– Everybody, just stop defending the Duggars, or trying to deflect blame onto liberals or whatever. Thanks.
– The weekend rollout of bus announcements makes me think Metro knew there might be some backlash. But still, good on them for correcting their course.
– Winning Hearts and Minds by Pointing Guns at them
– This book looks great. Anyone else going to Mamrie Hart’s book signing tomorrow?
When one leaves the reservation the long knives appear!
DAYUM interesting… http://dailycaller.com/2015/06.....-arrested/
‘Marriage is simply too important:’ Christian couple vows to divorce if gays allowed to wed
Joan Shipps 10 JUN 2015 AT 11:32 ET
Sarah and Nick Jensen, an Australian couple, published a letter saying they’re considering divorce after 10 years of marriage — because gay people in the country might soon have the legal right to marry, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
Of course. The only possible thing a couple can do. Yessir, by jumpin jizzin jesus.
Seems you have constipation!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
…or another puddyfuckwad.
Obummer still has no ISIS strategy! And there is no timeline for a full strategy.
Remember ISIS is the JV of terrorists!
Well Pat Robertson is wrong about calling the baby a potential Hitler or Stalin or a serial killer! We see that in #6.
Hitler/Stalin/Serial Killer all in one with rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
WASHINGTON — In a major shift of focus in the battle against the Islamic State, President Obama on Wednesday authorized up to 450 more American military trainers to help Iraqi forces retake the city of Ramadi.
The White House announced a plan that follows months of behind-the-scenes debate about how prominently plans to retake Mosul, another Iraqi city that fell to the Islamic State last year, should figure in the early phase of the military campaign against the group.
The fall of Ramadi last month effectively settled the administration debate, at least for the time being.
Well, glad the debate’s settled, then.
Say, is it possible to win the same war twice?
Baltimore prosecutors had asked police to target Freddie Gray corner: report(Reuters)
I can’t imagine why Baltimore prosecutors would want a gag order to be issued on this case.
I like how he says “young people have to work longer”. Doesn’t that really mean old people have to work longer? How does a young person work longer without getting old. So, old people, that might be walking with a cane at 65 have to keep going until 70, until they are ready for a kasket.
Now I don’t personally give a shit, I should be able to retire by 55-57 years of age. But fuck who are you trying to kid.
Maybe if people were paid more money when they were younger then they’d have enough saved to retire early or at 65 (or not need to collect until say 68) and relieve the pressure on the system.
Sounds like his system doesn’t work.
Lindsey Graham Tells Off Sean Hannity: ‘Your Solutions Don’t Work’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....52306.html
“…before he allegedly suffered a fatal injury in police custody, the Baltimore Sun reported on Wednesday.”
A very interesting choice of words by Reuters here.
If you or I under any similar circumstances had been arrested and charged by the authorities with murder and manslaughter, the demise of our alleged victim would not be described by the media in this carefully constrained way. It would read:
“… allegedly killed by six Baltimore police officers” (that is, if you or I were Baltimore police officers).
A lot has been said about slanted media coverage and anti-cop bias in this case. But I’m still impressed with just how institutionalized the pro-cop bias remains.
What a fucking freak.
@1 Nah, that guy should be allowed to spew away, just like you. In principle, at least, this is a free country and therefore geniuses and morons alike are theoretically entitled to have their say. Nobody would ever mistake you for a genius, though.
@2 Sure is. Prosecutor tells cops to arrest drug dealers, so cops grab first black guy they see, and break his neck in the paddy wagon. Then they’re shocked when prosecutor files charges against them.
@ 12
Autopsy report is complete. Let’s see it. Until then, ‘allegedly’ seems appropriate.
At one point Michael Brown was ‘allegedly’ shot in the back and/or with his hands raised in surrender and/or execution style.
Let’s see the autopsy report.
@6 Wow, with preachers like that, who needs Satan?
@7, @9 How many billions did Bush spend on training the Iraqi army to run away? Now Obama has to clean up that mess, too.
@13 Which one?
the use of the term “allegedly” has nothing to do with it.
