– As a feminist man, I’m still sometimes amazed at things that pass me by. I was caught off guard that there would be harassment on trains bad enough to make someone switch cars.
– While there is always more to do, Obama has certainly earned HRC’s endorsement.
– Seattle has been driving less even before McGinn.
– Fox News sounds like a terrible place to work.
– RIP Gil Scott-Heron.
“Has anyone ever stopped to consider the possibility that Sarah Palin and her family are driving from town to town solving mysteries and unmasking monsters in haunted amusement parks?” — Jon Stewart on Sarah Palin’s bus tour
“a man who’s a femininist”? LMFAO
I liked Maddow’s comparison yesterday between Palin and Vladimir Putin, the way both use media to overdetermine their populist appeal, to humorous effect:
The segment on the evolution of the alternative, low-information media universe, and the implications of the first crop of potential presidential candidates to go completely off the media grid, was interesting and pretty troubling:
The gap between the US and North Korea (wide though it still may seem) continues to shrink.
LMFAO @ people who are obsessed with Palin..what a bunch of tools.
Sad that the best the local “cool” weekly could only link to LCD Soundsystem in tribute to Gil Scott Heron. Maybe when Prince shuffles off they’ll put up a Sinead O’Connor video?
I think #1’s on to something…
@4 “LMFAO @ people who are obsessed with Palin..what a bunch of tools.”
You must be talking about the losers who worship the Quitta from Wasilla. I LMFAO at them too. heh- What a bunch of tools.
I’ve never been that impressed by The Stranger.
Bill O’Reilly on the Queen of Quitters,
“the Governor did a pretty good job running Alaska, did she not?”
LMFAO!! That’s fucking funny, Bill.
I’m talking about the conservatives who worship her and the progressives who froth over her every move.
Both are tools…and she is getting rich from both….but I say more power to her: tools are made to be used.
BTW, I shot a 79 the other day… :)
Economic reports today showed that private sector hiring slowed to a crawl in May (only 37,000 jobs compared to 177,000 jobs in April) but the number of millionaires has grown by 1 million because of rising financial markets, further evidence that the Federal Reserve policy of quantitative easing is merely creating a stock market bubble while failing to improve employment.
The stock market reacted to the lousy employment numbers by dropping 200 Dow points today.
So what’s the Bristol Spawn up to these days? I hear that she went all Hollyweird on you guys. So tell me, if Chelsea Clinton was a single mother and decided to live in Hollyweird and moved in with a couple of actors, would you give her the same pass you do the Spawn? Nah, you’d be spewing the usual righteous wingnut condemnation.
She sure did. But even Puddy could run Alaska, what with the Federal government paying 100% of the education and health for your majority native population and providing oil revenues that pay every citizen a stipend.
surely Sarah knows that Alaska is freeloading off the government test and wants to stop it
. Right? Is this thing on?
@10 79? Hey, not bad! My own swing is all over the place. I need to practice some more.
a million new millionares in MAY alone?
are they all Florida cattlemen?
With airlines cramming more (and fatter) passengers into less space it was inevitable that fist fights would break out among passengers over reclining seats.
@16 I think that’s a year-over-year figure.
@10 On the first hole?
or more likely, the two people were just assholes with a little too much to drink.
so in the same sentence, you compared date from one month to data from one year(you think, hell you have no clue) without distinguishing between the two?
and you were a lawyer?
America’s prison population has swelled even though crime rates have fallen, thanks to Republicans’ lock-em-up mentality. Now, GOP state legislators can no longer ignore the fact that prisons aren’t free, and are embracing corrections reform to solve a problem they themselves created.
Helicopter – $12.5 million
Limo Ride – $400
Railing about government waste, PRICELESS
Do you really expect anything less from the crooks running our govt?
Lost among the immigration debates is any thoughtful analysis of migration as a driver of human history. Genetic testing has made it possible to draw maps and diagrams of ancient human migrations and economic measuring tools improve our understanding of the impact of migration on national and global economies. The bottom line: “Migration is the most effective tool yet devised for reducing global poverty” and rich countries face a future of labor shortages “which only migration can solve.” In short, those who would throw up obstacles to immigrants are arguing for a poorer and less functional future economy.
@24 You didn’t click on the link, did you? That particular “crook” happens to be a Republican who campaigned on fiscal austerity.
Another foot-in-mouth troll who shot from the lip without knowing what he was talking about.
@20 Do you ever post anything besides wild guesses and assumptions? (Don’t answer that, you’ll only make an even bigger fool of yourself.)
so? whats the difference if its a D crook or an R crook?….they are all crooks and liars(well almost all of them).
