– The anti choice movement can really made your skin crawl (h/t).
– Go see how the Republican plan to screw Medicare hurts your Congressional District. There may be a follow up post, but probably not (h/t).
– I loved learning about how they collect bugs in the soil & leaf litter.
– They’re already beating us.
– If Anthony Weiner sent a picture of his penis to random women, then there should be a price to pay, but oh my have the right wingers lost their fucking minds (has an unsafe for work picture, but not one as bad as what was on the front page here).
Don’t forget to get out and ring some doorbells for Ben Stuckart!
The anti choice movement can really made your skin crawl (h/t).
i totally agree. people who are limiting our choices are just busybodies.
Free Bradley Manning!
I think an execution is more in order.
Passing off secret documents in a time of war?
Time to get out the firing squad.
Bradley Manning will face the music and very likely do some hard time. The government is out to make a BIG example of him to keep others from following in his footsteps.
This “example” explains his terrible treatment in solitary confinement which may have also been done to “break” him so he’d support the government’s narrative on Wikileaks.
Due to overwhelming public outcry Manning is now out of solitary and awaiting trial in better conditions.
The government has only itself to blame for letting an army intel worker bee have such extensive access to all those systems. A State Department cable database? What does that have to do with tracking Iraqi militants?
As to what Manning did – he did the world a huge service. Theres some bad consequences to be sure but now we know a helluva lot more about how the government does its business in the world.
I understand that the wikileaks cable dumps played a significant role in the Arab Spring uprisings.
The status quo in this world STINKS. We have governments pursuing their “interests” which are becoming more and more synonymous with corporations being allowed to maximize their profits no matter who gets hurt. Bradley Manning and Wikileaks whistleblowing upset the apple cart.
THANK HEAVENS for Bradley Manning! Thank HEAVENS for Wikileaks!
In case you haven’t been following the FAA re-authorization bill, and the status of funding for TSA screening, allow me to give you a short re-cap.
Rep. John Mica (R-FLA), the chairman of the House Transportation and Safety Committee, sponsored an amendment which prohibited TSA from spending more than 2.76 million on salaries and benefits for screeners. Another amendment prohibited any TSA funds from being used in any way to recognize or negotiate in collective bargaining with TSA screeners. And yet another amendment to the Homeland Security administration would prohibit the TSA or FAA from in any way objecting to an airport “opting out” of TSA screening and using “other screening methods” instead.
So you might ask why, if aviation security is so important to the U.S. economy and the safety of Americans in general, would he put a ceiling on funding for the front-line troops who’s goal is to keep bombs and weapons from getting on board airplanes?
Because at least one company wants to get in the business of providing private security services to the airports instead of TSA screening. I don’t know who they are, but they certainly have a lot of pull among Republican lawmakers. Mica makes no bones about it, his goal is to privatise TSA screening functions. And Fox News is playing right along, with repeated stories implying that TSA screeners are lazy, overpaid, sloppy, and engaging in unwarranted personal pat-downs of flyers.
Now, I’m not a big fan of the pat-downs or x-ray screenings eithers. But have you noticed how Fox News always shows pictures of a white person being patted down by a black TSA agent? You have to suspect that they want to appeal to those who think in their minds “There’s now way I’m gonna let some N**ger put HIS hands on me like that!
Of course, the whole problem is that TSA was specifically created because the airlines, who had the job before then, were letting people with box cutters get on airplanes and fly them into buildings. Thy pointed out that the screeners hired by the airlines were paid only minimum wage and had to spend hours and hours in front of the X-ray machines, so that the chances of catching a problem item were substantially reduced.
Republicans want to go back to that system, as long as it means their buddies in the private industry can go back to hiring TSA agents at minimum wage, no benefits, and have them staring at computer screens for hours with no breaks, and then make millions on the difference between what they charge the government for doing the service and the costs they pay the screeners.
It’s the same old trick. The financial interests which control the Republican Party have successfully moved to control the Tea Party as well. They know that if they use the right rhetoric, the Tea Party folks will do their bidding, without even knowing that they are being used. The traditional Republican power structure knows that they are being used, but they just make sure that they are being well-compensated in the process.
@5 “The government is out to make a BIG example of him to keep others from following in his footsteps.”
Hmm, what’s that say about our fearless leaders and the too-big-to-fail bankers?
Oh boy…it just keeps getting for weiner…..his story is changing again, and now more pics and texts are coming to light.
Yo rhp, your gonna od on crow!
All you weiner supporters are getting owned….luvn it…
And the scandal over the seattle school districts progressive racism and bigotry keeps getting more exposed…..throw some in crookery and you can see how true true inner city progressivism works
Luvn it
Palinistas, Paul Revere and Wikipedia. Now that’s fucking funny!