Conventionally, once a medical examiner has ruled on a cause of death, and once the prosecuting authority has announced the filing of criminal charges in that death, the media respond by referring to that death in more concrete terms, i.e. as a homicide. Of course the media ought to grant the defendants the presumption of innocence (although they often do not). But to refer to a homicide victim as having “suffered a fatal injury while in police custody” while technically accurate is unusual, tortured, and frankly bizarre. And I believe it clearly demonstrates the asymmetry and bias that taints nearly every single homicide involving the police.
So does this fucking freak have an answer for the problems his neo-klown heroes created?
Of course not.
It’s cheap and easy to jump on the Faux News bandwagon and scream along with the rest of the chicken-hawk screeching harpies.
Just like with everything else, the puddyfuckwad has no ideas, no clue and no solutions except somehow the sweet jizzin’ jesus will make it all better if we all just chant loud enough.
Stupid fucking bullshit artist.
Why workers should vote for Democrats. (There are other reasons, too.)
Hmm, I detect no pulse whatsoever over at Zombie (u)SP.
I see Puddy is still batshit insane 24/7.
St Louis County cops strike again.
SpittlePuddles oughta cream his jeans on this one.
“St Louis County cops strike again”
“According to a federal lawsuit filed this month, Zorich was the victim of a massive military-style raid and subsequent puppycide. The raid was carried out because police said they needed “to check if her home had electricity and natural gas service.””
Geez, white folk now too. Well, their dogs anyway. And that’s just checking power and gas.
Puddy might hate blacks with a passion, I’m sure that’s now obvious to all, but let’s be clear about something. He wants everybody to die, including his friend Bob. Everybody dead! That is, everybody except Puddy and his fellow Seventh Day Adventist cult members. Their fate is to see blonde, blue-eyed Baby Jesus float down on a cloud to save them from the carnage of the coming apocalypse. Puddy is only here hoping to speed things along, trying to stir up a little End Days Armageddon for us non-believers of Ellen White’s bullshit.
vomit producer @25,
You have been so wrong for so long on this blog it’s pathetic. What are to voting demographics of St Louis County again? Who won big time vomit producer? Which party runs the county vomit producer? Hint: Bob McCullough… DUMMOCRETIN Prosecutor…
DAYUM U B stoooooooooooopid! 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady mastered!
Puddy might hate blacks with a passion, I’m sure that’s now obvious to all, but let’s be clear about something. He wants everybody to die,
Let’s clear the air Stupid Solution Steve… DUMMOCRETINS run St Louis County… Remember Ferguson? Remember Bob McCullough… DUMMOCRETIN Prosecutor…? No DAYUM U B stoooooooooooopid! 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady mastered too!
The rest of your insipid rant is useless BULLSHITTIUM! There will be a special place just for you in the cleansing fires of God Stupid Solution Steve, unless you repent!
I see Stupid Solution Steve is still projecting Psych 101 – 24/7 @24.
So sad to witness one of the few with any intelligence become as stoooooooooooopid as his racist personal friend vomit producer whom still thinks black people like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears are “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Maybe because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears exhibits those traits each day on HA DUMMOCRETINS, that’s why Stupid Solution Steve will not take the vomit producer to the woodshed over those comments!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@2 Sure is. Prosecutor tells cops to arrest drug dealers, so cops grab first black guy they see, and break his neck in the paddy wagon.
Wrong again… early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Robinson told Rice and the other officers to begin a “daily narcotics initiative” focused on North Avenue and Mount Street, according to the email, and said he would be collecting “daily measurables” from them on their progress. – Email happened and the interdiction started three weeks before Freddie’s death.
Once again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, the FACTS don’t support your silly commentary!
Sux to be you!
No wonder why they live in Arkansass – everything is a secret in Arkansass.
Truly amazing that the conservative right stands up for the fuckheads.
Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....54978.html
I swear, what we’re watching is the zombie apocalypse happening right before our eyes, and nobody is noticing.
What the fuck. Congenital syphilis? Or maybe some effect of being so totally dedicated to constantly lying about everything that any bizarre notion that enters their minds is accepted as being the gospel truth, even if it seem to come right out of some schizophrenic’s LSD nightmare.
Too much white bread and baloney sandwiches and twinkies and frozen pizzas in their diet or something.
“This entire discussion should have been over and done with long ago. The family did NOTHING wrong! The fact that the liberal media is still circling the waters for blood from this fine, Christian family is sickening, and a lot of reporters need to lose their jobs over this.”