I dont distinguish betwen the two…
oh, you mean assumptions and guesses like this:
18. Roger Rabbit spews:
@16 I think that’s a year-over-year figure.
06/01/2011 at 10:08 am
you talk big about “kicking troll’s asses”, yet its you who keeps getting made the fool:
the list of items you have been called out on is long….and you end up scurrying away from each one, hoping nobody will notice.
have a nice day.
Found out where to buy that iranian oil yet?
If the market’s down, it’s a good day to buy. Better get in there and make a buy. The market closes in 39 minutes!
BTW, the clock on this blog is off by about 25 minutes.
Found out where your wife hid your manhood yet? Or did you ever have any to begin with?
The rabbit sure did vanish quickly….lol
Don’t you just love our governor? She has decided to allow the paroll board release a guy who murdered a 13 year old girl after serving only 7 years in prison….good job christine!
Of course they had to drive him 100 yards, have you seen the man? He’s too damn fat to walk 100 yards. Hell, I’m surprised the helicopter has enough lift to fly him around.
You say that like we on the left like the woman. We don’t. She was simply the better of two bad choices.
35 – Like wearing your ass as a hat? I don’t think you know anything else. Born to it I guess.
She was simply the better of two bad choices.
That would be a matter of opinion.
Did you say something, she-man?
Well, I hope we can at least agree that there were two bad choices…
carl, no jokes about anthony weiner’s weiner?
Heh. This is funny. Taglines for Monson show. The asshat troll’s favorite:
Yep..for sure.
did you say something, she-man?
@43: That would be a waste of your time — at least.
The truth is, there is no choice. The Rs, all of them, are insane.
Can’t stand her, but I’d vote for her again in a heartbeat.
@46: Since your anus is apparently the hole with which you communicate, it would be good if you removed your head from your rectum.
of course you would, because your a good little partisan non-thinker….follow the orders your given and proceed with the rest of the mindless lemmings.
good job there, mr. deepthinker…..
@49 If you ever had a thought your head would explode.
Too bad Dino Rossi didn’t get to be our Governor. Just think, we could have had our own Scott Walker and our state could now be in as gooda shape as Wisconsin.
Gregoire is a lousy governor because she didn’t fight for tax reform, consequently public services are collapsing on her watch. How would things have been better under Rossi? If Rossi had been governor, the University of Washington would have been sold to Phoenix University for 2 cents on the dollar by now.
@51 Yeah, $900 million in education cuts, and felons can get handguns without a background check. I’ll bet Walker’s ultimate goal is to depopulate Wisconsin, so he and his buddies can buy up cheap land.
Wisconsin is where they “elect” Republican supreme court judges by finding more ballots in a Republican county where the ballot bags have holes in them big enough to reach a hand through.
You’d think with baby boomers getting older they’d support education spending so that they’d have enough healthcare workers to be well taken care of, but you’d be wrong. As a whole I’m rather unimpressed with the boomers.
As long as someone’s willing to admit that Rossi was a bad choice I’m willing to at least try to work with them.
You caught me. It’s now active voice. Thanks for your help making this blog better!
Gotta love the latest from WeinerVille. Where is the call for Goodbye Weiner like there were calls for Eric Massa from Buffalo?
“There is no doubt in my mind that I did in fact, use language in the privacy of my own home and in my inner office that, after 24 years in the navy, might make a Chief Petty Officer feel uncomfortable. In fact, there is no doubt that this ethics issue is my fault and mine alone.”
Eric Massa
If it turns out that Weiner did send the text he, like Masa, should step down. At this point we don’t know who sent it.
@59 So it turns out politicians swear like HA liberals. What’s the big fucking deal? I’m not going to fucking step down just because some goatfucking troll caught me throwing “F” bombs.
@55 “As a whole I’m rather unimpressed with the boomers.”
That’s the understatement of the century. I’m a boomer, and I’m unimpressed with my cohort, too.
First he was hacked. Now it was a prank. Won’t admit if the picture is himself to CNN. Called CNN producer a jackass yesterday. What ya hiding Weiner?
Boomers prospered in no small part because of the New Deal created by their parents, and now a lot of them are trying to dismantle the New Deal that made them prosperous. An unnervingly large percentage of boomers are certifiable idiots.
@62 Ask someone who gives a shit.
You leave lots of shit all over this blog in every thread Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Yet, the Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS are not saying anything about WeinerVille. Another Occam’s Razor here!
You caught me. It’s now active voice. Thanks for your help making this blog better!
oh yeah, this is a terrific blog. i’ve never seen such a bunch of nasty fruit cake loons in my life.
Apparently DeadToad doesn’t know, comprehend or understand what it means in the revelations of Anthony WeinerVille.
