– Norm Dicks is calling for a quicker end to the war in Afghanistan (h/t, although “lost” may be too strong a word (yes, I caught the reference to Walter Cronkite)).
– While, obviously, you want lower unemployment, 7.2% seems like a cherry pick as something a president needs to get reelected. But people smarter than me seem to think it’s meaningful.
– I’m not one much for signing online petitions, but yes, the Space Needle should fly the rainbow flag during pride week.
– Maybe David Brooks just wants to have Syria torture Canadians.
– I’ve never had a problem riding this section of the Burke-Gilman Trail, but I suppose Stefanie Frease hadn’t either until the crash that prompted the editorial.
– As I’ll explain tomorrow, I did an open thread Wednesday, Thursday, and now Friday, but there’s less other front page content. Any thoughts on if this is positive or negative?
When do we get a Hetero pride week?
Edwards gets indicted…..
another scuzzy politician goes down….nice.
Just think, if it were up to people like YLB, this POS would have been president.
Go ahead you stupid little fuck, who’s stopping you?
Awww…..the failed wannabe musician having a bad day? LMFAO….
you gonna fly the rainbow flag all proud from your porch?
Not really maxiepoo…just sick of asswipes like you.
Awww, well isnt that too bad.
The realization that your life just sucks is just now dawning on you?
Maybe you can go out this weekend and vandalize a few churches to make yourself feel better.
Jealous much, fuckwad?
of what?
unless you are a par golfer, I dont think there is anything about you that I would be jealous about.
The gay flag, offensive to most conservative religionists, should be flown on the Space Needle!
But other offensive flags should also be flow on the Space Needle, like the Confederate flag, and the Nazi flag, etc.
That’s only fair, right?
@1 What do you have to be proud of?
@10 Until “conservative religionists” start practicing their religion in their daily lives I’m not going to concern myself about offending them.
“Any thoughts on if this is positive or negative?”
This one’s about right. The others are too cluttered.
@9 How did you do on the second hole?
So now the HA comment threads are graced by the rantings of a troll who thinks there’s some great virtue in knocking a little ball around on a lawn?
Roger Rabbit Poll
Which of the following individuals made the smallest contribution to humanity? (Note, there is only one correct answer.)
[ ] 1. Mohandas Gandhi
[ ] 2. Mother Teresa
[ ] 3. Tiger Woods
[ ] 4. Raoul Wallenberg
ask your old lady, she knows…..
you forgot choice #5..
[]5. retired ex-state lawyers who are so uneducated that they think Florida is the #1 beef producer – cuz they “saw” it at a legal convention…they “think”.
and I’m sure Tiger would flattered that you put him in the same company of Ghandi and Mother T.
“A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors.”
Which of the following describes a ponzi Scheme
1. QE 1, Qe 2, Qe 3, Qe 4
2. Social Security
3 Medicare
4 All of the above
My memory isn’t as as good as it use to be, but didn’t the GOP promise Americans more jobs if they got elected last November?
Carl, the content approach seems fine. Our trolls love the open threads, and it is not the quantity of the content but its quality. Maybe having a little more time help y’all out.
@19 LD 06/03/2011 at 10:08 am,
Reading comprehension must be difficult for you, so let me help.
“A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors.”
Which of the following describes a ponzi Scheme?
A. George W. Bush’s Social Security privatization scheme
B. Paul Ryan and (nearly) the entire Congressional Republican caucus’ Medicare Voucher Plan
C. Glenn Beck hyping the value of gold as news, leading into commercials from his advertisers for how to buy gold at its historical peak
D. All of the above
>> When do we get a Hetero pride week?
Every week is Hetero pride. It’s the default.
Where Jim Miller at (un)SP rationalizes his claim that the elimination of the estate tax in 2010 as proposed by the George W. Bush administration in 2001 and signed into law by George W. Bush as part of his Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, “ giving big tax breaks to the heirs of millionaires and billionaires.” had it proceeded as planned, is the fault of “the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team” while failing to understand that “the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team” did not actually allow the estate tax to expire for a year.
