Cases of COVID-19 are increasing in Washington. It seems like this is to do with Memorial Day. Grand reopening maybe grand reclosing.
I don’t know if we’ll see future spikes based on the protests. It being outside, with masks, and in some cases spaced out, mitigates the spread. But big crowds and not always being able to keep distance isn’t great. I assume that we would have started hearing about cases if they were happening in large numbers.
Anyway, stay safe and wash your hands right now.
Putin laughs at Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron. Sad!
Pence in Oklahoma, “We beat the virus” the day after Oklahoma announces biggest increase of cases ever.
Donald “If you talk to me it’s classified.”
Ted – “Let’s bring up the wrestling. Not like anyone accused him of sweeping sexual abuse under the rug. Dude can brawl!”
FDA – “Yeah, stop with the malarial drugs. They don’t work.”
Donald – “If we stop testing there won’t be new cases” (redux)
SCOTUS – “Sanctuary cities are legal”
SCOTUS 2 – “Trans people are people”
Where to start?
While almost everybody hates Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron, America’s women really, really hate them.
That’s gotta hurt.
How times have changed.
I pulled that up and my first thought was “Other” and “Not Sure” were for non-binary folks. Lasted about 1.9 seconds before regular brain took over.
United Airlines: No mask, no fly. They should all do that.
@2 Start with “the tottering septuagenarian can’t walk and look straight ahead at the same time.”
Hey look, I’m a fucking doofus, like Bob, the fake fucking doctor who sucks fucking horse dick.
But that was Yesterday. Whole new crop of stupid from the GOP today.
@8 Was he headed to a BLM protest? They had to borrow masks.*
* For the security cameras
@8 “Campaign spokeswoman Danedri Herbert said Kobach also ‘always has at least one firearm with him for personal protection.'” From who? Fellow Republicans? In any case, paranoid freaks like him are exactly the kind of people who shouldn’t have guns.
from previous thread
All I could think of today was that Repuke Pol who burst out in a groan and tears when the Obamacare ruling by the Supreme Court came down. All the pain was worth it just to know or think she or someone like she was feeling that way today.
I happened to be walking by the Stonewall Inn this evening, where there was a gathering of people and celebration of Today’s decision by the Supreme Court. There were news crews there, at first I thought they were reporting on the gathering of people due to business opening up. This past weekend many people gathered in the streets to drink and socialize, some illegally. Gov Cuomo threatened to have licenses revoked for establishments not complying with the re-opening (Phase 1) of business. I thought the news crews were there for that. It took me a while to figure out that they were there to film the celebration of today’s ruling.
Same guy, 2012.
This thread is boring so far.
That is all.
CHAZ autonomous?
Oh, well then I guess they won’t mind if the power, water, and sewer get cut off then, eh?
And can we demand to see passports when re-entering the US when they walk out of the “CHAZ”?
Can we rename it “Little Mogadishu”
Again, seattle gets the laughing stock award…I’m sure Socialist Alternative is proud.
I always go here:
And a goodnight to all!
I always love a Harry Smith reporting.
little maxwipe @ 14,15
handle your guns and go to sleep.
Demand answers! Demand justice!
@14 go fuck yourself
Bunch of selfish brats.
@14 still, go fuck yourself
Sadly, I found myself all too frequently having to explain to “woke”, “enlightened”, coastal liberals that there are still places in America where the absence of any state civil rights protections for LGBTQ citizens makes this absolutely crucial, and necessary, and long overdue.
Named plaintiff was an award winning CASA legal advocate in Clayton, County GA when he was fired in 2014 for having joined a gay softball league. One of their best and most talented legal advocates endured months of verbal abuse, mockery by court officers, sexual taunts and jeers from colleagues and superiors, and sudden and unsupported charges of misconduct before being terminated for “conduct unbecoming”. No conceivable objective behind his treatment other than pure bigotry.
These are legal protections that are badly needed. Trolls appear every day to make that point for us.
@14 – still, go fuck yourself
“When you voluntarily surrender a police facility and you acquiesce to unreasonable activism, criminal activity, for a political gain, to me that’s unconscionable.” — Mike Solan, president of Seattle Police Officers Guild, not referring to about the 50-day occupation of a federal wildlife refuge by armed rightwing thugs who went scot-free.
@14 Be patient, the horse-fucking incel will be along any minute now.
@15 The authorities should handle it exactly like Malheur. Do nothing. Wait for them to get bored and go home. Except this bunch will clean up after themselves. They’re not pigs like Ammon Bundy and his gang.
@18 You mean “fondle your guns,” don’t you? After all, the whole reason for guns is the sexual rush.
@21 Would it have made any difference if he wasn’t gay, that was the only softball league in town, and he just wanted to play ball?
Puddy leaves for a few days and Seattle goes from burning to CHAZ to CHOP. Frank CHOPP maybe? Then there is this…
A real history lesson. Malcolm X preached it well..
Truth! All these screaming white libtards here can never be trusted. Mentally ill and scary!
BTW the video is from one educated as Malcolm said to be!
BTW this was recommended as a great read. Instead of burying it Puddy showing it loud and proud!
Everything I Know About Business I Learned From The Godfather
BTW assesHorse libtards, here are the words of a former black panther.
People were cracking up down south!
@28 She must be smoking the same foliage you are.
@29 Of course you admire the Mafia’s business model; you’re a Republican.
Did you know he later became a Republican and a Mormon?
@30 Of course the “people down south” think it’s funny that a black man’s business was looted and torched. They laugh even harder if he’d been lynched. That’s who your friends are.
Like every other Rapepublican you know, Puddy just neeeeds to move past the eight minutes and 46 seconds.
I’m afraid however that it is eight minutes and 46 seconds that will last through November and beyond.
Look for the beginnings of a steady decline in Evangelical voters this November.
Any teen with a smart phone and a Venmo account can get an abortion by mail for $5.
Treason statues are falling everywhere.
The Confederate battle flag is banned.
Warren’s amendment is moving toward passage in a Senate filled with vulnerable Rapepublicans.
And Title VII is now extended to sexual orientation and Hobby Lobby.
