– Doctors still support Obama’s health care reform.
– Today in the GOP not being racist. (h/t)
– Oceans are “at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history” (h/t)
– McKenna’s record of reducing government.
– The Dawn space ship is going passed one of the largest objects in the asteroid belt.
Can’t wait to hear Obama justify keeping spending $10 Billion/month in Afghanistan as well as the ObamaFanatics who said he would get us out of wars justify backing him on this.
Good thing the left-winger loons are so enamored with him it doesn’t matter that he says one thing and does the opposite.
Four in nine doctors responding to an IBD/TIPP poll sent out in August 2009 said they “would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement” if Congress passed what has become known as ObamaCare. That means as many as 360,000 physicians have plans to be doing something other than treating the growing number of patients in this country.
The doctors also told IBD — 67% to 22%, with 11% not responding — that they expected fewer students to apply for medical school in the future if the plan became law.
71% were doubtful that the government would be able to cover the 47 million uninsured Americans with better care at lower costs, which ObamaCare supporters have promised.
Other findings from the IBD poll of 1,376 doctors included: six in 10 agreeing that the Democrats’ plan would strip drug companies of the incentives they need to make lifesaving pharmaceuticals, and 65% believing that a government overhaul would lead to lower-quality care for seniors.
1) Where are all the doctors going to come from to service the additional 10’s of millions now covered under ObamaCare?
2) How is this going to work with Obama handing out so many exemptions to Unions and his other pals? Why any exemptions?
We are wasting Billions screwing around with highly flawed Legislation and chasing folks away from the Medical Profession.
There has to be a better way.
Can we all agree to stop mining fossil fuels now and clean up after ourselves now?
I hear that the Quitta from Wasilla has packed it in again. This time she quit half-way through her, well, whatever the fuck it was she was doing. What, educating America on the ride of Paul Revere?
My bet is that the media slut lost interest when her life-blood, the “lamestream” media, lost interest.
2 – IBD??? Oh my that bullshit rag is credible.
Let me guess how IBD selected that sample of doctors:
They searched their subscriber list for the letters “M.D.”, they cross checked last name, city and zip against the FEC database and checked if they contributed 200+ dollars to “Tea Party Express”.
Pretty straightforward.
Newt “jewels” Gingrich:
yawwwwn.. Can this clown get the hook already so we can laugh at Gov Bridgefail and the other loons?
Re: McKenna’s budgetary experience–also important to remember that because the AG gets the majority of funding through charging other agencies for services, its line in the budget is only a tiny fraction of the costs of his office.
@1,2,5: I think we should only consider polls on “ObamaCare” that have a normative section at the beginning to determine whether or not respondents actually understand what they’re asked about. The corrected results would be meaningful–as it is, the poll almost certainly includes people who don’t have any clue what they’re talking about.
A poll of doctors who believe Obamacare includes death panels is not useful.
Here is a great Obama statement from today.
He sounds like Bush!
“Our overarching goal remains the same: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and to prevent its capacity to threaten America and our allies in the future. To meet that goal, we will pursue the following objectives within Afghanistan. We must deny al Qaeda a safe haven. We must reverse the Taliban’s momentum and deny it the ability to overthrow the government. And we must strengthen the capacity of Afghanistan’s security forces and government, so that they can take lead responsibility for Afghanistan’s future.”
The Left was screaming when Bush said this that all we are doing is creating more terrorists.
I guess Obama has grown up.
Oh and to say troops out by 2012 is a real joke as Obama won’t even be President.
I thought the Left wanted all our troops home and Obama was going to do it 2-1/2 years ago?
Instead, we are now fighting in Libya too.
The Left just laps up whatever Obama dishes out.
Oh and show me a study that says no experienced Doctors will retire because of ObamaCare?
All you boneheads do is throw out your opinion based on nothing but “feelings”.
A Gallup Poll just came out showing Obama is failing with only 43% Approval (and some of that is soft Approval).
His silver-tongue is tarnished by all his lies about the impact of ObamaCare, lowering unemployment and pretty much everything else he promised.
One more great Obama accomplishment. Total Federal Debt will hit 70% of GDP, up from 40% 3 years ago.
Great to see the Left burying the future generations in debt under the misguided notion that government spending and screwing the private sector at the same time will bail the country’s economy out of the shitpile Obama has put us in.
I hope the R’s do not back down on requiring huge budget cuts in order to increase the debt limit.
Sigh! We need trolls who aren’t so damned stupid.
“That means as many as 360,000 physicians have plans to be doing something other than treating the growing number of patients in this country.”
Indeed. Maybe they’ll all become astrophysicists. Or maybe plumbers.
After 911 happened on his watch.
