Happy 4th, the Declaration of Independence is below the fold.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
A lot of that document talked about “King George” right?
It’s fascinating how some of the things that Walker is doing in Wisconsin or Rick Snyder if Michigan is applicable to the Deceleration of Independence
–For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
What else are the conservatives doing that antithetical to the Deceleration of Independence?
Government workers, the right’s scapegoat of the day, are getting laid off, furloughed, stripped of their bargaining leverage, being forced to take home less to fund their pensions and health care but these guys?
They get a pass. Of course every right winger dreams of being one of THOSE guys. Yeah right…
Try The AVE’s celebration .. we are singing the National Anthem today!
Happy Fourth!
Just because we’ve become independent from England, doesn’t mean we aren’t dependent on other things. China’s money. Oil. Mexican labor (the new slave labor). Corporate political donations. We’re dependent on having an occasional war or two.
Ultimeately, there’s only one way to deal with these guys.
Heh. Some guys at the top just have to have more money:
Just what kind of fucking bull-shit is THIS???
I heard on talk radio that there’s some right wing outfit one of whose goals was to name a building, build a statue, whatever, named after Ronald Reagan in every county of this country.
I believe that goal has been met.
What did they name in King County…a transfer station?
11 – Can’t think of anything offhand.
Here’s a list of sorts:
Here’s my soundtrack for the fourth. What’s yours?
City of San Francisco wanted to name a sewage tratment plant after the shrub…
No sh*t!: George W. Bush Sewage Treatment Plant renaming qualifies for November ballot
Add @ 15…
The proposal was defeated…but it was fun anyway.
Our congressional critters here in WA helped the U.S. House pass legislation that on its face seems to give the Prez the okay to go anywhere and do anything to fight the war, if that’s what you call it, against al Qaeda. That includes sending in the boys in olive drab to arrest you and hold you on American soil for the duration without benefit of a trial. Guess it depends on how you define substantially supporting as in section 3 part A.
You may want to call, or write your congressperson or attend a meeting when and if they come back during the August recess.
AyeWA-1Inslee, Jay [D]
AyeWA-2Larsen, Rick [D]
AyeWA-3Herrera Beutler, Jaime [R]
Not VotingWA-4Hastings, Doc [R]
AyeWA-5McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R]
AyeWA-6Dicks, Norman [D]
NoWA-7McDermott, James [D]
AyeWA-8Reichert, Dave [R]
AyeWA-9Smith, Adam [D]
Section 1034 was added to the bill by the committee’s chairman, Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA).
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Engrossed in House [Passed House] – EH)
Congress affirms that–
(1) the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the United States and its citizens, both domestically and abroad;
(2) the President has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note);
(3) the current armed conflict includes nations, organization, and persons who–
(A) are part of, or are substantially supporting, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or
(B) have engaged in hostilities or have directly supported hostilities in aid of a nation, organization, or person described in subparagraph (A); and
(4) the President’s authority pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority to detain belligerents, including persons described in paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities.
The Tattered American Dream
An Associated Press article confirms what all of us instinctively know: Although the Great Recession officially ended two years ago, nearly all of the economic gains of the “recovery” (if you want to call it that) have gone to the wealthy.
The truth is we now live in an America in which, increasingly, nearly everything goes to a small percentage of people at the top.
How did this happen? Simple. They seized control of the political system, then manipulated it to seize control of the economic system and exploit it for their selfish benefit to the exclusion of everyone else.
This is the stuff of which revolutions are made. This is what leads to the overthrow of governments and economic systems. When a few people abuse an entire society for their own selfish gain, they can count on eventually provoking a popular revolt, but it’s anybody’s guess what will replace them and whatever it is won’t necessarily be better.
Wrap your mind around these statistics:
55% of Americans think we’re still in a recession; of these, 29% think we’re in a depression.
Workers’ wages and benefits have declined to 57.5% of the overall economy, an all-time low. This figure includes CEO pay, which is up 25% since 2009, while nearly everyone else’s incomes are falling.
Corporate profits are up 50% since this recession ended. In the first two years after previous recessions, profits were up 11% in 1991 and 28% in 2001.
Unemployment currently is 9.1%. It averaged 6.8% at this point in the recoveries after the previous three recessions.
Government social programs — the spending Republicans want to cut or eliminate — accounted for 18% of personal income last year and a record 45 million Americans — about a seventh of the population — currently receive food stamps.
Household debt has climbed steadily in recent decades. After the 1981-82 Reagan Depression, it stood at 66% of annual after-tax income; after the 1990-1991 George H.W. Bush recession, at 85%; and after the 2001 George W. Bush recession, at 114%; now, two years after the end of the 2007-2008 George W. Bush Depression, it’s currently at 119%.
Meanwhile, the rich are getting richer.
Here’s a thought: Instead of worrying about all that debt, why not just default it? In the nature of things, debtors are poor, and creditors are rich, so it’s the rich who would be hurt by a General Default and they can best afford it because they have all the money.
After all, this is what Republicans are talking about doing to our public debt — they’re saying we should walk away from the Series E Bonds owned by granny, and stop paying her social security.
So why shouldn’t granny walk away from the debts she owes to them?
