((((((Goldy)))))) Retweeted
Michael Moore ✔ @MMFlint
A democratic socialist, in the United States of America, has 46% of the pledged delegates. Just pause for a moment &feel the wonder of that.
Dude that popular would probably garner a lot more votes than did, say, Nader.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Missouri cop who nearly killed a teenager during a traffic stop will serve 4 years in federal prison after being convicted of violating the youth’s civil rights. The victim was left with brain damage.
The victim, whose father is a cop, hadn’t done anything wrong. He was stopped because there was a warrant out on a woman associated with the car he was driving. The cop attacked him because he didn’t roll down the driver’s window when ordered. The window apparently was stuck.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I couldn’t find anything indicating how much the lawsuit will cost taxpayers, but we can assume seven figures. As I’ve said before on this blog, there’s a crisis in American policing, and major reforms are needed in how police departments recruit, train, and supervise cops. There’s too much police violence in our society, a lot of it is unnecessary and unwarranted, and people who shouldn’t be cops in the first place get away with far too much.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Steve, yesterday:
This is what rats fleeing a sinking ship looks like.
There’s too much police violence in our country, a lot of it is unnecessary and unwarranted, and people who shouldn’t be cops in the first place get away with it far too much.
@1, @2 Yes, we learned vulnerable people get hurt when Republicans run the show.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Yet Paul Ryan, the highest elected Republican in the country, continues to hang in there for Trump, even as he criticizes Trump’s racist attacks on a judge. What a spineless hypocrite.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Boob is in fine form today.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Something you might have missed in California yesterday:
Jeff Nguyen ✔ @jeffnguyen
Only on CBS2 at 11p: Congressional Candidate Isadore Hall served legal papers at his own Election Party.
10:32 PM – 7 Jun 2016
Hey Boob, what do doctors do for fun when they can’t piss?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The writers who picked Seattle’s new Youth Poet Laureate had no idea she was an abused child who dropped out of school and ended up living in a tent under an overpass. All they knew was her poetry is compelling, and she writes a lot of it.
So, you’re advocating a formal process to classify American workers as a depreciable asset? Isn’t that a little counterproductive?
Roger Rabbitspews:
CNBC has a couple of stories this morning worth noting.
First, a CNBC senior political correspondent suggests Trump may drop out, and warns Democrats to have a Plan B in case their November opponent is someone else.
Second, “Nearly half of unemployed Americans have quit looking for work, and the numbers are even worse for the long-term jobless, according to a poll released Wednesday that paints a grim picture of the labor market.”
I think maybe the real question here is why haven’t the rest dropped out, too? Let’s start with the ridiculous hoops employers put job applicants through — gimmicky trick test questions, multiple re-interviews, etc. Then there’s lousy pay, including a minimum wage that hasn’t been raised in years and which nobody can live on. And let’s not forget that in the New Economy workers are expected to work 16-hour days, have no personal time or family life, etc. And their reward for this is that if they work hard enough they might be kept on this week, but there’s no guarantee about next week. Pensions? Fund and manage your own, yourself. Health care? Pay for it yourself. Paid vacations or family leave? Surely you jest. Also, don’t overlook that workers are taxed to the max; they get none of the tax perks enjoyed by their multimillionaire bosses, and wage income is the most heavily taxed type of income there is.
Like I said, the surprise isn’t that so many people are dropping out of the labor force, but the fact that anybody is still in the labor force.
Distant Replayspews:
read this.
Then tell me if you think it won’t be just a bit more than seven figures.
The word depraved keeps coming to mind.
Not just when considering the conduct of the arresting officer. But more particularly the conduct of the department and the municipality in the wake of this arrest when they knew what the dashcam would show.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Tepublican – they fight a war that shouldn’t never have been fought (______ – fill in a Country or Social Agenda$ and they elect a nominee that they should have never nominated.
Do Repukes do anything right?
Looks like it is time to say goodbye to Drumpf. What loser will the choose next?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 It’ll likely be a structured settlement. Taser International will be on the hook for negligently failing to provide proper guidance on use of its potentially lethal product. The Independence Police Department will be on the hook for negligent training and supervision of the police officer. Given that the victim has enough functionality to take care of himself, but has suffered permanent impairments that affect his employability and quality of life, the settlement probably will include an annuity. I’d guess the settlement will look something like this: $3.5 million cash upfront, with his attorneys getting $2 million of that, and the rest going to Bryce for pain and suffering; plus somewhere between $60,000 and $80,000 income for life, with annual inflation adjustments tied to CPI. An insurer will reduce this to present value using actuarial tables and inflation predictions. I can’t do that calculation, but I’d guess the cashout value will be under $10 million.
@24 complete utter chaos in that Party….and the way they are dealing with it speaks volumes on how they handle all of the affairs of this Country. (in other words they cant handle shit).
They need a little Cascadia Rising.
Teabagged Againspews:
Did Boob say something about learning something (from Flint and New Orleans).
“The toxic substances found in water samples collected from groundwater sources underneath Talisman’s faulty storage pits included arsenic, barium, cadmium, lithium, and lead, the same compounds found in the billions of fine sediment particles that continue to turn the waters of Brenot and Lynx creeks a muddy brown before they enter the Peace River.”
Not sure how Boob reads this and gets “well Solar is too expensive”. But I get it, like his comrades at the Grand Ole Problems, he is incapable of learning anything, unless it has something to do with his retirement.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“An insurer will reduce this to present value using actuarial tables and inflation predictions. I can’t do that calculation, but I’d guess the cashout value will be under $10 million.”
Get a Texas instruments BA-II Plus financial calculator and learn how to use it.
Wondrous, modern technological people, Republicans. Even armed robbery is computerized these days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Classic Republican victimhood on display. Calling out Trump’s racism makes him a victim. The thing to do is pin the “racist” label on the “Mexican” judge instead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “Get a Texas instruments BA-II Plus financial calculator and learn how to use it.”
What for? I don’t know how to calculate optimal wing chords, either, but I don’t need to know that. And besides, dummy, calculating present values requires more than a fancy calculator. A TI BA-II Plus doesn’t provide you with actuarial tables or future interest rates. It only runs those numbers after you key them in. You first have to get them from somewhere.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 It only works against the innocent. Crooks don’t have bank accounts.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 31
Sure they do. They keep bank accounts in Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Panama, The Cayman Islands and Monaco.
Etc etc etc etc…
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a Bank. Give a man a Bank, and he can rob the whole world.
I wonder how long before the local Property Management Companies start using it as a means to clear out certain neighborhoods they would like to see “improved”. For a generous contribution to the Police Officer’s Guild, of course.
Just like the Bankers did in New York City in 2006. They knew what was coming down the ropes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A 14-year-old developmentally disabled black kid who was railroaded to prison by dishonest cops for 4 murders he didn’t commit was released from prison today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think those cops should serve a day in jail for every day this kid served. I also think he should get a couple million dollars, and it should be paid by the cops, not taxpayers.
Distant Replayspews:
Qualified immunity needs fixin’.
Teabagged Againspews:
Drumpf kind of looks like Moammar……his new nickname is Moammar Drumpf.
I suppose as long as they keep this sort of thing amongst “darker” demographics, nobody will care.
Heh. The babbling jackass troll claims to be “respected” in places like OK where not a single county voted for Barack Obama.
