Vance and the GOP owe Washington state an apology over the outrageous claims during the election contest, especially when they claimed “Felon votes count, military votes don’t.”
As pointed out by the Secretary of State today, the republicans dropped this claim soon after the election contest started:
But Ahearne said that Republicans made false claims early this year about military ballots and ballot security around the state, and alleged that ballots that were enhanced for the counting process were done so improperly.
Yet, this is the form of inflamatory rubbish they will through out if they think it will help them.
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
I say get them to talk using any tools necessary, it’s a matter of lives not cordial religious debate.
I’m sorry, kicking a Koran is not the same as flushing, and the hypocrisy of the protestors in the Middle East and the left in this country is staggering. From Krauthammer’s column, and I apologize for the length, but it’s an excellent point:
“On the very day the braying mob in Pakistan demonstrated over the false Koran report in Newsweek, a suicide bomber blew up an Islamic shrine in Islamabad, destroying not just innocent men, women and children, but undoubtedly many Korans as well. Not a word of condemnation. No demonstrations.
Even greater hypocrisy is to be found here at home. Civil libertarians, who have been dogged in making sure that FBI-collected Guantanamo allegations are released to the world, seem exquisitely sensitive to mistreatment of the Koran. A rather selective scrupulousness. When an American puts a crucifix in a jar of urine and places it in a museum, civil libertarians rise immediately to defend it as free speech. And when someone makes a painting of the Virgin Mary, smears it with elephant dung and adorns it with porn, not only is that free speech, it is art deserving of taxpayer funding and an ACLU brief supporting the Brooklyn Museum when the mayor freezes its taxpayer subsidy.”
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
Erik –
You wouldn’t know fraud if it slowly chewed your arm off at the elbow, but hey if it makes you happy “I do believe that hundreds of fouls ups in KC are just simple mistakes.” … And if you believe that then repeat after me I do believe in Fairies, I had a BBQ with Santa at the north pole last summer, and the Easter Bunny is my Mutha F#$@in’ homie.
What about Spokane Mayor West? Comparing himself to President Clinton? I am amazed that with WA very strict ethics laws and clear guidelines on use of computers that he doesn’t recognize there are clear violations. But I am most disturbed at his attempt to portray himself as a victim. This is a guy who was not only anti-gay in all of his politics but spoke at length about person responsibility and accountability. I guess that is for everyone else.
Hum Kumbaya,
then chant: No Mistakes No Lost Votes, No Mistakes, No Lost Votes
then Chant: What do we want Logan, What do we want, his promotion!
And in other news, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled on it’s WTO findings. “Given the breakdown of public order that confronted Seattle, we decline to hold unconstitutional the city’s implementation of procedures necessary to restore safety and security to its residents and to the visiting world leaders,” Judge Ronald Gould wrote in the majority opinion.
But the court also unanimously reversed a lower-court decision that had tossed out claims of constitutional rights violations by five individuals. That lower-court ruling also prevented potentially hundreds of others from being filed.
Instead, the ruling ordered the U.S. District Court in Seattle to hold a trial to determine if police used the no-protest zone as a way to discriminate against certain people with anti-WTO sentiments – actions that, if proven, would be unconstitutional, the court said.
Looks like there is hope for our freedom after all!
But Danny, in 1998 it was only sex and he was the victim right?
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
So one fringe Conservative/ closet fag represents all of us?
Ok in that case then all Democrats must be alchoholics and sex addicts because Kennedy and Clinton are Dems.
MOH @1
WTF? There was no flushed Koran, but some guard kicked it…so all abuse alleged is real, so long as you feel like it is real or really really want it to be real or …
I generally don’t contribute to the open threads, but I’m curious… how many of you will accept Judge Bridges ruling and move on, whatever it is? Barring that, will except the Supreme Court’s decision?
UPDATE: (Sat. 5:27 am)
No… Freudian slip… just jet-lagged typos. Here’s what I meant to ask:
Barring that, will you accept the Supreme Court’s decision?
Goldy, I have stated whatever the outcome I can live with it. We had our day in court and eventhough I will be disappointed and have to hear from your side for a day or two that’s the price of democracy, if applied correctly. Perform a search on my postings on the case.
I don’t speculate because I can’t predict the future. Some people like to but I don’t want to be deflated. But if the rulings go our way, what will you do? Also I am curious about the problems found all over especially with illegal votes. How will we ever determine if those problems are corrected?
Goldy @ 14 – Freudian slip? Except versus Accept?
The judge rules, and says heigh ho status quo (I think there will be more to it than that, but coming from a judge, it won’t matter). The R’s appeal. They lose. Life, as they say, goes on…
If the R’s (or if the improbable happens, the D’s) go Federal, put them on ice, because John Q. Public ain’t gonna like it…
Who gives a shit about a Koran if the information taken from the POS raghead saves one American’s life? [Democrats: domestic terrorist parasites]
I think the Republican Party, mainly Chris Vance and Dino Rossi crying for their re-vote remind me of the leader of the Conservative Party up North. Last June, they thought their time was now, and were preparing to shut out the Liberals, but the Liberals won a majority of the seats, despite the Conservatives and 2 other parties making some gains. The Cons just tried to get their re-vote they were screaming for, by trying to halt the budget vote, and make it a vote of no confidence. The Canadian Govt. survived by one vote.
It seems both systems, on both sides of the 49th need fixing, not just ours.
RonK, Seattlespews:
Was there a BIG BINDER? I tried to stay awake to see the BIG BINDER, but zzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz…..
I will want to see what his reasoning is like. If it is consistent, for either side, there will be little grounds for appeal. The Dems have the only real chance, since they would have grounds (evidence in over their objections, the use of the statistical evidence if the judge allows it). The GOP almost no grounds, unless the statistical evidence is all thrown out.
If the Dems win, it is appealed and upheld. Unless you can prove someone illegally changed the election, the courts are not going to want to encourage goign to court whenever an election is close. I also tend to think the Supremes are going to want to go with the political process unless there is actual fraud (as opposed to the minnows fraud means someone made a mistake, or I disagree. cf Michael Medveds antiamerican means I disagree with you). Without fraud, what the legislature approves let no man set asunder.
If the Reps win, it gets appealed, and I think it is 60/40 it gets overturned. See above reasons (the leg has blessed, who are we to second guess, don’t want a court case on every case that is in recount territory). I have yet to count votes on the court though. If the court wants to avoid the big issues, they can just hand it back on an evidentiary issue, there are more than enough.
If either side goes Federal, I think they doom their party for two to three elections of outrage. I also don’t think the 9th would take it, unless they just want to hack off the GOP. Even so, it will be dumped en banc if they try that. The Supremes will not touch this for all the world, unless the 9th goes off the deep end.
As you have already seen, the Executive doesn’t want to go near this, even GWB isn’t that stupid, and while the House might throw a hearing or two to continue the GOP PR campaign, the hypocracy after doing almost nothing after Florida will keep anything from actually happening.
Greatest surprise and clearest sign Rossi is running for Senate: Monday Afternoon press conference anouncing that while disapointed, he will not appeal.
Thing that wouldn’t surprise me the least, the minnow announcing his theory of distribute judge fraud.
Bridges seems to have the potential to write a very good opinion. If he does, either way, I’ll be happy with it, but this goes to the Supremes unless Rossi ha his eyes on a house in Georgetown.
PuddlyBuddly @ “Some people like to but I don’t want to be deflated.”
So, you finally admit you are full of hot air?
RonK @ 19 The BIG BINDER will never see the light of day. It is firmly sandwiched between Mr. C’s butt cheeks.
All Fools @ 12 “So one fringe Conservative/ closet fag represents all of us?”
Nope, just you and PuddlyBuddly.
Donna I told you to learn correct copying. :( Since you can’t just SHUT UP. :P ;) :) Say hello to your son Jethro for me!!
Where is Chard anyway? I hope she is OK. I tried to tell her all that cheap booze, unprotected sex with strangers, and chain smoking was dangerous!
But she is a wild one!
Puddly One! By “Donna I told you to learn correct copying” do you mean plagerism? No thanks. I leave that to you!
Goldy @ 14,
I think it was Dubyasux who said on this blog that “I’ll accept the decision of the highest court of jurisdiction”. Me, too.
Reply to 4
You fucking idiot, they don’t know anything, because the jerkoffs on our side arrested the wrong people!!!
Sorry, didnt get much local news today, I was off in Portland Oregon, yes the Northwest buisiness capital. Why did I go to Portland? Fence, chain link fence. Oh I would have preferred to buy locally, but after calling everyone from Oly to Everett, the Portland distributor came in at $1500.00 lower in price for a superior product (9 guage in portland, 14 guage here). All in the cost of being in buisiness in Washington with the increased taxes, B$O taxes and such…speaking of taxes, sales tax in particular I saved another $600.00 plus on that as well. By the way, I also had a $.99 Whopper at Burger King while I was visiting. Saved a lot of money today! Around $2100.00 plus! Someone want to tell me again why Washington is good for buisiness?
By the way, to achieve the savings, I spent less than $7000.00 and slightly more than $6000.00. The Whopper was good at less than half the price of ours as well!
Hey, did somebody say “military ballots?” I have something to say about the military. What do our GI’s in Iraq make? I mean the dogface privates doing the fighting, not the colonels and generals sitting in air conditioned offices issuing orders. What does an E-2 or E-3 in Iraq make? 1000 bucks a month?
And what does a “private security contractor” (we used to call ’em “mercenaries” or “soldiers of fortune”) make? 1000 bucks A DAY? Paid with taxpayer dollars.
So if you’re in the Army, you get 1/30th of a mercenary’s pay. That’s how privatization works.
This ought to be VERY OFFENSIVE to our G.I.’s. That their own government has plenty of money to pay mercenaries but all they get is peanuts. How many of you remember that Bush tried to eliminate combat pay for the soldiers serving in Iraq? Well, he did, but even the Republican Congress wouldn’t put up with that shit.
How come you trolls haven’t said anything about this? Never mind, I know the answer. Mercenaries work for the PRIVATE SECTOR but the Army and Marines are GUVMINT HACK EMPLOYEES therefore the mercenaries deserve to get paid 30 times as much as the SOCIALISTS in military uniforms!
Cheesy Chuckie @ 29
Somebody report this tax cheat to the Department of Revenue! Chuckie, you DO know you’re required to pay USE TAX on that chain link fence, DON’T YOU?!! Yes, you know …
Chuck @ 29,
I don’t get it. How did you save $600 on sales tax? Aren’t you still liable for use tax on the fence? Or, is the fencing going to used out of state?
I have stated whatever the outcome I can live with it. We had our day in court and eventhough I will be disappointed and have to hear from your side for a day or two that’s the price of democracy, if applied correctly. Perform a search on my postings on the case.
You are a very reasonable sounding republican.
You have missed the whole entire point, I saved 2100.00 by going out of state on a mere 6000.00 purchase.
And the savings was because of added state taxes as well as state costs.
Do I have to pay use tax on the whopper?
Chuck @ 34
It sounds to me like you only saved $1,500. Under most circumstances you still owe the state $600.
Chuck @ 36
LOL! You only owe the use tax if you ate the Whopper in WA. If you were still eating it while crossing the border, you must estimate the fraction eaten in WA and pay only on that. :-)
Chuckie, oddly I agree with you. Oregon has a progressive INCOME TAX. Washington needs to throw the regressive sales tax into the Puget Sound and start a true progressive INCOME TAX.
You will need to go elsewhere to skip taxes, and if we get some reasonable gas taxation, your deadbeat tax dodging will be too expensive.
Just like a Repug, trying to get something for nothing.
You asswipe.
I skipped nothing, I bought an item in a buisiness freindly enviorment, who pay taxes into their system, by the way why should I pay this state for screwing the buisiness enviorment by driving prices up by over 25%? Oh and an even better part…THEY HAD IT IN STOCK! They didnt have to order it from “the Portland warehouse” as our buisinesses do because of the B&O inventory tax! Dont worry about the state losing theirs though, I am covered, as I didnt actually make the purchase…a gentelman from Florida did :)
Chuckiedoodle, did you even think before you posted that drivle?
Oregon state pays for its government services through a progressive INCOME TAX. You avoided paying taxes by crossing the border. Oregon lost income and so did Washinton state. You are an asshole! I hope a poorly maintained bridge collapses on your tax dodging ass!
But YOUR governor just signed a VERY digressive tax on the poor through the gas tax, why should I support that? And yes I filled the tanks up on gas that was cheaper while I was there.
Please call up Lt Brian Suits over at KVI. You see HE was in Iraq and KC elections did not count his vote. I know it doesn’t matter to Democrats that a guy goes over there and gets his ass shot off for you and gets disenfranchised because he isn’t black. But to this vet is sure as hell matters.
You should be ashamed of yourself for supported such a crooked system that disenfranchises our military in time of war.
Reply to 39
“by the way why should I pay this state”
Because it’s THE LAW, asswipe!!!
chuck @ 39
“I am covered, as I didnt actually make the purchase…a gentelman from Florida did”
Well, you didn’t really save any money then, did you? Unless the material is used out of state, the “gentelman from Florida” still owes use tax.
Comment on 41
Does anybody know what a “digressive” tax is? For that matter, is “digressive” even an English word?
If you go to places like Walla Walla and College Place WA where most people have a Washington license as well as an Oregon ID you will find worse abuses…and Vancouver WA as well.
In Washington State it has been made all but impossible to remove a corrupt elected official from office. Unfrotunately, Jim West can sit tight for the rest of his term and there is little anyone can really do about it but shout and protest.
I have advocated for less restrictions in the process for removing an elected official. The Jim West case simply highlights the weakness in Washington’s patronage system.
Reply to 43
We’ve already discussed Brian Suits’ vote. Of course, you’re welcome to bring it up again, and since you’ve chosen to do so, let’s discuss is again. Brian Suits DOES NOT KNOW what happened to his vote, and neither do you. He does not know whether it was lost by the military mail system, by the Postal Service, or by King County Elections — and neither do you. So WHO are you blaming, and WHY are you blaming anyone, when you don’t know who is to blame?
Why would a Florida resident owe Washington sales tax?
How many Democrat have moved on from 2000? How many have moved on from Ohio in 2004, and their conspiracy theories about Diebold and voting machines?
Does that answer your question?
UH I hope you arent blonde…or did you get my meaning? Know the difference between a blond and a washing machine?
The washing machine doesnt follow you around after you dump a load in it!
Comment on 47
I’m sooooo glad you brought that up. You are sooooo right. Vancouver, Wash. is full of people who live on this side of the river to avoid paying Oregon income tax and shop on that side of the river to avoid paying Washington sales tax. The rest of us (on both sides of the river) have to pay higher taxes because they’re paying no taxes. The way to end this abuse of the tax system is by enacting an income tax and getting rid of the sales tax, which will have the added benefits of making our tax system fairer, more stable, and more business-friendly. How about it Cheesy Chuckie will you join us in supporting a state income tax? No, I didn’t think you would, you fucking freeloading Republican cheapskate tax cheat.
Priscilla @ 46
“Does anybody know what a “digressive” tax is? For that matter, is “digressive” even an English word? “
1. S: (adj) digressive, tangential (of superficial relevance if any) “a digressive allusion to the day of the week”; “a tangential remark”
2. S: (adj) digressive, discursive, excursive, rambling ((of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects) “amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women’s fashions among other things”; “a rambling discursive book”; “his excursive remarks”; “a rambling speech about this and that”
We can only hope that a digressive tax is tax on rambling, idiotic posts on blogs.
Reply to 52
But the washing machine can change $100 bills from L & I taxes intended for injured workers into Rossi slush funds by turning a crank and feeding the bills into the rollers! Just call BIAW and ask for Mr. Cynical.
I have news for you, those in Vancouver, Walla Walla, and College Place shop right here in Washington and pull out their Oregin ID cards and poof, no sales tax!
