– Another chance for Pierce Transit voters to vote for a sales tax increase to help their system.
– Paid signature gathering, what could go wrong?
– I haven’t had a chance to watch the Revitalizing State and Local Blogging panel at Netroots Nation, but the tweets were interesting.
– Olympia High School‘s response to Westboro Baptist Church. [h/t, and while you’re there, check out the Calvin Johnson walking tour of Olympia]
– I’m the guy in the video. LOL forever.
Yes We Will!
“Bob” is an 8-to-5 troll if there ever was one. Bob, do you get minimum wage, or paid by the word?
@ 2
I assume you distinguish me from yourself, as you camp out here and spew inane thoughts 24/7, clown.
Not content to beat down wages, renege on union contracts, welsh on pension obligations, and rig Wall Street, the rich are stealing our public parks too.
Roger Rabbit Commetary: And then they wonder why the rest of us don’t like them.
@3 Yeah, but I’m retired, so I don’t have to be productive.
There are still some very sick and twisted people in the world, and these particular hooligans are (no surprise) rightwing extremists.
Dems didn’t get their asses kicked in WI due to Citizens United, it turns out:
The big money donations to Walker were from people, the big money donations on the Dem side were from non-humanoid entities. Another liberal myth expoded.
Oh, and it seems that the minds of a large majority of Wisconsin voters were made up before the real ad money hit the airwaves:
Seems the electorate was planning to kick Democrat ass for more than a month before the election.
Love this final line:
If Democrats want to get a head start on losing in November, they’ll keep griping about the money instead of changing their message.
Here’s an imaginative idea for clearing the economy of deadwood mortgages. I can’t say whether it works, legally or practically, off the top of my head. But it’s creative.
@ 5
Must make it real easy to scream for higher taxes on the rich, when you won’t be the one affected.
Meanwhile, I do some work 7 days per week, pay at the highest tax rate, pay into the Social Security fund that very likely provides some of your retirement even though it likely won’t be able to pay out at the same rate when it’s my turn (not to mention I’ll be subject to additional reductions in payout due to ‘means testing’), and when I come home I turn on the tube and listen to Obama tell me I don’t pay my fair share.
It’s always easier to support higher taxes on someone else.
Bob’s going to take the WSJ editorial pages, now under the exclusive control of the Murdoch clan, over all other sources. Good luck with that one, I wouldn’t invest any money based on that. The WSJ used to have good reporting but extremely biased editorials, now enough reporters have quit under Murdoch’s ownership that the reporting is beginning to mirror the editorial pages. But not content with that, Bob is heading straight for the editorials anyway.
re 1, 3, and 7. It’s a long way to November and Republicans were elected in 2010 on the promise that they would create jobs.
You can either try to take credit for the jobs that have been created or admit that you have failed. Your side is in a double-bind situation — and you don’t seem to see it.
Why do Republicans hate parks and recreation?
“Congress passed the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act in 1964 with vigorous bipartisan support … to ‘strengthen the health and vitality of the citizens’ in parks where they could stay in shape by running, walking, bicycling and playing. …
“At first, the park-buying program was popular and successful. … But total outlays dipped to zero when Reagan administration budget cuts hit in the early ‘80s …[;] while campaigning in 2000 … George W. Bush promised to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund … only to … slash outdoor recreation spending to zero[.]”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not only have Republicans fought parks an recreation spending tooth and claw at every level of government (see, e.g., the “nonpartisan” Republicans on our local county and city councils), but now they’re stealing our public parks for their own personal profit (see #4 above). Why would anyone vote for these jerks?
@ 10
Yes, the WSJ is now a shill for those noted right-wing fascists like
Barack Obama:
Opinion section of the journal, part of the ‘editorial pages’.
As long as world leaders choose WSJ to express their opinions, I’ll be reading it, yes.
I actually stopped reading the opinion pages about two years ago, and only go there when I come across a link I find interesting.
In 2008, the NYT ran an Obama Op-Ed. McCain requested space to respond. NYT refused and suggested McCain instead choose a different topic if he wanted column inches.
My guess is that any time Obama wants space to reply to anything in the WSJ, he gets it. It gives them ever-greater visibility, and someone will then be able to respond to Obama.
It’s that type of journalism to which you likely most object, rhp.
No, Bob (even before you attempt the lie, Republicans are not being blocked in the Senate.
It isd the economy, stupid, and Republicans performance on job creation is dismal. They even freely admit that they have not been able to create any jobs.
Weak sisters.
@7 “non-humanoid entities”
Yeah, Bob, these creatures all look like alien space invaders.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And you call me a “clown”?
@ 11
Obama was elected in 2008 under the same promise, you may recall.
There are an awful lot of bills passed by the House, stacked up on Harry Reid’s desk.
Meanwhile, Obama’s budget was unanimously voted down in the Senate. Not one of Obama’s own party voted for it.
You seem to be betting the ranch that the blame game will work for you this Fall.
We’re just fine with letting you make that wager.
Haven’t you heard? The private sector’s doing fine.
@ 15
Ah, yes. “Unions are people, my friend.”
When I say clown, I’m being polite.
It’s time you all know what our new troll, Bob, looks like. Here’s his mugshot.
@17 “I’m being polite.”
I’m not. I don’t do polite. I give wingnuts what they’ve got coming to them.
@9 “pay into the Social Security fund that very likely provides some of your retirement”
So what? I paid for your mommy’s social security. What goes around, comes around.
@9 “not to mention I’ll be subject to additional reductions in [social security] payout due to ‘means testing’”
You will if you keep voting Republican. That’s their idea. Democrats oppose means testing of social security. So do I.
Inasmuch as you vote for folks who support it, why are you complaining about it? That doesn’t add up.
Is the Republican Party becoming the party of Mussolini?
Look at the definition of fascism in the Wiki.
I was sick all weekend and seldom left the bed. So imagine my surprise to find out the Rand Paul had endorsed Romney for President.
Looks like Rand Paul is willing to give his father, Ron Paul, a cement block as a life preserver as he jockey’s for a favorable position in what he hopes becomes a Romney administration. Advice to Rand Paul: Don’t give up the day job, at least not yet.
re 16: “Meanwhile, Obama’s budget was unanimously voted down in the Senate. Not one of Obama’s own party voted for it.”
Republicans put forward the President’s budget in a 56 page Reader’s Digest condensed version of a 2,000 page document. Since the devil is in the details and the details were ommited by crafty (but not intelligent) Republicans, Democrats feared that the budget cuts needed to reach the President’s goals would be foisted upon those least able to afford the cuts (i.e., old and poor people.
I have a question for Bob. Is a lie by ommission still a lie? I say it is.
Bob is a propagandist and a coward.
Carnival Barker Bob @13: Bob, if you want to call Obama a “rightwing fascist,” that’s fine — I wouldn’t go quite that far, but I won’t dispute that he’s a Wall Street lackey. Obama was the most right-leaning of the 2008 Democratic candidates, and Wall Street largely paid for his campaign. Guess they figure the GOPers were bad for business. Which makes it laughable that some Republicans now call him a “socialist.” Shit, he’s one of theirs.
“My guess is that any time Obama wants space to reply to anything in the WSJ, he gets it.”