Thaddeus * Who? * Joins GOP Race
Thaddeus McCotter, 45, a guitar-strumming, rock lyrics-singing 5-term congressman from Michigan, has announced he’s running for president, too.
McCotter told supporters we need “self government” not “big government.”
McCotter, whose district is in the Detroit suburbs, “is a strong supporter of the car industry and backed the industry bailout but he has appealed to Tea Party conservatives with calls for a fundamental restructuring of government.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh my … what we have hear is a porkulus congressman who voted to bail out the auto industry but is soliciting Teahadist votes by telling Tea Partiers we need less government. Oh my …
Yeah, that’s pretty much how it goes, they’re against government except when cashing their own government checks.
So…you fucking hypocrite, where were you when the shrub invaded Iraq?
Only upset when there’s a Black Man in the White House, huh?
Add @ 22…
The greatest breach of civil liberties started under the Cheney/Bush Administration. Didn’t hear a bleat from you then…
U.S. Exposed To Greek Default
Anyone who knows anything about the European fiscal crisis is aware that a Greek default is probably inevitable. But this is what many people here in the U.S. may not realize:
“The effects of a Greek default would be felt around the world … once the precedent of a euro-zone default had been set, investors would likely abandon the debts of other struggling members, including Portugal and Spain. More worryingly, Western banks, including the giants of Wall Street, have built a tower of credit default swaps — essentially insurance — on the debts of those countries, and the cost of paying up in a default would be huge. While the French and German banks have the biggest direct exposure to Greek’s debt, it is American banks and insurance companies that would have the largest obligations to cover payments to those holding the swaps.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Are you ready for U.S. Banking Crisis, Round Two?
While the French and German banks have the biggest direct exposure to Greek’s debt, it is American banks and insurance companies that would have the largest obligations to cover payments to those holding the swaps.
On “merciless Indian Savages”:
U.S. Banks are in a lot worse shape than they say they’re in. Right now they’re letting people live in homes that they should be forclosing on so they don’t have the bad loans on their books.
Those banks should have to revalue the loans or move forward on the foreclosures and show us what they’re really worth.
@24 I wonder how long it’s going to take before the “mainstream” press informs us that all the US megabanks have also been placing credit-swap bets on the United States going into credit default next month…
@19 I’ll tell you why not, Roger dearie. If that happens, everyone’s retirement “nest egg” they think they’re going to be able to extract from Wall Street is going to evaporate. That includes not only the 401(k)’s but the energy holdings or whatever else you’ve been bragging about to the rest of us for the last several years. Except for the elite few who’ve already stashed their loot in places we’re not even privileged to know about, everybody’s in for a screwing. To borrow a phrase from Tom Waits, not even the crack of dawn’s going to be safe.
re Rujax @ 22 I got my ass out of a sick bed after major surgery and led a group in an anti-war protest march along with about 8,000 others and have protested the war ever since and called for the impeachment and trial of Bush/Cheney and others for war crimes.
And @ 23 it is obvious you weren’t paying attention.
@28 Nothing’s been safe for quite some time now.
Rujax, Evergreen Lib’s been on here for quite a while and I count him as good peeps.
@9 Gee, wasn’t there another ideological movement that polluted the landscape with visages of its great leader?
This place has gotta be God’s House, right?
“The Rev. Robert H. Schuller built the Crystal Cathedral, one of America’s first megachurches, from the ground up but now the 84-year-old has been voted out by the church’s board. …
“‘They did it behind his back, just like they did to my dad. They conspired behind his back and made this happen,’ [his granddaughter] said. ‘This board is causing the demise and the destruction of the Crystal Cathedral.’ …
“‘Those of us here see it as … awful,’ said Pastor James Kok, who has been on staff with Crystal Cathedral Ministries for 28 years. … ‘He was … put on the shelf by his daughters.’ He said with the Schuller sisters now in charge, voting their father out followed a similar pattern, … ‘They just do things. They don’t ask anybody.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yikes! Holy moly! Reverend Schuller has been ousted in a palace coup staged by his daughters! What a pair of bitches — turning on their own father like that. And did I mention the Crystal Cathedral is broke and went through Chapter 11? Somehow you get the feeling God isn’t running things there.
Who Caused Our Deficits?
“Would Congress simply allow the Bush tax cuts to expire – returning rates to where they were under Bill Clinton’s presidency when America created almost 25 million jobs – that one action would … solve the deficit problem.”
Meanwhile Back At The Ranch …
“The comments Sunday by McCain and other conservatives made clear that they think the budget standoff is due to the refusal by Democrats to accept that government must shrink in a major way.”
Let’s recap: Dubya inherited budget surpluses from Clinton. He plunged the federal government into massive deficits by increasing spending while cutting taxes on the rich. Revenues, as a percent of GDP, are now at a post-World War 2 low. Yet intransigent Republicans blame Democrats for the deficits and insist that social programs must be slashed to the bone but neither defense spending (which grew 75% under Bush) nor tax loopholes for the rich can be touched. Aren’t you glad McCain isn’t president? If McCain were president, there would be no capital gains or dividend taxes and there would be no unemployment benefits or food stamps, either. The only thing the working class would have is 20% unemployment. Why on earth would anyone vote Republican?
