Do you think it is a coincidence that (1) two Americans (of Pakistani descent) have been arrested for possible terrorist connections with Al Qaeda, just as (2) Bush is out on the campaign trail trying to renew parts of the “Patriot Act” that are expiring?
I don’t think so.
dj; Good to both of your items. Arrest a few more Pakistanis and stop hassling me at the airport. Target the obvious.
Dipping a Toespews:
Righton @ 2
Do you mean obvious targets like Timothy McVeigh, or is race more important than success in your book? Given this administration’s record on prosecutions and detentions I can only assume that it is the Shrub’s policy.
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
Headless Lucy is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!!!!!!
Priscilla is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
You LEFTIST PINHEADS are ALL a bunch of I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S’s!!!!!
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Let the right wallow in the misery of the often lost governor race.
Let the citizens savor the fact that Rossi is not our governor (after his comments about the state supreme court, we should feel not only relieved but blessed).
Let us celebrate the leglislature finally doing things.
Let us watch with amazement as a few misguided (in need of more ratings???) talk show hosts go against their own constiuency (big business) as they champion a repeal of sensible, bi-partisan transportation leglislation.
Only the 12 Saudis actually hijacked planes. I’m not saying dont fight all crime, but rather in targeting criminals you need to give up the PC religion and de-target some obvious non threats. Those 85 year old WW2 vets taking off their shoes at Sea Tac are not threats. The 25 year old Arabs might be. When Irish start blowing up things here, they join the list. If McVeigh clones start blowing up planes, add jarheads.
as for general arrest the arabs first, i don’t know. If its a choice of losing some buildings or falsely arresting a few arabs, lets arrest them. But i see the problem with that.
Hey, Chuck (assuming you’re still lurking) –
I remember your describing Gov. Gregoire’s daughters as “trailer park trash” a few months back. In case you haven’t been paying attention (to anything other than SP, anyway), one of them is graduating this week from Harvard Law School. So have any of your daughters done anything notable of late?
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
Thomas Trainwinder is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
Just what we need…another LEFTIST PINHEADED Lawyer.
bj is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!!
headless lucyspews:
We’ve finally reached the core of Mr Unintelligents’ belief system and, as predicted, found nothing but, BITTER FRUIT.
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
It’s OPEN THREAD Looney….you ignoranus!!
Published: June 11th, 2005 12:01 AM
CAN DEMS SPELL ‘DISCLOSURE’?: You have to wonder how many times the state Public Disclosure Commission is going to have to whack the state Democratic Party upside the head before the party gets the message.
Which is: Yes, this state actually has public disclosure laws, and yes, the party actually has to follow the law like everybody else.
The stiff $187,000 fine the PDC handed the Dems this week for financial disclosure violations is all the more embarassing – or at least it should be – because the party was on probation for earlier violations.
Two years ago the party agreed to pay $250,000 to settle a case involving campaign finance violations. The commission suspended $100,000 of that on condition the party not commit any more violations through 2008.
Whoops, the Dems did it again, missing reporting deadlines and reporting key campaign contributions only after the November 2004 elections. So the suspended fine was reinstated last week, along with an additional $87,500 in fines and costs.
This isn’t trivial. Party boss Paul Berendt blames staff mistakes, but that excuse won’t fly. Strike Two makes the party look dishonest at worst, incompetent at best. There better not be a Strike Three.
(Paul Berendt blames everyone but himself for “errors”. If he and the demopcratic leadership knowingly and repeatedly violate campaign laws it’s reasonalbe to assume they don’t respect other laws either. If he breaks the law when he knows it likely he’ll get caught what would he do if he knew he couldn’t get caught? Maybe a little ballot stuffing?)
headless lucyspews:
I Googled “Republican campaign finance violations” and found 476,000 entries. How many strikes before you’re out, Dave?
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
Great Points Dave!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADS would be screaming like the stuck pigs they are if it were the R’s that got nailed like Berendt did.
Disclosure laws are very important.
What the Washington Dems did is very, very bad…
Voters need to understand on a timely basis where the money is coming from AND where the money is going AND what debts are being incurred. This is Accounting 101.
At least the Dems are consistent. They see no problem with the failures of KingCo to reconcile votes and voters and reporting accurately to the Canvassing Board and Secretary of State….and these same LEFTIST PINHEADS see no problem with failure to reconcile there PDC filings and report them accurately and timely.
And trust me….this will be a MAJOR campaign issue in upcoming elections. MAJOR! Go to all the campaign training schools you like…it doesn’t change the facts.
Do any of you know how long the Petitioners have to appeal Judge Bridges decision??? There were a number of Petitioners. Borders says he isn’t interested but could change his mind. This appeal would clearly be out of Rossi’s hands. It’s up to the Petitioner’s.
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
What in the world does the number of “Google Hits” on campaign finance violations have to do with anything???
Bad Try at deflecting attention from the serious Washington Dem violations====NO SALE LOONEY!
Gee, I’d think the Campaign training camp would teach you morons to accept responsibility IMMEDIATELY on stuff like this when there is no current election. You must have been snoozing when they explained this strategy LOONEY. This issue is a complete loser for the Washington Dems…..but go ahead and keep denyig, minimizing and marginalizing….let’s keep the topic going for another year!
Of 3,643 Republicans serving in state legislatures across the country, only 44 are minorities. In Texas, whose population is 47% minority, none of the 106 Republican state legislators are African Americans or Hispanics. In Congress, of the 274 Republican Senators and Representatives, exactly 5 are minorities. The rest, as Howard Dean pointed out, are mostly rich white guys who “have never worked a day in their lives.”
Wrong headed @ 2
You sound like a racist Republican to me. Yah, right, arrest the brown skinned guys because they must be the terrorists. Well I can play that game too. Show me a caucasion male conservative Republican between the ages of 25 and 69, and I’ll show you an unpatriotic, anti-Bill of Rights, America-hating, domestic terrorist!
Comment on 4, 5
Reply to 7
You’re a typical wingnut whose IQ is less than the carbohydrates in one small serving of low-cal breakfast cereal who thinks if the GUVMINT HACK GUMSHOES arrest somebody with a dark skin they must be a terrorist. What’s this administration’s conviction rate, huh? Next to zero. The only four things they’re good at is (1) ignoring honest-to-God real intel, (2) arresting the wrong people, (3) blowing prosecutions when they somehow do manage to arrest a bad guy, (4) torturing (mostly innocent) people. You guys would be funny if you weren’t murdering so many innocent prisoners.
Comment on 9, 10
After MR. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD misspells I-G-N-O-R-A-M-U-S four times in a row I think we can safely conclude it’s not a typo eh?
Comment on 12
Five times in a row.
Comment on 13
Can MR. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD spell I-G-N-O-R-A-M-U-S? Well he’s had 5 chances and whiffed all 5 times. Most kids would get thrown out of Little League tryouts after 2 or 3.
Show me a caucasion male conservative Republican between the ages of 25 and 69 and I’ll show you an unpatriotic, anti-Bill of Rights, America-hating, racist, atavistic mysogynist, (and oh yeah, “christian”) terrorist. Someone whose idea of problem solving involves their checkbook, their dick, or their gun (buy it, fuck it, or shoot it) and whose concept of multitaksing is being able to fart and drink a beer at the same time while sitting on the remote. Marilyn.
Mr. Idiot @ 15
Oh yes I certainly hope the individual petitioners do appeal Judge Bridges’ ruling — I look forward to seeing them living in Tent City and commuting to work on skateboards after paying their lawyer bills — yes yes yes yes yes :D :D :D
You don’t understand much about politics or news media, do you Mr. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD? It’ll blow over before the next election, and in any case, is being submerged by the torrent of smelly scandals emanating from the George W. Baboon Administration.
Reply to 24
My apologies for the oversight. I also forgot to mention they’re chauvinist pigs.
headless lucyspews:
I’m concerned w/ WA REp. Hastings ethical lapses– especially since he’s head of the House Ethics Committee. At least we know that he has a very personal understanding of ethical lapses. Might there be some financial things involved here? Hmm. Let’s have a closer look. And Delay. Lot’s of stuff here to point the accusing finger at. And the Downing Street Memo. And Jim Wright. And you think you’re gong to raise a storm over some papers that got filed late? Good luck, Dave.
Meanwhile, on the congressional front, when the Democrats’ turn came to present witnesses and testify about the Patriot Act, committee chair Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) gaveled the hearing to adjournment, turned off the mikes, turned his back on the Democrats, and walked out of the hearing room with the rest of the GOP committee members. We used to have a democracy in this country until these FASCISTS took over.
Addendum to 24 & 27: And..not to mention their exagerrated sense of entitlement. Marilyn
Reply to 30
Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention they’re FASCIST FUCKS. Man I’m groggy this morning.
righton @ 2, 7
Holy shit. I though you were just an ignorant redneck, but it turns out you are a full-blown white supremacist neo-Nazi!
“With all of the debate about taxes, the economy and domestic spending, it is hard to imagine anyone supporting the notion of taking money from programs like Medicaid and college-tuition assistance, increasing the tax burden of the vast majority of working Americans, sending the country into crushing debt – and giving the proceeds to people who are so fantastically rich that they don’t know what to do with the money they already have. Yet that is just what is happening under the Bush administration.”
The father and son arrested in California are not Pakistanis. They are Americans.
“If its a choice of losing some buildings or falsely arresting a few arabs, lets arrest them. But i see the problem with that.”
