So, I threw my computer and a water bottle in a bag and rode off. But it turns out that the bottle wasn’t fully screwed on. So good news my bag is definitely water proof. Bad news my computer sat in a puddle of water for half an hour, and is dying. So just a quick post to say I don’t know when any future posts will be.
Take the battery and whatever other slot gizmo out you have and stand it near a warm flowing air source like a heater vent for a couple hours. Water shouldn’t damage it if it dries out quickly.
My condolences, Carl. Maybe this will interest you. It’s more water-resistant.
KING-5 TV Sold Again
Gannett, the newspaper chain that publishes USA Today, is acquiring Belo, the Texas-based broadcasting chain that acquired KING-5 TV several years ago. The quality of KING’s news programming went seriously downhill after falling into Belo’s hands; maybe this will turn things around.
Roger Rabbit fortuitously happens to own a chunk of Gannett stock, which is up 24% today on the news. One of our especially stupid trolls, Ten Years After, derided a comment I made that it’s not hard to make 8% a year in the stock market. I’m making 3x that on my GCI stock just today, and I’ve made 50% a year on GCI since I bought it. That sure beats the interest banks pay on CDs and passbook accounts. With stock profits like that, I don’t need to work for the wages Republicans want to pay.
I have both poured a huge cup of water into the keyboard of my lap top and washed my ipod. Both were fine once they dried out. Good luck.
SCOTUS Ruling On DNA Patent Cases
SCOTUS has decided that synthetic DNA can be patented, but naturally occurring human genome sequences are not patentable by their discoverers.
“The case centered on a Salt Lake City company called Myriad Genetics that was granted patents for isolating two human genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, that indicate a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. …
“’Myriad did not create anything,’ Justice Clarence Thomas said, writing for the court. ‘To be sure, it found an important and useful gene, but separating that gene from its surrounding genetic material is not an act of invention.’
“The American Civil Liberties Union, which opposed Myriad, said that the court had ‘lifted a major barrier to progress’ in treating and preventing diseases.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure our wingnut friends will be profusely grateful to the ACLU for protecting the right of researchers and scientists to continue conducting cancer research without having to pay outrageous fees to private companies for the right to study Nature.
The court’s divided decision — synthetic genes are patentable, natural genes are not — adopted the Obama administration’s position on the issue.
Meanwhile in North Carolina.
Maybe our pet nitwit should move there.
The great James Bamford on the NSA and cyber-war:
The vulnerability of this country to cyber attacks is pretty scary.. And cyber attacks are no joke – they can be very destructive as this article details.
An cyber-war arms race is in effect.
The “air gap” will soon be common usage.
@6 Doesn’t look like NC is ready to run their own elections without DoJ oversight. Somebody better tell SCOTUS that.
Actually the perfect place for him right now is Kansas..
i.e. the poster child for hell on Earth..
followed closely by WI,
The klownservative utopian dream is dead in WI, why not legislate mandated rape for women who need control over their own bodies?
It’s the klownservative thing to do these days.
The other shoe dropped something bad on this klownservative bullshit:
Will our pet klownservative jerk have a sad that a Manhattatan Institute idiot, an close former “advisor” to the pathetically awful R-Money is shown to be such a tool?
A tactic which has worked well with cell phones: (1) remove the battery, keep the back off. (2) pour dry rice (uncooked) into a baggie. (3) put the cell phone in the baggie overnight.
This seems to work as long as you don’t try to use the phone after it gets wet, you might end up doing some short-circuiting after you do so.
I put my bottle in a bag and threw it in the car. I crashed my car into the bridge. I don’t care!
Sarah Palin has just signed on as a Fox contributor, for an amount which was not initially disclosed.
This ought to be fun.
@ 13
Well, after a year of acting classes, maybe she’ll know how to act. I mean, when you’re doing talking heads gigs, all you really need is a good stylist, a teleprompter and some basic knowledge of what your face is doing when you’re not paying attention to it.
Besides, they need someone to put up with Gretchen to make her look comparatively intelligent.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
Four people are dead, including the shooter, at a St. Louis business this afternoon. A guy who obviously shouldn’t have had access to guns, but obviously did, committed what police are calling a murder-suicide. The victims include 2 men and 2 women. No word yet on whether the shooter was a man or woman. A witness said the people involved were Somalian immigrants.
Mean, and when I say mean, I really mean MEAN,-while in Wisconsin.
What a nasty, selfish, sociopathic little prick that man is.
Today must be “water your electronic gadgets day”. A friend of mine said she dropped her iPhone into the bathroom sink this morning.
Of course, she told me about the incident in a text, indicating that the damage must have been minimal after she opened it up and dried it with a fan.
5)I was shocked to see Justice Thomas wrote the opinion. He rarely asks questions during oral arguments. Although it should not be the sole basis on how they rule, it could be a little helpful.
Re: a certain former car thief and ODS-addled tool of the krackpot kongressional kaukus.
His latest witchhunt is falling completely apart in the face of FACTS:
Re: NSA scandal. The true patriots coming to the fore are Ed Snowden and Senators Wyden and Udall it seems to me..
My guess is that this is a huge jobs and taxpayer skimming program for well connected right wingers and their kids as the wars of choice wind down.. It’s “pork” if it’s road, bridges and the like but it’s sacrosanct and cannot be questioned if it’s national security.. Slap a “Top Secret” on it and you remove all accountability.
Liberal Scientist… Let’s start the discussion.
What was the one thing Charles Darwin never addressed? How did life begin besides some spontaneous generation theory.
Rocks, water and carbon dioxide and some “energy”? Have they put rocks, water, CO2 in a cyclotron, synchrotron or other high energy device and added tons of energy and made a living organism?
In the Publication Cell, there is more “speculation” from a paper with a start of life hypothesis. Hypothesis. They haven’t proven it. Everything in evolution is speculation.
In they claim abiogenesis. Then they “assume” non-random forces of Natural Selection and chemistry. How do they prove these “non-random” forces? To prove evolution is not a theory, they discuss gravity is “just a theory.” No, gravity is factual. They discuss the Earth orbiting the Sun is “just a theory.” but Copernicus first then Galileo proved the Earth rotated around the sun. So because those two are true hence evolution is true? Give me a break!
The Intelligent Design people introduced irreducible & specified complexity. Yet to try to destroy the irreducible complexity they use evolution theories. That’s the standard argument of biologists when others disagree with their evolutionary theories. How is that proving evolution?
Regarding Radiometric Dating…
Using theories to disprove biological organisms created by ID.
Hence ID lives on!
Thanks for the link continually serial unemployed moron ylb. Amazing how that wasn’t copied in the 2 paragraph limit!
And that scumbag Bill Maher was making jokes regarding special needs children… Typical “caring compassionate” libtard eh jon matheson?
Joshua Green (Leftist) continually serial unemployed moron ylb.
Looks like a leftist speculation to Puddy! Since he hasn’t seen all the transcripts he’s speculating ya moron! You love speculation continually serial unemployed moron ylb. Wait for it… Watch for the facts scream redux from earlier this week.
Uncle Puddles!
Intelligent Design! Preach it!
And keep up the fight against the “standard argument of biologists”! Biologists cannot be trusted with their science.
ps. can you let me (not the other scientist loving libs here) know how did the intelligent designer begin besides some standard argument of theologists?
Meanwhile HA’s bullshit artist @10 forgot to address one part of the article
Where are the exchanges? Did Ezra Journolist Klein discuss this continually serial unemployed moron ylb? Their costs are escalating… From the Bloomberg… an interesting rag…
Prices are escalating all over with ObummerCare!