A Good Dictionary Is A Useful Tool
And Jim’s fee-fees were so hurt that he closed comments on the post where he made the ridiculous and easily refutable claim (and I called him out for his EPIC FAIL), and no comments allowed on his fine, but yet again ridiculous, rationalization post.
Please pay your respects to Jim’s fee-fees by donating Google search terms to his estate.
re 2: It’s hard to see Richard Nixon having an illicit affair — not because he was particularly moral — more because of his sweating problem (Cootchy, Cootchy, Coo!! The mind boggles).
Edwards is pretty small potatoes when it comes to politicians misappropriating campaign funds.
really? since when is there a default?
Edwards is pretty small potatoes when it comes to politicians misappropriating campaign funds.
But thats really not the point, now is it?
The point is that we could have had a lying, cheating, dishonest, douchebag in the prez office who would be ripe for extortion – among other things.
I know, I know – it really doesnt set him apart from most other politicians.
get out the tar and feathers.
why is it that we just accept that our politicians are scumbags?
We all know its the money – but guess what, that money isnt going anywhere.
its time really up the ante on punishment of dishonest politicans of all stripes.
life in prison or exectution should be a more standard punishment for even the lowest of crooked political crimes.
you gotta get serious with these folks if you ever want to clean up politics.
a couple of scumbags swinging from a yardarm might finally get their attention.
@27 Jethro Troll
Please forward your question to the Republican National Committee and copy Ralph Reed, Gary Bauer, Newt Gingrich, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain, , … oh, heck, you get the point.
why do you differentiate the scumbags into different parties? a scumbag is a scumbag regardless of party.
take your partisanship and run along….people like you are the problem.
POS @ 2
If you bothered to read recent history John Edwards took himself out of the game before his life went off the rails. He didn’t stand a chance against Barack Obama’s momentum.
zzzzZZZzzzzz.. Keep trying to be the least bit relevant in the conversation here. It’s fun to see how pathetic a troll can be.
For those (i.e. POS @ 2) confused about “sovereign citizens”:
Pardon me!
Of course, ‘both sides do it’ and no doubt do it in equal proportions.
I should have recalled this as Chris Lee was just telling me about it the other day.
Nice try at deflecting the convo away from your boy edwards….what does he have to do with the nutty sov cits?
You were all up on edwards’ nuzzack when he was a candidate…lol
And no chumpy, he was a douche way before he dropped out…try looking it up…
I think you have a mancrush on him…the gehy.
New trolls, please.
john edwards…couldnt happen to a nicer guy
Here we go again with more nany state garbage…king co is now mandating that anyone going out on the water must where a life jacket…..
Boating…swimming..floating….doesn’t matter…
What a bunch of progressive nerds and wimps…
New communists please…….
Heh. I guess the fixation on weiners wasn’t working too well..
Anyhow, in more relevant news the Republicans have been in charge of the House for how long? Any progress on jobs being made? Lots of boys and girls are coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq – sure would be nice if they had jobs.
5 Weeks of losses in the Stock market equal
1. The beginning of a depression
2. Obama’s Failed economic plan
3. Liberal ignorance
4. All of the above
Why don’t you step up and hire a returning vet? I did…..
Edwards…one of the worst douchebags in the history of douchebags……ylb will weep when edwards gets jailtime
Uh oh….weiner changes his story again………..I can’t keep track now of how many times the story changes…lmfao…..I think its 4 now….
Rhp gonna get stuffed on crow…..
@38 LD 06/03/2011 at 12:06 pm,
What every 5 week period of the stock market was like for the last 11 months of George W. Bush’s term!
I was wondering when L.D. @ 38 was going to bring up the stock market again. He does it everytime it goes down a bit, but remains curiously quiet while it is rising.
More likely than anything else, the market recognized that it had reached a plateau, and investors didn’t want to keep their money parked there for months before it had a reason to go up some more. The market heights which were well above 13,000 are now generally recognized as part of the economic bubble generated both in the housing market and wall street which came to a head in early 2008, then crashed.
