– The deadline for the College Bound program is coming up (h/t).
– I’d still rather have higher taxes, especially on the wealthy, but facts are facts.
– Strike up the band, baby. It’s our chance to see who the GOP field has to pander to (also, what a great sidebar).
– Of Course.
– I didn’t know what a globular cluster was before reading this post.
In honor of the wingnut Klynical who has run away and hid like the coward he is-
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, June 13, 2011
Everyone knows the trillions of deficit spending has really helped the economy and create jobs except the wingnuts.
The NLRB has taken Boeing to court for union busting. Article.
Yep, responsible for 3 million jobs.
Thanks to Republicans, the stimulus was sized too small to reboot the economy into a “new normal”.
For power they make the country suffer. Like trolls they are scum.
Somehow Puddybud missed this:
Welcome to the reality based community Ken Barnes! A place that Puddybud left for good due to an incurable addiction to right wing bullshit!
Regarding globular clusters, my ex wrote his Ph.D. thesis on M15. He’ll like this article.
so now there’s an investigation about whether ron perleman controlled mcandrews holdings bribed legislators to get a no bid, 2.5 billion contract for their smallpox vaccine. ron pereleman, christ does it ever fucking end.
This one might be old news but I heard it mentioned on talk radio today. Rising Faux News star Eric Bolling:
Chugging 40’s huh? Somehow Puddybud missed that one too.
Puddybud will NOT miss this:
Herman Cain is his man!
Shit is this what a Republican does to appeal to the Republican primary voter?
This Bolling moron doubles down on racism:
Triple, quadruples, octuples????
Whatever. It plays well with the 65 years+ reactionary audience of Faux News.
The Republican presidential campaign soon will kick off in Iowa. We’ll see if any of the GOP candidates has the guts to get on a platform in front of Iowa voters and promise to eliminate ethanol subsidies.
Ethanol probably is a net energy consumer. It probably puts more CO2 in the air than it prevents. It has raised food prices by diverting a large percentage of our corn crop to fuel production. And it’s costing taxpayers billions.
“$6 billion a year in ethanol subsidies … is slated to balloon to $60 billion a year a decade from now.”
Any candidate who isn’t willing to tell Iowa voters s/he will eliminate ethanol subsidies isn’t serious about reducing the deficit.
RR: I believe those Republicans who have publically stated that they would eliminate ethenol subsidies have already stated that they would not campaign in Iowa, or participate in the straw poll. Everyone else will do so.
Funny how a state like Iowa can have such a disproportionate impact upon the presidential selection process. A local economic issue becomes the litmus test on whether the candidates can proceed to the next level. For Republicans other than Romney, it’s vital for them to prove they are a “legitimate” candidate by either winning, or at least getting within the top three of a straw poll. And a straw poll, of course, is an inherently flawed method of measuring support.
In the meantime, it’s fun to watch Palin and Bachman, watching to see who will declare their candidacy for the Tea Party fringe of the Republican Party. I’m reminded of those old western movies, where to protagonists circle each other, with a single knife in the middle, waiting to see who will make the first move for the knife.
Cain, paraphrased:
“I’m not saying whether he is, or is not, a fureigner. I haven’t studied the issue. But I think it’s a serious question.”
If it’s a serious question, then why haven’t you studied it, Cain? Or is it just more convenient to claim ignorance and let the trogladites continue to believe whatever they want to believe?
Newt kicked off his presidential campaign “anew” in Los Angeles, before a mostly friendly audience of a Jewish Republican organization. They were polite enough, but those interviewed said that they didn’t think that realistically, he has a chance.
I wonder how long his wife is going to let him continue this campaign, once it runs out of money? I figure that once he starts looking at that Tiffany’s jewelry and wondering how much he can get for it at the Pawn Stars shop, she’s going to pull the plug.
Seriously, Republicans I have spoken to hope that someone else gets in the race, they aren’t happy with any of the candidates so far. And they don’t want to see Palin or Bachman in, either. Huckabee and Trump have already dropped out, Christie and Jeb Bush say they wan’t run.
So who is left to ride in at the last minute to seize the nomination and restore Republican hopes?
10 – That’s why I’m curious how Jon Huntsman will play out.
Abandoning Iowa and ethanol – that’s a noteworthy move.
I’d like to know how Puddy would deal with his child if he found out that they were gay. Would he kill he or she, like Tracy Morgan? Or would he tried to fix them for choosing that type of lifestyle? No Puddy – I don’t think it is a choice, I’m just using your words. So Puddy, Hypothetically, what would you do? Would you kill like your big fan Tracy Morgan? Would you send them to get fixed? Or maybe you could benefit by them killing themselves for know how much you would hate them; then you and Tracy Morgan can get a big laugh about it.