– Sean Hannity
So why is Josh apparently bugging out?
@30 “Sux to be you!”
Oh, it’s not so bad, and it could be much worse — I’m not you.
Steve sez, “Puddy is only here hoping to speed things along, trying to stir up a little End Days Armageddon for us non-believers”
Puddy sez, “There will be a special place just for you in the cleansing fires of God…unless you repent!”
Actually, as a Mormon, I can say that you’re the one who has a special place waiting for you in the cleansing fires of God unless you forsake Ellen White and accept Joseph Smith as your prophet. Unless you do, while you’re burning in hell, I’ll be in Mormon heaven, ruling my own planet as a God and where I’ll declare that the First Commandment shall forever be, “Sucks to be Puddy!”
Ahhhh yes, there’s nothing like having a presidential candidate who pals along with child molesters, and goes out if his way to say so.
But the looney sheep eat it up like some dogs that eat others dog shit.
Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Accused Of Child Molestation http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrew.....duqg5LjZyr
Failing mental faculties… yes it’s so glad not to be you. FACTS have been escaping you for the last few years now!
The two NYS prison escapees are thought to be in Vermont. They should feel right at home at the hotbed of socialism!
Gays and Lesbians boycott businesses they don’t like and that’s fantastic. Franklin Graham suggests Christians boycott businesses they don’t like and that’s not fantastic! https://www.facebook.com/FranklinGraham/posts/921326011256914
Solicitor General Donald Verrilli already said as much!
And how do the FASCISTS at PMSNBC or alternet respond? Calling Graham their pet names to try and shut Franklin up! You really think you are going to shut Franklin Graham up as you may have lesser people left wrong libtards?
Oh dear. Another rabidly anti-gay Pentecostal minister turns out to be just another cornholing pederast.
What is this, a whole cult of kiddiediddlers? I’m starting to wonder about the whole evilangelical/pentacostal branch of “christianity” that the Huckabees, Duggars and Bushes of the world are so proud of being part of. It would seem to me that what is really being revealed here is the cult of the AntiChrist.
They worship wealth and the resultant political power it brings to them, so they can hide their proclivities under the guise of religion. Their apparent real purpose is to provide each other with exclusive access to finance, political office and lots of little kids to fuck.
At least Anton LeVey wasn’t a fucking pedorapist. Even he openly preached that the Church of Satan was Ayn Rand’s philosophy put into ritual and blind faith. I think it’s safe to assume that anyone who worships at the altar of capitalism under the color of religious faith are probably screwing each other’s babies as well. It’s why they’re having twenty goddamn kids at a time.
You wake up angry don’t you.
Honestly, you should talk to a real doctor about that. It’s going to kill you. It’s fine if you need to deny it here and deflect, etc. But that is a hallmark symptom of some pretty serious health conditions that will literally destroy your heart muscle.
Take care.
Christopher Lee, Saruman of Lord of the Rings has died. He was 93
The judge was more harsh this time!
vomit producer… why you upset? He’s gay! He’s black!
@ 44
Both of which offend you terribly.
Ummm NOPE you DOPE.
Puddy has never claimed blacks are “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Butt, you did vomit producer!
@ 46
Umm, if you recall, which you wouldn’t do even when someone is quoting you directly, I was quoting Bill O’reilly when I wrote that. Quoting him directly in fact. I even provided a direct citation to the relevant article at the time.
You stupid lying fuck.
You’re the lunatic clown in this forum SchitzoPoodles. Everyone just shakes their head and rolls their eyes when they read your bullshit, and mostly just skip over your weird little rants anyway.
So you never called blacks the word “nigger” or “niggers” on this blog vomit producer?
Bill O’Reilly said people who were "uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated". Bill didn't single out and say BLACKS you lying piece of shit!
BTW didn’t your HERO Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd call some lazy whitey ASSed freaks like you “white niggers”? http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/1220
So who is the lunatic klown again?
That’s odd…
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad….
…is the ONLY commenter here who uses the word.
“the shrieking harpie HR nightmare…is the ONLY commenter here who uses the word.”
There was also Puddy’s pal, Troll.