Let’s see the fool drive a “full-sized” car in OK! Hey jackass, retire in OK, klownservatic heaven!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted last week of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, blamed the ‘party culture’ of ‘college life’ for his actions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably a future CEO, banker, or
GOP county chairman here. P.S., I never experienced the college “party culture”; I was too busy washing dishes, sweeping floors, etc. between classes to work my way through school as I didn’t have my education handed to me on a silver platter like this asshole did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 He’ll probably get to test one of OK’s new ERAD devices (see #28 above). The cops will assume he’s a drug dealer because black people not only can’t vote in OK, they can’t get legitimate work there either.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@37. Damn those Mexicans!
Distant Replayspews:
I think he was on full athletic scholarship.
Which is a pretty sweet deal if your folks have dough to give you every month. That doesn’t violate NCAA rules. Anybody else gives you money and it’s a problem. So a poor kid on a full ride has to steal pizzas. While a rich kid on a full ride can get wasted and rape in style.
Just a couple thoughts on where we are.
The GOP was hoping to have a halfway decent candidate with a bad economy to point at and a record of a deeply unpopular president to run against. Instead they got a candidate who is even more disliked than Hillary Clinton, an unemployment rate unseen since 2007 to the good side, a DJIA over 18,000 Nasdaq approaching 5,000, wages rising almost 4% over the last year, consumer confidence way up, GDP growth not seen since 2007 and a President with an approval rating even Rasmussen is finding in the black. (Note that in June of his 8th year GWB was sitting at a 30% approval so when you see those Obama O stickers, Worst President Ever, even a good number of republicans are rolling their eyes.) When the Donald says, the Democrats haven’t done a good job, Hillary can say, really? How so, can you give specifics. (Bluster, bluster, real unemployment, labor participation rate, minutiae about all that stuff that the general public is totally into as opposed to the official unemployment, GDP, The Markets…Hell, it worked for Willard so they’ll try it again.)
We go into the General with Hillary having about 217 EVs in the bag. Another 57 are polling pretty well for Hillary too which would bring her to 274 needing 270. A few states that are still considered really close or lean Trump haven’t had a poll in a long while. Iowa hasn’t polled Trump/Clinton since January. Consider this, Texas, yes TEXAS, had Trump over Clinton by a mere 2 points way back in September. Anyone wonder what the sane wing of the Republican party and Latinos in Texas would make that poll look like now? There are a lot of toss-ups, lookin’ at you Ohio, you too Pennsylvania! where the most recent polls are moving to Hillary. She can do without Florida, which she leads if she picks up those. If the unthinkable happens and she pulls Texas, nothing else matters.
That’s why Boob is praying for an indictment. Of course Trump may be on trial for actual fraud throughout the campaign while the talk radio talks about “any day now” on an indictment that probably will never come.
And by the way, the GOP nominated an accused rapist with a habit of saying racist shit and that ad of Trump quotes about women “read” by women is just a killer. But he can talk about Hillary’s husband and all that will just go away, amiright?
Gonna be a long summer and fall months for our little trolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 I was as poor a student as it’s possible to be. Once, I lived for 2 weeks on a half sack of corn meal and a half bottle of pancake syrup because I had no food money. But the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit was keeping an eye on me, and miraculously, a nice man from the post office came to the converted basement coal bin I was renting for $20 a month and offered me a part-time job sorting mail that paid twice the minimum wage.
Well we know one Senate seat that’s not flipping, the GOP is dead in California case file #301562
the GOP couldn’t get a candidate out of the primary for Barbara Boxer’s open seat in an open primary. The top voting GOP candidate drew a whopping 8% of the vote. If you add all the Republicans in the top 10 you get 23.1% of the vote. 23.1%.
But the Donald has said he is going to campaign and win in California. Some people claim he is a smart man who knows how to win.
Roger Rabbitspews:
From 1979-2013 incomes of the top 1% increased 10 times as fast as middle class incomes. What did we get for that? Outsourcing, layoffs, bank fraud, foreclosures, a hollowed out middle class.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After all that, you have to be a Republican to still be defending the rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Well waddya know, they held a U.S. Senate primary in California, and most of the GOP’s 10 candidates didn’t even get bank interest. Collectively, they got 27.3% of the vote. And Trump thinks he’ll carry this state? REALLY???
One of Reagan’s sons, not the lefty, but former right wing radio host, anti-same sex marriage crusader, born again Christian Michael isn’t a big fan. Talking to nutosphere Web/Streaming device only “NewsMaxTV”
There’s a lot of people who think Donald Trump would be an absolute disaster for the World. not just America. I didn’t vote for Donald Trump today. My father wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump today.
Absolutely insulted by people who compare my father to Donald Trump. His grandchildren are, in fact, insulted that they would compare Donald Trump to their grandfather. The whole Reagan family is insulted by it. Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan. I knew Ronald Reagan, he was a friend of mine, and Donald you’re no Donald Trump — no Ronald Reagan.
1.) he’s confused because he didn’t know which toilet room to use.
2.) he wants to build a wall to keep the 5 year old womenz all to himself and not have to compete with Drumps racist views of a Mexican.
You see, people like this guy and the rest who want to build walls aren’t doing it because the think (and Puffy) that Mexicans are raping the womenz. They don’t even think rape is bad – they never seem to talk about the frat boys raping. They are just racists and want the Mexicans out of thier sights.
“You love a teacher when they’re hiding your children from a crazed gunman in Newton and getting shot while protecting them. You adore educators when they’re using their body to shield your kids from a falling wall in the middle of a tornado in Oklahoma.
But let your teacher have the nerve to ask for a job security or reasonable pay or a manageable workload, and all of a sudden we’re crazed union thugs.”
Found this gem on the internet today.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 47
The Conservatives don’t even recognize Rape as being a crime. They just cannot wrap their minds around why there should be any laws against it at all. To them, its a property situation. As women are considered to be the property of the father or the husband, Rape is a mere property crime and should be treated as such by the Courts. With that in mind, it’s only really a question of repaying damages as claimed by the owner.
After all, it’s sanctioned in the Buybull.
@46. The republican electorate will keep voting for trump like candidates, cycle after cycle, unless something changes the hearts and minds of republicans.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 48
Hey, Better, which number would you think is greater?
The number of teachers shot while protecting children under their care?
The number of teachers known to have molested children under their care?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
((((((Goldy)))))) @GoldyHA
The easiest way to fix the current crisis at Veterans Affairs would be to go back in time and not invade Iraq.
Couldn’t have done it without you, Crooked Hillary.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
If not for that vote, Crooked HIllary would quite possibly be in the White House and already impeached by now. Although not convicted by the Senate, the Senate votes on the 317 charges against her resulted in a 2014 electoral bloodbath leaving the Democrats with only 38 members and one doddering old Socialist, against the GOP’s 61.
The nomination of Cheryl Mills to Scalia’s SCOTUS seat would be stalled because during the Judiciary Committee hearings she kept walking out, and the hearings never concluded and a committee vote could not be held.
And Dems would be enthusiastically supporting the presidential candidacy of Vice President Barack Obama this year, with neither Crooked Hillary nor Bill permitted on the campaign trail.
Ima Duncespews:
@52 She was fed the same lies from the Bush administration as the rest of us. She voted to authorize the president. The decision to go to war was George W. Bush’s. There is no evidence she, unlike the the RepubliKKKlan nominee, has stolen anything from anybody. So your appellation is inappropriate and false and will help you in no way. In fact, it says more about you than it says about her.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 54
It helped Obama a fair amount eight years ago. Didn’t it?
Distant Replayspews:
But thats all he has left.