17 – Heh. Puddybud, like most right wing nutjobs, lives to bark orders. You can only imagine what it would be like to be someone close to him who refuses to submit.
AT BEST, it would be, “alter your ‘choice’ or I don’t know you”.
I received a letter from my oldest fishing buddy last week. He is a retired surgeon, and spent 20 years in the Army. 70 years old in a month. By way of justification, he first of all lobbed a few at the Dems. But, then, he said, “I’ve always considered myself a Republican. The GOP is ‘my party.’ I don’t know what has happened to them. A party that takes people like Palin, Trump, and Bachmann seriously as presidential candidates, is no longer a serious political party. The world didn’t crash and burn when the Whigs went away; I suspect that won’t happen either when the last Republican name appears on a ballot.” Well-said, my friend.
gman…. as a liberal, you believe in evolution. a basic tenet of evolution is survival of the fittest. any trait that does not contribute to survival disappears. it really goes without saying that the trait of homosexuality does not contribute to survival since that trait would die out because of failure to procreate. so, either homosexuality is a choice, or, its a form if disease like cancer.
do you have a theory that supports homosexuality as normal and bebeficial to a species survival?
Speaking to REALITY…
Did he go back to the DUMMOCRAPTIC party yelling loser beta?
First off non sequitor… Speculation at best. My chillen are hetero!
BTW Tracy Morgan isn’t my hero and I am not a fan! Good try at moral equivalence. That’s all you got besides a sore hershey highway!
See ya!
Gotta love how yelling lost beta tries to speak for me@17. Well he is my beta and I am his alpha since he loves to copy my style.
Anyway, go back to cruising the left wing kook aid beta boy! That’s your best forte.
Well we already know what the socialists think right rhp6033? Go back to Newsweek for your history lesson!
Heh. He saw the light and REJECTED the miserable party you’ve shilled for since WAAAY before late April 2005.
Just calling it as I see. And I see..
Superiority. You love copying me!
26 – I see what Darryl saw the other day:
one thing is for sure: no matter if the economy is booming or busting, NOBODY is going to pay money to listen to shitty music.
just facts ma’am, just the facts…
Again for the reading impaired fool:
It’s your party and you’re too stupid to cry at their racism unlike the halfway rational Ken Barnes.
Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/.....z1PDTpSIBB
Bzzzttt! Wrong, Man on goat. Your home schooling is showing.
Darwin first used Spencer’s new phrase “survival of the fittest” as a synonym for natural selection in the fifth edition of On the Origin of Species, published in 1869
buy yourself a copy, douchebag. and, too bad your shot at home schooling blew up. i know you were schooled at the jew controled publik skools.
ps douche, now there are food riots in china. we’re about a year away from collapse. i cant wait until the good ‘ol boys come for your asses.
The good old boys are all eating heart attack food at their local NASCAR track. When the collapse comes it will be us healthy guys that garden and ride bikes that make it though. Collapse= no gas for their monster trucks. We’ve got a few more years before we’ve got to think about that.
Do you believe that a political party that considers Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Herman Kain, et al to be serious candidates for leader of the free world as a serious political entity?
Proud Leftist,
Remove Sarah Palin and Donald Trump from the equation. Absolutely… Look at the failure your party placed in there.
Ricky Santorum? Really?
Too, too rich.
GASP! Puddybud has thrown the conservative womenfolk UNDER THE BUS!!!
This is the BEST NEWS POSSIBLE for the puddybitch!
The two best rethuglikant candidates are MORMONS!!!!!
Think about it…that will automatically legitimize lots and lots of loony, batshit crazy religous cults…even HIS!!!!
Clearly the puddybitch hates women.
The wingnut krazy is strong in this thread.
@19 manofidiot to Puddy – what you say has much sense except for equating traits of survival of the fittest with a choice, how you make that connection – I don’t know. So according to you homosexuality is a choice because it is a bad trait to have when in comes to survival of the fittest…..you make no sense, you seem educated, more so than Puddy, but you make less sense than Puddy. So Heterosexuals have no bad traits because they can reproduce offspring. One, I can reproduce, IF I SO CHOOSE, I have gotten hard enough to put my penis in Vagina and ejaculated. Many gay parents that have biological children. How about your bad trait tor rape and kill like its part of your survival of the fittest theory. God created me, as much as you don’t want to believe it, you moron. I don’t choose to be gay, why would I, so I can be ridiculed every day. You don’t choose this type of life because you like the shape of a penis as a choice. If I choose to be gay, you choose to be straight and are just suppressing your desire for a cock.