– I think Joel is overselling the problems with installing a streetcar. I mean traffic where they’re installing one now isn’t great, but it isn’t in the best of times. And it’s not that much worse than it has been in the past (yes, Joel sites some examples, but there isn’t much concrete data).
– UW kids against the Kochs
Thank you Barack Obama for having “.the. .most. .transparent. .administration. .ever.”
In Portland, one of the biggest boosters of the streetcar there was originally an opponent, the owner of Powell’s Books. The construction of the Westside MAX line was very disruptive, the proposed line was going to surround his building. What changed was he did his research, on the construction method to be used, and when his fear of lengthy delays were alleviated, he was recruiting other business owners.
Also, streetcar development is changing, going from a circulator function, to a line haul function.
If this domestic spying is as fabulous a tool against terrorism as some of our politicos claim it is, why couldn’t the NSA stop the Tsarnaev brothers? Not only that, but after the Boston Marathon bombing our government didn’t have a clue about who did it; and when they did figure who did it, they couldn’t find them. The feds finally located these Chechen terrorists because of citizen crimestopper tips.
@1 I didn’t hear you complaining about that when your party was doing it. Don’t forget, it was a GOP president who set all this up, and got the ball rolling. This is yet another bucket of rancid slime that Obama inherited from his predecessor.
SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… Puddy asked this last week. Need to see the link dopey one? Man you are really slow at the uptake lately!
Cry Puddy a Effin river you partisan hack SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Did Puddy brag Puddy was a partisan hack like you? Right now the HA clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb is checking the crazed databaze! Pavlov calls it… Wait for it!
You and your ilk are the ones screaming about Bush doing this and that. EXCEPT… Bush NEVER went this far. The big smell will be when they prove a connection between this and the IRS! Now we know Obummer was trapping everything domestic.
You are a real mental moron SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
One European train manufacturer that I would not want to see get any more contracts in the US, is Ansaldobreda. Seems several of their projects have had problems. This was the same company that built the Tunnel Buses for Metro, have had problems with Light Rail Vehicles that they supplied to Boston, San Francisco(these two had demanding specs to meet), and Los Angeles, and now they are countersuing the National Railway of Belgium and Netherlands as both are canceling ordets for high speed trains from this company. The new “private” high speed operator in Italy went with the newest model from French maker Alstom. Part of the reason, while the head of Ferrari is a major investor, a minor partner is the French National Railway, SNCF.
Puddy guesses Michael Brown won’t be on Hannity with his left wrong garbage anymore!!!
@4 In reality, it’s been going on since long before the turn of the millenium. There was a big flap over 20 years ago, when use of email and “Usenet” was becoming pervasive, when it was revealed that the NSA was running keyword scans on almost every message that passed through the Internet “backbone”. At the time, a large portion of the user community responded by using long email signatures that consisted of a long list of presumed flags like “anarchist” and “explosives”. The idea was to attempt to overwhelm the NSA’s systems by forcing them to save every message, no matter how trivial. Nowadays, that wouldn’t do much, since the NSA’s storage facilities are so much larger and more of their analysis is automated.
@ Ah, yes…the legendary “tunnel turkeys”. Seems those have found a new life as electric-only trolleys, with their Detroit Diesel smoke-and-noise generators removed and a third door added.
10) Actually, I remember that the third door was always on the bredas, METRO omitted it on the New Flyer’s probably because except for the 41,71,72, and 73, most tunnel routes are suburban routes.
A photo of a Breda in Sound Transit colors that I found on a busfan’s photostream I have visited over the years.
I fully support Ed Snowden’s outing of the NSA’s unconstitutional monitoring of Americans’ communications. What part of the 4th Amendment does the NSA not understand?
(If we stopped meddling overseas, maybe we would could get along without a CIA or NSA??)
Uhhh Who again?? HAHAHAHA! What an idiot!
Uhh Wait a sec… Didnt “I report on this website” about the attitude of the Krackpot Klownservative Turtleman???
