The other day, a helicopter was circling over my neighborhood. It was during the day, and not particularly close to any protest that I was aware of. The urban core has more helicopters since the George Floyd murder.
Anyway, a crow that lives in one of the trees near my apartment and that crow was not having it. It stayed cawing at the helicopter for like an hour. Wir wir wir. Caw caw caw. Going to protest kind of feels like being that crow. It may or may not be making a difference, but it would be worse to say nothing.
This isn’t a great metaphor, but it would be great if you wash your hands right now.
DJIA up 400+ today.
This whole Wuhan thing has been a massive wealth transfer, from the likes of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and YLB’s kids, to people who were smart enough to hold cash.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will never, ever be a millionaire.
Fewer than three months ago:
Stock market news live: Dow closes at 3-year low below 20K, wiping out nearly all of Trump era’s gains
Of course, the key outlook issue now is gauging the amplitude and rapidity of the 2020 recovery.
My prediction is that Steve is 2020’s biggest loser. Again.
So what?
108,000 Americans are dead
41,500,000 Americans are on unemployment.
And it’s all your fucking fault.
People are leaving New York City to avoid the violence and hate of the peaceful protests. Those bastards! How dare they leave before we can seize all of their wealth and slit their throats?
@ 4
You should leave too. I’m going to slit your throat. For FREEDUMB!
High wealth individuals bailed out of Manhattan months ago to avoid the “lifestyle restrictions” from the TrumPlague.
This is your NBA on Wuhan.
At this point, nobody gives a shit. Kobe Bryant jerseys back in stock.
Because the chemical riot control agents deployed into Lafayette Park by National Parks Police on Monday evening did not originate in the “Tear Gas” region of France, nor do they bear the designated label of the “Tear Gas” appellation d’origine contrôlée (AOC) it was wrong to refer to them as “Tear Gas”. And if at any time I did so, I am profoundly sorry.
I am now informed that the correct descriptive term for chemical riot control agents originating from outside the “Tear Gas” AOC is Sparkling Fascism.
In Jamestown they actually used ‘FlavorAde’ ……
Good luck with that. Heckuva job Donnie
Another way to write that headline is:
NYPD Sources are Lying their Asses off!
NY Post
Why are pallets of hand-sized bricks showing up at these riots, just setting there, waiting for the “demonstrators” to pick them up and toss them through the plate glass windows of the shops and stores?
Jamestown, colony
Jonestown, doomed cult.
Effin’ Siri!
Why are pallets of hand-sized bricks showing up
Perhaps I can help:
Car loaded with suburban white kids like you driving into Atlanta to hand out bricks to black men in hopes of getting them killed.
Are you paying attention yet?
This meets the standard for attempted murder:
“It was an INSPECTION! of the bunker. the thing I hate most are dead light bulbs. They said it would be a good time to go down and take a look because maybe sometime you’re going to need it, I have it here in my hand written calendar I’ve been keeping since I was a teen. I have them imported special from my Dad’s home country of Ireland. He taught me to keep one. See, bunker, vanity mirror two bulbs. Bedroom, replace clicking light switch for dimmer. Sink, bathroom, dripping. It’s all right here in my notes.”
@14 & 15
“Bricks are Magic: Police Sources”
Executive time
Executive time.
April: FIRE ALL THE IGs!!!!
Executive time.
Executive time.
Executive time.
Right after that they were filmed unplugging a subway toilet, and returning stray shopping carts.
To the kneejerk liberals watching and DEFENDING their city be destroyed while attempting to refute the post 362 at Open Thread June 1, the point is that you never even heard of Tony Timpa.
There was no “peaceful protesting’ for Tony Timpa.
There was no rioting in the name of Tony Timpa.
There was no violence in the name of Tony Timpa.
There was no looting in the name of Tony Timpa.
There was no destruction in the name of Tony Timpa.
There were no weak-kneed jellyfish mayors allowing rampant destruction while shedding onion tears over the destruction in her city instead of real tears for the death of Tony Timpa.
Have the f*ing courage to look in the mirror and admit the DIFFERENCE between Tony Timpa and George Lloyd.
Have the f*ing courage to look in the mirror and admit the DIFFERENCE between the reaction to the death Tony Timpa and George Lloyd, admit who the hell perpetrated the vile reaction it and who the failing politicians that enable it are.
You wanted the socialist utopia of Seattle, Portland, of NY, NJ, L.A., Denver, Chicago, Philly, Cleveland, Missouri, Michigan. . .
Congratulations. You wishes have come to fruition. Take a look at what’s left of those cities, YOUR CITY, while you prepare for, nay celebrate, more destruction.
Who oversees the police in those cities? Who is in charge of those cities and states?
Democrats. Democrat Mayors and Democrat Governors. Weak-kneed please like me appeasers.
And now, Kshama Sawant wants to forbid Seattle police from the use of the “mourning band” that goes goes across the middle of the badge as a sign of respect for a fallen officer, a tradition that has been in use for over a hundred years.
And you wonder why Seattle can’t retain (2019: ‘critical’ shortage) or recruit officers? Their city hates them.
They should all quit. Let the city fend for itself. See if onion tears and solidarity kneeling bring order to a fallen city.
A city of plywood store fronts is, indeed, a fallen city.
A city of lawless mayhem is, indeed, a fallen city.
A city where people fear living, where people fear shopping, where people fear visiting, where people fear having a business that will be destroyed is, indeed, a fallen city.
It will be interesting to review and compare tourist statistics, revenue statistics, new business statistics after/IF this mayhem ends. I suspect it will be as ugly as it deserves to be, but never should be.
George Flynn
Dori-bot @ 21 Like Dori – you don’t live in Seattle.. We’re going to be fine.
You otoh are a bit disturbed. You’re in an “orange” panic..
What’s happened isn’t nothing new. Read history. This country’s history even. See the MLK riots in the 60’s..
Oh and gfy.
Imagine arguing “You shouldn’t be angry about police murdering one person because they also murdered another one.”
Not what I would do.
Stingers! We need to equip crows with stinger missiles so they can defend themselves from aerial assaults. Like we did with the mujahadeen. If Stingers are good enough for Muslim holy warriors, they’re good enough for crows!
The ACLU went to war today against cops waging war against reporters.
“‘We are facing a full-scale assault on the First Amendment freedom of the press,’ Brian Hauss, staff attorney with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, said in a statement. ‘We will not let these official abuses go unanswered. This is the first of many lawsuits the ACLU intends to file across the country. Law enforcement officers who target journalists will be held accountable.’
Reporters have been arrested by police from Florida to Nevada; pelted by police rubber bullets fired by police from Washington, D.C. to California; and attacked by protesters from Arizona to Pennsylvania. In one of the highest-profile examples, a CNN crew was briefly taken into custody on Friday by Minnesota State Police on live TV. The state’s governor apologized for the wrongful arrest.”
It’s pretty obvious that it’s intentional and systematic:
“The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker said on Tuesday it has counted 211 ‘press freedom violations’ since the start of the George Floyd protests last week …. The group’s records show ’33 arrests, 143 assaults (118 by police, 25 by others), 35 equipment/newsroom damage’ as of Tuesday night.”
But lawsuits aren’t enough. Every one of those cops needs to be ID’d, fired, and prosecuted. Zero tolerance for rogue police behavior from now on. That’s the protesters’ message to thugs in blue.
Of course, they should — and apparently intend to — sue and file criminal complaints against rioters and provocateurs who assault journalists or damage their equipment, too.
“President Donald Trump last year attempted to register to vote in Florida while claiming that his ‘legal residence’ was in Washington, DC, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.”
Whether he knew it was illegal is immaterial. These laws are strict liability, at least in red states. He should get the same prison time that Crystal Mason did.
Imagine arguing that black people are not systematically mistreated at the hands of police in America.
I used to think this was due to ignorance. But the last five or six years of incessant persistent cell phone video clearly showing police blatantly and egregiously treating African Americans entirely differently from anyone else tells me something else.
This mindset requires an act of will. To claim in the face of so much sickening and persistent evidence that our law enforcement agencies everywhere are not thoroughly infiltrated top to bottom with virulent racists requires a purposeful act to deny, ignore, and refuse to see it.
In other words, it is racism itself.
Even excuses like “bad apples” and “poor training” require the same effort and sadly but inescapably arise from the same instinct. This right here is not the product of poor or inadequate training. The seventy other officers assisting in this attempted murder can not all be “bad apples”.
A whole lot fewer cops is the ONLY first step in fixing this.
Policing in America is in dire need of a total reset, in every agency at every rank. A massive reduction in numbers is the way to get that process started. Followed by a systematic rebuild that transforms the culture from within and places ALL of the accountability for police misconduct on THE POLICE themselves, instead of on taxpayers, the poor, and minority communities.
In other news, Fox Business is reporting gun-maker stocks are doing very well lately. It seems many people are worried about all those “peaceful protestors” out there and are preparing themselves.
Florida is tough on voting fraud, so maybe they’ll take action on this. Just a couple months ago, in early March of this year,
“Cheryl A. Hall, 63, was charged … with putting false information into 10 voter registration forms while working for Florida First, a voter registration group with ties to the pro-Trump PAC America First Policies, according to the New York Times. Election officials suspect that Hall falsified parts of 109 other forms, as well.
“‘It’s just really bizarre,’ Lake County, Florida, elections supervisor Alan Hays, said. ‘I don’t know what part of her imagination was convinced she could get away with this.’
“The 10 forms in question contained correct names, but other information — such as social security numbers, dates of birth, and party affiliation — was wrong. Hays tracked the forms back to Hall after receiving complaints from three voters that their party identification had been changed without their permission. …
“Hall is due in court on March 30 and faces up to five years in prison or a $5,000 fine for each of the 10 counts of submitting false voter registration information she has been charged with.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is a “pro-Trump” voting cheater, too, but because he only tried to register one out-of-state voter, his potential sentence is limited to 5 years, same as Crystal Mason’s.
29, 30,
“In other news….”
“It seems…”
Only thing missing is referring to itself in the 3rd person and the psycho-babble baby talk.