Gee, wonder why? See above.
@ 25
Flailing. You are. You have the typical tendency to name-call, which is fine, except you bring nothing else to the table.
Those House-passed jobs bills sitting on Reid’s desk will begin to move when it becomes Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s desk. I’m OK waiting until January.. Two or three more months of slowing job growth and we’re in the textbook definition of recession. Ah, but Obama and Axelrod will point to 30+ straight months of job growth, so we’re not.
The quandary is that if Axelrod accuses the GOP of stalling job growth, it’s an admission that job growth is failing under an Obama administration. So we’ll continue to hear about the number of straight months of job growth. Until they start to blame it on Europe when it’s clear that BlameBush isn’t working for them.
@ 26
Only in the deranged world of Bozo the Roger Rabbit would the Senator ranked by National Journal as the most liberal be referred to as the most right-leaning of the 2008 Democrat candidates. A group that included three additional senators and Dennis Kucinich.
I fail to recall Obama advocating for a Department of Peace.
Enjoy your day, all.
re 27: What’s your response to #24? I noticed that you skipped that one.
Could you be more specific about all these great jobs bills that Reid is sitting on?
Barker Bob @16: “Obama was elected in 2008 under the same promise, you may recall.”
So? You don’t expect him to campaign against jobs, do you?
The point d.d. was making is that Republicans made job creation the centerpiece of their 2010 congressional campaigns, then after they won a House majority on that promise, they completely ignored job issues and began playing politics with everything else under the sun. How many jobs would they have created by pushing the U.S. Treasury into default?
GOPers got into office on false pretenses and voters will remember that. This explains Congress’ single-digit approval ratings. While the conventional wisdom expects the GOP to keep the House in November, if it flips don’t be totally shocked and you’ll know why. I really wouldn’t want to be an incumbent in this election, with polls showing the public feels every single member of Congress should be replaced.
re 27: “Flailing. You are. You have the typical tendency to name-call, which is fine, except you bring nothing else to the table.”
re 28: “Only in the deranged world of Bozo the Roger Rabbit….”
I guess consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. In your case I would substitute the word Consistency with honesty.
@27 “You have the typical tendency to name-call”
It’s not a “typical tendency,” Bob; it’s one of our operating principles. We call names on this blog, so get used to it. Feel free to call names back. We’re used to it. If you want a tame blog I recommend this one:
re 29: Bob is going to change hats — probably to babbling nincompoop, Puddy.
Many newbies who stumble onto this blog through whatever avenue don’t initially comprehend what they’re getting into it even though “Horsesass.org” should give them a clue.
Consequently, quite a few of our new trolls don’t last very long because they aren’t prepared to get roughed up by the liberal thugs who populate this place.
Unlike rightwing blogs, HA doesn’t ban anyone who disagrees with the moderators’ views. In fact, we welcome the rightwing turdblossoms who come here, because it gives us something to do. Kind of like a cat playing with a mouse. We’d be bored out of our skulls without them.
Unfortunately, some trolls don’t have any backbone and quickly scuttle back into the rightwing piehole they crawled out of, like that chickenshit John MacDonald who came over here from Sound Politics a few years ago, lasted only two weeks, and than ran back to Sound Politics where he’s been decorating their comment threads like an ornament on a bedpost ever since.
We respect the fortitude of trolls like Puddy and the now-departed Mr. Cynical, who entertained us with his clownish posts for several years, even though we’ll never admit it. We need them. After all, what would a boxer be without his punching bag?
Which brings me to what your function is here, Bob. As we see it, you’re here to get insulted, abused, spat on, called names, kicked around, humilitated, shamed, and vivisected without anesthesia to relieve your suffering. That’s the function of all the trolls here, and it’s the only thing you’re good for. It’s why we keep you around instead of banning you. You’re here solely for our play and amusement.
Do you understand now? Got any questions? Are you going to run away after a few days or weeks like so many of the trolls who preceded you did? C’mon, ask yourself, are you a troll or a coward? I bring this up because it’s hard to keep our shelves stocked with trolls on this blog. They keep disappearing for some strange reason.
@29 Oh shit, he’s already gone. That didn’t take long.
I was going to explain to Bob — as he’s new and doesn’t know me — that I’ve been here for several years and I’m the all time HA posting champ with 100,000+ coments. Our friend Puddy has exhibited respectable staying power, despite our continuous abuse of him, and is in second place; he’s pushing toward 40,000 comments. Mr. Cynical, as I pointed out, previously graced these threads for several years but eventually the lure of Montana was too much for him to resist and that goatfucker is busy with other activities (hee hee hee) now — we hope his goats are keeping him happy.
There have been some other trolls with staying power, although I can’t remember their names, because trolls tend to look like boxcars on a passing train — they all spew the same bullshit talking points from the same bullshit Faux Noise, Drudge, etc. … there’s no diversity in the Wingnut Noise Machine. Whatever. We’re continually recruiting new trolls due to the high attrition that trolls suffer on this blog, and of course we’re delighted whenever a walk-on shows up, especially if he has some spine and talent.
Welcome to HorsesAss.org, Bob. You’re our newest horse’s ass, and we intend to make you feel right at home. Now bend over and take it like a real troll.
@34 Mrs. Rabbit suspects “Bob” is just another iteration of Puddy but I’m not convinced. Every poster has tell-tale “signatures,” and there are too many stylistic differences. I think “Bob” is a new troll. He obviously isn’t acclimatized to this blog the way Puddy is.
You can tell from Bob’s tight asshole.
Oh, goodness. You’re throwing the National Journal out there? Anything that might stick, I suppose.
You are really, really transparent.
Nice, I like that.
Mitt’s history of impersonating an officer of the law and his high school bullying needs a little bit more examination. Then there is his sworn allegience to a cult with it’s long history of fleeing this nation again and again in pursuit of its “One Man, Many Wives” faith, and that believes God is some 6′-2″ guy who lives on a planet in another solar system. Is Mitt’s story actually a “case history” of criminally sociopathic, perhaps even psychotic behavior? Do we really need a bullying, cop-impersonating, authority-freak cultist in the Oval Office?
No, I don’t think ‘bob’ is puddy, either. IIRC, ‘bob’ has made some comments suggesting secularity – I forget about what, evolution, maybe. I don’t think the voices in puddy’s head would allow him that kind of thespian range. And as you say, the quality of their ‘voices’ – diction, syntax, topicality – they seem very, very different.
You God Damn Liberals are interfering with my natural-born rights!
@ 42
If I had a history as someone else, wouldn’t Darryl have called it out like he did in the Election Pundit Contest thread with the other guy?
I’m no one else.
More wars have been started over religious dispute than for any other reason. That’s my secular side.
“I pray to Jesus every night.” That’s an Obama quote. If he prays to some deity that existed two millenia ago, that’s every bit as fucked-up as whatever Romney believes. Parsing religious belief is ridiculous and it’s done only for political gain. Unless Obama is hit as hard as Romney those who do it are hypocritical.
I have no idea what either candidate truly believes. I do believe that each candidate is using religion for political gain.
This election is not about religion. The overriding issue of primary importance is the economy (I tried linking to Rasmussen but it’s a March piece so I’ll spare you. Find me a link that says otherwise.).