But if the stock market is proof of the wisdom of a President’s economic policies, let us once again revisit the recent history:
Bush II: DJIA start: 10,281.59, end 8,281.22, for a loss of 2,306.31 points after eight years of Republican economics under Bush II and a mostly Republican Congress for much of his presidency.
Obama: DJIA start: 8,281.22, end 12,155.31 (as of 6/04/2011, shortly before closing), for a net positive gain of 3,874.09 over a bit less than two and a half years.
Note that Republicans claimed that a DJIA loss of a mere 8.34 points during Carter’s four years proved that Democratic economic theories were false, and that a gain of 1,284.67 under Reagan’s eight years proved that Republican economic theories were sound. Using the same leap of logic, the DJIA data would also prove that Bush’s Republican economic theories were completely wacko, and Obama’s economic policies should be engraved in stone in front of Wall Street, the Capital Building, and the Federal Researve.
Of course, what this really proves is that LD and other Republican shills will cite anything they want and claim it proves a causal relationship with anything else they want to support, regardless of any other factors or logic. When it doesn’t work out for them, they just change the subject and hope you have forgetten about it the next time they bring it up again.
this is kind of funny. after all the hateful rants i’ve gone on, all the antisemitism, all the incoherence when i was just so pissed i just attacked the keyboard…and no ban or anything. but, since the day i wrote about bernake and the fed, i have been on awaiting moderation. my god, so its true then
Yep, that’s how asshats usually knee jerk about attorneys that make a living holding corporations accountable for their shoddy products and services.
Here’s a story about “gubmint” attorneys and a case they’re bringing
I guess they’re “douchebags” too. What arrogance – picking on a investment bank. They’re the “job creators” right?
Oh! Is that all it takes? Gee if it were that simple than we wouldn’t have an unemployment crisis in this country!
Barack Obama would be cruising to another 4 years..
Oh noes! Can’t have that can we? It might mean socialism like they have in Germany and Canada! Those awful places where the unemployment rate is for some reason better than the good old USA where the “job creating” Bush policies are still in effect.
and thus we see that no matter what, YLB will always be on Edwards’ nuzzack.
….I would expect nothing less from a she-man like YLB.
unlike you, who is a drag on the economy, at least I am doing something.
you are a worthless leech…you contribute zero.
If you want socialism, then move to Germany or Canada…you know, places that rely on the USA to defend them.
it would be befitting that a leech like you would opine for socialism.
in fact, you contribute less than zero, because people like you require people like me to carry you through life – you actually drain away resources, rather than contribute.
oh, I forgot, you contributed the datubayze and a blog about a blog that nobody reads.
what a legacy.
Wow. You can’t make this stuff up, if you wanted to.
Sarah Palin decides to show off her knowledge of history while she’s in Boston, saying that it was the British whom Paul Revere warned during his famous midnight ride:
Sarah Palin Flunks History Again
Look, everyone suffer a case of mistaken speach, or foot-in-mouth syndrome, especially if they are a public figure who is probably speaking in front of a microphone for the sixth time in a single day, and it’s not even lunch yet. Fatigue causes mistakes.
That’s why I gave Bob Dole a pass when he mis-spoke at a convention and mixed up Pearl Harbor Day. The fact that he did so in front of WWII veterans was embarrasing to him, but like I said, tired people make occassional mistakes. He clearly knew about Pearl Harbor – he was alive at the time, and served honerably in WWII in combat and came home with a severe wound to prove it.
But it’s clear that Sarah Palin doesn’t even have a basic grade-school knowledge of the purpose of Paul Revere’s midnight ride. Although a lot of the “common knowledge” of that ride has many errors, she never even gets to that level. She may have spent the last two years “cramming” for the next electorial debates, determined to prove that she knows her stuff, but it’s not nearly enough time to fill the vast wasteland which is between her ears.
Gee, I wonder if Fox News is going to be running the Palin story? Probably not.
RHP still doing his best to be a tool that Palin continues to use.
Whats its like having puppet strings attached to your shoulders RHP?
Palin is out for ego and cash, and peeps like you enable her to do that.
WELL DONE!…all tool-like and stuff…
there was a lot of pictures of sarah in our local papers out here. you can see why the left hates her. she’s gorgeous because of good genes, not the inbred look joy behar.