That and the unsettling prospect that he might have to vote for some dirty Hippie.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 57
Not unsettling at all. Vote for the one I truly think is the best option, sleep well, and take comfort in the knowledge that what Goldman Sachs has over Crooked Hillary will enrich me in years to come. Life could be far worse. I could instead have Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s future prospects, for instance.
Unsettled would be Goldy. Five months of throne-sniffing cannot be a pleasant prospect for him. Although I do see he is adapting well to the task, thus far.
Distant Replayspews:
Im sure it must seem that way immersed in the wingnutosphere.
And I have little doubt you’ll furiously dig away to find what little evidence there is to support that thesis.
But most of the negative campaigning between the principals that year ran in the other direction. Obama was the first to question Clinton’s “likeability”, hit her for representing Wal-Mart, her vote on AUMF, her donors, and once referred to Bill’s actions as “troubling”.
Honestly, I thought you guys were rather proud of all your authorship of the Clinton Criminal Conspiracy Campaign. You should own it.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 58
Obama hit her, but he didn’t hit her hard. He didn’t really need to – he was marketed as a new and different kind of politician and that kept him from having to really go for it. In return, Crooked Hillary was hamstrung by a fear of racism allegations had she really gone after him, the same fear that helped paralyze the McCain campaign.
Similarly, Sanders had a golden opportunity to go after Crooked Hillary over her emails, and infamously demurred. One does not play softball if one wants to win.
AP, today: Experts: Clinton emails could have compromised CIA names
Bernie took a pass and he’s now toast. He could not have truly wanted to win.
What if the GOP nominee does truly want it? Crooked Hillary will be hit like she has never been hit before.
Seems as if she’s got the edge. But it will be bloody.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 58
Crooked Hillary was first to question her own likeability. Obama’s famous response was just that – a response to Crooked Hillary’s own self-assessment.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Cover Oregon fails to protect Portland citizen.
Yellowstone Visitor Dies After Falling Into Hot Spring
Looks like another slow day in the radiology shop. I understand a lot of that work is being taken over by computers or outsourced to India now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Seattle Times obit says Stuart Anderson of Black Angus Restaurants died in California at age 93. According to his wife, he couldn’t cook; he could fry eggs, but that was it. The obit also says he was a tank driver in Patton’s army during WW2. Another vet from the “noble cause war” gone. Aren’t many left now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 I wonder how many fences he had to climb over to kill himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “Vote for the one I truly think is the best option,”
This year, thinking people don’t need to think about that at all. Nose holding may be required, but thinking is not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “[T]he 317 charges against her [have] resulted in” how many convictions so far, asswipe?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can already see how the future is shaping up. For the last 8 years we’ve had to listen to Republican carping about Obama’s birth certificate. For the next 8 years we’ll have to listen to Republican carping about emails and Benghazi. Well, at least it gives them some busy work to do, being as they have zero talent for governing.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 66
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, this Fall:
“The 14 counts under which she was indicted have resulted in how many convictions so far, asswipe?”
Distant Replayspews:
are you really lost in that fever swamp?
Or are you just trolling the hippies again?
I’m sure it helps people like Stuart Varney, Stacey Dash, and even that worthless racist Fuckwad troll feel better about themselves. But I’m not so sure it helps Trump attract more white high school drop outs. It’s a comforting fantasy for some that a white race warrior like Trump could really show those dirty PC liberals by crossing color lines. But those same people probably believe he can win California.
An alternate universe wherein Hillary Clinton is never Secretary of State so the new batch of “scandal” doesn’t exist and so the GOP not learning from how badly they damaged their party impeaching the President’s husband go for it again. Among the charges, Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, Vince Foster, Travelgate….
Fan fiction is all the conservatives have left now that they know Hillary is going to be the President even if they aren’t yet willing to say it aloud.
Trump should nominate Stacy Dash to Treasury Secretary or, damn, even Vice President. She’s at least as smart as the last female the GOP candidate for the office.
“Serious” defenders of the Third Estate Whiskey Drinking Club like Peggy Noonan, George Will, and Maureen Dowd have been pretty squeamish about access whoring journos “normalizing” Trump’s casual racism.
But just in case, do me a huge favor and make Crooked Hillary pick a really, really really well-qualified running mate. Not some poster boy who was doing what a city council told him to do little more than two years ago.
@ 51 Gawd sloppy, you are right. There statistically ARE more molester teachers than bullet taking teachers there therefore we are justified in gutting their pay and benefits.
Though… by your logic….
Statistically there ARE more molester of children speakers of the house than bullet taking for children speakers of the house there therefore we are justified in gutting politicians pay and benefits.
and there ARE more molester about to retire radiologists than about to retire radiologists that have taken bullets for children there therefore we are justified in gutting about to retire radiologists pay and benefits.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Big gun decision today. The 9th Circuit en banc ruled that concealed carry is not a Second Amendment right and police can require CCW applicants to demonstrate a good reason beyond general self-defense.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not a given that SCOTUS will take this case, because the 4 remaining conservative justices might see that as an opportunity for a more-liberal majority to chip away at their Heller decision. Also, note that California is more restrictive than Washington on concealed carry; here, you get a CCW for the asking, no reason required, provided you’re not a felon or mental defective.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 78
The 9th Circuit en bancThe most frequently overruled circuit court in the United States ruled that concealed carry is not a Second Amendment right and police can require CCW applicants to demonstrate a good reason beyond general self-defense.
Fixed that for ya, Fleeing Felon Dumbfuck.
@79 What’s the matter sloppy? You are all cranky like someone used your logic against you to gut your pay and benefits. And so close to your retirement. Guess you will have to appeal to the charity of your republican friends and neighbors to make it through. Oh wait, they all think like you do.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
As the uncontradicted historical evidence overwhelmingly shows, the Second Amendment does not protect, in any degree, the right of a member of the general public to carry a concealed weapon in public. The Second Amendment may or may not protect to some degree a right of a member of the general public to carry a firearm in public. If there is such a right, it is only a right to carry a firearm openly. But Plaintiffs do not challenge California’s restrictions on open carry; they challenge only restrictions on concealed carry.
You get the picture. What California needs is a lot of tanned citizens running around with exposed holstered weapons.
Well done, libbies. Well done.
Distant Replayspews:
including the CAFC? Not being obsessed with 2nd Amendment lunacy I admit I don’t track it on a weekly basis. But last I checked (and it’s been a few years) the Federal Circuit was tops followed closely by 5, 6, 9, and 10 (not in that order). No doubt 9 was in 2nd place. Meh.
I recall the median for reversal rate has been right around 70%, with the field ranging from around 55% up to around 80%. When I’ve looked at it in the past while the 9th was almost always at or near the top, that court’s reversal rate was by no means a statistical outlier. But I suppose it all depends on what sort of things “trigger” you. “Conservatives” obviously have some sensitivities when it comes to minorities, guns, and the Constitution.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 Now you’re a legal expert in addition to a Medicare leech? Maybe I should take up reading x-rays since no education or training is required for the practice of either law or medicine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 And if one of those open carry types is lucky enough to be at the scene of a shooting when it occurs, guess who the responding cops are gonna take down? Not the citizen who doesn’t have a gun. Or let’s try another scenario. You get pulled over, the cop approaches your car, sees you have a gun, guess what happens next. Go ahead, open carry, and paint a target on your back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Remember in Texas a CCW is a valid voter ID, but a U. of Texas student ID card isn’t. What a state run by conservatives looks like.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that the nominating contests are over, let the fall campaign begin. Wait a minute. What campaign? The GOP nominee doesn’t have a campaign. Nada. Zip. Nothing.
the GOP bundlers have refused him.