@66 “the Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS are not saying anything about WeinerVille”
Maybe that’s because they have more important things to think about right now, such as Republicans leading our nation into its first-ever Treasury bond default.
Yeah, I can see why Republicans and their lackey trolls (you, for instance) need to create a distraction right now.
Read All About It Dep’t
Here’s a fun little human-interest story for you. A guy finds a discarded laptop in a New York apartment building’s dumpster and gives it to his girlfriend. The laptop isn’t password-protected and several years later e-mails addressed to a Goldman Sachs trader who was convicted of mortgage securities fraud still stream into the laptop. The e-mails, needless to say, make interesting reading. So the present owner of the laptop does what any sensible person would do, she turns the e-mails over to the New York Times.
I guess the moral of that story is that if you’ve going to steal billions, you should either password-protect all your computers, or disable the hard drives with a sledgehammer when you don’t need them anymore.
By the way, that’s what I do with my old hard drives. I take them out into the driveway, whack ’em with a sledgehammer until they disintegrate, then for good measure burn the disks in the fireplace. I’d like to see someone try to read them after I get done with them!
Yeah right Roger Dumb Rabbit… Obfuscate, Delay Blame others.
Of course a libtardo DUMMOCRAPT talks down to real Americans.
If he was hacked, why hasn’t he called the FBI in? He’s a sworn US Government figure!
Roger Rabbit’s Political Predictions
Prediction #1: Yes, the Tea Party Republicans are stupid enough to push the government into default, and I give it 70-30 odds they’ll do it, which is why I’ve been selling my stocks.
By the way, Republicans are now demanding the government pay bondholders first and suspend Social Security payments. In other words, coddle the rich and screw elderly pensioners. This probably is not the most intelligent election strategy they’ve dreamed up.
Prediction #2: Democratic electeds, as stupid and spineless as they are, aren’t that stupid and spineless.
Prediction #3: Mitt Romney will win the GOP nomination because he’s the guy Wall Street wants and the eastern establishment still runs the GOP. He’ll try to appease the Tea Partiers by putting Michelle Bachmann on his ticket, and will try to win the general election by promising jobs.
Prediction #4: The GOP’s vote suppression machinery will kick into high gear because keeping Hispanics, blacks, students, the elderly, and poor people from voting is their only chance.
Prediction #5: Romney’s best chance of being elected is to convince Tea Partiers he’ll be assassinated. Otherwise, they’ll all vote for write-in candidates and Obama will waltz to re-election.
Prediction #6: Obama has plenty of problems of his own, both inside and outside his party, but it’s hard to visualize any scenario in which he doesn’t get re-elected. The only question is how big his victory margin will be. My guess is he’ll run about the same against Romney-Bachmann as he did against McCain-Palin.
@73 Not now, puttbutt, I have more important things to cogitate on. See, e.g., #75.
Whatever else he is, putz is a master of playing small ball. He’s the kind of guy who would be outside trying to burn ants with a magnifying glass when an asteroid is about the collide with earth.
“As a whole I’m rather unimpressed with the boomers.”
Eh, I haven’t been impressed since the days of Frankie and Annette.
Yeah, no comparison with looking down at drowning americans right?
Here’s where we are heading thanks to Obama and the Democrats
And now he is raiding the Federal Pension plan, as Gregoire is raiding the State Pension Plan.
Heh all you guv workers, you are about to get your due reward, from your own side….
Bye Bye Public pensions
Small ball Roger Dumb Rabbit? It’s more than 2:1 on the CBS News Poll
Yes, you are the one to play with small balls!
Yeah Roger Dumb Rabbit… Your party of small balls… Spending the US into a potential double dip recession!
Porkulus of $787 Billion.
$410 Billion additional stimulus!
Yeah Roger Dumb Rabbit… Entry #2 Your party of small balls… Spending the US into a potential double dip recession!
Porkulus of $787 Billion.
$410 Billion additional stimulus!
By the way Roger, you said the market fell about 300 pts today because of unemployment.
Maybe the $4.00 gas, inflation on steroids, deflating of the dollar, cost of everything going up, and a dumb S dem who thinks taxation is the problem
Oh pleeze……..are there dense fumes prevalent in that rabbit hole
And LD comes in emulating Spuddy as well as he can. The Bankers own sockpuppet.
Nah, I think we need to go back to Fred and Ginger.