Reply to 49,
Well, we do know that they found 93 ballots after the election don’t we? Given the utter lack of proper administration of the elections department, and the fact that they had to be threatened with a lawsuit to get the ballots out, KC elections is the most likely cuplrit.
Nevertheless, that is doesn’t seem to cause any concern to Democrats that illegals, felons and dead people get to vote but a cobat vet is disenfranchised, if very telling. How much whining did we hear in 2000 about Florida and all the blaclk folks that were allegedly disenfranchised? Not a peep about it when our military members are disencranchised.
Very telling. Very telling indeed.
Chuck @ 50
“Why would a Florida resident owe Washington sales tax?”
Residence is irrelevant. Use tax is charged on (1) items purchased in Washington where sales tax was not collected, and (2) items purchased outside of Washington and used in Washington. So, like I said, unless the fencing is being shipped for use outside of WA, somebody owes use tax.
Digressive Tax: Noun
1. Used by neocon numbnuts to get something for nothing
2. Tax-dodging (origin; republican party: usage I stole from the people of Washington state with the digressive tax LOL
1. Meaning: to avoid paying for services rendered
Usage: I totally digressive taxed the people of Oregon and Washington up their Asses!
vulgar: used only by imbeciles intent on getting something for nothing; ie. asswipes
reply to 55,
The washing machine can launder the money from the governor’s union set asides and give it to organized crime.
Hey, how much was that fencing in Oregon? I need to get a 50ft roll. Could use some gas too!
Are you talking about ELIMINATION of sales tax, B&O tax, Inventory tax, much of our gas tax and instead going to a sales tax pretty much in line with the Oregon percentage while reducing our property tax by almost 1/2? Yes I could find myself in support of something like that.
ChyuckidoodliPie @ 56 “have news for you, those in Vancouver, Walla Walla, and College Place shop right here in Washington and pull out their Oregin ID cards and poof, no sales tax!” Poof You are a LIAR!
Holy Cripes Chuck, if I were you, I would lie low for awhile. I know you are just pulling this shit out of you ass, but if the FBI takes it serious, you gotta get running little man!
And is “Oregin ” a state in the US, or just a state reached by the peyote chuck is taking?
It was roughly $9.00 per foot with posts and hardware for 9 guage 6′ with privacy slats.
pbj @ 57
“Well, we do know that they found 93 ballots after the election don’t we? Given the utter lack of proper administration of the elections department, and the fact that they had to be threatened with a lawsuit to get the ballots out, KC elections is the most likely cuplrit.”
Hogwash. It is known that the ballots were mailed on time. Lets see. . . 93 ballots not tallied out of 898,633 ballots cast in KC. The probability of that being the reason is 0.00001. In other words, not likely!
“Nevertheless, that is doesn’t seem to cause any concern to Democrats that illegals, felons and dead people get to vote but a cobat vet is disenfranchised, if very telling.”
Hogwash. Everyone is concerned about minimizing illegal votes. Everyone is concerned that military votes get through. In this case, there is just too many paths involved. Given the overall accuracy of KC, it seems unlikely that this particular ballot was lost at KC.
“How much whining did we hear in 2000 about Florida and all the blaclk folks that were allegedly disenfranchised? Not a peep about it when our military members are disencranchised. Very telling. Very telling indeed.”
Nope. . . the military was not grossly disenfranchised the way Blacks were in FL in 2000. And the military was certainly not disenfranchised in WA in 2004–fortunately, neither were Blacks or other minorities.
No I am not a liar, if you were packing an Oregon ID card as well as a Washington license (perfectly legal) you can walk into your local Walmart (Kmart Sears Pennys) or whatever in Washington, pull out your Oregon ID and they will remove the sales tax from your purchase. This is a FACT. I spent several months in Walla Walla working for Schucks and saw it for myself, before you call me a liar get educated moron!
Is that an “Oregin” education payed by INCOME TAX that I should get? Hmm Chuckie Liar poo?
There are some WAC sections, too, but any more links and my post will be held!
No that is a Washington education with very large hands on a small keyboard that causes the fingers to trip on themselves…you know how it is big hands, big feet, huge package…
Chuck @ 63,
I sent a reply, but because there were a bunch of links, the post is being held. So, I’ll give you a starting information page that links to the relevant WAC and RCW. Start here:
Chuck, I thank you for tonight’s entertainment! You have been a good sport.
Take care, and be careful with that rebar, that stuff can bite!
I think I am covered with this:
Exemptions — Persons who are residents of another state and move to Washington are exempt from use tax on their household goods, personal effects, and motor vehicles, if they acquired the property more than 90 days prior to moving to Washington.
You should be ashamed of yourself for supported such a crooked system that disenfranchises our military in time of war.
The republicans dropped that baseless line when the Secretary of State confronted them on it months ago. Sounds like you need to have a heart to heart with Sam Reed and Vance in the room to clear it up. Reed’s office called the GOP on the carpet on it today in court, don’t make Reed call you up too.
Hey 68, you trying to make us laugh or puke?
“Given the overall accuracy of KC, it seems unlikely that this particular ballot was lost at KC”
I’d say given EVIDENCE in court, nobody would (ok, nobody off thorazine) would say KC has any idea where ballots are.
With a war in motion, why would you wait til THE LAST DAY to mail military ballots (mind you under court order to get your act together) unless you cared a lot more for registering bums in the downtown precinct, etc.
Were you guys proud when Dean baby got a dressing down by the Judge? (for sloppy work)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Big Binder was admitted into evidence and thorougly discussed shitferbrains….do you even know what the Big Binder is??? Did you even follow the trial????
If you listen to Judge Bridges carefully on Monday you will.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I have said repeatedly that I will accept Judge Bridges decision and be prepared to move on. If Bridges rules for the Dems, it will not be without severely chastizing KingCo and the law which clearly allows cheating with no consequences. It will be the albatross around the Dems neck for years. They cheated, covered up, spent millions getting away with it and won because of a poorly written law. I know you LEFTIST PINHEADS don’t understand this or agree but you WILL spend the next 4 years trying to convince folks otherwise.
If the R’s lose, how they react publicly is critical. If they act like a bunch of whiners…they will lose some of the immense political capital they have gained. The LEFTIST MEDIA GEEKS have gone out of their way to paint this Election Contest by the R’s as a waste of time and ill-advised or worse to try and mitigate the political capital gained by R’s with perhaps some minor success. But it won’t be enough.
I think going to the Supreme Court by the R’s is likely to be a huge waste of time….and they will lose political capital.
If the Dems lose and appeal…even if they win on appeal…will lose even more political capital. The Gas Tax will be overwhelmingly appealled and Gregoire will be toast.
I have no clue what Bridges will do Monday other than he must do something to address the ILLEGAL VOTES everyone acknowledges as ILLEGAL. I predict the vote totals WILL change…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
One last bold prediction—
The Foulkes case WILL weigh heavily on Judge Bridges decision. The Dems have tried to do a PR spin on that case that it was only about FRAUD with the “smoking gun”. Untrue.
Re-read the Foulkes decision..
I believe the R’s have shown that negligence by KingCo Election Officials has lead to an increase in votes for Gregoire.
The ACTUAL total increase in votes is unknown and unknowable but clearly exceeds the margin of victory.
Stew on this for all eternity my LEFTIST PINHEADED pals!
I think I am glad the case will be decided by the heavily Democrat leaning Supreme Court rather than the heavily GOP leaning Judge Bridges.
Chuck @ 76
I think I am covered with this: Exemptions — Persons who are residents of another state and move to Washington are exempt from use tax on their household goods, personal effects, and motor vehicles, if they acquired the property more than 90 days prior to moving to Washington.
If the fencing is stored for 90+ days and then they move to WA, then this might qualify as “household goods” (i.e. this might be a loophole). But if the fencing is used before they move here, then the purchaser is liable for the tax [See WAC 458-20-178 (3)].
righton @ 787
Hey 68, you trying to make us laugh or puke? “Given the overall accuracy of KC, it seems unlikely that this particular ballot was lost at KC” I’d say given EVIDENCE in court, nobody would (ok, nobody off thorazine) would say KC has any idea where ballots are.”
That is the anger talking, righton. Try to quantify it, and KC’s error rate is not particularly high. Specifically, there is no evidence that they lost more than a handfull of the nearly 1 million ballots they handled. Really! Do the numbers and see if they match your angry expectations.
“With a war in motion, why would you wait til THE LAST DAY to mail military ballots (mind you under court order to get your act together) unless you cared a lot more for registering bums in the downtown precinct, etc.”
Bullshit. You have already been told about the exceedingly low number of late absentee/military ballots that could not be counted because they were received late.
The difficulty of getting the ballots out is because of the late primaries. Hey, here is an idea, lets move the primaries back so that we can mail out the absentee/military ballots even earlier! Unfortunately, this was blocked in a partisan vote this last session. Shame on the GOP!
“Were you guys proud when Dean baby got a dressing down by the Judge? (for sloppy work)”
WTFAYTA? Nobody is defending the errors that were made in KC. But, you are spewing bullshit, apparently out of anger rather than by any objective measure, in claiming that military voters were in any way disenfranchised by KC this last election. The numbers just ain’t there to support your “hypothesis.”
RonK @20 Was there a BIG BINDER? I tried to stay awake to see the BIG BINDER, but zzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz…..
There were BANKS of Big Binders. Shelves and shelves of them. Poor Judge Bridges.
Then I am also covered by this exemtion:
RCW 82.12.0251
Exemptions — Use by nonresident while temporarily within Washington of tangible personal property brought into Washington — Use by nonresident of motor vehicle or trailer licensed in another state — Use by resident or nonresident member of armed forces of household goods, personal effects, and private motor vehicles acquired in another state while a resident — “State” defined.
Reply to 59
That’s quite a leap of logic, pal — King County lost other ballots therefore they must have lost Brian Suits’ ballot to. And in the same breath, you manage to throw in some lies — who ever said we don’t care about the mistakes? You also ignore the fact that King County’s mistakes COST GREGOIRE AND HELPED ROSSI as shown by the fact Gregoire picked up 121 additional votes from the wrongfully rejected “Phillips votes.” You’re so full of shit it isn’t funny. If it weren’t for KC’s screwups Gregoire would have won the machine recount and probably the first count too, and Rossi would have gone 0-for-3. You and Rossi are just alike, you’re both losers.
Reply to 62
If you assholes want to give union money to organized crime why don’t you ask Mr. Cynical if he’ll rent to washing machine to you.
Reply to 64
Interesting math. Sure you’re not Tim Eyman posting under an assumed name (“Cheesy Chuckie” — “ha, that’ll never figure that one out!” — Tim Eyman)? Your math looks like his math. (Remember how his gambling initiative would reduce property taxes by $400 million a year if every man, woman, and child in Washington wagered $5,000 a year at the tables?) A state income tax in line with the rates in other income tax states would allow us to get rid of the B & O tax and the state portion of the sales tax, but that’s all. If you want to eliminate or reduce the other taxes you mentioned, it would take a much higher income tax rate. The Gates Commission didn’t suggest that.
Comment on 68
Peyote Chuckie doesn’t even know how to spell “gauge.”
Comment on 73
Big hands, big feet, small brain … Chuckie is living proof of evolution, and he we thought our precursor species was extinct …
This isnt a spelling bee, it is a political blog and as I explained before:
“very large hands on a small keyboard that causes the fingers to trip on themselves…you know how it is big hands, big feet, huge package…”
Comment on 76
Holy Mother of Jesus, this post proves the RCW is dangerous in big hands with a small mind. Hey Bigfoot, if you read it carefully, it says you don’t have to pay use tax on stuff you bought in another state before you became a Washington resident.
The problem, dearest Chuckie, is that your brain cells (do you have any?) are also tripping on that keyboard.
Wonder what else you’re tripping on …
Drug free for many years thanks anyway
Got the facts wrong again @ 78
King County began mailing military/overseas ballots on Oct. 1 and ALL such ballots were mailed by the Oct. 8 deadline. Of 15,289 military/overseas ballots issued, 12,689 were returned, a turnout of 83%, which is in line with absentee ballots as a whole. Looks like military voters as a group didn’t have a problem getting their ballots, and Suits’ ballot is an aberration. Which is circumstantial evidence pointing to the mail system, not King County, as the culprit for Suits’ lost ballot. But we can’t expect someone as dumb as you to figure that out.
If you were smart enough to handle simple numbers, the initiative would have substantially reduced property taxes, and still would have kept slot machines out of your kids school (unlike the claims made by the opposition). How did it feel to have your vote bought by the big indian casino money (the main contributors against the initiative) so they have no competition and get to spend the winnings on anything they choose?
Reply to 80
There you go again, repeating the GOP bullshit that the “Democrats cheated.” No, Cynical, Judge Bridges isn’t going to read this lie into the record. No, the Democrats didn’t “cheat” so shut your yap or I’m going to start posting that the Republicans stuffed the ballot box with felon votes for Rossi. (No, I have no evidence they did, but lack of evidence doesn’t stop you, so why should it stop me?)
Cynical idiot @ 81 once again pins his hopes on the “margin of victory” argument … (sigh) … WHERE in the law does it say that, dummy? Never mind, I’ll answer that question for you … nowhere. You made that shit up.
Read closer, that RCW comes with a tail.
Comment on 86
So, Chuckie is an Oregin resident, and he’s just going to use his cyclone fence in Washington temporarily and take it with him when he goes back to Oregin. Yep, then he qualifies for the exemption.
Comment on 96
Must be the smog then? Been breathing too much of Dubya’s “clean skies,” it appears.
Nope I am a resident of Washington…wrong again…I notice you spend a lot of time nit picking spelling and the meaning or facts in someones post just goes completely above your head…sure you arent blonde?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
For God’s sake Chuck…Priscilla is the same person as
Don/Alan/DubyaSux/thatPrickakaPatrick/Thomas et al
43 different identities.
He really tries to hide it but cannot help his sorry ass self of posting the same comments and same pattern of multiple postings.
Chuck. Mr. Cynical is right on this one. I saw one post where the word “think” was deliberately misspelled in an apparent attempt to hide behind feigned stupidity. Well, the stupidity is there and it’s not feigned.
Reply to 104
Who were you expecting, the fucking Tooth Fairy?
These wingo shitheads have no sense of humor. It’s sooooo easy to yank their chains …
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libsspews:
I think I am glad the case will be decided by the heavily Democrat leaning Supreme Court rather than the heavily GOP leaning Judge Bridges. -Comment by Scott— 6/4/05 @ 6:37 am
Well no kidding – golly, gosh, gee whiz I guess that must be an admission of judicial activism you libs keep denying so fervently.
Finally, a grain of truth from a lib.
I suggest that you remember that your “heavily Democrat leaning Supreme Court” still has to stand for re-election and I sincerly doubt they’ve missed poll after poll after poll about what +70% of the WA electorate believe of this election.
Wingo Freakozoidspews:
Ha! Ha! Whack-a-mole time Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! Whack Priscilla! Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! She can’t escape! Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! The preshiousss is ours! Ha! Ha!
Mark Dspews:
Priscilla – nice language!! Those four letter words sure add to your credibility.
Ok, so as a resident of Vancouver, I’m going to weigh in on this sales tax thing. Show me the Best Buy in Clark County. Show me the REI, the Apple Store, the Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel. If you can’t buy it at Wal-Mart, Target, Albertsons or Fred Meyer, you practically can’t buy it in Vancouver. You have to go to Oregon, because Washington is such an anti-business state. If I can’t buy it in Washington, I’m going to go get it in Oregon! Sorry, but with the gas tax in this state, driving to Tacoma and Seattle to get these things is a little expensive and inconvenient.
I jumped through the hoops once. I bought a truck last fall. No dealer in Clark County could get it. A dealer in Portland had it sitting on the lot. So I bought it. The dealership figured up the tax, sent the paper work over to the Auditor and I went over there and paid my $2144 to license it. It took three trips to the Clark County auditor’s office to accomplish it.
