I’m reading Lindy West’s new book (it’s excellent, read it if you haven’t yet). It’s got one section where she talks about her abortion, and she mentions seeing someone she went to school with. It reminds me of a story from my Grandmother volunteering at the Lutheran Home For Unwed Mothers, in what’s now Lake Forest Park in, I believe, the 1930’s and 1940’s:
She and the other volunteers would do chores or drive the women around. Obviously, if you’re volunteering in a place like that, you can’t be that much of an asshole to single mothers that you know. Still, the stigma was so great at the time that the procedure was the volunteers sign in, and if any of the women needed anything they saw the list, they weren’t supposed to chose someone they knew.
All to protect an extraordinarily weak candidate and possible felon.
A few weeks ago, John King of CNN told his viewers that if Sanders performed exceedingly well in Indiana, West Virginia, Oregon, and Kentucky — which he did, winning the first three and drawing in the fourth — and then ran the table or nearly so on June 7th, “many” superdelegates would switch their allegiance and the media would capture that sea change and report on it.
Except King was lying.
We know this because the major networks have recently announced that they will “call” the Democratic primary for Clinton — declare her its “winner,” say she’s clinched the nomination, or whatever parlance equates to those terms — without first polling the superdelegates post-California.
In fact, they’ll release their poll hours before California has tallied any votes.
So on June 7th Bernie Sanders could win every state, or even just California and three others, a circumstance King said would undoubtedly flip “many” superdelegates’ votes, and America would never find out what the margin of error of the media’s June 6th superdelegate poll was because Clinton would have “won” the nomination before that margin of error could be determined.
This is what Goldy wants Berniebros to stop trying to derail.
Someone’s not even waiting until tomorrow to anoint her.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
Crooked Hillary/Hanauer 2016
Pretty interesting historical background on the Republican Party Presidential nominee scam mill can be found at Ars Technica:
These scam seminar mills and other “get rich quick” appeals are so widespread and have been around so long I sometimes wonder if we all don’t already know someone who’s been taken in.
LE professionals say one of the most challenging things about bringing these confidence scams to trial is getting their victims to open up. Apparently the humiliation of being a victim is so overwhelming that most persist in denial.
Which is eerily similar to that Fuckwad troll when you think about it. Maybe this is the ultimate explanation for Trump’s humiliation of the whole Republican party.
Courage Boob. At least you’ve taken the first step. Well done.
@ 3
Chicago State University graduation rate drops to 11 percent
There are many, many ways to get taken in, DR.
Meanwhile, the RepubliKKKlan nominee continues his racist attacks on the federal judiciary. Even other prominent RepubliKKKlans can’t stomach his blatant racism so close to the election (they tolerate it when it’s done with code words, though).
If Trumpty Dumbty loses this election, I predict he’ll blame the party (because it’s always somebody else that’s to blame) and start a new party. And so it goes.
@5 Yep, the GOP love fest continues.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If someone with as little character as Newt Gingrich has a problem with it, do you suppose there might be a problem with it?
@1 Given who your candidate is, we don’t need more than an “extraordinarily weak candidate and possible felon.”
@3 I can’t get excited about Republicans stealing from Republicans.
If they do it to the rest of us, I get interested.
@4 “There are many, many ways to get taken in, DR.”
You should know. You’ve been taken in by all of them.
Yes, there are many ways to be taken in Boob. But only one way out. And you’ve taken the first small step on a long journey of recovery.
You are no longer a Trump victim.
Will you be a Trump survivor? Will any of us?
Remember last week when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was saying that a jobs gain is a jobs gain, Yay Obama?
Good times, good times.
The U.S. May Have Actually Lost Jobs in May, Says One Economist
Meanwhile, due to increases in US population we typically need somewhere around 150,000 new jobs per month just to keep pace.
The doctor is in, but isn’t very busy this Monday morning. Has ample time to post here. He doesn’t need to work anyway. His investments are doing fine; the Dow was up 115 points a few minutes ago. He’s certainly doing better than the chickenshit who stashed his life savings in a no-interest bank account. As for me, I won’t say how much I’m making today, because at least one person thinks it’s bragging (it’s not; it’s for educational purposes) and will gripe about it; let’s just say I have no use for a $15/hr. job and don’t worry about robots.
@10 Yeah, last month’s jobs number looks terrible, until you compare it with any randomly selected month from the tenure of our last Republican president.
Well senility isn’t out this morning. It’s on full display with R senile rants!
Another GOP argument blown to smithereens by hard data.
