– The family planning bill I’ve been mentioning passed the state house.
– The Tea Party doesn’t seem as popular this year.
– After this May, are the Mariners legit? This is the most excited I’ve been for a sub .500 team in as long as I can remember.
What a bunch of losers: T-Paw, Newt, the chilla from wasilla, pizza man, the mormon obama fan, and the mormon moron…tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber.
Yay…four more years of Barack Hussein Obama GUAR-ON-TEED!
OH…and the the House? Kiss it good-bye assholes…the Von Ryan express took care of that. Payback is gonna be a bitch for you clowns.
It’s time to end the hate. Ban the stupid motherfucking street corner loon and his dumbass third-person P-bonics.
(you guys like butter on your popcorn…?…salt?…)
Pretty fucking cool!
THIS is why those the House Republicans are going down:
Oil Subsidies…check
Endless Wars…check
Outrageous Corporate Tax Breaks…check
Disaster relief for Ordinary Americans…forget it.
And this is in MISSOURI??? They want to LOSE Missouri? THey OWN Missouri.
I admit, after 2010 I was bummed. I mean really depressed. But then there was Scott Walker…and then there was Rick Scott…and Paul Ryan (bless his heart) and now Eric Cantor.
I love these guys. The wheels are falling off the Klown Kar…couldn’t happen too soon.
Why do liberals call Mexicans who cross the border and settle in America “immigrants,” but don’t refer to Israelis who cross the border and settle in the West Bank immigrants? They’ll call them occupiers and call their homes illegal settlements?
Aren’t they also, like Mexicans, simply immigrants?
Actually, there’s a good liberal congressman or two from Kansas City, one of their senators, Claire McCaskill, is a D and their governor Jay Nixon is a D and looks pretty cool.
MO’s on my list of places where the Democrats could do a lot better if they actually tried.
interesting point.
Because, they’re coming here to work and settle, they’re not moving here as part of a geo-political strategy that’s backed by their government and armed forces.
Personally, I’d be cool with them both staying home.
The folks in Latin America would be better served by fixing up their own countries.
McCaskill wins her elections using a urban-rural alliance model, which I’m particularly fond of.
6 – Both are illegal. Both problems can be settled without too much trouble:
Here: Conservatives that employ undocumented workers should be fined with PERMANENT tax hikes – Eisenhower era tax hikes. If that just becomes the cost of doing business (can’t imagine it) then impose jail time. Conservatives will then be forced to either buy American (something they hate) or pay higher taxes (something they hate even more).
Israel: With advanced notice, pull the IDF out settlement by settlement. If the settlers (who by and large make the teabaggers look like flaming liberals) want protection – they should return behind the green line. They can of course stay and fight but after years of flagrantly abusing the Palestinians they’re in for some withering score-settling.
No I realize these aren’t serious proposals but hey I come here to have some fun with trolls.
Why do liberals call Mexicans who cross the border and settle in America “immigrants,”
Actually I call them “Illegals”. Don’t assume all liberals think the same way.
@11. I love your tax hike on the employers of illegals idea. Though I assume you meant to apply that to everyone who hires illegals, not just conservatives.
12 – Yes! But I believe the vast majority of employers of undocumented workers are right wingers.
Permanent war…yay.
care to back that statement up with any proof?
That was hard.
Walmart is but one employer….perhaps you misread YLBasements post.
Here it is again:
12 – Yes! But I believe the vast majority of employers of undocumented workers are right wingers.
Keywords being “vast majority”…so show me this vast majority.
no worky today for the failed wannabe musician? how much does website surfing and link posting pay?
Shit…THIS is who you want to work for!
@17, If illegals are such a big issue to you, then what do you think about Bush’s not enforcing the laws against companies who hire illegals?
Illegal Hiring Is Rarely Penalized
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, June 19, 2006
Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three.
Michael from #9:
“The folks in Latin America would be better served by fixing up their own countries.”
Boy, wouldn’t that be great if Mexico could finally overthrow the Spaniards. Trouble is, the decendants of the original Spanish land grant families own and control everything in Mexico, and they’re not about to give up anything to improve the lot of the average campesino. Peasants are there to serve the “original Spanish” families – that’s the opinion of the upper-crust in Mexico. It appears to me that anywhere Spanish Catholicism landed in the Americas is pretty much like Mexico: “Spanish” decendants ruling over armies of impoverished peasants who don’t have any Spanish bloodline in them.