“The anti choice movement can really made your skin crawl”
Just because I personally believe abortion is a moral wrong doesn’t mean I have to associate with those freaks. And I don’t.
Palinistas, Paul Revere and Wikipedia. Now that’s fucking funny!
corpseman…..you fucking loser
“Go see how the Republican plan to screw Medicare hurts your Congressional District.”
Go read how it hurts the GOP here:
This is an opinion piece by CNN’s David Frum, who writes:
“Obama could lose if … Republicans do not blow the opportunity by presenting themselves as Medicare-annihilating racist maniacs. …
“So the Republican playbook for 2012 should follow a simple plan:
“1) Focus on the president’s record.
“2) Do not allow the militant wing of the party to bind the whole party to election-losing issues.
“3) Keep the kooks off the main stage.
“And yet this simple plan is proving surprisingly hard to execute.”
The Republicans, as Frum points out, are showcasing their plans to (a) destroy Medicare, and (b) force the Treasury to default on U.S. debt. Meanwhile, Fox and rightwing talk radio are showcasing Palin, Bachmann, The Donald, and Herman Cain, while Drudge uses his homepage to smear blacks in general.
Which makes me wonder: Maybe our righty friends like Barack (but can’t publicly admit it) and are trying to re-elect him? Because it sure looks like they’re trying to re-elect him.
The consensus of media opinion is that Romney, Pawlenty, and Huntsman are the “serious” GOP candidates. Romney’s liabilities are well known and the GOP establishment could fear, with justification, that Obama would shred him. Pawlenty lacks heft and charisma. Huntsman is not well known, but has a huge personal fortune at his disposal to raise his visibility, and might well be the most credible GOP contender. There’s an outside chance he could emerge if Romney falters. History repeatedly shows us presidential races are unpredictable, but my gut tells me Romney is most likely to be the eventual nominee. Of course, many things could happen to change that and this is only a working theory at a very early stage of the campaign.
The always-shrill Rick Santorum announced his presidential bid by claiming Obama “wrecked the economy.” I laughed so hard I damn near cracked three ribs.
The consensus of media opinion
rog, you were a lawyer and you don’t know that saying consensus of opinion is redundant? a consensus is an opinion.
A year ago, scientists trapped hydrogen antimatter atoms within a magnetic field for 2/10s of a second. Now, they’ve not only repeated the experiment, but have held the antimatter in the field for 16 minutes and 40 seconds.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s just a matter of time before somebody figures out how to use this stuff to build a superbomb. (Do you really think governments pour billions into this kind of research because they want to know what makes the universe tick?)
Think about the practical military applications of a hydrogen antimatter bomb. We could drop one bomb in the middle of the Pacific and wipe out the entire Chinese submarine fleet. Of course, we’ll have to get our own fleet out of the Pacific first, but that’s just a matter of planning and logistics.
Ah well, there goes the salmon fishing for the next 500 years.
@16 “a consensus is an opinion”
I think just about everyone here would disagree with you on that. Where there is a consensus of opinion, “consensus” and “opinion” refer to two different things. Although used in reference to an opinion, the “consensus” is not the “opinion”; it’s a quantity that exists (or doesn’t) independently of the opinion. In a given room full of opinionated individuals, there may or may not be a consensus. There’s nothing redundant about characterizing the aggregate of opinions in the room as “a consensus of opinion” or “a division of opinion”; and the selection of the adjectival phrase “consensus of” or “division of” adds information not contained in the noun “opinion” which by itself conveys no information about the extent of agreement or disagreement among the individuals in the room.
Whatever else anyone says about Anthony Weiner, the guy has no feel for P.R.
Before he ever ran for Congress, he should have gone to court to legally change his name. To Anthony Winner, or Anthony Weinert, or Anthony Steiner; it doesn’t really matter, just anything besides Weiner.
You’d think any kid with a last name like Weiner would figure this out by the time he was in sixth grade, especially if he ever sprained an ankle or was shorter than the other kids, and his classmates bestowed a nickname like “Limp” or “Little” on him.
So any of the docs released come anywhere close to the outing of Valerie Plame? (If you have forgotten, she was a deep cover CIA operative on weapons of mass destruction.) If not then do you think all involved in her outing should be executed?
i guess breitbart wasnt the liar, was he?
@22, Which time?
Weiner admits he is a lying sack of shit and a pervert.
You’d have to be stupid to not believe this loudmouthed leftist wasn’t guilty.
I hope his wife of 1 year kicks him to the curb, takes more than 1/2 his shit etc.
I would say I hope he would also resign…but he is too arrogant to do so.
What a sack of shit Weiner is.