Romney Flops Back Again
President-In-Waiting Mitt Flipflopper, who last week flipped away his claim that President Obama made the economy worse, today flopped back again:
“Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney repeated his campaign line that President Obama has made the economy worse in New Hampshire Monday, a sentiment that has received criticism from … independent fact-checkers.”
The Government MUST Shrink in a major way, and it has already started. Stay tuned!
That’s not flip-flopping, that’s lying.
Which party was running the government during this time of “wealthy economic gains”? DUMMOCRAPTS Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Thanks for proving my arguments about RICH DUMMOCRAPTS over and over and over!
You senile old dumb rabbit.
This Clinton surplus argument has taken apart by links from HA DUMMOCRAPTS on your side Roger Dumb Rabbit. This surplus was smoke and mirrors. Some how some “great” economists used to make arguments against me were the ones who said this. Don Joe and Another TJ come to mind. You can ask the HA crazed databaze keepa for the original argument because it’s been covered four times here… the previous times you brought it up.
So keep stressing useless points Roger Dumb Rabbit when your points are DEEEEESTROYED by people who “politically think” like you.
See everyone how HA’s misogynist conservative woman hater rujax is…? Again, he proves to the world he doesn’t pay attention, is stupid as a dumb cinder block, and he is absolutely as clueless to the world as yelling loser beta boi.
And yet you leftist pinheads drink up is lunacy and idiocy! But he is a great cut and paster of TPM horseshit.
Now you wake up to the fact he doesn’t pay attention. Where have you been all these years when HA’s misogynist conservative woman hater rujax posted useless material here?
Hmmm… and no apology either.
How did those protest work out for ya?
Did you call for the impeachment of Willy Clinton for lying under oath too?
And what do you think will happen to Federal Government and State pensions when the US defaults on it’s debt…?
Just Askin!
Do you think all those annuity payments are going to continue?
Wonder if the Indians think of kids getting fingers blown off by their fireworks as some sort of revenge?
‘Oh, I know it’s not the Indians fault the kid was holding the M-80 when it went off (it’s the liberal media’s!). But, I wonder how it feels to sell frivolous products that scare pets, burn down homes and maim children.
“Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–”
The English had it as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of property.” Jefferson changed the last word of the triad. Hmm, why does the GOP today extol Jefferson while, at the same time, equating property with happiness? I think Jefferson got it right. I don’t think these tax-cutting, corporate-forgiving, sell-off-the-National-Parks “conservatives” have it right.
Hey lawyer type people!
So, the city of Gig Harbor has let it be known for years that they are a “fireworks friendly city” and despite having only “safe and sane” firework be legal in the city, they have never once spoken out about or tried to enforce the laws banning “reservation” fireworks.
Tonight the harbor was covered in a blue haze from firework smoke, pyrotechnics large enough to create booms that I felt while driving my car with windows rolled up and rattled my house were being set off. You could see fireworks all over town hitting at least 150′ in the air before bursting and my house took a couple of direct hits. These were all clearly illegal and it’s just as clear that the city has no intention of enforcing the law on this.
Thankfully, nothing caught fire. But, I did have to speak with one of my neighbors about his aim, after he managed to hit my roof with something from about 90′ away. He wasn’t real happy, but that’s OK I’ve known his landlord for a couple of decades…
So here’s the question. Seeing that what all these people were doing was clearly illegal and that the city knows about it and refuses to do anything about, and maybe even encourages it, it could the city be held liable if someone’s house burned down because of illegal fireworks? How about if some kid has an asthma attack from all the shit in the air and dies?
And Btw, someone’s house did burn down.
I read tonight that they are now supporting more fireworks stands for the tax revenues. So as more fireworks get sold, and more fires need attending, it will cost them more than they will make.
These are the same types that believe Tuition at colleges can go up 20% per year in this economy, without losing revenue.
These are the same types that believed raising post office stamp prices would lead to more revenues to the Post office.
These are the same types that believe raising taxes will provide more income to the states.
@33 Meanwhile, while getting ready to put something yummy on the grill yesterday, I was foolish enough to switch on the kitchen TV and have a look at what KONG considers suitable fare for weekday afternoons: Ted Haggard.
Collected a nice selection of used illegal fireworks off of my roof this morning.
Fuckwad @42…
What a tiresome negative dystopian clown this asshole.
(watch tghat “moral pollution” there mister…it’ll getcha’!!! Ooogaboooga!!)
Corection @ 50..
*What a tiresome negative dystopian clown this asshole is…*
Sorry…fat morning fingers.
So you and I were at the same event if it was the one in Seattle.
Good for you and us and our democracy in general.
I’d say the puddybitch was a clueless dupe, but that would be an insult to clueless dupes.
@36 – If McCain were president, there would be no capital gains or dividend taxes and there would be no unemployment benefits or food stamps, either. The only thing the working class would have is 20% unemployment.
Too true. But I’m at the point where I say burn the whole fucking thing to the ground. Let the anarchistic conservatives destroy what’s left. Then maybe people will wake the fuck up. Look at Wisconsin – people didn’t really get it till it was too late. Now, they are energized.
I don’t see any alternative. Let the GOP start starving people to death, then we’ll see an energized populace.