Actually he sounds more like Clinton who actually viewed al Qaeda and its like as an existential threat – just a bit more full-throated.
Invading countries that didn’t have a damn thing to do with 9/11?
Yep there was no al Qaeda in Iraq until after Bush invaded Iraq.
@10 “I thought the Left wanted”
heh- This troll lost his way with “I thought”.
It’s too bad trolls hate unions. If they had a union training program they’d probably all be better trolls. We’d also benefit by the training program weeding out the really fucking stupid ones. HA would become a union blog where only properly trained, dues-paying troll union members could post.
Yep that’s what happens when a new administration continues the failed policies of the last administration.
And the new administration can’t get anything past the opposition in the Congress.
Silly voters stuck their heads in the sand during the Bush years while the Bushies set the country up for failure.
But never fear – debt was 122 percent of GDP in 1946. Somehow I think we’ll muddle through if we tax the rich and the greedy corporations fairly.
Yes, our NATO allies don’t want North Africans washing up on their shores fleeing murderous dictators. They’ve got enough problems supporting the populations they have already.
They’d also like Libya’s oil to keep flowing. Propping up an insane murderera (even if he’s now YOUR insane murderer) is so out out of fashion these days.
Staving off more trouble – it’s what grownups do.
The biggest threat to the world posed now by the situation in Afghanistan is that it’s once again become the world’s largest supplier of opium. Prior to our initial involvement there, the Taliban actually took the moral high ground and had pretty much shut down poppy cultivation. Since then it’s once again become the country’s principal cash crop and the Taliban have, shall we say, “relaxed” their stance to one of tolerance as long as they, as well as the Kharzai sort-of-a-government, get their cut of the profits.
Mr. Cynical @ 10,
“The Left was screaming when Bush said this that all we are doing is creating more terrorists.”
Wrong. The left hardly squeaked over Afghanistan. It was the illegal, ill-advised, and pointless invasion of Iraq that the left was outraged over.
“I guess Obama has grown up.”
Come on, Cynical…now you know you are just lying out your ass. Obama’s position during the 2008 campaign:
“Oh and to say troops out by 2012 is a real joke as Obama won’t even be President.”
It’s a little early in the day to be shit-faced drunk, isn’t is Mr. Cynical? (Psssst…the winner of the next election takes office in 2013, dumbass.)
“I thought the Left wanted all our troops home and Obama was going to do it 2-1/2 years ago?”
Nope…you invented that “fact” in your drunken stupor. In December of 2009, Obama did put a timeline on withdrawal:
Pretty much right on schedule!
“Instead, we are now fighting in Libya too.”
No…not fighting, but financing.
Groaaaan… The KLOWN returns..
Thank you Darryl..
At least he hasn’t been copying/pasting Rasmussen. Guess he’s not being paid to do that anymore.
Actually, he has been occasionally copying/pasting Rasmussen tracking polls.
I don’t see that as a threat. All the world has to do is treat opiate addiction as a medical problem instead of some sort of moral failing that can only be remedied with criminal penalties.
If Afghanistan again becomes a haven for training terrorists – that’s a threat especially with an unstable Pakistan sitting on nukes just next door.
23 – Oh my that’s rich! Let’s all have a laugh now at the KLOWN’s expense!
Geez Klynical, moldering in retirement much? Take a trip to Haiti or something and help out those less fortunate than you.. Do something. Obama derangement syndrome is so unbecoming.
Hah yelling loser beta boi telling someone to do something he’d never do let alone afford!
Sure is telling how da professa has this itch to out and display whom on the right posts on HA.
I’m glad to see Darryl out the dumbfuck Klown. What a pathetic wretch.
I suppose some long for what they might see as the good ol’ days, when a troll could create a sockpuppet with whom he could have conversations about his dick.
╰─$ b hacols -f c -c handle:eq~question –snapshot 2001106 -C
| count |
| 34 |
1 row in set
and 4 more prior to June…
Moldering indeed..
If that really is Cynical @10….glad to see you’re still alive and kicking, sir. The place really hasn’t been quite the same without you.
Mind you, you’re going to get knocked around just as much as if you’d never left. Somehow, I suspect you knew that.
@30 I’d rather he stayed gone. Maybe this time he could take the street corner loon @26 with him.
Ok I just searched all of 2011 for Rasmussen copy/pastes and so far I’ve found the following KLOWN sockpuppets:
darryldarryldarryl (quite a few copy/pastes)
“question” held off quite a while before indulging in Rasmussen. It gives the KLOWN away every time.
Adding it all up I get 79 comments since the KLOWN “retired”. There’s probably more.
I found 2 more comments, the true moniker was “riches to rags”.