Ummm . . . but Pakistanis are not “Arabs.” Even so, I am disgusted that you find it acceptable to falsely arrest people (American citizen or not) for any reason.
I expect that over the next few weeks, we will hear a lot of neocon bullshit (including an arrest or two, and lots of news about anti-American domestic activity) in a fear-mongering attempt to support renewal of the Patriot act. Who cares if we arrest or detain a few innocent people, who cares if we trash some peoples life if it helps secure the more fascist end of the BushCo agenda?
Will DON join Goldenstein at the Junior Communist Camp afor pissy little socialists? Will Headless Lucy take a few days off from her “gubment” job to teach at the Fidel School of Hillary Villages?
Not havard but my daughter will graduate from PLU in the not too distant future. (I wasnt politicly connected enough to get her in Harvard or Yale)
By the way I was referring to their attire when I said they looked like trailer park trash.
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
Prissy @ 19–
I knew you would be the LEFTIST PINHEAD who would fall for my spelling I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!
You see dipshit, you are both IGNORANT and an ANUS!!!
Even Looney-tunes was able to figure that one out…but not you Prissy!! I think you ought to go back to being your alterego DON. He seemed capable of at least figuring out a SIMPLE PLAY ON WORDS….unlike you moron!
Chuck@8: Why do you care about their attire and who are you to judge anyway? Oh, I forgot, you’re a white conservative male and this gives you the right to sit in constant judgment of women, doesn’t it? How does your daughter dress? Marilyn
If my daughter was going with me to stand in front of cameras for the entire state of Washington, rest assured she would dress appropriatly.
DJ thanks, i know pakis are not arabs. ok, lockup muslims and or arabs. if both, a double.
when 80 yr old caucasions start blowing up planes, then arrst them to
I think you guys worship too much at the alter of poliitcal corectness. Profiling has a purpose. Bet you go to Karachi you get tracked pretty closely.
Remember Pakis have the bomb and seem to be sharing it w/ iran, libya, even korea….
Yeah, i didn’t see they were americans of pak heritage big deal, if the IRA starts blowing up planes go arrest all the micks in boston bars supporting the irish…
thanks for the gratuitous nazi association. Are you a closet Nazi,
Chuck@38: That’s not the point. There was nothing untoward in the attire of Governor Gregoire’s daughters. You simply used the occasion as an excuse to make a gratuitous comment, and indulge your meanness. We all know the message you intended to convey by using the term “trailer park trash”. I have some advice for you, you sanctimonious, voyeuristic creep: Keep your
eyes and your comments off other people’s children, and off young women. It’s inappropriate. Marilyn
Reply to 35
It doesn’t help to address the application, “Havard University Admissions Office.” (It’s “Harvard,” dolt! Although “Hah-vard” probably is acceptable.)
My congratulations to your daughter. Let’s hope she’s smarter than her father. It appears so.
Reply to 37
Excuses are like assholes. Everybody’s got one.
Reply to 40
Oh, so you’re a nuanced racist?
Further comment on 35
Who the fuck taught you to spell? Mr. Sorry Excuse For An Illiterate Asshole?
You are indeed an intelligent wordsmith, Mr FASCIST WANKER.
rightwing facist @40 That is an incredible post. It could be used as a paraphrase of Mein Kampf.
But you did use some restraint in not including Jews.
I suppose that is just between the lines.
headless lucyspews:
I’m glad these guys are on the record with their true opinions. It would be instructive to make a pamphlet out of them and distribute them to people when the 2006 elections come around. Or, gather the nastiest and foulest ones and post them on the internet as examples of Rep. rhetoric.
donna; if jews start targeting western/us citizens, then i guess so, but that’s not likely. you guys are scary naive…why the affection for terrorists?
Reply to 49
How many American lives were saved by rounding up and imprisoning 220,000 Japanese-Americans in World War 2?
Before you answer, next time you’re in Seattle, go to Evergreen Washelli Cemetery and visit the grave of William Kenzo Nakamura — not hard to find, the white headstone says “Medal of Honor” on it. Yes, his parents were in an internment camp while he bled to death on a battlefield in Italy.
For over half a century, America’s highest award for valor was denied to World War 2 soldiers of black or Asian ethnicity because of institutional racism in the military services. It was belatedly awarded to 20 Japanese-Americans and 7 blacks.
Let’s get even for Ohio. We know Bush stole it. And we know how. He had the help of republican henchmen. Well it turns out a bunch of crooks in the GOP Governor’s office are caught up in an investment scam that has cost Ohio taxpayers millions. The GOP is in real trouble there. Let’s help progressive candidates in Ohio kick the crooked repubs out!
Mr. Irrelevantspews:
Headless Looney-tic@48–
So you want to post anonymous posts as representative of something??? So you can simply post something inflammatory and blame someone else??? Typical LEFTIST PINHEADED response.
The LEFTIST PINHEADS can’t account for campaign contributions, expenditures or campaign debts timely. The LEFTIST PINHEADS could care less if all ballots are accounted for. But LEFTIST PINHEADS can glue together anonymous posts to make some sort of POINT??? What a swollen gland you are Looney-tic!
Prissy; ok, how many Japanese terrorists killed Americans in the US in WW2? Zero? Wow, maybe it worked.
(and i’m not totally stupid; i know we had 20 mm german americans we never herded up, and had little sabateauge (a little). But still, facts show for Japanese, we feared they’d cause troulbe, and guess what, they didn’t.
I am not sold on what we did, but sure love rubbing logic in your face
Those young women shouldnt flaunt themselves in front of a camera dressed like white trash.
Chuck@54: And…how does white trash dress given that you’re so familiar with it? Chuck, you’ve got a problem don’t you? And this isn’t the first time that someone has told you that, is it?. Flaunt?! In your mind, females just “ask for it”, don’t they? Any response (usually negative?) you have to them is their fault isn’t it? Tell me, have your neighbors caught on to you yet? Has the rest of your family caught on to you yet? You’re a little worse than just inappropriate. You’re a fucking, sicko, creep. Marilyn
I have some advice for you, you sanctimonious, voyeuristic creep: Keep your
eyes and your comments off other people’s children, and off young women. It’s inappropriate. Marilyn
I have some advice for you marilyn, BE A PARENT: if you don’t want people look at your daughters and to think your daughters are prostitutes, don’t let them dress like whores.
“I think you guys worship too much at the alter of poliitcal corectness. Profiling has a purpose.”
You motherfucking Nazi. This issue has nothing to do with “political correctness”; this is not even a liberal thing. Remember that “Constitution” thing with its Bill of Rights? Remember “due process,” “innocent until proven guilty,” “all created equal,” “Equal protection under the law”? These things constitute Fundamental American Principles.
DailyKos has a blog on WA Senatorial race:
WA-Sen: GOoPer poll
by kos
Sat Jun 11th, 2005 at 10:45:59 PDT
This is a Republican poll, so take with appropriate grain of salt. But regardless the actual numbers, it’s clear Rossi is the only person who can make Cantwell sweat her reelection.
Strategic Vision (R). 6/7-9. MoE 3%. (5/15-17 results)
Rossi has been very clear — he doesn’t want to move his family to DC, hence he won’t enter the race. He’s clearly itching for a rematch of the governor’s race, and will likely bide his time.
The rest of the potential challengers have low name ID, so what we’re seeing are Cantwell’s base numbers — 50 percent. She’s not out of the woods, but she’s not a top tier race against any of those non-Rossi challengers. This would be at best a second-tier race at this point.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Nethercutt was very clear. Elect me and I’ll stay for three terms and no more. Term limits rule.
Bottom line: don’t believe anything Rossi said or has said. He lied during the campaign and he’ll lie again. The senator statement may yet turn out to be yet another Rossi lie.
nazi, no, we fought them
Reply to 53
Or maybe you’re just a fucking Fascist Racist!
Comment on 54
Ha ha ha ha ha! Look who’s talking! You wanna see white trailer park trash look no farther than the Lush Twins!!! ha ha ha ha ha !!!
Comment on 55
“You’re a fucking, sicko, creep.”
Probably a registered sex offender too.
Comment on 56
dj, don’t forget Al Qaeda is recruiting white guys, which makes Righton is a suspect too.
Reply to Suspected Terrorist @ 59
What do you mean “we?” YOU didn’t fight the Nazis! Nor did any of your neocon buddies. Don’t take credit for what someone else did. You chickenshits didn’t fight the commies either when you had the chance.
Democrats: commie traitor parasites. [Atlas Has Shrugged]. Private sector Republicans must move away from Democrats. Let them suck on each other.
What the hell is this??? After all the Demo “we so much better than the Reps” BS thats been tossed around here, I read this?….
OLYMPIA — The state Public Disclosure Commission is fining the state Democratic Party $187,500 for not adequately reporting donations and debts during the 2004 campaign.
Commission Chairman Michael Connelly criticized the party for failing, once again, to comply with state laws on campaign-finance reporting.
“Political parties need to be a leader in state politics, and you are not setting a good example,” Connelly said at the Thursday commission meeting, according to minutes. “This is a serious offense and this is a serious penalty.”
Two years ago, the state fined the party $250,000 for another campaign-finance violation. But the commission suspended $100,000 of that fine on the condition the party didn’t break any more disclosure rules through 2008.
The $187,500 fine that the Democrats agreed to Thursday includes that $100,000, plus $85,000 in new fines and $2,500 to pay for the commission’s investigation.