“A new study shows million-dollar earners would be unlikely to flee Washington state if it adopted an income tax.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Washington’s patchwork tax system, which gradually evolved over time by no one’s design, overtaxes the poor and undertaxes the rich. This is a situation no person with a conscience can support. In addition, you can’t squeeze enough from the poor to pay for quality education and fund vital public services. But our state’s Republicans stubbornly oppose any kind of tax reform. They won’t even allow the repeal of outmoded tax breaks for businesses that have outlived their usefulness. Why are Republicans such obstructive assholes? Because they were born with bad DNA, and there’s no getting around DNA, so the only solution is to vote them out of office in November.
@13 How are your “investments” doing this morning? (snicker) Are you at work? Mine are doing fine. I don’t have to work.
very sad indicator of where the GOP is heading under el Douche.
Abandoning any pretense of service to constituents (either their victims or their real constituents) it’ll be full steam ahead for political stunts, show trials and opposition tantrums from here on out. To have struggled for so long, with voter suppression, ballot box stuffing, politically motivated prosecutions, and unrivaled spending (expected to be about 5 billion this year), to finally regain control of Congress with solid majorities and use it for nothing but this sad political burlesque. Cock blocked by their own racist base.
Notice how Boob’s posting in recent days consists exclusively of wildly off-base economic critiques and pearl clutching over the Clinton Criminal Conspiracy™. No doubt reflecting his media preferences, this distortion is what’s in store for us, as the more savvy “conservatives” are already moving past November in preparation for the next eight years under another Democratic President. Ryan will be out before the cherry blossoms fall.
@ 14
They won’t even allow the repeal of outmoded tax breaks for businesses that have outlived their usefulness.
Tell ya what. Repeal all those tax breaks, and at the same time repeal the Business and Occupancy Tax.
Do we have a deal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
“The attacks are racist. To claim that someone is unable to objectively and professional perform his job because of his race is racism.”
Can’t say I think too much of Erick Erickson, even after he posted this. But I gotta give him credit. There are still a few Republicans who get it. Just gotta ask: Where in sweet holy fuck were these guys twenty four weeks ago?
Reap what you sew, motherfuckers.
Reap what you sew.
was that Boob endorsing state income tax?
Probably not. Probably just wants to close a third of state government again. Soooomaaaaaliaaaaaa!!!!
(Are their radiologists in Somalia?)
@ 16
Notice how Boob’s posting in recent days consists exclusively of wildly off-base economic critiques and pearl clutching over the Clinton Criminal Conspiracy™.
You left out false accusations.
No idea if the FBI investigation will result in an indictment. You’ll note that I referred @ 1 to her as a ‘possible felon’.
The economics matter. If Hillary is going to be Obama’s third term the economy in coming months needs not to falter further.
An inside peek* at how Trump unwinds.
“Then Andrew Dice Clay appeared on another giant screen to thank Donald for the Taj hookers, saying they had stamps on their asses to show they’d had their shots.”
(Clay is a comedian, and he was joking.)
(* A reporter who tried to cover the event was arrested. This account of the event was provided by his assistant, who managed to sneak in.)
@17 “Tell ya what. Repeal all those tax breaks, and at the same time repeal the Business and Occupancy Tax. Do we have a deal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
We certainly do, if you’ll sign onto the Gates Commission’s recommendation, which is to replace the state sales and B&O taxes with a state income tax. Just think — the sales tax drops by 6.5% and B&O is gone, period! All it takes to get there is a reasonable income tax similar to what 44 other state have.
@20 You could change that to “convicted felon” and she’d still win in November. That’s how bad the GOP candidate is. In that circumstance she’d probably get work-release so she could report to her day job.
@ 23
@20 You could change that to “convicted felon” and she’d still
winrun in November.Fixed that for you.
shit, at this point Boob, that makes you as tradition bound as Tevye!
After all, Republicans have been floggin this in one way or another for more than two decades. Literally generations of heel clicking late night infomercial sleazebag “conservatives” have been raised, schooled, and built careers on this perpetual snipe hunt. And while I gotta give yall credit for shifting much of the cost onto the taxpayers over the decades, it still has eaten up a lot of your people’s energy, manhours, column inches, and donor money.
To put Susan McDougal in jail, and give ol’ Puddy a blue dress screen saver to jerk it to.
Somehow R senile wants to live in the past. Well what happened to those 500,000 job a month claims from Obummer’s sadministration?
Meanwhile Alberto Gonzales disagrees with Erick Erickson https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/06/04/alberto-r-gonzales-trump-has-a-right-to-question-whether-hes-getting-a-fair-trial/
You see Oregonian Moron… Republicans can disagree with each other. DUMMOCRETINS are told they will go to hell if they disagree with Heilary!
Big difference! Really big difference!
And we saw last week when you are a DUMMOCRETIN and you disagree with Trump, you’ll even attack a person in a wheel chair attending the Trump rally.