The only clueless dope is the tiresome negative dystopian clown AKA the misogynist conservative woman hater HA’s dumb cinder block rujax. Notice he didn’t apologize to ER for being WRONG WRONG WRONG.
Such a simple ASSWipe.
Grow up fool. Wait… fools can’t grow up. They wither away and die!
Read the rest…it’s really good.
I don’t know what the heck happenned to the people in this political party. They have gone absolutely insane. Our two currently most active practitioners…LD and the puddybuddy are so incoherantly and nauseatingly doctrinaire…
…the problem is:
The REST of the problem is:
Everything they have done has crashed the country. No jobs…no security…no promise…no societal mobility…two, now THREE wars…crumbling infrastructure…broken public education…the entire housing and building trades industry ruined…what has ten years, ONE FUCKING DECADE of Reagan Republicanism gotten us??? (besides a shit-pot full of trouble)
Tell me you clowns…I really want to know.
I’d like to call him a juvenile idiot but the apoplectic wanker already has his panties twisted…don’t want him to have a stroke.
Fuckhead STILL hasn’t told us why he voted for the shrub TWICE if he was so concerned about experience.
US News and World reports begs to differ moronic dumb cinder block rujax…
Who is the worst president in history? Latest Results!
Barack Obama 12.27%
George W. Bush 5.51%
Bill Clinton 0.72%
George H.W. Bush 0.65%
Ronald Reagan 0.74%
Jimmy Carter 2.18%
Gerald Ford 0.12%
Richard Nixon 0.95%
Lyndon B. Johnson 0.4%
John F. Kennedy 0.12%
Harry S. Truman 0.04%
Dwight D. Eisenhower 0.03%
Franklin D. Roosevelt 0.94%
Butt then again when you see anything from rujax, the misogynist conservative woman hater… always consider the source!
Even the leftist pinhead based US News and World Report has this for overall so far…
15. Barack Obama
16. Lyndon B. Johnson
17. John Adams
18. Ronald Reagan
Such useless material from the fingers of the moronic #60
PS… Doofus@60, I told everyone why I voted for GW Bush. You paid about as much attention as Evergreen RailFan’s continuous commentary over the years.
You are a useless twit.
Quinnipiac University poll, taken May 23–30, 2006, asked 1,534 registered American voters to pick the worst U.S. President of the last 61 years
George W. Bush (34%)
Richard Nixon (17%)
Bill Clinton (16%)
Jimmy Carter (13%)
Don’t Know/No Answer (5%)
Lyndon B. Johnson (4%)
George H. W. Bush (3%)
Ronald Reagan (3%)
Gerald Ford (2%)
Harry S. Truman (1%)
John F. Kennedy (1%)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (<1%)
Gallup poll about presidential greatness, taken February 2-5, 2011, asked 1015 adults in the US, "Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?"[25]
Ronald Reagan (19%)
Abraham Lincoln (14%)
Bill Clinton (13%)
John F. Kennedy (11%)
George Washington (10%)
Franklin Roosevelt (8%)
Barack Obama (5%)
No opinion (5%)
Theodore Roosevelt (3%)
Harry Truman (3%)
George W. Bush (2%)
Thomas Jefferson (2%)
Jimmy Carter (1%)
Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
George H. W. Bush (1%)
None (1%)
Andrew Jackson (0%)
Lyndon Johnson (0%)
Richard Nixon (0%)
There’s more. Only idiots think shrubs’ not an idiot.
The puddybitch is in the deep end of the pool again.
@64 So, let him stay there. About the only thing that’s improved about him is the use of the longest and most recognizable “handle” of anyone here. Makes it really easy to skip right over everything he posts.
Here you go LD.
Here you go puddybitch.
Here you go maximum-dipshit.
Nice work assholes.
You know if you just look at corporate profits and CEO salaries, the top criteria of right wing satisfaction with their miserable lives, you’d think Obama’s done a fantastic job with the economy.
But right wingers still hate Obama because they’re mentally deranged – Obama derangement syndrome.
It’s kind of funny.
Sound familiar? Look what happened on Ronnie Raygun’s watch.
He whined about the a one trillion dollar debt left to him by Carter and then watched as his policies of enriching the rich caused it to almost TRIPLE.
Cheney gets a call from his “boss”, W.
“I’ve got a problem,” says W.
“What’s the matter?” asks Cheney.
“Well, you told me to keep busy in the Oval Office, so, I got a jigsaw puzzle, but it’s too hard. None of the pieces fit together and I can’t find any edges.”
“What’s it a picture of?” asks Cheney.
“A big rooster,” replies W.
“All right,” sighs Cheney, “I’ll come over and have a look.”
So he leaves his office and heads over to the Oval Office. W points at the jigsaw on his desk.
Cheney looks at the desk and then turns to W and says, “For crying out loud, Georgie – put the corn flakes back in the box.”
But right wingers still hate Obama because they’re mentally deranged – Obama derangement syndrome.
If only that were true. The deranged can be medicated. The right hates him because he’s black – plain and simple.
@70 “The right hates him because he’s black – plain and simple.”
Didn’t Michael Jackson take pills for that?
RR @ 33: “Independent” ministries or congregations, like Robert Schuler’s, have some organizational problems which tend to create other problems.