The jobs picture improves or Obama is toast. End of story.
re 44: “I pray to Jesus every night.” That’s an Obama quote.
Are you sure. I thought he was a Muslim.
re 44: “I tried linking to Rasmussen….”
Their methodology is suspect. You can’t prove anything in these threads by linking to Rasmussen.
@ 46
Your IQ is suspect.
During Election 2008, Rasmussen Reports projected that Barack Obama would defeat John McCain by a 52% to 46% margin. Obama was 53% to 46%. In 2004, Rasmussen Reports was the only firm to project the vote totals for both candidates within half a percentage point.
@ 37
RR is seemingly proud of his 100,000 posts.
Let’s do the math:
HA around since 2004. 8 years is roughly 2900 days. RR has posted 34+ times per day, averaged over each and every day of HA’s existence.
Let’s say RR spends 8 hours a day on HA. That’s one post, every 15 minutes, for 8 hours of each day, every day, for 8 years.
That’s nothing to be proud of, RR. That’s a pathetically sad excuse for an existence.
What would ANYONE have to say that justifies that level of intrusion into the blogosphere?
Pathetic and sad. Truly sad.
OBowelMovement’s Commerce Secretary cited for Felony Hit & Run
Says he had seizures.
Will be an interesting investigation.
@ 49
Recall Bob Novak and how his brain tumor was diagnosed.
This could turn out to be something really sad. There are far more important reasons to slam Obama than this.
Sounds like it’s time to retire.
Rightwing instructions to trolls: How to highjack Democratic blogs 101
“Weakening the Democratic Base, Part 5”: Liberal Netroots So the best way of combating the liberal netroots is through a 4-point program:
“First, infiltrate the site. For this, you will have to avoid creating screen names like “GoPalinGo” or “Heartlandredstater.”
“Second: Once you are there, the second part of the strategy is to gain their trust.”
“Third: Move the conversation in the direction you desire. By doing this, ‘you can then form the debate in terms you can win’.
“Fourth and Last: Once there, you can then highjack the thread.”
Bob @ 27: “,,,The quandary is that if Axelrod accuses the GOP of stalling job growth, it’s an admission that job growth is failing under an Obama administration….
Actually, it’s an administration that has been suffering under a Republican-controlled Senate the entire time he’s been in office (every vote requires 60 vote majority to make it to the floor), and over the past two years by House Republicans who have a rather well-documented history of planning to put the economy into the dumps in the hopes that they can blame it on Obama.
These are pretty much the same people in 2008 who assured you that things weren’t as bad as the media was reporting, then tried to win an election by appeals to the hate-mongers and fearful of a black President among us, then when that didn’t work decided to hold jobless Americans hostage at Christmas 2009 in return for tax cuts for the rich that had nothing to do with jobs. Then they campaigned in 1010 on a “jobs” campaign, which they promptly forgot upon taking office.
There goes that strategy.
@ 51
Nah. Ted Kennedy dealt with his brain tumor ’til the very end. It’s how we ended up with Scott Brown in office.
Thanks, Democrats!
Mrs. Rabbit, do you have a link for those underhanded instructions?
@ 53
False. He had votes until Scott Brown replaced Kennedy.
He concentrated on Obamacare, not the economy. He’ll be hammered for it this Fall.
Here is an example where Rasmussen missed a big election by 7 points…and favored the Democrat Martha Coakley. Rasmussen’s last poll on the race found Coakley with a 2-point lead, when she in fact lost by 5 points, a 7-point error.
The lunatic left relies on a study done in 2010 by leftist Nate Silver. Silver played with the numbers to try to prove a predetermined conclusion that Rasmussen had a Republican bias. Silver has been widely discredited because his analysis was significantly skewed by including the Hawaii Senate Race..
After Election night that year, Silver concluded that Rasmussen’s polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver’s model. But he singled out a Rasmussen Poll showing Daniel Inouye only 13 points ahead, whereas in actuality he won by a 53% margin – a difference of 40 points from Rasmussen’s poll. That was an outlier polls in a race that was never in question…yet it skewed the results for Silver. Rasmussen nailed the last 2 Presidential Races….1/2 point and 1 point.
Let the jokers try to make themselves feel better by buying a silly argument created by one crazy poll. When you yank that one, Silver has little to stand on. Pollsters make mistakes in sampling occasionally.
As Darryl previously pointed out, it’s the State-by-State Electoral College polls that really matter but the nationwide popular vote polls give you an idea of national sentiment.
@ 53
In an appearance in Texas Wednesday, Mitt Romney charged that President Obama “knowingly slowed down the recovery in this country…in order to put in place Obamacare.” The president’s action, Romney said, “deserves a lot of explaining.”
Speaking to an audience at USAA, an insurance and financial services company headquartered in San Antonio, Romney cited a book, “The Escape Artists: How Obama’s Team Fumbled the Recovery,” by the liberal journalist Noam Scheiber. In the book, Scheiber discussed Obama’s thinking on the question of whether, early in his term, to focus more attention on passing a national health care law or to devote more energy to bringing about economic recovery. As Scheiber put it, Obama saw health care as a bigger long-term accomplishment. “There was a strain of messianism in Barack Obama, a determination to change the course of history,” Scheiber wrote. “And it was this determination that explained his reluctance to abandon his presidential vision.” So health care it was…
Scheiber recently wrote that Romney is “misreading” his book. But Scheiber’s explanation essentially conceded that Romney is, in fact, reading the passage correctly. ‘While he’s definitely misrepresenting Summers and the administration, there’s a kernel of truth to his interpretation of my book,” Scheiber wrote. “I argue that Obama really was more focused on long-term, historically significant accomplishments than marginal, near-term differences in the pace of the recovery. On some level, Obama was prepared to accept (and I’m making up these numbers for argument’s sake) three years of painfully high unemployment with health care reform rather than 30 months of painfully high unemployment without it. And the reason is the one Summers alluded to (before disputing): Health care was simply more historically important than avoiding those extra six months of pain.”
Elections have consequences. So do governing choices.
Great video, thanks for sharing.
@57 Do you just like lots of uninsured people? People with pre exisitings not able to get insurance? Lots of Bankruptcy? Do you just not think it’s a problem that needs to be addressed? Maybe it’s just simple greed, you don’t care what happens to anyone else, so long as you don’t get taxed.
If you don’t like Obamacare, what’s your proposal to fix it that is as good or better? After a while its not just enough to say Obamacare is bad and gleefully support it’s demise, what’s YOUR choice for a replacement?
56. Yes!! Liberal Scientist
Another excerpt: “Embrace Your Troll”
“Once there, you can then highjack the thread. In effect, you have changed the subject and tenor or the conversation and the writer of the original post has lost their ability to moderate the conversation and that creates a free-for-all that gets the conversation far off the original mark. Of course, you will be accused of “threadjacking” or, worse (drumrolls please…) being a “troll.” To this I say, of course you are a troll and you should be proud of it. Embrace your status of being a “troll” on the liberal website and carry it through to its logical conclusion. To put it bluntly: Embrace your inner troll. If they realize what is happening and accuse you of being a troll or such, or if they try to block you and your opinions, remind them of their support for the Fairness Doctrine and their reasoning for it- to ensure that both sides have a say- should allow you to have your say. Force them to practice what they preach.”