From where I live, the closest grocery store is IN OREGON (Groceries aren’t taxed, anyway). But there is a Barnes and Noble right around the corner from the Safeway. It is seven miles to a Barnes and Noble, and 12 to a Borders in Washington. It is one mile across the bridge to the same stores.
If the State of Washington REALLY wants my money, they should make operating in Clark County easier for businesses. And if they REALLY want my money, perhaps the Department of Revenue should set operate an office people could actually find that doesn’t keep bankers hours. Perhaps they should educate people on the proper procedure for coming forward and paying their taxes. No one has ever told me! I’ve lived in Clark County for nine months and know of NO ONE, republican, democrat, libertarian, green or otherwise that has actually gone to the Department of Revenue to pay their taxes. And every one of them buys things in Oregon. I don’t shop in Oregon to dodge taxes, I shop in Oregon because that’s where I can buy what I’m looking for.
I think you made my point Darren, Washington anti buisiness climate deters buisiness in this state, and to thank them for that by paying a tax you “owe” by being forced to shop in another entire state seems defeating to me. As a resident of Vancouver Ill bet that you know more people than you have fingers and toes that have a Washington license as well as an Oregon ID card. I have no problem with that as one of the largest companies (now leaving the state as quickly as they can) was the largest tax evader in the history of this state. By flying aircraft into international waters with the buyer of the plane ans consumating the deal over international waters they not only saved Washington sales tax on the sale but also saved substantionally on US income tax. When inventory tax time rolled around they flew every thing that would fly down to portland so they wouldnt have to pay tax on that inventory. Nice the way the big guys work isnt it?
Not to dredge up old conversations with the abberant multiple fractured personalities that inhabit this blog, but for old time’s sake……
A cross-dresser with four legs. Pretty in Pink. It just doesn’t get any better for Don.
Reply to 11
What’s your problem, is 1-2-3-4 as far as you know how to count? “Fucking” has 7 letters, and so does “asshole.” I have an idea, maybe if I split up the 7 letters into two words (4 letters and 3 letters), you’ll understand it.
Fuck you.
Comment on 112
“If you can’t buy it at Wal-Mart, Target, Albertsons or Fred Meyer, you practically can’t buy it in Vancouver. You have to go to Oregon, because Washington is such an anti-business state.”
HA HA HA HA HA HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW GUFFAW GUFFAW GUFFAW HEE HEE HOOO HA HA HA HA (sounds in background of person rolling on floor, kicking feet, and clutching sides)
Or maybe because you Vancouver scofflaws shop in Oregon to evade the sales tax.
You bring up a serious point, though, and thank you for mentioning it. The sales tax is an ANTI-BUSINESS TAX. That’s right, tacking on 6.5% (+ local sales tax) to the purchase price definitely discourages customers from buying anything in our state, as our friends in Vancouver have so empirically demonstrated for us over the years. And how can your business succeed if your customers don’t buy from you? Yes, we need to get rid of this ANTI-BUSINESS TAX and replace it with a more business-friendly income tax. By making the distribution of the state tax burden fairer (poor people pay four times the percentage of their income in state taxes that affluent people pay), it also will put more money in the pockets of the consumers most likely to spend it at local businesses, whereas when you let the rich go scot-free and pay virtually no state taxes they spend the money on stuff that isn’t taxed like stocks and bonds, CDs, hobby farms, Caribbean vacation homes, tax shelters, etc.
Re 114
Mark Dspews:
Ha Ha!!! Priscilla, I guess you can’t count, or read numbers at least. You were referring to post 111 not post 11. If you had any culture, you’d know that the phrase “four letter words” isn’t always literal. And again, thanks for proving my point about your lack of anything substantial to say with your reply.
Mark Dspews:
Comment on 116
Please learn some basic economics before spouting “facts” about taxes and incentives. A “progressive” income tax can kill business faster than any sales tax. Ever hear of the successful business man who lays off his staff in August and takes a vacation until January so that he doesn’t make enough in income to enter the next marginal tax bracket? It was standard practice Reagan came along and cut the top rates. How much tax is collected when no income is earned for five months? 0%
Mark Dspews:
Of cours the above should read “It was standard practice until Reagan came along…”
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libsspews:
Yep and we scofflaws are going to CONTINUE to buy in Oregon, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire (I spent a nearly $1200 tax free in NH when we were there 2 weeks ago AFTER spending a night in a Portland hotel, eating in Portland restaurants, shopping in Portland stores, taking a Portland cab to the airport and flying out of the Portland airport), Colorado, the internet and ABW… Anywhere But Washington.
Even Florida, with its 6% tax has a Back to school no tax period for families to purchase clothes and school supplies.
Atlas may not have yet shrugged but he’s done spending discretionary money in Washington!
“Interesting how there really was abuse of the Koran at Gitmo.”
So what? Does the beheading of Americans by muslims, bother you at all? Of course abusing the Koran is a lot worse I know, but still. (insert sarcasm) Stupid fool.
Fuck the koran, I want a copy to put in my back 40 by a stump and I can piss on it daily!
Reta @ 122
Hey, stupid, the American Military is not beheading people. American ethics are not defined by the worse crimes of non-American, you idiot!
Chuck @ 123,
Apparently your morality needs to be motivated by self-interest. . . .
If the American Military cannot treat prisoners humanely, then we cannot expect our enemies to either. I don’t want to hear your bellyaching when your son, daughter, grandchild, niece or nephew has to go to war, gets captured and then is neutered or raped as S.O.P.
“Ever hear of the successful business man who lays off his staff in August and takes a vacation until January so that he doesn’t make enough in income to enter the next marginal tax bracket?”
Gawd, does someone out there still believe this hoary old fable? What right wing blog did you get this tripe off of?
Apparently you’ve forgotten that Reagan and his successor, Bush 1, raised taxes FIVE TIMES after it sank in on them that Reagan overdid the tax cutting.
WHERE did I say anything about a “progressive” state income tax? Quit making shit up. I’ve posted many times on HorsesAss that I support the Gates Commission recommendations, which call for a FLAT RATE state income tax.
What do you support, the status quo? Under the status quo, small businesses pay 41% of Washington’s state taxes (compared to 30% on average in other western states), and low income households pay 18% of their income to the state while the richest households pay 4% of their income to the state. Our state has an anti-business tax climate, all right, and it appears you want to keep it that way. If you want to drive small business out of our state, support the status quo and oppose a state income tax, you selfish Republican freeloading asshole.
Do you drive to Portland for groceries so you don’t have to pay Washington’s sales tax on food?
Well at least you were smart enough to stay at a hotel, eat restaurant meals, and rent a car in a town that hasn’t built a stadium recently.
As a democrat was quoted as saying “Au Revoir Gregoire!”
Oh, and that 100,000 vote victory margin for Bush in OHio was suspect, I tell you! Why? Because it was a razor-thin margin, that’s why!!
Now, if it had been a whopping 129-vote final tally on the 3rd try only with the error rate 10 times the margin of victory, THAT would not be suspect!! It only makes sense, right???? THAT would be legit! RIGHT???? Why oh why couldn’t OHIO have turned out exactly like Washington with the exact same circumstances?? Then we would have President Kerry. Waaahhhh
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libsspews:
Do you drive to Portland for groceries so you don’t have to pay Washington’s sales tax on food?
-Comment by Priscilla— 6/5/05 @ 12:34 am
If memory serves, we haven’t paid tax on food since they repealed it around 1983.
Comment on 116
“Or maybe because you Vancouver scofflaws shop in Oregon to evade the sales tax.”
Or maybe because businesses are smart enough to realize that there are 1.5 million people in three Oregon counties that WON’T buy their goods in Vancouver, with or without sales tax, and 400,000 in Clark County who MIGHT.
I believe people are creatures of comfort and habit. IF it were convenient to buy things in Vancouver, I believe that many would, even if it cost them 7.7% more. (Sure there are cases like the fencing purchase above, where big bucks were involved and people do make the choice to buy in Oregon)
But as I said in my previous post, the choices here are limited. My wife can’t shop at Crate and Barrel here, nor is there much in the way of anything similar. We’re redoing a house we bought in September. I can’t shop at Best Buy or Good Guys or Fry’s Electronics. It isn’t a choice. I haven’t seen an appliance store here to speak of… and many people have those delivered and pay the tax.
Yes, there is a Home Depot, about five miles out of my way. And yes, I can go to Fred Meyer and see if they have what I’m looking for and then try Target, and end up going to Oregon anyway, or I can save time and go across the 205 bridge, take two left turns at the first exit on the other side, and be at Good Guys, Home Depot and Best Buy, all in one place. People aren’t going to make an effort to shop in any certain place and pay more to do it.
Tell me you would!
If Washington made ANY effort to collect the tax some people would pay it, but the truth is, they don’t. Tax revenue flows out of Washington all along the border. Walla Walla to Milton-Freewater. Clarkston to Lewiston. Pullman to Moscow. The Gorge towns to Hood River and The Dalles (and they have to pay a toll to cross their bridges). Washington is at a competitive disadvantage all along its borders.
I don’t believe this state has the kind of LEADERS to affect any kind of radical change in state government such as a complete restructuring of the tax system. The Republican and Democrat leadership in this state has become so stale, bitter and confrontational, I’m not sure they could agree that the sky is blue. Let alone reinvent the tax code.
It is a chicken and egg argument. Which came first? Washington residents shopping in Oregon to dodge the tax, or businesses locating in moderately more business-friendly Oregon? And a tough cycle to break. As the Clark County population grows north to areas like Salmon Creek, Ridgefield, Brush Prairie and Battle Ground, retail will have to expand there to accommodate them, because Portland will be less convenient. How quickly the retail expands and how successful it is remains to be seen.
If you want to force people to _think_ about a trip to Portland for quick purchases, put a toll back on the bridges. It _might_ help the traffic situation too. I don’t know how much $4 would slow the average person down when going to get anything more than $52 (7.7% tax on $52 is ~$4). But all the commuters would have to pay it.
M @ 129 – Bravo. Very nicely done. (rofl)
Priscilla: You should improve your listening habits and listen to the Brian Suits show.
Fact: Brian mailed his ballot to his wife, a police officer.
Fact: She received it in time because Brian did not trust the US Postal system with his absentee ballot.
Fact: Mrs. Suits personally mailed the absentee to KCEC.
Fact: They lost it.
But Priscilla: To quote another mentally challenged person: “and best wishes to you in breaking out of your intellectual prison.”, maybe you should listen to Brian on KVI from 6 to 8 PM weeknights. You would improve your life outlook!
Reta: I know what you meant. We don’t behead people, Muslims do. Where is the left’s outrage in their newspapers. Maybe some here but not the Slimes (NY and SEA), The Puke-Indisgestioner, WA Post, etc. But some water hits the Koran, the ACLU goes nuts, well they already are.
Only Fox News broadcasted outrage over the beheadings and executions of innocent people by Zarqawi and his thugs. I never heard a peep from Brokaw, Jennings, or Rather on their nightly news shows. I do remember the interviews of Nick Bergs’ father and how he blamed Bush for his son going back ot Iraq, his son not listening to the military who said don’t go to that area where he went, and then the beheading. Yeah, lets blame Bush (headlice) but where is the MSM outrage? Now some on HA said they had outrage, but I haven’t seen many lefty postings save a few coming back at me regarding the beheadings. I’ll say it again, I am outraged at the lack of candor on the left over the beheadings and executions.
So since you lefties are all so righteous here, why don’t each of you personally post, “I am outraged over the Muslim beheadings and shooting executions of innocent people!” Probably can’t because you would then admit these people are worthless and that undermines your hatred of George W. Bush.
When the beheadings began and the muslim community didnt rise up in disgust and hatred that told me then how I feel for the koran. As I said fuck the koran.
Although I am not defending sales tax I dont buy your “poor people pay 4 times as much” theory. The more you make the more you buy. Poor people are less likley to buy an Escalade or Navigator. They are less likley to buy an HDTV, an x-box or a $1,000,000 home get my point? There are no sales tax on the essential foods so neither pays food tax. That taken into consideration I really dont think the sales tax is as regressive as some tend to imply.
But Gregoirs gas tax increase is as regressive as it gets, because the poor have to drive around in used up gas hogs that run less than good, where the moderate income can afford a more conservative vehicle and the rich can do the escalade. And generally everyone drives about the same amount as required by employment, vacations excluded. So since Goldy and his likes support Gregoire and her increased gas tax I must assume that are badmouthing the sales tax as regressive is just poormouthing. When it comes down to it he doesnt give a fuck about the poor.
I guess you are right chuckie. Washington’s new gas tax package is about as regressive as your mentality.
Watch these “progressives”: they support the demos last round of tax increases, which make the state taxes even more regressive than they already were, because all the special interests propping up their party got their money. They don;t care where the money comes from as long as they get it. If they weren’t such hypocrites they would have called BS on Gregoire over these tax increases.
I know that and you know that, but the question is, does Cheesy Chuckie know that? That’s why I asked him.
Dear, dear Darren, if a Vancouver resident buys something in Oregon, brings it back to Washington, and fails to pay use tax on it he is BREAKING THE LAW! The fact the law is largely unenforceable and nobody worries about getting caught DOES NOT MAKE IT HONEST OR LEGAL.
BTW Darren, the way to get rid of the tax leakage you describe is to shit-can the sales tax and enact a state income tax like Oregon has. That would level the playing field for Washington merchants, take the unfair tax burden off business and low income households, AND your shopping would become more convenient (and less wasteful of gas) because retail establishments would sprout like tulips after an April shower on the Washington side of the river — creating retail jobs in Washington.
“It is a chicken and egg argument. Which came first? Washington residents shopping in Oregon to dodge the tax, or businesses locating in moderately more business-friendly Oregon?”
Why do you even bother to ask? This one is a no-brainer. With only a bridge separating Oregon and Washington, it’s obvious why many people live on the Vancouver side and shop (and in some cases work) on the Portland side: To pay Washington income taxes and Oregon sales taxes, that’s why. Vancouver is little more than a bedroom suburb of Portland.
Uh, wait. How do you know it wasn’t lost by the Postal Service? You don’t, you’re assuming. Know what happens when you ass u me things?
Hey PuddyButt @ 134,
Geez, Pudster, I hate to pick on you, but your claims just didn’t make it past my bullshit meter.
Fact: Brian mailed his ballot to his wife, a police officer.
Fact: She received it in time because Brian did not trust the US Postal system with his absentee ballot.
Fact: Mrs. Suits personally mailed the absentee to KCEC.
Fact: They lost it.
1) Wha . . . what? Suits was concerned about the post office, so he has it handled by the post office twice, and he has a third party (his wife) handling the ballot as well? All he did was increase the chance of a delivery error occuring by doing it this way.
2) Your last two “facts” are not facts. It may be a fact that Mrs. Suits stated that she mailed the absentee ballot, but it is only a fact that she mailed it if there is evidence of such. I’ve not heard anyone claiming that she mailed it by certified mail. So, unless a Post Office return receipt is forthcoming, it is certainly not a “fact” that KC lost the ballot. This “fact” is nothing more than your unsubstantiated opinion. You really need to learn the difference between fact and opinion, Pudster.
According to uSP’s Brian Crouch (, Suits’ ballot was not among the two uncounted ballots in the precinct he voted in, so that makes it even less likely that KC lost the ballot. Are there other possibilities? Sure. It may be that is vote DID count, but the post-election voter crediting record was not updated properly. Perhaps the post office lost it. Perhaps his wife didn’t really mail the ballot—and I don’t mean this in a sinister way. She simply may have messed up. There are enough real possibilities besides KC losing the ballot (which is, admittedly, a possibility as well), that you are just spewing ignorant bullshit by claiming as “fact” that KC lost it.