It’s all because he was traumatized as a kids for having a name like Weiner!
Like Vitter the shitter, Cunningham and Foley? Or Breitbart for that matter? Or how about Glenn Beck who Breibart claims, “threw me under the bus”?
Yes, sending pictures of yourself (other than your ugly mug) through the internet is really, really stupid..
And if another wingnut says he feels sorry for the guy’s wife I’m going to puke.
We know what you’re really thinking. You morons could only dream of having a wife like that.
May Anthony Weiner long serve his constituents chasing down perfidious sacks of crap like Clarence Thomas. Of course it’s completely up to his constituents if Weiner gets that privilege. Considering how many people have taken intimate snapshots of themselves and their significant others way, way before the internet and digital cameras Weiner shouldn’t have to worry.
Yep, I’ll admit it, Weiner lied in his initial statements, and I’m pissed about it. He should have made a quick admission, and got on with his life. He gave Breitbart two openings, one by playing fast and loose with his Twitter account, and again by lying about it. A scum like Brietbart already has enough help from his Republican financiers, he doesn’t need any extra helps from Democrats.
Of course, I remember the Watergate era, and I remember that lots of Republican folks stood up for Nixon right up until a few days before he resigned. When they realized he was being lied to, they became very bitter, and were more inclined to call for his head on a silver platter than the Democrats. I’m beginning to understand that feeling.
But this doesn’t give Brietbart any credibility. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, completely by accident and only for a brief second.
hows that crow tasting RHP?
Breibart OWNS your ass.
I told you since last week that you were wrong…..yet you STILL pulled the party line.
dont you feel like a tool for being such a partisan fool?
and YLB accepts weiner and his lies because YLB is a partisan brainwashed tool.
Yep, its party first, nation second!
all party partisans should be deported post haste….they arent real americans, they are just tools who are fuckign up the country for the rest of us free thinkers.
how do you like getting OWNED….AGAIN!
maybe weiner and john edwards area bestest friends!
re 20: It could have been worse. His first name could have been Colin.
Moron @ 30 – Weiner at his worst is quite preferable to the morons you support at their best thank you very much.
Sorry dipshit – we’ve been telling you for years that our political system results in two parties. The prevailer in an election takes all and the loser waits for the next shot.
But you’re as stupid as they come.
Might as well give the wingnut trolls here a day or so to celebrate. After all the right-wing Republicans over the past year who preached a “moral agenda”; yet were caught patronizing hookers , soliciting sex from young guys in airport bathrooms, grooming Congressional interns for encounters as soon as they turned 18, and paying off their aids to cover up a long affair with the aid’s wife, I guess they need to celebrate a minor win when a Democratic congressmand with an incredibly hot wife gets caught sending messages and pictures (clothed) to women.
It’s been a pretty austere environment for them lately, what with Obama getting Hawaii to release his “long-form” birth certificate, getting Osama bin-Laden in a Seal raid, and the best candidates the GOP can offer looking pretty pitiful against Obama. Their only hope is to keep trying to scuttle the U.S. economy and hope that they succed in passing the blame to Obama, rather than to the Republicans where it belongs.
And if this is what they call “owning”, then it’s pretty pitiful.
If I worked for the Dem’s I’d be mostly worried about Huntsman.
Moron @ 30 – Weiner at his worst is quite preferable to the morons you support at their best thank you very much.
yes you are right ylb. there is nothing wrong with a 46 year old man sending a pcture of his cock to a 21 year old coed. i think he has some more piuctures. how old is your daughter?
@4. Jethro Troll spews:
Passing off secret documents in a time of war?
Time to get out the firing squad.
the America-haters here who try to make heroes out of traitors are in for a big surprise. When the liberal scum politicians manage to completely ruin the economy and the food riots begin we’ll see a military government and these assholes will learn all about military prisons.
About the worst thing the right can say about Wiener is that he acted like a Republican.
Politics Montana Style
I know it’s tough for you trolls to take your minds off Rep. Weiner’s crotch for even a moment, but here’s a human-interest story from Montana, the last-known residence of one of our goatfucking trolls who has mysteriously disappeared from these threads (perhaps because the goats rioted and killed him?).
Montana has only one congressman. That’s because goats don’t get to vote. His name is Denny Rehberg, he’s a Republican, and he’s vacating his seat to run against incumbent Democratic Senator Jon Tester. Thus, Montana will have an open House seat next year.
Steve Daines, a Bozeman businessman and establishment Republican (he chaired Montana’s delegation to the 2008 GOP convention), announced last November his intention to run against Tester; but when Rehberg decided to challenge Tester, Daines switched races and is running for Rehberg’s House seat with the backing of Montana’s establishment Republicans.