I think the Spanish behaved like the Romans in the Americas. Maybe that’s why those countries are so screwed up!
I think it sucks. I also think that nobody in dc, repub or dem, wants to solve the problem. They both have been blowing smoke up our ass for 3 decades about how they wqnt to fix the illegal immigrant problem……its all bs.
In RE 18:
Yeah, that’s a problem European men. A lot of European men like to go to Thailand for little boys and girls. Pretty disgusting stuff!
idiot @ 13
Ever drive through farm country in this state? Or any other state for that matter?
How big are the pro-Republican signs there during election times? I’ve never seen freaking bigger signs.
And who’s working in the fields behind the signs?
How do people vote in farm country? If you were to believe all the nonsense about the undocumented voting it would be strictly D.
Clue: it isn’t.
Oh here’s something closer to home for you. During the building boom before the late 2008 crash, who were building out all the ticky tack houses? Were all those guys swinging hammers strictly legal? And who were running the crews and who were the general contractors – a bunch of lefties?
I don’t think so.
Fast forward to today. Why are there so many dudes hanging out at Home Depot? Who throws jobs their way? A bunch of strong believers in higher taxes for the rich?
Uhhhhh… No….. I don’t think so.
Sure they do. McSame and Kennedy had a solution and right wingers scuttled it. It was no more radical than what Raygun signed.
Right wingers scuttled the Dream Act too. Why should kids suffer for the actions of their parents especially when they’re so eager to serve and contribute to this country?
11+ million undocumented in this country – you’re not going to solve the problem by going Nazi on them – as much as you want that.
Right wingers want nothing more than an ugly police state in this country servicing their racist impulses while looking the other way at the shameless palm greasing of the right winger whose taxes they want lowered. Like this schmuck:
A right wing talk radio host.
Accordign to you:
farmers are only conservative
home builders are only conservative
people who shop at Home Depot are only conservative.
Yes, I see you used the scientific method in your approach..lol
so what youre saying is that you have no real evidence…just opinion.
BTW, why is that lefty cities are “sanctuary cities”? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?? oh, because those cities are controlled by conservatives? HAHAHHAHHHA…San Fran? Seattle? LMFAO…its always the left who wont let the police do their job.
simple solution would be to close up the border and put hefty fines on people who knowingly hire illegal aliens…..strange how neither party seems to want to do that.
you say you think illegal immigration is a probem, yet you have no issue with the 11 million border crossing crooks, nor do you want the border tightened.
me thinks you speak from your azzzz
Dream Act was a joke…
I have always been consistent when it comes to illegal immigration: secure the border AND go after the employers.
You nutty anti-business types ONLY want to go after businesses, for 2 reasons: 1. You HATE businesses and the people who own them, and 2. You HATE businesses and the people who own them.
that is your ONLY reasoning when it comes to this subject. You dont care about illegals, other that you want them to become citizens as quickly as possible.
if you REALLY were serious about illegal immigration, you would know that purely going after businesses will never work, and I can prove it with one easy question.
and the question is:
Would you rather be unemployed in the US or unemployed in Mexico?
No matter if there is work or not, illegals will continue to come across the border because they know they can always get health care(IE emergency room access) and their hands on some sort of govt money, no matter what.
Case closed.
25, 26, 27 – Sigh…. Like I thought the blatherings of a Nazi wannabe. Can’t read or think to save his miserable life. Only knows what he heard on the Monson show.
Farmers in Eastern Washington are liberal????
Wow, I bet they’re so liberal they force undocumented into unions. Strong lobby for higher taxes right?
mmmm. People who drive vans and pickups to hire day laborers at Home Depot are not looking to pay their cheap labor’s FICA taxes that’s for damn sure.
Typical right wing radio canard. Was that a big deal on the Monson show? Local police have better things to do than do the Federal government’s work.
The border is closed moron. More resources are there than ever. Has it done any good? It’s already against the law to hire undocumented stupid. Why have so many have flouted the law forever? It’s not being enforced. There’s no resources to enforce the law. Why are there so many tax dodgers? Why did the blowout happen in the Gulf? The right wing for the last 30+ years have starved regulatory agencies and anything else they don’t like of the money they need to do the job right.