“Only Fox News broadcasted outrage over the beheadings and executions of innocent people by Zarqawi and his thugs. I never heard a peep from Brokaw, Jennings, or Rather on their nightly news shows.”
How could you, when you only listen to Fox? BTW, it’s not a journalist’s job to broadcast outrage, it’s his job to report. Too much listening to Fox has left you confused about what “news” is and what a journalist’s job is.
P.S., I am outraged over the Muslim beheadings and shooting executions of innocent people!
P.P.S., I also am outraged over the arrests, detentions, torture, and murder of innocent Iraqi and Afghani civilians!
P.P.P.S., I am also outraged over the Bush administration’s bombing of innocent civilians, the Bush administration’s failure to provide our troops with body and vehicle armor, the Bush administration’s attempt to eliminate combat pay for our troops in Iraq, and Bush administration’s cuts in veterans benefits, and above all, about the Bush administration’s lying about its intention of starting this unnecessary war, lying about its reasons for invading Iraq, lying about WMDs, and the utter incompetence and corruption with which it run this war.
“Although I am not defending sales tax I dont buy your “poor people pay 4 times as much” theory. The more you make the more you buy.”
That’s not a theory, it’s a published finding of the Gates Commission, whose report you have not read.
Squak all you want about not being legal or honest to buy in Oregon. If it as enforced as a pooper scooper law, no one is going to pay!
In the interest of promoting partisan harmony, I am willing to substitute an income tax surcharge on the top 1% of households in lieu of the gas tax increase, so road improvements are paid for exclusively by the rich. I don’t think it’s fair to the rich, but I’ll go along to get along, if that’s what you want.
What’s your solution to intolerable traffic congestion and crumbling infrastructure, zip? Move to Oregon so we don’t have to pay sales tax?
By the way, last time I was in Oregon, gas cost at least 10 cents more there, because of an Oregon law that prohibits self-serve and requires an attendant to pump your gas. The cost of hiring the attendant is passed on to you in the pump price. Gregoire’s gas tax increase is 9.5 cents. I’ll be happy to pocket the 1/2 cent difference, thank you very much, but you can move to Oregon if you want to. Thank God we live in America where nobody is forced to pay Gregoire’s gas tax because everybody can live in any state they want to.
Hint: If you don’t like it here, get the hell out, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass as you’re leaving.
Enforcement would seem to be the solution to your complaint.
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libsspews:
Hint: If you don’t like it here, get the hell out, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass as you’re leaving. -Comment by Priscilla— 6/5/05 @ 12:05 pm
Well the problem, Kitten, is that folks are doing JUST that… can anyone say BOEING?
“ Washington has one of the most difficult business climates in the nation. Each year 22% of businesses in the state fail. “
My God, 22%! If that statistic doesn’t scare you half to death about the future of this pitiable state, I don’t know what will.
Do you not understand that when a company like Boeing takes it’s ‘discretionary money spending executives’ elsewhere, that the small businesses that catered to them also go…and take their families with them?
Do you simply NOT UNDERSTAND we must have a thriving small business community to survive?
Do you not see we must have a family friendly community to survive?
Have you not paid one whit of attention to what’s happening in business/family/children unfriendly places like San Francisco?
My Dear Priscilla, if abolishing the sales tax and adopting an income tax is the answer to all our problems, how come only 11 states manage to operate without BOTH an income tax and a sales tax?
Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming all operate without an income tax. While Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon operate without sales tax. 39 states have both, and that’s what I’m afraid of.
No body of lawmakers in this state is ever going to walk away from the sales tax entirely. Nobody comes out ahead if the sales tax is reduced but not eliminated and an income tax is assessed.
Neither Washington or Oregon has a system that would ever have the word ideal associated with it. But the alternative is absolutely frightening. We could be in California – my own personal idea of tax hell. On top of 7.25% sales tax, they pay 9.3% state income tax!
Thank you for making my point! The state makes no effort to collect the tax as I pointed out yesterday.
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libsspews:
“ In 2002 Governor Locke commissioned the Washington Tax Structure Study Committee, chaired by Bill Gates Sr., to again study the state’s tax system. Again it was found wanting. Despite continuing tweaking over the years, the state tax system remains “flawed” and “among the worst in the nation” (Gates Report). “
“ Echoing the decades-old criticism, Gates said, “the current structure is extremely regressive, with low- and middle-income households paying a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than upper-income households.” “
“ While conventional wisdom views state income tax plans as acts of political suicide, “
Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libsspews:
God is Great!
God is Keen!
With a smile His on face
He gave them Dean!
Comment by Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs— 6/4/05 @ 5:30 pm
And the lib cannibalism continues: “ “The chairman of the DNC is not the spokesman for the party,” Edwards said. “He’s a voice. I don’t agree with it.” “
Eugenics @ 162
Oops. . . you forgot the context part of that article:
Edwards also disagreed with Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean’s controversial comment in a speech to liberal activists Thursday that many Republicans “have never made an honest living in their lives.”
“The chairman of the DNC is not the spokesman for the party,” Edwards said. “He’s a voice. I don’t agree with it.”
BFD. Edwards disagrees with one exaggerated statement by Dean.
To All of You Concerned about a little urine getting on a Koran
Feel free to view first hand the horrific and animalistic beheading of innocent, non-military people by Zarkawi. The link to several of these video killings are available on the following website. I’ll warn you though, you may feel that your soul is a little darker once you see this evil first hand.
I am outraged over the Muslim beheadings and shooting executions of innocent people!
Hardly any of which would have happened if not for the poor judgement of one George W. Bush!
Actually I filled up at $2.08 a gallon after picking up the fence friday…AND THEY PUMPED IT AND CLEANED THE WINDSHIELD!
Buy my property at the overiflated value that Pierce County placed on it and Ill leave!
Hey DJ: Dumbutt, I called Suits show on Friday night. I thanked him for his service. Quote “KCEC still claims they have no idea what happened to it”. So you saying it got lost in the US Mail? Highly unlikely since the postmaster generals said they took special precautions to ensure all ballots arrived, but in you small intellectual prison you can think that. I hear it now where is the postmaster generals link. Komo 4, King 5, Kiro 7 all reported on it. I haven’t heard any news stories of found ballots in post offices per your whacked out theory! While I watch Fox, did you miss it? You were probably listening to the psychobable on Scare America with Al Franken[stein].. I am so glad Howard Dean speaks for you. It proves our points from the right every time he makes another “powerful speech” from his mind…oops… ass! Keep speaking Howard, we want the democrap giving to the party coffers totally dry up. Please just keep talking Howard!!!!
How can something be opinion when he stated her actions on the show? You should listen before jumping over your piss puddle which occurs each time you write something else as dumb. Are you and headlice lucy brother and sister, with donnageddon jo mama?
BF: I sent this wacky leftist crew to over a week ago to view those “wonderful” beheadings. Apparently they didn’t watch them.
Priscilla: Glad you are outraged, becuz your pardners here are not too upset. I read that link from April, not too much outrage there either. Also Priscilla, check out Lexus/Nexus search on Rather, Brokaw and Jennings newscasts on the beheadings. Nary a peep, nary a peep. Can can perform Google – Lexus/Nexus searches right? You know Priscilla, I already proved Russia, France, Italy, Eqypt, Jordan, Britian, and Germany said Saddam had WMDs. I gave the links but you must have joined in after the fact. Go read Tommy Franks book for starters. Then search Vladimir Putin in February?march 2005 and he said it again. But you have a pea sized brain, with small memory capacity so I forgive you for not comprehending the data.
California is even worse. If you own a timeshare in Canada and you sell and reside in California, you pay 25% VAT in Canada which you can take off the US tax, but you also pay 10% CA. state tax. What a state.
On another thread Priscilla proved her masterful intelligence of the Civil Rights Era. Please catch her in action below:
# 113
Reply to 79
“In the sixties when democrats in the deep south were methodically manipulating the voting process to disenfranchise Blacks and contol election outcomes”
Gee I wonder which party all those southern racist Yellow Dog Democrats belong to now? They all turned into Republicans. And guess what? Now we have Republicans in the deep south methodically manipulating the voting process to disenfranchise Blacks and control election outcomes.
Comment by Priscilla— 6/3/05 @ 10:30 pm
# 114
You fucking Republicans can HAVE those fucking southern racists. We Democrats don’t want them.
Comment by Priscilla— 6/3/05 @ 10:31 pm
Prissy: You just went to the darker side of the dark side. U’s be talkin bout sumtin u’s not ciphering right! Most of them stayed in your dark side of the congressional aisle. Yes a few moved over but most stayed. I thought it the wascally Republicans who helped passed the 1964 CRA and the 1965 VRA? You know, the one where blacks were guaranteed civil rights and voting rights? Where were the dems on that one?
In fact in the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes. Damn Prissy you be wrong agin!
Most of the Dixiecrats did not become Republicans. They created the Dixiecrats and then, when the civil rights movement succeeded, they returned to the Democratic fold. It was not till much later, with a new, younger breed of Southerner and the thousands of Northerners moving into the South, that Republicans began to make gains.
In fact, very few party switches came about right after the Civil Rights Act was passed. Some exceptions who did switch were Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms. Do I agree with them? Absolutely not so don’t go there. But Strom did apologize and did acknowledge his black daughter before he died. How did Jesse Jackson acknowledge his bastard daughter? Hide her, then lie. While he was telling everyone “Stay out of the Bushes!” Damn Jesse live your own words.
First read what a black Seattle minister wrote to Terry McAuliffe of the DNC (where was that in the Seattle Slimes or Seattle Post-Indigestioner?)
Lets see about those minority loving democraps:
George Wallace – Not for it
William Fulbright of Arkansas – Not for it – Bill Clinton’s mentor
Al Gore Sr. of Tennessee – Not for it – Al Gore’s daddy
Richard Russell of Georgia was the leader of the anti-civil rights forces in the U.S. Senate – Not for it
Howard Smith of Virginia – Not for it
Robert KKK Bird of West Virginia who led a 74 day filibuster against it – Not for it
+ a whole host of other southern democrapic senators not for it.
As a presidential campaigner in 1960, Kennedy largely avoided the civil rights issue for basically political reasons. Although he endorsed some kind of federal action, he could not afford to antagonize southern Democrats whose support he desperately needed to defeat Republican candidate Richard M. Nixon. In outlining the most important issues for the campaign early in 1960, Kennedy ignored civil rights rather than jeopardize his political support. Read it Prissy you just may get edumicated. :”When the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act came up for a vote in the House of Representatives on Feb. 10, 1964, 420 House members voted on the measure, including 248 Democrats and 172 Republicans.
Among House Democrats, 61% voted in favor of the bill, while 80% of House Republicans voted to adopt the bill.
“Of the 420 (House) members who voted (on H.R 7152), 290 supported the civil rights bill and 130 opposed it. Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34; Democrats supported it 152-96. It is interesting to note that Democrats from northern states voted overwhelmingly for the bill, 141 to 4, while Democrats from southern states voted overwhelmingly against the bill, 92 to 11.”
Even your beloved labor union AFL-CIO was against the CRA:
A MAJOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS STRUGGLES OF THE 1960S was the emergence of a broad national coalition that sponsored the March on Washington of 1963, winning the support of many organizations and reflecting the high point of a brief consensus that was responsible for passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including Title VII, the law prohibiting employment discrimination. Notable for its absence from the list of participants, or even sponsors and supporters of the march was the AFL-CIO. This was no accident or oversight. The executive council of the AFL-CIO, after extensive discussion and debate, refused to give its endorsement or even to recommend that affiliated unions give their support. The best they could do was to leave it to “individual union determination.”
Wascally Republicans who voted for is so it could pass:
Everett Dirksen of Illinois
Carl Curtis and Roman Hruska of Nebraska
Karl Mundt of South Dakota
Jack Miller of Iowa
Charles Halleck of Indiana
William McCulloch of Ohio
Robert Griffin of Michigan
Robert Taft Jr. of Ohio
Clarence Brown of Ohio
Thomas Kuchel of California
Kenneth Keating of New York
Clark MacGregor of Minnesota
Prissy cut the crap and move on back to moveon.oink. You just do know the truth. You go girl. I like you. You are as funny as donnageddon adn her sons jethro and dj and her daughter headlice lucy!
Anybody see Oil Storm on FX Sunday Night. I saw a good portion of it. It was interesting, even though FX only said it was for entertainment value(War of the Worlds Disclaimer, I bet).
PuddyButt @ 168
“So you saying it got lost in the US Mail?”
No. I said that that was one possibility, you moron.
“Highly unlikely since the postmaster generals said they took special precautions to ensure all ballots arrived, but in you small intellectual prison you can think that.”
You really are the biggest fucking idiot to ever post on this blog, PuddyButt. Do you really think that there was zero chance of the post office losing a ballot?
“I hear it now where is the postmaster generals link. Komo 4, King 5, Kiro 7 all reported on it. I haven’t heard any news stories of found ballots in post offices per your whacked out theory! While I watch Fox, did you miss it? You were probably listening to the psychobable on Scare America with Al Franken[stein].”
What in the hell are you babbling about? FYI: I don’t watch any TV at all (TVW via streaming media is the only exception), and have listened to Air America less then one hour in my life (I’ve listened to KVI more than that). But, what is the substance of your point here? Were you trying to make a point?
“I am so glad Howard Dean speaks for you. It proves our points from the right every time he makes another “powerful speech” from his mind…oops… ass! Keep speaking Howard, we want the democrap giving to the party coffers totally dry up. Please just keep talking Howard!!!!”
Where in the hell are you going with this??? Can you post anything clear and intelligent at all? BTW: I have made it very clear on this blog that I am not now, and never have been, a Democrat, so your Dean babble is completely wasted on me.
“How can something be opinion when he stated her actions on the show?”
WHAT?????? Please Puddy, I don’t want to be forced into believing by your own words that you are this fucking stooooooopiiiiiid!!!!!! Have you any fucking idea at all about the difference between a fact and an opinion??? Holy fucking shit, I cannot believe I am reading this!
George Wallace…biggest crime? Supporting his campaign promises until arrest. Name one man, right or wrong that stood that firm on his promis….
DJ –> Disembling Jerk. Try again. What is opinion? Look it up What is fact, look it up in webopedia. Do you need Brian to have his wife call in on the show and say she mailed it? She mailing it is not fact just her opinion? Wow man you do have issues! :P Listen to his show tonight and I will call in and ask him to have his wife call in and tell everyone she mailed it. You are so inane at trying, that’s it, trying to make a point that you miss the point. ;) I do call in every so often to speak to the great man, who almost died in Iraq. Did you hear what happened? No probably not.
Who said that his ballot could not be lost? Do you understand the words highly unlikely? No, of ocurse not, both words are over four letters long! No, of course not, it destroys your pathetically weak argument. It could have been misplaced, but you seem to look for the most minute infinitesimal possibility to prove your minute infinistesimal point when others on your side have looked into those possibilities and nothing has been reported on those issues. You just love to bring up minutia and YOU state them as fact.
You not a democrap, well excuse me. Since you like to take their side on almost every issue identified by Goldy, is your name Dumb Jeffords, relative of Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords, Independent leaning democrap? If it walks like a duck and quacks (oops… writes) like one & you think just like one! When have you took our side on an issue here? Since you claim you can see the points made, the words seem to whistle through your eyes and out your ears, accelerating as they enter your cranial orifice. Do I hear vacuum? Maybe you are stoopid and donnageddon should have named you jethro, ooops… wait a minute dj –> doppel jethro, her younger son! Jethro fixation. Dean babble wasted on you too? Well another Goldy poster who sees the real worth of Howard Dean. I congratulate you on that small truth in your post.
Doppel Jethro: I emailed Lt. Brian Suits to have his wife call the show so she can tell you that it’s a fact, she mailed the ballot.
I think I know….but never mind.
Interesting how there really was abuse of the Koran at Gitmo.