Yeah I did.. That turtleman don’t like Obama, HATES him even but he hates “transparency” even more! Wouldn’t want that for a klownservative krackpot Preznit – like the failed R-Money.
Oh yeah these klownservatives of the krackpot kaucus didn’t get the memo either.
According to PStupid they’re supposed to be asking second term President Obama to resign!
O wow!
What sort of “lefty” is this guy? What’s this Koch Bros sycophant doing on the same page as Glenn Greenwald?
Doctor Games
The problem with having an affair with a fellow doctor is, when you try to end it, she knows about sneaky medical ways to kill you.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For the spurned woman bent on revenge, spiking your lover’s coffee is cleaner, less obvious, and leaves less evidence than stabbing the guy 30 times, then shooting him in the head, then trying to claim self-defense. If this gal ends up in the same cell as Jodi Arias, maybe she can teach Jodi a thing or three about how to get away with murder … oops.
LMAO!!! We have a troofer among us people! Serving us a krackpot klownservative konspiracy!
Sorry troofer, keep working the “rosy palm” on that one. From the troofer’s favorite new emmmessemm outlet:
Sorry troofer. Like Ryan, Issa is a big jerkoff, jerking off idiots like you..
I’m enjoying seeing the air let out of this right wing bullshit “scandal” that has created so many jobs for the american people.
@12 You’re not troubled even a teensy bit by the concept of low level employees/contractors/flunkies taking things into their own hands by deciding the public should know our national security secrets? Shouldn’t those decisions be made by the people we elect to make such decisions? … [pause] … Oh, never mind …
Wyden and Udall in the Senate have been warning about the extremely broad interpretations of the Patriot Act for years!
Did the krackpot klownservative kongressional kaucus kooks make any movement to change things? Beyond Ron Paul and his krackpot son in the Senate.. Not much I can see.
@16 Issa is an ex-street punk who somehow made it to The Show only to implode when his ingrained nature caught up with him, revealing he never had what it takes to play in the bigs. For comparison, see O. J. Simpson.
This Snowden guy seemed intelligent and articulate being interviewed by Glenn Greenwald but his personal history shows him not having much schooling, an abrupt end to his army stint because of a training injury.. After the army he gets a freaking security guard job at an NSA facility at a university and from there is recruited into the CIA.
It’s remarkable he got so far in the national security tech world..
I guess he was just an above average programmer who had a shocking amount of access to the nation’s secrets.
I’m glad he slipped through the security cracks and shed a lot of sunlight on all this secrecy.
I hope nothing really bad happens to him. It’ll be bad enough that he’ll be isolated from friends and family for the rest of his life.
The missing diary of a Hitler confidante has turned up.
“A Nuremberg prosecutor, Robert Kempner, was long suspected by U.S. officials of smuggling the diary back to the United States. …
“When Kempner died in 1993 at age 93, legal disputes about his papers raged for nearly a decade between his children, his former secretary, a local debris removal contractor and the Holocaust museum.
“The children agreed to give their father’s papers to the Holocaust museum, but when officials arrived to retrieve them from his home in 1999, they discovered that many thousands of pages were missing.”
The 400 missing diary pages were retrieved this week by government investigators from the home of an academic who befriended Kempner’s secretary.
@20 Anytime you have Sen. Feinstein saying a leak of government secrets was a bad thing, you’ve got to wonder about whether it was a good thing.
Lots of people get security clearances that give them access to government secrets. There’s some prescreening involved in granting clearances, but it’s not much more than a criminal background check, and can’t peer into the mindsets of individuals like Snowden. To protect its secrets, the government mainly relies on the prospect of life in prison — or even execution — to deter potential spies and leakers.
For that reason, expect the military judge to throw the book at Bradley Manning. And expect our government to spare no effort and expense on dragging Snowden back to the U.S. to stand trial on charges that are likely to land him in prison for a long, long, long time.
Security clearances are issued based on what your job function is and your need-to-know, not your I.Q. or educational attainment. Manning was an Army private with a high school education. Snowden was a dropout.