The bigot tears we witnessed today are as much as anything about a dawning realization that they lost the culture wars way back when Dana Carvey was on SNL. Many of the traditional reasons for Bible Belt political activism are gone now. They have run out of people they can shit all over and use “Jesus” as the excuse. All the fun has been steadily drained out of “Family Values”. And having helped put a pedophile rapist in the White House they are coming away with nothing to show for it.
Look for the participation of “Values Voters” to fade gradually away in the years ahead, even while Rapepublican grifters continue to mine them for clicks and checks.
Literally after about a decade of blather Piddles goes Malcolm X.
Now do NFL Kneeling.
Now do Black Panthers. Anything about Black Panthers and police murders.
Now do GOP attitudes toward “welfare”
Now do literally ANYTHING on protests turning violent. Be sure to quote Malcolm.
Jeebus….a google quote search is not the same as reading and understanding.
Now do Trayvon Martin. Didn’t see you saying shit while Dumbfuck insisted he had it coming.
Now reread the very quote you posted.
Now do Trayvon. Explain why a white man explaining that Trayvon deserved to die should be tolerated. With your wisdom of Malcolm X that one should be easy.
It FUCKING can’t be tolerated.
But you agreed with Dumbfuck that killing Trayvon was OK because….he started it….or something.
The quote, as far as anyone can tell, is unsourced and comes from a Walter Williams article that was itself about as far removed from El-Shabazz’s own views as Puddy’s are.
Something Malcolm got wrong, repeatedly, and consistently, until after he became El-Hajj in 1964, was his conviction that the state of his people were owing to “our problems”. Read through that passage in the original Walter Williams article “quoting” Malcolm and you’ll see that phrase repeated often.
There has never been any “problem” with African Americans in the United States. Considering African Americans, if we must, as a race apart they have been, and are, the finest examples of American initiative, effort, courage, character, determination, creativity, grit, audacity, and community. Anywhere you care to look. It’s the same. They have always risen high above the misery the white majority has inflicted upon them. And they always will, until the day finally comes that we stop doing it.
“The problem” has always been whites. White conservatives, white liberals, white Republicans, white Democrats, white Northerners, white Southerners, Just whites. Always and only whites. Whites, again considered as a race apart, have never been as good or as willing to make the sacrifices to live up to our nation’s ideals. We’ve balked and hedged at every opportunity, and cheated ourselves in the bargain. Upon making the pilgrimage I believe Malcolm finally saw this in the short time he had left, and truly realized perhaps for the first time in his life, how much better he had become and that he too could finally transcend even the poison of “whiteness”.
From his final days: “Listening to leaders like Nasser, Ben Bella, and Nkrumah awakened me to the dangers of racism. I realized racism isn’t just a black and white problem. It’s brought bloodbaths to about every nation on earth at one time or another.
Brother, remember the time that white college girls came into the restaurant—the one who wanted to help the Muslims and the whites get together—and I told her there wasn’t a ghost of a chance and she went away crying? Well, I’ve lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African continent, I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of argument. I did many things as a Muslim that I’m sorry for now. I was a zombie then—like all [Black] Muslims—I was hypnotized, pointed in a certain direction and told to march. Well, I guess a man’s entitled to make a fool of himself if he’s ready to pay the cost. It cost me 12 years.
That was a bad scene, brother. The sickness and madness of those days—I’m glad to be free of them.”
If only we were.
The Second Amendment applies to everybody, white boys. Also, you’re under arrest.
Covid-19 has claimed the life of Ilhan Omar’s father.
How’s that cival war goin’ for ya, dumbfucks? Hey, you’re under arrest, too!
Puddy, using Malcom X’s words, you have established you feel betrayed that white liberals don’t do enough to support the equality of black people. I’d love to read what words you use for white conservatives, who actively repress, marginalize and kill black people.
At the rate trumpers are posting memes of how they are victims of Liberals calling for a race war, I expect trumpers will have started several by November
Your hero Van Jones mentioned these “black killings” are in areas controlled by the dummocretin! Need Puddy say more RedReformed?
And to the blazing fool above, it has nothing to do with a Google search. Ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot to replay Puddy’s comments from the crazed databaze on Malcolm X over the years. This isn’t some search you moron! Puddy been telling the world since 2005 how white libtard dummocretin have not and will not lift a finger to make the black experience any better than it was in the 1960s.It’s all about keeping a narrative. Otherwise Obummer would have FIXED the problem when he had the house and senate when the black Harvard professor was arrested in white Cambridge in 2009. Instead he pandered to his white masters and did nothing!
Pelosi and other whitey wore Kente Cloth and kneeled. What did that do except get some level thinking Africans upset over Pelosi hijacking Kente cloth! What’s next dashikis?
Trayvon Martin happened and he did nothing.
Michael Brown happened and he did nothing. In fact his wingman Holder didn’t find any animus or malice in the cop’s actions! Yet you libtards go around hands up don’t shoot which was proven to be a lie! You all do nothing for the black cause except hijack it like the black woman proved above in that PuddyLink!
Never let a good crisis go to waste!
See ya!
Has Snopes or any leftist libtard erag proved it wrong or misappropriated dot bombed? Puddy used that for years and found the full quote so used it. Here is another one:
And you wonder why libtard controlled cities are going up in smoke and being reduced to ashes! And another one
So who created those histories? White libtard dummocretin!
Truth about white libtards hurts eh?
You’re new found Google quote search of Malcolm X is as pitiful as your so called faith.
Take a quote here, a passage there and ignore the work as a whole.
It’s embarrassing that after all this time of professing a faith that rejects the Heresy of other faiths you’re quoting Malcolm X with zero understanding of the work.
Still waiting on how Malcolm X would have dismissed protesting the death of George Floyd. Or how the Seattle protests are somehow immoral or misguided. I’ll start you off:
sound familiar? (you actually misquoted it because you googled and came up with “Good Reads”…but whatevs.)
Truth about “whiteness” hurts. That’s FACT.
Puddy it’s also why you won’t see a single one of your fellow Village Idiots joining you in support here debating and analyzing the words of men like Malcolm X. The sense of discomfort and gut level horror it produces is too much for white conservatives. Far easier for them to dismiss Malcolm as a “violent extremist” who “died as he lived” and somehow “deserved it”.