And the Randroid Ryan man-love is soooo touching:
Let’s change the subject for the too boring KLOWN.
Fuck you asshats and chickenshit pricks of the world:
Let’s pass the DREAM ACT..
Back to the KLOWN for a sec.
Imagine that. The KLOWN deflects from his sockpuppetry by imitating his fav dinner partner.
Tooooooo Daaaaaamn Fuuuuunnnnny!
Better Business Bureau Caught Up In Scandal
Favorable BBB ratings of a business, it turns out, are for sale.
Republicans Mollycoddle Terrorists
That’s right, I said it, the GOP is the appeasement party. They were against stopping Milosevicz in Kosova and now they’re against deposing Gadhafi, a known terrorist who has ordered the killing of Americans. Oh, and remember all their hoopla about “supporting the troops”? How you’re “unpatriotic” and “anti-American” if you criticize a president for taking military action? Well, we’ve got three separate military actions going on right now, so maybe someone should tell them to support the troops!
At least one GOP senator realizes all the Republican dumbfuck hippie peaceniks are creating an image problem for his party:
“The GOP skepticism about Afghanistan and its opposition to Obama’s decision to join NATO-led attacks on Libya prompted one Republican hawk, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, to warn of a risky role reversal: ‘From the party’s point of view, the biggest disaster would be to let Barack Obama become Ronald Reagan and our people become Jimmy Carter.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Too late, Sen. Graham. He already has and your people already have.
@17 Eureka! That’s it! We need a troll union! Maybe we’d get better trolls from a union hiring hall. If you want something done right, hire union labor to do i.
So … the cowardly goatfucker is afraid to use his own moniker? He has to pretend to be somebody else because he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s actually Mr. Cynical? Figures.
I’m not sure whether it’s worth wasting any more time on Republican candidates who obviously aren’t going to be their party nominees – despite how much fun that would give us. Palin has quit her bus tour (a half-tour tourist?), and now Gingrich has yet another disaster in the works.
But I guess it’s fair to keep reporting on Gingrich, if for no other reason than to remind everyone that he was the GOP leadership in Congress during the Clinton era, and his expressions of moral indignation – while maintaining a straight face in spite of his own moral failings – remain the standard for the GOP.
Gingrich’s insists he is still in the campaign for President, despite all his top leadership and organizers in key primary/caucus states dropping out a week ago, and earlier this week his top fundraisers quit, as well.
But today we learn that another shoe is about to drop on the Gingrich campaign, which might provide yet another explanation for the mass defections. It seems that Gingrich’s problems with Tiffany & Co. credit accounts wasn’t limited to the 250K-500K interest-free line of credit reported by his wife. It appears that shortly he will have to report a 500K – 1M interest-free line of credit with Tiffany in his own name.
According to those close with the Gingrich’s, Newt didn’t believe he had to report the line of credit, since it carried no balance. The problem started when his wife’s advisers knew better, and listed it under her disclosure forms. Now Gingrich has to disclose his own account, which is considerably higher.
In his defense, he points out that he should be able to spend his own money any way he wants, and that this account was a regular way of doing business with Tiffany’s, that it was used to purchase a very expensive necklace for his wife which was promptly paid off, and that he lives within his means.
Which might be acceptable, except for the following:
(a) He wants to be percieved as a hero of the working class fighting against the liberal wealthy elites – which doesn’t quite go over well when your wife owns jewelry larger than most American’s retirement savings.
(b) If he thinks this is what it means to live frugally, then he really has been hanging out with Republicans for far too long.
(c) He obviously tried to hide it, and only disclosed it when it was obvious he had no choice. Which means Gingrich is still the same ‘ol Newt we’ve always known – a lier and a deciever.
That ought to be great news for another tool of these threads:
Bought and paid for – smack
The other shoe drops eventually for these right wing schmucks.
The asshat troll pines for the days of “good old Ronald Reagan”..
No wonder…
Heh. the asshats can call it trickle-down slaponomics..
Fight the Koch brothers and their disinformation campaign:
Used Douche Water@41
Prove Goldline bought their ratings. Oh wait… you’ll visit some useless site like always.
foolish YLBleeder compares(yet again) 2011 to 1946.
The world was a different place back then dipshit, and so were the conditions that allowed the US to pull out of its debt.
idiots like you will spend us into oblivion.
go fuck yourself bleeder boy who contributes nothing. you like illegals so damn much, then why dont you sponsor one and have his family move in with you.
koch brothers! BAWK BAWK! koch brothers! BAWK BAWK!
sure…as soon as you agree to no longer use ANYTHING made from “fossil fuels”(including medicines)and to no longer use any energy source derived from fossil fuels.
oh…wait…could it be another progressive “do as I say, not as I do” moment?