Who else is in the race? A guy named John Abarr who wants to legalize marijuana, increase mental health programs, keep abortion legal, and abolish the death penalty. He’s the Democrat, right?
Wrong! Abarr is running as a Republican, so he and Daines will go head-to-head in the GOP primary for Rehberg’s seat. If Abarr sounds like a strange Republican, it gets even stranger: Abarr is a white supremacist, a former organizer for the KKK, and a current member of the KKK. His use of the GOP label is an embarrassment and a P.R. nightmare for the Montana GOP, which will pull out the stops to make sure Daines, not Abarr, is the GOP candidate on the fall ballot.
HAR! HAR! HAR! I mean, ya gotta laugh!! I’ll bet even goatfucker, wherever he is, is turning over in his unmarked grave behind the goat shed.
still chewing on that crow, rhp?
I bet you feel like the fool, dont you.
I didn’t see a penis in that picture. I saw a picture of someone in their underwear. I admit that I only gave it a glance.
Very strange that YOU did see that.
As for it being right or wrong – as Puddybud would say, “the FBI found no that no laws were broken”.
And. and. and..
The coed wasn’t a congressional page afaik.
Hopefully Wiener will step down quickly and we get on with things.
There really needs to be a zero tolerance policy for this kind of nonsense.
When the liberal scum politicians manage to completely ruin the economy and the food riots begin we’ll see a military government and these assholes will learn all about military prisons.
honestly, nothing else needs to be said
@36 You know, I thought about that, but most presidents come from the ranks of big-state governors or U.S. senators. Huntsman has a great resume, and has been a governor, but of a small and politically inconsequential western state (Utah). Like Romney, he’s a Mormon, so he has a religion problem — there’s never been a Mormon president and Mormonism is a suspect religion in the minds of many Christian-religionist voters, especially in the GOP’s fundie base. But Huntsman’s bigger problem is lack of name recognition. At a logical level, he should be more attractive to the GOP establishment and political pros than Romney. I agree that if Huntsman gets traction he’d be the candidate that Democratic strategists should fear the most. He doesn’t have Romney’s “Romneycare” albatross or Romney’s flip-flopping problem. But ultimately, the GOP’s party professionals will back the candidate who can bring home the bacon (i.e., get a winning number of votes) and Huntsman doesn’t have a track record as a nationwide vote-getter, so he’s got a tough selling job ahead of him, and I think it’s uphill for him. Huntsman is probably too cerebral to do well in the early primaries and caucuses, which are more geared toward the “red meat” candidates, and if he dumbs-down to appeal those voters he’ll erase a lot of his appeal. You also have to consider ho the GOP nominating process is structured. The GOP doesn’t like messy or prolonged nomination contests, so their nominating system is set up to produce an early winner, which favors the candidate who goes into the early primaries and caucuses with momentum, and that’s likely to favor Romney. Basically, Romney is the front-runner at this point and has to sidetrack Pawlenty, keep Huntsman behind him, and avoid being drowned out by the fringe candidates. Huntsman strategy is obvious: He has to score big wins right out of the starting gate. He can’t bypass Iowa and New Hampshire; he has to win at least one of those states and make a formidable showing in both, so his campaign will put a lot of emphasis on both of those states. Romney will try to knock Huntsman out of he race, or at least knock him back, by seeking decisive wins in both states. If another candidate — say, Pawlenty, or Bachmann, or Palin — pulls off an upset in Iowa or New Hampshire, that could blow the race wide open, which can only hurt Romney and help Huntsman.
@38 Leave it to wingnuts to defend government secrecy, especially diplomats putting things in e-mails that no one should ever put in e-mails (e.g., unflattering remarks about friends and allies).
38, 44 — “When the liberal scum politicians manage to completely ruin the economy and the food riots begin”
This will never happen because Republicans will do it first, every time.
Huntsman’s already announced that he’s skipping Iowa, he says it’s do wanting to focus on southern states and because he’s against corn and ethanol subsides. Doing this shows smarts on his part as it paints the folks in Iowa and those who want to win there as the bad guys and gives him some early press that he wouldn’t otherwise get.
Huntsman’s got my attention.
Today some web site of the “Perez Hilton” ilk ran a bunch of pictures of he British royal family at the horse races. One of them shows Prince William on the left, Princess Kate on the right and Prince Harry walking between them. They’re all in their finery–the guys in full tailcoats and she in a little lacy white number that shows about a mile and a half of those…um, legs. That latter bit evidently hasn’t escaped the notice of her brother-in-law, who’s sporting a silly grin and an obvious bulge in his trousers.
