– “a refresher course in the difference between consensual sex and assault”
– RIP, Harmon Killebrew.
– “And holy crap I literally made none of that up.”
– I usually don’t do videos in open threads (I just forward to Darryl). But I don’t think you’ll want to wait until Friday night to see Dorothy Parvaz talk about her detention. Thank goodness she’s been released.
– See you on the streets for Bike to Work Day, and I’ll probably go to the after party!
Nowadays so many ballplayers use steroids they’re gonna have to move the fences back another 100 feet.
Syria’s Savage Dictator
“U.S. journalist Dorothy Parvaz, detained in Syria three weeks ago …, said after being released … on Wednesday that she could hear beatings ‘almost around the clock’ in her Syrian jail. ‘The beatings I heard almost around the clock were savage …,’ Parvaz told Al Jazeera …. In a first-person account posted on Al Jazeera, Parvaz described … being held in rooms with pools of blood on the floor and blood smears on walls.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No one has the right to do this to anyone else. These are the acts of a frightened dictator, worried about his own skin (and he ought to be), clinging to power the only way he knows how: By arresting, torturing, and killing anyone who might oppose him. It won’t work; his day will come.
Newt! Newt!! Newt!!!
Roger Rabbit won’t be posting for the next several days because he’s traveling out of state to attend Pop Rabbit’s funeral.
Sarah! Sarah!! Sarah!!!
My condolences to you and your family Roger.
Rick Santorum! Rick Santorum!! Rick Santorum!!!
My comments on Sunday were not intended as factual statements.
Of course it’s wrong, what private prisons do is shift wealth from the working class to the investing class. That’s it.
Of course, if you close the private prisons and hire working class folks at union, family supporting, wages the first thing they are going to do is pay off some of their bills, which helps the investing class out. The next thing they’re going to do is go do a little shopping which will help the performance of the investing class’s Target, Starbucks, Apple stocks.
Two systems, one outcome. But, in one of the systems you get to kick working class people in the head and the other one you actually have to help them out.
Why does the investing class want to kick working class people in the head?
I noticed that the coffee shop and the Arby’s is hiring. There are jobs available, but they don’t pay a living wage.
This story is pretty fucking disgusting:
I will only vote for Obama if there’s a danger of a whacked out Republican winning this State – it will then be a choice of a lesser of two evils.
But a Jon Huntsman – I just might pull the lever for him.
YLB has a cushy Government job, benefits package and retirement plan that he believes will not be touched in what is happening today….ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Sorry dude its already happening…open your eyes.
@6 Thank you. Pop Rabbit had a good run; he would have been 99 last weekend. And he went quickly; he had his mind and was able to communicate right up until his last few hours. The rest of us should be so lucky.
Well yelling lost boy, when a leftist leaks the war plans of a Republican to the NY Slimes or LA Slimes you cheer it on. When the potential war plans of a DUMMOCRAPT in the white house could become leaked and Obummer takes pains to ensure they don’t go to the Slimes you go apoplectic?
You see yelling lost boy when you are the preznit you have the lives of 310 Million US Citizens at stake. The enemy doesn’t give a damn about rights, Geneva Convention or anything else, he wants to off you and your “family” dude! All the 2008 campaign rhetoric goes out the window so even your sorry ASS is kept safe by Obummer!
So typical!
@12 Jerks like you won’t be satisfied until every last American worker is unemployed or working for $2 a day. You must be a Chinese government mole.
@14 “leaks the war plans”
What war plans? That guy leaked evidence of government waste. I thought you guys were against that? (Except when you’re doing it, of course.) And last I checked none of those 310 million citizens you’re so worried about* lost their lives because of this leak.
* Of course, worrying about our 310 million citizens isn’t something you take seriously when we’re talking about Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation, food stamps, etc.
14 – Yawwwwwwn… Incoherent babble from a torture loving degenerate. Not impressed.
Obama is so-called Constitutional Law Professor trampling on the Constitution. First the mistreatment of Bradley Manning and now the persecution of these patriotic whistleblowers.
Of course Obama’s failure is no reason to support a degenerate teahadist panderer that a Puddybud would love as if things weren’t bad enough.
But a President sworn to defend the Constitution had better.
Unbelievable this degenerate has now found Obama love!
When Interest rates start rising, and the payment on the massive spending spree of the Democrats comes to roost, the could sell Fort Knox, Hawaii, Alaska and not cover one year of this guys deficit, let alone cost of government. All the Gold in Fort Knox if sold at today’s premium price will not cover 1/5 of even the deficit he is racking up.
PROVE IT. You had 5 days to prove it and you can’t.
20 – Already have. Many times.
Admit it! You believe torture works and you are delighted when it is used by your favorite right wing regimes!
And it’s so degenerate it’s not funny.
Witness the mad cackles of a torture lover:
On a program chosen and started by career people during the Clinton administration. Are you a chronological failure too Roger Rabbit (The DUMB is removed in deference to your late father and your grieving for the week.
And who was your favorite idiot son’s pick to head CIA? The same Michael Hayden who made the disastrous choice of the failed Trailblazer program.
Who followed another simian mis-administration disaster Porter Goss.
Shorter puddybitch…
…I have nothing, no plan. I will however spend an inordinate amount of time trashing anything you come up with.
Any guesses as to how much fun this shithead is in team meetings?
@18 “massive spending spree of the Democrats”
Gawd, what a dumbfuck troll. LD is possibly the dumbest of the lot, the runt of the troll litter.