Oh yeah it’s really a joke when a teenager who’s been in this country since he or she was an infant, who can’t speak a word of Spanish is picked up and sent to Mexico.
Yeah it’s happened in spades.
I bet that makes you feel real proud of your country.
Keep listenin’ to that Monson!
Only conservative? No. Mostly conservative? Yes. Take a look at the Patty Murray – Dino Rossi vote break down for 2010.
I grew up in Eastern Washington and still have strong ties over there. I know a lot of conservative farmers. I don’t know one liberal farmer.
@28 Obviously the GOP has blocked attempts at penalizing businesses who hire illegal aliens because otherwise it would be law already. Bush had EIGHT years to do it. Who WOULDN’T support that? Even Arizona, by no means a progressive state, tried to pass such a law, and sure enough it was denounced as “anti-business.”
So all the liberals who hate business got together and went along with voting down the law which was spun as “ANTI-business”?
Do you even have a real opinion about anything, or is your sole purpose to be an absolutist contrarian who chooses sides at random?
Or you’re paid or actually volunteering (WHY???) to post here, which is what I’ve been saying all along.
You mean like the oil companies who are making record profits while the rest of the country tanks?
Gas prices are $1.50 to $2.00 per gallon higher than 2 years ago even though gas usage is down and supplies are up. The price is being manipulated and not by the little guys you hate so much.
Bullshit. It’s always blame the victim. The poor slob at the Home Depot pisses you off to no end compared to the right winger who hire and whose taxes you dream of cutting.
I’m a huge fan of businesses that employ americans at family-supporting wages. The businesses that hire undocumented workers to grease their filthy palms I DESPISE. I gave an example up above. The owner was a right winger lipsticking his pig of an outfit to ENRICH HIMSELF.
I care about human rights. The undocumented worker is only trying to support his family the best he can. I despise brutalizing people which is your first knee jerk impulse. That’s why I rather focus on the greedhead hiring the worker. Taking away his money for flouting the law isn’t going to kill him.
The more undocumented who really want to become tax-paying, patriotic, military-serving, society-contributing Americans, the better in my book. If they don’t want that, then fine, they should go back home.
It’d be nice if we tried. The border Nazi thing has NEVER WORKED. This should be good.
??????? Stupid question. It’s neither here nor there.
Yet another stupid right wing canard with nothing to back it up. If we can effectively sanction employers from hiring undocumented workers we can do the same in government services.
Closed mind yes. If you consider two synapses in an empty skull a mind.
My family and I use to travel in Mexico pre Reagan. The border wasn’t nearly as secure as today. The border didn’t need to be secure because INS went after the employers. Few employers hired illegals. Few illegals crossed into the US.
Reagan changed that. Wasn’t fair to the employers to single them out and all that. So he and the Rethugs in congress changed the law to focus on the illegals.
The point being, want to reduce the number of illegals in the country? Change the law back to what it was pre Reagan and enforce it.
Oh my this is classic! Not only did Bush’s disastrous post-9/11 policies enrich fossil fuel companies and defense contractors – it greased the palms of those “lefty outfits” who hire undocumented workers.
Nice catch!
you said: The border is closed moron.
this statement alone shows you are completely out of touch with the real world.
the rest of your drivel just as worthless.
stay in the basement where you belong.
so now the oil companies are hiring illegal aliens?
and the democrats have also had ample time to do something in the last 30 years..and they have not.
jsut proves my point that neither party wants to fix the problem.
blah blah blah….and still, your “solution” is the one sided approach that has already been proven not to work.
the ONLY solution is go after it from both angles….why does that scare you and the rest of the left? afraid your gonna alienate your precious minority voting bloc?
37 – LMAO! Can’t read to save his stupid life.
36 – It’s illegal to cross the border without a visa idiot. There’s more border police, fencing, electronic measures even freaking national guard to enforce this than at any time in our history. More money being spent – breaking all the records.
Obama has deported more people than Bush.
Yet as Ekim noted, it’d sure be a lot cheaper if we just went after the employer.
and the democrats have also had ample time to do something in the last 30 years..and they have not.