@ 57
Off-point. You stated @ 53 that Obama didn’t the ability to move on jobs because he didn’t have control, which is laughable if you recall the results of the 2008 election. I pointed out that you were wrong, in @ 59 I gave you a source that said he concentrated on health care instead of the economy (that three letter word J-O-B-S according to Biden), and now you’re switching your argument.
Aknowledge you were incorrect. Don’t try to change the argument when you don’t like where it’s going.
Obama had 60. The economy was a disaster. He prioritized something else instead.
I’ve stated my thoughts on an alternative if Obamacare goes down, elsewhere on this site. Search if you want my opinion. I don’t have to reiterate it because you don’t want to talk about how Obama’s handled the jobs issue.
54. Lol the trust part doesn’t apply but the threadjacking does and forcing lefties to practice what they preach by not kicking trolls off even when they are highjacking the thread. If the thread is right wing highjacked then their posts deserve to be deleted. Why let the right win?
re 47: Rasmussen will do an unbiased poll as an election gets really, really close so that they do not lose their credibility entirely. Their usual goal, however, is not to present a poll that reflects public opinion, but rather to produce one that will attempt to change public opinion — always , this is skewed toward Republicans.
I sometimes miss working in a horse stable as the stuff that you smell there is the real thing. You always commit these sins of ommission in your statements — which I consider to be lies.
You are either a fool or a liar. Which is it?
re 63: Off-point. You stated @ 53 that Obama didn’t the ability to move on jobs because he didn’t have control, which is laughable if you recall the results of the 2008 election.
Can you say obstructive Republican filibusters.
Another lie by ommission. Yawn…. You are such a twerp.
@ 65
You have made two unsupported statements criticizing Rasmussen.
Rasmussen tends to use likely voters rather than registered voters in their sampling.
You allege I am a liar and yet you provide no support for what you say. My comments are peppered with links supporting what I have to say.
I am a fool- I would agree – if I continue to interact with you when you have no justification for what you say, asswipe.
You’re best ignored. You’re not as stupid as Rujax, which makes your comments even worse, since you can do better and choose not to.
@ 66
60 votes is a filibuster-proof majority and Obama had that for several months.
re 63: “Obama had 60. The economy was a disaster. He prioritized something else instead.”
Lieberman was a member of the ‘Lieberman Party’, Ben Nelson voted with Republicans for the most part, there was that woman from Arkansas who voted with Republicans.
More lies of ommission. Yawn….
Will right wing heads finally unlodge themselves from you-know-where???
Not likely..
@ 69
And yet ARRA passed, with some Senate GOP votes – Nelson likely was permitted to vote No when it became apparent that there were three GOP votes in favor. Show me where Lieberman voted No on a major Obama initiative. He’s in line with the Dems on economy, he differs primarily on defense and foreign policy issues.
You forgot to mention that Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat and therefore shouldn’t be counted, according to you idiocy. This is historical revisionism. Obama had the ability to move and he worked on something else instead.
re 67: “Rasmussen tends to use likely voters….”
who by happenstance are Republicans.
Another lie. Why don’t you tell the truth sometimes just for variety’s sake? Your mindset is so blockheadedly partisan that you can’t understand the world you live in.
“Republicans have got to move beyond believing things and into the realm of knowing things.” Newt Gingrich
Uhh.. No mention of cell phones in this thread.
re 71: “And yet ARRA passed, with some Senate GOP votes ….”
It was compromised so much with the Republican blockheads so that it would be a lot less than was really needed to jumpstart the economy.
Another lie…. Yawn….
@ 72
Using ‘likely voters’ does skew results to the Republican side, yes.
Because the average Republican registered voter is more likely to vote than the average Democrat registered voter. It’s not a ‘lie’, it’s a result of voter behavior in each party. GOP voters are more likely to actually cast a ballot. BTW they are less likely to agree to participate in exit polls.
This is part of the point I was making in the Election Pundit Contest thread from last week.
It should make Rasmussen more accurate than if it used a ‘registered voter’ sample. Perhaps Darryl could weigh in here, which I would welcome.
re 73 — Good point. Older, more conservative people are more likely to have land lines.
re 75: “Using ‘likely voters’ does skew results to the Republican side, yes.” And that destroys the validity of the Rasmussen polls.
@ 74
So now we’re shifting our argument to the bill being ineffective because the GOP forced it to be ineffective.
If only it were not for the Pelosi comment:
“We won the election. We wrote the bill.”
I see the higher-IQ participants of HA have left it to the B-team to defend Obama today. It shows.
Done here.
@ 73
Be more specific, please. To what poll are you referring? Or are you not referring to a poll at all?
Shorter goebbels rabbit: I’m a fucking loser with no life.
That about sums it up.
@71 Obama did make jobs a priority… the stimulus package was one of the first things done in 2009. In fact, one of Ted Kennedy’s last votes was a vote to break a Republican filibuster of that stimulus bill. He was a dead man walking at that point, but he had enough left in him to know what mattered.
I stand corrected. Last week was a good week for the Democrats:
Nope. No “War On Workers”…no way.
Completely fabricated.
re 71: “You forgot to mention that Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat and therefore shouldn’t be counted, according to you idiocy.”
I think the true idiot would equate Liberman, Nelson, et al — with Bernie Sanders –(speaking of ‘likely voters’)
@ 81
OK, something that was in process before he took office was signed about 5 weeks after he took office. You now have only 40 months of his presidency to account for.
re 82: Even a blind pig can find a truffle now and again.
I already posted links that showed the republicans plotting to resist any and every initiative to help the economy that the democrats proposed. Never has a president had to deal with this level of obstructionism. They would destroy the economy just to get back into power.
@ 84
How many times since the 2008 election have Lieberman and Ben Nelson both voted No on an economic bill the Democrats wanted? I don’t know the answer but I suspect the answer is zero.
If Lieberman has always supported the major economic goals of the Dems, what does his identification matter, if he continues to call himself an Independent Democrat and caucus with the Dems?
You have no point insofar as Lieberman is concerned, here, sorry.
@ 87
Are rhp and NTfF the same person?
From the “NO FUCKING SHIT!!” department:
re 85: Less the months following the 2010 mid-term elections where Republicans took over the House with the promise of creating more jobs.
You seem to be saying that Republicans did not obstruct the Democratsin 2009, but Democrats are obstructing Republican efforts at creating jobs.
That’s sad. You can’t think straight.
As for the ‘B team’ being left to dispose of your ilk, maybe our brainiacs did not feel compelled to respond to you riposte in #82: “Heeeeeeeyyyaaarrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Yup, two different people. Cannot help it if great minds think alike.
re 88: “I don’t know the answer but I suspect the answer is zero.”
That may or may not be right, but are you trying to forward your position with what you suspect?
Why don’t you call up some ‘likely voters’ and see if they agree with you?
I suspect they will.
@ 91
Regarding your second sentence, I would say that both sides are doing a good job obstructing the other. I think just fine.