And the really really really big broke government gets your thumbs up…
While America slides into a depression
25. Roger Rabbit spews:
Lost among the immigration debates is any thoughtful analysis of migration as a driver of human history. Genetic testing has made it possible to draw maps and diagrams of ancient human migrations and economic measuring tools improve our understanding of the impact of migration on national and global economies. The bottom line: “Migration is the most effective tool yet devised for reducing global poverty” and rich countries face a future of labor shortages “which only migration can solve.” In short, those who would throw up obstacles to immigrants are arguing for a poorer and less functional future economy.
Brilliant thinking, Rodent. That explains why California has such a healthy economy, those wetbacks are making everybody rich.
75. Roger Rabbit spews:
By the way, Republicans are now demanding the government pay bondholders first and suspend Social Security payments. In other words, coddle the rich and screw elderly pensioners. This probably is not the most intelligent election strategy they’ve dreamed up.
What is your source for this, Rodent. Before the Ryan Medicare suicide pact I would have considered it the pathetic rambling of an old moonbat, but now almost nothing would surprise me.
81. LD spews:
And now he is raiding the Federal Pension plan, as Gregoire is raiding the State Pension Plan.
Heh all you guv workers, you are about to get your due reward, from your own side….
Bye Bye Public pensions
Right, Democrat chickens are coming home to roost. Now the Democrat drone government hacks are fighting with the Democrat welfare drones over the spoils.
Here’s stimulus right wing style: ld/LD(iot) and Puddybud’s favorite fatso right wing action hero taking in a sporting event:
@84 My what a short memory you have. It wasn’t MY party that turned surpluses into deficits and spent us into a $14 trillion hole. We have Republican borrow-and spend policies to thank for that.
@82 You weren’t talking about public debt, putz. You were talking about some guy named Weiner. Have you forgotten already? See, e.g., #63. Did you forget to take your senility pills this morning?
America’s been on a drunken bender for the last 30 years, were just now waking up to the fact of it. And like any chronic drunk, going off the sauce cold can kill us. Too bad most electeds think we just need to take a little break from the bottle.
I seriously doubt that the kind of changes I’m seeking can or will happen through the political process. Thankfully, I see them going on all around me regardless of what the politicos do.
@84 You’re going to have a damned hard time finding any reputable economist who would agree with you that cutting spending and balancing the budget are the right moves to make when unemployment is 9% and the economy is in recession. Apparently you’re not a Keynesian, but all that makes you is wrong.
No Wrong Roger, Obama was left with a 10 Trillion dollar debt and he has added nearly 4 Trillion in 2 years, and now wants 2.4 Trillion more to tide him another year.
His Credit card is all used up! Account closed! (Not Bush’s debt, that’s getting really old)
@85 I didn’t say it fell almost 300 points, I said it fell over 200 points, and I said it fell because of a bad May employment report, which is true. European debt default worries also were a factor in today’s market action, but I’m trying to keep things simple. The factors you mentioned are part of the background noise already factored into stock prices by the market.
What’s even worse is that a car had to drive the fat fraud 100 yards from the helicopter to the game.
Couldn’t he have used the exercise? Guess not.
@88 What depression? We’re not in a depression. All the economic data show a (slowly) growing economy, and we’re not officially in a recession anymore (even though it feels like one), nor does anyone think a double-dip recession will happen. We do have a double-dip in housing prices, but that’s limited to the housing sector. Employment is growing, GDP is growing, personal income is growing — that doesn’t look like a depression to me. You’re just making shit up.
@89 re @25: That’s not my thinking, idiot, that’s the thinking of an author whose book received a favorable review in The Economist, a conservative pro-business news and opinion magazine. If you’ve got a beef with his conclusions, complain to him. I’m merely a messenger.
@ 97
The 100 yard walk probably woulda killed him. He’s a fuckin tubby bastard.
Speaking of the Economist Roger,
150 Economists Back US Republican’s in Debt Fight
@89 re @75: You want a source? If you read a fucking newspaper once in a while you wouldn’t have to ask that question. Even though I’m not your fucking research assistance, I’ll make it easy for you. Here’s a source:
@89 and @81: Your claim that federal and state pension funds are being “raided” is a flat-ass lie, therefore needs no reply.
And with regards to a Depression
No president will win reelection with high unemployment and high inflation (GAS) (ETC) prices.
If you can’t pay your current bills Roger, and you go to the bank and ask for a credit limit increase, because you are spending twice what you are taking in, do you think the bank will:
Laugh at you and kick your ass out
Cry with you and console you
Take your possessions and start foreclosure
take a picture of you and twitter it
Only one answer is correct
@95 Bush increased the debt from $6 trillion to $10 trillion, a 67% increase in total debt in one administration — not counting trillions of dollars of future costs for his wars, for things like veterans benefits.