The party got in trouble because it transferred $394,544 from its federal committee to its state committee in October, but didn’t report the names of the people and groups who gave the money, as required by state law. Despite warnings from the commission, which enforces state public-disclosure law, the party didn’t report who gave the money until Jan. 24 — 104 days late and 84 days after the election.
The party also didn’t disclose $704,815 in debts it accrued on behalf of Democratic candidates until well after the election, according to the commission’s investigation.
The fine comes as the party is paying off debt run up while successfully defending the 2004 election victory of Gov. Christine Gregoire. The party spent $3.5 million fighting Republican Dino Rossi’s election challenge. Rossi decided this week not to appeal after a Chelan County Superior Court judge dismissed his challenge.
Looks an aweful lot like a move Timmie made!!
Come on guys (demos), ya wanna look better than your opponent, then better not play by the frigger rules!
DR – She’s going to raise your taxes
CG – I will not
DR – Yes she will raise your taxes
CG – No I won’t
DR – Yes she will
CG – Will not
Any questions?
Righton @ 7
Normally I don’t agree with your thought processes…”big friggen deal” you might say? But this time I will stand right (no pun intended) with you on this issue. And before the rest of ya start in with the anti “this and that” let me paint a picture.
My father, over 65, indoctrinated Greek Orthodox, CRIPPLED (read, in a wheelchair) comes to WA State. I can go onto the concourse and get him after a 5+ hour flight, no problemo…
God forbid, the SAME airline a week later NOT let me go with him to the terminal, but have the fucking nerve to make him do everything but a cavity search (and confiscate his property) before he can go thru “security”!
BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!!! This is NOT what gawddamned airport security should be focusing on! An overweight, crippled, vet! Were the fucking terrorists that caused this clusterfuck panic masquerading as something other than normal citizens? I thing fucking NOT!
It was everything I could to NOT get arrested for civil disobedience…fucking assholes!
If the terrorists profile are typecast, and that inconveniences some of their similar racial make up, TOO FUCKING BAD!! Welcome to “freedom in America” in the 21st century, now assume the position!
…and let me add, if “security” wants to go thru my shit, check my nutsack for explosevies, knock yourselves out. I can buy that they should check those that could fit a “standard” profile. But seinors, please…like I told the guard they threatened me with arrest ( and my pops, God love him, told me to forget it…right), would ya do that to your own grandmother?
piece of overpaid shit!
sorry for the vocab errors…liquid dinner is making my fingers slow (and my brain slower)
DamnageD @ 65: Excellent point. Maybe that’s why the D’s wanted 12% interest on the recount money the SoS was holding…
This was a pretty boned-headed maneuver, as its reporting violations, not illegal contributions. Considering the good week the D’s have had, the timing wasn’t good either.
I suppose all’s fair in politics and blogging….the Dems just gave the Repubs reason to complain, and ammo for the wingers! Nice job guys!
Maybe they (demos) were secretly hoping the Rossi case would go section 11 (or whatever its called) so the money would be returned in full.
Good one damaged. I get taunted to go racist by the nutjobs, but my beef is same as yours. Unfortunately for guys on the left, only one articulating this (in a way the right cheers, left hates) is Coulter. I’d say she’s the only one w/ the cojones to take it on.
My legally blind father, WW2 vet, nearing 90, can’t even bend over. But of course, he has to spend 30 min getting his hush puppies back on after a full search.
Its insane to be so paralyzed by the fear of hurting minorities that we chuck all common sense out the window. And we are less secure cuz we waste all this time and money checking out non-suspects.
You know, we go to war agains Gypsies, or Jews, and they darn sure will racially profile me and you, so will the Chinese or Koreans. Its just common sense.
I recall James Woods and also Dennis MIller wax pretty eloquently on this.
DD @ 65
No big deal. Only 185K. Bush wastes that much taxpayer money every 3 minutes even when he’s sleeping.
Reply to 66
She didn’t raise MY taxes. She raised YOUR taxes.
Now through all this talk of how the screening is done, have we lost sight of who’s in charge? They are a federal agency. The Federal Gov’t is currently controlled by the Republicans. And it has been since the current screening program began. So stop spinning this as a Liberal issue.
I believe no small part of the airlines’ decline (and Boeing’s difficulties) is that it is so difficult to travel. But again, Bush has been in charge through the whole post 911 security change. If it’s broke, he should fix it.
DD @ 67
Uh … DD … we’re not talking about airport security here. We’re talking about the government going out an arresting people because they have dark skin or funny sounding names, plastering their photos and names all over the press with the word “terrorist” attached, then later quietly dropping the charges because they don’t have (and never did have) any evidence against the “suspected terrorists.”
Now can you explain to me again how that’s different from the KKK burning somebody’s house down?
DD, I can understand your irritation with airport security after what happened to you and your Dad (God bless him). Be patient. TSA is a new program, and they need some time to work the bugs out.
And maybe Bush wouldn’t be having all this trouble with TSA if he had hired the union instead of untrained, low-wage, overworked, ill-treated scab labor.
I’m not spinning anything as anything, if thats what your trying to pin down. I’m just going to side with the “think out of the fucking box”…ers! I don’t care whos in friggen charge, what I do care about is those jackasses think cause they get to run a checkpoint, they can bend over anyone they damn well please!
There is a real and valid science in profiling…hell, I think it’s even been a damn TV show (if not, maybe it should be). I don’t buy into the “poor so-and-so” shouldnt be searched, cause we need to protect their civil liberities?
ALL of our “civil” liberties are in the toliete since we were attacked. So seems resonable to me that the folks running those checkpoints utilize the science!
Hell, if they will let me through one day just by saying I have to get my crippled father, why the hell are they gonna make the same old man strip (and when i mean strip, for those not familiar with the difficulties of the chair bound…any clothing removal is a chore)?
Reply to 70
Hey Jon why shouldn’t Reed pay STATUTORY INTEREST after sitting on PRIVATE PROPERTY for 6 months after Gregoire won the recount, huh? Do you suppose Reed — who had his picture taken along with Rossi, Vance, and other GOP luminaries demanding a recount — might have sat on that money hoping the Democrats wouldn’t be able to pay lawyers to defend against Rossi’s bullshit lawsuit? How would YOU like it if some government official who happens to be a Democrat took 6 months longer to refund YOUR money than the law says he’s supposed to, and offers you 2 stinkin’ percent? You’d be raising holy hell! Well FUCK YOU — WE WANT OUR MONEY WITH STATUTORY INTEREST, jerk!
oops should say “demanding a revote” – my bad
Reply to 71
It was a paperwork glitch. Shit happens.
While we’re on the subject of paperwork glitches I wonder what happened to the $9,000,000,000.00 of Iraqi money in temporary U.S. custody that vanished? Nobody seems to know where it is.
uh, did ya read the article? It’s nothing to be too proud of if ya lean left. In fact it’s rather shameful.
Damn shame that right after a quality TKO, we blacken our own eye with this kinda stunt.
Goldy, this is fun; where’d you dig up priscilla, or is he/she your more evil twin?
Reply to 75
So why don’t they wave through the non-suspects, Numnuts? Please explain how “profiling” minorities solves your Dad’s problem? What’s needed is common sense, which appears to be in real short supply among the Republicans currently running our government. Of course it doesn’t occur to you that this kind of shit wouldn’t happen to your dad or DD’s dad if the Democrats were running things. Only Republicans are this stupid.
you are dense; they check everyone cuz you libs would yell bloody loud if they only checked 30 yr old males with accents and dark skin.
How do you de profile fat white middle class americans and not get accused of racisnm
Comment on 78
Actually I’ve flown several times since 9/11 and breezed right through security. Wonder if that’s because I’m a white guy who looks “patriotic” (whatever that is these days).
Oooops!!! I gave away my identity!! My bad!
go look at the line of geezers and kids getting checked…a big joke cuz we are whooses..
Well OK so I do look like Dino Rossi, except for the greasy hair and facial tic.
no mafioso or other italians threatening the mass public, you should be waved on.
DD @ 86, given the current context, it’s hard to think of ANYTHING the Democrats do as “shameful.” The Dems, after all, did not get these country into a fuck-up quagmire of a war that has cost $300 billion and 1645 American lives, or steal trillions of dollars from the middle class and working people. Now THAT is shameful. What the Democrats did was a mere clerical error that did not (a) kill anyone, (b) rob anyone of their retirement, (c) take food off anyone’s table, (d) violate anyone’s civil rights, or (e) dishonor our country. Keep it in perspective, guy, keep it in perspective. Don’t lose sight of the real problems — warmongering, dividing the country, undermining the Constitution, rigging elections, looting the economy, etc. ad naus.
Don’t blame me on Goldy! He has no control over me. He doesn’t censor this site, remember? He lets everyone post, including whack jobs like you.
By the way, fuck you. Fuck the horse you rode in on, too.
Oh, and did I remember to tell you, fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on, too.
Oops, I almost forgot to call you a fucking racist. Well you ARE a fucking racist.
That must be why they waved me through. They’re not worried about the Mafia or people who look Italian.
you and howard dean need the same anger management medicine
i cannot imagine goldy paying money to hang with you guys at some retreat; what a bunch of nasty people you dems seems to be
89, uh I don’t think so idiot. First of all since when did R’s ever listen to complaints from liberals. Secondly WHO is going to complain about a 90-year-old vet in a wheelchair getting waved through? God you are stupid.
Angry? I’m not angry. I’m just stating facts.