Their are lots of ways of organizaing churches. The Catholic church’s authority is very central, residing in the Pope, but with the College of Cardinals picking the Pope (from within their own ranks) and being responsible for the enforcement of papal policy within the church. At the lowest levels of the church organization is the lowly parish priest, who can be assigned or transferred on a whim by the local Diocese. The congregation has no say in the matter.
The Baptists, and many other mainline protestant congregations, have a nominal national authority in a “convention” which decides theological matters, but actual local church administration rests with the Board of Deacons at each church. When an opening develops, the invite pastors to “auditions” (giving a guest sermon, interviews, etc.), and then are selected by the church board, usually for a specific term. They can be removed earlier by the board for specific offenses, although that might need to be approved by the area governing authority.
But independent churches, like Schuler’s, have no such outside direction. They are organized as non-profit corporations with a board of directors, but usually the board is composed of those selected by the founding Pastor. This frequently becomes a board of “yes-men”, who are also members of the Congregation and serve roles similar to deacons. If they start to exert too much independence, they are frequently “invited” to leave – not only the board, but also the congregation.
One of the reasons why pastors tend to squash any independent voices on the board is that their is a strong and compelling belief that there are others who are intent on “stealing the ministry” from them. For some, it becomes paranoia. But like it’s been said, just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean that there aren’t others out to get you.
Let’s face it – in any congregation there is a significant faction which is unhappy about something, big or small. For many, it’s about how finances are being handled. For some (as one pastor recounted to me), it’s that the music is too old, too new, too soft, too loud. Some want intellectual sermons, some want hellfire and brimstone. Some want their pastor to speak of God’s love, others want him to warn sinners of God’s wrath. At any given point, if these folks can establish a coup d’tat among the board, the founding pastor can be voted out – in effect transferring significant assets (church land, buildings, etc.) to someone else’s control.
As for Schuler, something’s been wrong there for some time. He should have just built up a strong and independent board – not consisting primarily of family members – and simply retired by age 65 or 70, taking on a “senior pastor” or “pasor emeritus” role, and removing himself from any decision-making. But instead, he groomed his son to take over for him, and his son was actually the visible face of the church for a number of years – until Dad and Son had a falling-out, and the Robert Schuller Jr. was fired and removed from the church. The senior Schuler stepped back in, but by then there were substantial financial problems – a lot of people didn’t like being involved in the internal family politics, so membership and contributions declined, and then the economic crisis hit, which has hurt all churches as donations declined and demand for church socials services increased.
It’s possible that the elder Schuler might be having exhibiting some signs which are making the sisters worried about his mental accuity, which might have something to do with voting him out. It’s all rather sad – Schuler’s ministry was one of the initial “positive” message ministries, it’s sad to see it decline into family squabbles played out in public.
As for Puddybud, he is providing evidence that he gets all his arguments from the Fox talking-point memos, but isn’t very sophisticated at concealing it. He states something is a fact, citing right-wing websites and other information which is obviously B.S. or is isn’t relevant to the fact he is claiming it supports. After getting completely trounced on that topic, he avoids it for a few days, then in future discussions, he merely say’s he “already proved it”, or as O’Reilly likes to say, “it is undisputed”.
Sorry, Puddy. I know the Republican noise machine is already trying to get ready for the next elections by disputing obvioius facts, trying to diminish Clinton’s success (and Bush’s failure) by implying that Bush wasn’t inheriting a balanced budget.
But that flies in the face of the fact that Bush & Co. were using that very fact to argue for the tax cuts.
69 – Heh. Good one! Gave me a laugh.
It’s really hard to believe that these teabagger nutjobs in the Congress are even dumber than Shrub. But they’re proving it right in front of our eyes.
I mean a debt ceiling vote – that Republicans happily did 7 times under Shrub – they’re willing to destroy this fragile economy over that.
They’ll happily go into stupid debt when a right wing Prentender-in-Chief wants to wage a war but when a Dem President slooooowly wants to unwind their miserable crap – they lose it.
What’s this country come to?
70 – Well. Yeah I can’t argue with that. The skin color of the President has just made so many of them completely lose it. Stark, raving bonkers!
Poor Puddy – his posts have gon from plain stoopid to obnoxiously juvenile. He can’t resist calling people names and he fails to defend any of his patently absurd “arguments” It is almost as if he trying to argue for arguments sake….
Like this fatuous argument:
BS – Puddy -you have not taken apart anything. The Clinton surplus (even taking into account your so-called argument) was still the largest in history – and Bush turned it into the largest deficit in history. That is fact.
Your arguments are republican wishful thinking and total BS. You (the republican apologists) own the worst economic crisis in history – Phil Gramm wrote the law for credit default swaps, George Bush presided over the lack of regualtion and took the deficit numbers from two wars off the books and STILL had the worst deficit in history AND the worst overall economic performance since Hoover.
Hard to believe Bush could borrow that much money and still tank the economy – and who says Bush was an underachiever?
Nice articel on republican hypocrisy. Sems some of the same tea-bag idiot republicans who voted to cut the budget have lobbied for more gov’ment money for “their” district – directly contradicting their own rhetoric and claiming it will create “jobs” – all the while slamming the deficit and saying that gov’ment doesn’t create jobs.