DUMMOCRETIN really are pond scum! HA DUMMOCRETINS didn’t even claim those attacks were out of bounds. Why?
The ends always justifies the means!
Hey climate deniers, how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re having?
“It’s likely to be a sweltering summer for most of the United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In a continuing trend of 2016 being a warmer-than-average year, this summer could be a scorcher for a majority of the U.S., NOAA says.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The fact Seattle saw April temps hit the high 80s probably has nothing to do with CO2 in the atmosphere, yeah right. What are you stupid humans gonna do when summer temps routinely hit 130? Buy beach timeshares in Antarctica? Move to Pluto? We rabbits will be fine. We’re protected by our thick fur, and we can burrow underground where it’s cooler.
@28 Is that as bad as throwing Granny over a cliff?
@24 No, Boob, the original version works fine. You don’t get it. For sane Americans, anything is better than the GOP candidate, including a convict. That’s how far the GOP has fallen since Reagan’s time.
@26 It’s hard to hire 500,000 people a month when you’re reached full employment.
@27 Where to begin? First, I see plenty of Democrats voting for their not-Hillary candidate and they’re not in hell. Second, how do you know you’re not getting a fair trial until the trial is over? Third, the proper way to question a judge’s fairness is by through the appeal process, not publicly casting racial aspersions on the judge. In fact, Trump appears to be trying to manufacture an appeal from whole cloth (“how could I get a fair trial from a judge I made racist attacks against?”), which is the behavior of a defendant who knows he has a bad case and is going to lose. That never works in the appellate courts, and won’t this time, either.
“It’s hard to hire 500,000 people a month when you’re reached full employment.”
The nation was losing 800,000 jobs per month and was hit with a Great Recession before Bush left office, all of which the “party of personal responsibility” was blaming on Obama before he even took office.
@ 32, 34
@26 It’s hard to hire 500,000 people a month when you’re reached full employment.
That we’ve reached anything close to full employment would be news to Bernie Sanders.
” That never works in the appellate courts, and won’t this time, either.”
Well, it might. But only if Curiel were to respond to el Douche’s racist media attacks. Which of course, Curiel will not do. Because he’s a good judge. Because unlike the Republican Party he actually honors and respects the federal courts. And because he’s almost certainly just a better human being than Donald Trump.
There is not one single respectable Republican getting behind Trump on his racist tantrum. Although that Fuckwad troll certainly is. But he’s not at all respectable.
And he’s a proudly admitted racist.
Turns out not all Democrats have drunk the Kool-Aide on $15 minimum wage.
At the second hearing, held on Tuesday, Kelley had invited two local economists to share their views on the impact that such a dramatic citywide minimum wage hike would have on businesses and the local economy.
In short, the wage increase would be too high, too fast and in too limited of a geographical area, they concluded, predicting that the net result would be a loss of jobs and businesses in Cleveland.
Cleveland’s unemployment rate has been stuck at 4.8% for awhile. Wages have increased 2% over the past year.
Meanwhile, Seattle’s unemployment rate went up a half-point
in the year after it instituted a substantial minimum wage increase.
Will be an interesting discussion in Cleveland this Fall.
Fast-food owners in Seattle: a dying breed.
Numbers of limited-service restaurants in Seattle
March 2014 2,031
March 2015 1,917
Today 1,826
Somehow Goldy never seems to mention how much harder it is becoming for lower-income people to find someplace to eat in Seattle.
He’s no more worried about loss of the less-paid people from the Seattle area than he is
Goldy @GoldyHA
They’re not paying state income tax now, so what would we really lose other than folks w/ no love or loyalty for WA? https://twitter.com/genebalk/status/739825707098902528 …
about the loss of wealthier people from WA, and hey – turns out they’re not paying state income tax now, either. Nor can they afford to eat at the latest hotspot to open on Capitol Hill or in Belltown, so fuck ’em.
To paraphrase Goldy, what would we really lose other than folks who can’t afford to eat at the places that attract the six figure-earning Amazoids?
A one-month dip in Seattle’s unemployment rate and Goldy’s all over it. A two-year, 10% drop in fast-food restaurants in Seattle? Crickets in Goldyville.
Goldy really only needs one rich guy to stay in WA, and that guy probably doesn’t eat at Taco Bell.
“the Kool-Aide”
The Kool-Aide drinkers are those who believe that people who work hard at their jobs deserve to live in poverty.
@ 39
In which Steve has begun to parrot Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“Somehow Goldy never seems to mention how much harder it is becoming for lower-income people to find someplace to eat in Seattle.”
And yet it’s your idea that lower-income people should work harder and earn less money. And you want us to believe that you give a shit whether they eat or not?
@ 41
Would it advance the argument, Steve, if I were to allege that your idea is that they lose their jobs rather than be paid a wage their employers either can’t afford or choose to outsource to technology or the like?