Doesn’t it mean anything to you that you are utterly abandoned and/or dismissed by conservatives in times like these?
I don’t need your “religious” commentary. Since you don’t pay attention to FACTS, let me reiterate again what Puddy wrote above. Puddy has used Malcolm X way before you changed your name to czechsaaz. All you have to deo is create said query above.
Look on the Brightside, Brightside – things can’t be any worse than being Bob’s horse.
They should have polled the horse. It would have skewed the results for the better, just the kind of results that the Pence and Hump fucks like.
Minneapolis Star Tribune:
Discovery in this case is going to be ugly for MPD.
But two things.
First, 911 operators can see bodycams in real time? Didn’t know that.
Second, that word in quotes. Three other officers stood and kept possible good Samaritans from intervening in the murder of George Floyd. They stood guard over a murder in progress. They are the culture of Policing. “Bros before hos” where in this case rally around whatever wrong doing you see by a “brother” in blue or be ostracized. Never break the code.
Defund / Abolish / Imprison. Use whatever term you want.
dot bombed@49,
Unlike libtard dummocretins who live for group think, we whom think right stand on our own feet to discuss the issues of the day. We don’t wait until there is consensus before a comment happens or jump on someone else’s comment to agree, we believe in original thought, something lost by dummocretins. Puddy has witnessed y’all waiting until the journolists @ VOX or the DailyBeast writing on a topic then many of you modify it trying to make it look like original thought. Puddy has all of those leftist erags saved in the PuddyChest and that’s why it is so easy to spot and flame those “thoughts”.
While Mr X had some difficult commentary on certain topics, his identification of your kind was spot on!
Do they really have to celebrate this “Record” as if it is an extraordinary achievement. I mean that’s what happens when you close all business for 2-3 months and then reopen it.
Sure it is encouraging, for the moment, but WTF!?
In other news, this promising Steroid drug…..let’s hope it is true and pans out to be the cure all.
The protests aren’t doing anything:
Seattle City council orders SPD to ban choke holds. (Note: the town I grew up in did this when I was a teenager after a suspect died. So Fuck you SPD for getting around to this multiple decades late.)
Seattle City council passes ordinance banning the purchase, storage or use of tear gas, blast balls and flash grenades by SPD.
SPD officers can no longer hide their badge numbers under any circumstance. This was announced as policy by Chief Best. Now it’s the law.
To the senile idiot wabbit above,
Bobby Rush hates the police. So if he’s such a bastion of black support, why did the BLM/Antifa vandalize his offices? Didn’t they realize he’s a “pillar” of the community per Lori Lightfoot?
Listen to Lightfoot’s own words below because the link is a runon!
This is why people in Arizona/New Mexico/Southern California were laughing their ASSes off senile idiot wabbit. People saw the destruction of the mall and his offices.
See ya senile one!
Lori Lightfoot’s own words…
Puddy thought you libtards were against guns. We see in CHAZ/CHOP AR-15s, the hated gun of libtards.
Washington state law,, makes it a gross misdemeanor to transfer an assault rifle to anyone under 21, with any subsequent offenses considered felonies. – Bob I Hate Trump Ferguson
Libtards, y’all are so funny! Gotta love Raz Simone. BTW his twatter feed was hacked like Joyless Reid!
The loneliest little clownsurvaturd remains steadfast “on his feet” and in his “PuddyChest”.
Every single white conservative you are trying to reach is not available. Please try your call for racial justice again later. 914-2T
Group think! HAHAHAHAHA!
The fiend has dragged in garbage from many dozens of always wrong wing junk and it lectures on “group think”..
those who “stink” ALWAYS WRONG..
Thanks for the morning pick-me-up fool!
Community organizers have been clamoring for these kinds of changes in policy for decades. The actual science argues against these tactics and devices. And even highly organized political campaigns have proved useless in the face of violence crazed police unions influence over elected officials.
But do just one “CHAZ” and “suddenly” the fifty year log jam breaks.
Hey fool,
you see your beloved “right stinkers” terrorize this bus? With a multi-racial family?
What’s your point. see @52
Cops don’t regulate their own.
Cops lie
Cops are more concerned with their image among the public than the lives of black citizens.
Were those the points you were making or are you also unfamiliar with the Black Panther Party and the hunting and killing of members by Police Departments across the country. Ask Chicago residents Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. Oh, wait. You can’t they’re dead. And Chicago PD manufactured evidence to make it look like a justifiable shooting.
I guess Tuck haz a sad because Black Lives Matter is now more popular among likely voters than Stupid Hitler.
Group thing also occurs on Friday nights at sundown.
In this case it involves myths about wine/grape juice, Owning the libs for Jesus, bragging on material possessions just like the Lord, belittling the poor and hungry, allegiance to the state above God, insisting the teachings about forgiveness is “don’t need to forgive no one”…
dot bombed@63,
You continue to make PuddyPoints everyday dot bombed. Chicago? Isn’t that a bastion of libtard whitey?
Thanks for playing!
dot bombed@64,
And that is way higher than Joe BiteME’s popularity!
63 is not me.
Puddy continues to shit his pants, and smear it around on his own face for my personal amusement, despite my repeated entreaties for him to stop it.
Not really amused. Just saddened for his sake.
Meanwhile a friend of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot in action
Otherwise Obummer would have FIXED the problem when he had the house and senate when the black Harvard professor was arrested in white Cambridge in 2009.
He had it for a handful of weeks dumbass. Between Teddy having brain cancer, Al Franken and the guy in the Dakotas..
And yours truly sure remembers you being infatuated with that female cop who said she’d never vote for Obama again over calling what the police did to Skip Gates “stupid”.
Drumpf won’t release any details on the stimulus, national debt is climbing one trillion A MONTH right now and you called Obama’s deal with the Republican ladies from Maine and Specter a “Porkulus”..
Ooops, the fool got that from Limbaugh – there’s that always wrong wing “groupthink” again..
Sh^t my pants?
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa ha ha ha ha
The truth is hitting the spinning air circulator!
New polls:
AZ Biden +4
GA Biden +2 (At this point in 2016 Donald had led all six polls in the state by an average of 5.8%)
NM Biden +13
MI Biden +13
MI Biden +16 (different pollster)
FL Biden +10
Group thing also occurs on Friday nights at sundown.