Where did Puddy discuss theology FlubScout? ID doesn’t necessarily suppose theology!
Besides FlubScout… why haven’t biologists used rocks water CO2 and energy to make life yet? It’s their theory!
This man is a complete imbecile. His first statement, on the “decline of the number of tornadoes and hurricanes”, is either a open, bald faced lie, or the product of someone who has gotten all his meteorology education from one of those super-sanitized, white trash comic book bibles they put in every hotel in Oklahoma.
Where do these fools come from?
Uncle Puddles!
One more thing (just between you and me and not those science loving libs).
What was the point of the Intelligent Designer’s dinosaur epoch? Was that just a goof? As you know, I’m not as up on this as you, and I just can’t put that together. Planned failure?
Maybe the way to generate the idea of The Flintstones? I’m lost on this. Help me out.
It assumes man’s radio dating methods are correct FlubScout! If they are not, mans fossils have been found in certain levels of mud with dinosaurs FlubScout!
@30 Uncle Puddles!
Thank-you! Turns out The Flintstones was not so much a cartoon fantasy comedy, but is TRUE … per you and your sources.
W I L M A!
How does today’s report by the US Census Bureau that “Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century” impact Uncle Puddles?
(a) As a purported non-white, is he happy to see his population on the ascendancy to majority status in the USA?
(b) As a purported conservative (Republican) is he despondent to realize that the majority that keeps the BS politics in play shall soon be subsumed by a super majority of non-whites who think Republicans are batshit crazy?
Disclosure: I am of the human race.
Guffaw! I’ll let Liberal Scientist address the “Noah walked with the dinosaurs” fantasy of our favorite pet klownservative.
And our thread pet clings to the krackpot klownservative Issa who should be fired by his krackpot kaukus for dredging up krap that never goes anywhere (see Nov 2012).. Oh well – the rest of them do the same.. They’d all be out of jobs if that was the criteria..
Wow! Did the dis-credited Avik Roy dig up this nugget? Sounds like the cost of a week for a right wing war of choice. Which we’d have by now with R-Money in charge.
It was the magic meat that enabled all those old patriarchs to live so long.. (Or was it all the wives)? Brontosaurus meat must have had beaucoup Omega-3’s!
Too bad they couldn’t fit on the ark.
A Republican giving a damn about the poor of her State???
Who could have seen that one coming?
The younger model has gotten too old:
Heh.. Some younger models must be on the bucket list.
YLB – Oh but they were on the ark. Haven’t you been to the Creation Museum?
Did HA’s continually unemployed idiot fart anything useful?
From 3,
NEVER call me a troll again, Roger.
SENILE and DUMB Wabbit using ASCJ Thomas quote is a hoot!
Naaah HA’s continually unemployed idiot has his head up his ASS!
Where? From your putrid link? That was from Bloomberg continually unemployed moron ylb!
From 40, 41 and 42,
What are you so angry about?
42 – Notice the pet tool is furiously deflecting from Avik Roy the hack now!
You’re stuck with the discredited hack Avik Roy who quotes teaser rates from rip-off websites!
Sure sucks to be you klownservative fool!
Deflecting what continually unemployed moron? Your link didn’t discredit Avik Roy! Your link left more questions unanswered! Sux to be you!
It’s time again… Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up continually unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will the continually unemployed idiot “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he hide behind left wrong links all day on HA? Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Not angry Ten Years. Dealing with an ASShole! Biggest one on HA, everyday!
Nope but I’ve been told they were killed in the flood and that’s why they’re in the fossil record.
Others say different? Whatever.. Dinosaurs lived and walked on this planet millions of years ago.. That’s what the evidence says.. Anyone who says 5000 years or whatever is bat guano insane.
Yes it did and you are STUCK WITH HIM!
Ezra Klein:
Rick Ungar:
Boo yah! Roy is a discredit klownservative HACK!
Oh am I being unpleasant to you? YOU HAVE REAPED WHAT YOU HAVE SOWN HERE!!!
Maybe our pet klownservative jerk of a troll can comment on this weapon of mass job creation being deployed in the Badger State, Wisconsin:
IMHO, it ain’t gonna do shit.
Link @ comment 9 for the backstory.
HAHAHAHA! Yeah right!
You seem to forget who pays the high rates continually unemployed moron. Young people, in this case, available only to people who don’t have pre-existing conditions. Rick Ungar and Ezra Journolist Klein don’t cover this issue. Now why is that continually unemployed moron ylb? Because they have to slant their article especially Rick Ungar who wrote the article you originally posted continually unemployed moron.
Also you threw up a whole bunch of other useless bullshit above. Yet you are trying to duke it out with this one. That’s your modus operandi… Hope one piece of material from your arschloch will work!
It’s time again… Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up continually unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will the continually unemployed idiot “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he hide behind left wrong links all day on HA? Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Not that’s unpleasant… being reminded of who and what you are 24×7 + hatred.
Why doesn’t continually unemployed moron ylb answer these simple questions? Cuz he’d have to admit failure in life while we already know this! Oh am I being unpleasant to you? YOU HAVE REAPED WHAT YOU HAVE SOWN HERE!!!
Sux to be you!
Bat guano?
That’s why this was found
Well continually unemployed moron ylb?
You seem to want to forget discredited hack Avik Roy and his hack piece you quoted.
That link is discredited crap.. What’s next? Remains of the Ark in Turkey? I’ll let LS handle it.
You are the most credulous…
Wrong again continually unemployed moron ylb. To discredit you have to prove all points. They selectively looked at a few points while skipping over others. EPIC FAYLE on your part as always continually unemployed moron ylb!
Where continually unemployed moron ylb? Display a link!
Hey it’s your ASS kicking continually unemployed moron ylb. You chose the crazed databaze!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… HA’s continually unemployed moron ylb HAS REAPED THE HATRED HE SOWN HERE!!!
LOL!! You really want to run with that stupid hammer???
Everywhere on the net it’s discredited..
It’s even discredited by creationists!
What a freaking dope! That’s waaaay worse than believing in all the right wing crap you bring here.
Wrong. Roy claimed a huge jump in premiums using bullshit figures. Undermines his complete argument.
But you’re being a pathological lying idiot anyway..
You wrote
Where? Epic Idiot is a creationist? Do tell moron! What a freaking dopey loonatic!
Well you are a serial plagiarizing moron!
So did CNN you continually unemployed moron ylb IDIOT!
So Puddydope has sealed his fate as a credulous fool yet again.
1) Relies on a deceptive screed by Avik Roy that leans on bullshit figures.
2) Swallows like a fool some creationist claim about miner’s hammer found near a fossil that not even some creationists believe!
Klownservative idiot loses. Liberals win again!
@ 56
Thats when I started laughing tonight. When he posted that hammer story as some sort of “evidence” of his young earth bullshit, I just started laughing.
Jesus Christ yer a stupid motherfucker spuddles.
zzzzZZZzzzz… Lemee guess. They’re quoting Roy!
CNN makes mistakes.. Jon Stewart makes fun of them all the time.
61 – Really.. Oh man.. I’m thinking.. Does he really believe this???
Is this a joke of some kind???
Wow.. just Wow…
Well OWS Racist Fraggy…
Where is your rocks water CO2 and energy experiment to create life…? And OWS Racist Fraggy calls Puddy a stupid mofo. And you believe in evolution!
That’s where Puddy laughs!
Puddy will wait!
64 – Now he’s changing the subject..
He’s not going to bring up the hammer any more..