But if you read Manning’s Wikipedia biography, you’ve got to wonder whether they did any background check on him at all, because he looks high-risk from the get-go. He had a tumultuous childhood. He had lived abroad. He had a history of emotional problems, as a teen he assaulted his stepmother with a knife, and in Army basic training was a misfit who was nearly kicked out of the service. They gave this guy access to high-level military secrets and classified diplomatic cables? What were they thinking??!!
I haven’t delved into Snowden’s background, but at first glance he doesn’t look like someone who might be a Russian or Chinese spy, and there’s no allegation that he was. But even a well-intentioned do-gooder who doesn’t know what he’s doing can do a lot of harm, and Snowden doesn’t have the background of someone that, say, a major corporation would trust with its most sensitive trade secrets. I suppose our wingnut friends will use this as further “proof” that government is hopelessly incompetent and inefficient.
Kooky Krackpot Klownservative policies work WONDERS in the Badger State:
Shit that was 5 days ago!
What’s wrong HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb? Glenn Beck can’t be seen unless you approve? Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa!
That may be but Bush NEVER WENT THIS FAR! Obummer has taken it to a new level HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb. After dropping John Deadwards the cheater of a wife with breast cancer, you jumped on the Obummer lie chain! There are plenty of Obummer videos that have come out of the youtube vaults where Obummer has commented on Bush actions Obummer took to new levels!
Reminds Puddy of HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb with his moronic comments pollute threads each day. Not much schooling in that head but HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb leaves a shitstorm of nothing all over this blog under various hateful aliases!
Unlike HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb. We’ve seen that neurotic and calcified attempt at programming in the crazed databaze!
Regarding the link from #14 if you read it… Tomasky doesn’t equate the issue of how Obummer has taken it to new levels. He comes close here but doesn’t cross the tracks further
All Tomasky does is attack attack attack… EPIC FAYLE dude. Obummer has gone way over the line. And when you watch Ron Wyden’s questions to Clapper, watch his facial expressions. Lie lie lie as we now know about PRISM!
See ya HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb!
Many posts with nothing worthwhile as always!
@19 A better comparison might be Joe McCarthy.
Even the leftists on reddit are upset with Obummer cuing from the Daily Kooks post at the top of the thread…
Yes even Daily Kooksters are agreeing with Puddy… Obummer has taken this to NEW LEVELS! So Puddy wonders what those special libs are a thinking now?
Regarding HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb post@16 here’s the answer
So before you leftists jump like you all do and then are later proven wrong… Puddy will wait for the Carter Hull testimony!
Puddy likes visiting the hometown newspapers much to the chagrin of HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb!
Such a moron!
From the PuddyLink above!
What have have Krackpot Kongressional Klownservatives done about this FOOL?
And what do we have here?
Oh why is that “teach”??? I’ll told you why @ 13… you reading challenged dope.
Any pushback from Darth Cheney and his attack dog daughter? Heh.. He’s still stuck on !!!! B E N G H A A A A A A A Z I I I I !!!
Is second term President Obama going to get attacked on National Security while trying to deal with Krackpot Klownservatives on domestic issues?
Heh.. Nope.. That’d be politically stupid when you are forced to dealing with krackpot klownservatives of the kooky kongressional kaucus.
You are such a moron HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb! Congressman Peter King in ON the intelligence committee. HE HAS TO SUPPORT the government on that committee just like other conservatives whom have been on these committees. Others are the ones who are saying Obummer has gone too far.
It is so sad HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb can’t figger that out!
So sad HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb is so mindless all the time!
BTW even Sensenbrenner, creator of the Patriot Act has said Obummer want to far.
Suchajerkoff HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb is!
Sux to be you. Thanks for playing!
A Texas jury has acquitted a “john” who killed an “escort” who took his money without performing sex.
The jury apparently interpreted a Texas law allowing people to use deadly force to retrieve stolen property from thieves as a license to kill prostitutes who rip off their johns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hear Texans lynch horse thieves, too.