Yes, Obama has increased the debt some more, but deficit spending is necessary in a depression — and this depression, like the Great Depression of the 1930s, was caused by Republicans’ idiotic economic policies.
In 8 Years Bush increased the debt 4 Trillion. My point it Obama has increased the debt 4 Trillion in 2 years. If you want to include future costs, add Obamacare.
The dollar has lost close to 10% in just the QE1 and QE2 timeframe. There will most likely be a QE3 and maybe even a QE4 which will further debase the dollar and raise prices.
I really don;t care whose fault this mess is, but I know you cannot spend yourself out of debt. There is a point where you enter Greece territory.
@107 And my point is you don’t cut government spending and balance the budget during a depression because that drives the economy into a deeper depression. Obama’s deficit spending was made necessary by the economic collapse caused by irresponsible Republican laissez-faire and deregulation policies.
@101 Those economists are saying there should be spending cuts. At this point, we’re in a recovery, and Democrats agree that spending cuts are part of the solution to deficits.
Where Democrats disagree with Republicans is whether there should be tax increases and where the spending cuts should be made.
For 30 years, Republicans told us cutting taxes increases revenues. That’s bullshit. Tax revenues as a percentage of GDP are now at an all-time low. Tax cuts are a major cause of the current deficits and those deficits can’t be addressed without rescinding some of those tax cuts. Republicans argue that raising taxes on the rich will cost jobs but that’s bullshit, too. The Bush tax cuts for the rich — purchased by borrowing a trillion dollars from China — created zilch jobs. Why? Because there’s already a surplus of unused capital sloshing around in the economy. There’s more capital than the economy can usefully employ. That’s why interest rates are zero. The problem isn’t lack of capital, it’s lack of demand, and cutting taxes for the rich doesn’t address that at all. Revenue needs to be part of any deficit remedy, and the people who pay higher taxes should be those who got the biggest tax cuts and can most easily afford to pay more — the rich.
Under George W. Bush defense spending grew from $400 billion to $700 billion. Defense spending should be cut back to $400 billion. That would narrow the deficit by $300 billion a year. That’s not enough, but coupled with revenue increases and additional spending cuts in other areas, paring back the bloated defense budget would go a long way to helping close the deficit. Additional cuts should be made in farm subsidies, including eliminating ethanol subsidies. These subsidies distort markets and interfere with food production.
Republicans refuse to cut a penny from defense and insist all the spending cuts come from health care, unemployment benefits, and other programs that benefit working people and the middle class. That’s bullshit and Democrats won’t go along with it. In any budget negotiations, both parties will have to make concessions, and Republicans are acting in bad faith by refusing to compromise.
@105 I wouldn’t know anything about that because I have no debts and my income is many times my bills.
What I do know, though, is comparing the federal government’s finances with a household budget is nonsense. The economics work entirely differently.
And, by the way, letting private businesses do as they pleased is what got us into this economic mess.
@107 I do care whose fault this mess is, because putting the people who created the mess back in power will only bring us a bigger mess, so it’s important to our economic future that Republicans lose elections.
I haven’t criticized QE1, and I think you’re an economic ignoramus to criticize QE1. The financial crisis sucked trillions of dollars out of circulation. Scared people parked $3 trillion in Treasuries alone. The sharp contraction in money supply threatened to plunge the U.S. economy into a deflationary spiral and another Great Depression. QE1 simply replaced some of the cash that was taken out of circulation by hoarders, and was the right policy at the right time.
I have been a vocal critic of QE2 in HA’s comment threads. This is the wrong time to be expanding the money supply because that hoarded cash is coming out of hiding. When the money withdrawn from circulation during the crash goes back into circulation, the Federal Reserve needs to withdraw the QE1 money from circulation. Otherwise, the money supply grows and you get inflation. In fact, the $600 billion expansion of money supply under QE2 has gone straight into the stock market and created a stock bubble. That’s not healthy for the economy and QE2 should have been stopped.
I haven’t heard about a QE3 or QE4, but such a policy would be wrong for the same reasons QE2 was wrong.
There is no debt problem from the government’s point of view. Trust me, there isn’t. The government can cut the debt in half over the next few years. All they have to do is double the money supply to cut the value of those dollars in half. Then — voila! — a $14 trillion debt is a $7 trillion debt. I think Bernanke knows what he’s doing and this is what he’s up to. Bernanke is, after all, a Wall Street guy and debt eradication is what Wall Street wants. Obama is owned by Wall Street, too. Wall Street paid for most of Obama’s $900 million campaign. Obama has shown his loyalty to Wall Street interests by stocking his cabinet with Wall Street guys and letting Wall Street run his economic policies. If Romney is the GOP nominee, Wall Street will own him too. Wall Street will get its way no matter who wins the election and that’s bad news for the rest of us. Because it means there’s big-time inflation ahead. Inflation is nothing but a tax. We’re all going to pay it.