From the GOP perspective, it can be argued that after ARRA, Cash for Clunkers, and the $8K tax credit for first time homeowners, plus the mortgage modification program, none of which did much of anything but cost an awful lot, the Dems have pretty much shot their wad at trying to make things better, and growing public sector jobs to stimulate the economy shouldn’t have any greater chance at success.
Pretty good argument. Republicans will carry it home.
Meanwhile, did you see the uniform Mitt wore when he was 18? Crreeeeeeppppppyyyyyyyy.
Yeah, we’re feeling pretty confident these days:
That bub would claim that Obama didn’t face huge political challenges in 2009-2010 that limited what could get done is the height of dishonesty – though what else would you expect from bub?
From the get-go there was broad Republican and Conservadem obstruction to doing anything that might be considered effective for the economy.
The $800 Billion that was passed was WAY overloaded with ineffectual tax-breaks and other limitations designed to undercut its effectiveness. The Republicans have never wanted any sort of success to occur during an Obama Administration and are willing to treasonously poison the economy to see that done.
AND, as dorky above said, pivoting to health care addressed a massive problem with the society and the economy. It was a reasonable, rational, necessary project.
Bub paints a false picture as he mainlines the latest Republican talking point du jour – that Obama made a mistake ‘ignoring’ the economy in favor of passing ‘Obamacare’.
Bub is here to sow FUD, not among the regulars, who know better and come around precisely to kick troll ass, but rather among the many many lurkers and occasional readers who might be reached by spewing conservative talking lies, er, points, on a liberal blog.
Fuck off, bub.
Painfully dishonest bullshit.
Why, yes, I read about that.
Very, VERY weird that Mitt had a (purloined?) Michigan State Trooper uniform when he went to Stanford as an undergrad, and liked wearing and impersonating a police officer to the point of putting a flashing red light on his Rambler (!) and pulling random people over.
So, along with impersonating a cop, and gay-bashing, and enjoying firing people, and not employing Mexicans because, for gosh-sakes, he’s running for President, Mittens is a totally normal buy. Wanna bet $10,000?
I find the gay bashing, or rather the gang gay bashing, parts of Mittster’s past most disturbing.
I’m waiting for stories about harming animals (besides the dog on the roof) to come out.
Remember W? Blowing up frogs with fire crackers as a kid? One of the most robust predictors of future sociopathic behavior – harming defenseless animals as a child.
Say – let’s have a contest and vote! And everybody gets to vote – this isn’t an election run by Republicans! What story to come out (so far!) about Mitt’s whacky whack past gives you the most pause, is most disturbing, when you think about him being President?
-Impersonating a state trooper?
-Protesting in favor of a war in which he tried really really hard to avoid himself?
-Putting a gang together to assault gay classmates?
-“I don’t worry about poor people”
-“I like to fire people”
-“Corporations are people”
– God is a 6’2″ guy who lives on the planet Kobol?
– “We’re going to end Planned Parenthood”
@ 96
False. I made no claim.
I stated that for several months he had control of both houses of Congress.
“We won the election. We wrote the bill.” If the bill had something wrong with it, own it. You got, what, three GOP votes and Cao’s vote in the House?
You are losing the argument and resorting to profanity.
It’s not just the GOP that smells Dem blood in the water this Fall. Your side isn’t stupid. They know Obama is flailing and they have nothing better to offer. Clinton is piling on. Obama’s bain attack was blunted by numerous sources on his own team.
Time to ask Obama to step back and draft Hillary.
The republicans did not bother to put forth a credible health care alternative. They were fine with the broken system, since having been elected, republicans get free socialist government healthcare for the rest of their lives. They go theirs, to hell with everyone else. Obamacare is not great, but it’s better than what we had before and it can be improved.
Yet Conservative republicans and democrats have fought every opportunity to improve on the health care bill, to improve on the clunky parts. The conservatives should be rightly be blamed for that.
@100. False. I made no claim.
I agree, you are very good with the weasel words. You imply, you infer, you write with double meanings, you are very careful in your words, so you have plausible dependability. That’s why I assume you are a paid troll poster.
The two that disturb me for the fate of the country are
-”Corporations are people”
-”I don’t worry about poor people”
On a personal level
Mitt – Putting a gang together to assault gay classmates
For his admin, I see him wanted to do everything for the corporations, nothing for the poor, and a personal hobby of stripping gay people of any equality they may have achieved.
The only limits he would have would be will of the congress and how bad it would make him look in the press and court of public opinion.
@ 101
Try again and this time make some sense. GOP congressional members get free health care and therefore they don’t care about health care?
That’s idiotic. This must be your Mr. Hyde identity.
Obamacare was rammed through. Nothing the GOP tried to do was given any credence whatsoever, and why should it have been? This started when Obama had 60 votes.
There are worthwhile parts of Obamacare, yes. Some of them will be retained in new legislation when the monster is killed.
What efforts to improve on the health care bill? No one knew what was in it at the time it was voted on. It was a 2000 page crap sandwich that had to be swallowed. There was no time to break it down to its components and ‘improve’ it. “We have to pass the bill so we can find out what’s in it.” or something like that.
You are reverting to historical revisionism. There was no effort to work with the GOP on this. Obama had one chance, he was running out of time and running out of political support, and Dems rammed it through. Any characterization of it other than a horribly flawed, rushed boondoggle is dishonest.
In your dreams, and Fuck You.
I don’t give a fuck what Rush is snorting, check out the ND Senate polls, from Mason-Dixon, a right-leaning outfit:
The very core, the absolute essence, of Republicanism.
No one here takes orders from you, bub.
“Obamacare”, AKA Romneycare, was a Heritage Foundation plan cooked up in the 90s.
Your lies are growing disappointingly transparent.
Did you come up with that, or is it on a list somewhere?
I’d call last week a wash.
The recall effort did get most of the people they targeted recalled, but overall it probably wasn’t worth it.
Perhaps not – most of them were entitled rich assholes to begin with, and would have access to good healthcare no matter what.
They just constitutively believe that poor people should be poorer, and that working people should work harder. And, of course, have less.
@ 106
You’re right. Pretty funny:
In fact, in a recent interview with the Hill, Heitkamp hedged on the question of whether she would support Harry Reid as majority leader in the Senate, though a spokesman later clarified that she would support Reid. Heitkamp has also said President Barack Obama has “failed in the one test America had for him, which was to unite the country.”
re 104: “That’s idiotic. This must be your Mr. Hyde identity.”
If they were true to their espoused ‘principles’, they would refuse the government handout of free healthcare and buy their own on the ‘open market.
Oh. My. god.
*Palm slap forehead*
Work with the GOP? Work with….
HAHAHAHHAHAHA – bob made a funny!
re 113: The Weekly Standard carries as much weight here as Murdick’s Enquirer.
@113 spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin……..
@ 105
I think, on the evening of the first Tuesday this November, at about 8:01 p.m. PST, my first post will be directed to you, Lib Sci.
I’m quite looking forward to the next five months.
Aren’t you?
I’ve had enough toying with bub…I don’t get paid for this…got work to do.
Didn’t see 118 before I posted 119…one last thing, to quote George W Bush, our “War President”:
Bring it on.
Fortunately, The One has George Clooney to help him navigate:
Computer model shows perfect storm for Obama
By Dan Lothian, CNN White House Correspondent
Try again and this time make some sense. GOP congressional members get free health care and therefore they don’t care about health care?