I think that if the $15 minimum wage is going to work it’s going to work first in places like Seattle. Presumably the City Council here has an understanding that there will be job losses, if not the magnitude of job losses, and they believe those losses are acceptable for the ‘greater good’ or for whatever reason.
And I don’t necessarily disagree with that.
But when Goldy pulls a YLB at the first hint of some good news, like re-tweeting a downward blip in the unemployment rate, don’t you think, Steve, that some balance might be called for, and a much stronger hint of the downside @ 38 deserves some attention as well?
Do you disagree in any substantial way with my numbers, Steve?
Or is hyperbole all you can manage on a Monday?
In which Steve has begun to parrot Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
QPPS is a parrot and follower. QPPS is NOT a leader!
“In which Steve has begun to parrot Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Hardly. “The working poor.” When was the first time you ever heard that? The minimum wage hasn’t kept pace. You might find the adjustment to $15 annoying and something about which to nit-pick and whine, and there may be pain for some along the way, but to do nothing condemns millions of America’s hardest working citizens to live in a state of ever-worsening poverty.
“that a relative few lose their jobs”
Fixed that one for you.
“their employers either can’t afford”
That’s to argue that American workers should live in poverty because of business plans that can only succeed if the employees live in poverty.
“or choose to outsource to technology or the like”
Patience, Bob. Before long we’ll have robot radiologists who will have janitor robots cleaning radiology clinics which were designed by robot architects and engineers.
“a much stronger hint of the downside @ 38 deserves some attention as well”
I have no problem with that whatsoever. But the mere potential for some downside is no excuse to do nothing about the minimum wage, as doing nothing condemns millions of American workers to continue to live in poverty. And you’ve always impressed me as someone who is arguing that nothing should be done.
@ 45
Relative few?
San Francisco’s Office of Economic Analysis
found that 2% of private sector jobs could go bye-bye in a $15/hr minimum wage scenario.
That’s 15,000 jobs, Steve, in a city of 835,000 or so.
Everything is relative, but that’s not a small number of job losses.
If Seattle were to lose, say 10,000 to 12,000 jobs, Steve, wouldn’t that make it even harder on Willy Vomit to even find, much less keep, a job?
How much more expensive, and how many fewer cars are sold, and how many fewer jobs are there, because of the substantial added cost of seat belts, air bags, safety glass, structural roll cages, energy absorbing bumpers, and collapsing steering columns? At some point these just aren’t good arguments for fairly obvious reasons. Every tax levied, every regulation, every societal burden imposed on every individual and every business results in some incremental loss of productivity and employment. It’s pointless to deny. But in the end, even after accounting for the losses, the question ought to be are we substantially better off, individuals and businesses alike?
Nihilist hustlers like Boob have been making the very same arguments since the dawn of time. How much you wanna bet Boob is invested into a franchise ownership group?
@ 46
I might have impressed you that way but you’d have great difficulty finding something I have written that says anything like what you perceive.
You’ll find that I’ve written that $9/hr nationally was going through Senate back-channels in 2014 before Barack decided to jump on the $10.10 bandwagon. Instead the minimum wage didn’t change at all. Opportunity lost, that.
You’ll find I’ve written that in Seattle, treating fast-food restaurants as larger employers even when they are franchisees with few employees was unfair targeting and probably contributed to the 10% decline in their numbers.
You’ll find that I have pointed out that cities like Longview and Yakima can’t take the hit that cities like Seattle can take, due to differences in the local economies. I’ve called out Goldy for mocking representatives of those locales when they argued against increases that would do serious damage to their local economies.
I’m not a do-nothing proponent. I’m in the too-far, too-fast camp. You might not appreciate it but there’s a significant difference between those positions, Steve.
“found that 2% of private sector jobs could go bye-bye in a $15/hr minimum wage scenario.”
2% of minimum wage jobs go bye-bye while the other 98% are finally paying a living wage. That begs a question. So what?
@ 48
Every tax levied, every regulation, every societal burden imposed on every individual and every business results in some incremental loss of productivity and employment. It’s pointless to deny. But in the end, even after accounting for the losses, the question ought to be are we substantially better off, individuals and businesses alike?
Well-written, really.
Now let’s do across-the-board increase in retirement age eligibility for Social Security. Oh, and Uber!
“I’m in the too-far, too-fast camp.”
That’s what conservatives do, and it has it’s place. It’s a philosophy that to some degree I share. But when it comes to the minimum wage in America, it’s been “too slow, going nowhere”. And that’s a major contributor to the creation of the problems of America’s working poor. To go slower is no solution. It only exacerbates the problem.