Here is the WA Post report.
Vance and the GOP owe Washington state an apology over the outrageous claims during the election contest, especially when they claimed “Felon votes count, military votes don’t.”
As pointed out by the Secretary of State today, the republicans dropped this claim soon after the election contest started:
But Ahearne said that Republicans made false claims early this year about military ballots and ballot security around the state, and alleged that ballots that were enhanced for the counting process were done so improperly.
Yet, this is the form of inflamatory rubbish they will through out if they think it will help them.
I say get them to talk using any tools necessary, it’s a matter of lives not cordial religious debate.
Also, while you’re at the Washington Post, be sure to read Charles Krauthammer’s column here (no your eyes won’t bleed reading it).
I’m sorry, kicking a Koran is not the same as flushing, and the hypocrisy of the protestors in the Middle East and the left in this country is staggering. From Krauthammer’s column, and I apologize for the length, but it’s an excellent point:
“On the very day the braying mob in Pakistan demonstrated over the false Koran report in Newsweek, a suicide bomber blew up an Islamic shrine in Islamabad, destroying not just innocent men, women and children, but undoubtedly many Korans as well. Not a word of condemnation. No demonstrations.
Even greater hypocrisy is to be found here at home. Civil libertarians, who have been dogged in making sure that FBI-collected Guantanamo allegations are released to the world, seem exquisitely sensitive to mistreatment of the Koran. A rather selective scrupulousness. When an American puts a crucifix in a jar of urine and places it in a museum, civil libertarians rise immediately to defend it as free speech. And when someone makes a painting of the Virgin Mary, smears it with elephant dung and adorns it with porn, not only is that free speech, it is art deserving of taxpayer funding and an ACLU brief supporting the Brooklyn Museum when the mayor freezes its taxpayer subsidy.”
Your apology is in the mail.
Erik –
You wouldn’t know fraud if it slowly chewed your arm off at the elbow, but hey if it makes you happy “I do believe that hundreds of fouls ups in KC are just simple mistakes.” … And if you believe that then repeat after me I do believe in Fairies, I had a BBQ with Santa at the north pole last summer, and the Easter Bunny is my Mutha F#$@in’ homie.
What about Spokane Mayor West? Comparing himself to President Clinton? I am amazed that with WA very strict ethics laws and clear guidelines on use of computers that he doesn’t recognize there are clear violations. But I am most disturbed at his attempt to portray himself as a victim. This is a guy who was not only anti-gay in all of his politics but spoke at length about person responsibility and accountability. I guess that is for everyone else.
Hum Kumbaya,
then chant: No Mistakes No Lost Votes, No Mistakes, No Lost Votes
then Chant: What do we want Logan, What do we want, his promotion!
And in other news, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled on it’s WTO findings. “Given the breakdown of public order that confronted Seattle, we decline to hold unconstitutional the city’s implementation of procedures necessary to restore safety and security to its residents and to the visiting world leaders,” Judge Ronald Gould wrote in the majority opinion.
But the court also unanimously reversed a lower-court decision that had tossed out claims of constitutional rights violations by five individuals. That lower-court ruling also prevented potentially hundreds of others from being filed.
Instead, the ruling ordered the U.S. District Court in Seattle to hold a trial to determine if police used the no-protest zone as a way to discriminate against certain people with anti-WTO sentiments – actions that, if proven, would be unconstitutional, the court said.
Looks like there is hope for our freedom after all!
But Danny, in 1998 it was only sex and he was the victim right?
So one fringe Conservative/ closet fag represents all of us?
Ok in that case then all Democrats must be alchoholics and sex addicts because Kennedy and Clinton are Dems.
MOH @1
WTF? There was no flushed Koran, but some guard kicked it…so all abuse alleged is real, so long as you feel like it is real or really really want it to be real or …
Read this and you will identify why that is so dumb:Fake, but accurate!
I generally don’t contribute to the open threads, but I’m curious… how many of you will accept Judge Bridges ruling and move on, whatever it is? Barring that, will except the Supreme Court’s decision?
UPDATE: (Sat. 5:27 am)
No… Freudian slip… just jet-lagged typos. Here’s what I meant to ask:
Barring that, will you accept the Supreme Court’s decision?
Goldy, I have stated whatever the outcome I can live with it. We had our day in court and eventhough I will be disappointed and have to hear from your side for a day or two that’s the price of democracy, if applied correctly. Perform a search on my postings on the case.
I don’t speculate because I can’t predict the future. Some people like to but I don’t want to be deflated. But if the rulings go our way, what will you do? Also I am curious about the problems found all over especially with illegal votes. How will we ever determine if those problems are corrected?
Goldy @ 14 – Freudian slip? Except versus Accept?
The judge rules, and says heigh ho status quo (I think there will be more to it than that, but coming from a judge, it won’t matter). The R’s appeal. They lose. Life, as they say, goes on…
If the R’s (or if the improbable happens, the D’s) go Federal, put them on ice, because John Q. Public ain’t gonna like it…
Who gives a shit about a Koran if the information taken from the POS raghead saves one American’s life? [Democrats: domestic terrorist parasites]
I think the Republican Party, mainly Chris Vance and Dino Rossi crying for their re-vote remind me of the leader of the Conservative Party up North. Last June, they thought their time was now, and were preparing to shut out the Liberals, but the Liberals won a majority of the seats, despite the Conservatives and 2 other parties making some gains. The Cons just tried to get their re-vote they were screaming for, by trying to halt the budget vote, and make it a vote of no confidence. The Canadian Govt. survived by one vote.
It seems both systems, on both sides of the 49th need fixing, not just ours.
Was there a BIG BINDER? I tried to stay awake to see the BIG BINDER, but zzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz…..
I will want to see what his reasoning is like. If it is consistent, for either side, there will be little grounds for appeal. The Dems have the only real chance, since they would have grounds (evidence in over their objections, the use of the statistical evidence if the judge allows it). The GOP almost no grounds, unless the statistical evidence is all thrown out.
If the Dems win, it is appealed and upheld. Unless you can prove someone illegally changed the election, the courts are not going to want to encourage goign to court whenever an election is close. I also tend to think the Supremes are going to want to go with the political process unless there is actual fraud (as opposed to the minnows fraud means someone made a mistake, or I disagree. cf Michael Medveds antiamerican means I disagree with you). Without fraud, what the legislature approves let no man set asunder.
If the Reps win, it gets appealed, and I think it is 60/40 it gets overturned. See above reasons (the leg has blessed, who are we to second guess, don’t want a court case on every case that is in recount territory). I have yet to count votes on the court though. If the court wants to avoid the big issues, they can just hand it back on an evidentiary issue, there are more than enough.
If either side goes Federal, I think they doom their party for two to three elections of outrage. I also don’t think the 9th would take it, unless they just want to hack off the GOP. Even so, it will be dumped en banc if they try that. The Supremes will not touch this for all the world, unless the 9th goes off the deep end.
As you have already seen, the Executive doesn’t want to go near this, even GWB isn’t that stupid, and while the House might throw a hearing or two to continue the GOP PR campaign, the hypocracy after doing almost nothing after Florida will keep anything from actually happening.
Greatest surprise and clearest sign Rossi is running for Senate: Monday Afternoon press conference anouncing that while disapointed, he will not appeal.
Thing that wouldn’t surprise me the least, the minnow announcing his theory of distribute judge fraud.
Bridges seems to have the potential to write a very good opinion. If he does, either way, I’ll be happy with it, but this goes to the Supremes unless Rossi ha his eyes on a house in Georgetown.
PuddlyBuddly @ “Some people like to but I don’t want to be deflated.”
So, you finally admit you are full of hot air?
RonK @ 19 The BIG BINDER will never see the light of day. It is firmly sandwiched between Mr. C’s butt cheeks.
All Fools @ 12 “So one fringe Conservative/ closet fag represents all of us?”
Nope, just you and PuddlyBuddly.
Donna I told you to learn correct copying. :( Since you can’t just SHUT UP. :P ;) :) Say hello to your son Jethro for me!!
Where is Chard anyway? I hope she is OK. I tried to tell her all that cheap booze, unprotected sex with strangers, and chain smoking was dangerous!
But she is a wild one!
Puddly One! By “Donna I told you to learn correct copying” do you mean plagerism? No thanks. I leave that to you!
Goldy @ 14,
I think it was Dubyasux who said on this blog that “I’ll accept the decision of the highest court of jurisdiction”. Me, too.
Reply to 4
You fucking idiot, they don’t know anything, because the jerkoffs on our side arrested the wrong people!!!
Sorry, didnt get much local news today, I was off in Portland Oregon, yes the Northwest buisiness capital. Why did I go to Portland? Fence, chain link fence. Oh I would have preferred to buy locally, but after calling everyone from Oly to Everett, the Portland distributor came in at $1500.00 lower in price for a superior product (9 guage in portland, 14 guage here). All in the cost of being in buisiness in Washington with the increased taxes, B$O taxes and such…speaking of taxes, sales tax in particular I saved another $600.00 plus on that as well. By the way, I also had a $.99 Whopper at Burger King while I was visiting. Saved a lot of money today! Around $2100.00 plus! Someone want to tell me again why Washington is good for buisiness?
By the way, to achieve the savings, I spent less than $7000.00 and slightly more than $6000.00. The Whopper was good at less than half the price of ours as well!
Hey, did somebody say “military ballots?” I have something to say about the military. What do our GI’s in Iraq make? I mean the dogface privates doing the fighting, not the colonels and generals sitting in air conditioned offices issuing orders. What does an E-2 or E-3 in Iraq make? 1000 bucks a month?
And what does a “private security contractor” (we used to call ’em “mercenaries” or “soldiers of fortune”) make? 1000 bucks A DAY? Paid with taxpayer dollars.
So if you’re in the Army, you get 1/30th of a mercenary’s pay. That’s how privatization works.
This ought to be VERY OFFENSIVE to our G.I.’s. That their own government has plenty of money to pay mercenaries but all they get is peanuts. How many of you remember that Bush tried to eliminate combat pay for the soldiers serving in Iraq? Well, he did, but even the Republican Congress wouldn’t put up with that shit.
How come you trolls haven’t said anything about this? Never mind, I know the answer. Mercenaries work for the PRIVATE SECTOR but the Army and Marines are GUVMINT HACK EMPLOYEES therefore the mercenaries deserve to get paid 30 times as much as the SOCIALISTS in military uniforms!
Cheesy Chuckie @ 29
Somebody report this tax cheat to the Department of Revenue! Chuckie, you DO know you’re required to pay USE TAX on that chain link fence, DON’T YOU?!! Yes, you know …
Chuck @ 29,
I don’t get it. How did you save $600 on sales tax? Aren’t you still liable for use tax on the fence? Or, is the fencing going to used out of state?
I have stated whatever the outcome I can live with it. We had our day in court and eventhough I will be disappointed and have to hear from your side for a day or two that’s the price of democracy, if applied correctly. Perform a search on my postings on the case.
You are a very reasonable sounding republican.
You have missed the whole entire point, I saved 2100.00 by going out of state on a mere 6000.00 purchase.
And the savings was because of added state taxes as well as state costs.
Do I have to pay use tax on the whopper?
Chuck @ 34
It sounds to me like you only saved $1,500. Under most circumstances you still owe the state $600.
Chuck @ 36
LOL! You only owe the use tax if you ate the Whopper in WA. If you were still eating it while crossing the border, you must estimate the fraction eaten in WA and pay only on that. :-)
Chuckie, oddly I agree with you. Oregon has a progressive INCOME TAX. Washington needs to throw the regressive sales tax into the Puget Sound and start a true progressive INCOME TAX.
You will need to go elsewhere to skip taxes, and if we get some reasonable gas taxation, your deadbeat tax dodging will be too expensive.
Just like a Repug, trying to get something for nothing.
You asswipe.
I skipped nothing, I bought an item in a buisiness freindly enviorment, who pay taxes into their system, by the way why should I pay this state for screwing the buisiness enviorment by driving prices up by over 25%? Oh and an even better part…THEY HAD IT IN STOCK! They didnt have to order it from “the Portland warehouse” as our buisinesses do because of the B&O inventory tax! Dont worry about the state losing theirs though, I am covered, as I didnt actually make the purchase…a gentelman from Florida did :)
Chuckiedoodle, did you even think before you posted that drivle?
Oregon state pays for its government services through a progressive INCOME TAX. You avoided paying taxes by crossing the border. Oregon lost income and so did Washinton state. You are an asshole! I hope a poorly maintained bridge collapses on your tax dodging ass!
But YOUR governor just signed a VERY digressive tax on the poor through the gas tax, why should I support that? And yes I filled the tanks up on gas that was cheaper while I was there.
Reply to 36
Not if you ate it in Oregon.
Please call up Lt Brian Suits over at KVI. You see HE was in Iraq and KC elections did not count his vote. I know it doesn’t matter to Democrats that a guy goes over there and gets his ass shot off for you and gets disenfranchised because he isn’t black. But to this vet is sure as hell matters.
You should be ashamed of yourself for supported such a crooked system that disenfranchises our military in time of war.
Reply to 39
“by the way why should I pay this state”
Because it’s THE LAW, asswipe!!!
chuck @ 39
“I am covered, as I didnt actually make the purchase…a gentelman from Florida did”
Well, you didn’t really save any money then, did you? Unless the material is used out of state, the “gentelman from Florida” still owes use tax.
Comment on 41
Does anybody know what a “digressive” tax is? For that matter, is “digressive” even an English word?
If you go to places like Walla Walla and College Place WA where most people have a Washington license as well as an Oregon ID you will find worse abuses…and Vancouver WA as well.
In Washington State it has been made all but impossible to remove a corrupt elected official from office. Unfrotunately, Jim West can sit tight for the rest of his term and there is little anyone can really do about it but shout and protest.
I have advocated for less restrictions in the process for removing an elected official. The Jim West case simply highlights the weakness in Washington’s patronage system.
Reply to 43
We’ve already discussed Brian Suits’ vote. Of course, you’re welcome to bring it up again, and since you’ve chosen to do so, let’s discuss is again. Brian Suits DOES NOT KNOW what happened to his vote, and neither do you. He does not know whether it was lost by the military mail system, by the Postal Service, or by King County Elections — and neither do you. So WHO are you blaming, and WHY are you blaming anyone, when you don’t know who is to blame?
Why would a Florida resident owe Washington sales tax?
How many Democrat have moved on from 2000? How many have moved on from Ohio in 2004, and their conspiracy theories about Diebold and voting machines?
Does that answer your question?
UH I hope you arent blonde…or did you get my meaning? Know the difference between a blond and a washing machine?
The washing machine doesnt follow you around after you dump a load in it!
Comment on 47
I’m sooooo glad you brought that up. You are sooooo right. Vancouver, Wash. is full of people who live on this side of the river to avoid paying Oregon income tax and shop on that side of the river to avoid paying Washington sales tax. The rest of us (on both sides of the river) have to pay higher taxes because they’re paying no taxes. The way to end this abuse of the tax system is by enacting an income tax and getting rid of the sales tax, which will have the added benefits of making our tax system fairer, more stable, and more business-friendly. How about it Cheesy Chuckie will you join us in supporting a state income tax? No, I didn’t think you would, you fucking freeloading Republican cheapskate tax cheat.
Priscilla @ 46
“Does anybody know what a “digressive” tax is? For that matter, is “digressive” even an English word? “
From http://www.cogsci.princeton.ed.....digressive :
1. S: (adj) digressive, tangential (of superficial relevance if any) “a digressive allusion to the day of the week”; “a tangential remark”
2. S: (adj) digressive, discursive, excursive, rambling ((of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects) “amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women’s fashions among other things”; “a rambling discursive book”; “his excursive remarks”; “a rambling speech about this and that”
We can only hope that a digressive tax is tax on rambling, idiotic posts on blogs.
