– Cool bus shelter for a great man.
– If you want to scare an English person, tell them their health care might become more American.
– Fuse does the arrhythmic on McKenna’s education plan (h/t, Howie on Facebook).
– Pretty horrible effects of having busy highways and a port in your neighborhood. I’m glad the port is mitigating some of the worst of it.
Wait, I thought the Republicans were all about cutting spending?
O’ no’s!
First new spending, then gay marriage! What could possibly be next?
@1 Maybe he thinks the legislature cut twice as much as they actually did? Or he figures the Democrats cut only half as much as they should have, so he can spend the other half?
Actually, what I’ve seen in recent news stories is that McKenna plans to squeeze state employees to get the money for his education proposals. Translation: More work, lower pay, no benefits. Sounds a lot like Scott Walker’s fiscal plan for Wisconsin. Walker has already more than spent the savings his union-busting will squeeze out of that state’s teacher’s and public workers on new tax breaks for rich business owners.
The Federal Budget
Want to know where federal money goes? Here’s a handy-dandy easy-to-read pie chart:
Medicare, Medicaid, childen’s health insurace: 21%
Social Security – 20%
Defense – 20%
Safety net programs – 14%
Benefits for federal retirees and veterans – 7%
Interest on debt – 6%
Education – 3%
Other – 9%
Republicans are targeting Medicare, Medicaid, children’s health insurance, and safety net programs — for example, yesterday, House Republicans voted to strip the poor of their WIC food assistace. They’ll make babies starve so they don’t have to cut one penny from spending on aircraft carriers, missiles, jets, bombs, and missiles. It’s all a matter of priorities. If you think killing foreigners in their own villages is more important than buying milk for babies, then you should vote Republican.
We know where Republican spending prioriies lie, of course. Under Chimpface, defense spending rose from $400 billion to $700 billion a year. We could save $300 billion a year simply by paring back defense spending to pre-Dubya levels. But Republicans refuse to do that. Their motto is: “Trillions for defense, but not one penny for baby formula!”
And where has all that defense money gone? Well, part of it has enriched our allies by enabling them to cut their own defense spending. For example, our allies who are currently bombing Libya get their munitions from us, at our expense, because they’re too cheap to pay for their own munitions. So we pay for all that military activity they’re conducting against Gadhafi to enable them to give things like free health care to their own citizens. This is a win-win deal for Republican Big Spenders, because not only does it make citizens in Germany, France, and Italy happy; but it also makes Republicans happy because it means they don’t have to give milk to American babies.
However, reality eventually will catch up with them; the current level of defense spending is unsustainable and will be cut.
Gee, it’s only been shown about a billion times to save us money in the long run..
In the preceding thread I talked about how any twentysomething kid with drive and ambition can make a shitload of money in America simply by having the right parents. See, e.g., Petra Ecclestone (who just bought a $150 million house for $85 million — it must have been a pre-foreclosure sale) and Bristol Palin (who gets paid a six-figure salary for preaching the virtues of abstinence to teenagers.
Well, as a further example of how hard work pays off in America, a Playboy bunny named Crystal Harris figured out how to turn her ample (enhanced?) bust into a cash cow.
Her planned wedding to Hugh Hefer was a sham.
Her actual plan was to jilt him at the altar, then sell the interview rights for $500,000. And yes, there are media outlets that will pay this kind of money for this kind of nonsense, because America’s idiot public laps up this sort of dumbed-down pablum instead of reading serious literature such as Barron’s or Foreign Affairs.
Crystal Harris is the kind of person who, if she ever picks up a National Geographic, just looks at the pictures because she doesn’t know how to read. Really, the only geography she cares about is her own, between her waistline and neckline.
But, in America’s unique economic system, her particular talents are worth 20 times what a beginning teacher in Poulsbo or Omak gets paid. Thanks to American capitalism, big tits are worth more than a brain and kollidge eddifimication, if ya got ’em and know how to flaunt ’em.
You gotta admire how our wonderful economic system divvies up the pie among those who’ve got it and those who don’t.
If you want to scare an English person, tell them their health care might become more American.