LOL!! I will remind of you of this along with your credulousness towards the hack “analysis” of Roy and everything else..
If PSilly had a hammer.. he’d hammer in the mooorning..
Proves you are an idiot… Also proves you didn’t read the link.
Where? You won’t tell the world why you stay unemployed!
The hammer? The rock around it proves carbon dating doesn’t work. And you claimed
You never answered that whopper continually unemployed moron ylb.
Sux to be you sucka! This is all you have in life. Admit it! This blog and your unemployment!
Good night sucka. Sux to be you!
Enough of this fool for one night..
People who constantly refer to themselves in the third person have some serious mental health issues. Schizophrenic maybe? Mom sez it’s a very typical sign of an extreme narcissistic personality, and schizophrenia is often co-symptomomatic. I’ve shown her these postings on occasion, and she facepalms herself into seizures. She still doesn’t believe that Spiddleypuddles is a real example of the species. She swears he’s gotta be trolling.
Follow the links stupid..
Here I’ll make it easy for you. You’re like a little toddler:
69 – It was deliberate to some degree.. Maybe a way to put some distance from what an ass he feels compelled to make of himself here. One of these days I’ll post a video of my lexicon build and you can actually see the word “Puddy” visually rise to be the word he uses the most over time – kind of like in a time-lapse film..
It’s pretty funny.
But why he’s kept this up over 8 years??? Who can say?
The commie rag Business Week says Darryl Issa’s IRS-gate investigation is falling apart because there’s no “there” there.
Puddy didn’t discuss any book continual unemployed moron ylb! Where? Okay So the hammer may be a bad example. The rest of the web site isn’t discredited as you claimed above. Where? You used the same web site Puddy used to discredit one item. Okay Puddy will concede the hammer.
Your whopper is still a whopper just like your continually unemployed life!
Some of the latest on the alleged crack smoking Mayor of Toronto. I thought it had gone away, as cintroversies in Ottawa and Washington DC have gotten the major news coverage.
OWS Racist Fraggy who likes under aged little females locked in his basement@69:
You love evolution… So where has life been created? Come on put up mofo! What evolutionist biologist created it? When? Where? How much? You claim it’s proven science!
You have rocks water CO2 and high energy. You support it… Where is the life?
SENILE and DUMB Wabbit using the same slanted article from leftist Joshua Green as HAs continually unemployed moron ylb above?
Exactly. Nothing could be a better example of institutionalized batshit insanity than the Creation Museum.
Those eveolutionary “non-random” forces of Natural Selection and chemistry surely failed when OWS Racist Fraggy and continually unemployed moron ylb where “selected”, eh?
You love evolution… So where has life been created? Come on put up dude! What evolutionist biologist created it? When? Where? How much? You claim it’s proven science!
You have rocks water CO2 and high energy. You support it… Where is the life?
Goddamn spuddely, go lay down before you burst an aneurysm.
LS challenged you to a serious discussion of scientific confirmation of Biblical creation and/or intelligent design..
RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE YOU ARE FAILING!! You are making a credulous ASS of yourself!
You’ve been doing this for years! Klownservative hacks like Avik Roy and this hammer thing only being recent examples.
Why do you do this? It can’t be that entertaining. Is this all you have to show for nearly 40 thousand comments?
Just get your silly ass out of here.
So SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… This smacks down that post you linked to in #72.
Maybe when you find a job continually unemployed moron ylb! Since that won’t happen Puddy will be here A DAMN LONG TIME!
Ummm no you unemployed idiot… was the hammer in Post #21?
Go on and check!
83 – Fine… May there be many more hammers and Avik Roys..
As long you and others shill discredited klownservative garbage, I’ll be here to debunk and laugh at it.
Until the server goes cold.
Even then I’ll still have the database and I can go on further on twitter or my blog if I so choose.
Prove evolution…
Go to the river… gets some rocks, water, CO2 and steal some power from some transmission lines… Wait… you need some “non-random” forces of Natural Selection and chemistry!
So you concede this…
Sux to be you!
Agreed to by CNN…
Really sux to be you!
You’ll keep bringing discredited hacks like Avik Roy to the table.
Psuedo-scientific “evidence” of Biblical creation like a dropped miner’s hammer..
Bring it dumbass! Like you always have.. Like you always will.
@ 86
Go to the river… gets some rocks, water, CO2 and steal some power from some transmission lines…
You do realize, don’t you, that the same argument you’re trying to apply to evolution with respect to the origins of life also applies to ID claims regarding “irreducible complexity,” don’t you?
Jan Brewer’s mad as hell and not going to take it any more!
Or maybe not.
Hi gang – you too, puddybigot.
Sorry for the delay – preoccupied with graduations and such.
puddybigot – thank you for the post @21 above, which seems to be a response to my challenge that you support the assertion you made several days ago (paraphrased) that ‘science proved Intelligent Design’.
I’ll take your post @21 up on the merits shortly, but first, you still have not given any sort of evidentiary support for your assertion. Please provide some sort of cogent, internally consistent and compelling argument that ‘intelligent design’ has been rigorously tested by the scientific method and not been rejected. It’s what you asserted, and I’m asking you to support this naked assertion.
You see, that’s the whole point. ‘Science’ is a method, not an authority – confusion between the two may be what’s making you stumble. It’s a way of thinking, an organized and consistent approach in which an unproven assertion, or hypothesis, (which is derived from prior knowledge) is tested in an attempt to falsify it.
Some hypotheses are easy to falsify, others not so much. Some have resisted rigorous, extensive, well-designed attempts to falsify them, and have withstood. A way of thinking about this is that scientists erect a beautiful structure and then try to tear it down. The closer to the truth, the harder to tear down. After a while, if they withstand repeated and sustained assault, they gain acceptance and sometimes the term ‘theory’ is attached to them – the best, most robust, most accurate, best reflective of nature – are termed ‘theory’ – like General Relativity, QED, Quantum Mechanics, Gravity, Evolution.
Two things: first, scientist always acknowledge that their hypotheses and theories are approximations of nature itself, that there are always things unaccounted for, errors to be corrected, calculations refined – it’s sort of Zen – “The thing talked about is not the thing itself” – that the most robust and accepted of theories is only as stable as it’s ability to withstand the next challenge, and that could come tomorrow – a new instrument, new observations, new insights. Always revision and refinement.
Second, the colloquial ‘theory’ is not the same as the science-specific use of that term, and it’s another thing tripping you up, as it does many Creationists. You guys tend to use it as an epithet or pejorative – ‘It’s just a theory’, while, as I’ve described above, that in science-speak is an acknowledgement of acceptance as the best explanation for a set of phenomena that we’ve come up with to date.
By my count – correct me if I’m wrong – you’ve given us three links associated with this discussion.
Let’s take the most recent first: the Cretaceous hammer. It’s laughably wrong, and you seem to be retreating from your initial assertion, supported by a ‘’ link. Is that right? Is the hammer a hoax, puddybigot? Or do you want to debate it? Let’s not dance around it – is the hammer evidence for an alternate theory in which humans resided on the earth at the same time as creatures presently though limited to the Cretaceous – conventionally thought to be 145-65 million years ago – dinosaurs being the most prominent? Or this claim that seems to rest on this singular and unexamined bit of evidence bullshit?
It’s one or the other, puddybigot – which side are you taking?
I’ll pick up with another entry below…
What blew my mind about the accreted hammer post was the fact that this is a common argument was the idea that it somehow countered evolutionary theory. Thats a leap of antilogic that rivals that of any I’ve ever heard. It is almost as hysterically funny as Kirk Cameron’s banana argument.