What I’m getting to here, is the question of excactly what laws has Rep. Weiner broken? Somehow I doubt anyone’s thought to go to the trouble to pass a law against someone using the Internet to send a picture of his todger making a tent in his knickers to another apparently consenting adult, albeit someone younger than himself and not the person to whom he happens to be married. It’s not exactly like any pudenda got to whiffling against each other in the real world.
All of this is incredibly stupid and disgusting, to be sure…but if it were felonious to behave in bad taste and tell lies in public, every politician in the country would have to be imprisoned.
I agree with you 100%.
Do I think he should resign because he is a scumbag? no, I dont.
Do I think he should resign for being a dishonest lying sack of shit? Yes I do.
Politicans caught lying, about anythign other than national security items, should face automatic jail time.
fuck these party scumbags.
@13. Roger Rabbit spews:
Which makes me wonder: Maybe our righty friends like Barack (but can’t publicly admit it) and are trying to re-elect him? Because it sure looks like they’re trying to re-elect him.
nitwit elitists like Paul Ryan don’t like Obama, they are simply too arrogant to realize that the idiotic Ryan Medicare plan will kill them.
@17. Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s just a matter of time before somebody figures out how to use this stuff to build a superbomb. (Do you really think governments pour billions into this kind of research because they want to know what makes the universe tick?)
not likely, the amount of energy it would take to make and contain enough antimatter to make a bomb equivalent in destructiveness to a fusion weapon would exceed the amount of electricity produced by every power plant in the world many times over. You could make a million fusion weapons at less cost, even if the technology were available.
@ 38. Americafirst
Yep, this has been the goal of the American Conservative movement for the past 30 years. It shows in everything you do. You’d prefer a Mussolini or a Franco over a Roosevelt or even an Jefferson. You always have. Conservatives are always the same.
No President since FDR has been reelected with higher than 7.2% unemployment. Good Luck. Even Carville agrees, and he is no Republican…
@54 There’s a first time for everything; and given what the GOP field looks like right now, Republicans just may succeed in re-electing a president despite 9.1% unemployment.
@38 By the way, I forgot to mention this, but if anyone somehow succeeds in staging a coup that overthrows our elected government and then starts hauling people away to “military prisons,” I’ll be out in the streets defending the Constitution and our freedoms, and that’s no joke. I won’t tolerate a Burma-style military dictatorship or Pinochet-style “disappearances” in my country. From the very dawn of human civilization, self-defense has always been recognized as an inherent human right; and armed resistance against a police state is not murder, it’s self-defense.
@52 Oh, I don’t know about that. Maybe they’ll figure out a cheap way to mass-produce antimatter. I’m not a scientist but I get the impression you don’t need a lot of it to make a hell of a bang. Which reminds me of a joke I saw recently in a science magazine:
Q: What caused the Big Bang?
A: Physicists in the previous universe decided to test their theory of the Big Bang.
56..Oh where’s that cuddly carrots for everybody socialist Roger…
That doesn’t sound real warm and fuzzy
Mazda to stop building midsize car in US
We didn’t need the jobs here anyway
@58 Of course I would expect you to endorse a totalitarian regime — as long as it was fascist or rightwing. That’s what people like you are all about. You want to turn the whole world into a string of banana republics. After 30 years of Republican rule, America is well on the way to becoming one.
Me a socialist? Are you kidding?!! That’s fucking laughable. Me, the rapacious stock market speculator, a socialist? Har har har — do you think I forward my stock market winnings to the Mother Teresa Foundation? I’m as greedy as the rest of the Wall Street sharks! I believe my genus is usually referred to as “capitalist.” Whatsamatter, does it bother you that I’m a fellow exploiter? A blood brother, a brother-in-arms in the financial wars? Har har har …
Oh and when did I ever espouse carrots for everyone? I want all the carrots for myself! Great Mother Rabbit Spirit help me, I LOVE carrots!!! I was BORN to eat carrots! My eyes turn yellow when I eat carrots. So does my shit.
Wisconsin Update
Wisconsin supreme court judges are heard oral arguments today about whether the court should short-circuit the normal appeal process by taking over the case involving a lawsuit against Gov. Walker’s union-stripping bill at this point.
Meanwhile, election officials have certified recall petitions against six GOP senators. Those elections will be held July 12. A decision will be made tomorrow on recall petitions against three Democratic senators. If those petitions are certified those senators will face recall elections on July 19.
Democrats need a net gain of three seats in the recall elections to take over the state senate.
Wisconsin Budget Crisis Update
As part of their solution to Wisconsin’s budget shortfall, GOP legislators have proposed reducing the state’s tax on manufacturing production from 7.9% to 0.4% by 2016, which would cost the state nearly $360 million of revenues in the first five years and over $128 million a year thereafter.