It now appears that when Trump’s Army violently attacked peaceful protesters so he could brandish a book he doesn’t read in front of a church he doesn’t attend on Monday, they attacked the clergy, too:
” … some of St. John’s clergy were pushed back using tear gas and flash bangs ahead of his visit …”,
and this isn’t sitting well with some of his evangelical supporters.
We already know it isn’t sitting well with the military leaders whose troops were misused in this fashion,
and I would guess that every atheist tinpot dictator in the world is laughing at us right now: “See? He’s one of us!!!”
You are, too, Dumbfuck and Piddles. Both of you, whether you know it or not, have been captured by an insidious conspiracy against God, and you’re now Satan’s willing servants.
Wisely, Puddy deleted the dup before the 10 min timer lapsed.
But not quite soon enough.
@1 Doctor Dumbfuck’s pet stock is back to where it was on Jan. 24, 2019, the Dow is up 506 points, and he thinks massive wealth is being transferred from me to him … because he’s a dumbfuck. And he still can’t cover a $500 bet.
Pudd did what dot bombed? Since Puddy knows the yellowishleakingbuttspigot tracks every PuddyPost, it can definitely tell you this is the first Puddy post in this thread! Go ahead and ask it for confirmation. I DARE YOU!
Sux to be you dot bombed.
Now onto the multiple paragraph copying senile idiot wabbit. Why even post the link if you are going to copy the whole article? Must be senility to ensure you did something right. And if you notice it’s in the WA Examiner, a conservative newsrag. When Puddy placed dummocretin voter malfeasance it was never from and dummocretin erag. Never! One thing the senile idiot wabbit forgot to consider is that we whom think right also dislike when conservative people do what dummocretins invented, stuffing the ballot box. Just look at Chicago politics of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
This is what you get when you have George Soros money in your pocket. Four cops shot and a retired black captain gunned down in cold blood while being FaceTimed on FaceBook.
You bought this dummocretins. Now you own it!
@3 Well, it is a big deal. All the capitalists whose names are household words are still alive — not one of them has died from Covid-19. They’re still extremely wealthy. The stock market has gone up almost 2,300 Dow points since George Floyd was murdered while rioting fills the streets and workers can’t get the unemployment benefits they’re entitled to by law.
It’s pretty obvious what’s going on here: Capitalism still rules, workers are still the system’s patsies, and nothing is going to fundamentally change. The only thing to do is own stock.
The fools who bailed out of stocks back in March because they thought the world was ending were wrong. Again. As a Wall Street wag once said, “The world doesn’t end all that often.”
Yours truly hung on, and bought some more stock, at distressed prices. And the delusional fool @1 thinks wealth is being transferred from me to “people who were smart enough to hold cash,” which necessarily implies the cash came from selling stock at prices substantially lower than what that same stock is worth today. And I strongly suspect the delusional fool, who often brags of flipping stock options, is one of ’em. Where else would he get cash to day-trade options?
It’s a leadpipe cinch that Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t have $500.
@6 Please don’t. We need Doctor Dumbfuck to kick around. Replacements are incredibly difficult to come by. New trolls come here, stay a few days, then flee. There are very few Republicans who have skins thicker than gold leaf, and there’s nothing in it for them in getting abused here. Only a real dumbfuck puts up with it.
Today the White House invited private, alt-Right, armed cosplay militias to take part in their efforts to seize a portion of Washington DC from its citizens.
Hundreds of very heavily armed white males in tactical armor with absolutely no identifying insignia of any kind joined the ranks of National Parks Police and sought to expand the cordon around the White House into neighboring districts.
There is some speculation that some of them may be private militia/security employees from companies like Academi run by Eric Prince, a trustifarian mercenary contractor and financial backer of Stupid Hitler.
Yeah, I know. A few weeks ago this would have sounded crazy. But there are plenty of pictures and videos of these guys. And with everything that has happened, I won’t be shocked or surprised.
Riots may excite the keyboard revolutionary, but they won’t bring racial equality. The opposite, in fact. Not only are the anarchists who burn and loot stores subjecting many of their neighbors to a dehumanizing experience, they are destroying poor and minority neighborhoods.
Big businesses might be able to afford to fix the smashed windows and ransacked supply room, but family-owned ones are going to struggle. Chain stores have insurance, but the individuals and smaller manufacturers who depend on them for their livelihoods also are threatened. The big stores themselves will be paying higher insurance rates, and some of them may decide to never come back to these poorer neighborhoods.
The riots of the 1960s may have been a protest against poor conditions in urban life, but they made urban life much worse.
That’s what happened in American cities after the riots of the 1960s. Detroit’s black middle class largely left the city, as did much of Washington’s. Minneapolis’s Jewish neighborhoods were left behind by Jewish residents (the riots there in 1967 had a distinctly anti-Jewish aspect), and Philadelphia’s white-ethnic immigrant communities got over the city limit as fast as they could — which turned out to be pretty fast. The people who were left behind were largely black and mostly poor.
Furthermore, the money to rebuild did not got to the small individual owned businesses
You are cheering for the destruction of your own community.
* * *
On another note I thought King County, the home of the Seattle riots, was still closed. . .
So, burn the city down but keep your mask on. . .
. . . and Carl thinks it would be great if you wash your hands after you throw Molotov cocktails, reach through windows you’ve smashed and beat your neighbor to a pulp. Just sayin’.
@13 Doesn’t sound like something peaceful protesters against police brutality would take with them to a demonstration, so people with pickup trucks must be staging them for use by their confederates for the purpose of discrediting those demonstrations. At least, this seems like a logical explanation for the mysterious appearance of pallets of bricks at sites of pre-planned “riots.”
I’d remind everyone that in places like the Crimean Peninsula, bus loads of military age males in BDU type clothing lacking all insignia, and colloquially referred to as “little green men” began to appear in the streets in the days and weeks before Putin invaded and seized control.
I’d remind everyone that in places like the Crimean Peninsula, bus loads of military age males in BDU type clothing lacking all insignia, and colloquially referred to as “little green men” began to appear in the streets in the days and weeks before Putin invaded and seized control.
Wasn’t Stupid Hitler on the phone with Putin day before yesterday?
Are you paying attention yet?
The riots of the 1960s may have been a protest against poor conditions in urban life, but they made urban life much worse.
Protesters are not rioters and rioters could care less what’s being protested. I believe there two sets of people and conservatives are lumping the two together for political reasons.
@17 It’s not a bunker at all. It’s a basement converted to a rec room.
What launched the decline of the black middle class in the 1960s?
“You want to know what this was really all about?
The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
Big part of it, anyway. Not much different from what’s going on today either, in terms of Stupid Hitler’s cynical reaction. Stupid Hitler needs to go after his enemies. He sees George Floyd as an opportunity. But the difference is that Stupid Hitler is not nearly the skilled politician that Nixon was. And where Nixon was surrounded by seasoned professionals with extensive relations and influence in all 50 states, Stupid Hitler is surrounded by a handful of social media clowns and grifters with a few hundred Twitter followers and a Russian bot-farm.
@21 What you’re leaving out is that there isn’t a systematic pattern of police murdering white people in this country.
What you’re leaving out is that white people aren’t afraid to leave their homes in fear of police violence against them.
What you’re leaving out is that white people don’t have to teach their children how to survive encounters with police.
What you’re leaving out is that white people’s kids aren’t killed on playgrounds by trigger-happy cops.
What you’re leaving out is that white people don’t go to sleep at night worrying if they’ll be shot in their beds by cops.
What you’re leaving out is that white people don’t have their lives threatened for the mere act of birdwatching in a public park.
Are you one of the racists who called 911 because you saw a black person out for a walk in your neighborhood and thought that person “didn’t belong” there?
Fuck you. Take your sanctimonious horseshit and shove it back up where it came from.
Didn’t stop with Nixon, either:
@29 IOW Bubba, who already owns 200 guns, now owns 201 guns.
The protests have nothing to do with this. Bubba gets paid every two weeks, except during the coronavirus emergency, he gets an unemployment check every two weeks.
Bubba buys another AR-15 every two weeks, except when he got his coronavirus emergency stimulus check, he bought two AR-15s that week.
Bubba went to the state capitol to complain he can’t pay his rent because of SHITDOWN!!! He hasn’t paid rent regularly for years. He has an address change every 6 months or so. He appears in TV news segments about squatters.
Bubba never has any money because of “libruls.” But Bubba keeps acquiring more guns. This is because Bubba is getting ready for
I love that this sock puppet wants to argue that the “riots” in the 1960s arose from some mythical vaguery he calls “poor conditions of urban life”.
Riots in Appalachia much?
Cops have been fucking with the African American community since emancipation. They have always been regarded as a community to be controlled, and to be humbled and disrupted. That has never changed.
The war on poverty was never about addressing systematic racism. Many of the war on poverty programs were and are to this day block granted to the states for local control – translated to mean “in keeping with local traditions”.
Troll, you’re as ignorant about history as you are about cities, police, and racial discrimination. Fuck off out of here.
So now we know. The Rosenstein created second scope memo was created
after admitting that there was NO evidence of Trump – Russia ever collusion in 2017. Got him under oath. Now we will see if he was lying about the wire and 25th amendment per someone else soon.
Three scope memos were created by Rosenstein giving Mueller carte blanche permission to rove around unchecked in a fishing expedition. Yes the second scope memo was the one they went after Flynn with. Charging Flynn with the Logan Act and going after Flynn’s son which right now John Effin Kerry breaks every day illegally dealing with Iran. This deep sea dive tried to not only target Trump officials, try and trap Trump himself as we learned last week, and to play defense on CNN and MSDNC to cover up the Obummer sadministration’s spying crimes. We haven’t seen the third scope memo yet. Puddy wonders why?
So it seems dot bombed@31 ran away with its tail between its legs.
Run along little dogie!
If you are gonna loot in Soho NYC do it in style in a $317,000+ Rolls Royce Cullinan. ‘
It’s NBC senile idiot wabbit so you have nuthin to complain about except your memory processes.
Hey Redreformed, dot bombed, senile idiot wabbit, BeerPong, yellowishleakingbuttspigot, WTF, Steve, Carl, Goldy, Darryl, et. al. you all caused this. Over some used teevees too.
