this?
Libtards are crickets? Who knew?
Play ignorant again Roger DUMB Wabbit? There is no overcapacity at GM or Chrysler?
Sorry, I honestly didn’t see that – thought I scanned all your posts.
So you don’t have an explanation beyond, “God did it”, which is, of course, no explanation. It’s rather like this.
You’re not the least bid credulous about a global flood, and the mass migration of animals, and presumed mass extinctions, that is alleged to have occurred sometime after 4004 BC in your book, for which there is no objective archeologic record – NONE? You have no qualms about that, simply because it’s in your book?
Oh. “A miracle occurred.” Well, that’s satisfying. Sort of like discussing the topic with my uneducated, born-again grandmother, the one with the “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” pin.
Paraphrasing what I’ve said above, a mind is a terrible thing to immolate on the altar of religion-driven ignorance, something that leads to the insane, tribal, vituperative, vengeful, Dominionist culture-war ignorance that we see you spew here daily.
Ahem. To your question…
Yes, in a word. I would elaborate that I feel that we as a species have failed miserably to construct a equitable, sustainable, egalitarian, morally-correct economic/political system, despite our capacity to do so, both globally and domestically, the fallout of which is horrific poverty and suffering in the face of vast wealth and comfort.
What, pray tell, do you think that has to do with natural selection, per se, given your preamble?
Incredibly stupid things from the mouths of Republicans, more incredibly stupid things, I should say…
Indiana Senate Candidate Mourdock:
Montana Senate candidate Rehberg:
Wisconsin Senate candidate Hovde:
A big round of applause for these up-and-coming Republican statesmen…
Watch the video…it’s the ‘libtardo’ media puddles and the other wingnuts are always braying about…
Roger Rabbit @ 184
The devil is in the details. That $1.4 TRILLION estimate is likely way low. And then there is this–
It’s all about the underlying assumptions. And rate of return is huge.
We as a species eh? So because Earth is divided into many nations, who creates this equitable, sustainable, egalitarian, morally-correct economic/political system? IS it the United Nations who dictates these equitable, sustainable, egalitarian, morally-correct economic/political systems? Is it the most powerful nations that dictate equitable, sustainable, egalitarian, morally-correct economic/political systems?
You claimed man evolved so why hasn’t man evolved to create these equitable, sustainable, egalitarian, morally-correct economic/political systems?
So what is it?
That’s one of the most stupid statements I’ve read in quite some time.
It’s more or less meaningless – you seem to be trying to negate the manifest evidence for natural selection by saying humans are not (yet) perfect because we are able to make moral evaluations and find ourselves wanting, or being able to do better.
However, what you state is not a contradiction, despite your insistence that it is, and anyone with 8.5 billion neurons would know this*. Your statement is nonsensical.
I’m busy this afternoon, but I’ll get back to you on how breathtakingly wrongheaded your position is, in more detail.
*(17 billion neurons in human neocortex, ergo 8.5 billion = “half a brain”)