Heh. Yeah like corporate taxes that brought in over a quarter of the federal tax burden (compared to 8 percent today) and 90 percent rates on the richies top dollar compared to 35 percent today and a mind-blowing “socialist” 39 percent under
Yeah those commie McCarthyist times..
umm..no…it was called rebuilding Europe and Japan after WW2 moron.
that and we probably didnt support deadbeat lazy losers like you, rujaxoff, your ilk as we do now.
I guess our tolerance level for the lazy has increased over the decades. what a shame.
Is that the sound of an asshat chickenshit I hear?
ehh… whatever..
heh. The marshall plan cost 13 billion dollars in the late 40’s.
Another “gubmint program”. What was that about “spending into oblivion” for “shitass countries”?
Yeah I can respect a guy who won a Pulitzer prize and couldn’t stay silent anymore while others were speaking out for something perfectly reasonable. They had no say in what their parents did.
Unlike a miserable, bigoted chickenshit asshole who just wants to stuff him in a cattle car and ship him out.
I am not talking about the Marshall Plan you fool.
I am talking about the economic and war damage conditions that allowed the mfg base of the US to rise after WW2 in support of the rebuilding of Europe and Japan…
here, let me put in laymans terms for someone as simple as you: all their factories and cities were destroyed. You need factories and goods in order to rebuild nations. the majority of the factories available to make those goods were in the US.
simple enough for ya, you fucktard?
fuck, you really are that clueless arent you?
so when you gonna open up your house to Jose and his family?
Next time you’re in one of the Gulf States – try the seafood..
Gotta run..
Hope you enjoy the Raygun clip I posted.
Shit I KNOW you will.
…another fact-free comment!
yep, go ahead and think about those gulf states the next time you drive your car asswhipe.
why dont you nut-up and make your own energy and go off the grid? otherwise shut the fuck up.
care to refute anything I said, you middle aged loser? you barely got three fucking nickles to rub together and yet you pop off in here?
you gotta be fucking kidding me.
63. who run Bartertown? spews:
YOU’RE the fucking loser with no facts.
You got ’em? Let’s see ’em.
Otherwise…eat shit.
@2. question spews:
1) Where are all the doctors going to come from to service the additional 10’s of millions now covered under ObamaCare?
2) How is this going to work with Obama handing out so many exemptions to Unions and his other pals? Why any exemptions?
1. Socialized medicine turns doctors into quasi-bureaucrats and in general government can find bureaucrats. As MD income falls to bureaucrat level the result will be lower standards and less talented people staffing the positions. I doubt that there will be any significant decline in numbers.
2. This is an attempt to hide the effects of Obamacare until he is reelected. Without the exemptions the flaws become even more apparent.
@40. rhp6033 spews:
A surprisingly evenhanded post and a good break from the usual leftist hack trash.
@65 Private insurers and for-profit HMO’s have been turning physicians into wage slaves for a long time.
Used Douche Water@46,
Are they GoldLine? You said GoldLine @41.
Of course there is no proof, just useless lefty libtardo conjecture.
That’s what I thought….you can’t refute anything I said. Pick up a history book for a change.
Wannabe failed musician ownage #632……..
68. who run Bartertown? spews:
Seriously dude, I see this from time to time and no one credible has ever endorsed it.
C’mon…throw down. What do you have?
mixedupmax @68…
You’re the only one here who says that’s so.
Prove it.
The most socialized system I know of is in Great Britain where I understand doctors typically live well and have high 5 to 6 figure salaries.
But then why should the deciding factor of someone practicing medicine be money? Wouldn’t you want to be treated by a doctor whose primary motivation is to help people?
We have the British System here by the way in the form of the VA system. I don’t see any veterans marching in the street wanting vouchers to buy the latest garbage plan from UnitedHealth Care.
The reforms were mostly middle of the road Republican ideas signed into law in MA by a Republican Governor. The mandate was at one time touted by the Heritage Foundation.
I love the idiot right-wing fools who go on about “socialized” medicine and the horrors.
Every other major industrialized country has “socialized” medicine and polls show NONE of them would want our system.
Also, we spend almost twice as much and get health care that is lousy overall (on par with Slovenia).
But that is what the right wing (teanut)fools want – lousy health care that is by far the most expensive in the world. They want to protect the profits of the big insurance companies that have an overhead that is 4-5 times Medicare. They want to pay the highest prices in the world for drugs so the big drug companies can continue to make huge profits.
Trying to argue with fools like that is…like trying to get babies to drink from a fire hydrant. The right wing nut cases have no facts, yet spray their BS all over the page.