@17 You’d have to know Mrs. Rabbit to understand how hilarious that is.
@35 Maybe because the rest of us are fed up with dead bodies polluting our lake water.
# 50: What’s wrong? Are you finding the former vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party to be embarrasing? You would prefer that we ignore her when she betrays her complete ignorance of history, even while she is on a tour which she claims was supposed to educate the American public about our history and values? Or are you hoping that we will let all this slide, so that she can be brought out later to claim that she knows all about world affairs and history, so she can rally the Tea Bag folks to the Republican cause?
Hey, I admit it’s not hard to find things to fault with Palin, and perhaps it’s a bit too easy to be truly sporting. But gee whiz, the Republicans thought she was good enough to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, and that’s saying quite a bit when the top of the ticket is a pretty old guy with a few health problems of his own.
Okay, let’s take a break from Palin, and go to New Jersey to take yet another look at Republican Gov. Chris Christie. Even though he recently said he would not run for President, his name keeps appearing as a potential Republican candidate. Apparantly the party leadership is desperatly searching for someone, anyone, other than Romney who might look like a credible Presidential candidate. But Christie doesn’t fit that bill.
Christie was in the news this week for using a state police helicopter to deliver him to his son’s baseball game, and a limosine to drive him the hundred yards or so from the helicopter to the grandstands. And one eyewitness even claims that there was a golf cart to take him the few steps from the helicopter to the limosine.
So while Christie is using state funds to attend his son’s baseball games, he is insisting on changing the Medicaid eligibility in New Jersey so that a family of three earning only $5,317 a year would be making too much money to qualify for the program.
Gov. Christie thinks $6,000 too rich for Medicaid
Please note that the cost of Christie’s helicopter and limo ride was a little more than 1/3 of that amount.
By the way, after initially refusing to pay for the cost of the helicopter and limo, the governor’s office has finally agreed to reimburse the state, but hasn’t detailed by how much or when. They only did this in the face of intense public pressure, bad press, and voter outrage at such extravegance in the face of massive budget cuts he is proposing to be made on the backs of the poorest and neediest people in New Jersey.
Gee every Friday it’s yet another panoply of dopes:
I love this comment from another site
And this one
17. and 51. If you knew Roger Rabbit you would know that his wife is attractive and he isn’t, especially when he takes himself seriously, then he is even funnier.
anyone here see “gran torino”? make you just love immigration, doesnt it?
I bought Edwards’s “Man of the people” act for about a week the first time he ran. He’s a crook and a pompous ass plain and simple. Hmm…. Sounds like he would have had better luck running as a Republican…
manoftruth @ 45
“this is kind of funny. after all the hateful rants i’ve gone on, all the antisemitism, all the incoherence…and no ban or anything. but, since the day i wrote about bernake and the fed, i have been on awaiting moderation. my god, so its true then”
You can believe any whacked-out theory you want, but the truth is, you were in “moderate status” not because of the political content of your comment, but because you refused to follow the HA Comment Policy. In particular, you repeatedly left off-topic comments in a non-open thread.
You see…it is a lot easier to have the computer catch your comments so that I can release (or delete) them on my schedule than it is to search threads to ensure compliance.
I’ll take you off “moderate status” now, but please stay on topic when you are not in an open thread. Oh…and knock off the anti-Semitic bullshit. It can get you banned (just ask “old timers” about JCH—but do so in an open thread!). I strongly recommend that you explore your self-loathing problem with a qualified professional.
An Obama 2nd term is probably vulnerable to bad unemployment numbers. Let’s not forget his campaign to be president wasn’t a sure thing in 2008 until the financial sector blew up while McCain claimed the basis of our economy were sound (in fact, up to the crash, polls indicated the race was narrowing considerably). Instead of endorsing the policies needed in this time of crisis he let conservative Democrats and Republicans set policy and worsen unemployment. Some people are likely to hold him accountable for that.
so daryl, just so’s i unerstan your retarded college logic, you can get banned for antisemitism but not antichristian?
please daryl, i beg you, stop teaching, give this country a chance to have a future. go retire to tel aviv, where i am sure you have a cottage or something.