One can go down to Fort Bragg California, to a place called Glass Beach, where an old city dump use to be. There, amongst the billions of ocean-polished chips of glass, one will find embedded in the rocks shit like bedsprings, old car parts, tools and I believe and old tractor engine block totally embedded in rock.
So, does that mean that dinosaurs manufactured iron parts with the same brand names, serial numbers and designs as American companies did in the early part of the 20th century?
Jezuz H tapdancing christ.
Hello SCHMUCKO… I approached the conversation calling you Liberal Scientist… you approached it as puddybigot so be it.
You haven’t proven anything on evolution. It’s all hypothetical. All Puddy sees are a bunch of words crafted into sentences. Nothing on rocks water CO2 and energy. Nothing on abiogenesis. If it’s proven by science then the natural selection argument should easily be reproducible. Where is the proof SCHMUCKO? It’s all hypothesis? ID is not a theory.
The Bible has many artifacts that have proven it’s authenticity… the latest find was the Dead Sea Scrolls.
You evolutionists argue against it because you claim you evolved from monkeys apes baboons gorillas. Well it could be true.
continually unemployed moron ylb and SENILE and DUMB Wabbit have a fascination with chimpanzees.
ekim goatse has a fascination with goats
SCHMUCKO throws his weight around like a 300 lb gorilla
OWS Racist Fraggy is HA’s baboon.
The rest are a bunch of libtard monkeys.
So maybe there is some truth to natural selection from the primate path for y’all.
I’ll settle for being created by God!
To the serially and continually unemployed moron ylb
Take the Test
Take the Test
Oopsie… dayum it was fake.
Yeah that was a real winner.
Sux to be you.
Gotta go. Work time! Be back later!
Puddy…forgive me, I’ll use your preferred monicker.
I’ll get to @94 in a moment.
1. There were many things Darwin didn’t address, and his seminal observations are taken made in the context of the mid-19th century. That said, what precise issues are you taking with his work?
You seem to be making a straw man argument that since the time and circumstance of the first self-replicating nucleotide is not (yet) known, that mountains of data regarding natural selection is somehow invalid. Is that what you’re trying to assert?
It sounds like the argument of a preacherman from a pulpit, which I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised at. It’s also analogous to saying that our understanding of star evolution and nuclear fusion are invalid because our observational evidence for the Big Bang does not extend beyond the age of transparency, or that our theoretical understanding only gets within a few nanoseconds of the event.
You’re reaching beyond the confines of evolution and demanding something not yet observed as evidence that the best explanation for the present observed world is invalid, and moreover, that your explanation derived from an irrational belief in a superhuman-type sky god and a book written 3000 years ago is somehow a better tool for understanding biology.
Why is this a requirement for proving or disproving evolution? Again, it’s a bunch of ‘science-y’ sounding terms that you might hear from a pulpit, designed to confuse. It’s says nothing about the falsifiability, or the testing, of ‘Intelligent Design’ – the thing you asserted in the first place.
Please provide a link. Having published in Cell, I have a particular affinity for it – it’s one of the ‘big three’ along with Science and Nature. Do you read it often? To what specific article are you referring?
Where are the Dead Sea Scrolls mentioned in the Bible? Chapter and verse, please.
I will remind you that this discussion started with my asking you to provide support for your direct assertion that ‘science proved Intelligent Design’ – which still is not forthcoming.
Do you plan to ever provide the support for your assertion, and so we can get on with the argument, or are you going to dance around the margins and then run away?
Puddy, let’s make this easy for you…please provide links/sources for evidence that Intelligent Design has been rigorously, scientifically tested and has withstood that/those tests.
That’s what you said, and that’s what I’m asking for.
99 – it will be a long wait because there are no links/sources.
Looks like Sound Transit is looking into a better generation of Cab control coaches for SOUNDER. It is not a fancy design, it’s an improved design of the existing offering from Bombardier, already otdered by GO Transit in Toronto. Losing the Metrolink contract to a South Korean company was a wake up call.
A retired pharmacologist who hunts ex-Nazis on the internet as a hobby has netted a Nazi war criminal living in Minnesota under his real name since 1949. This man, a native Ukrainian, commanded an SS unit involved in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and various village massacres. Now 94, he faces expulsion from the U.S. and possible prosecution in Germany or Poland (where most of the massacres occurred).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The ceaseless pursuit of Nazi criminals is a good thing. It sends a message to today’s thug dictators and their underlings that they, too, will be pursued to the ends of the earth until the end of their lives. One thing the world needs to stop doing is mollycoddling fallen dictators; they should be either dead or living on bread and water in cold concrete prison cells, not enjoying room service at the Ritz Hotel in Paris paid for with stolen billions stashed away in Swiss bank accounts.
102)Germany is still holding war crimes trials against former camp guards. The charges being used is Accessory to Murder, multiple counts. Alao, in a Munich Court, there is a Neo-Nazi on trial for a decade long murder spree.
He needs to track down Donald Rumsfield and Condi Rice while he’s at it.
@ 99
That’s what you said, and that’s what I’m asking for.
I’m inclined to think that Puddy’s Bayesian priors are so strong that no amount of empirical evidence is capable of altering the probability that he’s wrong.
Best vodka ad ever.
And this is just filled to the brim with awesome.
Rupert Murdoch is filing for divorce from his third wife.
Believe what?
What’s there not to believe JC? Our local klownservative tool in these threads – he’ll believe anything he’s told by wingnut central.
Maybe he should pay you a visit..
One step closer to even longer distance high speed trains in Europe. Approval for Deutsche Bahn to use their latest ICE trains in the Chunnel, now they need approval from regulators in France, Belgium, UK, Netherlands, and Germany to operate the class 407/ICE3MF on services from Western Germany to London.
@102 The Nazis didn’t get their comeuppance until they’d seized control of one of the leading nations of the industrialized world, murdered six million Jews, made a mess of most of a continent and finally gut their butts kicked in the most horrendous war in history. It’d be nice if it wasn’t allowed to go that far here.
Liberal Scientist…
This is very simple and you try and twist it back. ID has been around since God created this earth. The Evolution Theory came about with Charles Darwin in the 1840s. So what “theory” has the shorter life span? ID has not been disproven by evolution. Until you can create life or demonstrate it, evolution is just a hypothesis of words without facts!
Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls…
Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls…
For someone who claimed to be published in the Journal Cell, Puddy would have thought you’d continue to read it.
So first prove to Puddy evolution can create life and then we’ll move on. ID created life, God did it out of nothing. Remember you are here. So if you claim evolution, what primate did you evolve from? Gorilla, Chimpanzee, baboon?
NO. This started with your claim that “science proved Intelligent Design”.
I have asked you over and over and over to supply some sort of support for that contention.
Are you able to, or not?
Your ongoing attempts at bait-and-switch, and your straw-man arguments, suggest not. Which is it?
Again, NO.
This thing called ‘ID’ is a human construct – do you disagree with that? I suppose you do, though in doing so, you are conceding that this thing called “ID”, pushed in schools as science, and championed by the pseudoscientists at the Discovery Institute, is actually nothing more than a veneer for God-belief.
You are conceding that ‘ID’ is theology.
Thank you!
Puddy –
Interesting Cell article. Notice at the top, the word, ‘Perspective‘.
It is indeed speculation, as the authors embrace. Of course there is speculation – that’s how science moves forward. There is no holy book of received wisdom. The authors you cite have very interesting notions regarding how semi-permeable membranes might have formed at deep ocean vents, and their thoughts, they contend, would be consistent with the nearly universal (in biology) presence of ion transport proteins, and also deep differences between the very oldest bacteria-like organisms (the Archaea) and the rest of biology.