Yup. They are your republicans. I cannot explain them.
re 118: The secret Swiss bank account will be revisited. Only a bum would need to hide their income.
@104: Do you call being debated for a year and a half “rammed through”? It took nearly an entire Congress to get the various bills introduced, to be amended, to be argued over, to get feedback on it from constituents, to hear testimony, to be amended more, to finally roll all the House and Senate versions into one, and at long last to vote on them and get the president to sign it. A year and a half. That’s just about a paragon of open government and democratic process. How long did the Patriot Act take to pass? How long was the Iraq War Resolution debated? For that matter, how long was it in between 9/11 and deciding that invading Afghanistan, which has been a death trap for world powers since at least the British Empire, would be a good idea? By my recollection, it was a month. Six weeks at best. Six weeks in which the United States gave the Taliban almost no chances to hand over Osama bin Laden. Granted, they very well may not have done so, or been capable of doing so even if they had wanted.
But getting back to your point, the idea that the health care bill was “rammed through” is a folly. I wish it had been a better bill, but we are stuck with it, and no one can say that it was not sufficiently debated.
Health care proposal by the GOP, 230 page draft proposal.
Notable passages include;
Democrats immediately dismissed the Republican plan as insubstantial.
House Democrats, meanwhile, were working overtime to put the finishing touches on their 10-year, $1.2 trillion bill, which they released last week.
So a GOP proposal was deemed essentially DOA and the Dems were finishing off a bill they had barely introduced in early November. The Senate voted on it in the early morning hours Xmas Eve, when they thought no one was watching.
There was no debate. GOP proposal dismissed out of hand. Dems had the 60 votes and they cared not what the GOP had to say.
A bill being ‘worked on’ over that period of time, but not shown to the other side, does not constitute debate and you know it.
@ 124
It’s been sufficiently debated in the last several weeks, I shall grant you that.
RE: Wisconsin
I’ve been getting into the Strauss-Howe generational theory of American History lately and I’m starting to wonder if the whole Wisconsin thing was as much a Baby Boomer* thing than a left/right thing. Baby Boomers seem way more ideologically charged and need to fight about everything than my parents and their friends who were born in the 1930’s, those of us in the 13th Generation (Generation X was Billy Idol’s first band), and I’ve always been blown away by my nieces and nephews( aged 12 through 24, and their friends ability to work collaboratively.
*Walker isn’t a baby boomer, (born in 1967)but most of the other folks in leadership positions were and there’s always going to be outliers.
I’m also not that sure that Walker himself was acting under highly ideological reasoning. Walker seem more like a criminal boss that wants to help his friends and punish his enemies*, that an political ideologue to me.
*All Walker did was take money away from people that didn’t vote for him and give it to people that did vote for him.
@ 127
Way, way over my head, that.
Hey, Rujax, what’s your impression of Michael’s hypothesis?
Isn’t Illinois a high-unemployment state?
Associated Press
8:32 a.m. CDT, June 11, 2012
A day after the deadline for its latest contract proposal passed, Caterpillar has started advertising for replacement workers to fill in for striking workers at its plant in Joliet.
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers represents 780 workers at Joliet who went on strike on May 1.
bob, you have a weasel word habit of citing republican legislation without going into the details. You don’t look into the WHY it may have been rejected which if you did, it would be obvious to a non troll. From the very link you provided the details show it was a much WORSE health care reform bill, just a give away to republican special interests.
Please stop giving us troll facts and pass them off as real data.
More of the same, does not qualify as a legit republican attempt. At least not to thinking people.
@ 128
Let’s look back on the ARRA act and remove the checks mailed out to everyone, who then banked it rather than spending it because they were afraid of losing their job.
*All Walker did was take money away from people that didn’t vote for him and give it to people that did vote for him.
How is that statement different from what the Dems did in their ‘infrastructure’ spending in ARRA?
#132 Shorter bob
“Look at the shiny false equivalency! Look! Look!”
I don’t think either was criminal, since you want me to elaborate.
But I think they may be seen as comparable actions. Each resulted in a gain primarily to the supporters of the party of the executive and legislators involved in passing those bills.
Taking your comment at face value, it would suggest that Obama, who’s only nominally a Baby Boomer, was acting out of something other than a highly partisan, ideological mindset. It would support my theory and down play the calls of “socialist” from the political right.
“… it was just a month ago that President Obama was bragging about the fact that he has shrunk government employment. ”
Nothing you can say or Obama did or could do will down play the calls of “socialist” from the political right. Nothing.
@ 135
Only ‘nominally’?
He’s my age. I was born in 1961. That’s in the middle of the boomer range (’45-’65) more than it’s at the edges.
You didn’t hear me call ‘socialist’, at least I don’t think so.
I believe him to be an incompetent ideologue. That doesn’t look as good with the Joker facepaint, tho.
@ 137
What’s worse, the right calling Obama a socialist or the left calling GWB43 Hitler?
I’m not defending the right, but the left gave for eight years and now they’ve got their collective panties in a twist because their own guy has three-plus years in office and that thing he said about three-and-out back in 2009 is looming awfully prescient right about now.
Private sector UP, Public sector DOWN
But facts don’t matter to bob.
Now let’s parse bob’s weasel words:
It’s a ronney spokesman talking so already you know it is propaganda.
So what did President Obama actually say, that is being quoted out of context?
President Obama wasn’t bragging, he was saying he had absolutily no bi partisian support so republcians should be not be calling government bloated, AND if President Obama had any support at freaking all from the republicans in congress he would have acted like the past republicans and implemented government hiring, helping the economy.
But as has been posted by so many, the current republicans would gut the economy to get back in power. And bob knows it.
Weren’t the government jobs under Reagan and Bush national defense-related?
And were the jobs that were created by those presidents a cause of economic growth, or a result of it?
I don’t know so I am asking.
The following might give you some insight into why some on the left may have leveled an accusatory finger at the Bush administration when it came to fascist leanings. There’s no glib way out of it. It’s plain to see the truth of the matter:
Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections
You seem to think the word “socialist” is some sort of bad word equivalent to Hitler.
Sweden, Finland and Denmark are democratic socialist countries and it seems to be working pretty good for them.
I think ‘socialist’ is a fine thing to be, if one so desires. I don’t think socialist thought should be the defining basis for our government.
@ 142
Dr. Lawrence Britt could be a dentist although google typically calls him a political scientist.
I was not able to find out where he is/was based. Something Colorado-related came up but the link didn’t go anywhere.
If he published it in some sort of refereed journal you might have something. Otherwise he might just as well be Rujax or RR. Haven’t decided which would be worse. I think Rujax is distantly related to Biden, tho.
@144 “I don’t think socialist thought should be the defining basis for our government.”
A totally irrelevant comment, because we don’t have a socialist government in our country.
@145 “might just as well be Rujax or RR. Haven’t decided which would be worse.”
Thank you! I’m a sucker for compliments. They bowl me over every time.