Even those Friday nights after sunset when it put HA HEROES FIRST?
that was “group” directed, babblin’ butthurt? is that right?
damn.. to think HA HEROES were such a threat to the ONE TRUE kult!
A four point spread, just under 1 point outside the MOE in a nationwide telepoll is not a good poll for an incumbent in June.
Whereas the Rasmussen BLM poll shows not only a 31 point spread fav/unfav, but also a 180 degree flip in public attitude from 2014.
Rasmussen’s Pulse Opinion Research polls are not strong polls for predicting the Electoral College, for all kinds of reasons. And the things that can enable a campaign to beat nationwide telephone polls in the closing weeks work for Democrats just as well as for Rapepublicans.
But it is arguable that such polls are good, or at least can be good, at measuring general public mood about a personality, an issue, or an election. Stupid Hitler and the Rapepbulican Party have positioned themselves in opposition to BLM, police reform, and de-escalation of police violence. That is an overwhelmingly unpopular position that promises to hurt Rapepbublican candidates in the months ahead.
Please continue.
Trump is out there blaming the black guy again. Another reason Obama didn’t fix this is….
He didn’t tell cops to take the gloves off and be less nice. Obama didn’t tell rallies to punch protesters and he’d cover the legal costs. Never called murderers ‘very fine people’ either.
Unrelated to George Floyd Item:
North Korea demolished by explosion the building in Kaesong used by negotiators from both north and south to negotiate peace.
So legitimizing Kim Jong Un went exactly the way Donald was warmed it would. “Come back, my love. We had a hug at the DMZ. Baby please!”
Neither did Trump.
Butt BeerPong, keep being a dope alive!
Unrelated to George Floyd item the second:
Hearings will continue into the late summer:
“Two whistleblowers have agreed to testify to @HouseJudiciary Democrats about William Barr’s ongoing politicization of the Justice Department:”
GOP will keep at ‘crossfire hurricane’ and pretend the current administration isn’t irredeemably corrupt.
Ah….so predictable. Gotta defend the ones who will kill you for the Melanin alone.
“I can see Russia from my house.” Tina Fey
Obama never said a White Supremacist movement who’s adherents had murdered someone just recently were “very fine people.”
Is that more to your liking or is rhetoric too hard for you to deal with? Like when Jesus talked about a camel and a needle he wasn’t really talking about a camel. But you knew that, allegedly.
After several hours wandering around CHOP trying to start shit and finding no takers, Proud Boys beat a guy they found alone near the perimeter. Shouldn’t be too hard for the internet to track down these guys identities. They were there all day, lots of pictures and a license plate.
“Violent Protester attacks five good natured patriots” Andy Ngo, or words to that effect..
It’s time we simply withdrew from the Korean Peninsula. We’ve been there almost 70 years, and even the South Koreans are tired of us being there.
Rest easy there, little fella.
Whatever narrow technical nit picking you’ve got, the simple fact is “y’all” lost that battle years ago. And not for nuthin’ it was more or less a full surrender.
The truth of the matter is, Stupid Hitler depends on these people. He knows it. You know it. We know it. Brad Parscale knows it.
He doesn’t have any choice about this. He has to be “nice” to them. And he probably doesn’t give a shit either. Whether they are “extra fine” or “medium fine” they are his. And so they are yours. Racist, authoritarian, neo-Nazi murderers. Your team, Puddy.
Cop union wants “due process” for cop who summarily executed a citizen. They feel it’s unfair to summarily fire the cop for shooting the citizen in the back.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This one’s a no-brainer. We need live citizens more than happy cop unions.
Gotta love Piddles’ concern trolling @58 about armed vigilantes. First time he’s said anything about it. Been a long time coming. Now do this one, Piddles:
It’s not that hard to identify violent cops before they kill; just look in their personnel jackets. Nearly all (if not all) the cops responsible for recent high-profile killings have a history of citizen complaints.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And their departments usually (if not always) have a history of lax discipline.
Where did Puddy bring that vigilantes topic to the forefront senile idiot wabbit? Another PATHETIC entry from your sh^tstained paws. As Puddy stated earlier, your lawyer deflections are as useful as BeerPong’s too numerable train wrecks. Raz unloaded his guns from his tesla. If those peeps are under 21 he’s in “trouble”. Puddy put “trouble” in quotes because we know how WA AG Ferguson will treat these “people”. The AR-15 law was for Eastern Washington and Thurston counties, not Snohomish-King-Pierce counties.
“An investigation into claims that three New York City Police officers may have been intentionally poisoned while dining at a Shake Shack restaurant in lower Manhattan has found that ‘no criminality’ occurred ….
“The officers were dining at the restaurant Monday evening when ‘they discovered that a toxic substance, believed to be bleach, had been placed in their beverages,’ the city’s police union said, later adding that they had been ‘apparently poisoned.’
“The incident, however, may have the result of cleaning solution not being properly removed from a shake machine …. The officers, who had been assigned to assist with ongoing protests, were taken to a hospital for treatment and released ….
“Hours earlier, the city’s police union sent a notice to its officers warning them to be on alert due to the incident, insisting: ‘We cannot afford to let our guard down for even a moment. When New York City police officers cannot even take meal without coming under attack … [blah blah blah],’ the union said. …”
It was an accident.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I posted this for two reasons. (1) It starkly illustrates the mentality of police: When something happens, they assumeit’s intentional. They assume they’re being targeted and somebody has designs to harm them. It’s this mindset that leads police to assume a cellphone is a gun or a citizen scratching his ass is reaching for a gun. (2) Notice the role of the cop union in egging on this paranoia. The cop union’s kneejerk reaction to the incident was “they’re out to get us.” The cop union is actively involved in creating the “us-vs.-public” and “shoot first, ask questions later,” mentality that leads to hair-trigger bang-bang-bang cop reactions when someone is holding a cellphone or scratching his ass. The cop unions are very, very, very guilty in all of this carnage, and not just for defending it after the fact; they play a major role in creating it. Cop unions are a major destructive force in society and it’s time to give ’em the PATCO treatment.