You own this assesHorse dummocretins.
Looks like Eric Swalwell is upset people are comparing him to Adam Shifty Schiff with the missing Russia collusion evidence and the Michael Flynn transcripts proving Swalwell lied. Now he calls Richard Grenell a nazi, Josef Goebbels.
Classy really classy Swalwell. When you resort to ad hominem attacks you lost the argument!
How about that stock market! The DJIA was up 527 points today! Capitalists like me are still getting rich while the streets burn. I’d much rather be a rich rabbit than a dead one, but I’m embarrassed by my special privileges in our society. No sensible rabbit thinks this is right.
Can’t be. Some troll informed me that “riots” destroy the ‘conimee. You musta read that wrong.
Awwww.. poor gaslighter still trying to guide things its way..
drumpf polls still suck…
more cases of covid.. more people dying of covid..
kops inciting riots and property damage. million of folks unemployed..
and a troll on ha keeps playing with itself. what a life.. but then there’s the kingdom! good luck with that.
Unless it’s the market pricing in the Trump collapse and defeat.
Gotta love Crooked Hillary. The dark white house picture she used was from 2015.
Yeah in those dummocretin controlled areas. Whodathunkdat?
@57 ” … really classy … When you resort to ad hominem attacks … ”
@62 Yeah, conservative trolls never do things like that …
@63 ” … in those dummocretin controlled areas” like Alabama.
That’s three comments in a row off the laugh meter scale. Puddy isn’t just stoopid, he’s insane.
Yeah in those islands of sanity controlled areas. Whodathunkdat?
Nope stupid.. Red states too.. And battleground states where drumpf barely won..
Florida 1317 new cases 36 deaths BEACH WEEK!
N. Carolina 1199 cases 38 deaths
Arizona 973 cases 40 deaths
Georgia 687 cases 21 deaths
librul WA State is way down that list…
How could this be happening in these klownservatic states? Nice try freak.
@55 What we have here is progressives in Rolls Royces looting stores for TVs they can’t afford on their unemployment checks. There couldn’t be any other explanation.
Damn! I need a bigger laugh meter.
White kids’ lives are being ruined by racism, too. Really, they are.
“Two incoming students at Missouri public universities have withdrawn from their schools after a video they were involved in appeared to mock the death of George Floyd. And … the private Marquette University in Wisconsin rescinded an admission offer to a student over social media comments that compared a police officer’s kneeling on Floyd to athletes kneeling during the National Anthem.”
But when white kids riot, don’t you dare call them “thugs.”
“When white students at the Keene State College Pumpkin Festival threw rocks, glass, bottles, and even skateboards at police, set multiple fires, and forced police to respond with riot gear, rubber bullets, and tear gas, they were never declared ‘thugs.’ When white people riot because their baseball team won, no one throws around the word ‘thugs.’ But when black people respond to physical violence with protests against inanimate objects, that word is all you hear.”
This blatant hypocrisy is the creative spark behind White Riots, a new short film from Brave New Films. Starting with the absurd reporting from ABC News the day after the Baltimore uprising began, White Riots explores the biased language so often employed by media to describe black Americans exercising their first amendment rights. And contrasts it with the kiddie-gloves treatment of everything from violent students to biker gang shootouts.
Detroit’s black middle class largely left the city
Ooooh yours truly loves this… This contradicts the babblin’ butthole’s long time narrative of blacks stayin’ on the reservation..
But those of us guided by reality know the truth.. The majority of blacks live in the ‘burbs.. Like the babblin’ butthole does:
Set your partner in slime straight to your discredited narrative babblin’ butthole..
Another racist monument is taken down. Good riddance. Let’s get rid of them all, and fuck the Trumpers’ twisted notions of “heritage.”
The SecDef probably will hear “You’re fired!” from the squealing potentate before the week is out.
Some people say they voted for Trump because he’s a “businessman.” Trump is a “businessman” in the mold of Meyer Lansky. It takes a special kind of stupidity to think of gangsters as civic leaders.
“What is this, a banana republic?” Pelosi added.
Yes, it is, because that’s what Republican governance is now. And that’s not just Trump, it’s every Republican you know.
” … call to action … Boogaloo movement … anti-government extremists … ‘alert’ … run-in with the Minneapolis police … ‘He caught mace to the face and put out a national notice to our network’ … mobilized … grabbed their assault rifles … hopped in their vehicles [and] made the 18-hour trek to Minneapolis … ‘boogaloo’ rallying cry [for] civil war … ”
Keep saying all you want the violence is coming from protesters, fools. Sorry, but I don’t believe you.
MAGA Teen?
At least he’ll have the coolest car at Community College.
The funny thing is, these violent rightwing revolutionaries are against the police, too. They describe themselves as “anarchists,” so we’re afflicted with anarchists of both right and left, but the rightwing anarchists are more violent and dangerous. Lock them all up.
Sec Def has agreed to modify the timing of the redeploy in order to give the White House more time to spin the optics and to avoid having Stupid Hitler find out on Hannity that he can’t roll tanks on Pennsylvania Ave.
Oh senile idiot wabbit you farted…
Just wanted to warn you did you deep dive? Remember BeerPong doesn’t go Georgia because the zip file showed the case increase in all those DUMMOCRETIN controlled cities and counties around the big cities. Do you want to check first before your mental state is put on display for the 372,456,126,982,273,346,789th time? Remember BeerPong was measured in train wrecks and the number fell off the table.
So did you read the article and look at the locations? Puddy knows the yellowishleakingbuttspigot just throws up numbers especially that large one from the dummocretin governed state of North Carolina!
This afternoon staff will meet in the Roosevelt Room to draw straws for who has to tell Stupid Hitler no tanks, and only two more days of playing Army Men.
It’s been rigged in advance that My Hopey gets the short straw.
Oh senile idiot wabbit@75, did the CNN article say they were looting? Where was that “copied” paragraph?
Babbling butthole. Really original buttspigot. You can’t even come up with something catchy or flashy to attack Puddy! Does the yellowishleakingbuttspigot even understand what it posted. Staying on the reservation has nothing to do with a “location” This is why he was never on Seattle Jew’s radar as a fellow commenter. He is really stoooooooooopid. It has to do with the voting dummocretin mindset yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
yellowishleakingbuttspigot is really stooooooooooooopid! You really showed everyone the yellowish buttspigot leakage this time!
lmao @ 82
You do remember you REJECTED THE FACT that most blacks live in the ‘burbs?
Flag of Treason
The Pussy’s flag.
Puddy’s flag.
Frank Rizzo, that racist dummocretin mayor of Philadelphia, senile idiot wabbit. After he left office he realized his mistaken racism and became a Republican!
Frank Rizzo, that racist dummocretin mayor of Philadelphia, senile idiot wabbit. After he left office he realized his mistaken racism and became a Republican!
Oh good double post. Twice because the senile idiot wabbit needs to read it twice to sink in!
just throws up numbers especially that large one from the democratic governed state of North Carolina!
Oh really babblin’ butthole?
Dem gov in NC has as much latitude as the Dem gov in Wisconsin.. Not much because of gerrymandering..
butt finally something is being done?
maybe… You’re such a shameless liar!
Twice because when SATAN has control the fingers shake.
Sec Def scheduled to testify under oath before House Armed Svcs next week.
So must have troops redeployed by Friday.
Trump better call Putin.
Babblin’ butthole farts that things are so Dem in NC:
This is why he was never on Seattle Jew’s radar as a fellow commenter.
I can easily, easily refute that…
At the proper time..
Oh yellowishleakingbuttspigot, where are the highest number of covid cases in North Carolina?
Now watch!
Refute it now. Seattle Jew said it at a Drunken Libtards in front of others with Puddy there! I saw what he was eating and joined him with the same food!
Even “Mad Dog” Mattis has joined the 25th amendment pile-on.
Calls Stupid Hitler “the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people” and goes on to compare Trump’s governing ethos to that of “Nazis”.
Godwin. Huh?
Nope tail between it’s legs! Grilled fish sandwich with fries. Don’t you remember?
Someone else the House Armed Svcs Cmmt might be calling to testify?
Carrying receipts.
Hey yellowishleakingbuttspigot what happened to Detroit? You were making that stooooooooooooooopid argument about middle class blacks! Where is your proof they vote Republican in Michigan. Do they still live in Wayne County yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Refute it now.
Heh. A little preview.. SJ often chimed in as “God”…
One day SJ played God on Friday..
‘member that?
You were making that stooooooooooooooopid argument about middle class blacks!
Nope not me.. Talk to your partner in slime @40 like I told you before..
Call that freak stupid.
And try to keep up dummy.
Filed under too little too late:
Hennepin County ME now amends its autopsy report for George Floyd, labeling the death a “homicide”.
Puddy has to get ready for a graduation ceremony so here are the FACTS:
In North Carolina covid country brought up by the yellowishleakingbuttspigot,
Mecklenburg county NC, home of Charlotte, NC – highest number of cases.
Wake county NC, home of Raleigh, NC – second highest number of cases
Durham county NC, home of Durham, NC – third highest number of cases
Does Puddy need to march down the map? What is in each of those places yellowishleakingbuttspigot? A large university!
And finally yellowishleakingbuttspigot, where are the lockdowns in North Carolina? You guessed it folks!
So senile idiot wabbit, Puddy asked did you actually check where the covid cases are in Alabama? Puddy will demonstrate the same level of senile stooooooooooooooopidty to your argument later! Butt due to your senility I wanted to give you a chance to retract or investigate.
Oh yellowishleakingbuttspigot, you didn’t post #70?
Really? Are you now going senile?
Gotta go celebrate their achievements!
I’m not the only one?
A large university!
So the freak is saying young people are dying from covid in nc? Or is it saying it’s older students crowding up in those classrooms?
My youngest is finishing up his degree online..
Your stupid blather doesn’t comport with the facts..
I’m afraid it’s going to get even worse tonight.
People all over, people like former JCS chairs and Sec Defs, Presidents and Vice Presidents, Senators and Reps, Governors and Mayors are appalled and disgusted by what this imbecile in the White House is doing to inflame and incite people.