Reply to 52
But the washing machine can change $100 bills from L & I taxes intended for injured workers into Rossi slush funds by turning a crank and feeding the bills into the rollers! Just call BIAW and ask for Mr. Cynical.
I have news for you, those in Vancouver, Walla Walla, and College Place shop right here in Washington and pull out their Oregin ID cards and poof, no sales tax!
Reply to 49,
Well, we do know that they found 93 ballots after the election don’t we? Given the utter lack of proper administration of the elections department, and the fact that they had to be threatened with a lawsuit to get the ballots out, KC elections is the most likely cuplrit.
Nevertheless, that is doesn’t seem to cause any concern to Democrats that illegals, felons and dead people get to vote but a cobat vet is disenfranchised, if very telling. How much whining did we hear in 2000 about Florida and all the blaclk folks that were allegedly disenfranchised? Not a peep about it when our military members are disencranchised.
Very telling. Very telling indeed.
Chuck @ 50
“Why would a Florida resident owe Washington sales tax?”
Residence is irrelevant. Use tax is charged on (1) items purchased in Washington where sales tax was not collected, and (2) items purchased outside of Washington and used in Washington. So, like I said, unless the fencing is being shipped for use outside of WA, somebody owes use tax.
Digressive Tax: Noun
1. Used by neocon numbnuts to get something for nothing
2. Tax-dodging (origin; republican party: usage I stole from the people of Washington state with the digressive tax LOL
1. Meaning: to avoid paying for services rendered
Usage: I totally digressive taxed the people of Oregon and Washington up their Asses!
vulgar: used only by imbeciles intent on getting something for nothing; ie. asswipes
reply to 55,
The washing machine can launder the money from the governor’s union set asides and give it to organized crime.
Hey, how much was that fencing in Oregon? I need to get a 50ft roll. Could use some gas too!
Are you talking about ELIMINATION of sales tax, B&O tax, Inventory tax, much of our gas tax and instead going to a sales tax pretty much in line with the Oregon percentage while reducing our property tax by almost 1/2? Yes I could find myself in support of something like that.
Please give me that RCW
ChyuckidoodliPie @ 56 “have news for you, those in Vancouver, Walla Walla, and College Place shop right here in Washington and pull out their Oregin ID cards and poof, no sales tax!” Poof You are a LIAR!
Holy Cripes Chuck, if I were you, I would lie low for awhile. I know you are just pulling this shit out of you ass, but if the FBI takes it serious, you gotta get running little man!
And is “Oregin ” a state in the US, or just a state reached by the peyote chuck is taking?
It was roughly $9.00 per foot with posts and hardware for 9 guage 6′ with privacy slats.
pbj @ 57
“Well, we do know that they found 93 ballots after the election don’t we? Given the utter lack of proper administration of the elections department, and the fact that they had to be threatened with a lawsuit to get the ballots out, KC elections is the most likely cuplrit.”
Hogwash. It is known that the ballots were mailed on time. Lets see. . . 93 ballots not tallied out of 898,633 ballots cast in KC. The probability of that being the reason is 0.00001. In other words, not likely!
“Nevertheless, that is doesn’t seem to cause any concern to Democrats that illegals, felons and dead people get to vote but a cobat vet is disenfranchised, if very telling.”
Hogwash. Everyone is concerned about minimizing illegal votes. Everyone is concerned that military votes get through. In this case, there is just too many paths involved. Given the overall accuracy of KC, it seems unlikely that this particular ballot was lost at KC.
“How much whining did we hear in 2000 about Florida and all the blaclk folks that were allegedly disenfranchised? Not a peep about it when our military members are disencranchised. Very telling. Very telling indeed.”
Nope. . . the military was not grossly disenfranchised the way Blacks were in FL in 2000. And the military was certainly not disenfranchised in WA in 2004–fortunately, neither were Blacks or other minorities.
No I am not a liar, if you were packing an Oregon ID card as well as a Washington license (perfectly legal) you can walk into your local Walmart (Kmart Sears Pennys) or whatever in Washington, pull out your Oregon ID and they will remove the sales tax from your purchase. This is a FACT. I spent several months in Walla Walla working for Schucks and saw it for myself, before you call me a liar get educated moron!
Is that an “Oregin” education payed by INCOME TAX that I should get? Hmm Chuckie Liar poo?
Chuck @ 63
Here is the specifics:
Here is an information page:
Here is the general RCW sections that includes exceptions:
There are some WAC sections, too, but any more links and my post will be held!
No that is a Washington education with very large hands on a small keyboard that causes the fingers to trip on themselves…you know how it is big hands, big feet, huge package…
Chuck @ 63,
I sent a reply, but because there were a bunch of links, the post is being held. So, I’ll give you a starting information page that links to the relevant WAC and RCW. Start here:
Chuck, I thank you for tonight’s entertainment! You have been a good sport.
Take care, and be careful with that rebar, that stuff can bite!
I think I am covered with this:
Exemptions — Persons who are residents of another state and move to Washington are exempt from use tax on their household goods, personal effects, and motor vehicles, if they acquired the property more than 90 days prior to moving to Washington.
You should be ashamed of yourself for supported such a crooked system that disenfranchises our military in time of war.
The republicans dropped that baseless line when the Secretary of State confronted them on it months ago. Sounds like you need to have a heart to heart with Sam Reed and Vance in the room to clear it up. Reed’s office called the GOP on the carpet on it today in court, don’t make Reed call you up too.
Hey 68, you trying to make us laugh or puke?
“Given the overall accuracy of KC, it seems unlikely that this particular ballot was lost at KC”
I’d say given EVIDENCE in court, nobody would (ok, nobody off thorazine) would say KC has any idea where ballots are.
With a war in motion, why would you wait til THE LAST DAY to mail military ballots (mind you under court order to get your act together) unless you cared a lot more for registering bums in the downtown precinct, etc.
Were you guys proud when Dean baby got a dressing down by the Judge? (for sloppy work)
The Big Binder was admitted into evidence and thorougly discussed shitferbrains….do you even know what the Big Binder is??? Did you even follow the trial????
If you listen to Judge Bridges carefully on Monday you will.
I have said repeatedly that I will accept Judge Bridges decision and be prepared to move on. If Bridges rules for the Dems, it will not be without severely chastizing KingCo and the law which clearly allows cheating with no consequences. It will be the albatross around the Dems neck for years. They cheated, covered up, spent millions getting away with it and won because of a poorly written law. I know you LEFTIST PINHEADS don’t understand this or agree but you WILL spend the next 4 years trying to convince folks otherwise.
If the R’s lose, how they react publicly is critical. If they act like a bunch of whiners…they will lose some of the immense political capital they have gained. The LEFTIST MEDIA GEEKS have gone out of their way to paint this Election Contest by the R’s as a waste of time and ill-advised or worse to try and mitigate the political capital gained by R’s with perhaps some minor success. But it won’t be enough.
I think going to the Supreme Court by the R’s is likely to be a huge waste of time….and they will lose political capital.
If the Dems lose and appeal…even if they win on appeal…will lose even more political capital. The Gas Tax will be overwhelmingly appealled and Gregoire will be toast.
I have no clue what Bridges will do Monday other than he must do something to address the ILLEGAL VOTES everyone acknowledges as ILLEGAL. I predict the vote totals WILL change…
One last bold prediction—
The Foulkes case WILL weigh heavily on Judge Bridges decision. The Dems have tried to do a PR spin on that case that it was only about FRAUD with the “smoking gun”. Untrue.
Re-read the Foulkes decision..
I believe the R’s have shown that negligence by KingCo Election Officials has lead to an increase in votes for Gregoire.
The ACTUAL total increase in votes is unknown and unknowable but clearly exceeds the margin of victory.
Stew on this for all eternity my LEFTIST PINHEADED pals!
I think I am glad the case will be decided by the heavily Democrat leaning Supreme Court rather than the heavily GOP leaning Judge Bridges.
Chuck @ 76
I think I am covered with this: Exemptions — Persons who are residents of another state and move to Washington are exempt from use tax on their household goods, personal effects, and motor vehicles, if they acquired the property more than 90 days prior to moving to Washington.
If the fencing is stored for 90+ days and then they move to WA, then this might qualify as “household goods” (i.e. this might be a loophole). But if the fencing is used before they move here, then the purchaser is liable for the tax [See WAC 458-20-178 (3)].
righton @ 787
Hey 68, you trying to make us laugh or puke? “Given the overall accuracy of KC, it seems unlikely that this particular ballot was lost at KC” I’d say given EVIDENCE in court, nobody would (ok, nobody off thorazine) would say KC has any idea where ballots are.”
That is the anger talking, righton. Try to quantify it, and KC’s error rate is not particularly high. Specifically, there is no evidence that they lost more than a handfull of the nearly 1 million ballots they handled. Really! Do the numbers and see if they match your angry expectations.
“With a war in motion, why would you wait til THE LAST DAY to mail military ballots (mind you under court order to get your act together) unless you cared a lot more for registering bums in the downtown precinct, etc.”
Bullshit. You have already been told about the exceedingly low number of late absentee/military ballots that could not be counted because they were received late.
The difficulty of getting the ballots out is because of the late primaries. Hey, here is an idea, lets move the primaries back so that we can mail out the absentee/military ballots even earlier! Unfortunately, this was blocked in a partisan vote this last session. Shame on the GOP!
“Were you guys proud when Dean baby got a dressing down by the Judge? (for sloppy work)”
WTFAYTA? Nobody is defending the errors that were made in KC. But, you are spewing bullshit, apparently out of anger rather than by any objective measure, in claiming that military voters were in any way disenfranchised by KC this last election. The numbers just ain’t there to support your “hypothesis.”
RonK @20 Was there a BIG BINDER? I tried to stay awake to see the BIG BINDER, but zzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz…..
There were BANKS of Big Binders. Shelves and shelves of them. Poor Judge Bridges.
Then I am also covered by this exemtion:
RCW 82.12.0251
Exemptions — Use by nonresident while temporarily within Washington of tangible personal property brought into Washington — Use by nonresident of motor vehicle or trailer licensed in another state — Use by resident or nonresident member of armed forces of household goods, personal effects, and private motor vehicles acquired in another state while a resident — “State” defined.
Reply to 59
That’s quite a leap of logic, pal — King County lost other ballots therefore they must have lost Brian Suits’ ballot to. And in the same breath, you manage to throw in some lies — who ever said we don’t care about the mistakes? You also ignore the fact that King County’s mistakes COST GREGOIRE AND HELPED ROSSI as shown by the fact Gregoire picked up 121 additional votes from the wrongfully rejected “Phillips votes.” You’re so full of shit it isn’t funny. If it weren’t for KC’s screwups Gregoire would have won the machine recount and probably the first count too, and Rossi would have gone 0-for-3. You and Rossi are just alike, you’re both losers.
Reply to 62
If you assholes want to give union money to organized crime why don’t you ask Mr. Cynical if he’ll rent to washing machine to you.
Reply to 64
Interesting math. Sure you’re not Tim Eyman posting under an assumed name (“Cheesy Chuckie” — “ha, that’ll never figure that one out!” — Tim Eyman)? Your math looks like his math. (Remember how his gambling initiative would reduce property taxes by $400 million a year if every man, woman, and child in Washington wagered $5,000 a year at the tables?) A state income tax in line with the rates in other income tax states would allow us to get rid of the B & O tax and the state portion of the sales tax, but that’s all. If you want to eliminate or reduce the other taxes you mentioned, it would take a much higher income tax rate. The Gates Commission didn’t suggest that.
Comment on 68
Peyote Chuckie doesn’t even know how to spell “gauge.”
Comment on 73
Big hands, big feet, small brain … Chuckie is living proof of evolution, and he we thought our precursor species was extinct …
This isnt a spelling bee, it is a political blog and as I explained before:
“very large hands on a small keyboard that causes the fingers to trip on themselves…you know how it is big hands, big feet, huge package…”
Comment on 76
Holy Mother of Jesus, this post proves the RCW is dangerous in big hands with a small mind. Hey Bigfoot, if you read it carefully, it says you don’t have to pay use tax on stuff you bought in another state before you became a Washington resident.
The problem, dearest Chuckie, is that your brain cells (do you have any?) are also tripping on that keyboard.
Wonder what else you’re tripping on …
Drug free for many years thanks anyway
Got the facts wrong again @ 78
King County began mailing military/overseas ballots on Oct. 1 and ALL such ballots were mailed by the Oct. 8 deadline. Of 15,289 military/overseas ballots issued, 12,689 were returned, a turnout of 83%, which is in line with absentee ballots as a whole. Looks like military voters as a group didn’t have a problem getting their ballots, and Suits’ ballot is an aberration. Which is circumstantial evidence pointing to the mail system, not King County, as the culprit for Suits’ lost ballot. But we can’t expect someone as dumb as you to figure that out.
If you were smart enough to handle simple numbers, the initiative would have substantially reduced property taxes, and still would have kept slot machines out of your kids school (unlike the claims made by the opposition). How did it feel to have your vote bought by the big indian casino money (the main contributors against the initiative) so they have no competition and get to spend the winnings on anything they choose?
Reply to 80
There you go again, repeating the GOP bullshit that the “Democrats cheated.” No, Cynical, Judge Bridges isn’t going to read this lie into the record. No, the Democrats didn’t “cheat” so shut your yap or I’m going to start posting that the Republicans stuffed the ballot box with felon votes for Rossi. (No, I have no evidence they did, but lack of evidence doesn’t stop you, so why should it stop me?)
Cynical idiot @ 81 once again pins his hopes on the “margin of victory” argument … (sigh) … WHERE in the law does it say that, dummy? Never mind, I’ll answer that question for you … nowhere. You made that shit up.
Read closer, that RCW comes with a tail.
Comment on 86
So, Chuckie is an Oregin resident, and he’s just going to use his cyclone fence in Washington temporarily and take it with him when he goes back to Oregin. Yep, then he qualifies for the exemption.
Comment on 96
Must be the smog then? Been breathing too much of Dubya’s “clean skies,” it appears.
Nope I am a resident of Washington…wrong again…I notice you spend a lot of time nit picking spelling and the meaning or facts in someones post just goes completely above your head…sure you arent blonde?
For God’s sake Chuck…Priscilla is the same person as
Don/Alan/DubyaSux/thatPrickakaPatrick/Thomas et al
43 different identities.
He really tries to hide it but cannot help his sorry ass self of posting the same comments and same pattern of multiple postings.
Chuck. Mr. Cynical is right on this one. I saw one post where the word “think” was deliberately misspelled in an apparent attempt to hide behind feigned stupidity. Well, the stupidity is there and it’s not feigned.
Reply to 104
Who were you expecting, the fucking Tooth Fairy?
These wingo shitheads have no sense of humor. It’s sooooo easy to yank their chains …
I think I am glad the case will be decided by the heavily Democrat leaning Supreme Court rather than the heavily GOP leaning Judge Bridges. -Comment by Scott— 6/4/05 @ 6:37 am
Well no kidding – golly, gosh, gee whiz I guess that must be an admission of judicial activism you libs keep denying so fervently.
Finally, a grain of truth from a lib.
I suggest that you remember that your “heavily Democrat leaning Supreme Court” still has to stand for re-election and I sincerly doubt they’ve missed poll after poll after poll about what +70% of the WA electorate believe of this election.
Ha! Ha! Whack-a-mole time Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! Whack Priscilla! Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! She can’t escape! Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! The preshiousss is ours! Ha! Ha!
Priscilla – nice language!! Those four letter words sure add to your credibility.
Ok, so as a resident of Vancouver, I’m going to weigh in on this sales tax thing. Show me the Best Buy in Clark County. Show me the REI, the Apple Store, the Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel. If you can’t buy it at Wal-Mart, Target, Albertsons or Fred Meyer, you practically can’t buy it in Vancouver. You have to go to Oregon, because Washington is such an anti-business state. If I can’t buy it in Washington, I’m going to go get it in Oregon! Sorry, but with the gas tax in this state, driving to Tacoma and Seattle to get these things is a little expensive and inconvenient.