True Democrats haven’t been in charge. Either had a right wing President like Reagan or a working right wing majority in the form of a filibuster in the Senate. Blue dog democrats were not worth a damn. Might as well been Republicans. Most of them were swept out in 2010 anyway.
Liberal farmers run CSA’s on the west side of the state.
yep, keeping making excuses for the democrats…LMFAO…same ole same ole…
43 – So freaking ignorant of our political system. Monson caters to morons like you.
Lemming indeed.
Public Announcement
I’ve been away for several days helping to give the late Pop Rabbit a proper sendoff to the Meadow In The Sky. I’m now back to help straighten out you stupid, ignorant, unpatriotic trolls. Your vacation is over, assholes, I’m baaaaack!!!
Possible Sighting Of Mr. Cynical
My niece just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. She told me she saw a lot of goat fucking going on there. So, of course, I thought of you-know-who; and if he’s in Afghanistan now, that would explain his absence from the HA comment threads — I don’t think they have internet there.
45 – Hear hear! Welcome back Roger.
While you were gone, Puddybud was raptured but unfortunately for us he left his handle to a sycophantic minion who was “left behind” due to showing up at church on Sunday or blaspheming the Holy Spirit during a dark night of the soul.
The new Puddybud is very much the same as old unfortunately.
Again welcome back!
My take on it is that for the last 50 years neither party has cared much about, “the little people,” except to fear them having any political power. Maquiladoras on the Mexican border go back to the Johnson Admin, helped crush the unions, siphoned off a bunch of cash that would have gone to the working class and gave it to the already wealthy investing class.
I’m cynical enough to think that beyond Obama’s border policy being straight out of Clinton’s play book- beating the Republicans at their own game- and maybe picking up a few working class votes Obama doesn’t really have any skin in the game. I’m hopeful enough to think that Obama’s trying to fix the border mess and knows that you can’t fix it w/o an enforcement arm of the policies to do so.
Glad to see you back and to hear that your niece made it back OK (other than having to see a bunch of goat fucking.).
Nixon’s farm policies were designed to crush the farmers political power and hadn’t a thing to do with actual farming. Reagan did more union busting, Clinton had NAFTA, Bush II had No Working Class Child Left Educated and made it harder finically for poor folks to go to college…
I got a good giggle out of this:
Slog and The Stranger love, love, love, to diss on Tacoma and Spokane but, in this regard Spokane and Tacoma are and have been kicking Seattle’s ass for many years.
Wisconsin Update
A lot is going on in Wisconsin. Let’s start with the recall campaigns.
Status of recall drives. Democrats targeted eight GOP senators, and Republicans targeted six Democratic senators, for recall. As of yesterday, the state board that supervises elections has ordered that three GOP senators face recall elections on July 12, although that date could be moved back if the GOP sues to block the recall elections. Six more recall petitions — three Democrats and three Republicans — are pending; and the elections board will make a decision on those next week. If all nine petitions are referred to the ballot, Republicans will have to defend six seats, Democrats three seats. Democrats need a net gain of three seats to take control of the state senate.
Status of judicial election. The recount has been completed and incumbent state supreme court justice David Prosser, a Republican, won by 7,006 votes. The Democratic challenger at first appeared to have eked out an approximately 300-vote victory until a Republican county election boss with a long rap sheet of election irregularities “found” 14,000 additional ballots in her heavily Republican county that had been “overlooked” in the initial counting. There are some holes in the bottoms of the canvas ballots bags that these “new” ballots could have crawled through after the initial count showed Prosser losing, so it’s possible there will be a court challenge to the result of this election which, if it’s not resolved before the start of a new court term on August 5, could leave Prosser’s seat vacant for a while — in which case the state supreme court would have 3 Republican justices and 3 Democratic justices, and a potential tie vote on soon-to-be-ex-governor Walker’s union-stripping bill. If that happens, the fate of his bill could be decided be a lower court.