Who can blame them, Obamacare has made it the most expensive in the world. Obama promised insurance would be less expensive but now it’s higher than ever. Thank you Obama
@6. Michael spews:
yesterday, House Republicans voted to strip the poor of their WIC food assistace.
Gee, it’s only been shown about a billion times to save us money in the long run..
Right, giving money away to democrat drones saves a ton of money, that’s why there isn’t any deficit now. Thank you Obama
Did you see the mugshot of your Progressive Idol John Edwards?
There is something wrong with this guy and you Progressives loved him.
Say Cheeeeeeeeeeeeese!
Enjoy mindless right wing tools!
@8 “Who can blame them, Obamacare has made it the most expensive in the world.”
Does the Republican Party pay to send guys like you to Fairytale Writing Class, or do you just stick your fingers up your own ass and pull the shit out?
Obamacare hasn’t even started yet, asshole.
The crapola spewed by trolls in these threads is like an endless stream of shit squirting out of an elephant with diarrhea. I’m a propagandist but there’s a factual basis for what I write; these guys just make shit up. Out of thin air. It’s all lies.
One of their biggest lies is that government spending is out of control because public employees have been untouched by the Republican-caused depression we’re in. The truth is otherwise:
“Layoffs among state and local government workers are the most obvious source of new unemployment. … And government job cuts may have only just started.”
The TRUTH is that government workers are suffering in this recession along with everyone else — from hiring and pay freezes, pay cuts, furloughs, increased workloads, and job losses and layoffs. And they didn’t cause this recession; the government-hating, anti-regulation, laissez-faire idiots did. They’re paying the price — along with millions of private sector workers — for Republican stupidity.
It’s too late to do anything about the damage that rightwing ideologues inflicted on the American and world economies. That’s water over the dam. But elections are ongoing and we still can do something to help secure a better future for ourselves and our children: Stop voting for Republicans! Why anyone would still vote Republican after everything that has happened is a mystery.
@12. Roger Rabbit spews:
Obamacare hasn’t even started yet, asshole.
The mandatory coverage extensions are already law, you effing nitwit.
@9 Whenever wingers get caught with their hand in the till or up somebody’s dress their answer always is: “You guys do it too!”
No, not really. Democrats are fallible human beings and occasionally one of them misbehaves. But the kind of pervasive and systematic corruption and creepiness that permeates the Republican Party is unique. When it comes to misbehaving Republicans are in a class by themselves. Across-the-board dishonesty and perversion are a uniquely Republican trait.
We don’t have Obamacare in America. The health care system we have right now — expensive, patchwork, jury-rigged, and above all expensive — is the one Republicans want to keep. And under this ineffective health care system so beloved by Republicans, lifespans are growing shorter in hundreds of American counties … most of them in the red-state south. Why would anyone vote for Republicans? How much sense does that make?
A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows less than half of Republican voters are satisfied with the Republican candidates.
And some people think the GOP has a strong enough field to beat Obama? What are they smoking?
The GOP field is so weak that Obama is about to become the first president in history to be re-elected with 9% unemployment.
@14 “The mandatory coverage extensions are already law, you effing nitwit.”
Bullshit. Mandatory coverage doesn’t take effect until January 1, 2014, you effing nitwit.
The trolls on this board are illiterate, ignorant, head-up-ass idiots.
Democrat Dream Team:
Obama-John in 2012.
@4 The Bush administration moved the WIC program from HHS to the Dept. of Homeland Security. Apparently they were data mining the records to track foreign-born (particularly Muslim) beneficiaries.
This was of course a flagrant violation of HIPAA regulations, but of course this was the also the age of widespread illegal wiretapping to “know if anyone called Al Queda”.
@7 Word has it that Harris also thinks she’s a singer (with the ubiquitous Auto-Pitch, who isn’t?) and has a CD coming out next week.
Word also has it that Hef has sent word to the 300 invited guests that the party’s on for this Saturday anyway–and that the evening’s entertainment is going to include a screening of Runaway Bride.