Hmm- I guess it only creates jobs when it spends in their district…
@70/@71 If he wasn’t, they’d find something else to hate about him. If he was purple, they’d hate him for being purple.
The main reason they hate him is that he’s not one of theirs (or not quite, anyway)…and he’s President of the United States.
@72 I’ll agree with you about the senior Schuller’s ministry. He consistently preached the Gospel truly as “the good news”. Always a message not of a God of wrath and vengeance, but a loving one full of nurture and lending strength in troubled times.
76 – From that article:
Gee I thought right wingers say that government spending doesn’t create jobs????
Wow! What a bunch of phony hypocrites!
I may have posted this before but I shake my head every time I see it. I can’t believe my freaking eyes:
Michelle Bachmann is an unhinged, bat-shit insane, serial liar.
The critics of Obama’s actions in Libya have got a point.
The supply of oil is so tight right now that even though Gaddafi was rehabilitated by Bush so that now even the U.S. is importing some oil from Libya (not a drop from Iran asshat troll) – it’s not nearly enough.
We need more oil and Gaddafi’s insanity gave the U.S. the political cover to put the bastard out to pasture so we could get more of the black goo.
Earlier rujax posted this swill…
Later he posts…
But you notice he wasn’t paying attention. Reagan is the BEST! He ended the Soviet Union. “Tear Down This Wall”!
Hey dumbASS correctNUTright…
Get it straight… Don Joe and Another TJ posted their favrit economist who said Clinton’s surplus was “smoke and mirrors”. It wasn’t my post DUMBASS. You are more stupid than rujax and…
YOU CAN’T READ. Did you dispatch your brain up rujax’s ASS?
What a moron!
This jack-off artist is an idiot.
The first quote was A JOKE (like reagan)…
The second?…Reagan was a liar and a coward, an international scoundrel and the willing tool that started the destruction of the middle class. It is a triumph of the GOP PR machine that this nincompoop is so fondly remembered.
@80 Someone reminded me today that Minnesota’s state bird is the loon…
The Minnesota State government right now, this moment is shut down because Republicans refuse to raise taxes on that state’s rich people.
And it’s not as if that state’s Dems didn’t agree to spending cuts.
We’re totally headed for a repeat of that at the national level.
Republicans are completely incapable of thinking outside the box of the stupid Grover Norquist mentality.
Even Republican tool David Brooks is freaked out:
Population 5,266,214 in 2009
7,700 individuals made over $1 million.
.001462% of the population is holding the other 99.9985% hostage.
I finally got around to renting the DVD of “company men”. It was a bit hard for me to sympathise with most of the guys as they got hit with the financial implosion of 2008. After all, the youngest of them was making something like $140K a year, and the others were making hundreds of thousands, plus bonuses and stock options. But they were nothing compared with the CEO who thought nothing of building an extravogant office building while axing thousands of workers just to get the stock price high enough so he made a bundle when he sold the corporation to a rival.
Unfortunately, that’s a pretty fair representation of reality. And the CEO of this type are a buddies with the financial interests which control the real Republican agenda, and make sure he pays as little as possible in taxes on the tens of millions he makes.
@81 The civil war in Libya has taken 1.5 million bpd of oil off the market. While that’s significant, the real cause of tightening supplies is higher demand in emerging economies.
@82 “Reagan … ended the Soviet Union.”
Sorry, he didn’t. The Soviet Union imploded from its own internal weaknesses, speeded along by a push from the brave people of Afghanistan.
Btw, Reagan the great freedom fighter, was reluctant for years to help the Afghan resistance.
Was it this one?
Probably not but let’s see:
╰─$ b links -h puddybud -d –summary – -r -f link_info,no_refs | grep factcheck
| factcheck | 14 |
Wow Puddybud – you used that website for your miserable blather at least 14 times! Definitely a favorite of yours!
@8. Roger Rabbit spews:
The Tattered American Dream
An Associated Press article confirms what all of us instinctively know: Although the Great Recession officially ended two years ago, nearly all of the economic gains of the “recovery” (if you want to call it that) have gone to the wealthy.
The truth is we now live in an America in which, increasingly, nearly everything goes to a small percentage of people at the top.
How did this happen? Simple. They seized control of the political system, then manipulated it to seize control of the economic system and exploit it for their selfish benefit to the exclusion of everyone else.
Still more rodent droppings. It is the result of a libhole centrally-planned economy. The old Soviet Union, N. Korea, Cuba all share that characteristic to an extreme. China as well until the recent move to a semi-free market system. You should be able to figure this out on your own but it’s so much easier just to pull out your nitwit lib playbook; socialism has failed every time it has been tried.
Yeah! It’s really failed in Sweden:
It’s failing so bad they’re raising interest rates to slow down the failed economy!
Now is Sweden really “socialist”. I guess anything to the left of Somalia is “socialist” to a right wing ding..
Centrally planned??? How many books did congress allot Amazon to sell this year? What happens when the Starbucks I frequent sells out of its daily coffee quota?
Oh yippee, Pavlov got yelling loser beta going to search at his databaze…
Wrong link moron!
Keep looking crazed databaze fool. You have all day at home to look while I travel the world and meet new people.