I don’t like Wall Street’s stranglehold on our government, but we can’t fix that without campaign reforms that Republicans oppose and the GOP-dominated Supreme Court struck down. You can’t vote Republican if you want to restore control of our government to the American people.
Well the plain and simple of it is the Feds are propping up Wall Street, and that is why there will be a Qe2 and Qe3, the silent destruction of our dollar and purchasing power.
The government is complacent in allowing our jobs to be exported to cheaper ports. Hell all of the contractors that ping me for jobs here in America are sharing a desk in India.
If we don’t cherish our country enough to force our government to keep our jobs here, then we deserve the depression which we are near or in.
QE3 just sends the economic data down faster and drives us into another “official” recession/depression.
QE2 took commodity prices up to the point where they’re starting to choke off the real economy. A QE3 would take that up another couple of notches and send the US economy into a death spiral.
Unfortunatley (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) it’s obvious to all that a QE3 would do more harm than good. (not that QE2 didn’t… it’s just that, well I guess it wasn’t obvious to Ben)
Even w/ the tanking data this month, oil is still over $100. Clearly the economy can’t handle $120-$130 oil along w/ even higher food prices and that’s what you get w/ a QE3.
Time for the US to take its medicine, no more Ponzi Debt, and let prices go where they’re gonna go…..
@107 “I really don;t care whose fault this mess is”
So much horseshit. Yeah, you don’t care. You don’t care because you’d have to heap blame on Republicans. But you’ve never once ragged on Republicans here, only Democrats. That makes you a partisan fool, a lackey tool and a dumbfuck troll.
Yes they do exist:
A cheaper form of transportation of Governor Christie: A long slip and slide, a huge bucket of vegetable oil, speedos, and bacon treat on a string.
@116 But 2/3 of Amrican corporations pay no taxes at all. And more to the point, Republicans believe corporations shouldn’t have to pay any taxes. If they had there way, shareholders wouldn’t pay taxes on dividends o capital gains. Republicans want to shift the entire U.S. tax burden to wage earners.
113, 114 — I agree QE2 is inflationary, and you’ll get no argument from me that Bernanke can’t stimulate demand by printing money then giving the money to banks instead of consumers.
QE2 pumped $600 billion of newly minted money into the economy. That’s more than $1,800 per person or equivalent to a $7,200 tax cut for a family of four. Think what that kind of money would do for consumer spending if it went directly to families. But the people who need it got none of it. It went straight into the stock market.
Re: Faux News’ “Chairman” and unhinged hard right nutcase Roger Ailes:
Even Murdoch thinks Ailes is crazy but Faux News is for better or worse a raging success hauling in a fifth of News Corp. profits while Murdoch’s beloved newspapers are collectively 3 billion in the hole.
The whole article is well worth the read as it exposes how so much of the garbage the trolls bring here originates directly from Faux News:
Re: Faux News’ “Chairman” and unhinged hard right nutcase Roger Ailes:
Even Murdoch thinks Ailes is crazy but Faux News is for better or worse a raging success hauling in a fifth of News Corp. profits while Murdoch’s beloved newspapers are collectively 3 billion in the hole.
The whole article is well worth the read as it exposes how so much of the garbage the trolls bring here originates directly from Faux News:
I love LD blaming this mess on Democrats.
Start with St. Ronnie…you might get the idea.
There’s been a bounty of info on Faux News and Ailes recently. The Rolling Stone article is a great historical piece but the recent New York magazine piece I believe is more wired into what’s going on now at Faux News.
The bottom line is that Faux News’ audience is aging and going freaking broke along with the rest of the economy. The same implosion we’ve seen happening to right wing hate talk radio is also affecting Faux News.
Pretty soon the advertisers will be abandoning ship – those 2 or 3 million brainwashed dumbasses screaming at the gubmint to keep their grubby socialist hands off their medicare just isn’t the prime money audience the typical advertiser is looking for these days.
Awwwwww. What’s Puddybud gonna do now?
Will someone please tell Tony Weiner to STFU?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The more the guy talks, the worse it gets.
Now he is saying it may very well be his package.
What a dope.
He’s only been married for a year.
I feel sorry for his wife.
She ought to dump his sorry ass.
Weiner seems to think he is smarter than everyone else with his cryptic answers to direct questions.
Why doesn’t Weiner file a formal legal complaint if he was truly hacked into on this picture thing?
The reason is if he files a false complaint, he’s in even deeper shit.