It’s cool, it is indeed speculative, it’s based on known facts of the energy dynamics at deep ocean vents and the behavior of non-biologic membranes, and it provides a launch-pad for hypothesis-driven scientific investigation.
You seem to provide this as some sort of criticism of science, because they don’t have all the answers, yet.
That’s both a profound misunderstanding of how science works, on your part, and a straw-man critique of science in general, presumably theologically-driven.
Let me ask you this…you work with computers, right? This depends on electromagnetism, and the behavior of electrons in a variety of conducting and semi-conducting materials. Were Michael Faraday and Ernest Rutherford misguided morons because they didn’t invent supercomputers?
Because Science can’t disprove it. ID wins!
Ummm no… good try.
ID at it’s best.
You still haven’t discussed which primate you “evolved” from!
Shocking Puddy would read something like that eh Liberal Scientist? Not something you’d see from most leftist libtards especially from serially and continually chronic unemployed moron ylb or OWS Racist Fraggy.
Now onto the rest. You evolutionists claim some big bang theory or some other cockamamie theory trying to disprove God created the heavens and the earth, ID!
Yes Puddy works with computers. Neither are morons. Nice try at comparisons. Since man hasn’t taken rocks water CO2 and nergy to make life… Just wait a few more decades. Well you can wait! It won’t be happening.
They were very intelligent. The Faraday Cage is very useful for controlling spurious signals at many government installations. Some have double Faraday Cages. Rutherford and radioactivity. Nice use of inventions but they fail when trying to tie them into creating life!
See ya tomorrow!
@ 116
Because Science can’t disprove it. ID wins!
If science can’t disprove it, then it’s not falsifiable, in which case science cannot prove it either. And Puddy loses.
So Don Schmoe, since you claim science can’t prove ID, therefore by your admission you don’t exist. Let’s see how long it takes Don Schmoe to figger this out! That was very easy and you wrote it.
Puddy doesn’t need to deal with you anymore. Now if we didn’t need to deal with patch Tuesdays!
Thanks for playing.
I see we’ve moved into word salad territory.
I would remind puddy, and any readers with the stamina to keep following this ‘discussion’ that this started with puddy’s claim that “science proved Intelligent Design” several days ago.
I countered with, “provide a link” to support that statement, and have repeated this request over and over and over….
We’re still at that phase, because when pressed, puddy countered with, not a defense or support of his contention, but with…(paraphrasing) ‘since evolutionists haven’t created life in a jar, then Intelligent Design is correct!!’
Which, of course, represents neither a defense of his position, nor a logical thought process, nor an honest point of argument….it’s more squid ink, as is usual with puddy.
Puddy returns to a line of ‘thought’ that he’s hit several times above, though previously a bit more obliquely….he is contending that Intelligent Design is simply another synonym for “God made it”, and in particular, the Christian version from Genesis.
I would completely agree.
I don’t think puddy realizes it, but he is laying bare the lie that the more sly and conniving proponents of Intelligent Design have been depending on and organizing around….that Intelligent Design is somehow a rational, scientific school of thought…when is is not, not at all.
Those people, the Discovery Institute denizens and others, have gussied ID up with all sorts of science-y decorations and pretensions and bric-a-brac, and have sold it to the rubes as “Science! ™”. They push it onto school boards and use it to drive textbook purchases – all under the guise that there is somehow a ‘controversy’ between scientists, arguing the merits of natural selection and ID on equal footing. sort of like the ‘controversy’ between bona fide climate scientists and the Exxon-funded shills that they wind up and send spouting into the media echo chamber.
Puddy has done us all a service – his equating of Intelligent Design with theology is spot on.
It renders his contention that ‘science proved Intelligent Design’ indefensible, however, and I’m still waiting for his links to the material that will support that nonsensical statement, just for fun.
Indeed, Don Joe.
Puddy, in a very formal way, @116, self-destructed, and essentially took Intelligent Design out of the realm of science, as you point out.
I think this is indicative of several things. First, puddy has absolutely no idea what science actually is, or how the scientific method works. Second, I think what we’re seeing is actually what most run-of-the-mill ID proponents think – that ID is equated with a fairly unreconstructed “God did it, just like the Bible says” kind of thinking. This is exactly NOT what the Discovery Institute people are trying to sell to either the courts, or to more rational and open-minded non-bibul-thumpers.
They’ve been bending over backward trying to (like puddy) squirt enough squid ink to make people stop paying close attention while they move their theology into our public school science classrooms.
Their ultimate goal is this.
I asked puddy this…
I was trying to illustrate for him, generously using his ‘argument’ at face value (ie that since independently self-replicating life has not yet been constructed in a lab, therefore evolution by natural selection must be wrong), the fallacy in his thinking.
I was trying to take the example of some seminal pioneers in a field that he might relate to, electromagnetism, and show that their empiric observations made >100 years ago were still valid, indeed essential, even though they were incomplete compared to what we have discovered since. That in particular, criticism of their work in a contemporaneous fashion is invalid, when that critique is based on their not having discovered something 2 or 5 or 100000 steps down the road, as puddy is essentially demanding in his ‘critique’ of natural selection.
I got this…
…wherein puddy demonstrates that he missed the point completely, or that he might privately grasp it, but publicly refuses to engage the idea at face value. More squid ink.
This is squid ink… but don’t tell Liberal Scientist this… His tedious arguments full of innuendo and deflection.
Remember this is the same person who claimed to be published in Cell but then doesn’t read it anymore. Puddy’s work has been highlighted in technical journals. They can be found here. This is a task for the serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb to figger it out. serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb has all day on the couch to screen scrape.
Puddy provided link after link where man’s science, evolution, has FAILED. Therefore by definition man’s science has proven ID lives on. If man’s science creates life Puddy would be right there saying wow… rocks water CO2 and high energy does work.
You asked about the Dead Sea Scrolls, then you dropped it like a live grenade. Why is that? Guess the sources were too good! God and His Son Jesus exist and Satan and his evolutionist friends have been trying to remove God from the every day vernacular for centuries.
You all deliver all these postulations, hypotheses, theories yet in all your crotch scratching no evolutionist has been able to create life. Yet you always attack ID because it’s from the Bible, a book full of fables (per atheists)!
If you research HA you’d know what Puddy’s undergrad degree was Liberal Scientist. Puddy knows all about science. Puddy disagrees when science is used to TRY and portray something men can’t perform… create life. You can continue to be Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein all you want but if you remember… Frankenstein was already alive at one point!
So scream all you want about self-destruction. You and Don Schmoe still haven’t told the world which primate you each evolved from.
Regarding dinosaurs… God created them as plant eaters. Since you don’t believe or comprehend the Bible… meat eating happened later. Why don’t you research that!
See ya Liberal Scientist… For all that bragged upon larnin you claim… where is the evolutionary life creating science. No where therefore ID lives! ID lives on because it is rational to think an Intelligent Designer created the universe, man, the animals, plants, etc. It’s irrational to think man can create life. Still waiting for that life creating moment!
Another thing about puddy’s response…
Here puddy demonstrates an engineer’s thinking, as opposed to a scientist’s.
What I mean is, the actual art of discovery – the way it’s done, and the way it’s critiqued, and the way it’s built upon – and its implications – seems totally lost on him. He can only relate to the rather concrete solutions that are engineered from the body of scientific understanding of electromagnetism.