@15 Considering their usual manner of projection, the GOPer’s continual screeching about “mandatory” enrollment probably means that when they’re done, they intend to put in place their own law that requires every American to purchase health coverage from a private carrier, but absolves private insurers from paying for any treatment.
RR @ 7: I’ve long wondered why the rich keep trying to get richer. How many homes can you live in at a time:
But Petra’s family seems to provide the answer. Her mother, a model, obviously must have married him for his engaging personality – surely his wealth didn’t have anything to do with it????
Bernie and Slavica Ecclestone
Fortunately, their daughters inherited their looks from her side of the family. Google Tamara and Petra for some interesting picks of their kids.
Gee, when I was 22, I was in graduate school, working part time to help pay my way and support my wife and disabled mother-in-law at the same time. I had been working since I was 15. At 22 we were in a one-bedroom apartment in the Greenwood (Crown Hill) area – no elevator, you walked up three flights of stairs.
You’ve got to wonder what a 22-year-old needs with a 150 million dollar house near L.A. My guess, however, is that it has something to do with her parents divorcing a couple of years ago – maybe her mother insisted that he give some of his fortune to either her or the kids, and he chose the kids.
I wonder what the older sister is getting for her birthday? She works hard to, as a “presenter” of trophies at her father’s Formula One races.
Personally, I saw though his “man of the people” act in about a week.
@13 The quality of trolls we’ve had in here has deteriorated so badly that I’m really starting to miss Cynical. At least he was able to formulate coherent thoughts and relate his claims one way or another to some basis in reality, even if his conclusions were generally dead wrong.
I don’t think any of the Republicans can win the election, but I do think that Obama can lose it.
@21 Getting to you, are we? Good. I like to watch slugs squirm in their death throes. Slugs — blecch! Republicans — double blecch!!
@25 When I was 22, I was living in an Army barracks, and preparing to go to Vietnam. But then I’m a real American.
@27 I’ve got a growing suspicion they’re all the same troll and there’s only one (stupid and demented) troll in here. What this blog needs is a troll recruiting drive to get a little intelletual diversity going.
@25 That guy has children? He must’ve used a stepladder.
# 32: Well, considering the height and good looks of his children, we have to consider the possibility that he may have out-sourced the job.
Ecclestone Family
27 – Things must be REALLY BAD to want Klynical the Klown back.
Yeah, I agree. Things are REALLY, REALLY BAD but I can NEVER miss Klynical for it.
Strange that this country has drifted right wing for years and years leading to gerrymandered right wing majorities in the 90’s and beyond. Plenty of right wing governors but only now have we seen the Governors and their lackeys in the legislatures viciously attacking the public unions. Schwarzenegger tried through ballot initiatives to bust the unions in CA but beyond that? I can’t recall anything else.
Maybe it’s only recently that the Public Unions were such players in money raising for the Dems?
What an incredible fucking moron.
Could we all pitch in an buy better trolls?
Anyway, I’ve had it – time for revolution. We’re headed for feudal oligarchy – fuck, we’re already there.
It’s time we organized this society to promote the general welfare – all of us, together – I’m so fucking tired of the sociopathic greedheads harshing on my mellow. Republican fucktards must be sent to re-education camps – lots of pot, campfires, Twister, s’mores – I think that they’ve must have all had terribly deprived childhoods.
Sounds like the CCCP part 2.
you guys’ jealousy of others is comical.
“waaaaa…she bought a $150m house…waaaaa”
so fucking what, mind your own fucking business.
I’ve been trying to tell you folks that the Republicans want a neo-feudal state.
File this one under giving credit where credit’s do: some of the House of Republicans have removed their heads from their asses on energy subsides.
Oops, I guess that’s the Senate.
@19. Roger Rabbit spews:
@14 “The mandatory coverage extensions are already law, you effing nitwit.”
Bullshit. Mandatory coverage doesn’t take effect until January 1, 2014, you effing nitwit.
Wrong again, you effing nitwit.