I jumped through the hoops once. I bought a truck last fall. No dealer in Clark County could get it. A dealer in Portland had it sitting on the lot. So I bought it. The dealership figured up the tax, sent the paper work over to the Auditor and I went over there and paid my $2144 to license it. It took three trips to the Clark County auditor’s office to accomplish it.
From where I live, the closest grocery store is IN OREGON (Groceries aren’t taxed, anyway). But there is a Barnes and Noble right around the corner from the Safeway. It is seven miles to a Barnes and Noble, and 12 to a Borders in Washington. It is one mile across the bridge to the same stores.
If the State of Washington REALLY wants my money, they should make operating in Clark County easier for businesses. And if they REALLY want my money, perhaps the Department of Revenue should set operate an office people could actually find that doesn’t keep bankers hours. Perhaps they should educate people on the proper procedure for coming forward and paying their taxes. No one has ever told me! I’ve lived in Clark County for nine months and know of NO ONE, republican, democrat, libertarian, green or otherwise that has actually gone to the Department of Revenue to pay their taxes. And every one of them buys things in Oregon. I don’t shop in Oregon to dodge taxes, I shop in Oregon because that’s where I can buy what I’m looking for.
I think you made my point Darren, Washington anti buisiness climate deters buisiness in this state, and to thank them for that by paying a tax you “owe” by being forced to shop in another entire state seems defeating to me. As a resident of Vancouver Ill bet that you know more people than you have fingers and toes that have a Washington license as well as an Oregon ID card. I have no problem with that as one of the largest companies (now leaving the state as quickly as they can) was the largest tax evader in the history of this state. By flying aircraft into international waters with the buyer of the plane ans consumating the deal over international waters they not only saved Washington sales tax on the sale but also saved substantionally on US income tax. When inventory tax time rolled around they flew every thing that would fly down to portland so they wouldnt have to pay tax on that inventory. Nice the way the big guys work isnt it?
Not to dredge up old conversations with the abberant multiple fractured personalities that inhabit this blog, but for old time’s sake……
Dream Date
A cross-dresser with four legs. Pretty in Pink. It just doesn’t get any better for Don.
Reply to 11
What’s your problem, is 1-2-3-4 as far as you know how to count? “Fucking” has 7 letters, and so does “asshole.” I have an idea, maybe if I split up the 7 letters into two words (4 letters and 3 letters), you’ll understand it.
Fuck you.
Comment on 112
“If you can’t buy it at Wal-Mart, Target, Albertsons or Fred Meyer, you practically can’t buy it in Vancouver. You have to go to Oregon, because Washington is such an anti-business state.”
HA HA HA HA HA HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW GUFFAW GUFFAW GUFFAW HEE HEE HOOO HA HA HA HA (sounds in background of person rolling on floor, kicking feet, and clutching sides)
Or maybe because you Vancouver scofflaws shop in Oregon to evade the sales tax.
You bring up a serious point, though, and thank you for mentioning it. The sales tax is an ANTI-BUSINESS TAX. That’s right, tacking on 6.5% (+ local sales tax) to the purchase price definitely discourages customers from buying anything in our state, as our friends in Vancouver have so empirically demonstrated for us over the years. And how can your business succeed if your customers don’t buy from you? Yes, we need to get rid of this ANTI-BUSINESS TAX and replace it with a more business-friendly income tax. By making the distribution of the state tax burden fairer (poor people pay four times the percentage of their income in state taxes that affluent people pay), it also will put more money in the pockets of the consumers most likely to spend it at local businesses, whereas when you let the rich go scot-free and pay virtually no state taxes they spend the money on stuff that isn’t taxed like stocks and bonds, CDs, hobby farms, Caribbean vacation homes, tax shelters, etc.
Re 114
Ha Ha!!! Priscilla, I guess you can’t count, or read numbers at least. You were referring to post 111 not post 11. If you had any culture, you’d know that the phrase “four letter words” isn’t always literal. And again, thanks for proving my point about your lack of anything substantial to say with your reply.
Comment on 116
Please learn some basic economics before spouting “facts” about taxes and incentives. A “progressive” income tax can kill business faster than any sales tax. Ever hear of the successful business man who lays off his staff in August and takes a vacation until January so that he doesn’t make enough in income to enter the next marginal tax bracket? It was standard practice Reagan came along and cut the top rates. How much tax is collected when no income is earned for five months? 0%
Of cours the above should read “It was standard practice until Reagan came along…”
Yep and we scofflaws are going to CONTINUE to buy in Oregon, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire (I spent a nearly $1200 tax free in NH when we were there 2 weeks ago AFTER spending a night in a Portland hotel, eating in Portland restaurants, shopping in Portland stores, taking a Portland cab to the airport and flying out of the Portland airport), Colorado, the internet and ABW… Anywhere But Washington.
Even Florida, with its 6% tax has a Back to school no tax period for families to purchase clothes and school supplies.
Atlas may not have yet shrugged but he’s done spending discretionary money in Washington!
“Interesting how there really was abuse of the Koran at Gitmo.”
So what? Does the beheading of Americans by muslims, bother you at all? Of course abusing the Koran is a lot worse I know, but still. (insert sarcasm) Stupid fool.
Fuck the koran, I want a copy to put in my back 40 by a stump and I can piss on it daily!
Reta @ 122
Hey, stupid, the American Military is not beheading people. American ethics are not defined by the worse crimes of non-American, you idiot!
Chuck @ 123,
Apparently your morality needs to be motivated by self-interest. . . .
If the American Military cannot treat prisoners humanely, then we cannot expect our enemies to either. I don’t want to hear your bellyaching when your son, daughter, grandchild, niece or nephew has to go to war, gets captured and then is neutered or raped as S.O.P.
“Ever hear of the successful business man who lays off his staff in August and takes a vacation until January so that he doesn’t make enough in income to enter the next marginal tax bracket?”
Gawd, does someone out there still believe this hoary old fable? What right wing blog did you get this tripe off of?
Apparently you’ve forgotten that Reagan and his successor, Bush 1, raised taxes FIVE TIMES after it sank in on them that Reagan overdid the tax cutting.
WHERE did I say anything about a “progressive” state income tax? Quit making shit up. I’ve posted many times on HorsesAss that I support the Gates Commission recommendations, which call for a FLAT RATE state income tax.
What do you support, the status quo? Under the status quo, small businesses pay 41% of Washington’s state taxes (compared to 30% on average in other western states), and low income households pay 18% of their income to the state while the richest households pay 4% of their income to the state. Our state has an anti-business tax climate, all right, and it appears you want to keep it that way. If you want to drive small business out of our state, support the status quo and oppose a state income tax, you selfish Republican freeloading asshole.
Do you drive to Portland for groceries so you don’t have to pay Washington’s sales tax on food?
Well at least you were smart enough to stay at a hotel, eat restaurant meals, and rent a car in a town that hasn’t built a stadium recently.
As a democrat was quoted as saying “Au Revoir Gregoire!”
Oh, and that 100,000 vote victory margin for Bush in OHio was suspect, I tell you! Why? Because it was a razor-thin margin, that’s why!!
Now, if it had been a whopping 129-vote final tally on the 3rd try only with the error rate 10 times the margin of victory, THAT would not be suspect!! It only makes sense, right???? THAT would be legit! RIGHT???? Why oh why couldn’t OHIO have turned out exactly like Washington with the exact same circumstances?? Then we would have President Kerry. Waaahhhh
Do you drive to Portland for groceries so you don’t have to pay Washington’s sales tax on food?
-Comment by Priscilla— 6/5/05 @ 12:34 am
If memory serves, we haven’t paid tax on food since they repealed it around 1983.
Comment on 116
“Or maybe because you Vancouver scofflaws shop in Oregon to evade the sales tax.”
Or maybe because businesses are smart enough to realize that there are 1.5 million people in three Oregon counties that WON’T buy their goods in Vancouver, with or without sales tax, and 400,000 in Clark County who MIGHT.
I believe people are creatures of comfort and habit. IF it were convenient to buy things in Vancouver, I believe that many would, even if it cost them 7.7% more. (Sure there are cases like the fencing purchase above, where big bucks were involved and people do make the choice to buy in Oregon)
But as I said in my previous post, the choices here are limited. My wife can’t shop at Crate and Barrel here, nor is there much in the way of anything similar. We’re redoing a house we bought in September. I can’t shop at Best Buy or Good Guys or Fry’s Electronics. It isn’t a choice. I haven’t seen an appliance store here to speak of… and many people have those delivered and pay the tax.
Yes, there is a Home Depot, about five miles out of my way. And yes, I can go to Fred Meyer and see if they have what I’m looking for and then try Target, and end up going to Oregon anyway, or I can save time and go across the 205 bridge, take two left turns at the first exit on the other side, and be at Good Guys, Home Depot and Best Buy, all in one place. People aren’t going to make an effort to shop in any certain place and pay more to do it.
Tell me you would!
If Washington made ANY effort to collect the tax some people would pay it, but the truth is, they don’t. Tax revenue flows out of Washington all along the border. Walla Walla to Milton-Freewater. Clarkston to Lewiston. Pullman to Moscow. The Gorge towns to Hood River and The Dalles (and they have to pay a toll to cross their bridges). Washington is at a competitive disadvantage all along its borders.
I don’t believe this state has the kind of LEADERS to affect any kind of radical change in state government such as a complete restructuring of the tax system. The Republican and Democrat leadership in this state has become so stale, bitter and confrontational, I’m not sure they could agree that the sky is blue. Let alone reinvent the tax code.
It is a chicken and egg argument. Which came first? Washington residents shopping in Oregon to dodge the tax, or businesses locating in moderately more business-friendly Oregon? And a tough cycle to break. As the Clark County population grows north to areas like Salmon Creek, Ridgefield, Brush Prairie and Battle Ground, retail will have to expand there to accommodate them, because Portland will be less convenient. How quickly the retail expands and how successful it is remains to be seen.
If you want to force people to _think_ about a trip to Portland for quick purchases, put a toll back on the bridges. It _might_ help the traffic situation too. I don’t know how much $4 would slow the average person down when going to get anything more than $52 (7.7% tax on $52 is ~$4). But all the commuters would have to pay it.
M @ 129 – Bravo. Very nicely done. (rofl)
Priscilla: You should improve your listening habits and listen to the Brian Suits show.
Fact: Brian mailed his ballot to his wife, a police officer.
Fact: She received it in time because Brian did not trust the US Postal system with his absentee ballot.
Fact: Mrs. Suits personally mailed the absentee to KCEC.
Fact: They lost it.
But Priscilla: To quote another mentally challenged person: “and best wishes to you in breaking out of your intellectual prison.”, maybe you should listen to Brian on KVI from 6 to 8 PM weeknights. You would improve your life outlook!
Reta: I know what you meant. We don’t behead people, Muslims do. Where is the left’s outrage in their newspapers. Maybe some here but not the Slimes (NY and SEA), The Puke-Indisgestioner, WA Post, etc. But some water hits the Koran, the ACLU goes nuts, well they already are.
Only Fox News broadcasted outrage over the beheadings and executions of innocent people by Zarqawi and his thugs. I never heard a peep from Brokaw, Jennings, or Rather on their nightly news shows. I do remember the interviews of Nick Bergs’ father and how he blamed Bush for his son going back ot Iraq, his son not listening to the military who said don’t go to that area where he went, and then the beheading. Yeah, lets blame Bush (headlice) but where is the MSM outrage? Now some on HA said they had outrage, but I haven’t seen many lefty postings save a few coming back at me regarding the beheadings. I’ll say it again, I am outraged at the lack of candor on the left over the beheadings and executions.
So since you lefties are all so righteous here, why don’t each of you personally post, “I am outraged over the Muslim beheadings and shooting executions of innocent people!” Probably can’t because you would then admit these people are worthless and that undermines your hatred of George W. Bush.
When the beheadings began and the muslim community didnt rise up in disgust and hatred that told me then how I feel for the koran. As I said fuck the koran.
Although I am not defending sales tax I dont buy your “poor people pay 4 times as much” theory. The more you make the more you buy. Poor people are less likley to buy an Escalade or Navigator. They are less likley to buy an HDTV, an x-box or a $1,000,000 home get my point? There are no sales tax on the essential foods so neither pays food tax. That taken into consideration I really dont think the sales tax is as regressive as some tend to imply.
But Gregoirs gas tax increase is as regressive as it gets, because the poor have to drive around in used up gas hogs that run less than good, where the moderate income can afford a more conservative vehicle and the rich can do the escalade. And generally everyone drives about the same amount as required by employment, vacations excluded. So since Goldy and his likes support Gregoire and her increased gas tax I must assume that are badmouthing the sales tax as regressive is just poormouthing. When it comes down to it he doesnt give a fuck about the poor.
I guess you are right chuckie. Washington’s new gas tax package is about as regressive as your mentality.
Watch these “progressives”: they support the demos last round of tax increases, which make the state taxes even more regressive than they already were, because all the special interests propping up their party got their money. They don;t care where the money comes from as long as they get it. If they weren’t such hypocrites they would have called BS on Gregoire over these tax increases.
I know that and you know that, but the question is, does Cheesy Chuckie know that? That’s why I asked him.
Dear, dear Darren, if a Vancouver resident buys something in Oregon, brings it back to Washington, and fails to pay use tax on it he is BREAKING THE LAW! The fact the law is largely unenforceable and nobody worries about getting caught DOES NOT MAKE IT HONEST OR LEGAL.
BTW Darren, the way to get rid of the tax leakage you describe is to shit-can the sales tax and enact a state income tax like Oregon has. That would level the playing field for Washington merchants, take the unfair tax burden off business and low income households, AND your shopping would become more convenient (and less wasteful of gas) because retail establishments would sprout like tulips after an April shower on the Washington side of the river — creating retail jobs in Washington.
“It is a chicken and egg argument. Which came first? Washington residents shopping in Oregon to dodge the tax, or businesses locating in moderately more business-friendly Oregon?”
Why do you even bother to ask? This one is a no-brainer. With only a bridge separating Oregon and Washington, it’s obvious why many people live on the Vancouver side and shop (and in some cases work) on the Portland side: To pay Washington income taxes and Oregon sales taxes, that’s why. Vancouver is little more than a bedroom suburb of Portland.
Uh, wait. How do you know it wasn’t lost by the Postal Service? You don’t, you’re assuming. Know what happens when you ass u me things?
Hey PuddyButt @ 134,
Geez, Pudster, I hate to pick on you, but your claims just didn’t make it past my bullshit meter.
1) Wha . . . what? Suits was concerned about the post office, so he has it handled by the post office twice, and he has a third party (his wife) handling the ballot as well? All he did was increase the chance of a delivery error occuring by doing it this way.
2) Your last two “facts” are not facts. It may be a fact that Mrs. Suits stated that she mailed the absentee ballot, but it is only a fact that she mailed it if there is evidence of such. I’ve not heard anyone claiming that she mailed it by certified mail. So, unless a Post Office return receipt is forthcoming, it is certainly not a “fact” that KC lost the ballot. This “fact” is nothing more than your unsubstantiated opinion. You really need to learn the difference between fact and opinion, Pudster.
According to uSP’s Brian Crouch (, Suits’ ballot was not among the two uncounted ballots in the precinct he voted in, so that makes it even less likely that KC lost the ballot. Are there other possibilities? Sure. It may be that is vote DID count, but the post-election voter crediting record was not updated properly. Perhaps the post office lost it. Perhaps his wife didn’t really mail the ballot—and I don’t mean this in a sinister way. She simply may have messed up. There are enough real possibilities besides KC losing the ballot (which is, admittedly, a possibility as well), that you are just spewing ignorant bullshit by claiming as “fact” that KC lost it.