And how much will taxing them balance the Minnesota budget?
Man you leftists are a real freak show.
Recently I posted multiple comments from “real” economists who don’t frequent FOX NEWS (the most trusted news source) who claim raising taxes on the rich will not blanace the US Federal budget or even make a slight dent in the national debt. It’s the standard DUMMOCRAPTIC meme to implement class warfare. Senator Marco Rubio nailed Obummer last week on his class warfare speech.
Keep pitting people against each other DUMMOCRAPTS. It’s helping your party so much.
@93 Thanks (but no thanks) for giving me the credit, but someone else wrote that; all I did was cut-and-paste it, with quote marks and proper attribution, of course.
@99 Wait a minute, I’ll retract #99, because that is my commentary rather than a direct quote from a news article; but to compare the Republican-deregulated U.S. economy to the planned economies of the Soviet Union, North Korea, and Cuba? C’mon now …
The only thing a Republican loves more than 1% of the people getting 50% of our nation’s income is 1% of the people getting 100% of our nation’s income.
rhp6033, Cass Sunstein’s favorite Homer Simpson malleable idiot thinks I get everything from FOX NEWS. Well no one ever claimed rhp6033 was a genius. Anyway, I post the links and he claims it’s from FOX NEWS.
He never claimed he was a brainiac. We all see why!
@97 How much will not taxing them balance the budget?
Reagan was blah blah blah… per misogynist conservative woman hater rujax. Butt butthead, he’s looked upon by REAL Americans as a GREAT president.
Sucks to be a reservation lover as you.
@98 “… who claim raising taxes on the rich will not blanace the US Federal budget …”
Nobody ever claimed it would. First of all, the federal budget doesn’t need to be balanced, things will work fine if the deficit is brought down to a certain percentage of GDP. After all, the federal budget has been balanced only a couple of years since World War 2, and the economy didn’t collapse. (Until now, for causes unrelated to federal deficits.) Nor do most economist advocate balancing the federal budget in a recession; most economists advocate the opposite.
Second, raising taxes on the rich is only one piece of an overall approach for bringing down the deficit (if that’s what you want to do). Other essential elements of this effort are cutting Pentagon spending, cutting discretionary spending, and importantly, getting health costs under control.
I’d like to speak specifically to the latter point. Republicans have more or less run our government since 1980, and over that 30 years, they didn’t do a fucking thing to fix our broken health care system. To the contrary, they opposed and stifled any and all efforts at health care reform, and continue to do so. Over the last 30 years of Republican misrule, health care insurance premiums have skyrocketed, employers have dropped health benefits en masse, and the number of uninsured as grown to 50 million. So why should anyone listen to Republicans when it comes to getting our runaway health care costs under control?
Marginal tax rates on the rich are at an all-time low. Actual tax rates on the rich are even lower because of the plethora of tax dodges (legal and illegal) available to the rich. Federal revenues, as a percentage of GDP, are at their lowest level since before World War 2. Anyone who thinks ending Bush’s tax cuts for the rich isn’t part of the solution to federal deficits is an idiot.
Of course, there’s nothing new about saying Puddy is an idiot. Lots of people have been saying that. And they’re right.
@104 What are the qualifications for being a (quote) REAL American (unquote)? Being as ignorant and stupid as you?
For what it’s worth, I doubt that Puddy or any other Republican qualifies as a “real” American. I was taught that “real Americans” are people who work — the salt-of-the-earth types who farm the soil, run machines in factories, build roads and bridges, and so on. Republicans don’t work; they strive to profit from other people’s work. The whole point of being a Republican is expropriating the fruits of other people’s labor so you don’t have to work yourself.
That’s not what I do. It’s true I don’t work or produce anything, and play the same financial games that Republicans play, but I’m mostly stealing from Republicans which is more moral than stealing from workers, because Republicans got their money by stealing it from workers so there’s nothing wrong with a former work stealing it from them.
Why not go to the King County site and look at the top paid people in King County, and you will see 76 pages of over $100,000 wages being paid, before benefits and retirements are figured in.
Many of the >$200,000 are police officers, making more than Doctors, Lawyers, PHD’s etc.
If you want to know why cities are laying off police, look at the UNIONS, and you will see.
I’d send about half the jobs in KC to India and save this County a bundle.
This “richpeoplefirst” character is the perfect complement to the insanely stupid puddybitch.
What kind of delusional nether world do these dopes crawl out of anyway?
Hey silly widdle Puddy – get it right. I think I will go with actual facts and not your “ramblings”. The CBO and factcheck are fine with me and you have…..nothing as usual.
The CBO and factcheck say that Clinton had the greatest budget surplus in history and that Bush converted that into the largest deficit in history (in only 8 short, but pathetically incompetent years).
But thanks for calling me stupid – you call most people stupid when they prove you are an idiot and liar.
LMAO! Wrong answer stupid. Clinton balanced the budget and erased the deficit as says a website you’ve used often.
Funny that Randroid Ryan’s stupid budget doesn’t do that. Why? More tax cuts for the rich of course..
World’s full of people ready to be bamboozled by an idiot? Why am I not surprised?
the most trusted news source
By dumbasses who this study say are the most MISINFORMED!