Police are doing a fantastic job. Really something. The only people who think they aren’t are Antifa Sleepy Joe. I love our cops. Never done a thing. I’m signing this executive order to stop what police are doing wrong. It’s got a loophole so wide that it’s meaningless but I have to do something to cut back on the criticism of these blameless officers. If people could breathe they’d still be alive, right. Not police fault. Take this executive order and know that I support black people. All lives matter. Stock market is great. Go forth and declare, Donald Trump loves the negro. Biden has eight years to do this order. Jobs!
“Proud Boys beat a guy they found alone near the perimeter”
More like Proud Pussies. The guy they were attacking got some good licks in and he never gave up. So much for their hopes to drink liberal tears in Seattle.
Libtard dummocretins don’t believe in discipline. Just look at how the Portland Pearl area fared last night!
Did anyone write “Pigs” on their coffee cups?
Puddy been telling the world since 2005 how white libtard dummocretin have not and will not lift a finger to make the black experience any better than it was in the 1960s
“the world” (rolls eyes).. And lying too.
Caught in a lie, it said it wouldn’t return..
And then it returned.. to lie.. to “the world”. The freak is a liar. But then in its twisted “logic”, when in “rome” it’s only doing what the romans do.
Thanks for over 15 years give or take of entertainment…
Libtard dummocretins don’t believe in discipline.
Tell that to low life Walker in WI. None of its public union busting laws applied to cop unions..
Kasich tried in OH – got its ASS handed to it.
Another stupid bleat.
Coming to a libtard police-less city near you really soon.
Just like where two fatalities among the 30 shot this past weekend, and five fatalities among the 35 shot last weekend. Keep removing your voters!
Keep removing your voters!
Keep dreaming.. Biden still beats drumpf in 4 of 5 big battleground states per RCP..
and Wow RCP is an always wrong wing blog…
@91 I know of a Renton cop who spray-painted “pig” on his own house. See #159 of “Friday Night Extravaganza” thread for details.
Where are the police killings of innocent people in Wisconsin yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Did you know 80% of the murders in Milwaukee are black people? You don’t care! He’s been gone almost eighteen months and you still rail on him!
Just like Crooked Hillary did in 2016!
@94 Except that particular city has 3,800 cops.
Another Puddy narrative goes pooofff! when exposed to facts. Now watch the squid make a run for its crevice.
He’s been gone almost eighteen months and you still rail on him!
He was one of yours.. ‘member he wanted a fucking WALL on the fair skinned border..
An unforgivable SIN to the repukelican!
@97 “Did you know 80% of the murders in Milwaukee are black people?”
Victims of, committing, or both?
In any case, Milwaukee’s population is 40% black, so that sounds about right. Poverty, racism, and slums breed more crime than affluent gated communities, so you expect crime rates to be higher in the inner city.
Just like never indicted Hillary did in 2016!
But drumpf lost Anne Coulter.. Anne Coulter said it built a trellis on the darker skinned border..
And the orange freak is lyin’ about it. EPIC FAYLE! The freak is robbing military families for a FIG LEAF on the swarthy skinned border.
You sure know how to pick ’em dumbass.
A fifty-cent pill is the most effective treatment yet for Covid-19.
Trump’s EO bans chokeholds “except when an officer’s life is at risk”
which is every time a white cop accosts a black jogger, stops a black motorist, or detains a black shoplifter, which, of course, is no ban at all.
So senile idiot wabbit, is Milwaukee a libtard bastion or not? Who controls the environment senile idiot wabbit.
WDS anyone?
Silly senile idiot wabbit… where did Puddy say DC was police-less? If you could process FACTS Puddy referenced Chicago in the next sentence. Neither city was said to be police-less by Puddy.
Poof there goes another senile idiot wabbit brainless fart!
Wow the WDS is strong in the yellowishleakingbuttspigot@100!
Looks like your friend was apprehended yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Rudderless Seattle. Even Brandi Kruse is amazed!
@105 “Who controls the environment senile idiot wabbit.”
Until recently, Sheriff Clarke. A black guy who calls himself a “Democrat” but bangs the drum for Trump, i.e. one of yours. How did Milwaukee’s crime rate do under him, Piddles? If rightwing policing worked, it should be zero, amirite? Or maybe he was too busy riding horses in parades to pay any attention to it. “Don’t call us, get a gun!”
So Clarence Thomas disagrees with Joyless Behar. She’s upset he married a white woman!
What a disgusting piece of biomASS!
@106 There goes the squid, making a run for it, just like I predicted.
Oh senile idiot wabbit@110 Sheriff Clarke left in 2017!
Wow you really are senile!
The babblin’ butthurt babbles about Obama and “both Houses of Congress”….
Ain’t that funny!
drumpf had both Houses of Kongress and it couldn’t build its fucking WALL to satisfy Anne Coulter and it couldn’t erase the ACA.. Ooh something drumpf couldn’t erase of the black guy’s legacy…
That’s gotta hurt… drumpf… and the babblin’ butthurt..
@108 Frankly, he resembles you more than him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not attaching any meaning to the resemblance. I’m not sure what resemblance you’re attaching, only that you’re attaching one.
No senile idiot wabbit@112, you claims are as baseless as 99.999% of your posts on assesHorse!
Trump has/had 60 members in the senate yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
DAYUM you be stooooooooooooopid!
So Clarence Thomas disagrees with Joyless Behar. She’s upset he married a white woman!
No black woman would have anything to do with him babblin’ butthurt. Oh yeah he did try… dude was too messed up in the head.. an angry dry drunk
Wrong again senile idiot wabbit. Puddy loves old people. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot was one of those fools claiming Republicans wanted to kill old people. Puddy just put forth someone who thinks like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
@109 On the contrary, Seattle is proceeding with a plan “to allow some limited traffic movement and better access through the protest zone … after a meeting Sunday between some Seattle city officials, Seattle Fire Department heads, protest organizers, and local residents and businesses,” which doesn’t strike me as “rudderless.”
Furthermore, this plan makes a good deal more sense to me than Trump’s scheme to send in the Army to shoot protesters demanding that police stop murdering your kin. It’s weird you’re against the protesters’ aims, because you could be next.