And I thought you had a heart Roger. I know you got a S load less money after the last 5 weeks of stock market tanking, but it has been a choppy ride lately… Gotta hold your nose and pray…
Wisconsin Election Update
“[S]tate Republican Party officials are aiming to line up spoiler Democrats – loyal Republicans who run as Democrats with no intention of winning – in all six recall elections for incumbent Republican senators. …
“The … sham candidates would … force the Democratic challengers to spend money on a primary that could have been used in the general election. Plus, the spoiler candidates could launch negative attacks on the Democrats while the Republican incumbents remain above the fray.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No dirty trick is too low for Republicans to use it — and they were complaining about Democrats leaving the state to deny them a senate quorum? What a fucking bunch of asswipe hypocrites.
@63 I started selling off stocks some time ago, so I have a nice cash reserve with which to buy CHEAP stocks when the market nosedives after Republicans put the Treasury into default.
Gee I didn’t know it was the republicans that spent the treasury into default in the last six years. I thought the democrats had both houses for quite a bit of that time, and although I never saw a budget, I believe it was them doing the spending.
What is a DEBT LIMIT anyway. isn’t that a term meant to limit the debt you can borrow, kind of like a bank would do for you on a credit card. You know the limit of debt you can actually pay back!
And of course the democrats are now dipping into the federal pension plan and bankrupting that, since Social security is already borrowed out, their debt limit is maxed out, and soon they will be trying to dig and endless debt hole…
64. Republicans learned from that shill democrat that tried to run as a tea party candidate in NY, and stripped 9% from the mix. It just doesn’t take us long to learn your democrat Acorn tricks…
This is placed here because Darryl likes to selectively erase my comments when I respond to left wing horseshit personally attacking me. Somehow da professa skips right by all left wing out of line comments but will erase mine without rhyme of reason. So I place this here from the WeinerGate thread.
Once again all can see when I post any response to a personal attack on me Darryl decides to erase my posts.
You can’t make heads or tails out of post #74? Where have you been. He’s been sexting one lady 34 days after his marriage. She said he sexted her after the Health Care Vote in early March. You put WeinerGate on a Friday Night Comedy thread March 18th. I asked if he sexted the same lady after his comments you posted.
Of course you skip right over post#64. What the fuck does that last sentence have to do with this link? How about posts 76 & 80?
Crickets chirping…
America First @ 52 said:
“not likely, the amount of energy it would take to make and contain enough antimatter to make a bomb equivalent in destructiveness to a fusion weapon would exceed the amount of electricity produced by every power plant in the world many times over. You could make a million fusion weapons at less cost, even if the technology were available.”
Possibly. But also note that the Germans (and the Japanese) had concluded that the methods of creating fissionable material used by the U.S. in the Manhattan Project were simply not feasable because, in their opinion, there simply wasn’t enough electricity available, and it would take a decade or more to create enough for a single bomb. That’s why the Germans tried different approaches (heavy water, etc.) which ended up being dead-ends.
When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the German scientists were being held prisoner in a barracks camp in Britain, with concealed microphones monitoring their conversations. The leading German scientists dismissed the first bombing as “Allied Propoganda”, since they “knew” it was “impossible” to create that much enriched uranium in the time avaialable. It took some while before they accepted the truth.
Likewise, the Japanese, who had abandoned nuclear research fairly early when they concluded it wasn’t feasible within the time available to them, believed that the first atomic bombing at Hiroshima was the only bomb we had available, and it would take years to make another. Two things changed their opinion: the first was the bombing of Nakasaki. The second was false information given by a captured U.S. B-29 pilot. The Japanese were anxious to find out if there were any more bombs available, and he was rather savagely beaten and tortured for the information. At the time, we didn’t have any more bombs, and it would take several weeks to get another one in place at the U.S. base at Tianin. But the pilot wasn’t part of the program, so he didn’t have any information about the bomb. He did, however, have the presence of mind to make up a convincing lie that there were a lot of such bombs stockpiled at Tianin, and he volunteered that the next target was going to be right at the center of Tokyo (which would have been just about at the Emperor’s palace). The surrender followed about a day or so thereafter.
Note, however, that the U.S. had an incredible amount of electricity available to build not just one fuel enrichment and processing facility, but two – one for Plutonium at Hanford, and the other for Uranium at Oak Ridge. They used entirely different processing methods. This was all made possible because of the New Deal infrastructure programs which developed the hyro-electric capacity along the Columbia and Tennesse Rivers.
Regarding Montanna: Well, I’m going to give the GOP a chance to get this KKK guy out of the mix. After all, they don’t have control over who runs for nomination under their party label. Lyndon LaRouche attempted to run under the Democratic Party label for quite some time, back when anybody with Democrat on their label got at least some votes.