But inflame and incite he has. I am expecting to be reading about tens of thousands turning up tonight, in DC, in Seattle, in LA, in Mpls, and in Louisville. These city mayors in many of these places are not in control. Their police chiefs are not in control. It’s unfortunately down to rank-and-file LE officers and in too many cases, pimply, pudgy, frightened Guard soldiers totally unprepared and deliberately stirred up and prodded to test their “manly courage”.
Somewhere it’s going to go Kent State, I’m afraid. And Stupid Hitler and the 63 million treasonous shit stains who voted him in and continue to support him are to blame.
Stay home tonight.
“House Democrats want answers from the Trump administration on what happened in front of the White House on Monday, when federal law enforcement officers violently advanced on peaceful protesters, just minutes before President Donald Trump held a photo-op outside St. John’s Church.
“On Wednesday, four Democratic House leaders ― Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler (N.Y.), Natural Resources Committee Chair Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), Armed Services Committee Chair Adam Smith (Wash.) and Homeland Security Committee Chair Bennie Thompson (Miss.) ― demanded Trump administration officials provide Congress information about the incident in Lafayette Square, the park outside the White House.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Demanding answers isn’t enough. Democrats should initiate an impeachment inquiry against William Barr, and if he ordered this, he should be impeached. It doesn’t matter that the Republican cowards won’t remove him. This is about making sure he — and they — go down in history portrayed as what they are.
And babblin’ butthole?
What about Florida? Who’s the governor there?
And go see @40 like I told you @70..
Wow.. what a dummy…
Watch out for those dog whistles. All lives do matter, but all aren’t in equal jeopardy.
Lafayette Park in DC about 30 min ago:
Ten thousand maybe?
Well done, Stupid Hitler.
Well done, GOP
@85 ” … he realized [Democrats wouldn’t put up with] his mistaken racism [anymore] and became a Republican [like many racists of his era]!” Which they still are today (i.e., racists and Republicans).
@93, 96 Even fish and chips are tortured when a Republican is around.
@110 “Well done, GOP”
They should’ve removed the miserable failure and petty tyrant from office when they had the chance. It’s too late for them now.
Incredibly, 26% or 31% (depending on poll) still think the country is moving in the “right direction.”
On some level, permanent structures built a year ago at Chabad Of Sherman Oaks to make it hard for anyone to mow down the sidewalk in a car are in fact Anti-Fascist bricks.
Nice retweet @WhiteHouse
The babblin’ butthole is “celebrating” right now..
Translation: the freaking is chompin’ at the bit to put HA HEROES FIRST again..
Latest COVID figures
TexASS 1464 new cases 33 deaths REPUKE GOV
Florida 1317 cases 36 deaths REPUKE BEACH WEEK! GOV
N. Carolina 1199 cases 38 deaths REPUKE GERRYMANDERED
Arizona 973 cases 40 deaths REPUKE GOV
Georgia 687 cases 21 deaths REPUKE GOV
Wow that’s 5 of the 9 top states. How could this be happening in klownservatic dominated States?
The Lincoln Project’s latest ad, called “War Zone,” says “This is a time for choosing: America, or Trump.”
Teh Dumbfuck and Puddyidiot have chosen Trump.
This is so…sad!
109,000 Americans have died
41,500,000 Americans are on unemployment
Speaking of the unemployed…
Apparently there is no end to Doctor Dumbfuck’s ability to fuck shit up.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites, Death & Destruction Bombshell News – Demorat-China Axis Launches Another “Trump is Racist” Propaganda Campaign In Attempt To Divert Attention From Cowardly Demorat Leaders Who Allow Their Cities To Be Looted And Burned.
Trump adds fuel to fire as racial tensions reach boiling point
By Yu Ning Source: Global Times
Protests triggered by the death of George Floyd have spread to at least 140 American cities, but it seems Trump has done little to appease the anger. Instead, he used tweets to hurl insults and threats, which has fueled rage and violence escalated as a result.
Calling protesters “lowlifes and losers,” Trump clearly was attempting to demoralize protesters while catering to his white supremacist electoral base. Can you imagine Trump using the same words to refer to right-wing protesters at white supremacist demonstrations?
The riots have highlighted the racial injustice in US society. People take to the streets to vent their anger and disappointment toward the country that has tacitly allowed racial discrimination.
But, sadly under US electoral politics, the Trump administration has no interest in hearing their voices or finding a solution to the ingrained social woes.
African American voters are key to the Democratic Party, while Trump relies largely on a white, working-class base he energized in 2016. During the ongoing unrest, Trump cares more about how to embarrass and attack Democrats and woo white voters. He bashed Democrat-run cities, urging “Democrat Mayors and Governors” to “get tough” after riots broke out.
The Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes has stood by comments in which she said President Donald Trump and his supporters were racist, following criticism from her GOP counterpart.
he commented on the president stating: “If you support Donald Trump, you are a racist. Here is where it gets tricky and uncomfortable. Donald Trump is a racist, and if being a racist is not a dealbreaker for you, you are the reason Black people are being murdered for being Black.”
Great ad @ 117..
Suck on that feral pig slop @ 120
Need to be more careful with that copypasta douche.
You left the “ic” on Democratic about a half dozen times.
Weak. Sad. Runny.
Time to go inspect the bunker.
Seattle curfew has just been canceled..
Because of peaceful free speech in the streets..
See trolls? Thank you for your “concern”.
yellowishleakingbuttspigot, as Puddy wrote before, most cases are in dummocretin control areas like those three counties in NC in lockdown. Stoooooooooooooopid as evah.
You can run to the sites, take numbers off websites and when you dig down the covid are in dummocretin locations.
Keep demonstrating how really uneducated you are. Hopefully your children will show you the files for each county. Mecklenburg, Wake, and Durham all controlled by dummocretin continuing to have high cases and death still in lockdown.
FACTS, something the yellowishleakingbuttspigot doesn’t comprehend or understand!
yellowishleakingbuttspigot, as Puddy wrote before, most cases are in dummocretin control areas like those three counties in NC in lockdown. Stoooooooooooooopid as evah.
You can run to the sites, take numbers off websites and when you dig down the covid are in dummocretin locations.
Keep demonstrating how really uneducated you are. Hopefully your children will show you the files for each county. Mecklenburg, Wake, and Durham all controlled by dummocretin continuing to have high cases and death still in lockdown.
FACTS, something the yellowishleakingbuttspigot doesn’t comprehend or understand!
Puddy still has the double post skillz!
@120 Donald Trump is a racist.
@124 Good move. Curfews give the police an excuse to riot.
@125 “dummocretin control areas”
I didn’t know we have “control areas” in this country, but I’m learning fast. whup-whup-whup (helicopter blades)
most cases are in islands of sanity control areas
I’m disappointed in you butthole.. Why not say ALL cases?
Dude you’re losin’ it. You point the finger at “SOME” INSANE PLACES…
Thanks for playing.
@120 Watch the ending scene of “Saving Private Ryan” again:
While it’s just a movie, the flag and crosses are real and remind us that too high a price was paid for this country to give up its institutions and values to the likes of Trump.
Here’s a lesson for you, pork slop, whoever you are. Climb down from that highchair and “be a good man and live a good life” instead of constantly running down the decent people of this country.
Dear SPD, drop your badges and walk away. Let the savages have the city.
Oh, social distancing is clearly off the table as per the allowed, nay, celebrated, savage rioting. Jay’s “updated Covid risk assessment Dashboard” doesn’t seem to include the riots in the “planning” nor did he mention it in his rioter groveling press conference today.
Of course destroyed businesses can’t open anyway and screaming, face spitting savages are spreading Wuhan flu far more than Jays forbidden church choirs ever could. Send your masks and gloves to Jay.
Don’t forget to wash your hands. A shower might even wash off the Seattle stench
Wanna bet the lying troll fell for it:
Dear SPD, drop your six figure salaries and PERS pensions and walk away.
Don’t look now, dear. But I’m afraid the hem of your Klan robes is showing.
Well, at least you had the good taste to wait until after Memorial Day to wear the white hood.
Heh. Look at it get salty @ 132..
Lookin’ at the pictures of peaceful demonstrations, I sure see a lot of buildings in great shape..
I see conscientious citizens cleaning up the mess made by a mix of bad apples including counterprotesting kops.
Wow. Reality. Something that has always SUCKED for idiot trolls.
Their lives are worth more than their salaries. Ask the ones who HAVE walked away. Ask the ones that are not interested in Seattle’s recruitment efforts.
Nice, though that you are using their salary and benefits as a perverted bribe: we hate you but hey, here’s a salary so we can continue to hate you.
When can they expect roses from you, too?
Wow just saw another shot on tv from Capitol Hill and everyone at the Seattle U park was wearing masks.
Sux to be you @ 137 Dori-bot.
@ 116
Oh. And George Floyd.
Yawwwwn @ the rapey one @ 139
Apr 3 diagnosis asymptomatic…
Knee on the throat for 9 minutes.. Gives rapey a chubby…
Is a knee on the throat a therapeutic to you?
Now that the unserious YLB has given us data about red states and the Wuhan, perhaps YLB can turn to data about, oh, say,
blue states and #BLM property damage in the past 8 days.
Or, to make it easy on YLB, how about just some major blue-led cities and property damage.
And if YLB truly cared about black lives, we’d be seeing some data about what’s been happening in Chicago.
YLB’s problem is it’s hard to use all of those exclamation points in the Chicago data without it looking like a celebration of death.
YLB is unserious. YLB’s contributions to HA are unserious. YLB’s kids deserved better.
Wow rapey @ 141.. That’s a “serious” analysis there..
As “serious” as your new therapeutic for Covid:
a knee on the throat..
only works on unarmed black people.
YLB’s kids deserved better.
Heh. They “deserved” a “Doctor Knee” for a daddy. Amirite?
Hey rapey,
New Darryl analysis is up.. Biden still wins if the election held today.
Sux to be you.
@ 143
It’s like 2016 never happened in YLB’s double digit IQ cerebral cortex.