I suppose this insulates or segregates him from things like this. The paper in question, published in the highly selective and prestigious journal Science, was fairly easy to find with Teh Google search “how old are electrons” The authors explored the mass ratios between protons and electrons, and demonstrated that in the early universe (7 billion years ago) that the ratios were similar to today.
This sort of thinking about the fundamental nature of the electrons – the particles that puddy is always bragging about working with as he flies coach around the world and lives in soul-less corporate dormitories – is ABSOLUTELY not compatible with his ‘God created the world in 6 literal days 6000 years ago’ belief system, the one on display in his comments above.
Puddy cannot understand this – he must willfully refuse to engage such thoughts, as we see him do – because they are profoundly threatening to his cozy God-made-me-special nursery-rhyme-y understanding of the universe and his place in it.
puddy’s approach to science is sort of like a baker who loves to use Bisquick but believes that seeking to understand the acid-base chemistry of sodium bicarbonate and tartaric acid is the work of the DEVILLLL!
Thank you, puddy.
I’ll take that bit of word salad as a concession by you that you are unable to defend the statement “science proved Intelligent Design”
Moreover, I would express my gratitude to you for revealing, in a most unambiguous way, that Intelligent Design is nothing more than ordinary God-belief and Young-Earth-Creationism.
I am really sorry that you have been unable to cough up a single link or reference that might support your original contention, the one I paraphrase above, the one that started this whole discussion. That might have been fun to discuss, had you been up to the task.
Um, no, you haven’t.
Moreover, the challenge was for you to provide support – you know, an affirmative argument – that supported your contention that ‘science proved Intelligent Design’
Waiting, waiting, waiting….
puddy keeps coming back to this point over and over and over – setting up in opposition ID versus the straw-man that artificial life has not been created in a jar.
It’s just that – a straw-man argument that one might hear from a pulpit – that’s probably where he heard it – without relationship to actual thoughtful analysis or critique of either evolution or so-called Intelligent Design.
puddy has refused over and over and over to do any thinking beyond this simple-minded little couplet – and has in fact conceded that Intelligent Design is merely gussied-up Christian Bible Creationism, as many of us here have contended all along – and as such has absolutely no place in any scientific realm, nor in our public schools, where it might pollute the impressionable minds of our children.
This argument can be boiled down to this comment
Notice it takes Liberal Scientists three entries to write the same thing over and over and over! Evolution is the straw-man that Liberal Scientist will not address. And we all know why! Without evolution Liberal Scientist would have to admit ID has merit. Where has Puddy jumped on the Discovery Institute except by reference? Go look continually and serially chronically unemployed moron ylb. Pavlov demands it! There is no straw-man around the Ball Jar or Petri dish. Evolutionists have been attacking ID forever but they fail just like you are failing.
Science has proven the Christian Bible. Notice Liberal Scientist hasn’t touched the Dead Sea Scrolls YET! They are more proof of the Bible and ID! Oh wait it’s a fable per you atheists. If you and your ilk are claiming it has no place in any scientific realm, nor in our public schools, where does evolution have any credence to replace it?
You keep making these completely OUTLANDISH statements, and then you fail to back them up.
You are a relentless, thought-free propaganda machine, in the service of your myth-book and the preachermen who tell you what to think – the utterly muddled result is the word salad we see you post on these threads.
I took your original meaning to be: “the Dead Sea Scrolls were predicted by the Bible” – I misunderstood you.
You seem to be claiming that corroboration between one ancient text artifact and another is proof of something. Your links are to ya-hoo Christianist “Prophecy” sites that claim what you do – that said similarities are proof of some sort of Divinity.
You muddle archeology with theology, and make claims that are not logically valid.
Moreover, you continue to avoid – since you apparently know you cannot – offing scientific support for ID. You persist in the straw man about life-creation needing to be present for the validity of natural selection to endure – and it’s a ridiculous argument on its face.
You know, puddy, you’re just like the simple-minded, pleasantly demented little old ladies from the Jehovah’s Witnesses who come to the door – vaguely diverting and amusing to spar with briefly, but in the end unsatisfying, because of the we’re speaking two different languages. You, and they, are spouting rote belief in a magic book, camouflaged in some science-y jargon, but are utterly impregnable to critical thought.
Be comfortable in your spinning contortions – I think you’d hurt yourself if you ever tried to actually think for yourself. I’m done here.
Heh.. Our pet klownservative fool has once again allowed science to paint him into corner..
He’s only “proved” that he’s a dope without hope!
How’s that hammer working out for you dope?
@ 121
So Don Schmoe, since you claim science can’t prove ID, therefore by your admission you don’t exist.
I didn’t claim anything. I merely took your claim, and reached a logical conclusion using a well-reasoned argument.
As for your attempted syllogism about whether or not I exist, you’ve committed a category error (took me about two seconds to “figger” that one out.)
Puddy doesn’t need to deal with you anymore.
No one said you had to. On the other hand, if you choose not to address the arguments I raise, then you’ve failed. Not surprising.
Now if we didn’t need to deal with patch Tuesdays!
I don’t know why you keep bringing this up. Every major vendor ships updates to their software. Are you jealous, because no one sells enough copies of the software you’ve written to warrant patches?
By the way, I have nothing to do with Windows. My office is on the 1st floor of Bldg 31. The code I write doesn’t even run on Windows.
Sigh. Puddy @ 131:
Evolution is the straw-man that Liberal Scientist will not address.
Puddy doesn’t even understand the meaning of the term “straw man”. Anyone with so tenuous a grasp on the fundamental concepts of logic and reasoning is capable of proving only one thing: that he suffers from a profound level of delusional fantasy.
There goes Don Schmoe with another of his Psych 101 projections of incorrect theory! Evolution CAN NOT be proved Don Schmoe. It’s a sham argument brainstormed by the atheist Charles Darwin and pushed by another atheist Richard Dawkins being forced down people’s throats with no evidence of being correct. It’s all hypothesis and theory. When rocks water CO2 and energy create life call Puddy!
Sux to be you Don Schmoe! So much for that delusional fantasy of yours!
And you evolutionists perform the same thing. You postulate hey let’s think of something to prove Darwin right. Yet you can’t prove it in the laboratory!
Since you continue to push evolution, which primate did you EVOLVE from. Come on… you already know this. Tell us.
Puddy is waiting…
Going to work Liberal Scientist. I have a long configuration to complete. Have a great day.
Did the continually and habitually unemployed fool ylb fart something useful.?
@ 137
Evolution CAN NOT be proved
It can be falsified, and that’s what makes it science. Evolution makes predictions. Indeed, one of the ways we can test evolution vs. intelligent design is to consider what we find in the fossil records.
Evolution predicts that we would be able to find intermediate forms of animals in the fossil record. The corresponding prediction of Intelligent Design is that we would not be able to find these intermediate forms.
A good example would be the evolution of cetaceans. The amazing part of this is that no only do we find intermediate forms in the fossil record, we can also chart the evolution of the inner ear through these from as it transitions from a mechanism that works well in an atmospheric environment to one that works well in an aquatic environment.
Evolution affirmed. Intelligent design falsified.
There are countless cases like this. Consider intelligent design’s notion of irreducible complexity, the poster child for which is the bacterial flagellum. According to intelligent design, the various parts that make up the bacterial flagellum ought to have no useful purpose. Yet, when we break down the structure of the bacterial flagellum, we find that nearly all of the 50 some odd protein structures actually do have other functions that are not at all related to what the flagellum does.
Again, evolution affirmed. Intelligent design falsified.