OK, so maybe I did make an assumption. You’re a VIRGIN racist.
but that aint the rule; nobody gets waived thru
If the lithium is still working, think; the 55 year old Vietnam vet; can he walk thru? Big strapping white guy, maybe w/ grandkids, can he get de-profiled. De profile enough of us and then you end up w/ only Arabs (only people who seem to enjoy suicide/murder(
99 (again)
“what a bunch of nasty people you dems seems to be”
Do you like it? That’s how you right-wing whack jobs have been treating us liberals for years. What the fuck did you expect, that we would kiss your asses and roll over for you like fucking dogs? What goes around comes around pal.
If you go read Free Republic you can find right-wing freaks who talk about going after liberals with guns. Guess what we’re gonna do if that happens?
P @ 95
okay, okay…point made.
But I’d still appreciate a responsible party…kinda like i’d appreciate a culpable President. Then again, they’d like water in hell too….
I come pretty close to your profile of a 55-year-old Vietnam vet white guy, but I’m not saying they should wave me through. I’m an angry liberal, remember? I might have a bomb or something in my luggage. Gotta check, just in case.
Of course, 9/11 could have been prevented just by checking anyone who bought a one-way ticket and boarded without luggage, but that never occurred to you, did it?
Or how about just screening anyone who attended a flight school and wasn’t interested in how to LAND the plane, bought a one-way ticket, and boarded without luggage?
Hell, 9/11 could have been prevented if the FBI had just listened to their field agents, even if NOBODY got screened at the airport.
Let’s see WHOSE WATCH DID THIS HAPPEN ON? Oh yes, almost forgot, Gee-Whiz-Dubya’s watch. And you guys think Clinton fucked up because they blew up the USS Cole in a Middle Eastern port. You wanna see a REAL fuckup? I can show you a REAL fuckup, in fact, a bunch of ’em.
And they’re criticizing Mark Felt for ratting out Nixon? You wanna see a bunch of FBI turd fuckups, I can show you a bunch of ’em …
Actually, a responsible party and accountable president is somewhat more possible than a glass of water in Hell, if the voters ever regain their senses … provided the voting machines aren’t fixed …
Actually you seem to be the sick one with strange ideas and thoughts, you might want to seek professional help for that problem. If something is rationally and constructively pointed out and you go on the defensive accusing someone of perverse thinking, it is you that needs the help. Do you ever wonder why few are comfortable around you?
@57: I am a parent. Now I don’t know how whores dress, not having ever sought one out, but I can tell you this. Society doesn’t need another freak fantasizing over young women at the least little excuse. There wasn’t anything inappropirate in the way Gregoire’s daughters were dressed.
Chuck@56: You didn’t rationally and construtively point out anything. You described young women you don’t even know as being dressed like trailer park trash. It was a gratuitious comment, made out of pure meaness, a product of your attitude that you sit on some judgment seat and have the right to criticize young women, whether they have any relevance to you or not. And you thought you could get away with it. Ever wonder why people aren’t comfortable with YOU? Take the mote from your eye. Marilyn
Marilyn @ 111
Chuck has also used the “B-word” to describe Gregoire.
These insecure guys really need to re-evaluate their attitudes.
Chuck @ all
Still waiting for the Titanic to sink here, Chuck? Good thing you weren’t at (u)SP – things sunk pretty badly over there.
I also called Bill Clinton an arrogant asshole, Gary lock a useless asshole WTF is your point?
Comment on 113
The kettle calling the pot black?
Believe me, fantasizing about the governors daughters is not at all on my list. I noticed you called them whores…why was that? Perhaps you know something about the girls that we dont know? Please share your little secret. I was just implying that they needed to dress better for important meetings than they did at their mothers acceptance speech. Incedently, it was an important lesson for my college going daughter, as she saw what I was talking about.(you reap what you sew)
Cheesy Chuckie @ 113
You do make a somewhat valid point but you forgot to mention the stupid asshole (Dubya).
Chuck@115: No, Chuck. You are a liar. I did not call them that and neither did anyone else. My, but you do have a lively imagination. Governor Gregoire’s acceptance speech must have really galled you. Massaging your resentments today are you?
By the way: the phrase is “you reap what you SOW.” Not sew, you ignorant ass. Marilyn
Tooth Fairyspews:
A Parallel?
A video showing Serb police executing 6 Mulims – 2 men and 4 boys – is causing a stir in the Balkans.
The Serbs who committed war crimes like these were (1) ultranationalistic (2) Christians (3) suffering a victim complex (4) murdering Muslims in cold blood.
Serbs are complicated; they have hair and nails too; why’d you decide to pick on the christian angle.
As pathetic defense, remember they got slaughtered by the Muslims about 600 yrs ago. If not for the serbs we’d all be in chadors and riding camels
A SOW for your info is a female hog that has birthed offspring. So you reap what you SEW
Perhaps some conservative parenting lessons would help keep your daughter(s) off the street and in school, sounds like you might need all the help you can get.
Chuck@120: Sow vs. Sew:? Buy a dictionary you pointless idiot. Conservative parenting lessons? What an oxymoron. You’re having a real problem aren’t you Chuck? You don’t like being called out for being a voyeur, do you? You’re a fucking voyeuristic creep. Marilyn
Chuck, how do you think modern young women should dress?
Can you explain, give names of designers ans sub-designers who make them, and perhaps show us some “good” and “trailer trash” clothing. Please let us know exactly what the Gregoire girls should have been wearing.
there’s a big store locally, maybe you’ve heard of it, “Nordstrom”
Tooth Fairyspews:
Reply to 119
“Serbs are complicated; they have hair and nails too; why’d you decide to pick on the christian angle.”
Possibly because they were murdering Muslims for being Muslims?
What’s complicated about a bunch of genocidal murderers? The only thing you need to know about them is where to point the bombsight.
Tooth Fairyspews:
Most people wear what the sew, but to each his own.
Tooth Fairyspews:
Comment on 123
Cheesy Chuckie believes in keeping ’em barefoot and pregnant.
Tooth Fairyspews:
Reply to 124
I thought security didn’t let you in there.
Pepper@123 Chuck, how do you think modern young women should dress
RE: lets try a business suit…or a nice conservative dress. If her husband showed up in a wife beater shirt (tank top) I would have felt the same way.
Tooth Fairy @ too many
That’s you, Don, right? Whats up with the constantly changing monikers? The latest (Priscilla and Tooth Fairy) have got me worrying about where it will all end. You seem to be headed toward the inevitable label of Fudge Packer.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
He’s also Marilyn and thatPrick!
Combined Don/Alan?DubyaSux and all his other monikers account for over half the posts…much of the time spent VALIDATING himself and wearing out the F*** word.
toothfairy/thtatPrick/Marilyn/Prissy and 50 other monikers is a bitter former State Government Attorney who spent 30 years stealing his salary and now steals an inflated pension yet is bitter because he couldn’t make over $1000/yr. over 10 years of trying to make it in the real world. As a DSHS Attorney, he antagonized Christian families on trumped up charges in Court and was hated by all who met him. This is how the multiple personality disorder evolved. Hell…some of his monikers even hate each other!!! A sick SOB.
I think it’s time for me, zip, Puddy, righton and the few remaining alternative voices to sign off from here permanently. Any takers??
Am almost w/ you ; at times too much fun though to toss a 1 line bone and watch the whackos fight for it…I might hang here for a day or so more, just to call them NAMBLA loving abortionist left wing liberals (the counter to their typical string of adjectives for a conservative)
Yes cynical.
AND, thank GOD, you came back from that irrelevant name when it more aptly describes this little blog lately… I suppose a few may actually still read it but the only consistant poster is PrissySillyPrick/Don and the many voices inhabiting his empty head. We only feed their sad little delusions of relevancy.
Tooth Fairyspews:
Who were you expecting, the Easter bunny?
Easter Bunnyspews:
Reply to 131
“I think it’s time for me, zip, Puddy, righton and the few remaining alternative voices to sign off from here permanently.”
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Easter Bunnyspews:
Hey jackass at 131 how can I “steal” my pension when all I get is money that was deducted from my paychecks and paid taxes on? Wanna explain that, blowhard? You’re right about one thing though — if I had known when I went into public service that the “public” includes people like you, I would’ve had second thoughts. I wasted 30 years of my life serving fucking ingrates like you.
Tooth Fairyspews:
Anybody who hires Mr. Cynical/Irrelevant/Ignert for accounting services gets considerably less than what they’re paying for. Maybe that’s why BIAW is so totally fucked up. Rossi undoubtedly lost his lawsuit because of Mr. Imbecile, too, because Mr. Idiot and his BIG BINDER were no-shows.
LMAO@our resident idiotspews:
seems like a factual comment from the doc hastings post…..if not true irrelevant…prove it!!!!!
Priscilla @67… it basically says that mr irrelevant is very upset because Mayor West never made a second pass at him. keep your faith mr irrelevant, maybe you can go to the peep shows and get lucky, if you carry enough money for the ‘boys’
Comment by U2— 6/12/05 @ 12:13 pm
Mr C @ 131
I’ve deciphered the Pattern:
Goldy throws the choir a bone,
The choir sings to each other,
As soon as a dissenting comment pops up, the usual kool aid drinkers go postal,
They eventually converge on some Bush-hate topic.
The pattern just keeps repeating itself in the absence of “real news” around here. It’s entertaining so I’ll stick around at least often enough to see what Don names himself next.