How many of Darryl’s 2016 calculations favored Trump at the end, YLB?
Five months is a long, long time. I’ll leave it at that.
@144 You had a “serious” rape fantasy in these threads at one time..
Shall I replay it for everyone?
Changes in Goldyland.
In Creed III the Rocky statue will be hauled off.
More dangerous to be a house framer.
A Seattle police officer is statistically more likely to beat his/her spouse and children, become addicted to alcohol or narcotics, or commit suicide than they are to be killed in the line of duty.
Police are a terrible financial investment for most cities. The more you spend, the more of your citizens they end up beating, robbing, and murdering, the more you pay out in settlements and in trial defense expenses. In a period when the rates of serious crime have been falling, Seattle taxpayers continue to payout record sums to settle claims for beatings, unlawful imprisonment, and unlawful arrest.
Did you know that the vast majority of citizen complaints and lawsuits against SPD are generated by only a small handful of officers? It’s only about 5% of officers accounting for ALL of the sustained complaints. These are the officers most likely to lose their shit on a bad day, go for their service weapon, and blow someone’s brains out for “disrespecting” them. And chances are that person with their brains blown out will be black.
Fuck you. You put a worthy profession and an entire city of taxpayers and citizens at risk in order to protect a few dozen depraved racist emotionally unstable pieces of shit. You, and the officers and commanders who close ranks to protect persistent unprofessional conduct are the reason the profession is irreparably broken. And we’ve seen that sad fact amply demonstrated for more than a week now.
For now, unfortunately, fewer police is what will make us all safer.
Do what makes you happy, YLB.
Don’t forget to include your answer to my previous question about why Mitch McConnell should be ‘fraid of the state legislative results in Virginia. You might need to replay my question, too.
YLB, it certainly would be easier for you to reach into your creepy HA Wayback Machine than to address what is happening in Chicago’s South Side, only a few miles from the future location of the Obama presidential library.
So do what makes you happy, YLB. Attack from your safe space behind your Wayback Machine.
Do it, YLB. Attack. You need it, the same way Linus needed that blanket. So brave.
@ 147
Police aren’t there to protect the cities. They’re there to protect the citizens, and a substantial majority of citizens would argue that an investment in police is essential to prevent the mayhem that would otherwise occur, too much of which we have seen in the past few days.
You, of course, have data to support the cost to citizens if there was no police force. Don’t you, QoS McHillbilly?
@149 “Police aren’t there to protect the cities. They’re there to protect the citizens …”
Whoop! whoop! What a joke. The police and their unions advance their own interests. A number of cities, including New York and Chicago, are infamous for their police corruption. One of the reasons George Floyd is dead is because Minneapolis cops have been a law unto themselves for years. In Minneapolis, there’s little or no civilian control over the police; it’s the other way around, the police push around politicians. This video tells the story.
The power of police unions must be broken for once and for all. There will never be a better time to start than right now. Oh yeah, and before I forget, the head of the Mineapolis police union is a Trumper and white supremacist associated with a Chicago motorcycle “club”.
His name is Justin Howell. And he is my little brother.
One of the other protesters threw a water bottle.
They aimed at the black one.
148 – I’ll do whatever the fuck I please thank you very much.
If you please, bust another rape fantasy, conjure some odors that you associate with almost all women and Seattle residents and do afflict victims of police violence with a disease of the moment that makes the cognitive dissonance easier for you.
It’s getting only too clear how disturbed you are, how lacking in “serious” perspective.
I’ve only seen the clips on YouTube.
The police are there to do professional law enforcement.
You, and the people like you who believe that looks like this –
– are no longer in the majority in this country.
RU Mad?
@153 Good movie but watch Westworld instead..
It’s about a place where people with money can go to “be themselves”..
i.e. as bad as they wanna be.
Me, I’m gonna watch this one:
It’s topical.
An inexpensive and therefore QoS McHillbilly-approved alternative to police enforcement:
They might even be more accurate with their gunplay.
@132 I know I’m probably whistling in the wind, but … grow up.
@137 “Ask the ones that are not interested in Seattle’s recruitment efforts.”
Why? Because they’re not allowed to beat the shit out of citizens anymore, and someone’s now watching them to make sure they don’t? If that’s their reason, no problem, because we don’t want them.
@139 Tomorrow, the police union will say he died of Covid-19 while the cop pushed his knee harder onto his jugular.
Btw, since you’re dirt-digging, I’m surprised you haven’t brought up the fact he was an ex-convict who served 5 years in Texas for home invasion armed robbery.
You could say he died of that, too. I assume you haven’t because you’re busy with things like #BLM property damage and Chicago gun violence casualties.
@144 “Five months is a long, long time. I’ll leave it at that.”
And your road goes downhill a long, long ways. I’ll leave it at that.
One of the things that will happen over the next 5 months is the cherished Republican myth that our military is solidly behind the GOP will blow up in their faces. It’s already starting. Military brass are shaking their heads, turning their backs, and walking away. By the time we get to November, only a few cop union bosses will be stupid enough to endorse Trump, and they won’t be around for long either.
@146 When you’re hauled off, you’ll be mistaken for a horse and rendered into dog food.
@151 Which is just fine with all the Bubbas of the world, who will say “he shouldn’t have been out there protesting.”
@156 Now do white militias and vigilantes.
@164 Speaking of which …
“Federal prosecutors in Las Vegas have charged three men alleged to be members of the far-right extremist ‘Boogaloo’ movement with multiple state and federal violations of conspiracy to cause destruction during protests in Las Vegas, as well as possession of Molotov cocktails. Charging documents say Stephen T. Parshall, aka ‘Kiwi,’ 35; Andrew Lynam, 23; and William L. Loomis, 40, all of Las Vegas, were arrested Saturday ….
“NBC News reported last weekend that members of the ‘Boogaloo’ movement were seen at protests in states including Minnesota and Texas, as well as in Philadelphia. …
“Nicholas Trutanich, the U.S. attorney for Nevada, said, ‘Violent instigators have hijacked peaceful protests and demonstrations across the country … exploiting the … legitimate outrage over Mr. Floyd’s death for their own radical agendas.’ …
“On May 27, Loomis and Parshall … ‘discussed causing an incident to incite chaos and possibly a riot, in response to the death of … George Floyd ….’ The plan was … to take Molotov cocktails to a Black Lives Matter protest ….
“Facebook appeared to have been an important factor for organization … all three indicted men were part of a Nevada Boogaloo Facebook group and met at ReOpen rallies, which were organized on Facebook.”
Not exactly Puddy’s “DUMMOCRETINS” or pig slop’s “Demorats.” Gonna be tough for Barr, too, to call these terrorists “lefties.”
It is common knowledge that the violent protesters were all card-carrying members of the Republican Incel Brigade.
138)Saw many mask wearers when I was waiting for the train at Capitol Hill Station the past couple nights. Good thing too, more people were waiting than last week, and the fare holiday is over.
Tomorrow Chauvin and the union will be filing paperwork for a 100% disability suffered to his left knee.
“After what’s happened it’s useless to me. I can’t kill anybody with it.”
I just heard the press secretary try to equate Jimmy Carter putting on a sweater to promote energy savings during the energy crisis is just like trump teargassing peaceful Americans for a staged photo op during the protests that he inflamed.
See both sides are the same! /s
Doesn’t America deserve a President who knows which side of a bible is up and actually worshiped in a church if he’s going to use it for a prop?
So now investigators state that the man who video recorded two White people hunting down Ahmed Aubrey had previously hot Aubrey with his truck and shouted “YOU GOT HIM!” after the shooting.
By the way, tone one thing no person would shout after shooting someone in self defense is, “Fucking Nigger!”
You can vote for them Piddles and they’ll kill you all the same.
@ 164
@156 Now do white militias and vigilantes.
You did, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. @ 165
You have evidence of a conspiracy. No actual destruction, but a conspiracy to destroy.
Now compare that to the actual carnage committed by Antifa.
The two are not the same. Might be on CNN and MSNBC, but finding three guys on one side who were trying to do bad things is no comparison with thousands on the other who actually went out and did them.
It’s like comparing an impotent, slovenly, bloviating, useless shill who muses about being a millionaire, but isn’t, with the hundreds of thousands of Americans who actually are millionaires. It’s a big difference.
Perhaps, perhaps not.
We have yet to see whether the NYT editorial division caves to the wishes of the mob, as did Evergreen.
Evergreen is an embarrassment.
Is that some writing on this here wall that some people are just noticing?
Typical though. If his words are true then she agrees Donald is destroying the Constitution and it’s her DUTY not to support. No struggle required.
Others are noticing too. I don’t remember if it was Dumbfuck or Piddles gleefully posting betting odds a few short weeks ago but…
In Vegas averages it’s now
Biden -115
Trump 105
If you don’t know how the Vig works on Casinos I can explain it
Still pales in comparison to the “actual carnage” committed by you and Stupid Hitler.
@ 173
Or maybe, just maybe, she’s looking forward to her re-election campaign in 2022 and is gaming out some scenarios.
The Constitution remains 100% intact, BTW. What’s being destroyed is the reputations of both parties as the partisanship ratchets up, Cz-252.
Too many morons on HA already. Try to stop your accerating slide into joining them.
pos rapey mcdimfuk and the babblin’ butthole are frightened little boobs:
Bray said that although he believes people associated with antifa are participating in the demonstrations, it is difficult to establish how big of a role they’re playing since there is no official roster of members and since the movement lacks the numbers to mobilize nationwide in such a dramatic, forceful way.
“The radical left is much bigger than antifa— much, much bigger — and the number of people who are participating in the property destruction are much, much bigger than the radical left,” Bray said.–politics/look-the-antifa-movement-trump-blaming-for-violence/iXk7WnjOkclbDppxj9m8pK/
It’s a pattern I’ve long noticed among HA moron trolls. It used to be anyone to the left of Dino 4-time Lossi is a marxist, communist, leftist, smelly hippy, blah, blah, blah…
Today: anyone an HA Troll wants to “whatabout” about is antifa..
Thanks for the entertainment trolls.