Trump has 60 members in the senate
All it needed was mcsame for the ACA babblin’ butthurt. A big fan of Obama right dumbo?
But then drumpf had to insult mcsame over his pow ordeal.. and babble about what a big fan of waterboarding it is.. and you want to “jockstrap” this ORANGE low life?
IF you eat Kellogg’s Rice Krispies you must be a racist per BLM!
From the thread… Snap, Crackle, and Pop are also the brand champions for Cocoa Krispies, the chocolate flavored Rice Krispies. Another piece of work!
Gotta love the thought police.
Republicans wanted to kill old people.
Damn straight butthurt.. Look what Pence delivered to nursing homes:
Federal shipments of protective gear touted by Vice President Mike Pence as part of an effort to provide vital support to the nation’s nursing homes beleaguered by COVID-19 have at times included flimsy cloth masks and “trash bag”-like gowns that fail to meet even basic infection control standards, according to several groups that represent elder facilities.
Sux to be you, “jockstrap” of repukes. Why are you surprised butthurt? Isn’t Pence just “hurryin’ ’em ‘home’ to jeebus”?
Speaking of which, you probably want to avoid this lady, Piddles, if you don’t want her giving you a piece of your mind. And trust me on this, I’ll squeal on you; I’ll tell her who and what you are:
“The mother of an unarmed Black Pennsylvania teen who was fatally shot by a white police officer blasted President Donald Trump on Tuesday for what she called his lack of ’empathy,’ his disrespect and what she said was a media ploy by the president in signing an executive order pushing for police reform.
“‘I can’t stand the lies!’ wrote Michelle Kenney, the mother of slain Antwon Rose II, in a scathing Facebook post after Trump said that he had met with Rose’s family and the families of other Black men killed by police. She also denied that her family met with the president, as he claimed Tuesday.”
She obviously doesn’t think much of his EO. Maybe she’s upset by the “except” that Trump inserted after the “ban” on chokeholds.
@122 “Gotta love the thought police.”
Now go to your link and be sure you don’t miss the deep thinking by the white guy in the “Trump” red hat. Then explain why that level of thinking even needs any policing. The average third grader can handle that without any problems.
How liberals, not racist cops, cause riots explained:
Shot and killed in Pittsburgh Pa! dummocretin mayors since 1934 senile idiot wabbit! East Pittsburgh too and he received 94% of vote! And the Pittsburgh jury acquitted the cop!
dummocretins liked their po-po-5-O back then!
Ahhh yes yellowishleakingbuttspigot, except Andrew Cuomo of New York, Gavin Newsom in California, Phil Murphy in New Jersey, Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania have some old people death explaining to do!
Dem pesky FACTS!
“dummocretin mayors and racist Trump-supporting cops” ftfy
“And the Pittsburgh jury acquitted the cop!” as they* were required to do under the “qualified immunity” rule that gives cops a free pass in most cases to summarily execute black children.
* 9 whites, 3 blacks (source:
When yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Still talking out the buttspigot!
some old people death explaining to do!
Did this help any babblin butthurt?
Mostly true… Drumpf stole shipments of ppe to States..
But you call this FACT liberal leftist blah blah blah..
@128 “have some old people death explaining to do!”
Trump administration confiscating PPE needed in nursing homes from states to resell to highest bidders. GOP senator (Collins) killing funding for federal PPE stockpile. Sluggish Trump response. Shutdown order violators. Rightwing fools congregating in barber shops, tattoo parlors, cafes. BEACH WEEK!!! Pool parties!!! Coronavirus parties!!! Bleach and black light remedies. Hydroxychloroquine. And …
“Texas’ lieutenant governor suggests grandparents are willing to die for US economy”
Your tribe is on the wrong side of this argument, Piddles. You really shouldn’t go there.
@130 yours truly was quoting your dumb ass.
FACT: all drumpf needed was mcsame for the ACA – no friend of Obama’s. The orange faylure blew it. you “jockstrap” it.. sux to be you.
“Texas’ lieutenant governor suggests grandparents are willing to die for US economy”
“Some things are more important than life.” yep, texASS repuke wanted old people to die.
Thanks Roger.
Did you inject bleach babblin’ butthurt? Does injecting bleach make you MORE eager to throw the lever for the ORANGE IDOL in November?
Confederate victimhood.
It’s time to just stop listening to the whining of these apologists for disloyalty and organized slaughter of loyal American patriots by people who didn’t want to be part of this country.
Sometimes I wonder, though, if Lincoln should have just let them go. The consequences wouldn’t have amounted to much if he had; just another impoverished banana republic with a serf class on our southern border, and what’s one more?
People who behave like they have something to hide usually do.
Damn right.
Dear Leader got the downturned thumb from his very own.
Because “Maverick” was a dirty, unpatriotic hippie?
Because “Maverick” was part of Puddy’s DERPSTATE!!! conspiracy?
Stupid Hitler was rejected with time running out by his own teammate because he’s a lowlife porn fucking corrupt pedophile who can’t make friends. Senator “Maverick” was as vain and petty as they come. All Stupid Hitler needed to do was kiss the ring a little bit.
But he could not do it. He lacked the strength. He lacked the courage. It is not in him. And so the opportunity passed.
Found more ANTIFA:
Robert Alvin Justus Jr., 30, and Air Force Staff Sgt. Steve Carrillo, 32, are not skinny, vegan, chain belt wearing anarchists.
They are pure Trumpalo.
When they went to serve the warrant Carrillo opened up with a ghost gun and tried to blow up his house and murder dozens of federal agents.
Gol durned Antifa.
Looks like Ben Sasse gets a walkoff thanks to this douche nozzle:
Dude’s a pig. Good riddance.
Nebraska Dems: Do better. No excuses. Just do better.
Piddles is apparently unaware that Brandi Kruse has been a mouthpiece for SPD and the 1% for almost a decade.
She’s been auditioning for a job at the Fox Mothership her entire time in Seattle but I guess they must not think she’s a pretty enough blonde to make it at National.*
*Note when Brandi points out that KCPQ is not Fox News, they are one of 18 Owned&Operated so major decisions come from corporate and they are given ‘Must Runs’ just like Sinclair. Way back when part of one of my jobs was to interview stars of Fox shows and cut promo packages that looked like an in studio that would be sent to all Fox Affiliates. Insert local talent voice over into script and VIOLA! News Segment! Fox O&Os were required to report back the date and time of air and, man this was a long time ago, mail a Beta SP of the segment back.
