– Well that special session totally, totally had a point.
– We have very little privacy unless we live completely off the grid. So how do we protect it?
– The Morning After Pill is available to all ages.
– Well, if the British are on board with our spying, then I guess…nope, still ought to be dialed back.
– A look at Seattle’s terrifyingly normal streets
– Hillary Clinton is on Twitter.
If I remember right, the last time we had 2 special sessions immediately after the regular odd-year session, was 2001, only that time, it was the House that was tied. Despite the fact that the state Senate seems to always be a couple seats away from a tie, or a flip, I still think that the Independent Redistricting Commission is better than what some of the other states do.
Where were the Kooky bagger Klownservatives on the Patriot Act?
No effingwhere to be seen AFAIK..
2)Also, didn’t they help defeat the only Senator to vote against it, Russ Feingold? I believe Idaho’s Governor voted against it, when he was in the House.
No puddy this morning. He must be on another Secret Agent assignment.
BUTTPUTTY is out buying the Morning After Pill for his goats. He is tired of using coat hangers after his sexcapades.
Although it appears that the recent derailment on the Metro North New Haven line in Connecticut, that the new trains that were built to the current FRA regs held, there are some that are still on the side of that they are too strict.
Now the project that the blogger was talking about, the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit, will run from Larkspur to Cloverdale, on the Peninsula north of the Goden Gate. Freight operations are few, and they only recently restarted(bad track, little money for previous owner Northwestern Pacific to fix it up, led to the track being embargoed). fixA cheaper option could have been to use the new Swiss light Diesel Multiple Units that the Denton County Transit Authority in Suburban Dallas is using, with a waiver from the FRA.
It’s amazing the projection this goatse ekim does each day!
Who knew about this besides goatse ekim?
That’s right SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Unlike many HA libtard DUMMOCRAPTS, Puddy has to work!
Hannity is doing a Obummer commentary comparison back when candidate Obummer was senator and now that Obummer is preznit. Very telling.
S M A C K D O W N!
Everyone knows you are projecting, BUTTPUTTY.
No need to hide. No need to slide.
National Memo?
Whatajoke. Leftist Joe Conason? Even more of a joke!
The ekim goatse goat master returns. Psych 101 Projection… the modus operandi of left wrong kooks like ekim goatse!
klownservative kraphead @ 11..
Conason didn’t write the linked article.. Care to refute any facts cited in the article? Didn’t think so.
Klownservative reading komprehension and kritikal thinking fayle #????????? …
Can’t count that high,,,
Al Franken[stein] in 2006 on NSA under Bush…
Now we have Franken[stein] today…
Now he’s a champeen of phone record acquisitions
Puddy loves how the screaming unemployed fool uses the facts of the story argument. When the facts of the story are irrefutable in NewsMax Breitbart and others he screams bloody murder.
Talk to the hand unemployed fool!
LOL!!! I’ll use one of the kraphead’s moronic “arguments”:
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… Pavlov struck again and the moron just doesn’t know when he was had!