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
54. Troll spews:
The teenagers that beat Tubaman to death are niggers.
04/03/2009 at 6:16 pm
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
DAYUM rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is as stoooooooooooopid and possessor of 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady mastery!
vomit producer wrote May 25, 2013: – It ain’t farts, it’s the stink of the breath of a nigger-hating black man.
vomit producer wrote December 13, 2013 – There are plenty of die-hard religious Jews who hate niggers as much as any god-fearing white-trash cracker from southern Louisiana or western Mississippi.
vomit producer wrote August 7 2014 Police know that they can “shoot a nigger dead” pretty much any time they please and never suffer any consequences.
GBS wrote August 5, 2009 Here’s an example of Mr. “Nigger Hatin’”
Now here are the most famous ones rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05 @ 11:58 pm
Puddybud is a house nigger. But he knows enough not to leave the house at night.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:00 am
“RUFUS” “PACMAN”!!!???!! RASTARUFARIANAPACMAN…… I don’t get it???? Well, actually, I do. Niiiggggggggggggggeeeer Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!! No black person in this day and age is named RUFUS!!!!! That’s about as believable as POMPEII or ROCHESTER!!!!!! “Oh, ROCHESTER!!!” “YASSUH, MISTAH BENNY!
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/15/05 @ 10:56 pm
There were those who worked in the fields and those who worked in the house. Those who worked in the house protected their positions and felt above those who worked in the fields. But at the end of the day, they were all property. This is a truth the house niggers sought to deny. But it is a truism that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice understand every day of their lives.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:22 am
You guys are like house niggers that can’t see who they really are.
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/14/2005 at 11:58 pm
Once again FACTS don’t support your BULLSHITTIUM rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Once again.. BTW didn’t your HERO Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd call some lazy whitey ASSed freaks like you “white niggers”? http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/1220
A Washington Court of Appeals has ruled that police aren’t shielded from negligence liability and can be sued for their mistakes like anyone else.
The case involves a drug raid by Federal Way cops who forcibly broke into the wrong apartment and violently arrested a 63-year-old nurse. They were targeting an ex-felon who lived in a different building in the apartment complex.
Contrary to normal police procedures, the cops in this instance didn’t put the apartment under surveillance or perform a controlled drug buy from the suspect before sending in the SWAT team.
The woman, who suffered injuries requiring medical treatment, is suing the Tacoma Police Department for assault and battery, false imprisonment, and invasion of privacy.
Her lawsuit was dismissed by a superior court judge who thought the police were immune from being sued. The Court of Appeals disagreed and ordered a trial on her claims. My guess is the city will now settle with her.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given the propensity of police everywhere in America to use lethal violence against ordinary citizens, anyone in her position would be in fear for their life, and if I were on the jury I would award her at least $250,000 plus an appropriate amount for her injuries. Cops who screw up and hurt innocent people should pay just like everyone else. They also shouldn’t be cops and should lose their jobs, just like screwups in other occupations do.
Puddy complaining about other people using the “n” word is like Ted Bundy complaining about the crime rate in his neighborhood.
“Has anybody proved that we did anything objectionable? No.”
A little to long for the average bumper sticker, certainly.
But it’s the attitude Dems want to put (back) into the White House.
Meanwhile, someone on NPR yesterday took pains to make sure everyone knows Bernie Sanders is a Jew. And the New York Times wants us all to know that Marco Rubio occasionally gets traffic tickets and sometimes spends money on himself and his family.
@55 Rubio can spend whatever he likes on whatever he wants, whether he can afford it or not, but I’m not going to put a guy who can’t balance his own checkbook in charge of our $3 trillion federal budget.
Bernie Sanders:
“When my Republican colleagues talk about “family values,” what they usually mean is opposition to a woman’s right to choose, opposition to contraception, opposition to gay rights. Let me today give a somewhat different perspective on family values – on real family values.