“I could say a number of, out of the federal system, we don’t wear badges with our name, the agents don’t wear badges and their names and stuff like that, which many civilian police agencies, not federal police agencies do, and I hadn’t, I could understand why some of these individuals suddenly wouldn’t want to talk to people about who they are. If that was the case,” Barr said.
Yeah, it’s easier to violate citizens’ civil rights when you can hide behind a gas mask, with no badge or name tag, so the ACLU lawyers can’t find you. It’s an easy enough problem to fix: Just pass legislation to the effect that if you don’t display your badge, name, and agency, you’re not a cop in the eyes of the law and you’re entitled to none of the legal immunities or protections afforded holders of the office.
Meanwhile, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that the administration will comply with Pelosi’s request. She should quit screwing around and initiate an impeachment inquiry against Barr.
@176 “The Constitution remains 100% intact, BTW.”
If by that you mean an old parchment document containing hand-inked words currently on display behind bulletproof glass in the Library of Congress, modern reprints of which your party and its leader jokingly use for toilet paper, you’re technically correct.
@169 That must’ve been Kayleigh McNitwit. Sounds like her.
(Boy, talk about someone who displays the brains of a gnat and has an elephant-sized credibility problem.)
@170 But don’t waste your time trying to get Puddy or Dumbfuck or pork slop to call it a lynching.
Conlaw “scholarship” from a mindless Trumpalo who sincerely believes that THIS is professional police conduct that does not violate a constitutionally protected right.
@171 Here we get to watch a dumbfuck make excuses for male, white, rightwing, Trump-loving terrorists with a carload of molotov cocktails who didn’t hurt anybody because they got caught.
Now do Richard Reid.
NYPD at one point claimed that wrapping their badges in black tape was “in honor” of a “fallen comrade” who turned out to be some retired cop who had killed himself in an auto-asphyxiation accident. srsly
@172 “We have yet to see whether the NYT editorial division caves to the wishes of the mob, as did Evergreen.”
The NYT editorial division caved to somebody, and that somebody — whoever it is — bears no resemblance to a reputable editor.
@ 183
Not at all. They should be made examples of, and their milk money stolen.
What I said is that you are equating one example of one side conspiring to behave badly with the hundreds of millions of dollars of damage and the many people injured, some killed, by the actual conduct of those on the opposite side.
They’re not equal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Richard Reid does not equal Mohamed Atta.
The wages of poor leadership, bad judgment, and partisan divisiveness.
When they lose, they’ll cry like babies, because they are babies.
@173 You’ve gotta wonder about both the intelligence and sincerity of anyone who’s still struggling with it at this stage.
Not being a monster by supporting a monster isn’t that hard. Doctor Dumbfuck has shown a partial way out: Claim he will abstain by voting for a third-party candidate. That’s not exactly a moral exercise of citizenship either, but because his ballot is secret, no one will ever know what he really did at the ballot box.
We can, however, draw inferences.
Here’s a good angle of the Vice News reporter passively going prone, hands out, complying, and getting sport-maced by a child-soldier for his troubles.
“A rioter with a Molotov cocktail in his hands is not fighting for civil rights any more than a Klansman with a sheet on his back and mask on his face. They are both more or less what the law declares them: lawbreakers, destroyers of constitutional rights and liberties and ultimately destroyers of a free America.” – Lyndon B. Johnson “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1966”, p.898,
“If you let a bully come in and chase you out of your front yard, he’ll be on your porch and the next day he’ll rape your wife in your own bed.” – Lyndon B. Johnson
These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. – Lyndon B. Johnson
“We need to remember that the separation of church and state must never mean the separation of religious values from the lives of public servants. . . If we who serve free men today are to differ from the tyrants of this age, we must balance the powers in our hands with God in our hearts.” – Lyndon B. Johnson
“When the family collapses, it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale, the community itself is crippled.” – Lyndon B. Johnson, “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1966”, p.639
Black children born without a father BEFORE LBJ’s “Great Society”: 7%
Black children born without a father AFTER LBJ’s “Great Society”:
2016 Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers
Only 38.7 Percent of African-American Minors Live with Both Parents
AND, ending with another of a long line of typical liberal whine: “All the historians are Harvard people. It just isn’t fair. Poor old Hoover from West Branch, Iowa, had no chance with that crowd;nor did Andrew Jackson from Tennessee. Nor does Lyndon Johnson from Stonewall, Texas. It just isn’t fair.” Lyndon B. Johnson
AND, specifically for the likes of YoungLazyB[- -fill in the blanks]:
“You ain’t learnin’ nothin’ when you’re talkin’.” Lyndon B. Johnson
Clearly, LBJ was right about something. . .
But don’t waste your time trying to get Puddy or Dumbfuck or pork slop to call it a lynching.
Oh no to them it’s payback for millionaire black ballers taking a knee during the national anthem..
envy in all directions with a lot of butthurt..
Oh I see up above in a previous some dumbasses are getting into trouble for this.
@176 “What’s being destroyed is the reputations of both parties”
Uh, no. The parties aren’t the same, their supporters aren’t the same, and their reputations aren’t the same.
Yawn @ 190
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Heh. LBJ was indeed a complex man.
There’s enormous comfort in conformity.
It’s a coward’s comfort, nevertheless. She learned from a real master:
@182 Surely the fact those cops were fired as a result of that conduct is enough proof for a dumbfuck that it IS professional conduct.
Moron @ 190
Again, Seattle is doing ok, maybe could be better. Thanks for your “concern trolling”…
Chicago, a much larger city with a much more complex legacy, has more to deal with. I’m sure they’ll find a way. Even with the occasional Republican as mayor but it better be a never drumpfer..
This shit will never stand..
now gfy..
@186 A little defensive, eh?
You’re right about one thing: Those male, white, rightwing, Trump-loving terrorists with a carload of molotov cocktails aren’t equal to a protester who gets carried away and pitches a rock at a window.
But you’re wrong about this: The law sees no difference between Richard Reid and Mohamed Atta, other than one failed where the other succeeded, and the one is in custody whereas the other is dead. They both were Al Qaeda terrorists, and they both tried to kill a planeload of innocent strangers they didn’t know.
In 2019, the Washington Post (which, judging by the tone of their coverage, doesn’t bother checking their own Pulitzer Prize winning database on the subject) shows 41 unarmed people were killed by police across the country. That’s like a holiday weekend in Chicago, but hardly an epidemic.
Since Democrats live off the race game, of those 41 unarmed people killed by police, 9 were black and 19 were white. Does that seem systemic to you?
She agrees with Mattis. That’s what she said.
@190 LBJ was nobody’s idea of moral leadership. However, there is some doubt about whether he actually said,
“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”
although it’s been noted that such a remark wasn’t out of character for him. See
“The verbiage, some of the threats, the hostility, blocking the road — we just cannot have that.”
Johnson said police were not “going to roll the dice” to see if the protest turned out to be violent.
“We’re not going to let this city go through what other cities go through,” Johnson said, justifying using a “chemical agent” on peaceful protesters.
Kinda puts the lie to The Pussy insisting that “EVERYTHING IS ANTIFA”. At one point Huntsville PD justifies going tactical because of “the things the protesters were saying”. I shit you not.
of those 41 unarmed people killed by police, 9 were black and 19 were white. Does that seem systemic to you?
in 2019.. Nice cherry picking troll. Forget all the atrocities committed up to Floyd some of which I mentioned in a previous thread
forget about all the police abuse and racism building up to Rodney King..
forget about all the racism, discrimination in employment and housing and police abuse committed up to Watts and 1968..
Uh we can talk about all kinds of racist atrocities committed in Republican places if you like.
Damn you’re a vacuous fool
There’s a fucking hyperlink widget right there in the comment box you fucking twit.
If you personally have something to say in your very own big-boy words that scrolls to four pages I’m totes cool with that. But if you must rely on the words of others running to more that a page post a fucking link.
@193 In that instance, he was just making an observation about the class of whites who are today’s rank-and-file Republicans.
@198 “Since Democrats live off the race game … ”
But there would be no “race game” to live off if there was no racism, would there?
There would be no “race game” to live off if there were no racist Rapepublicans. We should all work on that.
@202 Even taking his argument on his own terms, using his cherry-picked numbers, police kill three times as many blacks as whites in relation to their proportion of the population.
This rioter/looter got caught.
I think he’s one of yours, doc.
Fuck him.
When you’re sued by someone you hired a hitman to kill you gotta expect they may get your property.
Lyndon Johnson has been in the ground for almost 50 years, Piddles.
Do Stonewall Jackson
Do Robert E. Lee
For post Johnson administrations
Do Nixon
“Henry(Kissinger), let’s leave the niggers to Bill, and we’ll take care of the rest of the world.”
“We’re going to [put] more of these little Negro bastards on the welfare rolls at $2,400 a family—let people like [New York Sen.] Pat Moynihan … believe in all that crap.
Do Reagan
“To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!””
“”There’s a woman in Chicago (Linda Taylor, black convicted of Welfare fraud). She has 80 names, 30 addresses, 12 Social Security cards and is collecting veterans’ benefits on four nonexistent deceased husbands. She’s got Medicaid, is getting food stamps and welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income alone is over $150,000.” (Taylor was initially believed to have taken $100k with four aliases so St. Ron was off by 50% and 100% but was convicted for $8,000 in fraud.)
Do Donald:
I really shouldn’t have to get a quote here. They are so numerous and easy to google.
” … before Arbery was shot, the three men charged in his murder engaged in an elaborate chase, hitting the 25-year-old jogger with a truck as he tried to escape them. … At one point, Arbery was heading out of the Satilla Shores neighborhood where the defendants live, but the McMichaels forced him to turn back into the neighborhood and run past Bryan …. That is when he struck Arbery …. ”
This probably won’t help their self-defense claims, either:
” … McMichael said ‘f***ing n***er’ after three blasts from McMichael’s shotgun left Arbery dead in the streets … ”
“Body camera footage also showed a Confederate flag sticker on the toolbox of McMichael’s truck …. ”
“Bryan mentioned the slur in a May 13 GBI interview …. ”
” … there were ‘numerous times’ on social media and via messaging services that McMichael used the same slur, once messaging someone that he loved his job because there ‘weren’t any N-words anywhere.'”