This moron completely ignores the FACTS that the deficit EXPLODED during the Presidencies of Reagan, Bush 1 and Shrub and DECREASED during the Clinton Administration and had a slight annual decrease for Obama.
LD can have his own story, pathetic as it may be…but LD (or the puddybitch or bartertown or anyone else) can’t have his/their own FACTS.
You can do like ButtPutty and become a paid troll. Not sure that pays a living wage either, but you can work from home.
Hey ButtPutty, how much do you make being a Koch whore?
@27. I couldn’t sleep at night, or face my kid, if I took that a job being a paid troll.
@28, Me either.
Ekim you are one moronic fool. Puddy works for a living and it has ABSONOTHINGLUTELY to do with animals or animal sex unlike your profession. My job sends all over the world because I’m good at what I do. What are you good at besides banging goats?
YES Michael Hayden was Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) from 1999–2005.
Yeah yelling lost boy, warrant-less database was to eavesdrop on telephone and bank communications internationally between persons within the U.S. and individuals and overseas groups to locate your terrorist buds, which led Osama to drop cell phone calls after the NY Slimes told the world about it in 2006.
Remember yelling lost boy Michael Hayden testified before congress stating the 4th Amendment protects all American Citizens against unreasonable search and seizure. The U.S. Supreme Court originally said this back in 2001
32 – So you defer to Michael Hayden on our rights – typical behavior of a twice voting bootlicker of the Pretender in Chief who occupied the White House 2001-2009
There you go again making up shitola. I placed the SCOTUS decision and gave you a link moron. Also what’s telling is SCOTUS overturned the 9th Circus of Liberal Appeals
When have you ever been on the side of real Americans and not the terrorists yelling loser boy? Why do you champion the NY Slimes giving aid and comfort to the enemy when a Republican president occupies the executive?
Hey HA Head “deacons” why is there no post on the “stadium tax” issue?
Could it be these peeps actually agree with Tim Eyman?
Hmmm maybe yelling lost boy is actually reading the SCOTUS decision. Well reading comprehension isn’t his strong suit.
34 – It’s not “reasonable” to search Americans without a warrant YOU DUMBASS!
You want Obama appointees to do that to YOUR STUPID ASS???
If you are not doing anything wrong and talking to overseas terrorists then why are you worried DUMBASS? If you are not talking to terrorists overseas why are you worried? It was over communications to fools overseas. How come your femtometer mind can’t grasp that fact? It’s not about domestic conversations, well Clinton did put that in place long ago.
You see stupid yelling lost boy, many of your HA ilk would not answer my question if they wanted a terrorist attack before Bush left office. Butt you see yelling lost boy, Biden called it out out… of course you forgot that.
38 – Rights are rights you stupid moron. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are American, the government NEEDS A WARRANT signed by a Judge to conduct a search.
What if you call a friend whose family member is a suspected terrorist? Does that make YOU A TERRORIST???
So stupid its pathetic.
China’s so completely fucked.
“So stupid its pathetic”
I have no time for these dumbfuck haters. They can all go to fucking hell.
…I doubt even rethuglicants would pay for the puddybitch’s drivel.
…the stupid motherfucker puddybitch REALLYREALLY loves him that Constitution. Knowzit inside/outside up one side and down the other. Yesssirrrreeeebobby! He sure does hnnnmmmmm, hnmmmmmmmm (that slingblade sound…lol).
Interesting question yelling lost boy. First IF that happened, we’d already know about it. You choose your friends wisely, hence you’ll NEVER make the grade.
Keep pissing in the wind!
Has rujax ever said anything worthwhile?
Nope, he’s a dope!
Hey rujax,
SCOTUS 2001.
yelling lost boy doesn’t care if his next door neighbor is involved in terrorist activities!
Looks like rujax’ religion of peace is at it again…
I have no time for these dumbfuck haters. They can all go to fucking hell.
Yep. I should hang it up myself. Morons will be morons.
…who knew the pudybitch loves him some po-leeese state.
He’s just gonna give it right up when po-leeese bust in his door. hnnnmmmmm, hnmmmmmmmm (that slingblade sound,yo)
Just think gang…he’ll be gone by Saturday night! Yayyyyyy!!!! BYE Puddybitch! Dibs on yer stuff…
@ 11 YLB
You mean THIS Jon Huntsman?
He’s staunchly pro-banker, pro billionaire and pro NSA domestic spying. He believes that the 4th Amendment is a hindrance to effective law enforcement, and that they States have the right to nullify any Federal mandate they see fit to. In other words, a dedicated, overt fascist.
I’m a torture-loving fool.
50 – I don’t know. Reading over that tpm article Huntsman seems a lot more reasonable than those other Republican bozos – of course that’s little comfort. but sigh… I guess it could be a green party candidate then – again if there isn’t a chance of a right wing whackjob taking this State.
50 – I don’t know. Reading over that tpm article Huntsman seems a lot more reasonable than those other Republican bozos – of course that’s little comfort. but sigh… I guess it could be a green party candidate then – again if there isn’t a chance of a right wing whackjob taking this State.
Can we have a rapture open thread?
What’s the latest? I understand it’s supposed to be happening right now and by 7:00 am tomorrow morning…
That’s all she wrote…
Gonna be fun, fun, fun…
Ok we’ll wait for the Multimedia bonanza..
It’s past 6PM 5/21 on Christmas Island..
Everything seems cool..
Guess Camping is full of bullshit..