“Only Fox News broadcasted outrage over the beheadings and executions of innocent people by Zarqawi and his thugs. I never heard a peep from Brokaw, Jennings, or Rather on their nightly news shows.”
How could you, when you only listen to Fox? BTW, it’s not a journalist’s job to broadcast outrage, it’s his job to report. Too much listening to Fox has left you confused about what “news” is and what a journalist’s job is.
P.S., I am outraged over the Muslim beheadings and shooting executions of innocent people!
P.P.S., I also am outraged over the arrests, detentions, torture, and murder of innocent Iraqi and Afghani civilians!
P.P.P.S., I am also outraged over the Bush administration’s bombing of innocent civilians, the Bush administration’s failure to provide our troops with body and vehicle armor, the Bush administration’s attempt to eliminate combat pay for our troops in Iraq, and Bush administration’s cuts in veterans benefits, and above all, about the Bush administration’s lying about its intention of starting this unnecessary war, lying about its reasons for invading Iraq, lying about WMDs, and the utter incompetence and corruption with which it run this war.
“Although I am not defending sales tax I dont buy your “poor people pay 4 times as much” theory. The more you make the more you buy.”
That’s not a theory, it’s a published finding of the Gates Commission, whose report you have not read.
Squak all you want about not being legal or honest to buy in Oregon. If it as enforced as a pooper scooper law, no one is going to pay!
In the interest of promoting partisan harmony, I am willing to substitute an income tax surcharge on the top 1% of households in lieu of the gas tax increase, so road improvements are paid for exclusively by the rich. I don’t think it’s fair to the rich, but I’ll go along to get along, if that’s what you want.
What’s your solution to intolerable traffic congestion and crumbling infrastructure, zip? Move to Oregon so we don’t have to pay sales tax?
By the way, last time I was in Oregon, gas cost at least 10 cents more there, because of an Oregon law that prohibits self-serve and requires an attendant to pump your gas. The cost of hiring the attendant is passed on to you in the pump price. Gregoire’s gas tax increase is 9.5 cents. I’ll be happy to pocket the 1/2 cent difference, thank you very much, but you can move to Oregon if you want to. Thank God we live in America where nobody is forced to pay Gregoire’s gas tax because everybody can live in any state they want to.
Hint: If you don’t like it here, get the hell out, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass as you’re leaving.
Enforcement would seem to be the solution to your complaint.
Hint: If you don’t like it here, get the hell out, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass as you’re leaving. -Comment by Priscilla— 6/5/05 @ 12:05 pm
Well the problem, Kitten, is that folks are doing JUST that… can anyone say BOEING?
“ Washington has one of the most difficult business climates in the nation. Each year 22% of businesses in the state fail. “
My God, 22%! If that statistic doesn’t scare you half to death about the future of this pitiable state, I don’t know what will.
Do you not understand that when a company like Boeing takes it’s ‘discretionary money spending executives’ elsewhere, that the small businesses that catered to them also go…and take their families with them?
Do you simply NOT UNDERSTAND we must have a thriving small business community to survive?
Do you not see we must have a family friendly community to survive?
Have you not paid one whit of attention to what’s happening in business/family/children unfriendly places like San Francisco?
My Dear Priscilla, if abolishing the sales tax and adopting an income tax is the answer to all our problems, how come only 11 states manage to operate without BOTH an income tax and a sales tax?
Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming all operate without an income tax. While Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon operate without sales tax. 39 states have both, and that’s what I’m afraid of.
No body of lawmakers in this state is ever going to walk away from the sales tax entirely. Nobody comes out ahead if the sales tax is reduced but not eliminated and an income tax is assessed.
Neither Washington or Oregon has a system that would ever have the word ideal associated with it. But the alternative is absolutely frightening. We could be in California – my own personal idea of tax hell. On top of 7.25% sales tax, they pay 9.3% state income tax!
Thank you for making my point! The state makes no effort to collect the tax as I pointed out yesterday.
“ In 2002 Governor Locke commissioned the Washington Tax Structure Study Committee, chaired by Bill Gates Sr., to again study the state’s tax system. Again it was found wanting. Despite continuing tweaking over the years, the state tax system remains “flawed” and “among the worst in the nation” (Gates Report). “
“ Echoing the decades-old criticism, Gates said, “the current structure is extremely regressive, with low- and middle-income households paying a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than upper-income households.” “
“ While conventional wisdom views state income tax plans as acts of political suicide, “
God is Great!
God is Keen!
With a smile His on face
He gave them Dean!
Comment by Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs— 6/4/05 @ 5:30 pm
And the lib cannibalism continues:
“ “The chairman of the DNC is not the spokesman for the party,” Edwards said. “He’s a voice. I don’t agree with it.” “
Eugenics @ 162
Oops. . . you forgot the context part of that article:
BFD. Edwards disagrees with one exaggerated statement by Dean.
To All of You Concerned about a little urine getting on a Koran
Feel free to view first hand the horrific and animalistic beheading of innocent, non-military people by Zarkawi. The link to several of these video killings are available on the following website. I’ll warn you though, you may feel that your soul is a little darker once you see this evil first hand.
Then scroll down to the know your enemy section.
I am outraged over the Muslim beheadings and shooting executions of innocent people!
Hardly any of which would have happened if not for the poor judgement of one George W. Bush!
Actually I filled up at $2.08 a gallon after picking up the fence friday…AND THEY PUMPED IT AND CLEANED THE WINDSHIELD!
Buy my property at the overiflated value that Pierce County placed on it and Ill leave!
Hey DJ: Dumbutt, I called Suits show on Friday night. I thanked him for his service. Quote “KCEC still claims they have no idea what happened to it”. So you saying it got lost in the US Mail? Highly unlikely since the postmaster generals said they took special precautions to ensure all ballots arrived, but in you small intellectual prison you can think that. I hear it now where is the postmaster generals link. Komo 4, King 5, Kiro 7 all reported on it. I haven’t heard any news stories of found ballots in post offices per your whacked out theory! While I watch Fox, did you miss it? You were probably listening to the psychobable on Scare America with Al Franken[stein].. I am so glad Howard Dean speaks for you. It proves our points from the right every time he makes another “powerful speech” from his mind…oops… ass! Keep speaking Howard, we want the democrap giving to the party coffers totally dry up. Please just keep talking Howard!!!!
How can something be opinion when he stated her actions on the show? You should listen before jumping over your piss puddle which occurs each time you write something else as dumb. Are you and headlice lucy brother and sister, with donnageddon jo mama?
BF: I sent this wacky leftist crew to over a week ago to view those “wonderful” beheadings. Apparently they didn’t watch them.
Priscilla: Glad you are outraged, becuz your pardners here are not too upset. I read that link from April, not too much outrage there either. Also Priscilla, check out Lexus/Nexus search on Rather, Brokaw and Jennings newscasts on the beheadings. Nary a peep, nary a peep. Can can perform Google – Lexus/Nexus searches right? You know Priscilla, I already proved Russia, France, Italy, Eqypt, Jordan, Britian, and Germany said Saddam had WMDs. I gave the links but you must have joined in after the fact. Go read Tommy Franks book for starters. Then search Vladimir Putin in February?march 2005 and he said it again. But you have a pea sized brain, with small memory capacity so I forgive you for not comprehending the data.
California is even worse. If you own a timeshare in Canada and you sell and reside in California, you pay 25% VAT in Canada which you can take off the US tax, but you also pay 10% CA. state tax. What a state.
On another thread Priscilla proved her masterful intelligence of the Civil Rights Era. Please catch her in action below:
# 113
Reply to 79
“In the sixties when democrats in the deep south were methodically manipulating the voting process to disenfranchise Blacks and contol election outcomes”
Gee I wonder which party all those southern racist Yellow Dog Democrats belong to now? They all turned into Republicans. And guess what? Now we have Republicans in the deep south methodically manipulating the voting process to disenfranchise Blacks and control election outcomes.
Comment by Priscilla— 6/3/05 @ 10:30 pm
# 114
You fucking Republicans can HAVE those fucking southern racists. We Democrats don’t want them.
Comment by Priscilla— 6/3/05 @ 10:31 pm
Prissy: You just went to the darker side of the dark side. U’s be talkin bout sumtin u’s not ciphering right! Most of them stayed in your dark side of the congressional aisle. Yes a few moved over but most stayed. I thought it the wascally Republicans who helped passed the 1964 CRA and the 1965 VRA? You know, the one where blacks were guaranteed civil rights and voting rights? Where were the dems on that one?
In fact in the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes. Damn Prissy you be wrong agin! and
Most of the Dixiecrats did not become Republicans. They created the Dixiecrats and then, when the civil rights movement succeeded, they returned to the Democratic fold. It was not till much later, with a new, younger breed of Southerner and the thousands of Northerners moving into the South, that Republicans began to make gains.
In fact, very few party switches came about right after the Civil Rights Act was passed. Some exceptions who did switch were Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms. Do I agree with them? Absolutely not so don’t go there. But Strom did apologize and did acknowledge his black daughter before he died. How did Jesse Jackson acknowledge his bastard daughter? Hide her, then lie. While he was telling everyone “Stay out of the Bushes!” Damn Jesse live your own words.
First read what a black Seattle minister wrote to Terry McAuliffe of the DNC (where was that in the Seattle Slimes or Seattle Post-Indigestioner?)
Lets see about those minority loving democraps:
George Wallace – Not for it
William Fulbright of Arkansas – Not for it – Bill Clinton’s mentor
Al Gore Sr. of Tennessee – Not for it – Al Gore’s daddy
Richard Russell of Georgia was the leader of the anti-civil rights forces in the U.S. Senate – Not for it
Howard Smith of Virginia – Not for it
Robert KKK Bird of West Virginia who led a 74 day filibuster against it – Not for it
+ a whole host of other southern democrapic senators not for it.
Go to and read Prissy. It’s a great read on your great leader Al Franken{stein}.
Here is the congresslink take on JFK, your hero:
As a presidential campaigner in 1960, Kennedy largely avoided the civil rights issue for basically political reasons. Although he endorsed some kind of federal action, he could not afford to antagonize southern Democrats whose support he desperately needed to defeat Republican candidate Richard M. Nixon. In outlining the most important issues for the campaign early in 1960, Kennedy ignored civil rights rather than jeopardize his political support. Read it Prissy you just may get edumicated.
But LBJ did along with RFK. Congrats to them.
Read what the British think about JFK and Civil Rights Support. :”When the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act came up for a vote in the House of Representatives on Feb. 10, 1964, 420 House members voted on the measure, including 248 Democrats and 172 Republicans.
Among House Democrats, 61% voted in favor of the bill, while 80% of House Republicans voted to adopt the bill.
“Of the 420 (House) members who voted (on H.R 7152), 290 supported the civil rights bill and 130 opposed it. Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34; Democrats supported it 152-96. It is interesting to note that Democrats from northern states voted overwhelmingly for the bill, 141 to 4, while Democrats from southern states voted overwhelmingly against the bill, 92 to 11.”
Even your beloved labor union AFL-CIO was against the CRA:
A MAJOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS STRUGGLES OF THE 1960S was the emergence of a broad national coalition that sponsored the March on Washington of 1963, winning the support of many organizations and reflecting the high point of a brief consensus that was responsible for passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including Title VII, the law prohibiting employment discrimination. Notable for its absence from the list of participants, or even sponsors and supporters of the march was the AFL-CIO. This was no accident or oversight. The executive council of the AFL-CIO, after extensive discussion and debate, refused to give its endorsement or even to recommend that affiliated unions give their support. The best they could do was to leave it to “individual union determination.”
Wascally Republicans who voted for is so it could pass:
Everett Dirksen of Illinois
Carl Curtis and Roman Hruska of Nebraska
Karl Mundt of South Dakota
Jack Miller of Iowa
Charles Halleck of Indiana
William McCulloch of Ohio
Robert Griffin of Michigan
Robert Taft Jr. of Ohio
Clarence Brown of Ohio
Thomas Kuchel of California
Kenneth Keating of New York
Clark MacGregor of Minnesota
Prissy cut the crap and move on back to moveon.oink. You just do know the truth. You go girl. I like you. You are as funny as donnageddon adn her sons jethro and dj and her daughter headlice lucy!
Anybody see Oil Storm on FX Sunday Night. I saw a good portion of it. It was interesting, even though FX only said it was for entertainment value(War of the Worlds Disclaimer, I bet).
PuddyButt @ 168
“So you saying it got lost in the US Mail?”
No. I said that that was one possibility, you moron.
“Highly unlikely since the postmaster generals said they took special precautions to ensure all ballots arrived, but in you small intellectual prison you can think that.”
You really are the biggest fucking idiot to ever post on this blog, PuddyButt. Do you really think that there was zero chance of the post office losing a ballot?
“I hear it now where is the postmaster generals link. Komo 4, King 5, Kiro 7 all reported on it. I haven’t heard any news stories of found ballots in post offices per your whacked out theory! While I watch Fox, did you miss it? You were probably listening to the psychobable on Scare America with Al Franken[stein].”
What in the hell are you babbling about? FYI: I don’t watch any TV at all (TVW via streaming media is the only exception), and have listened to Air America less then one hour in my life (I’ve listened to KVI more than that). But, what is the substance of your point here? Were you trying to make a point?
“I am so glad Howard Dean speaks for you. It proves our points from the right every time he makes another “powerful speech” from his mind…oops… ass! Keep speaking Howard, we want the democrap giving to the party coffers totally dry up. Please just keep talking Howard!!!!”
Where in the hell are you going with this??? Can you post anything clear and intelligent at all? BTW: I have made it very clear on this blog that I am not now, and never have been, a Democrat, so your Dean babble is completely wasted on me.
“How can something be opinion when he stated her actions on the show?”
WHAT?????? Please Puddy, I don’t want to be forced into believing by your own words that you are this fucking stooooooopiiiiiid!!!!!! Have you any fucking idea at all about the difference between a fact and an opinion??? Holy fucking shit, I cannot believe I am reading this!
George Wallace…biggest crime? Supporting his campaign promises until arrest. Name one man, right or wrong that stood that firm on his promis….
DJ –> Disembling Jerk. Try again. What is opinion? Look it up What is fact, look it up in webopedia. Do you need Brian to have his wife call in on the show and say she mailed it? She mailing it is not fact just her opinion? Wow man you do have issues! :P Listen to his show tonight and I will call in and ask him to have his wife call in and tell everyone she mailed it. You are so inane at trying, that’s it, trying to make a point that you miss the point. ;) I do call in every so often to speak to the great man, who almost died in Iraq. Did you hear what happened? No probably not.
Who said that his ballot could not be lost? Do you understand the words highly unlikely? No, of ocurse not, both words are over four letters long! No, of course not, it destroys your pathetically weak argument. It could have been misplaced, but you seem to look for the most minute infinitesimal possibility to prove your minute infinistesimal point when others on your side have looked into those possibilities and nothing has been reported on those issues. You just love to bring up minutia and YOU state them as fact.
You not a democrap, well excuse me. Since you like to take their side on almost every issue identified by Goldy, is your name Dumb Jeffords, relative of Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords, Independent leaning democrap? If it walks like a duck and quacks (oops… writes) like one & you think just like one! When have you took our side on an issue here? Since you claim you can see the points made, the words seem to whistle through your eyes and out your ears, accelerating as they enter your cranial orifice. Do I hear vacuum? Maybe you are stoopid and donnageddon should have named you jethro, ooops… wait a minute dj –> doppel jethro, her younger son! Jethro fixation. Dean babble wasted on you too? Well another Goldy poster who sees the real worth of Howard Dean. I congratulate you on that small truth in your post.
Doppel Jethro: I emailed Lt. Brian Suits to have his wife call the show so she can tell you that it’s a fact, she mailed the ballot.
You win.
Hi there :-)… It looks like you have changed some things since I was here last!