Travis @51,
Well written or copied and modified with DUMMOCRETIN speak at the end… Too many key words… Puddy knew something smelled really bad from the Oregon moron… So take a gander at some of the sentence structure http://www.tomrustici.com/final_reg.html
“found that 2% of private sector jobs could go bye-bye in a $15/hr minimum wage scenario.”
You don’t need to be dishonest about this, even if you did it subconsciously.
That’s projected loss of projected job growth. Not quite as bad as one in 50 people losing their jobs. So the city would add jobs. Lots and lots of jobs. In the least optimistic of their models the city would still add 12,000 jobs. Under the most optimistic projection the city would add 44,000 jobs. Either way it still doesn’t mean layoffs or jobs being eliminated.
Naughty, naughty Boob.
2% of minimum wage jobs go bye-bye while the other 98% are finally paying a living wage. That begs a question. So what?
Yeah, so what to those 2%… To DUMMOCRETINS who cares about them anyway. Probably the lowest of low lifes, hangers on. dead wood, need to be culled from the workforce anyway!
The ends always justifies the means!
@ 54
Correct you are. If you’re willing to accept job growth insufficient to meet population growth needs, then everything is still a positive regardless of the deleterious effects that a substantial increase in the minimum wage would have.
As long as San Francisco’s population doesn’t increase more than, say, 2% between now and 2019, there will still be jobs to go around for every new resident, even in the lowest-growth scenario.
Seem likely to you?
Nothing is ever enough for the people with no solutions, no answers or failed history themselves. They are like the people that don’t vote and then complain about the way things are going. They should be taken with a grain of salt.
@ 57
Somewhere on Horsesass.org, way up high
There’s a land that I’ve heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
look, no need to flail about backpeddling.
You posted:
“found that 2% of private sector jobs could go bye-bye in a $15/hr minimum wage scenario.”
Then you doubled down by posting:
“If Seattle were to lose, say 10,000 to 12,000 jobs, Steve, wouldn’t that make it even harder on Willy Vomit to even find, much less keep, a job?”
Slow downs in job growth relative to anything, can be and should be noticed and understood. In context they can signal major economic change, or just one time adjustments to singular events. But they are not the same thing as reductions in employment, layoffs, absolute job losses, or current jobs “going bye bye”. It was dishonest to try to imply as much.
I’m saying that’s why you hire economists to do this kind of analysis. So you understand what the boundaries are and what kinds of things to expect. 2% less job growth in one place isn’t the same thing as 2% less job growth someplace else. It might be cause for panic. Or it might be cause for further study, such as examining in which industry sectors the slower job growth might occur. While it might be unwelcome for red state refugees fleeing the massive unemployment, pill mill fraud, soaring opiate addiction, family breakdown, and roving bands of drug dealing immigrant Mexican rapists driving them to vote for el Douche, it just might be that a city like San Francisco is okay with it. A lot depends on the details. Rent seeking landlords in the Bay Area might see it one way. Current residents working in low wage service sector jobs might see it quite another.
“If you’re willing to accept job growth insufficient to meet population growth needs.”
Is that really the case for San Francisco – that an employment increase of between 12,000 and 44,000 would be insufficient to meet projected population growth? I think it can be found in some areas and some cities that job growth is what drives population growth. Those kinds of statistics can be complicated, local birth rates and death rates not being directly correlated with local labor force. Often labor force participants arrive in a city to take work and then start families and have kids. Often people leave a the labor force to retire and leave a city at the same time or soon after. I think you are vastly oversimplifying a complicated issue in order to arrive at your preferred set of facts.
@ 60
We’re not exactly talking just SF. BART doesn’t exist for no reason, and neither do those pretty bridges. I have a sister-in-law, principal architect in a SF firm, who commutes in to SF from Alameda each workday. A lot of people commute in from east and south Bay.
Economies don’t grow without job growth unless one is willing to accept increasing income/wealth inequality. So whether jobs are lost, or merely remain stagnant, neither is a good thing in an economy which relies upon job numbers to increase. If you needed 6% more jobs over four years, and you got 3% or 1% instead, in either scenario you didn’t get what you needed, but the 1% scenario is significantly worse.
It’s why the SF office that produced the report suggested that some sort of a modifier be put into the ordinance so that changes could be made in the event of a recession.
“As long as San Francisco’s population doesn’t increase more than, say, 2% between now and 2019, there will still be jobs to go around for every new resident, even in the lowest-growth scenario.”
Earlier you stated a city population of about 835,000.