He has no voter data of his own and plans to use the “shared” data files of the RNC.
None of the primary opponent campaign data files are available to him.
He has little or no ground org in the battleground states with large numbers of less educated white voters that he must target to carve a path to 270.
He continues to operate top down out of a suite of offices in a luxury office tower in Manhattan.
His primary supporters are reassured that all this is perfectly aligned with the “maverick”, “seat-of-the-pants”, “unconventional” approach that won him the primary.
But then again, they are the less educated Republican voters.
Crooked Hillaryspews:
Hey Boob sniff my vagina.
Crooked Hillaryspews:
“Looks like another slow day in the radiology shop. I understand a lot of that work is being taken over by computers or outsourced to India now.”
And if half the people who need x-rays, scans and mri’s ever visited here they would be glad to know the someone from India was doing the reading and not some noob named Boob.
Teabagged Againspews:
This is Terrorism. It is one thing to fight back in a dirty way such as the Palestinian/Jewish struggle, but at least Palestinians are fighting because they probably feel oppressed by Israel….and war is war…sometimes dirty.
This is just plain “I want to be a Terrorist” activist.
Teabagged Againspews:
@64 he probably heard he had an appointment with Boob, and figured jumping over 6 to get to his death was worth it.
Teabagged Againspews:
“Well done, libbies. Well done.”
Yeah, let’s speak nothing of water being tainted by fracking operations, and train derailment. Or let’s say nothing about Global Warming (because the scientist were wrong up until we can just now say that doing something about would be too costly). Or let’s not say anything about trickle down piss on America. Or let’s not say anything about thousands of dead Americans fighting for Oil and non existent WMD.
@94 You don’t expect a suspected criminal to be transparent, do you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
What Iowa’s top newspaper thinks of their senior senator: “There are invertebrates that have shown more spine than Sen. Charles Grassley” has in standing up to Drumpf’s racism and attacks on judges.
What the terrible, awful, failure Jimmy Carter has been doing lately while one of the living GOP ex-presidents counts his sheckles and goes fishing, and the other one dabbles with water colors.
My friends in Portland took part in the earthquake exercise. Half were dead from the collapse of buildings and tsunami. Half of the living were stranded miles from home and they thought it might take months to get back, and the last quarter were camping outside since their homes were unsafe.
Or it could just be a dumb ass kid who wondered what would happen if you drop an M-80 from your local Ill-Eagle tribal fireworks stand into a toilet. Not that I have any experience with similar juvenile behaviors.
Same reason I couldn’t really care about swastikas painted at an elementary school around Seattle a few weeks ago. Swastikas showed up in one of the bathrooms when I was in about 4th grade, shoutout to Mrs. Forsman, and I know who did it. I saw it. He didn’t know shit about Nazi’s but he was a kid who heard that a Swastika was the worst possible thing you could Graffiti on a wall so that’s what he did. He turned out to be kind of an asshole as an adult.
It could be something or it more likely is nothing that ever would have been spoken of before the interwebs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Stanford rapist’s father is soliciting public donations for his son’s legal defense.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If the judge can’t hold trials, he’s out of a job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 I’ve heard you can blow up a toilet by dropping in a lit match after a good fart.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 104 RR
That Judge is up for re-election, and is running unopposed. He’s a shoo-in.
The Peter Principle in action.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ Roger @ 100
God will Provide. Just trust to God, and don’t think about anything else, and the Children will learn to read. It’s Magic!
That is, if there are any books left in the State that haven’t been burned by the Christians.
Hell, when I was in Elementary and Middle School some of the other kids called me a Fag because I read books. I was sent to the Principals office by my 5th grade teacher, who called in my Mother to tell her that I was “antisocial” and possibly mentally ill, because I didn’t like sports and would spend my time reading a book at lunchtime and not running around and playing with the other kids at recess, who incidentally happened to be the same kids who were calling me a Fag for reading books and “using big words” in class. The same Christian kids who once kicked a book right out of my hands and threw it into a mud puddle after beating me up.
The District Psychologist “recommended” me for counseling, which was actually mandatory, and the Psychologist they sent me to told my Mother that it might become necessary to put me on antidepressants and stimulants like Dexedrine to cure my antisocial tendencies.
Because having a preference for reading books during free time in school is apparently a major symptom of mental illness in children.
My Mother, who also happened to be a Psychologist, told them to go fuck themselves. My Grandfather and Mother then set me up with an account at a local bookstore, where all I had to do was go in a couple times a month, pick out two or three books I liked and take them to the cash register, sign them out and the store sent Grampa a bill every month. That lasted about four years until the end of 9th grade. I still have several of the books I picked out back then.
One of them, handed to me by the store owner the summer after 6th grade (who told me that if I can get through it by the end of summer and come back to tell him what it was about, he’d give me a free one) took me three whole weeks to get through. That was Moby Dick.
My parents and Grandparents were smarter than nearly every teacher I ever had, except for a few who seemed to understand. But the rest, they read the assessments and profiles that my previous year’s teachers had written and decided I was a piece of shit who couldn’t be educated, so they didn’t bother.
I have had absolutely zero respect for Christians ever since. They’re fucking lying assholes who cannot stand the fact that there are people in this world who won’t submit to their brainwashing techniques and phony ethical construct that somehow permits them to ignore nearly every rule in their own stupid schizophrenic book. Every single hardline Christian should be sterilized and forbidden to reproduce or have any contact with children. Their morality and philosophy is entirely corrupt and artificial, and leaves them only the permission and the moral ability to destroy things.
Thats why they love Donald Trump. He’s functionally illiterate, and he’s all but promising to burn every book and close every library in the country. He speaks their language. His own moral failings aren’t even a factor in their decision.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Looks like another slow day in the radiology shop.
R senile can’t stand FACTS! Why does R senile hate the TRUTH? What scares R senile from gaining additional knowledge in the “golden years”? Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles! All that misfolded protein from being a DUMMOCRETIN. Libtardism is a frightful disease!
Puddy gone for a couple of days and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS still has a hard on for Puddy!
Can’t get Puddy out of its mind! PWNED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I hope we learned more from Flint.
Oh, and New Orleans.
((((((Goldy)))))) Retweeted
Michael Moore ✔ @MMFlint
A democratic socialist, in the United States of America, has 46% of the pledged delegates. Just pause for a moment &feel the wonder of that.
Dude that popular would probably garner a lot more votes than did, say, Nader.
A Missouri cop who nearly killed a teenager during a traffic stop will serve 4 years in federal prison after being convicted of violating the youth’s civil rights. The victim was left with brain damage.
The victim, whose father is a cop, hadn’t done anything wrong. He was stopped because there was a warrant out on a woman associated with the car he was driving. The cop attacked him because he didn’t roll down the driver’s window when ordered. The window apparently was stuck.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I couldn’t find anything indicating how much the lawsuit will cost taxpayers, but we can assume seven figures. As I’ve said before on this blog, there’s a crisis in American policing, and major reforms are needed in how police departments recruit, train, and supervise cops. There’s too much police violence in our society, a lot of it is unnecessary and unwarranted, and people who shouldn’t be cops in the first place get away with far too much.
Steve, yesterday:
This is what rats fleeing a sinking ship looks like.