Weiner was a rising star. Now he’s nothing more than another bulging package trolling around for young women. He’ll never live this down now that he has decided to try and smart himself ought of the mess.
STFU Weinerboy!
Ooops, too late.
I’m going to engage in 100% speculation. Weiner is a relatively young guy of the generation where porn and sexting is pretty common. The photo is his, maybe even taken by his wife or meant for her enjoyment. He lost his phone, someone found his phone and thought it would be hilarious to upload a photo from the phone to the owner’s twitter.
The problem for people who are calling for resignation is that he isn’t a guy who ran on virtue and family values and a picture of your covered junk isn’t illegal. So if it hurts Weiner with his constituants we’ll know in an election cycle.
“I feel sorry for his wife.” is also the product of 100% speculation.
I’m going to engage in 100% speculation. Weiner is a relatively young guy of the generation where porn and sexting is pretty common. The photo is his, maybe even taken by his wife or meant for her enjoyment. He lost his phone, someone found his phone and thought it would be hilarious to upload a photo from the phone to the owner’s twitter.
The problem for people who are calling for resignation is that he isn’t a guy who ran on virtue and family values and a picture of your covered junk isn’t illegal. So if it hurts Weiner with his constituants we’ll know in an election cycle.
“I feel sorry for his wife.” is also the product of 100% speculation.
Wow. That particularly awesome explosion. Smart phone indeed.
Right on cue a troll show up to distract from the real issues:
The propaganda machine that is Faux News.
The banksters that run the country.
Back on track:
Fatso Christie thinks making 6 grand a year is too rich for medicaid!
Average age of a
Fox News viewer: 65
CNN: 63;
Average age of a broadcast viewer:
CBS: 55, 10 years ago 52
ABC: 51, 10 years ago 43
NBC: 49, 10 years ago 45
Fox: 44, 10 years ago 35
It’s been fascinating listening to conservative radio for a couple of days. Progressives and conservatives are in two different worlds. They are not even talking about the same issues. One radio station, Obama is a moderate republican. On the other 33, Obama is an evil, incompetent, anti Christ who is more power mad than Stalin. What I observed. The progressive stations talk about issues and facts more, the conservative stations talk about feelings and God more, they never talk facts or have anyone credible on to discuss the talking point. The progressive station says “these are some of the facts about housing prices…let’s talk”.
The conservative station says “My god, incompetent Obama and the dem’s regulations are the only reasons why housing prices are cratering, Call this number to agree!…”
How is that crow tasting RHP?????
You still gonna blame weiner’s problems on Breitbart? LMFAO.
You lose dipshit.
another scuzzy politician gets PWN3D!
this is an awesome story about one helluva brave soldier….fucking awesome.
@102. Roger Rabbit spews:
@89 re @75: You want a source? If you read a fucking newspaper once in a while you wouldn’t have to ask that question. Even though I’m not your fucking research assistance, I’ll make it easy for you. Here’s a source:
That simply says the bondholders would be paid first. There is nothing about suspending Social Security payments in the article, your claim about that is sheer nonsense.
@111. Roger Rabbit spews:
There is no debt problem from the government’s point of view. Trust me, there isn’t. The government can cut the debt in half over the next few years. All they have to do is double the money supply to cut the value of those dollars in half. Then — voila! — a $14 trillion debt is a $7 trillion debt. I think Bernanke knows what he’s doing and this is what he’s up to. Bernanke is, after all, a Wall Street guy and debt eradication is what Wall Street wants. Obama is owned by Wall Street, too. Wall Street paid for most of Obama’s $900 million campaign. Obama has shown his loyalty to Wall Street interests by stocking his cabinet with Wall Street guys and letting Wall Street run his economic policies. If Romney is the GOP nominee, Wall Street will own him too. Wall Street will get its way no matter who wins the election and that’s bad news for the rest of us. Because it means there’s big-time inflation ahead. Inflation is nothing but a tax. We’re all going to pay it.
Surprisingly candid of you; inflation is indeed the Democrat/Left secret plan to manage the debt, wiping out the life savings of seniors such as yourself in the process. It’s odd that you are such a fan of leftist economic policy given the consequences to you.
Liberal leaners want to talk about facts, issues, solutions.
Right wing idiots want to talk about weiners.
Depends. Did a Breitbart operative lift the phone and post? It is still curious how Breitbart got the image. Is Breitbart following Weiner on Twitter? (Probably) Is Brietbart following the woman to whom it was posted as a direct post? (Doubtful.) The only way Breitbart can get that message is if he’s following both parties or someone following both parties re-tweeted to him.
Two bits of ridiculous, one from each side.