ABC is down to six O&Os
CBS 15 plus another handful operating as a second in the market ‘independent’ or CW
NBC 12
A peek behind the curtain, all the networks have a newsfeed. It used to go out at the same time every day on Satellite but now it’s digital. CBS Black Rock or Fox Plaza or 30 Rock newsrooms take a segment on the worlds largest kitten festival shot by the DeBuque affiliate for example and put the script and video out to affiliates in case they need to fill 30 seconds. Just have your anchor read the lead in and done. Sometimes those segments are paid advertisements. (Shhhhh….don’t tell anyone)
When you see those montages of lots of stations using the same line on a story….it’s one of those. Companies, particularly pharmaceutical companies, will pay quite well to have those shot and distributed.
This is actual fake news and no network is outside this practice. Back when I had a professional interest in these things, NBC was the least frequent abuser of the paid segment. ABC/Disney elevated it to an art form of hiding the long tentacles of Disney products into the local newsroom. Local producers unless they had the time to really dig would never know that this “Miracle Diet Cookbook” author they were having in studio for the noontime “Housewife” audience was published by a division of Freeform that was owned by Hachette where Hyperion had an majority ownership stake and Hyperion was a full division of…..Disney.
It’s Nebraska. Hard to find a serious candidate who is willing to put their life on hold for a year or more only to lose by 30%.
Good on them for pulling the plug as soon as they found out.
Not like we were going to throw as much money as needed at Roy Moore because party first!
Cuomo’s nursing home order was on March 25 senile idiot wabbit and yellowishleakingbuttspigot. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot link has April 16 at the earliest articles from the NY Slimes and Boston Globe.
@139 “Carrillo opened up with a ghost gun and tried to blow up his house and murder dozens of federal agents.”
And he’s still alive, but the black guy who pointed a taser at a cop isn’t. Resisting arrest is a different crime for whites and blacks.
We’ve gone 3 whole days now without a white cop murdering a black man. Maybe the protests are having an effect.
@140 “Janicek didn’t deny that he made offensive comments, but he said he apologized for them and assumed the matter would be kept private.” It only works that way in the GOP.
@143 Yeah, I get it, Piddles. By April 16, nursing homes didn’t need PPE anymore, because everybody was dead.
We’re #10! We’re #10! We’re #10!
We used to be #1 but, you know, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron fucked shit up. Sad!
@148 And Americans aren’t happy about it:
Meanwhile, Covid-19 is handing out Darwin Awards:
“As the man in the video is taking posters off a fence near a Philadelphia playground, he says …, “My taxes pay for this place, just so you know, so I can do whatever I want ….’ A woman responded, ‘ … Black Lives Matter!’ The man then said, ‘Not to me, they don’t,’ as he continued to take the signs down.” He was an employee of the Philadelphia Family Court. Now he’s unemployed.
Evangelical leader criticizes Trump’s moral failings, but never says he won’t vote for him.
This is every evangelical you know: If we hold our noses when we vote for him, it’s all good.
Perusing the latest polls — which don’t fully reflect the protests, a resurgence of Covid-19, or the revelations in Bolton’s forthcoming book — I see big trouble for Trumpublicans:
Michigan, Biden up by 16
New Mexico, Biden up by 14, (D) senate candidate up by 14
Iowa, Trump up by only 1 (Iowa, for God’s sake!)
Iowa Senate, Ernst (R) trailing by 3
Arkansas, Trump up by only 2
If the election were held today, Republicans would be fucked big-time! Sure, they’ll say a lot can change in 4 1/2 months, and they’re right — but given Trump, it probably won’t change in his (or their) favor. The hijacked Grand Old Party may be looking at a wipeout in November. Which is fine with me.
“NBC News reported today that two sites, ZeroHedge and the Federalist, had been banned from generating revenue through widely-used Google Ads. A Google spokesperson initially told NBC News that ‘took action after determining the websites violated its policies on content related to race.’ [sic]
“I don’t know much about ZeroHedge, but the contention that the Federalist (where I worked as a senior editor from 2013 to 2019) is ‘far-right,’ as reporter Adele-Momoko Fraser claims twice in her piece, is utter nonsense. The Federalist publishes a wide variety of opinions. Some pieces are more provocative than others. Some are very provocative. So what? NBC News is trying to make the site sound like the Daily Stormer, when in fact it has contributions from well-known mainstream libertarians, social conservatives, and moderate Republicans. All of the content falls well within normal parameters of contemporary political discourse — which is exactly what outlets such as NBC News are trying to shut down.
“Once upon a time, news outlets fought to protect the ideals of free expression. Now, they assign activists masquerading as journalists, and boost Orwellian-sounding outfits (what is the ‘NBC News Verification Unit’?), to try and smear and censor those who criticize them.
“Neither NBC News nor Google offered a single example backing up their contention that the Federalist has peddled racist sentiments about Black Lives Matter. As far as I can ascertain, their problem is with one piece: The Federalist published an article claiming the media had been lying about looting and violence during the protests, which were both included in the report sent to Google.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s somewhat of a mystery to me why this writer blames NBC News for “trying to demonetize” The Federalist. If it’s happening, that would be Google, it seems to me. I found zero evidence that NBC controls it; Wikipedia says, “The website is owned by a private company and doesn’t have to disclose its ownership or funding structure.”
I’m not familiar with The Federalist, but it’s apparently a pretty shitty website that has been described as “a leading disseminator of pro-Trump conspiracies and up-is-down, funhouse-mirror distortions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling and potential Trump involvement.” Still, free press and all that.
It does seem to me, though, that a company like Google doesn’t have to let them advertise (free press, and all that). I mean, if a website depends on some other company for financial support, well, that’s a problem with their financial model. HA is supported by its users. (I understand the hosting fee is something like $10 a month, so I send Goldy $25 every now and then to help keep it up.) If a website doesn’t have enough support from its users to meet its expenses, well, it goes out of business. Happens all the time in the business world to companies with unsuccessful products. Know what I mean?