One of Eric Erickson’s crew, today:
Rats from a Sinking Ship: Two More Republican Senators Say they Won’t Vote for Trump
@ 4
There’s too much police violence in our country, a lot of it is unnecessary and unwarranted, and people who shouldn’t be cops in the first place get away with it far too much.
Lotta lawyers out there with zero comprehension
of the law, too.
@1, @2 Yes, we learned vulnerable people get hurt when Republicans run the show.
@5 Yet Paul Ryan, the highest elected Republican in the country, continues to hang in there for Trump, even as he criticizes Trump’s racist attacks on a judge. What a spineless hypocrite.
@6 Boob is in fine form today.
Something you might have missed in California yesterday:
Jeff Nguyen ✔ @jeffnguyen
Only on CBS2 at 11p: Congressional Candidate Isadore Hall served legal papers at his own Election Party.
10:32 PM – 7 Jun 2016
It will be a runoff between two Dems.
Jim Swift @JSwiftTWS
Congrats to Presumptive Rep.-Elect Nanette Barragán. https://twitter.com/jeffnguyen/status/740416156318732290 …
11:41 PM – 7 Jun 2016
It’s a banner year for Democrats with legal trouble running for public office.
There’s no spat like a lawyer spat.
Hey Boob, what do doctors do for fun when they can’t piss?
The writers who picked Seattle’s new Youth Poet Laureate had no idea she was an abused child who dropped out of school and ended up living in a tent under an overpass. All they knew was her poetry is compelling, and she writes a lot of it.
((((((Goldy)))))) Retweeted
Lee Rosenberg @Lee_Rosenberg
Sometimes rich people own news-media so that they can print propaganda https://twitter.com/JEL248/status/740558770523242496 …
And then there are rich people who realize that they only need to own one or four individual people to accomplish the same thing.
(Really, Goldy? You couldn’t see this one coming?)
@10 “It’s a banner year for Democrats with legal trouble running for public office.”
Should I bring up the GOP presidential candidate’s 3,500+ lawsuits?
((((((Goldy)))))) Retweeted
Rachel West @rwest817
Building on @neeratanden’s work on long-termism, @CAPeconomy proposes changes that wld ↑ firms’ human capl investmt: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/report/2016/06/08/138706/workers-or-waste/ …
So, you’re advocating a formal process to classify American workers as a depreciable asset? Isn’t that a little counterproductive?
CNBC has a couple of stories this morning worth noting.
First, a CNBC senior political correspondent suggests Trump may drop out, and warns Democrats to have a Plan B in case their November opponent is someone else.
Second, “Nearly half of unemployed Americans have quit looking for work, and the numbers are even worse for the long-term jobless, according to a poll released Wednesday that paints a grim picture of the labor market.”
I think maybe the real question here is why haven’t the rest dropped out, too? Let’s start with the ridiculous hoops employers put job applicants through — gimmicky trick test questions, multiple re-interviews, etc. Then there’s lousy pay, including a minimum wage that hasn’t been raised in years and which nobody can live on. And let’s not forget that in the New Economy workers are expected to work 16-hour days, have no personal time or family life, etc. And their reward for this is that if they work hard enough they might be kept on this week, but there’s no guarantee about next week. Pensions? Fund and manage your own, yourself. Health care? Pay for it yourself. Paid vacations or family leave? Surely you jest. Also, don’t overlook that workers are taxed to the max; they get none of the tax perks enjoyed by their multimillionaire bosses, and wage income is the most heavily taxed type of income there is.
Like I said, the surprise isn’t that so many people are dropping out of the labor force, but the fact that anybody is still in the labor force.
read this.
Then tell me if you think it won’t be just a bit more than seven figures.
The word depraved keeps coming to mind.
Not just when considering the conduct of the arresting officer. But more particularly the conduct of the department and the municipality in the wake of this arrest when they knew what the dashcam would show.
Tepublican – they fight a war that shouldn’t never have been fought (______ – fill in a Country or Social Agenda$ and they elect a nominee that they should have never nominated.
Do Repukes do anything right?
Looks like it is time to say goodbye to Drumpf. What loser will the choose next?
@17 It’ll likely be a structured settlement. Taser International will be on the hook for negligently failing to provide proper guidance on use of its potentially lethal product. The Independence Police Department will be on the hook for negligent training and supervision of the police officer. Given that the victim has enough functionality to take care of himself, but has suffered permanent impairments that affect his employability and quality of life, the settlement probably will include an annuity. I’d guess the settlement will look something like this: $3.5 million cash upfront, with his attorneys getting $2 million of that, and the rest going to Bryce for pain and suffering; plus somewhere between $60,000 and $80,000 income for life, with annual inflation adjustments tied to CPI. An insurer will reduce this to present value using actuarial tables and inflation predictions. I can’t do that calculation, but I’d guess the cashout value will be under $10 million.
@19 “Do Repukes do anything right?”
Well, if they lose, they did THAT right.
I watched this really awful and frankly tragic performance by Jeffry Lord on CNN’s election night coverage,
and all I kept thinking about was that worthless racist Fuckwad troll.
Looks like Republican bundlers are just saying no to donning the sheet and hood.
This is just too perfect!!!
I said Paul Ryan was done:
@24 complete utter chaos in that Party….and the way they are dealing with it speaks volumes on how they handle all of the affairs of this Country. (in other words they cant handle shit).
They need a little Cascadia Rising.
Did Boob say something about learning something (from Flint and New Orleans).
“The toxic substances found in water samples collected from groundwater sources underneath Talisman’s faulty storage pits included arsenic, barium, cadmium, lithium, and lead, the same compounds found in the billions of fine sediment particles that continue to turn the waters of Brenot and Lynx creeks a muddy brown before they enter the Peace River.”
Not sure how Boob reads this and gets “well Solar is too expensive”. But I get it, like his comrades at the Grand Ole Problems, he is incapable of learning anything, unless it has something to do with his retirement.
“An insurer will reduce this to present value using actuarial tables and inflation predictions. I can’t do that calculation, but I’d guess the cashout value will be under $10 million.”
Get a Texas instruments BA-II Plus financial calculator and learn how to use it.
Oh, goody, the Police in Oklahoma are now carrying electronic devices that can empty your bank account on the spot. I suppose as long as they keep this sort of thing amongst “darker” demographics, nobody will care.
Especially Bob and the Schitz.
Wondrous, modern technological people, Republicans. Even armed robbery is computerized these days.
@21 Classic Republican victimhood on display. Calling out Trump’s racism makes him a victim. The thing to do is pin the “racist” label on the “Mexican” judge instead.
@27 “Get a Texas instruments BA-II Plus financial calculator and learn how to use it.”
What for? I don’t know how to calculate optimal wing chords, either, but I don’t need to know that. And besides, dummy, calculating present values requires more than a fancy calculator. A TI BA-II Plus doesn’t provide you with actuarial tables or future interest rates. It only runs those numbers after you key them in. You first have to get them from somewhere.
@28 It only works against the innocent. Crooks don’t have bank accounts.
@ 31
Sure they do. They keep bank accounts in Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Panama, The Cayman Islands and Monaco.
Etc etc etc etc…
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a Bank. Give a man a Bank, and he can rob the whole world.
I wonder how long before the local Property Management Companies start using it as a means to clear out certain neighborhoods they would like to see “improved”. For a generous contribution to the Police Officer’s Guild, of course.
Just like the Bankers did in New York City in 2006. They knew what was coming down the ropes.