Guns Are The Problem Dep’t
“A West Virginia man who was hitchhiking across the United States and writing a memoir titled ‘The Kindness of America’ was shot by a motorist in a random attack in northeastern Montana, authorities say.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given that human nature doesn’t change, we should be looking at human nature’s access to guns. P.S., the suspect arrested by police is a 52-year-old white male from Washington state who “has a long rap sheet.” Wonder if he was a Dino Rossi voter?
House Republicans want to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in “contempt of Congress” because his department objected to handing over documents whose disclosure could compromise ongoing criminal investigations.
I don’t think socialist thought should be the defining basis for our government.
You could not HONESTLY call this country a socialist country and the republicans are doing their hardest to stop or obliterate any element that comes close. Look at their plan to privatize social security and their obstruction on health care.
@118 “I think, on the evening of the first Tuesday this November, at about 8:01 p.m. PST, my first post will be directed to you, Lib Sci.”
You’re planning a graceful concession speech? Almost no one on Wall Street, where people bet with real money, thinks Romney will win.
That would be Rep. Darrell “Former Car Thief” Issa, who is still pissed that the recall of Gray Davis that he engineered and hoped thereby to replace was swiped by Ahnuld Schwarzenegger.
Derrell Issa always looks constipated to me.
@113 “President Barack Obama has “failed in the one test America had for him, which was to unite the country.””
To do that, he would have to order all the Democrats be shot, until there are only Republicans left, because your pals aren’t interested in “uniting” with anyone who doesn’t think exactly like them.
@113 “President Barack Obama has “failed in the one test America had for him, which was to unite the country.””
You have to have a slightly cooperative other side to have any chance of uniting. Given the complete stonewalling by the current republicans who’s only goal is regaining power, who would only cooperate when cornered like a rat in a trap, that was impossible.
Boastful Bob @44: “The jobs picture improves or Obama is toast. End of story.”
That might be true in a normal election, but these are unusual times, and I don’t think voters necessarily will blindly trust a guy with a history of stripping companies, closing plants, firing workers, and destroying jobs. Romney will have to show he’s got a better plan. So far, he’s shown us no plan.
@48 “Let’s say RR spends 8 hours a day on HA.”
It’s more like 30 – 45 minutes, spread through the day. I can type 100+ words per minute, which is pretty good for a rabbit.
@48 (continued) “RR is seemingly proud of his 100,000 posts.”
Jealous? You seem to be trying hard to overtake me. You’ve racked up a pretty good total in your first week.
to Liberal Scientist at 56
There, fixed it for ya..free of charge.
Isnt George (C)looney one of the evul 1%??
06/11/2012 AT 4:57 PM
and if anyone believes that, I have some great oceanfront property right next to Rujaxoff’s house thats for sale..
re 144: “I don’t think socialist thought should be the defining basis for our government.”
I think that Fabian Socialism would be a much better basis for our government than the 3rd rate novels of an ex-patriate Russian sociopath (Ayn Rand for the layman).
re 145: “During the 2004 election cycle, an email chain letter began circulating, attributed to one “Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist,” who had apparently written a 14-point article listing the defining characteristics of fascist regimes. There was something to the email, and we’ll get to it in a minute, but first let’s address a few misconceptions. First of all, there is no “Dr. Lawrence Britt.” The author of the 14-point fascism inventory, Laurence Britt, is a former corporate executive who wrote and published a dystopian novel about right-wing extremism, titled June 2004, during the height of the Lewinsky scandal. That is, to the best of my knowledge, his only published volume.”
“Does that mean that his article is invalid? Not at all. All of the 14 points he identifies can potentially threaten our civil liberties, and they are all points that the United States has in common with the twentieth century’s most frightening fascist regimes.”
“Dr.” Britt never claimed to be a Dr.
Weakening the Democratic Base, Part 5: Liberal Netroots
First, infiltrate the site.
Once you are there, the second part of the strategy is to gain their trust. For this, you cannot be too overtly gung-ho conservative in your outlook.
The third step is to move the conversation in the direction you desire. By doing this, you can then form the debate in terms you can win.
Once there, you can then highjack the thread. To put it bluntly: Embrace your inner troll.
Typical republican, when we cannot gain hearts and minds on the strength of our ideas and values, CHEAT.
Effin delusional as ever headless the racist! How are those field hands today?
So easy to find so many SMACKDOWNS to post like the media is definitely libtard like this one…
So as all can see Halperin and Matthews are part of the vast libtard 1%ers steering the news donko!
OOOOOO BOY, puddles found Halperin and Matthews fellating each other – two of the larger, more irrelevant hacks around – and this is an indictment of….nothing.
Puddles establishes his irrelevance daily.
More BULLSHITTIUM from rhp6033
Your most worthless ANALysis is wrong again. You better return to bed dude. Who was Al Franken ya moron? Of course you don’t remember because libtardoism is a mental disorder!
Truth smacks Lib da schmuck in the face and another ad hominem attack.
Notice he never refutes FACTS but likes to play with himself.
Oh my Tom Donilon looks like the White House leaker. Valerie Plame, special prosecutor, Scooter Libby.
GWBush – leaks to make him look bad
Obummer – leaks to make him look good
Stuxnet – leaked to NY Times
Seal Team 6 – leaked by Obummer
Watch the next comment from Lib da schmuck!
An exchange between Halperin and Matthews are factual evidence of something? Other than manifest hackitude?
You grow more pathetic, more pressured in your disturbance daily.
Obummer what private sector are you talking about?
Remember the Obummer attack against McCain on the economy fundamentals. Turnabout is very fair play!
@172 What turnabout? You guys don’t have any turnabout. All you’ve got is the same tired old quack ideology that got us into this mess.
A North Carolina cult leader shot his 4-year-old stepson because he suspected the boy might be gay. He also murdered one of his three common-law wives.
Why doesn’t ylb call him president?
So why does a full recipe short of a brain not call Obummer president?
re 165: “Effin delusional as ever headless the racist! How are those field hands today?”
Puddy’s no one’s sockpuppet. He’s his own nincompoop.
Clear Channel is paying Glenn Beck $100 million to spew hate for 5 more years.
Here’s a list of Glenn Beck advertisers.
“Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Etc.)
Wouldn’t it be great if a Republican presidential candidate could just buy the support of just about every major conservative talk show host in America? Well, it may not be as far-fetched as you may think.”
So Lib da schmuck disagreed Chris Matthews comment on Chris Christie
Just checking…
Chris Christie is a fatfatfat know-nothing fuckhead…
…just like the fucking fuck, puddypussy.
headless the racist dorky dorkhead BULLSHITTIUM…
How do you know DUMMOCRAPTS lie… just look at their links.
Does anyone know what the dumb cinder block rujax ever sez?
NOPE, he’s a real DOPE.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
That’s REAL socialism there. Yessirreee Bobbbeeee!!!
Why do libtards want to shut up their opponents?
Cause their weak arguments fall flat!
I said “the puddypssy is a stupid, fat, jnow-nothing piece-of-shit.
That ought to be clear enough even for you, you fucking ignoramus.
Hmmm past 27 months, well let’s look athe the BLS facts
Start of the 27 months… 129,713,000
End of the 27 months… 133,727,000
Feb 14, 2009 Porkulus bill passes – told unemployment would not rise about 8% – 131,314,000
October first Obummer budget 130,674,000
job loss 640,000
Job losses up to his start of the 27 months… 1,601,000
Net jobs “created” from Porkulus until now just 2,413,000. So we see how Obummer uses facts.
hey everyone! Rujax, our shop steward broom pusher is here!
can you guess why he makes $12/hour? I bet you can!
