– This piece on how Seattle plans on zoning for medical marijuana is interesting, but it’s more Lee’s than my bailiwick. But I would like to complain about the headline: It’s an online publication so headline space isn’t as valuable as for an actual newspaper. So don’t say “medical pot” say “marijuana” or “cannabis.”
– God damn (h/t, trigger warning).
– Seems like we ought to be able to do 520 right.
– Testing as a way to evaluate teachers is very misguided.
– I loved this interview with Felix Hernandez (h/t).
Heh, HA and Slog fans probably think 520’s slang for extra potent weed.
I noticed the King5 was calling it “Medical Pot” yesterday as well. I assume it’s a way of trying to marginalize it. You don’t hear folks calling Morphine “Medical Smack”.
Morphine would just be Morphine, Opium or Heroin would be Medical Smack.
Yet another example of why Seattle is the laughing stock of the state:
mayor mumbles mcginn last week announces across the board cuts in departmental budgets because the city budget is fucked.
mayor mumbles mcginn this week hires one of his nutty bicyle buddies to a 6 figure salary to help plan transportation projects.
Yep, a numbnuts bike riding nazi who supports closing down roads and making them bike paths is now gonna help figure out the city’s transportation planning. fucking brilliant idea there….LOL.
and poor carly wants to blame seattle’s problems on the suburbs and eastern WA? LMFAO.
seattle: idiots leading idiots.
Interesting read on the guy that Mumbles McGinn hired:
This guy sounds like a scam artist piece of shit.
From KOMO news:
SEATTLE – The man tapped by Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn to give advice and support on transportation issues has spent nearly all of his career as an advocate for bicycling, a KOMO News investigation has found.
Neither Hiller nor the mayor are providing many details about his background, but KOMO’s Problem Solver team has dug up information about his tenure in Connecticut before he came to Seattle.
Most recently, Hiller was an ardent lobbyist for the Cascade Bicycle Club before being hired by McGinn with a salary of $95,000 a year.
In his role with the club, he sometimes used strong language to make his points.
In a January interview with The Stranger about careless motorists who hit and kill cyclists, Hiller said, “I’d love to hang these people up by their toenails at the edge of town and paint ‘killer’ across their chest and let them hang there until the buzzards peck their eyes out.'”
But what did he did before his time at the Cascade Bicycle Club – the Problem Solvers had to dig deep to find some answers.
Hiller isn’t making himself available to reporters now, and he’s not returning phone calls.
Even the Cascade Bicycle Club, where Hiller was a lobbyist for the past eight years, doesn’t want to do an on-camera interview.
The Problem Solvers had to turn to Hiller’s tenure in Connecticut to find out any more about his qualifications to take on a $95,000-a-year job with Seattle.
Hiller had earlier referred to his time with the Connecticut state Legislature as a qualification for his current roll.
So KOMO News started there, and the only employment we could confirm there for Hiller was as a permanent assistant clerk.
It’s not clear what his salary or responsibilities were, but he was hired in December 1998 and the state Legislature says his employment ended four months later in April 1999.
The Problem Solvers looked at IRS documents from Hiller’s next job – with the Connecticut Bicycle Coalition, a small organization with only a few hundred members.
As executive director in 2001 Hiller made $28,628. And then in 2002, his salary was $19,555.
Rich Lourie, the former president of the Connecticut Bicycle Coalition’s board of directors, said Hiller was an effective director, but left after the coalition went broke to take a better position in Seattle.
Lourie said Hiller was “very resourceful” and capable advocate for bicyclists and pedestrians, and was skillful at getting federal grants for safe bicycling and pedestrian projects.
But he said the Connecticut Bicycle Coalition was forced to close down after it was unexpectedly charged for police protection and rental of a city park during a fund-raising event. The charges wiped out the group’s budget.
The only other record of any kind of work in Connecticut that the Problem Solvers could find was on a Connecticut Clean Boater Guide – he’s listed as doing the design and layout.
The Problem Solvers also have learned that Hiller’s partner also works for the Seattle mayor’s office, but they say her salary is paid for by a grant.
KOMO News has asked the mayor’s office for a copy of Hiller’s resume to see what all his qualifications are – they have not yet provided that.
But McGinn says that Hiller is fully qualified for the post, where he will serve as a transportation policy advisor.
“He’s a very effective advocate,” McGinn said. “If he can come in and get some movement on light rail like he’s gotten movement on bicycles, then he’ll be great for the city because I know the city would love more light rail.”
LMFAO: his “partner” also works in the mayors office….
Great, some queer fucking scam artist who hates cars is gonna help figure out the city’s trasportation policy….HAHHAHHAHAHAH..this is gonna be fun to watch.
More dirt will come out I’m sure….
Correction: the guy really isnt of the limp wrist type….
but scammer for sure….his employment history looks REAALLL nice! Good thing the mayor only hires quality people with a solid background!
5,6 Nice try. More knee-jerking from sucking at the teat of the mother knee jerker.
Monson doesn’t even live in Seattle. Just an angry little man harvesting resentment for a living. Miserable work if you can get it.
Sorry homie, I didnt get this from Monson, its on EVERY NEWS STATION YOU TWIT.
Have fun with your new transportation guru! haahahahahahah…your fucked!
hey..its only another $100k+ a year of your money!
9 – Suuuuurre you didn’t.
what the fuck difference does it make?
answer: it doesnt.
how in the hell did you morons vote this twit into office?
I mean damn, you fools are renown for voting in some real crooks, liars, and twits…but McGinn is taking it to a whole new level.
All the difference in the world. Monson appeals to angry shitstains like you. I can trace every copy and paste you’ve done here and see that Monson has bloviated something over it.
As for the mayor it’s up to him to hire whoever. If the voters don’t like it they can get a new mayor.
12 – An accomplished corporate attorney with a solid pro-bono record seemed a better choice than the non-voting T-mobile exec.
But you only know what you hear on the Monson show.
Nice try bleeder….but you know you’re screwed…hahahahaaah..have fun paying this idiots salary…hehehheehhh….we really do enjoy laughbing at you
Yeah you and the rest of the bigoted shitheads in Dori-land. zzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzz…
Barely registers even for entertainment purposes.
yep…KOMO news investigative reports is the same as Dori Monson…LMFAO
OWNED again YLB.
you and your chucklehead mayor are made for each other.
I love the KOMO piece, all out of breath and over the top about bicycles and strong language. You would have thought the guy was advocating for pedophiles.
Seattle’s rapidly turning its self into silly town. It’s too bad, Seattle used to be a really nice place.
KOMO is techickenshit’s camo for Dori Monson. PW3D dumbshit..
OMG!!! Bicycles!!!
Did anyone else notice that Bartertown is confused about the number of digits in $95,000? Or whether or not $95,000 = $100,000+?
Kind of makes it hard to take him seriously . . . not that anyone was going to take him seriously before.