Effective September 23, 2010
* Insurers are prohibited from imposing lifetime dollar limits on essential benefits, like hospital stays in new policies issued.[21]
* Dependents (children) will be permitted to remain on their parents’ insurance plan until their 26th birthday,[22] and regulations implemented under the Act include dependents that no longer live with their parents, are not a dependent on a parent’s tax return, are no longer a student, or are married.[23][24]
* Insurers are prohibited from excluding pre-existing medical conditions (except in grandfathered individual health insurance plans) for children under the age of 19.[25][26]
* Insurers are prohibited from charging co-payments or deductibles for Level A or Level B preventive care and medical screenings on all new insurance plans.[27]
* Individuals affected by the Medicare Part D coverage gap will receive a $250 rebate, and 50% of the gap will be eliminated in 2011.[28] The gap will be eliminated by 2020.
* Insurers’ abilities to enforce annual spending caps will be restricted, and completely prohibited by 2014.[10]
and more;
@37 “slayer of communists”
Really? Which war were you in?
@37 (continued) Who’s complaining about 22-year-old failed fashion designer Petra Ecclestone’s $85 million house? All we’re saying is you don’t get that kind of money by working for it.
@27: Coherent is a BIG stretch. Klynical was just lobbing turds from the shitpile that is FreeRepublic and RedState.
Right wing tools can hold their heads high this morning!
Vitter told the TRUTH about defecating in a diaper for sexual gratification and hiring a prostitute for playing mommy!
Heh. All they are saying is give peace a chance?
Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2011.....z1PS7gomXC
Effective September 23, 2010
* Insurers are prohibited from imposing lifetime dollar limits on essential benefits, like hospital stays in new policies issued.[21]
* Dependents (children) will be permitted to remain on their parents’ insurance plan until their 26th birthday,[22] and regulations implemented under the Act include dependents that no longer live with their parents, are not a dependent on a parent’s tax return, are no longer a student, or are married.[23][24]
* Insurers are prohibited from excluding pre-existing medical conditions (except in grandfathered individual health insurance plans) for children under the age of 19.[25][26]
* Insurers are prohibited from charging co-payments or deductibles for Level A or Level B preventive care and medical screenings on all new insurance plans.[27]
* Individuals affected by the Medicare Part D coverage gap will receive a $250 rebate, and 50% of the gap will be eliminated in 2011.[28] The gap will be eliminated by 2020.
* Insurers’ abilities to enforce annual spending caps will be restricted, and completely prohibited by 2014.[10]
And where in the above is the “mandatory coverage” part, unless you define that as “prohibiting insurers from screwing over their policyholders”?
If it’s there somewhere in the “etc”, please elaborate. Neither I nor anyone I know has been notified by the government that we’d better sign up or else. Mind you, I can’t think of anyone I know who has the money to afford it, who’s stupid enough to do without health insurance.
Klynical must be ecstatic about the Rasmussen Polls which shows that 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
President Obama is headed for one-termdom just like his twin Jimmy Carter. What a complete failure this guy is.
Analysis of FAA flight data shows that a third to a half of corporate jet flights are to resort areas.
As you surely know, personal use of a corporate jet is taxable personal income. Make your own guess about how many of these corporate execs are declaring it on their 1040s and paying the taxes required by law.
Low tax rates and tax loopholes aren’t the only tax perks enjoyed by the rich. So is tax evasion.
NBC/WSJ Poll Results
Romney is the clear front-runner in the GOP nomination race, easily trouncing the wannabes;
Obama has strong leads over Romney in every region except the South;
Congress, under GOP leadership, has sunk to new lows.
# 49: That’s an old “Hollywood” trick, also.
Hair, makeup, clothing, chauferred limosines, bodyguards, personal trainers, dieticians, cooks, etc. are not normally a deductable business expense by an individual, no matter how necessary to the job. The IRS considers them to be too personal in nature.
So agents and accountants insist that the movie studio provide those services to their employee, the actor/actress. They also set up personal service corporations, which signs contracts with the studios and employee the actor/acctress to provide the service on the corporation’s behalf, and provide such “perks” as are not provided by the studios as an “employee benefit”.
The nature of the service, and to whom it is provided, is usually obscured in the corporate bookkeeping. Of course, Hollywood bookkeeping has become legendary in how it hides profits from shuffles expenses between accounts. Ask any actor who’s tried to get residuals from a movie studio – James Garner spent decades fighting for residuals owed to him for the Maverick and Rockford Files series – the studio claimed that neither series ever made a profit!