But it might be entertaining, if this KKK guy turns out to give the mainstream GOP guy a run for his money.
@66 “Gee I didn’t know it was the republicans that spent the treasury into default in the last six years.”
You’re right, Democrats have been running things since 2005.
[raucous rabbit laughter in background]
We need smarter trolls.
But above all, we need smarter voters.
Cops Behaving Like The KGB
A Miami Beach couple who recorded a fatal police shooting on their cellphones found out that Miami Beach cops don’t like being recorded.
When the cops saw them taking pictures, they pointed guns at their heads, ordered them out of their cars, confiscated their cellphones and smashed them, and hauled them to a mobile unit for interrogation.
Unfortunately for the cops, the guy had time to pull a memory chip out of his cellphone and hide it in his mouth.
Now the Miami cops are facing a lawsuit for false arrest, false imprisonment, assault, conversion, and property destruction.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How many cities can you think of where cops who cross the line are held accountable for their behavior? Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There’s a good reason why cops are afraid of people with cellphones: Cellphones are the most powerful accountability tool that citizens have. And there’s a reason why Republican defenders of police brutality hate trial lawyers: They don’t want the world to see those cellphone pictures in courtrooms.
Moral Hazard
More people who can pay their mortgages are walking away from underwater homes.
University of Arizona law professor Brent White thinks the past few years of banking scandals have reinforced the view that it’s not unethical to walk away.
“There’s a sense that the banks don’t follow the ‘rules,’ but somehow the little guy is supposed to — more and more people are saying ‘enough is enough’ and walking away,” said White.
@69 “Somehow da professa skips right by all left wing out of line comments but will erase mine”
Poor baby! Clearly you are being picked on!
As everyone who regularly reads this blog knows, I’m a privileged character whose off-topic comments never, ever get deleted.
So let’s all commiserate with poor picked-on puddywipe and give him a shoulder to cry on. Mine’s furry and warm.
@70 “Note, however, that the U.S. had an incredible amount of electricity available to build not just one fuel enrichment and processing facility, but two – one for Plutonium at Hanford, and the other for Uranium at Oak Ridge.”
This really doesn’t get talked about enough. A common misconception is the Columbia River dams were built to provide electricity. They weren’t. They were Depression-era government make-work projects. Nobody knew what to do with the electricity, so they gave it to the farmers virtually for free to run their irrigation pumps. Then World War 2 erupted and the electricity won the war for us by producing the two war-winning materials we needed most: Aluminum for airplanes and plutonium for atomic bombs. Today, the Hanford cleanup provides eastern Washington with its best-paying jobs. Well, that’s gummint socialism for ya! If we just could have gotten rid of those useless, costly, socialistic gummint make-work programs in a timelier fashion, maybe Hitler and Tojo would have won and we’d all be living and working in slave labor camps today.
OK..enough on Weiner’s weiner.
This is important-
Thirty percent of employers will definitely or probably stop offering health benefits to their employees once the main provisions of President Obama’s federal health care law go into effect in 2014, a new survey finds.
The research published in the McKinsey Quarterly found that the number rises to 50 percent among employers who are highly aware of the health care law.
@81 You mean there’s still any employers left who offer health benefits?
re 74: Just How Stupid Are Voters?
You be the judge:
“A majority of likely voters believes that the budget can be balanced merely by eliminating all foreign aid.”
If you are a lefty you can post any horseshit and the HA policeman Darryl will erase your post. Witness the first WeinerGate thread. Darryl is an ASS when it comes to anyone who thinks right. Notice he only removed people who think right comments even when we are responding to leftist BULLSHIT. So apparently a leftist pinhead has the right to post just about any junk in any thread and Darryl will allow it to stay. Here is my post #87 which he decided to wipe out…
Back to your personal attack against me
Why does #76 & #80 stay around Darryl? Are they thread material?
As all can see yelling lost beta was way off post and as of this entry his BULLSHIT is still there. These worthless rules don’t apply to leftists anymore…
(1) If you feel the need to post a comment that simply flings poo, take it to an open thread.
(2) If you are responding to someone who is straying unreasonably from the topic either (a) don’t respond, (b) bring the conversation back on topic in your response, or (c) take it to an open thread.
(3) Strive for comments that are better than barely acceptable. Quit being a bottom feeder. Except in open threads where you can bottom feed at will.
(4) If you don’t understand what constitutes an off-topic versus on-topic thread, abstain from submitting the comment. Take it, instead, to an open thread.
Maybe I should crossover and become a leftist pinhead.
Nope ain’t gonna happen.