A 14-year-old developmentally disabled black kid who was railroaded to prison by dishonest cops for 4 murders he didn’t commit was released from prison today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think those cops should serve a day in jail for every day this kid served. I also think he should get a couple million dollars, and it should be paid by the cops, not taxpayers.
Qualified immunity needs fixin’.
Drumpf kind of looks like Moammar……his new nickname is Moammar Drumpf.
Heh. The babbling jackass troll claims to be “respected” in places like OK where not a single county voted for Barack Obama.
Let’s see the fool drive a “full-sized” car in OK! Hey jackass, retire in OK, klownservatic heaven!
“Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted last week of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, blamed the ‘party culture’ of ‘college life’ for his actions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably a future CEO, banker, or
GOP county chairman here. P.S., I never experienced the college “party culture”; I was too busy washing dishes, sweeping floors, etc. between classes to work my way through school as I didn’t have my education handed to me on a silver platter like this asshole did.
@36 He’ll probably get to test one of OK’s new ERAD devices (see #28 above). The cops will assume he’s a drug dealer because black people not only can’t vote in OK, they can’t get legitimate work there either.
@37. Damn those Mexicans!
I think he was on full athletic scholarship.
Which is a pretty sweet deal if your folks have dough to give you every month. That doesn’t violate NCAA rules. Anybody else gives you money and it’s a problem. So a poor kid on a full ride has to steal pizzas. While a rich kid on a full ride can get wasted and rape in style.
Just a couple thoughts on where we are.
The GOP was hoping to have a halfway decent candidate with a bad economy to point at and a record of a deeply unpopular president to run against. Instead they got a candidate who is even more disliked than Hillary Clinton, an unemployment rate unseen since 2007 to the good side, a DJIA over 18,000 Nasdaq approaching 5,000, wages rising almost 4% over the last year, consumer confidence way up, GDP growth not seen since 2007 and a President with an approval rating even Rasmussen is finding in the black. (Note that in June of his 8th year GWB was sitting at a 30% approval so when you see those Obama O stickers, Worst President Ever, even a good number of republicans are rolling their eyes.) When the Donald says, the Democrats haven’t done a good job, Hillary can say, really? How so, can you give specifics. (Bluster, bluster, real unemployment, labor participation rate, minutiae about all that stuff that the general public is totally into as opposed to the official unemployment, GDP, The Markets…Hell, it worked for Willard so they’ll try it again.)
We go into the General with Hillary having about 217 EVs in the bag. Another 57 are polling pretty well for Hillary too which would bring her to 274 needing 270. A few states that are still considered really close or lean Trump haven’t had a poll in a long while. Iowa hasn’t polled Trump/Clinton since January. Consider this, Texas, yes TEXAS, had Trump over Clinton by a mere 2 points way back in September. Anyone wonder what the sane wing of the Republican party and Latinos in Texas would make that poll look like now? There are a lot of toss-ups, lookin’ at you Ohio, you too Pennsylvania! where the most recent polls are moving to Hillary. She can do without Florida, which she leads if she picks up those. If the unthinkable happens and she pulls Texas, nothing else matters.
That’s why Boob is praying for an indictment. Of course Trump may be on trial for actual fraud throughout the campaign while the talk radio talks about “any day now” on an indictment that probably will never come.
And by the way, the GOP nominated an accused rapist with a habit of saying racist shit and that ad of Trump quotes about women “read” by women is just a killer. But he can talk about Hillary’s husband and all that will just go away, amiright?
Gonna be a long summer and fall months for our little trolls.
@40 I was as poor a student as it’s possible to be. Once, I lived for 2 weeks on a half sack of corn meal and a half bottle of pancake syrup because I had no food money. But the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit was keeping an eye on me, and miraculously, a nice man from the post office came to the converted basement coal bin I was renting for $20 a month and offered me a part-time job sorting mail that paid twice the minimum wage.
Well we know one Senate seat that’s not flipping, the GOP is dead in California case file #301562
the GOP couldn’t get a candidate out of the primary for Barbara Boxer’s open seat in an open primary. The top voting GOP candidate drew a whopping 8% of the vote. If you add all the Republicans in the top 10 you get 23.1% of the vote. 23.1%.
But the Donald has said he is going to campaign and win in California. Some people claim he is a smart man who knows how to win.
From 1979-2013 incomes of the top 1% increased 10 times as fast as middle class incomes. What did we get for that? Outsourcing, layoffs, bank fraud, foreclosures, a hollowed out middle class.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After all that, you have to be a Republican to still be defending the rich.
@43 Well waddya know, they held a U.S. Senate primary in California, and most of the GOP’s 10 candidates didn’t even get bank interest. Collectively, they got 27.3% of the vote. And Trump thinks he’ll carry this state? REALLY???
One of Reagan’s sons, not the lefty, but former right wing radio host, anti-same sex marriage crusader, born again Christian Michael isn’t a big fan. Talking to nutosphere Web/Streaming device only “NewsMaxTV”
Border militiaman molesting a 5 year old girl.
1.) he’s confused because he didn’t know which toilet room to use.
2.) he wants to build a wall to keep the 5 year old womenz all to himself and not have to compete with Drumps racist views of a Mexican.
You see, people like this guy and the rest who want to build walls aren’t doing it because the think (and Puffy) that Mexicans are raping the womenz. They don’t even think rape is bad – they never seem to talk about the frat boys raping. They are just racists and want the Mexicans out of thier sights.
“You love a teacher when they’re hiding your children from a crazed gunman in Newton and getting shot while protecting them. You adore educators when they’re using their body to shield your kids from a falling wall in the middle of a tornado in Oklahoma.
But let your teacher have the nerve to ask for a job security or reasonable pay or a manageable workload, and all of a sudden we’re crazed union thugs.”
Found this gem on the internet today.
@ 47
The Conservatives don’t even recognize Rape as being a crime. They just cannot wrap their minds around why there should be any laws against it at all. To them, its a property situation. As women are considered to be the property of the father or the husband, Rape is a mere property crime and should be treated as such by the Courts. With that in mind, it’s only really a question of repaying damages as claimed by the owner.
After all, it’s sanctioned in the Buybull.
@46. The republican electorate will keep voting for trump like candidates, cycle after cycle, unless something changes the hearts and minds of republicans.
@ 48
Hey, Better, which number would you think is greater?
The number of teachers shot while protecting children under their care?
The number of teachers known to have molested children under their care?
((((((Goldy)))))) @GoldyHA
The easiest way to fix the current crisis at Veterans Affairs would be to go back in time and not invade Iraq.
Couldn’t have done it without you, Crooked Hillary.
If not for that vote, Crooked HIllary would quite possibly be in the White House and already impeached by now. Although not convicted by the Senate, the Senate votes on the 317 charges against her resulted in a 2014 electoral bloodbath leaving the Democrats with only 38 members and one doddering old Socialist, against the GOP’s 61.
The nomination of Cheryl Mills to Scalia’s SCOTUS seat would be stalled because during the Judiciary Committee hearings she kept walking out, and the hearings never concluded and a committee vote could not be held.
And Dems would be enthusiastically supporting the presidential candidacy of Vice President Barack Obama this year, with neither Crooked Hillary nor Bill permitted on the campaign trail.
@52 She was fed the same lies from the Bush administration as the rest of us. She voted to authorize the president. The decision to go to war was George W. Bush’s. There is no evidence she, unlike the the RepubliKKKlan nominee, has stolen anything from anybody. So your appellation is inappropriate and false and will help you in no way. In fact, it says more about you than it says about her.