“In another instance sometime before the shooting, he replied in an Instagram message saying things would be better if someone had ‘blown that N-word’s head off’ … ”
“Bryan, too, had several messages on his phone that included ‘racial’ terms … ”
Hey folks,
Here’s some videos of police taking a knee with the protesters:
Enough to make knee-jerk antifa spewing, faux snooze swilling, double-standard, “concern” trolls…
@198 Troll writes…
“In 2019, the Washington Post (which, judging by the tone of their coverage, doesn’t bother checking their own Pulitzer Prize winning database on the subject) shows 41 unarmed people were killed by police across the country. That’s like a holiday weekend in Chicago, but hardly an epidemic.
Since Democrats live off the race game, of those 41 unarmed people killed by police, 9 were black and 19 were white. Does that seem systemic to you?”
Derek Hunter, Townhall, 6-4-2020, writes…
“In 2019, the Washington Post (which, judging by the tone of their coverage, doesn’t bother checking their own Pulitzer Prize winning database on the subject) shows 41 unarmed people were killed by police across the country. That’s like a holiday weekend in Chicago, but hardly an epidemic.
Since Democrats live off the race game, of those 41 unarmed people killed by police, 9 were black and 19 were white. Does that seem systemic to you?”
What a fucktard, trying to pass off those words as your own.
One of Puddy’s good friends left a message for his local police:
Helpful input on some landscaping decisions at a local city park.
Followup of #178: “Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., and Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., are working on legislation to require that federal officers in uniform responding to First Amendment assemblies have their agency and name visibly marked.”
It won’t pass, because Senate Republicans will block it, and Trump would veto it if they didn’t, but good for them — it’s a first step, and there’s a good chance it will become law when Democrats take control of the White House and both houses of Congress next year.
Former Sec. of Home Security and WH COS John Kelly
“The president did not fire (Gen Mattis). He did not ask for his resignation, The president has clearly forgotten how it actually happened or is confused.”
How’s that military vote coming now that Life-Long Republican voting Generals are denouncing an illegal order to gas American Citizens?
Maybe he’s Derek Hunter, fired from WBAL for being unable to attract sponsors, now struggling to eke out an existence freelancing for “exposure”, and collecting unemployment.
He’s the future of conservative media. Gonna need shades.
So a while back Dumbfuck was posting some kind of bit about how Donald was going to do great among black voters.
How’s that going this week?
There’s nothing like an attempted military coup to focus the attention of civilian legislators.
Way to go, Dumbfuck.
DeBlasio had to take shelter behind his wife at the Floyd memorial in Brooklyn.
Wrong time to back police sport-murder.
According to The Q Clearance Pussy, “Everything is Antifa”.
Even if nobody has been able to find any Antifa.
It’s probably worth keeping in mind here, that this is the same fucking troll who believes he can show us all a baby-cannibalism dungeon in the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement.
The FBI has “no intelligence” indicating that “antifa” was involved in violence over the weekend related to protests following the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who died after a white police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, The Nation reported.
Looks pretty legit.. Document is shown at The Nation website..
I just read that Seattle is withdrawing it’s motion to get out of the SPD consent decree on account of all the police sport-violence over the last few days.
14,000 complaints for random sport-beatings in only a few days.
Too bad, so sad. Gonna have to cut that budget again.
No more drones. No carbon fiber bike frames. Fewer promotions. Suck it up piggies. Hope it was worth it.
“In a nearly 24-hour period from Saturday night to Sunday afternoon, 41 of the 52 people cited with protest-related arrests had Minnesota driver’s licenses, according to the Hennepin County sheriff.”
Which means 11 people didn’t.
“In the nation’s capital, 86 percent of the more than 400 people arrested as of Wednesday afternoon were from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.”
Which means 14% weren’t.
Police don’t distinguish between those who have a legitimate reason to be on the streets and those who don’t, e.g., “Police assaulted a hospital employee leaving work in Brooklyn, New York, this week,” which is another reason why curfews are very problematical.
@214 They got him.
And boy, does his mugshot fit the stereotype of an unemployed southern white trash trailerpark loser.
He found Antifa
@219 I don’t think it was a coup plot per se. They’re not thinking that far ahead. This probably was no more profound than Nixon’s political progency seizing on a perceived opportunity to act on a decades-old urge dating back to the 1960s to mow down protesters. They’ve always wanted to do that ever since they were born, just for the fun of it.
@228 Does that guy have breasts? It sure looks like he needs a bra.
They’re not thinking that far ahead.
Stupid Hitler is. Team RapeHero has figured out that between the TrumPlague Body Pile and the 50 million people who lost their income he can’t win another election without a lot of direct intervention into the process.
Pentagon officers participating in this disgraceful conduct sending active duty soldiers to suppress peaceful political activity should all be relieved of command and put on trial.
“US billionaires have become $565 billion richer during the pandemic”
Now wait for some leftwing whackjob to float a conspiracy theory that the pandemic was a rightwing plot to make billionaires richer.
Waiting … waiting … waiting … Meanwhile, while you’re waiting, here’s some reading material to help you pass the time.
The first baby step …
“Virginia Sen. Mark Warner called for Attorney General William Barr’s resignation on Wednesday, saying Barr is ‘unfit for office’ after the attorney general reportedly ordered peaceful protesters to be cleared from near the White House earlier this week.”
… toward what should become a House impeachment inquiry.
When designing a Panic Room, make sure it has a wide doorway, because large numbers of people will try to pile in at the same time. That’s the nature of panic.
It begins.
“Several protesters and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging the federal use of force to disperse a peaceful protest in Washington, DC, ahead of President Donald Trump’s photo-op at a local church.”
The civil lawsuits, I mean, which of course were inevitable. If 500 plaintiffs each get $10,000, that’s $5 million; the average municipality could buy an innocent black life for that, so maybe this lawsuit will save a life.
Rand Paul doesn’t deserve to have his ribs broken because he’s a racist fuck. Whether he deserves to burn in hell will be for a higher judge to decide. In technical terms, it’s a question of what remedies apply.
As previously mentioned, the third defendant in the Arbery case rammed Arbery with his truck. The explanation of why he’s a defendant is you’re not just a bystander when you ram someone with your vehicle.
P.S., the only participant in this incident who had a legal right to shoot anyone in self-defense was Arbery. The available evidence suggests he had a right to shoot them all. They probably knew it.
Video of National Guard shooting Minneapolis residents on their porches.
“Line up! Light ’em up!”
“You changed the world George”
Heartwarming, but I don’t think it’ll change much of anything. People were fighting these same battles 60 years ago, and we’re still waiting for changes they were demanding then.
Remember, this is a country capable of electing the likes of Nixon and Trump, and is capable of re-electing Trump despite everything.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites, Death & Destruction Bombshell News – Cowardly scumbag Mayor Eric Garcetti (D-China) cuts police funding after LA riots/looting. See, (
LA Mayor Slashes LAPD Budget As [Demorat] Calls To ‘Defund Police’ Slowly Pick Up Steam
On Wednesday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced he is throwing out plans for a massive police budget hike as support for slashing police department funds grows among activists in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
110,000 Americans have died
44,000,000 Americans have filed for unemployment benefits
And it’s all Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites, Death & Destruction Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Endorses Operation “Demorats Make Women Kneel.” Biden-Einstein explained, “I like it, you can probably get your fingers in easier that way.” See, ( Reade says she was told to bring Biden his gym bag one day, and when she did, he proceeded to touch her without her permission. She explains: “I handed it to him. It was gone and then his hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And then he went down my skirt, but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers.
A viral video circulating on social media shows a young man purporting to be a Black Lives Matter member [Demorat Antifa Commie Fake] Commanding a white woman to drop to her knees and apologize for her so-called white privilege to “show solidarity for the situation.”“Excuse me. I work for Black Lives Matter. … Since I work for that company, my CEO has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege,” the video footage shows the man saying to the woman.
“So if they see that a white person is getting on their knees, that shows solidarity for the situation. And could you just please apologize for, you know, for your white privilege? Just apologize. It’s big. It’s large in this country.”
Watch her response below (disable your adblocker if the video doesn’t appear):The woman eagerly complied, either because she really believed the irrational nonsense being spewed by the man, or she was scared for her life.
The man then concluded his rant by kvetching about President Donald Trump.
“This country, we have that president, Donald Duck, that clown in office. You know he’s brought a lot of bigotry, and you’re not a part of it, right?” he said.
“No,” the woman responded.
Reconsidering a massive police budget increase is not the same thing as a budget cut.
I think it was Doctor Dumbfuck who claimed to be the author if that that wisdom.
Somebody else said this:
“If you put a knife nine inches into my back, then pull it out six inches, that’s not progress. If you pull it all the way out, that’s still not progress.” – Malcolm X
Nice eulogy from Rev Sharpton…
I never read the books or saw the movies so were the Vampires the Antifa and the Werewolves were dark immigrants? or the other way around?
Either way WA 3% has it covered.
I love that in their paranoid rantings about fear of “others” even the most “liberal” of these feeble timber half-wits think that “protest” is a crime.
We are a nation founded on protest, much of it destructive, some of it even violent. The right of all citizens to gather and protest is written into the bill of rights for a reason.
@242 You’re too stupid to know a stunt when you see one. BLM isn’t a company, doesn’t have a CEO, and “Smooth Sanchez” isn’t black. He’s a guy who makes money by posting prank videos on You Tube. If I didn’t know it was him, I’d suspect I smelled James O’Keefe.
Oh, and I found this comment under the You Tube video by some moron calling himself “Kerry Shannon”:
“Google/Youtube routinely wash the internet (book burn) anything they don’ t want you useful idiots to see. Mostly hate-crimes against whites. A new Holocaust is taking place against Whites/The Western world.”
Yeah right. If You Tube “washed” that video off the internet (aka “book burn”), how come I was able to watch it?
Oh just an Orange CO sheriff decorating his issued uniform with a Gadsden Flag (Tea Part) and 3% (racist gun nuts) patch.