@31 So now Republicans are AGAINST government spying against citizens and are OUTRAGED that Obama is doing the same things Bush did! And puddy, of course, is their loyal sycophant.
Never thought I’d see the day when GOPers would defend my civil liberties, but here we are …
And who was Hofacre’s boss? The right winger, a 21 year veteran of the IRS, cited in the CBS interview who actually APPROVED the policy!
The IRS manager also offered a broader defense of the decision to scrutinize conservative groups, saying the “high profile” nature of the cases – and a desire for “consistency” – compelled IRS agents in Cincinnati to forward some of the conservative groups’ applications to Washington, D.C.
Heh.. What’s going to happen next week dumbass when the air is fully out of this craptastic balloon?
What will a certain HA troll do?
Fleeced, EXPLOITED, LIED TO by right wing bullshit grifters like Issa.
You are so done asshole.
I’m still curious why the G-men didn’t see the Boston bombing coming. Their snooping doesn’t seem all that effective.
@34 It won’t bother puddy. He’ll just move on to the next car wreck, hoping to find mangled bodies there. He’s nothing more than an open-mouthed gawking voyeur.
I get it.. He has no power to sponsor any changes to the Patriot Act..
What a miserable fool you are.
So now this idiot is running to “sticky man juice” from DailyKos..
What a dizzy dope!
Elijah Cummings… Obummer mouthpiece?
How does he know until Carter Hull, Bob Bauer and Stephanie Cutter are deposed. Remember Staphanie Cutter… she was in on some of the 157 IRS Meetings at da whitey house. How do we know? SHE ADMITTED TO IT!
He’s a kooky klownservative krackpot fool.. Anyone you cite here as much as you cited him, called him “right again” is total whack job.
He said the things he did about Snowden because of his ODS agenda like you.
HAs Pluto boy clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb is still proving to all he’s the leading moron on HA. Puddy went to reddit and they are screaming over the Daily Kooks link. Another moronic comment@38 from HAs Pluto boy clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb! Daily Kooks has turned on Obummer.
Sux to be you HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb!
Go back and take the test ya moron! Keep trying to cover for Obummer HAs clueless goober serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb!
Did you find a job yet? Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
6) Will he “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
See ya. Didn’t Puddy call it above with his use of the crazed databaze? Pavlov loves leading this doggie!
You didn’t answer the question… HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb! Are you the moderator on HA Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb?
Didn’t think so… That’s why the Daily Beast used Glenn Beck… Sux to be you!
CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC and MSNBC will try and give cover to Obummer in all these scandals HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb!!! And Puddy noticed you have nothing to say about James Sensenbrenner, creator of the Patriot Act. He should know HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb!
Sux to be you. Thanks for playing. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
LOL! So what has he done about it???? I guess he was deaf to Wyden and Udall’s warnings like any other klownservative..
Really??? All those meetings??? That’s a magic number 157 for kooky krackpot klownservatives like you.
It’s way more than 11…
Golly SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… you cheered Bradley Manning. And then you wrote that long smelly post jock strapping him again. Then all those Hollyweird leftists jock strap Bradley Manning.
Oh my the debunked Atlantic article now HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb? Remember it was Shulman who claimed he was there for the Easter Egg hunt!
Stoooooooooooooooooopid! So stoooooooooooooooooopid! From one of the commenters which HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb didn’t want Puddy to read…
Did you all notice how HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb will NOT ANSWER the bottom of #41? He is scared to answer!
It’s been a good day… A lot of light shown on dubious secrecy. Some bullshit stink was let out the window..
By next week…
Kooky Krackpot Klownservatives will be running in droves from this IRS bullshit that has created so many jobs for the american people. Because the real scandal is moronic tool Issa cherry picking interviews and refusing to release all of them. They’ll gin up some other bullshit that’ll create a lot of jobs. A certain HA troll will be a little uncertain about what he will do. After shotgunning some Faux News and other right wing web shit he’ll be spun like a top to the next pile of right wing dung.