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit, what do you expect from cops where Obummer almost won the county by 60%. That means in the shooting the probability was 6 out of 10 policemen killing the suspect were leftist pinheads. Four innocent bystanders were injured by Miami-Dade cops. I need to call family and find out the inside scoop of the shooting. Thanks for the tip Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Lets see if they tell us the suspect fired his weapon like leftist sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s gang in Arizona first did. Then let’s see the evidence of the gun examination.
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit you seems to forget Harry Reid pulled the same stunt with some fake tea party candidate in his senate reerection bid. Wisconsin Republicans are following Harry’s lead!
Your selective memory is legendaary here Roger Dumb Rabbit.
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
Man…what a spectacular display of whining you’ve put your character up to today!
“If you are a lefty you can post any horseshit and the HA policeman Darryl will erase your post.”
Blah blah blah and bullshit.
“Witness the first WeinerGate thread. Darryl is an ASS when it comes to anyone who thinks right. Notice he only removed people who think right comments even when we are responding to leftist BULLSHIT.”
Blah blah blah and bullshit. Take, for example, this recent thread, where plenty of non-Wingding comments were deleted, including a bunch of Roger Rabbit comments that were simply blown away. You don’t see all the deletions, but Roger Rabbit sure noticed their removal.
“Why does #76 & #80 stay around Darryl? Are they thread material?”
It could be one of numerous reasons (some clues may be found in the comment policy statement). But you are out of your scope. Making and enforcing comment thread policy is not your responsibility. You are only responsible for ONE THING: ensuring that your character’s comments conform to the comment policy upon pain of deletion. One take-home: You cannot always see when comments have been deleted.
It is simple, really.
Why would anyone take comments from the puddybitch seriously?
Puddy – “Once again all can see when I post any response to a personal attack on me Darryl decides to erase my posts.”
Darryl – False. I do not delete them from open threads.
So Darryl admits he doesn’t care if you leftists attack me in a directed non-open thread with innuendo, ad hominem comments or outright lies. Typical. Darryl is becoming more like Markos each day.
…nice smackdown Darryl.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 89,
“So Darryl admits he doesn’t care if you leftists attack me in a directed non-open thread with innuendo, ad hominem comments or outright lies.”
This is just more ignorant whining.
“Typical. Darryl is becoming more like Markos each day.”
Thank you, kind Puddybud sir!
(And THANK YOU person playing Puddybud for having him say something civil!)
Rujax! @ 90,
Just out of curiosity, any guess on the number of off-topic attack comments of yours that I’ve deleted?
My apologies for doing that. And thank you for not engaging in incessant, pathetic, whining about ’em.
Darryl @ 92…
OMG…must be dozens, LOL.
Some of them were really good zingers too…sigh, sometimes I just have to let it fly.
Anyway, if comments deserve to be deleted…nuke ’em! Hahahaha…
@84 I see your worthless bullshit is still here, too, so Darryl must have better things to do today than reading your rantings.
@86 “Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit you seems to forget Harry Reid pulled the same stunt with some fake tea party candidate in his senate reerection bid.”
You’re a liar. Reid’s party didn’t go out and recruit stealth candidates, as Wisconsin Republicans are doing right now. That article only says unions, casinos, and mining companies supporting Reid ran a radio ad promoting a third-party candidate they hoped would take conservative votes away from Sharron Angle. They didn’t recruit that candidate or put him on the ballot. And that candidate really was a conservative, not a Democrat posing as a Republican.
Here’s what a ranking national GOP official said about supporting third party candidates to draw votes away from your opponent:
“‘It is one of the dirtiest moves,’ said Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, a vice chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.”
So why, then, is the GOP doing precisely this in Wisconsin? This sounds like an admission that what they’re doing is dirty. And what they’re doing in Wisconsin — recruiting Republicans to lie to voters by saying they’re Democrats — is far dirtier than anything the Democrats were accused of in that article.
Epic fail, pudwiper.
@88 “Why would anyone take comments from the puddybitch seriously?”
What makes you think anyone does?
In case anyone missed it, I called PUDDY a LIAR in comment #95. Did you see that, PUDDY? You’re a LIAR!!! I just want to make sure that didn’t fly over your head.
Darryl, I think you should require puddy to get a NPDES permit before allowing him to spew his emissions here.
Oh I decided to recheck this worthless ruse of a thread and noticed how Darryl played the liberal card.
Oh look I erased some liberal comments some time ago and it is relevant to this thread. Oh look I decided to call in the calvary to show how much of an even handed person I am.
Whining? I will always stick up for myself when a libtardo ad hominem attacks. I will then repost it in the open thread for all to see if Darryl decides to erase it. It’s Truth Telling, professa.
My comment about you becoming like Markos is how he selectively removes comments from his blog.