– Enough is enough. Tell our legislators to commit to action on gun safety.
– I’m not usually one to heap much praise on car companies, but well done Tesla.
– I am not a fan of the 3 strikes law. At least there’s some possibility of clemency.
– Maybe trying to make sense of the Klan ideology is a fool’s errand, but trying to recruit military people because you think the government is overreaching and about to collapse, seems like one or the other.
I wonder if the Tesla family has protection against any and all using great granddad’s surname to enrich themselves?
@1 No. Individuals can’t patent, copyright, or trademark their own names. You can, however, name a company after yourself or someone else, and get a trademark for the company name. (E.g., Ford Motor Company, Edison Illuminating Company, etc.) In the United States, trademark rights arise from use in commerce, and the right usually belongs to the first or earliest user.
I support the goal of the three-strikes law, which is to get career criminals and those who repeatedly commit violent crimes off the streets and into permanent confinement, to stop them from further preying on society. Three-strikes laws became popular in part because studies showed a relatively small number of persistent offenders were responsible for a large number of crimes.
On the other hand, it makes sense to temper these laws by offering the possibility of clemency for humanitarian (e.g. medical) reasons or because the individual has reformed and is no longer a threat to society. I support that (it’s hard to see why anyone wouldn’t). But I won’t support a blanket repeal of three-strikes law, because I think after someone has committed multiple violent crimes, it’s reasonable for society to say “enough is enough” and put that person away where he can’t continue that pattern of behavior.
I’m not detecting a pulse over at (un)SP. Miller does that every time. The guy’s a real blog killer.
Fuck these gun grabbing fascists. If they want a civil war they are heading in the right direction.
This 40 billion dollars is money well spent to our idiot trolls.
Ahhhh. The sound of silence..
Tesla is already a unit in SI, so copyright it irrelevant.
Yawwwwn.. Insomnia…
Heh.. Sarah has fantasies of baptizing terrorists and a little “jet fuel” for the problem of 48,000 “illegal aliens” (our local village idiot’s favorite appelation for these unfortunate young people).
Awwwww.. What a compassionate klownservative that Sarah playing the S card – “severing” ties to the village idiot’s beloved Republicans.
@6 Sure, I’ll fight a civil war and kill people like you, if that’s what it takes to take guns away from maniacs who mow down innocent kids. For that cause, I’m willing to fight, kill, and die. I prefer a peaceful solution to the gun problem through the democratic process, but it’s your call, and if you put yourself beyond the law we’ll deal with that.
@4 If you haven’t checked (un)SP tonight, you’re really missing something, because Jim Miller is agreeing with the ACLU.
Then get DUMMOCRETINS out of power in the cities. It’s their class warfare policies keeping the poor in poverty. Lazy low information voters like the lady who screamed Obummer was going to pay for her gas are the reason DUMMOCRETINS continue to give handouts. Help them with job training. Help them with job skillz. Giving them a handout is the easy way. The old adage of teaching them to fish doesn’t mean DIDDLY to a DUMMOCRETIN!
Hmmm… Does Obummer’s Fast and Furious ring a bell? Does the Brian Terry family derive sympathy from the HA DUMMOCRETIN head honchos? No? Yeah, that’s about right!
Wow gun violence is down… Butt then again Puddy already knew this. The conservative blogs (ignored by the lazy DUMMOCRETIN creeps browsing HA DUMMOCRETINS) posted this long ago. Glad to see someone else reaching into CNN’s archives!,
Notice how HuffPo creates the narrative
why aren’t they telling the truth and calling them as the US Laws claim them to be: “illegal alien children”?
To clueless crazed cretin like the one who bottom feeds here, words and facts need to be twisted when you are a DUMMOCRETIN! And of course HA’s clueless crazed cretin twisted the mention by Sarah Palin of using jet fuel to send these children back home instead of Obummer’s DHS incarcerating them on military bases.
Sheesh, the clueless crazed cretin is a real IDIOT.
While at Drunken Libtards why not discuss how the IRS lost all those Lois Lerner emails? MAybe that’s why Obummer called it a phony scandal… Obummer knew the emails were “lost” long ago! http://hotair.com/archives/201.....were-lost/ Not even John King on CNN is buying it. Wow…
Or… You DUMMOCRETINS could discuss how Obummer got Iraq so wrong… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....foresight/
Maybe Digby has a comment on this? Puddy seldom visits left wrong digby!
Or you could discuss John Effin Kerry’s remarks on Iran in Iraq http://hotair.com/archives/201.....n-on-iraq/
Oopsie… not yet John! Did you speak out of turn again thinking you made foreign policy?
You see clueless crazed cretin… The illegal alien children story offered by the lamestream press has fallen apart. Butt you keep reading the HuffPo… http://washingtonexaminer.com/.....le/2549755
BTW the WaPo covered this a few days ago. Search the HA archives… Puddy posted it. Ask the clueless crazed cretin for the exact date and time. HA’s clueless crazed cretin lives vicariously through Puddy. He’ll tell you what hot city Puddy is working in this week. Notice Byron York is politically correct. He won’t call them illegal alien children even though that’s the US Law definition!
Gotta go work is calling!
See ya lata!
A string of ‘Puddybud’ comments is like what’s left over after a gaggle of geese invade your lawn.
@12 hey idiot whose policies keep the poor people in red states like mississippi or texas or luisianna or alabama in poverty? You would think those states that are run by Republicans would have no poverty….and the suburbs of those states have as much poverty as the cities.
@12 hey idiot how many people have you taught how to fish?
How many of us Derpocrats does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer…none, we are not allowed to screw in a lightbulb because we might offend someone.
I love how the right wing is all “incensed” that we traded 5 gitmo hostages for a POW (and those hostages were scheduled to be released in a year) but nary a mention is made of the 520 Gitmo hostages Bush freed for nuthin’ and how at least one of them was involved in Benghazi…..I wonder if it was the one we caught?
LMAO!! Mix our local village idiot’s beloved Sarah Palin with her braindead facebook post on “severing” her “ties” to the village idiot’s beloved Republicans (careful Sarah, “severing” is loaded language!) in favor of joining in with liberals on one issue and what happens?
The village idiot’s HEAD EXPLODES! Too damn funny! Sucks to be that moronic village idiot!
Your head explodes clueless crazed cretin. Absense of truth in another of your posts. Again you deflect what she actually said about those illegal alien children. Actually Obummer seems to be behind this through embassy pronouncements.
To the teascumbag both sons learned to fish from me. And it wasn’t Zebco reels. How about you?
teascumbag… Mississippi? Alabama? Puddy said the cities you idiot. So sad you can’t read. Typical of a scumbag DUMMOCRETIN!
16.. Gee, and as an exchange administer I might add. Those emails are not stored on your hard drive. They are stored on a server where they can be backed up and recovered. It is pure bullshit that those Lois Libturd messages are lost with the trillions the government spends on technology.