As for the corporate flights to resorts, the corporate officers usually invite someone to accompany them on the trip, then pass it off as travel related to customer entertainment, sales, lobbying, etc.
Last year I, representing a customer, was at an expensive dinner held by major corporation to celebrate the big sale. They provided transportation back to where my car was parked, and on the way we dropped him off at his car. All the way to his car, he was complaining about how much hard work these corporate dinners were, and how he was going to come in late the next day after taking in a morning golf game as “comp time”.
As I was departing the limo, I smilled at the driver, and said in a semi-sarcastic tone: “Yea, it’s really hard work having a free steak and lobster dinner every night”. He laughed, and we spent a few minutes talking. He was working a full-time job, and did the driving gig at night to make ends meet. He said the hardest part about the driving job was to keep from rolling his eyes as his passengers, normally corporate executives and their spouses/mistresses, would talk about how they desearve everything they get (and more), but then complain how anyone underneath them is lazy and overpaid.
manofidiot to Puddy – what you say has much sense except for equating traits of survival of the fittest with a choice, how you make that connection – I don’t know. So according to you homosexuality is a choice because it is a bad trait to have when in comes to survival of the fittest…..you make no sense, you seem educated, more so than Puddy, but you make less sense than Puddy. So Heterosexuals have no bad traits because they can reproduce offspring. One, I can reproduce, IF I SO CHOOSE, I have gotten hard enough to put my penis in Vagina and ejaculated. Many gay parents that have biological children. How about your bad trait tor rape and kill like its part of your survival of the fittest theory. God created me, as much as you don’t want to believe it, you moron. I don’t choose to be gay, why would I, so I can be ridiculed every day. You don’t choose this type of life because you like the shape of a penis as a choice. If I choose to be gay, you choose to be straight and are just suppressing your desire for a cock.
Hey check it out, formaldehyde causes cancer. Who knew?
drive to get a little intelletual diversity going.
i thought you wanted us all to think like you
Oh man, this woman is going to the gulag real soon.
Something Puddy has been saying for a long long time
gman you make no sense at all.
I make enough sense for you to even acknowledge me. Thanks.
You thinking of killing anyone today Puddy. Remember thou shall not kill – don’t tell me your forgot that.
YLB – do you honestly believe that any of those rioters in Vancouver were gay? I can see it now, a limp wristed guy turning over a car.
YLB – you ever hear about someone getting shot at a Gay Pride Parade?…..by a gay guy?
Every time there us a Peurto Rican Parade where I live, some one gets shot….and we know how Peurto Ricans are real macho heterosexuals.
Surprisingly Republican candidate for president, Rick Santorum, former bombastic Pennsylvania senator, and
pro-lifeanti-choice congressman since 1991 (taking bullets for the pro-life cause!!) is married to the woman who aborted his child in 1997. The child whose life began at conception. And his wife committed murder.Another Republican right-wing evangelical x-tran hypocritical grifting hack.
Gman – it all comes done to the culture. If it turns violent, people act out violently.
It’s not a gay/straight thing in my view.
The prisons are violent places. The “bottoms” are traded between dominant prisoners all the time for all sorts of things. That’s a violent culture.
Look at the numbers of humanity – approaching 9 billion by 2050. Just based on that alone, violence isn’t that big a factor.
And of course you know we don’t get there without heterosexual behavior.
47. ArtFart spews:
And where in the above is the “mandatory coverage” part, unless you define that as “prohibiting insurers from screwing over their policyholders”?
You are much more than an effing nitwit, you are an ignorant effing nitwit. Rodent spouted off without knowing the facts and shut up when shown them. You are obviously too ignorant to realize that matters like dollar limits and pre-existing conditions are coverage issues even when I show them to you.
@64 You didn’t answer my question, did you?
#64 is a Real American and Real American’s don’t have to answer questions from pinko-commie scum.
Not the second one, we were on the same side.
Which isn’t real suprising considering who the president was…