– No, traffic accidents aren’t accidents. They’re unacceptable and preventable.
– Most smoking bans make sense, but outside in parks seems like too much.
– I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at how pro-Iraq war the GOP is even today, but damn.
– I love the World Cup, but I don’t know how I’ll possibly be able to justify to myself watching it in Qatar.
Does anyone really believe the government’s bulk data collection has, or will, stop, no matter what the idiots in congress do? If there is anything I’ve learned from my time on this earth is that government will do what the fuck it wants no matter what the law says. They just have to make it “top secret” and like magic, it disappears.
@1 Yep, it’s hard to ignore the fact Eisenhower was the last Republican president who didn’t use the Constitution as toilet paper.
Speaking of constitutions…
The Kansas Supreme Court Challenged Republicans’ Agenda. Their Solution: Replace the Judges.
Gov. Sam Brownback’s tax-slashing crusade threatens to become a full-blown constitutional crisis.
“In March 2014, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that school funding was not equitable between rich and poor districts. The court ordered the Legislature to fix the equity issue right away. The solutions is in review and if the top court finds school funding too low, it could force the Legislature to make a choice: raise taxes in order to find enough money for schools, or buck the courts.”
Do our local conservatives think that Kansas politicians are doing the right thing by trying to defunding or reshaping the court to get their way instead of following the laws and their constitution?
June is Supreme Court decision month, and three decisions were handed down today:
1) Underwater homeowners can’t use bankruptcy to dump their second mortgages;
2) The Court reversed the criminal conviction of a man who posted threats on Facebook, but on technical grounds, so the case doesn’t reach the First Amendment and has limited significance;
3) The Court ruled that job applicants who are denied employment for wearing Muslim head scarves can sue employers under the Civil Rights Act. This case is a big deal, because the Muslim community says head scarves are a major cause of discrimination against Muslims, and this is the first head scarf decision from SCOTUS, and its far-reaching in saying discriminating against Muslims because of their religious beliefs is illegal.
BTW Jeb Bush says his brother kept us safe. Cheese and kites! The stupid just keeps dribbling out!
I think today’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of Muslim head scarves is much bigger. In my opinion, it drives a stake through the heart of rightwing efforts to establish Christianity as America’s official religion. The Constitution’s religious neutrality is alive and well, and SCOTUS just signaled that it’s going to enforce it.
@6 do you also think that it was political in some way to set forth religious belief to deny same sex marriage or service to same sec couples? I bet that’s where they are going with this.
But is kind of contradictory to say that a religious person would have the right to deny a gay person, because at the same time why or how can one particular or multiple types of religion make an individual abide by their religious belief? In other words wouldn’t a ruling of that kind for a non religious person to be “governed” by a religion that they may not ascribe to?
@7 Court watchers aren’t reading that into it.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Would’ve tweeted earlier about my Comcast broadband being down, but my Comcast broadband was down.
You would think that a billionaire could afford to give his employees a smart phone allowance – by next year they’ll be added to the list of basic human rights.
– I love the World Cup, but I don’t know how I’ll possibly be able to justify to myself watching it in Qatar.
From that link:
This story has been updated to reflect the fact that figures include total migrant worker deaths in Qatar, not just World Cup-related deaths.
C’mon…. You really thought that original version was correct?
@9 You don’t become a billionaire by giving away smartphones.
@10 Your concern for poor Pakistanis you’ve never met is touching. Now if only you felt the same solicitude for your fellow Americans …
Once again the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit proves it doesn’t read or if it does read it doesn’t process written information anymore — “Your concern for poor Pakistanis”
Hijack from the WaPost article:
Strange… no mention of Pakistanis in the article!
And like you ever felt the same solicitude for your fellow Americans early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! HAHAHAHAHAHA! What a jackASS! Your continual left wrong libtard drivel proves that!
You know, that early onset senility is getting much worse early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile the FIFA investigation continues… http://www.thenational.ae/spor.....pp-blatter
Electric cars are produced by just about every major automobile manufacture: Ford, Kia, Nissan, BMW, Chevy, Tesla, etc….
Every single person protesting Shell who drives a gas powered car instead of a fully electric car is a fucking douchebag hypocrite who deserves to be punched in the eye.