So some outfit is wasting other people’s money to expose yet another dumbass to the world!
Wow what envy from a right winger. Gee I thought right wingers liked cops.
Well the ld/LD(iot) has more regard for lawyers than cops..
Why am I not surprised?
Moron @ 104
Finally got around to taking a look at Beck’s website.. (yeah like I spend sooo much time with that whackaloon)..
Bored me to tears and then I switched it off. But then I started wondering..
╰─$ b links -h puddybud -d –summary – -r -f link_info,no_refs | grep theblaze
| theblaze | 7 |
Too freaking predictable..
Awww Roger really? You pizzed off? Maybe REAL Americans know DUMMOCRAPTS suck!
You’ve been boasting about being a “Real American” lately idiot @ 114.
Is this a “real american” stupid?
@44 “Did you call for the impeachment of Willy Clinton for lying under oath too?”
Yes. I worked in a public job, and if I had done at work what Clinton done at work, I would have been fired for it, so I think Clinton should have been fired for it, too. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. This is something I’ve posted repeatedly on this blog (HA) over the years, starting many years ago: If I had been in the U.S. Senate when the impeachment vote was taken I would have voted for removal.
@44 (continued) So my next question for you, Monkey-With-Finger-Up-Ass, is why you’ve never used this blog to demand the resignations of sexually misbehaving Republicans? Because you’re a fucking hypocrite? Or do you have some other, equally not credible, excuse?
@45 When the state stops paying me my pension (which I earned, and which is being paid with money that was deducted from my paychecks) because Republicans reneged on the U.S. Treasury bonds my pension deductions are invested in, I think I’ll go looking for some Republicans to kill.*
* Just kidding! That’s only an Ann Coulter joke — you know, “round ’em up and shoot ’em!” She gets big laughs with that line, and I want to be a comedian too, so I thought I’d try it and see what feedback I get.
I mean, seriously, if you caught a burglar inside your burrow taking your stuff, wouldn’t you shoot him? I’m talking to you Republicans, not my liberal friends who think burglars should just go to jail, and nobody should ever be executed no matter how recidivist they are. Of course you would! You spare no effort in telling us so. So, if you’d kill people for stealing your TV and silverware, why shouldn’t I kill you for stealing my pension? Hey, I’m not saying I’m gonna do that, I’m just asking a question. One that maybe you assholes should take seriously because you already know I used to be a Republican and tend to behave like one.
Heh. Just kidding. I don’t want to kill Republicans, burglars, or anyone else. I’d only do it if their behavior left me with no alternative.
Besides, I don’t have to get rid of you humans, you’re going to get rid of yourselves, and then we rabbits will take possession of this planet and run it the way we want.
@114 How would you know what real Americans think?
Apparently Glenn Beck has you pegged and it hurts!
It’s easy… it’s the opposite of what HA moronic twits think!
@105. Roger Rabbit spews:
I’d like to speak specifically to the latter point. Republicans have more or less run our government since 1980, and over that 30 years, they didn’t do a fucking thing to fix our broken health care system. To the contrary, they opposed and stifled any and all efforts at health care reform, and continue to do so. Over the last 30 years of Republican misrule, health care insurance premiums have skyrocketed, employers have dropped health benefits en masse, and the number of uninsured as grown to 50 million. So why should anyone listen to Republicans when it comes to getting our runaway health care costs under control?
This is a grossly over-simplified view of health insurance costs; you may know that insurance is regulated at the state level and you ignore completely the effect of state regulation. I challenge you to do a rate comparison between dem and repub states.
@117. Roger Rabbit spews:
one of those occasional bursts of character from you.
@120. Roger Rabbit spews:
inflation will take care of your pension for you, kiss it goodbye.
@America Last
Talk about gross over-simplifications, here is what a right wing fool says:
I challenge you (Americalast) to defend your so-called facts. First, a cost comparison between red and blue states is meaningless because:
a. State governments change all the time
b. State regulations keep unscrupulous insurers out of states and keep insurers from ripping off consumers or going bankrupt on us and not paying off when they should.
c. States that actually enforce better rules GET better insurance for higher rates. You can always buy cut-rate insurnace in some states that doesn’t cover crap.
The real comparison is the US versus other countries. We spend almost twice what other countries spend on health care and we get….health care on par with Slovenia. We don’t encourage preventative care or healthful living and we have more uninisured people than any industrialized country. We also pay MORE for drugs than any other country on earth and the republicans specifically excluded Medicare from bargaining for cheaper drugs costs (and now the hypocritical republicans claim Medicare costs are too high).
Tying insurance to work is just plain stoopid. If you get sick (say with cancer, like a relative of mine who worked hard and saved all her life) then you lose your job AND your health care and have to pay exhorbitant COBRA costs. My relative ended up losing her house, her rental house and everything due to health care costs. That is simply wrong.
Oh, and I know another relative who had an insurance company go bankrupt and refuse to pay for the bill for previous care.
The bottom line is that the republicans think this mess of health care is great because they are bought and paid for by the drug companies and the insurance industry.
@127. correctnotright spews:
I am not going to waste time on you if you are too effing lazy or ignorant to do a simple fact-check. Your conclusions without facts are worthless.