When a mother has a baby and is unable to spend time with that child during the first weeks and months of that baby’s life, and is forced back to work because of a lack of money, that is not a family value. That is an attack on everything that a family is supposed to stand for. When a wife is diagnosed with cancer and a husband cannot get time off of work to take care of her, that is not a family value. That is an attack on everything that a family is supposed to stand for. When a mother is forced to send her sick child to school because she cannot afford to stay home with her that is not a family value. That is an attack on everything that a family is supposed to stand for. When a husband, wife, and kids, during the course of an entire year, are unable to spend any time together on vacation – that is not a family value. That is an attack on everything that a family is supposed to stand for. ”
I like what I hear from Bernie but I can imagine that corporate America would hate this. Their workers would be unavailable to work and they couldn’t legally punish them for not working. I suppose corporate conservatives would argue that this would further automation, but everything that benefits a worker fuels that.
Studies have found that the more money a couple makes, the less likely they are to divorce. Economic stability increases family stability.
So why aren’t republicans trying to raise wages to makes families stronger?
@52 with that said, you must be a child molester for agreeing that the Duggars are getting bad press by the liberals.
@57 I was way ahead of Bernie Sanders…..I knew all along what they mean by “Family Values”. Except they are the biggest hypocrites and have none of the real family vaules. How can they be, when they are complete mother fuckers. Hence must of my postings to prove that Family Values is a made up thing by hypocrites.
They like to talk about the Virgin Mary, but they’ll fuck their own mothers.
The multi-billionaire owner of luxury jewellery company Cartier has revealed his greatest fear – robots replacing workers and the poor rising up to bring down the rich.
So the questions is, how are we going to account for automation? I don’t think it’s realistic that it will go away, but we have a choice on how we adjust to it? Do we set up a minimum wage for the people who cant find work but at the cost of high taxes on the owners of the robots?
Or are we going to end up in some distopian future of the .01% with everything vs everyone else? That way seems destructive where everyone loses. Given the Greed is Good mentality of much of the country, it seems that is the likely outcome,
Criminal Called Cops On Texas Pool Party
“The man who called 911 to complain about a group of black teenagers at a pool party in Texas, and defended the controversial police response as a ‘good amount of aggression’, is a convicted felon who spent time in jail for violent behavior and torturing animals.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ll bet he’s a Republican, too. Does Texas let felons vote?*
* I’m guessing the ones they’ve executed don’t vote despite what Republicans claim.
“BTW didn’t your HERO Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd call some lazy whitey ASSed freaks like you “white niggers”?”
I was called a white nigger as a teen by some whites who didn’t like that my friends were black, but that was long before I ever heard of Sen. Robert Byrd, who at that time was being turned into a relic of the Democratic Party by Nixon’s Southern Strategy.
Robert Byrd has never been my hero. If I ever had political heroes, they were first John and then Robert Kennedy. You, on the other hand, as your mind has steadily descended into a state of decadence and degradation, have hero-worshipped everybody from Jesse Jackson to George Zimmerman. These days you hero-worship Cliven “Slaves were Happy” Bundy, Josh “I like little girls” Duggar and any cop who shoots and kills an unarmed black, even a child playing in a park.
That is two complete dumb fucks right there. Jebby and Shrub.
Jesus Christ jizzin on a crutch…how fucking stupid is that family?
Yeah, finally a libtard city, Cleveland, with a libtard led police force, is being held accountable for it’s reckless abandon of firing their guns on kids.
Now how about your rant on Thabo Sefalosha and the libtard led city, NYC, with a libtard led police force, being held accountable for it’s reckless abandon of using their billy clubs on tall dark skinned men?
Libtard led St Louis County, with its overwhelmingly libtardness with libtard led police departments doing dirty deeds?
Is Federal Way libtard led?
These days you hero-worship Cliven “Slaves were Happy” Bundy, Josh “I like little girls” Duggar and any cop who shoots and kills an unarmed black, even a child playing in a park.
Nice projections there Stupid Solution Steve… Psych 201 level!
Another Outrageous Case Of Police Violence Against A Citizen
In Little Rock, Arkansas, two out-of-control cops attacked and injured a blind man who was simply walking home from work after missing his bus. Needless to say, the cops are white, and the victim is black.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In Baltimore, crime rates are spiking because the cops are effectively on strike. In McKinney, cops attacked kids who just wanted to swim. In Little Rock and elsewhere, cops are assaulting law abiding citizens. America’s cops are worse than useless; they’re a threat to public safety. Let’s fire them all and disband the police departments. We’re better off without them.
So it seems rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears ran away with its tail between its legs after reading all those nigger comments from rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears good left wrong libtard friends.