@ 54
It helped Obama a fair amount eight years ago. Didn’t it?
But thats all he has left.
That and the unsettling prospect that he might have to vote for some dirty Hippie.
@ 57
Not unsettling at all. Vote for the one I truly think is the best option, sleep well, and take comfort in the knowledge that what Goldman Sachs has over Crooked Hillary will enrich me in years to come. Life could be far worse. I could instead have Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s future prospects, for instance.
Unsettled would be Goldy. Five months of throne-sniffing cannot be a pleasant prospect for him. Although I do see he is adapting well to the task, thus far.
Im sure it must seem that way immersed in the wingnutosphere.
And I have little doubt you’ll furiously dig away to find what little evidence there is to support that thesis.
But most of the negative campaigning between the principals that year ran in the other direction. Obama was the first to question Clinton’s “likeability”, hit her for representing Wal-Mart, her vote on AUMF, her donors, and once referred to Bill’s actions as “troubling”.
Honestly, I thought you guys were rather proud of all your authorship of the Clinton Criminal Conspiracy Campaign. You should own it.
@ 58
Obama hit her, but he didn’t hit her hard. He didn’t really need to – he was marketed as a new and different kind of politician and that kept him from having to really go for it. In return, Crooked Hillary was hamstrung by a fear of racism allegations had she really gone after him, the same fear that helped paralyze the McCain campaign.
Similarly, Sanders had a golden opportunity to go after Crooked Hillary over her emails, and infamously demurred. One does not play softball if one wants to win.
AP, today:
Experts: Clinton emails could have compromised CIA names
Bernie took a pass and he’s now toast. He could not have truly wanted to win.
What if the GOP nominee does truly want it? Crooked Hillary will be hit like she has never been hit before.
Seems as if she’s got the edge. But it will be bloody.
@ 58
Crooked Hillary was first to question her own likeability. Obama’s famous response was just that – a response to Crooked Hillary’s own self-assessment.
Cover Oregon fails to protect Portland citizen.
Yellowstone Visitor Dies After Falling Into Hot Spring
Looks like another slow day in the radiology shop. I understand a lot of that work is being taken over by computers or outsourced to India now.
A Seattle Times obit says Stuart Anderson of Black Angus Restaurants died in California at age 93. According to his wife, he couldn’t cook; he could fry eggs, but that was it. The obit also says he was a tank driver in Patton’s army during WW2. Another vet from the “noble cause war” gone. Aren’t many left now.
@61 I wonder how many fences he had to climb over to kill himself.
@57 “Vote for the one I truly think is the best option,”
This year, thinking people don’t need to think about that at all. Nose holding may be required, but thinking is not.
@53 “[T]he 317 charges against her [have] resulted in” how many convictions so far, asswipe?
I can already see how the future is shaping up. For the last 8 years we’ve had to listen to Republican carping about Obama’s birth certificate. For the next 8 years we’ll have to listen to Republican carping about emails and Benghazi. Well, at least it gives them some busy work to do, being as they have zero talent for governing.
@ 66
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, this Fall:
“The 14 counts under which she was indicted have resulted in how many convictions so far, asswipe?”
are you really lost in that fever swamp?
Or are you just trolling the hippies again?
Considering how much Donald Trump’s narrow path depends upon less educated whites voters I wonder if this sort of thing really helps him?
I’m sure it helps people like Stuart Varney, Stacey Dash, and even that worthless racist Fuckwad troll feel better about themselves. But I’m not so sure it helps Trump attract more white high school drop outs. It’s a comforting fantasy for some that a white race warrior like Trump could really show those dirty PC liberals by crossing color lines. But those same people probably believe he can win California.
An alternate universe wherein Hillary Clinton is never Secretary of State so the new batch of “scandal” doesn’t exist and so the GOP not learning from how badly they damaged their party impeaching the President’s husband go for it again. Among the charges, Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, Vince Foster, Travelgate….
Fan fiction is all the conservatives have left now that they know Hillary is going to be the President even if they aren’t yet willing to say it aloud.
Trump should nominate Stacy Dash to Treasury Secretary or, damn, even Vice President. She’s at least as smart as the last female the GOP candidate for the office.
Just had to share what has to be some of the finest trolling of the whole Palin fiasco ever!
It may not be too late to send a gift. Anybody have any idea where they might be registered?
and she sounds just as day-drunk, too!
“Serious” defenders of the Third Estate Whiskey Drinking Club like Peggy Noonan, George Will, and Maureen Dowd have been pretty squeamish about access whoring journos “normalizing” Trump’s casual racism.
What will they say now that a kingpin like Bill-O just set the racism tollerance bar at the “David Duke” level.
@ 71
Well, fine.
But just in case, do me a huge favor and make Crooked Hillary pick a really, really really well-qualified running mate. Not some poster boy who was doing what a city council told him to do little more than two years ago.
@ 51 Gawd sloppy, you are right. There statistically ARE more molester teachers than bullet taking teachers there therefore we are justified in gutting their pay and benefits.
Though… by your logic….
Statistically there ARE more molester of children speakers of the house than bullet taking for children speakers of the house there therefore we are justified in gutting politicians pay and benefits.
and there ARE more molester about to retire radiologists than about to retire radiologists that have taken bullets for children there therefore we are justified in gutting about to retire radiologists pay and benefits.
Big gun decision today. The 9th Circuit en banc ruled that concealed carry is not a Second Amendment right and police can require CCW applicants to demonstrate a good reason beyond general self-defense.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not a given that SCOTUS will take this case, because the 4 remaining conservative justices might see that as an opportunity for a more-liberal majority to chip away at their Heller decision. Also, note that California is more restrictive than Washington on concealed carry; here, you get a CCW for the asking, no reason required, provided you’re not a felon or mental defective.
@ 78
The 9th Circuit en bancThe most frequently overruled circuit court in the United States ruled that concealed carry is not a Second Amendment right and police can require CCW applicants to demonstrate a good reason beyond general self-defense.Fixed that for ya, Fleeing Felon Dumbfuck.
@79 What’s the matter sloppy? You are all cranky like someone used your logic against you to gut your pay and benefits. And so close to your retirement. Guess you will have to appeal to the charity of your republican friends and neighbors to make it through. Oh wait, they all think like you do.
As the uncontradicted historical evidence overwhelmingly shows, the Second Amendment does not protect, in any degree, the right of a member of the general public to carry a concealed weapon in public. The Second Amendment may or may not protect to some degree a right of a member of the general public to carry a firearm in public. If there is such a right, it is only a right to carry a firearm openly. But Plaintiffs do not challenge California’s restrictions on open carry; they challenge only restrictions on concealed carry.
You get the picture. What California needs is a lot of tanned citizens running around with exposed holstered weapons.
Well done, libbies. Well done.
including the CAFC? Not being obsessed with 2nd Amendment lunacy I admit I don’t track it on a weekly basis. But last I checked (and it’s been a few years) the Federal Circuit was tops followed closely by 5, 6, 9, and 10 (not in that order). No doubt 9 was in 2nd place. Meh.
I recall the median for reversal rate has been right around 70%, with the field ranging from around 55% up to around 80%. When I’ve looked at it in the past while the 9th was almost always at or near the top, that court’s reversal rate was by no means a statistical outlier. But I suppose it all depends on what sort of things “trigger” you. “Conservatives” obviously have some sensitivities when it comes to minorities, guns, and the Constitution.