Do you think it is a coincidence that (1) two Americans (of Pakistani descent) have been arrested for possible terrorist connections with Al Qaeda, just as (2) Bush is out on the campaign trail trying to renew parts of the “Patriot Act” that are expiring?
I don’t think so.
dj; Good to both of your items. Arrest a few more Pakistanis and stop hassling me at the airport. Target the obvious.
Righton @ 2
Do you mean obvious targets like Timothy McVeigh, or is race more important than success in your book? Given this administration’s record on prosecutions and detentions I can only assume that it is the Shrub’s policy.
Headless Lucy is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!!!!!!
Priscilla is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!!!!!!!!!!
You LEFTIST PINHEADS are ALL a bunch of I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S’s!!!!!
Let the right wallow in the misery of the often lost governor race.
Let the citizens savor the fact that Rossi is not our governor (after his comments about the state supreme court, we should feel not only relieved but blessed).
Let us celebrate the leglislature finally doing things.
Let us watch with amazement as a few misguided (in need of more ratings???) talk show hosts go against their own constiuency (big business) as they champion a repeal of sensible, bi-partisan transportation leglislation.
Only the 12 Saudis actually hijacked planes. I’m not saying dont fight all crime, but rather in targeting criminals you need to give up the PC religion and de-target some obvious non threats. Those 85 year old WW2 vets taking off their shoes at Sea Tac are not threats. The 25 year old Arabs might be. When Irish start blowing up things here, they join the list. If McVeigh clones start blowing up planes, add jarheads.
as for general arrest the arabs first, i don’t know. If its a choice of losing some buildings or falsely arresting a few arabs, lets arrest them. But i see the problem with that.
Hey, Chuck (assuming you’re still lurking) –
I remember your describing Gov. Gregoire’s daughters as “trailer park trash” a few months back. In case you haven’t been paying attention (to anything other than SP, anyway), one of them is graduating this week from Harvard Law School. So have any of your daughters done anything notable of late?
Thomas Trainwinder is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!
Just what we need…another LEFTIST PINHEADED Lawyer.
bj is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!!
We’ve finally reached the core of Mr Unintelligents’ belief system and, as predicted, found nothing but, BITTER FRUIT.
It’s OPEN THREAD Looney….you ignoranus!!
Published: June 11th, 2005 12:01 AM
CAN DEMS SPELL ‘DISCLOSURE’?: You have to wonder how many times the state Public Disclosure Commission is going to have to whack the state Democratic Party upside the head before the party gets the message.
Which is: Yes, this state actually has public disclosure laws, and yes, the party actually has to follow the law like everybody else.
The stiff $187,000 fine the PDC handed the Dems this week for financial disclosure violations is all the more embarassing – or at least it should be – because the party was on probation for earlier violations.
Two years ago the party agreed to pay $250,000 to settle a case involving campaign finance violations. The commission suspended $100,000 of that on condition the party not commit any more violations through 2008.
Whoops, the Dems did it again, missing reporting deadlines and reporting key campaign contributions only after the November 2004 elections. So the suspended fine was reinstated last week, along with an additional $87,500 in fines and costs.
This isn’t trivial. Party boss Paul Berendt blames staff mistakes, but that excuse won’t fly. Strike Two makes the party look dishonest at worst, incompetent at best. There better not be a Strike Three.
(Paul Berendt blames everyone but himself for “errors”. If he and the demopcratic leadership knowingly and repeatedly violate campaign laws it’s reasonalbe to assume they don’t respect other laws either. If he breaks the law when he knows it likely he’ll get caught what would he do if he knew he couldn’t get caught? Maybe a little ballot stuffing?)
I Googled “Republican campaign finance violations” and found 476,000 entries. How many strikes before you’re out, Dave?
Great Points Dave!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADS would be screaming like the stuck pigs they are if it were the R’s that got nailed like Berendt did.
Disclosure laws are very important.
What the Washington Dems did is very, very bad…
Voters need to understand on a timely basis where the money is coming from AND where the money is going AND what debts are being incurred. This is Accounting 101.
At least the Dems are consistent. They see no problem with the failures of KingCo to reconcile votes and voters and reporting accurately to the Canvassing Board and Secretary of State….and these same LEFTIST PINHEADS see no problem with failure to reconcile there PDC filings and report them accurately and timely.
And trust me….this will be a MAJOR campaign issue in upcoming elections. MAJOR! Go to all the campaign training schools you like…it doesn’t change the facts.
Do any of you know how long the Petitioners have to appeal Judge Bridges decision??? There were a number of Petitioners. Borders says he isn’t interested but could change his mind. This appeal would clearly be out of Rossi’s hands. It’s up to the Petitioner’s.
What in the world does the number of “Google Hits” on campaign finance violations have to do with anything???
Bad Try at deflecting attention from the serious Washington Dem violations====NO SALE LOONEY!
Gee, I’d think the Campaign training camp would teach you morons to accept responsibility IMMEDIATELY on stuff like this when there is no current election. You must have been snoozing when they explained this strategy LOONEY. This issue is a complete loser for the Washington Dems…..but go ahead and keep denyig, minimizing and marginalizing….let’s keep the topic going for another year!
Of 3,643 Republicans serving in state legislatures across the country, only 44 are minorities. In Texas, whose population is 47% minority, none of the 106 Republican state legislators are African Americans or Hispanics. In Congress, of the 274 Republican Senators and Representatives, exactly 5 are minorities. The rest, as Howard Dean pointed out, are mostly rich white guys who “have never worked a day in their lives.”
Wrong headed @ 2
You sound like a racist Republican to me. Yah, right, arrest the brown skinned guys because they must be the terrorists. Well I can play that game too. Show me a caucasion male conservative Republican between the ages of 25 and 69, and I’ll show you an unpatriotic, anti-Bill of Rights, America-hating, domestic terrorist!
Comment on 4, 5
Reply to 7
You’re a typical wingnut whose IQ is less than the carbohydrates in one small serving of low-cal breakfast cereal who thinks if the GUVMINT HACK GUMSHOES arrest somebody with a dark skin they must be a terrorist. What’s this administration’s conviction rate, huh? Next to zero. The only four things they’re good at is (1) ignoring honest-to-God real intel, (2) arresting the wrong people, (3) blowing prosecutions when they somehow do manage to arrest a bad guy, (4) torturing (mostly innocent) people. You guys would be funny if you weren’t murdering so many innocent prisoners.
Comment on 9, 10
After MR. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD misspells I-G-N-O-R-A-M-U-S four times in a row I think we can safely conclude it’s not a typo eh?
Comment on 12
Five times in a row.
Comment on 13
Can MR. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD spell I-G-N-O-R-A-M-U-S? Well he’s had 5 chances and whiffed all 5 times. Most kids would get thrown out of Little League tryouts after 2 or 3.
Show me a caucasion male conservative Republican between the ages of 25 and 69 and I’ll show you an unpatriotic, anti-Bill of Rights, America-hating, racist, atavistic mysogynist, (and oh yeah, “christian”) terrorist. Someone whose idea of problem solving involves their checkbook, their dick, or their gun (buy it, fuck it, or shoot it) and whose concept of multitaksing is being able to fart and drink a beer at the same time while sitting on the remote. Marilyn.
Mr. Idiot @ 15
Oh yes I certainly hope the individual petitioners do appeal Judge Bridges’ ruling — I look forward to seeing them living in Tent City and commuting to work on skateboards after paying their lawyer bills — yes yes yes yes yes :D :D :D
You don’t understand much about politics or news media, do you Mr. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD? It’ll blow over before the next election, and in any case, is being submerged by the torrent of smelly scandals emanating from the George W. Baboon Administration.
Reply to 24
My apologies for the oversight. I also forgot to mention they’re chauvinist pigs.
I’m concerned w/ WA REp. Hastings ethical lapses– especially since he’s head of the House Ethics Committee. At least we know that he has a very personal understanding of ethical lapses. Might there be some financial things involved here? Hmm. Let’s have a closer look. And Delay. Lot’s of stuff here to point the accusing finger at. And the Downing Street Memo. And Jim Wright. And you think you’re gong to raise a storm over some papers that got filed late? Good luck, Dave.
Meanwhile, on the congressional front, when the Democrats’ turn came to present witnesses and testify about the Patriot Act, committee chair Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) gaveled the hearing to adjournment, turned off the mikes, turned his back on the Democrats, and walked out of the hearing room with the rest of the GOP committee members. We used to have a democracy in this country until these FASCISTS took over.
Addendum to 24 & 27: And..not to mention their exagerrated sense of entitlement. Marilyn
Reply to 30
Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention they’re FASCIST FUCKS. Man I’m groggy this morning.
righton @ 2, 7
Holy shit. I though you were just an ignorant redneck, but it turns out you are a full-blown white supremacist neo-Nazi!
“With all of the debate about taxes, the economy and domestic spending, it is hard to imagine anyone supporting the notion of taking money from programs like Medicaid and college-tuition assistance, increasing the tax burden of the vast majority of working Americans, sending the country into crushing debt – and giving the proceeds to people who are so fantastically rich that they don’t know what to do with the money they already have. Yet that is just what is happening under the Bush administration.”
— New York Times editorial, June 7, 2005
For the complete editorial see
righton @ 2, 7
The father and son arrested in California are not Pakistanis. They are Americans.
“If its a choice of losing some buildings or falsely arresting a few arabs, lets arrest them. But i see the problem with that.”
Ummm . . . but Pakistanis are not “Arabs.” Even so, I am disgusted that you find it acceptable to falsely arrest people (American citizen or not) for any reason.