The least optimistic projection from your source report was for the addition of 12,000 new jobs in three years. San Francisco is projected to reach 1 million by about 2032 (I honestly have no fucking idea where you got 2% for projected population growth – nor why that should precisely equal labor force growth). That makes for about 10,000 new residents per year. The most recent population projection had about two thirds of those folks adding to the labor force. So if you take the least optimistic projection and assume that all of the previously projected population growth were to occur, then by 2019 the minimum wage would add about 7000 people to SF’s unemployment roles. On the other hand if we take the most optimistic projection there would be 14,000 unfilled jobs needing some of your wonderful robots. Point is reality is absolutely nothing like your cherry picking kiddie math pretends. And even with the higher minimum wage SF is unlikely to see an increase in unemployment. It just might see a slightly slower rate of overall economic and population growth.
“Economies don’t grow without job growth unless one is willing to accept increasing income/wealth inequality.”
That’s trying to apply macro economics to a micro economic question. Whether or not capitalist market economies can grow indefinitely remains an open question, but one entirely unrelated to your earlier false arguments that your source report says SF would lose jobs. The report doesn’t say that. It just doesn’t.
” So whether jobs are lost, or merely remain stagnant…”
Your source report doesn’t say that either. We’ve been over this. Stop.
“…neither is a good thing in an economy which relies upon job numbers to increase.”
Which is what your source report projects will happen in a worse case scenario (not allowing for a recession).
You’re starting to troll this. You made a pretty baldly dishonest series of statement about this economic report. I just sought to correct the record. I’m absolutely willing to stipulate to any claim that raising minimum wages can and often does slow job growth in specific industry segments. But the truth in practice is complicated by lots of factors. It’s not at all unreasonable to propose that cities like San Francisco can afford to raise the minimum wage and still enjoy steady economic and employment growth. And your source report supports that proposition.
@6 Rog – just one, of many, problems that the GOP voters don’t want to deal with. They never really have cared for problems, they like to ignore or make them even bigger
GOP really stands for Grand Ole Problems.
Ever notice how you never see YLB and Miss California
in the room at the same time?
You are no longer a Trump victim.
I wonder if Trump really is the victim. He ruined what pathetic carter that he had for these fucking morons. He truly is Stupid. He followed Palin’s footsteps. In will suffer the same or worse. Probably on Palin’s advice.
Will you be a Trump be the survivor?
We all have seen that little poem with the picture of foot prints in the sand by the ocean. Well that ain’t Trump.
@ 63
It’s not at all unreasonable to propose that cities like San Francisco can afford to raise the minimum wage and still enjoy steady economic and employment growth. And your source report supports that proposition.
Absent a downturn, yes, I agree, and none of the projections in that report envision a downturn. How Lake Wobegon of them.
But a recession certainly could occur, for any of a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it’s already been several years since we’ve had one. Job losses are certainly on the table in a recession; the report even mentions them by name
• If, however, the city experienced a recession between now and 2019, then the
higher labor costs associated with the higher minimum wage would likely deepen
the job losses.
near the bottom of page 21.
If there is a tangible effect on jobs, whether reduced growth or actual losses, the effects will be disproportionately be in the food service and retail sectors. All of which reinforces @ 38 the point I was making about a possible correlation between a minimum wage increase in Seattle and an actual decline, thus far, in one component of the restaurant business trade in this city.
And it’s still early. The first losses will be felt by some of the people the increase was supposed to help. It’s certainly possible that as further increases occur over time, there will be others.
I goes without saying that what Trump said about the Mexican judge, I have to point out the hypocracy of republicans spraking out against, as they kind of say that an individual’s race or ethnicity doesn’t disqualify them for doing a job, when plenty of them have said that it is fine just to fire someone for being gay as well as states not having laws that prevent that. I hear nobody speaking out against that. So fuck of hopefully Trump wins and sll hell breaks out in this country! You get what you deserve and ask for.
“…a possible correlation between a minimum wage increase in Seattle and an actual decline, thus far, in one component of the restaurant business trade in this city.”
Sorry. I think I know where you are trying to go with this. And I may not disagree with you. But what you are saying here is once again not true. I think precision matters here. Licenses of a specific industry classification of businesses have declined year over year. But that may not equate directly to less “trade”, even in that limited sector. It might be the same or it might be more. As you are by now no doubt aware, the classification of “limited service restaurant” covers a very broad array of business types. It is conceivable that fewer licensees are producing more sales. One comparison would be retail hardware. The number of licensees for retail hardware stores went into decline starting about twenty years ago, then leveled off and began to very slowly rise again until the Bush crash. During the period of decline, sales volumes grew steadily, and even rapidly relative to GDP. Lots of factors affected this. A big one though was efficiency. The big box home improvement retailers were just a lot more efficient at moving unit volume compared to little mom and pop hardware stores. It’s possible that the same sort of thing might be happening in limited service restaurants. Small, inefficient mom and pop stores hurt by recent spikes in commodity prices, facing rapid rent escalation, and yes, higher labor costs, might be leaving the city to be replaced by very efficiently operated corporate and franchise properties. I’m absolutely not insisting this is the case. I’m just saying it’s just as possible as your assumption that fewer licensees means lower sales volumes. Point is, it ain’t necessarily so.