Recall election news. David VanderLeest, a 34-year-old GOP county vice chairperson and slumlord — er, excuse me, I intended to type “real estate entrepreneur” — has announced he is a candidate against Democratic state senator Dave Hansen of Green Bay. The reason I mention this is because I wanted to bring to your attention the high quality of candidates the Wisconsin GOP fields in state legislative races these days. According to the Miwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Vanderleest “was convicted of disorderly conduct, a Class B misdemeanor, in 2007. He said the conviction ws the result of a plea deal in a case involving a domestic dispute.” (I assume this means the prosecutor dropped a felony wife-beating charge in exchange for a guilty plea, but hell I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong about that.) The newspaper goes on, “That same year, a bank foreclosed his Green Bay house, which was sold at a sheriff’s sale. Another bank … won a court judgment for nearly $30,000 against VanderLeest and his coampnay …. The sum has have been paid, VanderLeest acknowledged. In addition, VenderLeest and his now ex-wife filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2006, meaning he did not have to repay most of his creditors.” VanderLeest’s explanation to the newspaper was, “I had a marriage fall apart, and I was in real estate … I’m not ashamed of that.” The newspaper continued, “Asked why the voters should select him to oversee a multibillion-dollar budget given his personal financial problems, VanderLeest said the answer is simple. ‘I represent the average person who’s struggling,’ he said. VanderLeest said he expects to be targeted by top officials in Green Bay. The city has taken him to court over guilding code violations at properties her owns, leading to mroe than $1,300 in fines …. His building were deemed nuisance properties. … VanderLeest said … “people will realize he was rigtht on all these matters once they read the documents he plans to post on his campaign website.” Here’s the link to the original news article if you’re interested; I suggest you have a barf bag handy:
With GOP candidates like that, wisconsin Democrats should be able to win all nine state senate seats.
In other Wisconsin news, the (temporarily) Republican-controlled legislature is getting set to pass a bill that would allow Wisconsin residents to carry concealed guns without any requirement for background checks, firearms training, or concealed carry permits. The law would ban carrying concealed guns in police stations, prisons, or airport security zones, but would not ban concealed guns from taverns or elementary schools.
National political news. Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, an African-American candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, has gone on record saying if he’s elected president he won’t appoint any Muslims to his cabinet because he doesn’t trust them.
I don’t know if the U.S. has ever had a Muslim cabinet secretary, but Cain sounds like a pinhead to me. Now every Muslim who applied for a job with Godfather’s and wasn’t hired while Cain was CEO is going to get a lawyer and sue Godfather’s.
I wonder where David VanderLeest got the money to run a hobby campaign for state senate. Specifically, I wonder if he held back some cash assets he didn’t declare on his federal bankruptcy petition. Hey, I’m not saying he did, I’m just wondering, that’s all.
I wonder why Wisconsin’s Republican politicians want to let violent felons carry concealed handguns into kindergartens? Maybe one of our trolls could explain the rationale for that? I can’t see one, no matter how hard I look.
This isn’t Eisenhower’s GOP anymore. Nowadays, Republicans are crazy.
51 – This strikes me as kind of silly. There’s been more fiber pulled in Seattle than a lot of cities – way more than Tacoma or Spokane.
Seattle, Tukwila and whatnot have dozens of datacenters serving up websites and other internet services to customers all over the world. They aren’t connected to the net through paper cups and strings.
In my neighborhood in North Seattle, I’ve watched Pilchuk Contractors crews pull fiber and maintain the conduit for years.
It’s just that the fiber is used by Qwest, Comcast, Level 3 and many other outfits to service corporate customers and humdrum services like landline, cell towers and dsl. Almost no fiber reaches the home in Seattle although it comes close in the form of Comcast’s fiber to the neighborhood. If you can get your Netflix over your Comcast cable modem better it’s because of that.
I believe the customers in Pioneer Square are complaining more about the cost of big pipe broadband there more than the availability. Yes, broadband providers want to charge the big bucks for gigabit sized bandwidth.
RR @ 45: Nice to see you back, Roger. And my condolences on the loss of your father.
By the way, illegal immigration is down dramatically from what it was two years ago.
Of course, the Obama administration has devoted more resources to border security than the Bush administration ever did, making it more difficult than ever to cross the border. But no border security is foolproof, we simply can’t afford the cost of building walls high enough, and manning them with guards, to secure the entire border. As was pointed out, there was never a ten-foot wall built that couldn’t be defeated by a twelve-foot ladder.
But the real reason for the decline in illegal immigrants is (a) the bad economy, which has hit the illegal immigrants harder than other people; and (b) the resurgence in prosecution of employers.