I expect that over the next few weeks, we will hear a lot of neocon bullshit (including an arrest or two, and lots of news about anti-American domestic activity) in a fear-mongering attempt to support renewal of the Patriot act. Who cares if we arrest or detain a few innocent people, who cares if we trash some peoples life if it helps secure the more fascist end of the BushCo agenda?
Will DON join Goldenstein at the Junior Communist Camp afor pissy little socialists? Will Headless Lucy take a few days off from her “gubment” job to teach at the Fidel School of Hillary Villages?
Not havard but my daughter will graduate from PLU in the not too distant future. (I wasnt politicly connected enough to get her in Harvard or Yale)
By the way I was referring to their attire when I said they looked like trailer park trash.
Prissy @ 19–
I knew you would be the LEFTIST PINHEAD who would fall for my spelling I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!
You see dipshit, you are both IGNORANT and an ANUS!!!
Even Looney-tunes was able to figure that one out…but not you Prissy!! I think you ought to go back to being your alterego DON. He seemed capable of at least figuring out a SIMPLE PLAY ON WORDS….unlike you moron!
Chuck@8: Why do you care about their attire and who are you to judge anyway? Oh, I forgot, you’re a white conservative male and this gives you the right to sit in constant judgment of women, doesn’t it? How does your daughter dress? Marilyn
If my daughter was going with me to stand in front of cameras for the entire state of Washington, rest assured she would dress appropriatly.
DJ thanks, i know pakis are not arabs. ok, lockup muslims and or arabs. if both, a double.
when 80 yr old caucasions start blowing up planes, then arrst them to
I think you guys worship too much at the alter of poliitcal corectness. Profiling has a purpose. Bet you go to Karachi you get tracked pretty closely.
Remember Pakis have the bomb and seem to be sharing it w/ iran, libya, even korea….
Yeah, i didn’t see they were americans of pak heritage big deal, if the IRA starts blowing up planes go arrest all the micks in boston bars supporting the irish…
thanks for the gratuitous nazi association. Are you a closet Nazi,
Chuck@38: That’s not the point. There was nothing untoward in the attire of Governor Gregoire’s daughters. You simply used the occasion as an excuse to make a gratuitous comment, and indulge your meanness. We all know the message you intended to convey by using the term “trailer park trash”. I have some advice for you, you sanctimonious, voyeuristic creep: Keep your
eyes and your comments off other people’s children, and off young women. It’s inappropriate. Marilyn
Reply to 35
It doesn’t help to address the application, “Havard University Admissions Office.” (It’s “Harvard,” dolt! Although “Hah-vard” probably is acceptable.)
My congratulations to your daughter. Let’s hope she’s smarter than her father. It appears so.
Reply to 37
Excuses are like assholes. Everybody’s got one.
Reply to 40
Oh, so you’re a nuanced racist?
Further comment on 35
Who the fuck taught you to spell? Mr. Sorry Excuse For An Illiterate Asshole?
You are indeed an intelligent wordsmith, Mr FASCIST WANKER.
rightwing facist @40 That is an incredible post. It could be used as a paraphrase of Mein Kampf.
But you did use some restraint in not including Jews.
I suppose that is just between the lines.
I’m glad these guys are on the record with their true opinions. It would be instructive to make a pamphlet out of them and distribute them to people when the 2006 elections come around. Or, gather the nastiest and foulest ones and post them on the internet as examples of Rep. rhetoric.
donna; if jews start targeting western/us citizens, then i guess so, but that’s not likely. you guys are scary naive…why the affection for terrorists?
Reply to 49
How many American lives were saved by rounding up and imprisoning 220,000 Japanese-Americans in World War 2?
Before you answer, next time you’re in Seattle, go to Evergreen Washelli Cemetery and visit the grave of William Kenzo Nakamura — not hard to find, the white headstone says “Medal of Honor” on it. Yes, his parents were in an internment camp while he bled to death on a battlefield in Italy.
For over half a century, America’s highest award for valor was denied to World War 2 soldiers of black or Asian ethnicity because of institutional racism in the military services. It was belatedly awarded to 20 Japanese-Americans and 7 blacks.
Let’s get even for Ohio. We know Bush stole it. And we know how. He had the help of republican henchmen. Well it turns out a bunch of crooks in the GOP Governor’s office are caught up in an investment scam that has cost Ohio taxpayers millions. The GOP is in real trouble there. Let’s help progressive candidates in Ohio kick the crooked repubs out!
Headless Looney-tic@48–
So you want to post anonymous posts as representative of something??? So you can simply post something inflammatory and blame someone else??? Typical LEFTIST PINHEADED response.
The LEFTIST PINHEADS can’t account for campaign contributions, expenditures or campaign debts timely. The LEFTIST PINHEADS could care less if all ballots are accounted for. But LEFTIST PINHEADS can glue together anonymous posts to make some sort of POINT??? What a swollen gland you are Looney-tic!
Prissy; ok, how many Japanese terrorists killed Americans in the US in WW2? Zero? Wow, maybe it worked.
(and i’m not totally stupid; i know we had 20 mm german americans we never herded up, and had little sabateauge (a little). But still, facts show for Japanese, we feared they’d cause troulbe, and guess what, they didn’t.
I am not sold on what we did, but sure love rubbing logic in your face
Those young women shouldnt flaunt themselves in front of a camera dressed like white trash.
Chuck@54: And…how does white trash dress given that you’re so familiar with it? Chuck, you’ve got a problem don’t you? And this isn’t the first time that someone has told you that, is it?. Flaunt?! In your mind, females just “ask for it”, don’t they? Any response (usually negative?) you have to them is their fault isn’t it? Tell me, have your neighbors caught on to you yet? Has the rest of your family caught on to you yet? You’re a little worse than just inappropriate. You’re a fucking, sicko, creep. Marilyn
I have some advice for you, you sanctimonious, voyeuristic creep: Keep your
eyes and your comments off other people’s children, and off young women. It’s inappropriate. Marilyn
I have some advice for you marilyn, BE A PARENT: if you don’t want people look at your daughters and to think your daughters are prostitutes, don’t let them dress like whores.
“I think you guys worship too much at the alter of poliitcal corectness. Profiling has a purpose.”
You motherfucking Nazi. This issue has nothing to do with “political correctness”; this is not even a liberal thing. Remember that “Constitution” thing with its Bill of Rights? Remember “due process,” “innocent until proven guilty,” “all created equal,” “Equal protection under the law”? These things constitute Fundamental American Principles.
The views you express are patently anti-American.
DailyKos has a blog on WA Senatorial race:
WA-Sen: GOoPer poll
by kos
Sat Jun 11th, 2005 at 10:45:59 PDT
This is a Republican poll, so take with appropriate grain of salt. But regardless the actual numbers, it’s clear Rossi is the only person who can make Cantwell sweat her reelection.
Strategic Vision (R). 6/7-9. MoE 3%. (5/15-17 results)
Cantwell (D) 40 (41)
Rossi (R) 52 (50)
Cantwell (D) 50 (50)
Dunn (R) 39 (40)
Cantwell (D) 51 (49)
Nethercutt (R) 38 (38)
Cantwell (D) 55 (54)
Vance (R) 35 (35)
Cantwell (D) 50 (50)
White (R) 38 (37)
Cantwell (D) 50 (49)
McGavick (R) 36 (36)
Rossi has been very clear — he doesn’t want to move his family to DC, hence he won’t enter the race. He’s clearly itching for a rematch of the governor’s race, and will likely bide his time.
The rest of the potential challengers have low name ID, so what we’re seeing are Cantwell’s base numbers — 50 percent. She’s not out of the woods, but she’s not a top tier race against any of those non-Rossi challengers. This would be at best a second-tier race at this point.
Nethercutt was very clear. Elect me and I’ll stay for three terms and no more. Term limits rule.
Bottom line: don’t believe anything Rossi said or has said. He lied during the campaign and he’ll lie again. The senator statement may yet turn out to be yet another Rossi lie.
nazi, no, we fought them
Reply to 53
Or maybe you’re just a fucking Fascist Racist!
Comment on 54
Ha ha ha ha ha! Look who’s talking! You wanna see white trailer park trash look no farther than the Lush Twins!!! ha ha ha ha ha !!!
Comment on 55
“You’re a fucking, sicko, creep.”
Probably a registered sex offender too.
Comment on 56
dj, don’t forget Al Qaeda is recruiting white guys, which makes Righton is a suspect too.
Reply to Suspected Terrorist @ 59
What do you mean “we?” YOU didn’t fight the Nazis! Nor did any of your neocon buddies. Don’t take credit for what someone else did. You chickenshits didn’t fight the commies either when you had the chance.
Democrats: commie traitor parasites. [Atlas Has Shrugged]. Private sector Republicans must move away from Democrats. Let them suck on each other.
What the hell is this??? After all the Demo “we so much better than the Reps” BS thats been tossed around here, I read this?….
OLYMPIA — The state Public Disclosure Commission is fining the state Democratic Party $187,500 for not adequately reporting donations and debts during the 2004 campaign.
Commission Chairman Michael Connelly criticized the party for failing, once again, to comply with state laws on campaign-finance reporting.
“Political parties need to be a leader in state politics, and you are not setting a good example,” Connelly said at the Thursday commission meeting, according to minutes. “This is a serious offense and this is a serious penalty.”
Two years ago, the state fined the party $250,000 for another campaign-finance violation. But the commission suspended $100,000 of that fine on the condition the party didn’t break any more disclosure rules through 2008.