@248 That fucker is going to be out of a job:
“A Los Angeles sheriff’s department has launched an investigation into claims one of their deputies wore a patch expressing support for right-wing paramilitary groups while policing a George Floyd protest. … Video of the deputy sporting the right-wing patches appeared on social media, with the patches appearing to cover his name badge on his uniform.
“‘This deputy’s decision to wear these patches, and the implication of his association with an extremist group, is unacceptable and deeply concerning to me,’ Sheriff Don Barnes said in a statement. “Any symbol can have multiple meanings and is open to interpretation, which is why wearing of non-approved symbols and patches is strictly prohibited. …
“The Three Percenters are a militia group known for their violent rhetoric. … Members of the Three Percenters also provided security for those taking part in the deadly neo-Nazi Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and were linked to an attempted bomb attack on the BancFirst building in Oklahoma City in 2017. …
” … [O]ne of the largest radical anti-government groups in the U.S., … [they] mainly recruit[s] current and former law enforcement and military personnel …. Members were … seen armed with rifles on top of rooftops during the disorder which followed the death of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.”
Monday night. Philadelphia. Men with bats. Gotta be antifa, right?
And what did the police do?
“And whereas the Philadelphia police kettled in hundreds of peaceful protesters marching along the expressway just southwest of Fishtown, and doused them in teargas even before the city’s 6pm curfew hit on Monday, they did little to rein in the group of white self-described vigilantes, witnesses said.”
These fuckers are going to be out of a job, too:
“Two Buffalo police officers were suspended without pay Thursday after a video showed authorities knocking down a 75-year-old man during a protest, Mayor Byron Brown said.”
“Some New York Police Department officers are expected to be suspended for their sometimes violent interactions with people protesting the death of George Floyd, New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said Thursday.”
“Jay Inslee with his knee on the backs of the necks of 7 million people” — Timmeh E.’s take on George Floyd’s murder
We found the Antifa:
Sadly local law for some reason declined to shoot him in the face with a Super Sock or give him a basilar skull fracture.
We may never know why.
@253 What do you expect to find in Whitefish, Montana, the Nazi capital of the USA?
But if you think that guy is nutso angry — Oh. My. God.
“President Donald Trump shared a letter on Twitter from one of his attorneys that describes the protesters outside the White House as ‘terrorists.’ Trump said the letter from John Dowd, who represented him during part of the Russia investigation, was ‘of interest to the American people.’ … Dowd claimed, without evidence, that the protesters were violent.”
Particularly since this is one of the many Rapepublicans who frequently proclaim that terrorists may all be shot “on sight”.
Fifty-four-year-old rabid Trumpalo LARPer (apparently) attacks a group of children with his “Wolverine gloves” (as one does) for demonstrating against police violence.
What I’ve been saying all along: Legal immunity for cops — created by SCOTUS, not Congress — must go.
Talking about the jobs report, Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron says, “Hopefully, George is looking down right now in saying this is a great thing happening for our country,. A great day for him, a great day for everybody.”
A great day to be needlessly dead?
@257 ” … threatening protesters while brandishing two long silver blades and two smaller knives rigged to his right hand” is the moment when a Good Samaritan could have put him out of his misery and the public out of danger (but where the fuck are those Second Amendment neighborhood watch types when you need them?).
I wonder how many Taliban we had to trade to get this guy home.
Steve, what do you think? Or maybe it was a big sweaty pallet of cash we gave Iran.
2.5 million people back to work in May.
Deathfrogg not one of them.
I think you’re a dumbfuck traitor. I thought you knew.
Dow is up 900 points….Bob is dropping trousers and blowing himself. Never mind the uptick in cases of CoronaMona.
At the height of the virus, around April 10th, there were 32,500 confirmed cases that day, 6100 of which were in NYC. Today There are /- 23,000 confirmed cases, of which 780 are in NYC. The 23,000 is more than the low of 21,000 that occurred about 7-8 days ago (Memorial Day).
BEECHWEEK is a success!
Followup on #258: This article explains the “qualified immunity” rule applied by SCOTUS, which the court may consider loosening, but even if it does, that’s not nearly enough.
The article also provides a couple of illustrations of egregious police conduct in which the victims (including a badly injured child) didn’t even get monetary compensation because SCOTUS has handed thug cops an “I can’t be sued” card.
Elijah argues there needs to be an end to police, but I don’t think that’s practical; for all the police failures and abuses, I still believe we need cops. Otherwise, who would you call when someone is robbing you, breaking into your home, or driving drunk in a school zone?
I take a more moderate view: I think there needs to be an end to police immunity, and to the ability of cop unions to keep rogue cops on the streets. Police should be held to the same tort standards as everyone else, and cop unions have gotten so far out of control that I think it’s time to break those unions. If Reagan could do it to the air traffic controllers, which our wingy friends all-in supported, then we can do it to their rogue cop friends. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
“N.C. police chief apologizes after video shows officers destroying medic tent set up for protesters. The Asheville Police Department’s police chief said he was ‘truly sorry’ for the incident and it is “something we can learn from.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If he’s truly sorry, he could demonstrate that by firing whoever was responsible for this.
For those of you on the other side who like to analogize peaceful protests to war and sic the military on them, this is equivalent to bombing hospitals and ambulances with red crosses on tem.
With today’s stock market gains, the wealth gap between actual millionaires and wannabe millionaires like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit widens further.
Another antifa terrorist:
“Police in Maryland are looking for a cyclist who was caught on video assaulting three people posting flyers in support of Black Lives Matter … Monday afternoon on the Capital Crescent Trail in Montgomery County ….
“A man and two women were walking the trail, posting flyers in support of Black Lives Matter, when the suspect … grabbed the flyers from one of the victims … [and] started to charge one of the victims, causing them to fall to the ground.
“Park Police … described [the suspect] as a 50 to 60-year-old white male, medium build, 6 feet in height, with short brown hair.”
Link to article on COVID uptick since BEECH BOOZEFEST
@261 “White’s release was part of an agreement involving … an unnamed Iranian American doctor prosecuted by the Justice Department
plus Iranian spy Sirous Asgari and sanctions violator Majid Taheri
plus groveling by Trump (“Trump later thanked Iran,” USA Today link above) in return for which Iran agreed to go along with the Trump admin’s charade that there “was no prisoner swap.”
Iran didn’t do badly at all in this exchange of an American who had no diplomatic, military, or espionage value and was merely a tourist visiting an Iranian girlfriend he met online.
They’re probably drinking champagne, and I would guess the champagne was offloaded from a “Trump Resorts” plane as part of the deal.
@ 269
Not one word in that piece describing the number of tests or the percent of tests that are positive.
Test more people, find more cases. It’s not rocket science.
If the markets were worried about the slight uptick, the markets wouldn’t be doing what they are doing.
Pull the 14×8 dildo out of your ass before spewing on HA, gman.
DJIA 886 points, capitalists doing just fine while hundreds of thousands of still-laid-off workers still wait for their first unemployment checks. See #264 for details of how Doctor Dumbfuck is celebrating.
@267 You don’t have $500.
Paul Krugman jumped the shark earlier today over the economic data.
He’s being pounded for doing it, rightfully so.
You would think Krugman would be more careful after his “first pass” comment on Election Night in 2016, but no. Trump Derangement Syndrome has addled his mind.
Followup on #272: Now I know you’re thinking, what is Bob celebrating? The stock market, or starving workers?
The answer is “both.” Bob, like all Republicans, loves free money and hates workers. For him and them, daily 1,000-point gains amid massive unemployment and systemic breakdown of worker safety nets is a once-in-a-lifetime twofer.
Almost as thrilling as sending other people’s children to war.
@274 Krugman. Trump. Krugman. Trump. Krugman. Trump. Hmmm.
Always a dumbfuck. Can’t cover a $500 bet, either — no dividend income. Has to borrow from his wife to feed the horse. Has to feed the horse to fuck the horse. Sad (for the wife and horse).
@ 275
For Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, a thrill these days is being in the room while the local BBC ravages Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@277 The dumbfuck probably thinks I think “BBC” refers to a TV network and missed the racism in that jibe.
We know what you are, Bob. (How could anyone miss it?)
@ 278
I think you went to Urban Dictionary, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And then you went to Pornhub.
Over the weekend Apple Computer stores were looted.
Despite those losses, unless something changes in the final hour of trading, AAPL will close at an all-time high.
Meanwhile, in other places were looting occurred:
Chicago’s South Side Left With Few Food Options After Weekend Violence
I wonder if Goldy still has his AAPL shares.
@280 Wherein dumbfuck wheeps over the victimization of the world’s largest corporation and its shareholders.
However, if it makes you feel any better, doc, Apple disabled the phones and is tracking their whereabouts.
It seems the world’s largest corporation is better positioned to make looters’ lives miserable than, say, the neighborhood pawn shop owner.
Gun shop owners aren’t badly positioned, either, to make looters’ lives, uh, shorter.
Cops apparently feel threatened by cloth masks:
“Law enforcement agents have seized hundreds of cloth masks that read ‘Stop killing Black people’ and ‘Defund police’ that a Black Lives Matter-affiliated organization sent to cities around the country to protect demonstrators against the spread of COVID-19, a disease that has had a disparate impact on Black communities. …
“The U.S. Postal Service tracking numbers for the packages indicate they were ‘Seized by Law Enforcement’ and urge the mailer to ‘contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service for further information.’
Or maybe this explains why cloth masks are suddenly deemed dangerous contraband:
“‘Police have rioted coast to coast, beating and gassing protesters who have called for an end to police violence, with the explicit approval of President Trump,’ Chelsea Fuller, a spokesperson for the Movement for Black Lives, said …. ‘Now, it appears they want to ensure that people who protest are susceptible to the same deadly pandemic that they have failed miserably at stopping,’ Fuller added.”
@279 I don’t need an urban dictionary to recognize the fruits of your thought process for what they are. You wear it on your sleeve in flashing neon lights. Also, it’s not that hard to calculate the probabilities of a racist making racist remarks.
Today is Breonna Taylor’s 27th birthday. Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t care that she’s not here to celebrate it.