FACTS! Smack rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears side his BULLSHITTIUM covered ASS!
Meanwhile in another libtard led city… http://www.13wham.com/news/fea.....0&
Comparing Puddy to Ted Bundy is like comparing early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit to Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, known for his cruelty, sadism, extravagance, and sexual perversity, a real insane tyrant!
Fits the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit perfectly!
68. Too extreme. I think most cops and most precincts are trying to do right, or would if the expectations were raised. We need to focus on weeding out the bad actors and clean up the corrupt precincts and raise expectations.
Why Health Care Costs So Much
A Los Angeles pharmacy billed, and insurance paid, $44,707 for a nutritional supplement that sells over the counter for $157.38.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess that insurance company doesn’t have any internal accounting controls. Well, that’s unregulated free-market capitalism for ya.
@71 Yeah, all that, but at least he had some colonies to show for it. All you do is pour methane into the atmosphere.
@69 You forgot that I call you an Ape.
Wha, wha wha
Thank God for Ireland – home of the Free and the Brave. Republicans complain about government but they have no problem using government to turn this country into a Nazi State.
Fuck the puddyfuckwad, the stupid lying twisting fucking fuck.
the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…is all over this “nigger” thing like it’s a thing here.
Troll, if I remember correctly was an ultra-right wing misanthrope…
…HEYYYYYY…a lot like the jack-off puddyfuckwad.
How does ya like them apples.
Oh Wow! Lookee here what happens when California and its high taxes and regulation forces rich a-holes and chicken little corporations to leave and head to places like chickenshit TexASS:
Oh the trolls will say, “we told you so!”.. Heh.
Hopefully this will be posted in the majority of places, and then the bigots can take solace as being in the minority at the straights only counters.
Man Refuses To Let Gay Stylist Cut His Son’s Hair. The Salon’s Response Is Priceless. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....61994.html
Did Boob have any interesting worries in the world today? Like Uber?
Long live Ireland – the country of Freedom and Bravery.
@77 & 78,
So those were not left wrong libtards writing “nigger” rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Those #77 & #78 posts demonstrate the really moronic twit rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears really is! All ad hominem all the time!
Yeah California is booming
Thanks for the REAL information monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch
And the Chinese have stolen our technology, personal information, social security information, life insurance information, family life information of all these peeps and Obummer’s sadministration has done nothing to combat this!
The dim bulb…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…conveniently forgets that the Bush Administration and the Republicans just could not wait to get that Chinese money:
…more here:
Chinese Espionage Was a Reagan-Bush Scandal
The ultimate affirmative action baby ought to have been smarter than that, but alas…he proves his lack of competence every single fucking day.
@83. I read that republicans won’t vote to provide the money to pay for cyber security without attaching amendments that make it impossible to get out of committee. “Sure you can have money for servers but you gotta get rid of the ACA “
Size of the California economy: at least 2.2 trillion.. Now the seventh largest in the WORLD.
Size of the TexASS “miracle” economy: 1.662 trillion..
yeah California Silicon Valley multi-millionaires are flocking to TexASS to escape the high taxes and regulation.
You’d think the batshit insane klownservatic policies of TexASS, KansASS and little low life Scotty Walker’s Wisconsin would put CA with Jerry Brown at the helm and a Dem supermajority in the legislature to shame..
Nope sorry silly trolls – not even close.
The only thing Repukes know how to do very well is to take away freedoms. When they try to do anything else it is an Epic Fail!
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and The Brave. The American liberty bell is cracked, and sounds like shit.
Puffy, this one has “one of yours” written all over it.
Texas teacher loses job for rant about McKinney pool party
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Remember – Texas is the state where some politician wants to divided the state into segregated area. As if they have to do it. Because they are already doing by just being themselves like passing anti abortion bills and restrictive welfare, there ultimate goal is to drive every poor person (blacks) out if their State into s liberal State.
Jade Helm – white power!
Where were their Bibles? The devil made them do it. Good people make mistakes.