All of this was brought out in a lawsuit, Kitzmiller v Dover, in Federal District Court. The case was presided over by a judge who was nominated for the bench by then Sen. Rick Santorum, and appointed by Pres. George W. Bush. After hearing all of the evidence, the Judge ruled that intelligent design is, as a matter of law, not science and that teaching intelligent design in schools violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment of the Constitutions.
Those are the facts Puddy. You can acknowledge them and join the rest of the reality-based community, or you can wallow in your ignorance. Your choice. But you should know that most of us will continue to laugh our asses off as you continue to dig yourself into deeper and deeper holes of stupidity.
@137 “Evolution CAN NOT be proved”
It’s obvious your ancestors were crustaceans. That’s all the proof anyone needs.
You know, I’m not going to debate the science of evolution and the fantasy of intelligent design with spuds. There comes a time when you just have to call FUCKING IGNORANCE what it is, and stop wasting your time arguing with fucking ignoramuses like spuds. If he wants to blow off science, then my suggestion is that he can conduct his own gravity experiment by jumping off a cliff.
Intelligent design is a legal strategy, not a scientific theory. It was dreamed up by theocrats as a way to get around SCOTUS decisions prohibiting the teaching of religion in public schools.
@141, 142, 143, 144
Indeed, indeed.
Someone a while ago on these threads – I forget who – said the best way to understand puddybigot was as an unreconstructed religious culture warrior.
I think this ‘discussion’ reinforces that notion – spuddles makes all sorts of outlandish statements, but when pressed he retreats to “It’s in the Bible!!” and “God made ME!!”
He has this childish, fairly-tale-ish notion about the magical sky-daddy making the world in 6 days, 6000 years ago, and no amount of data or science or rational thought will disabuse him of these fairy tales. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, this magical thinking informs his neanderthal politics, his allegiance to hatred of others – ‘other’ defined for him by his preacherman, or Tony Perkins, or James Dobson – some woman-hating, gay-hating, MOOSLUM-hating, thought-hating sociopath who is very happy to wind up frightened little toy people like puddybigot and send them forth, mindlessly spouting their hateful dogma.
This little exercise was fun – like I said, in a limited way, like debating the Jehovah ladies or the Mormon boys on my front porch – but ultimately unsatisfying, because, like them, puddybigot isn’t really thinking, or open to critical thought despite his tendency to decorate his theology with faux-science-y jargon.
Nothing will come of this, of course. Puddybigot will continue to wallow in ignorance and fling invective and neologistic insults – he hasn’t the sense to run away in shame as cheapshotBob did after his disastrous attempt to critique a scientific article from a fascist perspective, though that was a blast, too.
@145 “Nothing will come of this, of course. Puddybigot will continue to wallow in ignorance and fling invective and neologistic insults – he hasn’t the sense to run away in shame as cheapshotBob did after his disastrous attempt to critique a scientific article from a fascist perspective, though that was a blast, too.”
What will come of this is the American Taliban, undeterred by science or other people’s constitutional rights or court rulings upholding those rights or anything else, will continue trying to impose their religion on our children and a theocratic political regime on us.
Wow.. Don Joe and LS have DESTROYED the pseudo-scientific posturing of Puddysilly.
Great work guys..
The fool brought nothing but bullshit and name-calling to the table.
That hammer worked out great for him, didn’t it?
6000 years old.. What an idiot!
Where has Puddy been destroyed serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb? Remember you started calling people names WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before others did! Another jackbooted goosestepping thug! Look it up in your crazed databaze!
Neither Don Schmoe or Liberal Scientist offers a scintilla of evidence evolution is true serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb. That’s why it’s called a theory! Otherwise they would admit two things:
1) They evolved from some primate. They don’t.
2) Someone has created life.
Now Don Schmoe offers some Evolution of cetaceans theory. “Impressive”. .NOT. It’s an evolution paper ~1.5 megs of evolutionists applauding evolutionists. Each slapping and high-fiving the other on their backs. The operative sentence “However, the anthracothere ancestors of hippos do not appear in the fossil record until millions of years after Pakicetus, the first known whale ancestor.” Puddy wonders why!
Remember, we know you and SENILE and DUMB Wabbit talk about chimpanzees. Well the chimpanzee knows it’s own kind.
As always with serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb, serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb lives vicariously on others commentary even when under closer inspection the record has sentences like that above! Puddy remembers Merry Fitzmas… How did that work out for you unemployed moron. You were unemployed then and still unemployed now. Chronically unemployed and chronologically challenged! Dancing on Mike Webb’s grave… A CLASSIC!
See ya!
Puddy expects three or four more very long winded comments from Liberal Scientist screaming I win I win and Don Schmoe throwing out whack job links and claiming he wins too!
@ 148
1) They evolved from some primate. They don’t.
Apparently Puddy thinks there’s some kind of point to be made, because I haven’t pointed out that, despite our obvious differences, Puddy and I have, undoubtedly, evolved from the same species of primate. Whatever.
2) Someone has created life.
Three days ago, people pointed out that this argument begs the question. Yet, Puddy keeps repeating it. “ID lives!” he tells us. If it does, it does nothing but chase its own tail.
The operative sentence “However, the anthracothere ancestors of hippos do not appear in the fossil record until millions of years after Pakicetus, the first known whale ancestor.” Puddy wonders why!
I’ve often wondered whether Puddy actually comprehends the words he reads here and there. It’s nice to see him confirm that he does not, in fact, have the slightest clue.
I recently ran into a distant cousin of mine on Facebook. We have to go back 6 generations to the parents of the two brothers who originally immigrated from Germany before we find a common ancestor. Apparently, by Puddy’s reasoning, this fact means that my cousin and I are not really related. I guess. One never really knows what’s going on in Puddy’s head.
You “misplaced” that bullshit hammer didn’t you?
Where have you proved that science confirmed ID?
Please continue.. With you as a representative for klownservatism – IT DOESN”T NEED ENEMIES!
Nope. Puddy didn’t evolve from an APE!
Oh my this poor thing… Remember, we know serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb and SENILE and DUMB Wabbit talk about chimpanzees. Puddy sees the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit changed his tune now he’s going around claiming to be a Wabbit. You are still a
chumpchimp! And the chimpanzee knows it’s own kind. So let’s reviewWhen confirmed idiots like serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb appear, serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb shouldn’t be throwing stones at others.
Corrected and improved. Science has .NOT. proven EVOLUTION. Man’s science has put forth theories of how man and animals “evolved” from rocks water CO2 and energy. But this theory can’t be proven in a laboratory. Man created these elaborate charts trying to demonstrate their theories. But as shown above there are real gaps they have to admit.
And then Don Schmoe uses the bacterial flagellum as his next argument direct from the web and the 50 some odd protein structures found. But they also theorize that some of those structures MAY be found in the intestines. Yeah Puddy read the same article Don Schmoe. And where is serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb? Right there with no thought processes of his own jumping in!
See ya. Work time… Something serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb hasn’t done in years! ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing serially and continually chronically unemployed moron ylb! Enjoy your stay at home day doing nothing useful for society, reading those left wrong web sites and watching PMSNBC with rhpee6033!
On the other thread, Roger suggested you were directly descended from pond scum. His theory has some attractiveness, but I don’t think would actually stand up to close scrutiny.
This would suggest that our immediate antecedent, as a species, was Homo rhodesiensis. Yes, an ape. Not surprising, as we modern humans are ‘apes’ as well.