Krackpot Klownservatives will join with liberals like Wyden and Udall to change the Patriot Act so that the First, Fourth, Fifth, Six, Eighth and Fourteenth amendment rights of americans are fully protected.
Heh.. Right… Just like they did when Wyden and Udall were sounding warnings about it.
@49, Still running away from the last part of #41. Now why is that? We know why!
It has been a great day! Obummer has taken the Patriot Act much further than Bush ever did! Now we know from Snowden Obummer’s man probably lied to Wyden! We all know HAs Pluto boy clueless gooberfool serial unemployed moronic salt licking idiot ylb has a lot of splainin to do!
BTW who was Hofacre’s conservative bosses boss? Lois Lerner!
Did that have anything to do with your krackpot klownservative konspiracy troofer bullshit about the NSA and IRS being joined at the hip to persecute the bagger “social welfare” agencies that promote klownservative kandidates for political office?
Uhh Klownservative Krackpot, Shulman was a moron you voted for twice appointee. Arrogant? It’s a required bullet point on the resume.
From 17,
No, I’m not troubled by anyone blowing the whistle on a dishonest government snooping illegally on US citizens. No, I’m not troubled at all by supporting the Constitution when it comes to a government (whether it’s led by Democrats or Republicans) who take oaths to “support and defend the Constitution,” and then try to subvert the Constitution to further their goals of maintaining a massive overseas empire. Maybe you think you’re supporting the Constituion by approving of this government oppression, but…..pause…oh never mind! You just don’t get it.
Considering we spent billions of dollars and were spying on the Soviet Union from before day one and still blew the analysis and got caught flat footing when it collapsed, I’ve decided not to worry about this stupid, fucking, spy thing. Yeah, it’s wrong, it’s awful, but so is lots of other things the government does and it sure looks like they’re not capable of doing anything competent with the data anyway.
Uncle Puddles!
Hey, have you figured out yet that Obummer’s minions monitor this blog and your each and every move?
You’re not long for this world Uncle Puddles. They’re coming to take Uncle Puddles to the FEMA Death Camps where Death Panels will double dead kill you.
Hey FlubScout, I hope they do because if so then they are breaking the law!
Everything… your incessant babbling over nothing proves you aren’t effectively using all that free time while you stay unemployed!
Decoder Ring Needed!
Babbling is your bailiwick Babble-on 13..
Nothing?? Reading comprehension fayle…
See 48.. Ooops you’re probably blind too.
Hey Babble-on 13…
From the latest scrape:
b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 38828 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t ylb -c
| count |
| 24287 |
1 row in set
Sure sucks to be so needy you Babble-on 13!
Not that his means so much:
But if it makes a certain klownservative troll idiot’s head explode it’s worth posting.
@52 How do you know it’s unconstitutional? Are you a court? Who appointed you to render constitutionality determinations?
@53 “they’re not capable of doing anything competent with the data anyway”
That could be a big problem.
The Economy Isn’t As Good As It Looks
“The quality of the jobs being added are quite low … relative to the jobs that were lost,” said an economist from a major Wall Street investment bank …. The number of workers who are “part-time for economic reasons” is higher than it has ever been after every recession since 1950, according to the Department of Labor. And average weekly hours for private employees remains 33.6 hours — about what it was … in 2009.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The rich are doing just fine, thanks to government policies that bailed out the banks and inflated the stock market. Oh sure, I’m doing fine, too; I own around 40 stocks and it’s hard to find one in my portfolio that hasn’t gained at least 20% over the last year. But I own less than a million dollars of stock, and even that would be considered chickenfeed on Wall Street. Hell, if a trader isn’t making a million dollars a month, he isn’t much of a trader. My question is, if wealth keeps concentrating like it has, until 20 people own everything, who are they going to do business with? Each other? They’ll have to because no one else will have anything, except a tiny handful of very lucky people will get $10-an-hour security guard jobs guarding the estates and offices of The Twenty. Maybe someone should write a novel about a world in which one person owns everything, and he literally decides who lives and who dies, because he controls the food and water supply.