Weiner is guilty because he deleted the tweet/pic. So you discover, as you’re watching a hockey game and tweeting about it, that a sort of lewd picture is on your twitter feed that you claim not to have knowledge of. In right wing world, the appropriate thing to do is leave it there as evidence of someone’s wrongdoing. In the real world, you delete it, change your password and move on with your life.
Heard on the radio this afternoon. This could be someone who put a camera above a urinal and is blackmailing Wiener with another picture that shows his face. That’s why he won’t say it isn’t him. And by the way, they make cameras that are about the size of a hummingbird and no one would notice a hummingbird flying around the room while taking off their pants. (I haven’t LOLd at someone on the radio in a long time. Thanks. That was great.)
Also ridiculous, Weiner is guilty because @GennetteNicole deleted her account thus destroying evidence.
So you are a college student on Twitter and overnight a tremendous number of people start following you or mentioning you on Twitter. You find out that your about to become the subject of the media’s attention. In right wing world, the correct response is to sit still and let the media have at you.
@126 Speaking of wives, one of my neighbors just shot himself, and his wife isn’t exactly a grieving widow — now she gets to live in his house without having to share it with him.
@134 Why the hell didn’t they give him a VC for that? Fucking cheapskates — you can’t trust Limeys.
@135 “That simply says the bondholders would be paid first. There is nothing about suspending Social Security payments in the article, your claim about that is sheer nonsense.”
I’ll just quote the article and let HA readers decide for themselves:
“Many embrace a proposal of Senator Patrick J. Toomey, a first-year Republican from Pennsylvania, for the Treasury to pay bondholders with incoming tax revenues and delay other government payments pending a resolution. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and many on Wall Street call the idea unworkable.
“Also, many Republicans have made comments indicating that they do not understand or do not care that an increase in the debt limit is needed not only for new spending but also to cover Social Security checks, troops’ pay and myriad other agreed-to purposes, as well as for payments to creditors holding Treasury bonds.”
@135 “Surprisingly candid of you; inflation is indeed the Democrat/Left secret plan to manage the debt, wiping out the life savings of seniors such as yourself in the process. It’s odd that you are such a fan of leftist economic policy given the consequences to you.”
Maybe you’ll understand me better if I tell you the only thing worse for the American economy than a Democratic president is a Republican president. I vote for the least worst candidate, who, interestingly, is always the Democrat.
Btw, I’m not a fan of leftist economic policy, nor of Democratic economic policy (they’re two different things). I simply think Keynes knew what he was talking about and supply siders are snake oil salesmen.
When you get right down to it, I’m a fucking capitalist trying to exploit stock market mispricing with untrammeled greed, who also happens to be too fucking lazy to hold a job or do any productive work. Which makes me pretty much like most of the Republicans out there, the main difference between me and them being that, unlike them, I have a conscience for about 5 minutes a year and those 5 minutes happen to coincide with the 5 minutes I spend filling out my ballot.
hmmm…I guess you missed that whole thread showing Cheney’s crotch….
and the bottom line is that weiner has changed his story 3 times now.
who you gonna believe?
If you are content and inclined to believe a proven serial liar then feel free.
@134, 140
That’s awesome.
I wonder if they save the and VC’s OBE’s for the white kids?
wonder if they save the and VC’s and the OBE’s for the white kids?
LE @ 104 said: “No president will win reelection with high unemployment and high inflation (GAS) (ETC) prices.”
That may have been true since WWII. But don’t forget that F.D.R. was re-elected by a landslide in 1936, even though unemployment remained high (but was improving), and one of the hallmarks of the National Recovery Act (NRA) was to prop up prices in order to keep more businesses from going under (before this part was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the Schecter Poultry case).
The reason why modern Presidents have a hard time getting re-elected when unemployment numbers are high are because the voters usually presume that their policies had something to do with the bad economy, or they weren’t doing enough to fix the problem. Of course, this was in an era when there were lots of safety-measures in place to keep a rescession from becoming an outright depression, including an independent Federal Reserve, unemployment compensation, etc.
But this time around it’s pretty clear that the whole problem occured under the Republican watch, and was due to Republican policies. Futhermore, Republicans have fought against every attempt by the Obama administration to limit the damage. From all appearances, they WANT the keep the economy in a rescession mode as long as possible, in the hopes that it will help them in the 2012 elections (Rush Limbaugh said as much when he said he wanted to see Obama fail).
Against this record, Obama is going to look pretty good against any Republican running against him.
Saw it and did not comment.
Now how much longer are right wing dipshits gonna talk about weiners I wonder?
We shall see. They’ll “own” themselves each time they choose to discuss weiners instead of the lack of serious job proposals from the Republicans.