@79 Now you’re a legal expert in addition to a Medicare leech? Maybe I should take up reading x-rays since no education or training is required for the practice of either law or medicine.
@81 And if one of those open carry types is lucky enough to be at the scene of a shooting when it occurs, guess who the responding cops are gonna take down? Not the citizen who doesn’t have a gun. Or let’s try another scenario. You get pulled over, the cop approaches your car, sees you have a gun, guess what happens next. Go ahead, open carry, and paint a target on your back.
@82 Remember in Texas a CCW is a valid voter ID, but a U. of Texas student ID card isn’t. What a state run by conservatives looks like.
Now that the nominating contests are over, let the fall campaign begin. Wait a minute. What campaign? The GOP nominee doesn’t have a campaign. Nada. Zip. Nothing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He must be planning to run on hot air alone. Or maybe that’s his energy policy.
Could someone please go to that Fuckwad’s secret volcano lair and ask him for me, which bathroom was this guy allowed to use?
the GOP bundlers have refused him.
He has no voter data of his own and plans to use the “shared” data files of the RNC.
None of the primary opponent campaign data files are available to him.
He has little or no ground org in the battleground states with large numbers of less educated white voters that he must target to carve a path to 270.
He continues to operate top down out of a suite of offices in a luxury office tower in Manhattan.
His primary supporters are reassured that all this is perfectly aligned with the “maverick”, “seat-of-the-pants”, “unconventional” approach that won him the primary.
But then again, they are the less educated Republican voters.
Hey Boob sniff my vagina.
“Looks like another slow day in the radiology shop. I understand a lot of that work is being taken over by computers or outsourced to India now.”
And if half the people who need x-rays, scans and mri’s ever visited here they would be glad to know the someone from India was doing the reading and not some noob named Boob.
This is Terrorism. It is one thing to fight back in a dirty way such as the Palestinian/Jewish struggle, but at least Palestinians are fighting because they probably feel oppressed by Israel….and war is war…sometimes dirty.
But for something like this?
This is just plain “I want to be a Terrorist” activist.
@64 he probably heard he had an appointment with Boob, and figured jumping over 6 to get to his death was worth it.
“Well done, libbies. Well done.”
Yeah, let’s speak nothing of water being tainted by fracking operations, and train derailment. Or let’s say nothing about Global Warming (because the scientist were wrong up until we can just now say that doing something about would be too costly). Or let’s not say anything about trickle down piss on America. Or let’s not say anything about thousands of dead Americans fighting for Oil and non existent WMD.
Thanks Libbies……
Hmm, it seems as though Our Little namesake Hero is in a dilly of a pickle.
Too bad, so sad.
Some things need to be classified…..oh really? Saint Petraeus can do no wrong.
This one’s for Poodebutt and Boob. (Spoiler alert: Two Term President Obama is waaay smarter than you guys.)
@94 You don’t expect a suspected criminal to be transparent, do you?
What Iowa’s top newspaper thinks of their senior senator: “There are invertebrates that have shown more spine than Sen. Charles Grassley” has in standing up to Drumpf’s racism and attacks on judges.
What the terrible, awful, failure Jimmy Carter has been doing lately while one of the living GOP ex-presidents counts his sheckles and goes fishing, and the other one dabbles with water colors.
The education your kids get in a Republican state.
My friends in Portland took part in the earthquake exercise. Half were dead from the collapse of buildings and tsunami. Half of the living were stranded miles from home and they thought it might take months to get back, and the last quarter were camping outside since their homes were unsafe.
Or it could just be a dumb ass kid who wondered what would happen if you drop an M-80 from your local Ill-Eagle tribal fireworks stand into a toilet. Not that I have any experience with similar juvenile behaviors.
Same reason I couldn’t really care about swastikas painted at an elementary school around Seattle a few weeks ago. Swastikas showed up in one of the bathrooms when I was in about 4th grade, shoutout to Mrs. Forsman, and I know who did it. I saw it. He didn’t know shit about Nazi’s but he was a kid who heard that a Swastika was the worst possible thing you could Graffiti on a wall so that’s what he did. He turned out to be kind of an asshole as an adult.
It could be something or it more likely is nothing that ever would have been spoken of before the interwebs.
The Stanford rapist’s father is soliciting public donations for his son’s legal defense.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d send them my Confederate money if I had any.
Meanwhile, jurors are refusing to serve the judge who gave the Stanford rapist 3 months in jail.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If the judge can’t hold trials, he’s out of a job.
@102 I’ve heard you can blow up a toilet by dropping in a lit match after a good fart.
@ 104 RR
That Judge is up for re-election, and is running unopposed. He’s a shoo-in.
The Peter Principle in action.
@ Roger @ 100
God will Provide. Just trust to God, and don’t think about anything else, and the Children will learn to read. It’s Magic!
That is, if there are any books left in the State that haven’t been burned by the Christians.
Hell, when I was in Elementary and Middle School some of the other kids called me a Fag because I read books. I was sent to the Principals office by my 5th grade teacher, who called in my Mother to tell her that I was “antisocial” and possibly mentally ill, because I didn’t like sports and would spend my time reading a book at lunchtime and not running around and playing with the other kids at recess, who incidentally happened to be the same kids who were calling me a Fag for reading books and “using big words” in class. The same Christian kids who once kicked a book right out of my hands and threw it into a mud puddle after beating me up.
The District Psychologist “recommended” me for counseling, which was actually mandatory, and the Psychologist they sent me to told my Mother that it might become necessary to put me on antidepressants and stimulants like Dexedrine to cure my antisocial tendencies.
Because having a preference for reading books during free time in school is apparently a major symptom of mental illness in children.
My Mother, who also happened to be a Psychologist, told them to go fuck themselves. My Grandfather and Mother then set me up with an account at a local bookstore, where all I had to do was go in a couple times a month, pick out two or three books I liked and take them to the cash register, sign them out and the store sent Grampa a bill every month. That lasted about four years until the end of 9th grade. I still have several of the books I picked out back then.
One of them, handed to me by the store owner the summer after 6th grade (who told me that if I can get through it by the end of summer and come back to tell him what it was about, he’d give me a free one) took me three whole weeks to get through. That was Moby Dick.
My parents and Grandparents were smarter than nearly every teacher I ever had, except for a few who seemed to understand. But the rest, they read the assessments and profiles that my previous year’s teachers had written and decided I was a piece of shit who couldn’t be educated, so they didn’t bother.
I have had absolutely zero respect for Christians ever since. They’re fucking lying assholes who cannot stand the fact that there are people in this world who won’t submit to their brainwashing techniques and phony ethical construct that somehow permits them to ignore nearly every rule in their own stupid schizophrenic book. Every single hardline Christian should be sterilized and forbidden to reproduce or have any contact with children. Their morality and philosophy is entirely corrupt and artificial, and leaves them only the permission and the moral ability to destroy things.
Thats why they love Donald Trump. He’s functionally illiterate, and he’s all but promising to burn every book and close every library in the country. He speaks their language. His own moral failings aren’t even a factor in their decision.
Looks like another slow day in the radiology shop.
R senile can’t stand FACTS! Why does R senile hate the TRUTH? What scares R senile from gaining additional knowledge in the “golden years”? Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles! All that misfolded protein from being a DUMMOCRETIN. Libtardism is a frightful disease!
Train wreck avoided.
Puddy gone for a couple of days and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS still has a hard on for Puddy!
Can’t get Puddy out of its mind! PWNED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!