Chris Christie’s porkitude is not relevant to policy.
However, as you demonstrate from time to time, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
You have a very annoying, very juvenile habit of thinking in very black-and-white, very concrete terms. I call Matthews a hack, and you throw something up that he said that you think I’ll agree with.
It’s a very childish and superficial way of looking at the world. It lacks nuance and subtly. It’s very Republican.
BTW, you still haven’t told me when god did all this creatin’ – was it October 4004 BC? If no, then when was it, in your mythology?
Why do Republicans want to prevent their opponents from voting?
Still waiting for the rujax list of facts challenge here… Wait, he’s too stupid to process data and provide facts!
Notice he answers a question with a question. Well he is a moron and a schmuck!
Heh.. I’d be happy to answer that. But first..
Which union is it? Even Mr Klynical says not all unions are bad..
What are you hiding?
Media policy is liberal bent. This is proven over and over. Never answers a question.
Keep swinging the koro arschloch ylb. You also claimed you’d tell the world if your wife was not working the day the SEIU leader showed up in Seattle at the 10 second mark.
I’d be happy to answer that too..
Which union is it?
@196, a broken record… IGNORED
One sorry mofo, trying to make me his beta. You are my beta boi!
Daily Kooks… the bible of rujax.
Heh. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s news from DL. According to PuddyFabulist, there’s gonna be an undercover FBI agent trying to track me down!
Forget the flunky. I want agent Scully-Jack!
Maybe I’ll call her or e-mail her.
Where did I say that? Careful fool… 63rd attack EPIC FAYLE like the past 62! His previous attack faylure Xavier Alvarez, fake CMOH idiot. Is he one of your peeps arschloch ylb?
It’s all in that thread I pointed to.
No relation that I know of but you said Roger Rabbit reminds you of Alvarez.
Obummer’s bud, Tom Donilon and his big mouth!
Really? Whatadunce!
Never said tomorrow ya idiot so prove it!
Imagine at a DL an FBI agent arrives to discuss your antics. Yeah… that would be really nice.
Can’t wait!
Thanks for playing ya liar! EPIC FAYLE #64.
Such a pathetic person. I am so glad to own you!
So where is the Alvarez quote now? Watch the hijack out of context everyone!
Since Puddy met the Rabbit Puddy knows his name isn’t Xavier, but the Rabbit acts like him.
Naah. I’m not calling Agent Willhemina “Dana” Scully-Jack..
I don’t trust the FBI. Especially if the Agent is friendly with the insane one @ 205.
Awwwwwwww… So disappointed. I thought you had better pull to grease the wheels of “justice”..
EPIC FAYLE #65. Xavier was bragging about his Vietnam prowess. Roger DUMB Rabbit brags about his Vietnam prowess. That’s the equation moron!
Man, you are ONE STUPID MOFO. Do you actually practice being this stupid? You must. Do you understand how to create a useful databaze search? You don’t. You wouldn’t get past the first interview where I work. Never in a million years! You are worthless as a crazed databaze freakazoid!
Ummm yes you did!
WhatanASShole from his own words.
Did what? Call her?? Nope. No communications between myself and Agent Scully-Jack.
Just saw her picture on the website.
ZzzzzZzzzz. That all you got?
And one (Alvarez) is bullshitting and the other is relating actual experiences in theatre (Roger Rabbit)..
You’re making a false equivalence.. Looks to me you’re full of bullshit on this.. Oh so what’s new?
But thanks for playing. I’m bored. Later.
Let’s repeat…
Man, you are ONE STUPID MOFO. Do you actually practice being this stupid? You must. Do you understand how to create a useful databaze search? You don’t. You wouldn’t get past the first interview where I work. Never in a million years! You are worthless as a crazed databaze freakazoid!
The words of ylb… now he’s lying @211.
213 – Alvarez might remind Darryl of you Puddybud.. Remember Darryl concluded that you’re a pathological liar..
Wish I could feel sorry for you because if this is true, you can’t help yourself.. You’re sick..
I guess my lack of empathy in your case is on me.
214 – No lie. You gave me the link to the website.
You’re going to lie about that too. Of course you are. You can’t help yourself.
@185 “Why do libtards want to shut up their opponents?”
Why do you assume I want to shut him up? I just don’t want to give my money to the companies who give him money.
@187 Obama’s stimulus created 2.4 million jobs? That really sticks in your craw, doesn’t it? Especially since many of them were cop, firefighter, and teacher jobs. As Romney said, we don’t need no cops, firefighters, or teachers!
@204 Shouldn’t be too hard to spot the FBI agent. She’s the one drinking the Shirley Temple.
Europe’s Voodoo Economics
“NEW YORK, June 10 (Reuters) – Europe’s plan to lend money to Spain to heal some of its banks may not work because the government and the country’s lenders will in effect be propping each other up, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said. ‘The system … is the Spanish government bails out Spanish banks, and Spanish banks bail out the Spanish government …. It’s voodoo economics,’ Stiglitz said ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now I know why he won a Nobel Prize — he understands a circle.
Spain’s theory is 2 one-legged guys can walk by holding on to each other.
How To Immediately Create A Global Depression In One Easy Step
“U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., … suggested that instead of increasing loans to troubled European economies, … the purse strings should be tightened ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good thing she wasn’t around in 1930 or we’d still be stuck in the Great Depression.
When a financial crisis hits, Republicans love to be Lucy snatching away the football.
Another potential metaphor is a Republican dangling a lifering over the rail after a boat passenger falls overboard, but never throws it to the drowning man, and laughs at him the whole time.
I should get a literary prize for that one.
I’ll bet McMorris-Rodgers would be the first person to yell for a bailout if the bank where her money is deposited went belly up.
O’ the irony.
Nothing that comes out of that woman’s mouth is true and she does nothing for her district. Yet, she’ll probably win re-election by at least 8%.
Coming Soon: SCOTUS Decision On Obamacare
We’re most likely looking at June 25 as the date SCOTUS will announce its decision, and the rumor mill says there will be four “majority” decisions. Time magazine sees Kennedy as casting the deciding vote on individual mandate. This week’s edition of Barron’s, a conservative business-oriented investing magazine, reported tbat Wall Street expects an Obama victory. Some sources believe if Obamacare — or the individual mandate, loss of which would gut the law — is struck down the Democrats’ most obvious path forward would be making Medicare universal. Thus, an Obama defeat on this legislation could pave the way for single-payer — a potential “unintended consequence” that opponents of health care reform seem not to have considered very much. Ironically, Obama’s scheme is much friendlier to private businesses than expanding Medicare — and they call him a “socialist”!
Secret Swiss bank account? Lots of North African dictators and South American tinhorn dictators have secret Swiss accounts.
Big deal crazy blabberwocky LIBTARDIAN!!!!!
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
@231. That was an unattributed quote from the free republic.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:54:25 AM by invaderzim
I heard the quote below read on the Glenn Beck radio program today.
“The danger to America blah blah blah