This buys us some time (a year or two, at most) in which to fix the system to increase the resources of the federal government to hit employers with meaningful penalties. A few good examples can cause considerable fear among the employers (the IRS figured this out a long time ago, which is why they publicize tax prosecutions of celebrities).
@57 Thank you. I don’t feel real bad about it. Pop Rabbit, who was almost 100 years old, would have been 99 last week. In my eulogy at his memorial service, I said that although I miss him, the fact we had him with us for so long was a gift.
58 – It’s really important that these new right wing outfits like American Crossroads are forced to disclose their customers through Disclose Act type legislation.
I bet you find quite a few cheap labor right wingers in that bunch.
Right now the right wing is pulling its hair out with Obama on the verge of signing an executive order for Federal Contractors to disclose their political contributions.
Well if the Supreme Court thinks a corporation is a “person”, why the hell not?
Let me be the first on this board to declare Democrat Kathy Hochul the winner in the special congressional election in N.Y.’s 26th District.
You might remember New York’s 26th District as that traditionally Republican district which elected Jack Kemp to congress.
Now (I declare!) it is in fine Democratic hands.
Suck it Paul Ryan!
Poor little stoner Lee et al., must be an extra large bong hit tonight! Whoa! Dude! LMFAO
and then this:
Hardy-har-har. Priceless.
So Mark1, why do you hate so much? The bill you are so pleased about having failed would have benefited many tragically ill people in our state.
Sadly, Mark Haines of CNBC passed away last night. I loved watching him and Erin Burnett in the morning. heh- The “Haines Bottom”. You called it, Mark.
RR @ 52: This Republican GOP candidate has really got things backwards. He’s into real estate and he files bankruptcy in 2006???? I would understand if it were 2008, 2009, or even 2010. But he couldn’t make a go of it in the hyper-inflated real estate market balloon of 2005-2006????? If he couldn’t make money then, he’s really got no excuse for even being in the business.
And he really shouldn’t compare himself to struggling people who WERE NOT in the real estate business, but lost their jobs and homes in 2008-2010 due to the excesses of people like him during 2006-2007.
LMFAO at the Palin Bio-film, “The Undefeated”!!
heh- That’d be like calling the Seahawks Superbowl hi-lite film “The Undefeated”. That is, it would be if the Seahawks had quit and didn’t show up to play the second half.
The book by Palin’s aid is out any day now. Problem is, Palin supporters won’t buy or read it, they just don’t want to hear anything critical about Palin. And people who already think Palin is a joke don’t need a book about her to tell her that.
But we are going to get some great quotes in the news for a while.
Teahadists at a Republicorp rally
Republicorp Governor Nikki Haley (SC) gets her natural constituency to turn out for a rally. All 30 of them. Way to go Governor!
Thank you Carl for posting the original link…
I wonder how well Cantor is playing in Joplin? In Mississippi? Or in the neighboring states who have recently been hit by tornadoes?
More to the point, is Cantor’s “Fuck you tornado victims” playing better than Ryan’s “Fuck you Medicare recipients?”
@67 “Problem is, Palin supporters won’t buy or read it, they just don’t want to hear anything critical about Palin. And people who already think Palin is a joke don’t need a book about her to tell her that.”
Similar for her new (LMFAO) film “The Undefeated” (LMFAO again). Only Palinistas will watch it. I’d be surprised if it did half as well as (damn, can’t stop LMFAO) Atlas Shrugged.
@69 “More to the point, is Cantor’s “Fuck you tornado victims” playing better than Ryan’s “Fuck you Medicare recipients?””
heh- Wingnuts are on a fucking roll. What’s next? A revelation about some wingnut candidate and a goat?
“A revelation about some wingnut candidate and a goat?”
Or maybe a dog. Either way, my money would be on Santorum.
@71 “What’s next? A revelation about some wingnut candidate and a goat?”
You think ButtPutty is going to run for office? He’s got all of the proper wingnut qualifications, including the goat.
Then there is MrC and his neighbor’s sheep. That should work also. Speaking of MrC. Anybody know what happened to him? Did he get hoof and mouth disease or something?
Rick Santorum. Very funny. As Jon Stewart said, if you don’t get the joke, Google “Rick Santorum”. I can wait.