I have no illusions that this sort of exposure to modern, rational thought is going to change your mind at all, such as it is. It is a small diversion, however, from time to time to provoke you into full-on frothing-at-the-mouth, snake-handling, Bibul-thumping, “God SAID IT, I believe it, that settles it!” mode.
I find it particularly hilarious that you fancy yourself some sort of computer technician, yet deny the fundamental properties of the particular lepton with which you work, including their synthesis in the first seconds following the Big Bang.
Instead, in order to maintain your desperate grasp on what you consider a ‘literal’ interpretation of that book you idolize and fetishize, you have to conjure outlandish metabeliefs, like ‘god’ put fossils in strata to appear to be millions of years old, just to test human’s faith. Or ‘he’ made the universe appear to be 13.5 billion years old, when it’s really 6500 years old, creating red shifts and CMB just to fuck with humans and ‘test’ them.
Yes, by all means, puddy, go on pounding the table and insisting that the masturbatory mental gymnastics of some random Anglican prelate (primate?) with too much time on his hands is in fact a rational, reasonable part of the discourse regarding the origins of the universe, including our place in it, as a species. I’m sure that’s what your preacherman hectors you with every Sunday, or Saturday, or whichever day of the week you consider ‘holy’.
What I have found most satisfying in this little back-and-forth is how quickly you abandoned any pretense to defending your original statement (“Science proved Intelligent Design”) and moved squarely to “GOD MADE ME, BUT YOU’RE AN APE!!” and that the words in Genesis 1 were in fact synonymous with Intelligent Design.
A scheming leftist could not have created a better, more ridiculous caricature of a Bible-blinded buffoon than the one you present, every single day, on these threads – for that I thank you.
@ 152
Corrected and improved. Science has .NOT. proven EVOLUTION.
Corrected? Puddy tried to substantiate his claim that science has proved Intelligent Design. That claim has, clearly, not withstood even the most basic scrutiny. Science has, in fact, falsified Intelligent Design, which is why Puddy now offers up this “correction”. An intellectually honest person would have conceded that he was wrong.
Improved? So, now Puddy falls back to the “Science has not proven…” canard, thereby proving that Puddy doesn’t even understand the most basic premise of science–this despite several, very patient attempts to explain it to him. One can only conclude that Puddy’s ignorance on this issue is willful.
Does Puddy understand, for example, that science has, in fact, proved that Newton’s laws of motion are false? We all remember F=Ma, right? Well, gravity also affects light, and light has zero mass. F=Ma says that gravity should exert zero force on anything that has zero mass.
So, yes, evolution is just a theory, just like F=Ma is just a theory. We have observed phenomena that contradict F=Ma. We have yet to observe any phenomenon that contradicts evolution.
In the absence of a general standard by which we might deem that science has proved something, one can always claim that science hasn’t proved anything. All you need to do is move the goal posts. Should we ever discover a process and a set of conditions capable of spontaneously producing a complete cell, what will Puddy do then?
In all likelihood, he’ll move the goal posts. Any why not? He’s already completely ignored the fact evolution does adequately explain a wide variety of phenomena that we have observed.
In daily life, we still use F=Ma, because, for the most part, it’s an adequate approximation of reality. We do this, despite the fact that science ha proved F=Ma to be false. Puddy can keep moving the evolutionary goal posts, and that will never change the fact that evolution already holds, and will continue to hold, a central place in our understanding of biology.
One last note about Puddy’s “correction.” If Puddy wants to teach Intelligent Design to his children, I have no problem with that idea. Should Puddy ever demand that our schools use my tax dollars to teach Intelligent Design to his children in the same classroom where my children would like to learn about real science, then Puddy will find me standing squarely in his way.
So from Liberal Scientist…
1) God is not intelligent
2) God did not design Adam and Eve
3) God did not design the earth
4) God did not design the heavens
It all evolved. Since Puddy believes in God and you believe in evolution… you admit you came from a primate. Hence you are somewhat correct by your own stance.
See ya. So tedious all the time!
Only because of lawsuits against Creation or ID counter thought! Since all you HA libtards evolved from Apes, enjoy that thought!
WOW! I thought puddy was unteachable, but he seems to be expressing some semblance of rational, observation-based thought here.
Oh, wait. He’s just aping what I said. OK, he is capable of mimicry (we knew that already), but perhaps it’s a start.
Yes puddy, humans – me and you and all the rest who read this blog (incl Roger) evolved from an earlier form, the most recent was indeed another ape, or hominid. Go back far enough, and apes emerged from other primates, and back further, from some precursor. Go back far enough, and you get to the slime molds, and back further, bacteria and protobacteria, and far enough to prebiotic membranes and the beginning of self-repliction, most likely.
No, “god’ didn’t create you, or me. There was no Adam, though there might have been an Eve, but not in the way you’re ‘thinking’.
You have a child’s grasp of a fairy-tale sky daddy, and the worst thing about it is how this silly belief system leads you relentlessly to hatred. You are a bigot, a homo-phobe, a misogynist, a hater of people who don’t pray to imaginary sky-daddy just like you do.
I pity you.
@ 158
You have a child’s grasp of a fairy-tale sky daddy
I must confess, there’s a certain amount of irony inherent in the juxtaposition between Puddy’s very primitive concept of “god” and Puddy’s contention that, having evolved from apes, we’re somehow lacking in some ephemeral qualities that Puddy thinks he possesses by virtue of the idea that he has not evolved from apes. I mean, those of us who have evolved from apes can at least make a credible claim that we have, in fact, evolved. Those who haven’t evolved at all remain locked in a primitive, intellectual fantasy.
Having said that, the highly anthropomorphized, rather materialistic, God professed by most Christians today–a God that, by any reasonable standard, suffers from a multiple personality disorder–is not the only notion of God that people have, and that there are some notions of God that are not at all incompatible with evolution.
And, to be fair to Christianity, the early Christians persevered through some of the most horrendous persecutions ever inflicted on a religious minority. That they persevered tells me that they found something much more profound than any simplified notion of a “sky daddy”. I think most Christians today, faced with that level of persecution, would have dissembled, because that profound spark has become exceedingly obscured by centuries of dogma.
I point these things out not to say that one is compelled to believe in one or more nuanced notions of God. I just think that we should avoid falling prey to the fallacy of the excluded middle. An open-minded person is someone who searches for the truth. A closed-minded person is someone who has found it.
I appreciate your critique, DJ.
I’m an atheist, but I’ve said over and over on these threads, if your god-belief is comforting, and leads you to doing good – creating peace, increasing the love in the world, healing, nurturing your fellow humans and the planet – then right on, I’m shoulder-to-shoulder with you.
However, and this is where puddybigot draws my ire – if your god-belief is a destructive tribalism, if it’s a vehicle for hatred, bigotry, exclusion, for the subjugation, exploitation, murder of those who look different from you or pray differently or have too many consonants in your name, if it’s a veneer for organized and malignant and contagious stupidity – then you’re a bigot and a hater and I’ll oppose you with all my strength.
Someone’s relationship with their perception of the divine or infinity or transcendent meaning is theirs alone. It’s when those feelings and searchings get organized – and all to often hijacked – by the sociopaths among us, and those striving for the transcendent become weapons to hurt each other with, and that include invading our schools and teaching our children irrational dogma camouflaged as faux-science – then we have a fight on our hands, and critique of those beliefs becomes valid.
Fortunately, puddybigot is so stupid as to be unable to maintain the veneer of rationality that ID strives for, and he dropped the pretense and ran right to “God did it!!!” and quoted his Bible as some sort of argument – making dismembering his position rather easy.