@ 69
A variation, as I interpret it, of the suggestion by someone else around here that it’s brick & mortar restaurants going food truck.
We’ll see.
Hillary Clinton gave inequality speech in a $12,000 Armani jacket
1) Of course she did. It would have looked downright silly had she done it while wearing Vera Wang.
2) She had to. The Devil Wears Prada was already taken.
AOL News and NBC News are both saying Hillary Clinton has clinched the Democratic nomination. A combination of 36 delegates won in Sunday’s Puerto Rico primary plus new pledges from “over a dozen” superdelegates put her over the top.
@71 “Hillary Clinton gave inequality speech in a $12,000 Armani jacket”
I guess that’s more important to some people than the fact her opponent is a lying racist tax-dodging misogynist who defrauds his lenders, investors, and customers, which tells you a lot about the values of those people.
Sounds like what was posted on @1 was correct and also @2.
@10 Boob (a doctor) aren’t too smart – parroting someone, just because they are labeled and economist doesn’t make you right (or them) – just think of all them scientists who talk about Global Warming that are wrong.
We haven’t experienced a recession in the past 8 years, I would think that is unprecedented for any President, but do the research and prove me wrong, even if you have to go back about 100 plus years. This is after experiencing the worst recession ever or a mini depression, but that statement could be countered by – well, there was only one way to go and that was up from there (but for a continued of 8 years).
If economists are so smart – why don’t they tell us how what is happening overall to the economy, in the new Global Economy, with competing cheap labor countries, can ever produce anything much better. Are we entering new territory with what the economy will be like in the future….I’m not sure we will have any economy with wages going lower and income inequality getting greater.
I think the fact that there really hasn’t any depression in the last 8 years is pretty amazing. All that will change as soon as The Donald is elected though, and about two to three years later I bet there is a recession.
Stick to reading x-rays and keep asking your “patients” if they would like cancer with that lump.
Boob is like a little ghost.
The economy hickups and now he is going to start to scare everyone to be afraid. Be afraid that a bad economy will resurrect Jesus. Before no mention of the economy, now……be afraid, be very afraid!
Booo. Be afraid of the ghost.
I keep hearing people asking themselves why would a billionaire set up a scam to screw poor people out of money they didn’t even have?
How could someone be so cold to have billions of dollars yet con poor people into maxing out their credit cards for tens of thousands of dollars for worthless information they could have obtained on youtube? Of course, that is really quite easily answered, as much of the greatest examples of the type of wealth of this nature is ultimately founded in some huge criminal enterprise, big enough to use whatever legal means available to it to protect themselves from prosecution or any real punishment in the case of a successful one. The best, most successful criminals have the Law available as a tool. Behind every Great Fortune is a Great Crime.
Then you find out that Trump applied for a New York City tax credit only available for people earning less than $500K a year and it starts to make sense. He’s not worth a billion dollars and has probably lost (huuuugge) amounts of money every year, so this was income he really needed. It also explains why he just didn’t give them the money back, and why he needed to take out a loan to finance his campaign. He’s BROKE.
If he doesn’t get nominated we won’t get the $92 million in public campaign financing and will probably have to declare bankruptcy once again.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, really.
It makes perfect sense then why it is that he won’t release his tax returns. It’s simply because he can’t, because the Emperor wannabe has no clothes. One of his largest personal loans is apparently going to be called in or is right now being called in. Either way it is in litigation. Thats over $100 million he cannot pay back to the same bank that was recently raided by the German/European Union equivalents to the FBI and Secret Service for at least 15 different types of various sorts of international financial frauds and thefts, including outright mortgage thefts by the thousands right here in the United States during the Bush Administration.
That initial $100 Million that Trump owes to this bank pales in comparison with the $490 Million he received at zero interest from the Saudi Royal Family back in the early 90s, which still apparently hasn’t been paid back yet. People are starting to take a sniff at that as well and what it smells like isn’t very pretty.
Another little tidbit. Any outside leveraging of an individual by a financial institution, legal or otherwise, is absolute solid and specifically stated grounds to refuse such an individual from ever being permitted to access, view, handle, or otherwise be associated with Classified Information. If you owe money to someone, you are simply not allowed to know secret government shit. The FBI wouldn’t hire you, the CIA, NSA, DIA, FDA, USDA and probably the fucking VA and goddamn NASA wouldn’t, and couldn’t hire you to even so much as mop out the pissoi in the gas station across the street from their offices if one is carrying that sort of debt.
Nice heroes you Fascist Fucktards pick for yourselves.
