– Here’s the Families and Education Levy website.
– Dori Monson is an awful person.
– Paying for a college education is going to be harder and harder (PS, while this article itself is worth reading, I’m not sure when Publicola decides to label things “other blogs.”
– I don’t know what’s more surprising about the Arizona Diamondbacks: the how many former Mariners they have or how well they’re doing (PS on the Podcast, I love how many different ways they pronounce “JJ Putz”).
– While I’m generally opposed to using nouns as verbs, I totally use MacGyver to mean make something on the fly.
Pssst, dummy, that picture you’re showing of the Weiner girl is on Linda Thomas’ blog, not Dori’s.
Speaking of awful persons:
Right wingers everywhere can’t stand the waiting till the inevitable release of the “x-rated picture”.
Carly is a such a tool
In Carly’s world, Congressman Weenur is an OK guy – even though he sent lude texts and pics to some gal he doesnt know….but somehow dori monson is the bad guy?
LMFAO..poor carly is really doing his bestest to stay relevant…
So you must be one of the dozen or so people who read the Thtwanger? Are you getting butt sex advice from danny-boy?
the inevitable release of the “x-rated picture”.
@2 – Yep right on cue!
Weiners on the brain much?
Again thanks for making my point!
4 – Uh I meant to point to the knee-jerk dork @ 3
First the Clenis, now Weiner.
With right wing nuts everything old is new again.
The article originally appeared on Monson’s blog. I briefly heard Dori yesterday, while changing stations, bring up the yearbook topic while snickering how sorry he felt for the girl.
This fucking hypocrite has a couple of teenage daughters.
Breitbart is really full of himself.
I agree that the x-rated photo will come out no matter what Congressman Wiener does. Someone will give Breitbart a lot of money for it and or he will use some perceived slight as a reason for releasing it.
the gal is 21 years old…
perhaps you should ask why weenur was sending her stuff?
oh, he is a D, so you ignore that part…lol
LMFAO @ “while changing stations”….
uh huh….sure…..
and all the while, unemployment has gone up again……
21’s an adult in case you’ve forgotten.
Not excusing Weiner but in your mind his action excuses Monson’s excesses. You can’t have it both ways.
@11 I have KIRO FM on my truck radio’s presets. I listen to the morning news and Dave Ross.
the fact that she is an adult was exactly my point.
excess? have you heard the constant verbal diahrea that comes out of 1090?
I also listen do Dave Ross..cant say I agree with him all the time, but he is OK in my book…the idiot he has with him needs to go though. that guy is dumber than a box of rocks…a perfect example of a clueless urban idiot.
Ya know guys…let’s all just focus on some dumbass congresscritters dick instead of how Republicans want to make absolutely SURE that hundreds of thousands of decent Americans and their families have NO JOBS and NO MONEY.
Let’s keep the priorities straight here.
Talk radio’s useless. Weiner should take his wiener and go home.
If Weiner hadn’t offered up his Wiener so someone he didn’t even know on Twitter they wouldn’t have this lovely opportunity to do so.
But I thought obama was in charge?
Yep and yep
And the Republicans are right on it, proposing solutions..
I hope I’m not mistaken.
When does it go too far? Weiner admited he sent the photos and apologized. Brietbart is he releasing the graphic photos as part of an extorted attempt to force Weiner into resigning and or controlling the message of the Dems? Brietbart had previously hinted he had x rated photos and would not release them due to the effect on Weiner’s family but would keep them as as insurance policy. One thing is obvious he is intent on destroying Weiner and will keep it going as long as he can.
You mean someone who lives in Seattle?
Dave Ross lives on Mercer Island. Is that rural?
Let’s see 6.2 sq mi and 22,600 people or so – that comes out to 3452 people per square mi.
How about Kent? Is that rural?
28 sq mi , 92,400 residents – that comes out to..
2836 people/sq mi.
So do those with a “clue” require lebensraum?
David Vitter
Larry Craig
Why are these two hypocrites still in office?
Breitbart is an unhinged liar.
I’m trying to find the transcript where he lied to Matt Lauer on the Today Show.
It was sick.
The difference between us and GOPers is we’re not defending the guy; whereas, if he were a Republican congressman they’d still be lying and denying.
@24. Roger Rabbit spews:
The difference between us and GOPers is we’re not defending the guy; whereas, if he were a Republican congressman they’d still be lying and denying.
you really are on crack, aren’t you? Medical pot wouldn’t make you this delusional.
Breitbart was tellign the truth this time, wasnt he?
Besides, you seem to love liars..IE John Edwards and TEH WEENUR.
you silly stupid fuck – the clueless urban idiot comment was directed at Dave Ross’ sidekick, not Dave Ross himself….learn how to fucking read you asswhipe.
OWNED….big time.
BS….the progressive drones are defending TEH WEENUR at every opportunity – and trying to shift blame to Breitbart.
nice try rabbit turd, but TEH FAYLE.
Big deal. A busted clock is right two times a day.
You mean this is a rare thing for Breitbart?
Uhh… yeah..
Of course none of the republiklowns want to talk about this.
wow..that was original…..but then again I should expect nothing more from a failed wannabe musician.
I don’t particularly care for you or Dori Monson.
thats because people with money dont run up credit card debt like its going out of style.
I bet you are in debt up to your ass arent you.
Hey it’s nice to have money. You can do this:
I bet you wish you could do that.
you missed the point of the last two posts on the subject….good job there einstein.
What do “people with money” do, smart guy?
You really are the dumbfuck”s dumbfuck aren’t you…
Heh. Gee if you’re rich not only is it a breeze to walk away from a million dollar plus mortgage without undue consequences…
every dumbass under the sun who listens to right wing hate talk radio will move heaven and earth to cut your taxes – so you’ll create jobs..
I tell you if you’re rich you’re laughing all the way to the local Charles Schwab..
uumm….use cash?
But I can tell you one thing people with money arent: and that is failed wannabe musicians.
jealous much?
Heh. Yeah rich people don’t run up debt – they just “give it back to the bank”.
WTF are you talking about? You are so lost on this subject that now youre just rambling on about anything comes up in your pea brain.
funny, the democrats and progressive talking heads are abandoning TEH WEENUR faster than rats off a sinking ship…but, but, but YLBasement is still defending TEH WEENUR to the very end..just like he is with his man-crush Edwards….
Of dumbasses bamboozled by the “gospel of wealth” heard on right wing hate talk radio and preached in right wing publications?
Not even jealous of asset heavy types who “strategically default” on debt obligations.
That now you’re switching it to weiners.. Sigh.. weiner on the brain alert.
Again you make my point.
OK fuckwit…where is this wrong? Where are the mother-fucking J-O-B-S these fucking tax cuts were gonna give us?
Why did these assholes crash the realestate market and cause hundreds of thousands of people to lose all the financial security they had?
Explain please. (this oughta be good)
So Dave Ross has a “clue” because he lives on Mercer Island where he only has to share a square mile with 3500 other people.
What’s the magic number to lose “clue” with an moronic asswipe like you? Well Seattle’s population density certainly is higher – twice that of Mercer Island.
Or maybe the better question is does there exist a clueless “un-urban” idiot?
IMHO, you gotta be a contender.