Snowden is a narcissistic twerp, same as Manning. The both took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, but that does not give them license to interpret the Constitution. When I was in the Army, we received training about our jobs and what was permissible and what was not. (The abuses at Abu Ghraib were clearly illegal and violated all training in the Law of Land Warfare; the people who issued the orders for those activities are war criminals)
Snowden says that he didn’t like how the CIA recruited spies. Okay. Then quit your job. The fact that you don’t like the seamy side of the business that you are in does not give you the right to break the law. He says that he made $200k/year. That is four times the income of the average American family. All he had to do is quit.
The bigger problem is that we have too many secrets and the amount of information that is classified is growing faster than the population.
Here’s how it’s gonna work. Employers will skirt Obamacare’s mandate to provide health insurance for full-time employees by restricting work shifts to 30 or less hours per week. But these employees will be required to work varying shifts, so they can’t hold a second job; and unable to earn more than rent, they’ll need food stamps to survive. Pretty soon 75% of the country will be on food stamps. Then fatcat bosses will donate millions to GOP candidates who go around calling Americans takers, freeloaders, and lazy. That’s basically how conservatives operate — they force everyone onto welfare, then claim government spending is “out of control” because everyone is on welfare. We oughta smack these jerks with a 100% income tax rate.
We’ve been fucked for a long, long time and it’s getting harder to hide just how fucked we are.
Buying a few acres and putting an off grid house on it in these people’s neighborhood: http://www.seedsavers.org might be a good idea.
Plus, the Driftless Region is pretty.
@66 Until some Monsanto seeds blow onto their property. The next thing that happens is they get a summons from Monsanto’s lawyers for violating their seed patents.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit does NOT own Monsanto stock. I’m as greedy as the next rabbit, but there are limits to everything.)
Wanna see a real welfare bum? I’ll show you two.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit made a shitload of money from Cabelas stock. RR knows a giveaway of taxpayer money when he sees one; and if he hadn’t taken it, someone else would.)
Only in TexASS, the klownservative kapital of the the world:
Too freaking insane for words.
David Simon, the creator of the HBO show, “The Wire”, on the Snowden case http://davidsimon.com/we-are-shocked-shocked/
69)So the jury bought the idea that the stolen property was the cash the escort took for services not rendered, even though the service may be illegal?
In my post at 7, those were just a few of the problems they have had. Forgot about Oslo, Goteborg, Copenhagen, and Birmingham, England.
They also have the contract to supply vehicles for the Automated Rapid Transit system being built in Honolulu.
@71 Yep. Ya’all gotta remember that was a TEXASS jury. That’ll teach prostitutes plying their trade in Texas to give the customer what he paid for!
@46 When did YOU become a civil libertarian? ha! ha! ha!
Next think you know puddy will send $25 to the ACLU. And why not? That’s where GOP pols go running for free legal help when they get caught soliciting in airport men’s rooms.
@52 “You just don’t get it.”
What I get is that you’re a vigilante taking it upon himself to decide what’s constitutional and what isn’t.
Hey, I thought you rightwing punks were into locking people up on suspicion of anti-Americanism (whatever that is). What changed? Other than now a Democrat fascist is spying on you?
Right on time… Puddy called it.
Pavlov strikes again yesterday at 10AM. Sometimes Puddy wonders if the crazed databaze deala has traumatic brain injury.
Was it frying pan side yo head like the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Has to be something. Well, maybe you were born that way!
Bass Pro Shoppes is headquartered in Springfield MO which is Roy Blunt, one of the biggest crooks in the senate’s, backyard. John Ashcroft is from down that way as well.
klownservative kraphead @ 78..
Numbers prove it.. YOU NEED this website much more than me or almost anyone else here.
And WHY you need it.. Heh.. We’ve touched on it.
It’s too krazy for words.