The $187,500 fine that the Democrats agreed to Thursday includes that $100,000, plus $85,000 in new fines and $2,500 to pay for the commission’s investigation.
The party got in trouble because it transferred $394,544 from its federal committee to its state committee in October, but didn’t report the names of the people and groups who gave the money, as required by state law. Despite warnings from the commission, which enforces state public-disclosure law, the party didn’t report who gave the money until Jan. 24 — 104 days late and 84 days after the election.
The party also didn’t disclose $704,815 in debts it accrued on behalf of Democratic candidates until well after the election, according to the commission’s investigation.
The fine comes as the party is paying off debt run up while successfully defending the 2004 election victory of Gov. Christine Gregoire. The party spent $3.5 million fighting Republican Dino Rossi’s election challenge. Rossi decided this week not to appeal after a Chelan County Superior Court judge dismissed his challenge.
Looks an aweful lot like a move Timmie made!!
Come on guys (demos), ya wanna look better than your opponent, then better not play by the frigger rules!
DR – She’s going to raise your taxes
CG – I will not
DR – Yes she will raise your taxes
CG – No I won’t
DR – Yes she will
CG – Will not
Any questions?
Righton @ 7
Normally I don’t agree with your thought processes…”big friggen deal” you might say? But this time I will stand right (no pun intended) with you on this issue. And before the rest of ya start in with the anti “this and that” let me paint a picture.
My father, over 65, indoctrinated Greek Orthodox, CRIPPLED (read, in a wheelchair) comes to WA State. I can go onto the concourse and get him after a 5+ hour flight, no problemo…
God forbid, the SAME airline a week later NOT let me go with him to the terminal, but have the fucking nerve to make him do everything but a cavity search (and confiscate his property) before he can go thru “security”!
BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!!! This is NOT what gawddamned airport security should be focusing on! An overweight, crippled, vet! Were the fucking terrorists that caused this clusterfuck panic masquerading as something other than normal citizens? I thing fucking NOT!
It was everything I could to NOT get arrested for civil disobedience…fucking assholes!
If the terrorists profile are typecast, and that inconveniences some of their similar racial make up, TOO FUCKING BAD!! Welcome to “freedom in America” in the 21st century, now assume the position!
…and let me add, if “security” wants to go thru my shit, check my nutsack for explosevies, knock yourselves out. I can buy that they should check those that could fit a “standard” profile. But seinors, please…like I told the guard they threatened me with arrest ( and my pops, God love him, told me to forget it…right), would ya do that to your own grandmother?
piece of overpaid shit!
sorry for the vocab errors…liquid dinner is making my fingers slow (and my brain slower)
DamnageD @ 65: Excellent point. Maybe that’s why the D’s wanted 12% interest on the recount money the SoS was holding…
This was a pretty boned-headed maneuver, as its reporting violations, not illegal contributions. Considering the good week the D’s have had, the timing wasn’t good either.
I suppose all’s fair in politics and blogging….the Dems just gave the Repubs reason to complain, and ammo for the wingers! Nice job guys!
Maybe they (demos) were secretly hoping the Rossi case would go section 11 (or whatever its called) so the money would be returned in full.
Good one damaged. I get taunted to go racist by the nutjobs, but my beef is same as yours. Unfortunately for guys on the left, only one articulating this (in a way the right cheers, left hates) is Coulter. I’d say she’s the only one w/ the cojones to take it on.
My legally blind father, WW2 vet, nearing 90, can’t even bend over. But of course, he has to spend 30 min getting his hush puppies back on after a full search.
Its insane to be so paralyzed by the fear of hurting minorities that we chuck all common sense out the window. And we are less secure cuz we waste all this time and money checking out non-suspects.
You know, we go to war agains Gypsies, or Jews, and they darn sure will racially profile me and you, so will the Chinese or Koreans. Its just common sense.
I recall James Woods and also Dennis MIller wax pretty eloquently on this.
DD @ 65
No big deal. Only 185K. Bush wastes that much taxpayer money every 3 minutes even when he’s sleeping.
Reply to 66
She didn’t raise MY taxes. She raised YOUR taxes.
Now through all this talk of how the screening is done, have we lost sight of who’s in charge? They are a federal agency. The Federal Gov’t is currently controlled by the Republicans. And it has been since the current screening program began. So stop spinning this as a Liberal issue.
I believe no small part of the airlines’ decline (and Boeing’s difficulties) is that it is so difficult to travel. But again, Bush has been in charge through the whole post 911 security change. If it’s broke, he should fix it.
DD @ 67
Uh … DD … we’re not talking about airport security here. We’re talking about the government going out an arresting people because they have dark skin or funny sounding names, plastering their photos and names all over the press with the word “terrorist” attached, then later quietly dropping the charges because they don’t have (and never did have) any evidence against the “suspected terrorists.”
Now can you explain to me again how that’s different from the KKK burning somebody’s house down?
DD, I can understand your irritation with airport security after what happened to you and your Dad (God bless him). Be patient. TSA is a new program, and they need some time to work the bugs out.
And maybe Bush wouldn’t be having all this trouble with TSA if he had hired the union instead of untrained, low-wage, overworked, ill-treated scab labor.
I’m not spinning anything as anything, if thats what your trying to pin down. I’m just going to side with the “think out of the fucking box”…ers! I don’t care whos in friggen charge, what I do care about is those jackasses think cause they get to run a checkpoint, they can bend over anyone they damn well please!
There is a real and valid science in profiling…hell, I think it’s even been a damn TV show (if not, maybe it should be). I don’t buy into the “poor so-and-so” shouldnt be searched, cause we need to protect their civil liberities?
ALL of our “civil” liberties are in the toliete since we were attacked. So seems resonable to me that the folks running those checkpoints utilize the science!
Hell, if they will let me through one day just by saying I have to get my crippled father, why the hell are they gonna make the same old man strip (and when i mean strip, for those not familiar with the difficulties of the chair bound…any clothing removal is a chore)?
Reply to 70
Hey Jon why shouldn’t Reed pay STATUTORY INTEREST after sitting on PRIVATE PROPERTY for 6 months after Gregoire won the recount, huh? Do you suppose Reed — who had his picture taken along with Rossi, Vance, and other GOP luminaries demanding a recount — might have sat on that money hoping the Democrats wouldn’t be able to pay lawyers to defend against Rossi’s bullshit lawsuit? How would YOU like it if some government official who happens to be a Democrat took 6 months longer to refund YOUR money than the law says he’s supposed to, and offers you 2 stinkin’ percent? You’d be raising holy hell! Well FUCK YOU — WE WANT OUR MONEY WITH STATUTORY INTEREST, jerk!
oops should say “demanding a revote” – my bad
Reply to 71
It was a paperwork glitch. Shit happens.
While we’re on the subject of paperwork glitches I wonder what happened to the $9,000,000,000.00 of Iraqi money in temporary U.S. custody that vanished? Nobody seems to know where it is.
uh, did ya read the article? It’s nothing to be too proud of if ya lean left. In fact it’s rather shameful.
Damn shame that right after a quality TKO, we blacken our own eye with this kinda stunt.
Goldy, this is fun; where’d you dig up priscilla, or is he/she your more evil twin?
Reply to 75
So why don’t they wave through the non-suspects, Numnuts? Please explain how “profiling” minorities solves your Dad’s problem? What’s needed is common sense, which appears to be in real short supply among the Republicans currently running our government. Of course it doesn’t occur to you that this kind of shit wouldn’t happen to your dad or DD’s dad if the Democrats were running things. Only Republicans are this stupid.
you are dense; they check everyone cuz you libs would yell bloody loud if they only checked 30 yr old males with accents and dark skin.
How do you de profile fat white middle class americans and not get accused of racisnm
Comment on 78
Actually I’ve flown several times since 9/11 and breezed right through security. Wonder if that’s because I’m a white guy who looks “patriotic” (whatever that is these days).
Oooops!!! I gave away my identity!! My bad!
go look at the line of geezers and kids getting checked…a big joke cuz we are whooses..
Well OK so I do look like Dino Rossi, except for the greasy hair and facial tic.
no mafioso or other italians threatening the mass public, you should be waved on.
DD @ 86, given the current context, it’s hard to think of ANYTHING the Democrats do as “shameful.” The Dems, after all, did not get these country into a fuck-up quagmire of a war that has cost $300 billion and 1645 American lives, or steal trillions of dollars from the middle class and working people. Now THAT is shameful. What the Democrats did was a mere clerical error that did not (a) kill anyone, (b) rob anyone of their retirement, (c) take food off anyone’s table, (d) violate anyone’s civil rights, or (e) dishonor our country. Keep it in perspective, guy, keep it in perspective. Don’t lose sight of the real problems — warmongering, dividing the country, undermining the Constitution, rigging elections, looting the economy, etc. ad naus.
Don’t blame me on Goldy! He has no control over me. He doesn’t censor this site, remember? He lets everyone post, including whack jobs like you.
By the way, fuck you. Fuck the horse you rode in on, too.
Oh, and did I remember to tell you, fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on, too.
Oops, I almost forgot to call you a fucking racist. Well you ARE a fucking racist.
That must be why they waved me through. They’re not worried about the Mafia or people who look Italian.
you and howard dean need the same anger management medicine
i cannot imagine goldy paying money to hang with you guys at some retreat; what a bunch of nasty people you dems seems to be
89, uh I don’t think so idiot. First of all since when did R’s ever listen to complaints from liberals. Secondly WHO is going to complain about a 90-year-old vet in a wheelchair getting waved through? God you are stupid.