The Federalist (website) is not to be confused with The Federalist Society (organization); they’re apparently entirely separate, distinct, different, not the same, not relation. Like John Smith and Jack Smith, no relation.
I’m perfectly okay with conservative think tanks, websites, publications, etc.; at least sober, thoughtful, reasoned ones (as opposed to, say, the Daily Stormer). Conservative intellectualism isn’t a bad thing, it’s a good thing; we need a healthy, vigorous, competition of ideas.
In any case, it’s not at all clear that what the writer is writing about is an existential threat to The Federalist. About the Google flap, Wikipedia says, “In June 2020, Google Ads warned The Federalist that it was considering demonetizing the website because of racism in its comment section; The Federalist removed the comments Google objected to.” So they got a warning about third-party comments, and removed the comments — problem solved?
But the writer of the piece quote above, geez. NBC is “censoring” conservatives? Because they don’t report the news with his slant? C’mon, NBC is a private company. They don’t have to cater to his political views. They’re entitled to exercise their own editorial judgment about what they report and how they report. If he thinks they got a story wrong, or are lying, then let’s see his evidence.
Let’s see his evidence.
Yeah, thought so. If this is representative of the quality of writing in The Federalist website, I can’t say anybody should miss it if their audience (if they have one) wont’ support the website.
Rog, The Federalist is a clownsurvaturd grift front.
Run by Mr. Meghan McCain, and so far funded into existence by an unnamed, billionaire family. In the new media universe it’s a perfectly viable option that compares favorably to how fascist authoritarian think tanks and political research foundations were brought into existence in the 1960s. The initial seed funding is expected to be supplemented and eventually replaced over time with other sources – development, grant writing, or in the case of Ben Domenech, advertising sales.
The efficient, fast, and highly scaled ad placement offered by Google is key to Domenech’s business model. He can’t hope to become an independent, self-supporting, stand-alone propaganda machine contributing to the universe of fact-free hate and fear without their services.
Okay, so perhaps her “sensitivity” makes her arguably less likely to snap into a ‘roid-rage and start throwing caps into a crowd of African Americans:
But this delusional sensitivity to victimization sadly runs throughout cop culture. This is an emotional infant having a tantrum and choosing to broadcast it out to the world as a self-righteous primal scream.
No cops were harmed in the making of this film. Teenage McDonalds fast food wage slaves fuck up. No tears are required. Shake Shack did not try to murder NYPD. Nobody threw cement milk shakes at SPD. Disposable plastic water bottles are not chemical grenades. And oh, btw, look over there, so far it’s Trumpalo white supremacist Boogaloo Bois doing all the real shooting and bombing.
American cop culture is a sewer.
There is no constitutional right to have a poison free egg mcmufin. Thou shall not murder might be in the Bible….but constitution?
Bitch ought to make her own egg mcmuffin before going to work.
Oh and I’m not going to be all PC about the word Bitch….if we can use cock sucker, then bitch is ok too.
Sad, very sad.
But you know what – this is what happens when Bad Cops fuck Good Cops.
This is what happens when Bad White People fuck over Good White People and Black People hanging from trees.
Maybe this cop should apologize for not holding bad cops accountable.
No NYPD was not targeted by Shake Shack.
But in fact, NYPD did spend more than a year targeting and harassing the guy who filmed them murdering Eric Garner:
And then they did try to kill him with rat poison in Rikers:
Which, unlike the Shake Shack bullshit, has now been proven with independent lab tests:
This is real and it is who cops are. This is also five years old. The people still marching after more than two weeks are because this shit has been going on for too long and nobody in government, from either party, anywhere, has been willing to step up and do jack shit about it.
she should stop to think of the anxiety of being a black person trying to do a transaction or walking or jogging down the street.
Or a gay individual walking down the street and thinking of getting beat up all their lives. Or being fired from their job.
Poetic justice – selfish Bitch! You can blame Bob for this bitch or thank him…your fucking choice…..choices in life.
Poor Bob. He comes here, 1 against 20. To be a Troll it takes such courage.
Go suck the horses dick Bob! Where is the Troll…the horse got him tied up?
You know what that cop is crying about, and you can’t really blame her, but she should think about other people in the same situation. Put herself in other shoes.
She’s crying about – not her egg mcmuffin. not about being poisoned, not about not being thanked. She’s crying about her insecurities in life of not having a job and not being able to survive. Just like every other human being – that she doesn’t care about.
Believe me – if she had a million dollars – she wouldn’t care about being thanked and wouldn’t thank the person serving her the egg mcmuffin.
Grow up adults. Start having compassion. Stop all this selfish bullshit. If you have millions – help out – you don’t need to be leaving it to your heirs after your in a fucking wooden box….they don’t care about you now and they wont care about you after your dead.
Fuck the Sports Industrial Monoplexity Complex Arena/Stadium
No surprise that Officer Shoot ‘Em In the Back previously was disciplined for a “use-of-force incident involving a firearm.”
That’ll add half a million bucks to the settlement, because the Atlanta PD knew this cop was trigger happy but turned him loose on the population anyway.
Wherein the former CEO of Bumble Bee Foods goes to jail for price fixing.
I posted this in case you’re wondering why a can of tuna that used to cost 69 cents now costs $1.19.
@154 “funded into existence by an unnamed, billionaire family”
Gee, who that could be? Let’s try to guess. My sensitive rabbit nose detects the foul odor of Robert and Rebekkah Mercer. Sounds like something Paul Singer or Sheldon Adelson might do, too. But I think it’s the Mercers.
@155 She seems very distraught over her McMuffin order in the video. To the point of tears. I hope she didn’t shoot someone at the drive-through window. Because, you know, she was mistreated.
I can see how that would go: “The kid’s race had nothing to do with it. The fish sandwich looked exactly like a gun.” — Cop union
They need to get her off the street immediately. She’s in no shape to be wearing a badge and gun.
@160 It’s not like we’re Republicans. We won’t try to out him, or hunt him down and kill him. That’s strictly a Republican thing. He doesn’t understand that liberals don’t do that, we’re better than that.