Boob – “Would it advance the argument, Steve, if I were to allege that your idea is that they lose their jobs rather than be paid a wage their employers either can’t afford or choose to outsource to technology or the like?”
You really want us to believe you care whether they earn anything and are employed so long as your hamburger is cheaper or stays cheap.
You know its not like they are getting thrown off the top of a roof (yet), so they should even expect less than the current minimum wage, right Boob. I suppose that if they have to take a pay cut to compete with a robot, then that’s what they should have to do. They have your full support. Why not just tell them that dying for your Country in a War that we shouldn’t have gone to would put more food on their families table too.
that’s not a $12,000 dollar Armani jacket.
That’s $12,000 dollars worth of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts protected freedom of expression.
You built that.
@73… I guess that’s more important… blah blah blah…
Just another reason Heilary barely connects with many DUMMOCRETINS except the ones so far up her ASS they don’t comprehend the visualization or association!
Headline: Republicans Really Hope Trump Will Stop Saying Racist Things About Judge
Oh really! If Trump does become President I can only hope that this Country gets what it deserves and all hell breaks loose.
I mean it’s okay to fire a gay person for being gay, right?! So, that means to me a woman can’t really do her job, or a mexican or jewish or catholic judge really isn’t going to make the right decisions either, and the black one isn’t going to give a white guy a fair trial. No one in this World is to be trusted anymore. If you can’t trust the gay person to do their job and it is ok fire them….how the fuck is the Mexican going to do his job. Christ the pastor can sure continue to blow young kids (cause that is not part of the Job description) but heck he can’t do his job either.
Headline: Mark Cuban: Donald Trump ‘Knows He’s Wrong’
Heck, every fucking Republican knows they are wrong. Wrong about supporting Drumpf, or wrong about just anything….that doesn’t stop them….why the fuck should Drump admit he is wrong. Drumps isn’t the problem….it is the GOP Party.
Why doesn’t Cuban come out and say that anyone supporting Drumpf should have their head examined…..and are the problem too. He has no balls! Mark Cuban is the problem and is wrong and should admit himself.
Like I need Mark Cuban, like a little duck that I am, set me straight and tell me that Drump knows he is wrong.
How about you, as a well known figure, take a bigger stance, go out on a limb, and tell everyone how crazy they are for voting for him….Drumpf doesn’t get elected unless someone votes for him, you don’t have to tell me that “he knows he is wrong” – what the fuck does that mean and what difference does it make. Mine as well shut the fuck up.
Take Carson’s quote about Trump on the Mexican Judge.
Then I’d like Carson to tell me to apply his quote to gays and protection of gays, and same-sex marriage.
Oppps – I guess he really didn’t mean what he said, he really meant to put a footnote on it.
Footnote – except for the gays (like my best pal Puffy).
Charlie Sykes on Lawrence O’Donnell tonight – said or complained that Drumpf could be sitting in the same chair as Abraham Lincoln…..oh fuck Lincoln’s Chair……it was or is ok for the GOP to be so anti-gay and fire gays and be against same sex marriage, but Drumpf can’t sit in the same chair as Lincoln….go fuck yourself you dip shit.
It’s okay to be a bigot – but not if you go all the way? You definitely get what you sow you fucking morons, and you deserve it. Including everyone that sits idly by and supports the GOP (those that sell their soul for them).
@80 “Just another reason Heilary barely connects with many DUMMOCRETINS except the ones so far up her ASS they don’t comprehend the visualization or association!”
That’s not really a problem given who her opponent is.
When the Boston Globe starts looking at illegal aliens, you know there is a real problem… https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/06/04/criminal-immigrants-reoffend-higher-rates-than-ice-has-suggested/l0OpCWfTdCuTNLIAfxApAO/story.html
Republican trolls,
“President Hillary Rodham-Clinton
Governor Jay Inside
Senator Patty Murray”
Practice speaking those 3.
You’ll need to be proficient for the next 4-6 years.
Don’t cry. Have a TEA party.
(un)Sound Politics hasn’t published squat in 3 months.
Reagan revolution
More Republican corruption: Florida’s attorney general asks Trump for a campaign donation, his charity makes an illegal donation, and 3 days later the attorney general announces Florida won’t join the lawsuits against Trump University, leaving bilked Florida residents out to dry.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How is this not buying a favor? How is this not soliciting and taking a bribe? It appears to me the Republican attorney general of Florida is indictable for a felony. Why is she still in office?
“(un)Sound Politics hasn’t published squat in 3 months.”
Zombie (u)SP has only one post in over six months with only three comments left before the thread was closed.
Lines up eerily with the time of the arrests at The Malheur.
Sharkansky and Aamon Bundy look awfully alike.