5 fired at N.J. preschool after video shows tots tossed
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Well well well,
Another EPIC FAYLE by rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Puddy discussed Chinese hacking of employee personnel information and what does the moronic twit rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears offer? Stuff well known and already covered by HA DUMMOCRETINS long ago. Does rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears read and process what other HA DUMMOCRETINS offer as BULLSHITTIUM entries EVER? Why don’t you ax (Jesse Jackson speak) the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch for a crazed databaze replay on Wen Ho Li since your single celled femtometer mind isn’t operational again! Is it ever?
Strange… libtard William Safire doesn’t discuss computer espionage you moron!
Good try rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Puddy will give you credit for trying butt it’s still an EPIC FAYLE attempt!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ahhh yes Hoboken NJ, another bastion of libtard thought! Thanks teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla for showing us how east coast libtards mishandle younguns!
Texas teacher loses job for rant about McKinney pool party
Yes, the FASCIST progressives will NO LONGER allow you to discuss your First Amendment right to free speech when it conflicts with FASCIST progressive thought!
Kirsten Powers is correct in her book The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech and she’s a BIG TIME lefty!
@93 Your free speech doesn’t appear to be in any danger. Not on this blog, anyway. Unlike most conservative bloggers, Goldy doesn’t delete comments or block posters he disagrees with.
How moronic is the crazed databaze cretin?
Texas output per capita – $60,010 per person
California output per capita – $56,697 per person
Does the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch really evaluate the data before posting it?
Furthermore, Texas added more jobs than any other
state in 2014, as published directly by the Bureau
of Labor Statistics yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Meanwhile Jamie Dimon, Wall Street friend of the DUMMOCRETIN, has some interesting words to say about Elizabeth Fauxcohantas Cherokee Warren…
“I don’t know if she fully understands the global banking system.”
“Libtards are FASCISTS and DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM!”
Of course they are. And that’s why you believe that millions of American progressives must die. That’s why, when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is to start spewing eliminationist rhetoric through the internet toobs, hoping that some right-wing nutjob will take up the call and start killing all the commie-fascist-socialist DUMMOCRETIN scum for you.
Just a suggestion, but if you insist on calling for the murder of millions of American citizens, you might want to do it over at Stormfront*, where you would find a far more receptive audience, you stupid, murderous motherfucking freak.
*I’d suggest (u)SP for your calls for violence against Americans but, like your mind, it’s deader than a fucking doornail.
@95 It helps to live in a place where you can pound a pipe into the ground and have oil spurt out. Rick Perry didn’t put the oil there — God did — but God isn’t running for president, and Rick Perry is. You could argue he’s running on God’s economic record, which seems a little dishonest to me.
@96 I’m pretty sure you don’t.
Rabbit @94, 97-99…
Good ones, pops. You are the BEST!!!
Just a suggestion, but if you insist on calling for the murder of millions of American citizens, – NOPE you DOPE!
Ummm… Stupid Solution Steve… Puddy doesn’t believe in abortion. http://www.numberofabortions.com/ You do! 57,\980,179 and counting.
Still stoooooopid as evah!
@95 It helps to live in a place where you can pound a pipe into the ground and have oil spurt out. Rick Perry didn’t put the oil there — God did
God did? You admit God exists? Wow. The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit been claiming something other than God and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears eats up your pellets of BULLSHITTIUM without actually thinking it through! Waytogo rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Dumb as evah!
Also it’s the oil industry that has led the Texas BOOM? Per Texas… Oil and natural gas production tax collections for the nine months of fiscal 2015 were 21.0 percent lower than during the same period in 2014.
FACTS blow apart early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM again.
Yes way to go early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! You have one obsequious sycophant in rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Puddy never claimed to know the global banking system. Never went into it here on HA DUMMOCRETINS… Wait for it…
So you understand the global banking system early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? How about another CNBC cut and paste job like that housing market blob you posted?
Yes way to go early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! You have one obsequious sycophant in rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
@93 Your free speech doesn’t appear to be in any danger. Not on this blog, anyway.
Oh yeah early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Puddy needs to remind your early onset schismatic femtometer brain cell how many times clueless DUMMOCRETIN cretins called for Goldy to ban Puddy? Even your slobbering worshipper rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears called for Goldy to ban Puddy. Of course rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears forgot that didn’t rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is a well known insipid idiot!
Yes way to go early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! You have one obsequious sycophant in rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!