Angry? I’m not angry. I’m just stating facts.
OK, so maybe I did make an assumption. You’re a VIRGIN racist.
but that aint the rule; nobody gets waived thru
If the lithium is still working, think; the 55 year old Vietnam vet; can he walk thru? Big strapping white guy, maybe w/ grandkids, can he get de-profiled. De profile enough of us and then you end up w/ only Arabs (only people who seem to enjoy suicide/murder(
99 (again)
“what a bunch of nasty people you dems seems to be”
Do you like it? That’s how you right-wing whack jobs have been treating us liberals for years. What the fuck did you expect, that we would kiss your asses and roll over for you like fucking dogs? What goes around comes around pal.
If you go read Free Republic you can find right-wing freaks who talk about going after liberals with guns. Guess what we’re gonna do if that happens?
P @ 95
okay, okay…point made.
But I’d still appreciate a responsible party…kinda like i’d appreciate a culpable President. Then again, they’d like water in hell too….
I come pretty close to your profile of a 55-year-old Vietnam vet white guy, but I’m not saying they should wave me through. I’m an angry liberal, remember? I might have a bomb or something in my luggage. Gotta check, just in case.
Of course, 9/11 could have been prevented just by checking anyone who bought a one-way ticket and boarded without luggage, but that never occurred to you, did it?
Or how about just screening anyone who attended a flight school and wasn’t interested in how to LAND the plane, bought a one-way ticket, and boarded without luggage?
Hell, 9/11 could have been prevented if the FBI had just listened to their field agents, even if NOBODY got screened at the airport.
Let’s see WHOSE WATCH DID THIS HAPPEN ON? Oh yes, almost forgot, Gee-Whiz-Dubya’s watch. And you guys think Clinton fucked up because they blew up the USS Cole in a Middle Eastern port. You wanna see a REAL fuckup? I can show you a REAL fuckup, in fact, a bunch of ’em.
And they’re criticizing Mark Felt for ratting out Nixon? You wanna see a bunch of FBI turd fuckups, I can show you a bunch of ’em …
Actually, a responsible party and accountable president is somewhat more possible than a glass of water in Hell, if the voters ever regain their senses … provided the voting machines aren’t fixed …
Actually you seem to be the sick one with strange ideas and thoughts, you might want to seek professional help for that problem. If something is rationally and constructively pointed out and you go on the defensive accusing someone of perverse thinking, it is you that needs the help. Do you ever wonder why few are comfortable around you?
@57: I am a parent. Now I don’t know how whores dress, not having ever sought one out, but I can tell you this. Society doesn’t need another freak fantasizing over young women at the least little excuse. There wasn’t anything inappropirate in the way Gregoire’s daughters were dressed.
Chuck@56: You didn’t rationally and construtively point out anything. You described young women you don’t even know as being dressed like trailer park trash. It was a gratuitious comment, made out of pure meaness, a product of your attitude that you sit on some judgment seat and have the right to criticize young women, whether they have any relevance to you or not. And you thought you could get away with it. Ever wonder why people aren’t comfortable with YOU? Take the mote from your eye. Marilyn
Marilyn @ 111
Chuck has also used the “B-word” to describe Gregoire.
These insecure guys really need to re-evaluate their attitudes.
Chuck @ all
Still waiting for the Titanic to sink here, Chuck? Good thing you weren’t at (u)SP – things sunk pretty badly over there.
I also called Bill Clinton an arrogant asshole, Gary lock a useless asshole WTF is your point?
Comment on 113
The kettle calling the pot black?
Believe me, fantasizing about the governors daughters is not at all on my list. I noticed you called them whores…why was that? Perhaps you know something about the girls that we dont know? Please share your little secret. I was just implying that they needed to dress better for important meetings than they did at their mothers acceptance speech. Incedently, it was an important lesson for my college going daughter, as she saw what I was talking about.(you reap what you sew)
Cheesy Chuckie @ 113
You do make a somewhat valid point but you forgot to mention the stupid asshole (Dubya).
Chuck@115: No, Chuck. You are a liar. I did not call them that and neither did anyone else. My, but you do have a lively imagination. Governor Gregoire’s acceptance speech must have really galled you. Massaging your resentments today are you?
By the way: the phrase is “you reap what you SOW.” Not sew, you ignorant ass. Marilyn
A Parallel?
A video showing Serb police executing 6 Mulims – 2 men and 4 boys – is causing a stir in the Balkans.
The Serbs who committed war crimes like these were (1) ultranationalistic (2) Christians (3) suffering a victim complex (4) murdering Muslims in cold blood.
Hmmmm … ??? We don’t have any Americans like that, do we? Do we …
tooth fairy
Serbs are complicated; they have hair and nails too; why’d you decide to pick on the christian angle.
As pathetic defense, remember they got slaughtered by the Muslims about 600 yrs ago. If not for the serbs we’d all be in chadors and riding camels
A SOW for your info is a female hog that has birthed offspring. So you reap what you SEW
Perhaps some conservative parenting lessons would help keep your daughter(s) off the street and in school, sounds like you might need all the help you can get.
Chuck@120: Sow vs. Sew:? Buy a dictionary you pointless idiot. Conservative parenting lessons? What an oxymoron. You’re having a real problem aren’t you Chuck? You don’t like being called out for being a voyeur, do you? You’re a fucking voyeuristic creep. Marilyn
Chuck, how do you think modern young women should dress?
Can you explain, give names of designers ans sub-designers who make them, and perhaps show us some “good” and “trailer trash” clothing. Please let us know exactly what the Gregoire girls should have been wearing.
there’s a big store locally, maybe you’ve heard of it, “Nordstrom”
Reply to 119
“Serbs are complicated; they have hair and nails too; why’d you decide to pick on the christian angle.”
Possibly because they were murdering Muslims for being Muslims?
What’s complicated about a bunch of genocidal murderers? The only thing you need to know about them is where to point the bombsight.
Most people wear what the sew, but to each his own.
Comment on 123
Cheesy Chuckie believes in keeping ’em barefoot and pregnant.
Reply to 124
I thought security didn’t let you in there.
Pepper@123 Chuck, how do you think modern young women should dress
RE: lets try a business suit…or a nice conservative dress. If her husband showed up in a wife beater shirt (tank top) I would have felt the same way.
Tooth Fairy @ too many
That’s you, Don, right? Whats up with the constantly changing monikers? The latest (Priscilla and Tooth Fairy) have got me worrying about where it will all end. You seem to be headed toward the inevitable label of Fudge Packer.
He’s also Marilyn and thatPrick!
Combined Don/Alan?DubyaSux and all his other monikers account for over half the posts…much of the time spent VALIDATING himself and wearing out the F*** word.
toothfairy/thtatPrick/Marilyn/Prissy and 50 other monikers is a bitter former State Government Attorney who spent 30 years stealing his salary and now steals an inflated pension yet is bitter because he couldn’t make over $1000/yr. over 10 years of trying to make it in the real world. As a DSHS Attorney, he antagonized Christian families on trumped up charges in Court and was hated by all who met him. This is how the multiple personality disorder evolved. Hell…some of his monikers even hate each other!!! A sick SOB.
I think it’s time for me, zip, Puddy, righton and the few remaining alternative voices to sign off from here permanently. Any takers??
Am almost w/ you ; at times too much fun though to toss a 1 line bone and watch the whackos fight for it…I might hang here for a day or so more, just to call them NAMBLA loving abortionist left wing liberals (the counter to their typical string of adjectives for a conservative)
Yes cynical.
AND, thank GOD, you came back from that irrelevant name when it more aptly describes this little blog lately… I suppose a few may actually still read it but the only consistant poster is PrissySillyPrick/Don and the many voices inhabiting his empty head. We only feed their sad little delusions of relevancy.
Who were you expecting, the Easter bunny?
Reply to 131
“I think it’s time for me, zip, Puddy, righton and the few remaining alternative voices to sign off from here permanently.”
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Hey jackass at 131 how can I “steal” my pension when all I get is money that was deducted from my paychecks and paid taxes on? Wanna explain that, blowhard? You’re right about one thing though — if I had known when I went into public service that the “public” includes people like you, I would’ve had second thoughts. I wasted 30 years of my life serving fucking ingrates like you.
Anybody who hires Mr. Cynical/Irrelevant/Ignert for accounting services gets considerably less than what they’re paying for. Maybe that’s why BIAW is so totally fucked up. Rossi undoubtedly lost his lawsuit because of Mr. Imbecile, too, because Mr. Idiot and his BIG BINDER were no-shows.
seems like a factual comment from the doc hastings post…..if not true irrelevant…prove it!!!!!
Priscilla @67… it basically says that mr irrelevant is very upset because Mayor West never made a second pass at him. keep your faith mr irrelevant, maybe you can go to the peep shows and get lucky, if you carry enough money for the ‘boys’
Comment by U2— 6/12/05 @ 12:13 pm
Mr C @ 131
I’ve deciphered the Pattern:
Goldy throws the choir a bone,
The choir sings to each other,
As soon as a dissenting comment pops up, the usual kool aid drinkers go postal,
They eventually converge on some Bush-hate topic.
The pattern just keeps repeating itself in the absence of “real news” around here. It’s entertaining so I’ll stick around at least often enough to see what Don names himself next.
I’ll give you three guesses …