@66 What exactly did Obama fail to do? He completed the bank and auto bailouts that Bush started, got Congress to enact a stimulus package that economists criticized for being too small, reappointed Bernanke, and extended unemployment benefits. A president can’t wave a magic wand to create jobs. It took years to get into this mess and it will take years to get out. But voters are impatient creatures and persistent high unemployment may cost Obama a second term. If it does it’s unlikely a Republican successor can do any better.
What is clear is there’s a big philosophical difference between Obama and the Republicans about regulating the financial sector. Banks abused the TARP funds by using them to give banking execs outlandish bonuses, and banks grossly abused the foreclosure system by mass-producing fraudulent paperwork and submitting it to courts. Under a Republican administration they would have been given a free hand to do so, and banks would be given a green light to resume the same risky high-leverage lending practices that caused the crash. Eight years of Republican administration under Bush didn’t create any jobs, so why does anyone think that electing a Republican to the White House in 2012 would improve the jobs situation?
@67 If you want to run a blog, go start your own. This blog is private property and you’re here as an invitee.
@19. LD spews:
“A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors.”
Which of the following describes a ponzi Scheme
1. QE 1, Qe 2, Qe 3, Qe 4
2. Social Security
3 Medicare
4 All of the above
good point
@21. MikeBoyScout spews:
Which of the following describes a ponzi Scheme?
A. George W. Bush’s Social Security privatization scheme
B. Paul Ryan and (nearly) the entire Congressional Republican caucus’ Medicare Voucher Plan
C. Glenn Beck hyping the value of gold as news, leading into commercials from his advertisers for how to buy gold at its historical peak
D. All of the above
pure nonsense, although A&B were certainly foolish they at least have the virtue of trying to avoid the Ponzi element.
@70 Americafirst,
neither Social Security nor Medicare are investments, they are insurance plans.
The Quantitative Easing is not an investment plan either as it is the central bank managing its balance sheet.
It helps at test time if one understands the words on the test.
manoftruth @ 67
“so daryl, just so’s i unerstan your retarded college logic, you can get banned for antisemitism but not antichristian?”
It appears you DO fail to understand. JCH wasn’t banned for antisemitism in particular. He was more of an equal-opportunity hater and was eventually banned for hate speech.
“please daryl, i beg you, stop teaching”
“give this country a chance to have a future. go retire to tel aviv, where i am sure you have a cottage or something.”
Dude…you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. (Hint: I’m not Jewish.)
So please leave us out of your self-loathing bullshit. Or you will be permanently dis-invited from our party.
Roger @68
Obama, like many Dem elected officials, has pushed for austerity measures that make unemployment worse. An Obama 2nd term will be like Clinton’s 2nd without the dotcom bubble. He’ll push for mostly conservative policies that will be approved by the usual alliance of conservative Dems and GOPers in congress. A progressive party is now more in order than ever.
He was more of an equal-opportunity hater and was eventually banned for hate speech.
ah, hate speech. second cousin to hate thought.
however, what would you call your vicious attacks
on sara palin, not to mention the times you attacked bristol, was that love?
manoftruth @74
“ah, hate speech. second cousin to hate thought.”
Not really. One is a personal activity, the other is social.
You can engage in the former to your heart’s content. But when you start subjecting our guests to the latter, you risk being booted from our party.
“however, what would you call your vicious attacks on sara palin”
I would call them political attacks on Sarah Palin. She’s a public figure…we discuss her. Deal with it.
“not to mention the times you attacked bristol”
What the fuck? When have I attacked Bristol?
But your question suggests that Bristol should somehow be off-limits. Why would she be any different from anyone else who earns $200,000+ to be a spokesperson for a particular social cause? She is a public figure by choice now, engaging in advocacy of a controversial topic.
Bristol was initially thrust into the public spotlight when her mother made the decision to showcase her 17-year-old pregnant daughter as a means to further her political career. I don’t blame Bristol for that…I blame her mother.
“was that love?”
No…and I have to say, what an idiotic question!