– Newt is running.
– And well, OK, I guess I won’t take Newt Gingrich seriously.
– What the fuck, Judy Clibborn?
– Florida outlaws sex with humans (among other animals).
– The incentives for steroid use in Baseball have changed pretty dramatically in the last few years, but I’m not sure I buy this argument entirely.
Sex with vegetables in Florida is ok though.
Sounds like it’s OK to hump in Florida if there’s a veterinarian in the room with you.
I’ve been telling you guys that the Republicans are some kinky mother fuckers.
I am supporting The Newt if for no other reason than to laugh at his name, slimey little fellow that he is, and hoping for lots of humiliating experiences on the campaign trail.
Rough Skinned Newts are highly toxic.
“Florida outlaws sex with humans”
Good luck with that. Bush spent $1 billion of taxpayer money on teen abstinence programs and got a baby boom.
And now the pubbies are paying Bristol Palin $250,000 a year to preach abstinence to young people. I wish I could have gotten a job like that when I was her age — and get to fuck away to my heart’s content in the bargain.
As another example of Republican laziness and oversized sense of entitlement, I had to laugh when I heard this story about the group of GOP House freshmen whining to president Obama to do the right thing, move to the right, and stop picking on them for voting for the Medicare-killing Ryan budget:
Civility, gawd. Imagine the deserved mockery if Democrats ever called for Republicans to stop attacking them on the issues.
And worth remembering again how Republicans wrapped themselves in Medicare to argue against healthcare reform. The hypocrisy is again breathtaking.
I wish I could have gotten a job like that when I was her age — and get to fuck away to my heart’s content in the bargain.
You’re assuming somebody would be willing to have sex with you, rodent. Maybe not!!
If the Republicans nominate Gingrich, Obama will be elected by a wide margin.
“And now the pubbies are paying Bristol Palin $250,000 a year”
Her new thing is a reality TV show contract for next season, so she’s moving to LA. She and her kid will share a house with a couple of guys. And with the help of some surgery, she’s sporting a new look.
If a child of President Obama was doing such things the moral outrage from the right would be deafening. But this is Palin’s kid, so our wingnut morality cops are silent.
We all know how it goes. IOKIYAR. Fucking hypocrites.
Republicans are like the schoolyard bullies, picking on anyone who they perceive to be smaller, weaker, poorer, or less well-connected than they are.
But when somebody stands up to them and punches them in the nose, they go crying to momma about what meanies their intended victims are.
# 9: I’m curious. Assuming that any given Republican can get through the primary (yea, I know, that’s a pretty broad hypothetical), what Republican really stands a chance at Giving Obama a run for his money?
Obama and gang invite interracial marriage racists to the whitey house.
Nice gesture whitey house.
Puddy commentary… It’s okay to sling racist arrows at conservatives and tea party members but libbies will turn a blind eye to racists in their camp. So now the whitey house jock straps peeps who don’t like interracial marriages. Glad I married a woman much darker than me.
And congressman Don Young hangsout with wife beating terrorists.
What Roger Dumb Rabbit won’t tell you are the demographics of those people who IGNORED the abstinence programs…
1) Black Women
2) Hispanic Women
3) Poor Women
are more likely to have unwanted pregnancies than the average American under that program. Don’t trust Puddy? Look it up at the CDC. These are people who probably didn’t vote for GWBush. You see, Puddy always checks on the Roger Dumb Rabbit generalizations because you, the ignorant leftist pinhead, eat up his rabbit droppings without checking their veracity or truthfulness.
So who are these people? More than likely these are the ones who didn’t vote for GWBush, and what’s ironic about Roger Dumb Rabbits’ commentary, it may be Bush’s ignored policies could produce a baby DUMMOCRAPTS in da future!
HA should replace bible study with posts on the constution. You could post it in the morning and call it Your Morning Constitutional.
@11: The problem is that it’s not pointed out often enough. The controlling memes in the beltway press give us this sort of FakeTedVanDyke political coverage, in which Democrats can’t cave quickly enough, and no absurdity from the far right doesn’t deserve full and due consideration.
It’s made Republicans lazy, privileged, so that they can made these kinds of suggestions in public without embarrassment.
DUMMOCRAPTIC CITY illegal action number 3,233,965,234,903,678,341,565,976
Nothing new here so move on…
Spoken like the true Cass Sunstein maleable Homer Simpson idiot you are rhp6033. Did you get that from the DNC rhp6033? Seems right up their alley and now yours. No proof just invective.
Old DNC Chair Tim Kaine Compares The GOP To Cannibals
New DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz “if the GOP budget were to pass, 70,000 people would die.”
BTW Ryan destroyed Wasserman-Schultz.
The Worst State To Be Unemployed In Is …
… the Republican-run paradise of Arizona, where only 80,000 of the state’s 316,000 unemployed workers get any unemployment benefits — and the few who do get the fourth-lowest benefits in the country. Why the hell would any working family ever want to live in Arizona?
Roger Rabbit Poll #1
Which of these two guys knows what he’s talking about?
[ ] 1. “The Donald” Trump says we found Osama bin Laden thanks to torture.
[ ] 2. Sen. John McCain says we didn’t.
Roger Rabbit Poll #2
Which HA Troll posts the most idiotic, inane, and incoherent rants?
[ ] 1. LD
[ ] 2. pudge
[ ] 3. puddy
[ ] 4. write-in _______________________________
LMFAO @ ANYBODY who took Trump’s political ambitions seriously.
you all got HAD!
Time to break down another Puddy “arguement”.
GW Bush wins and institutes ludicrously ineffectual policies.
X group of people are diproportionally harmed by ludicrously innefectual policies.
In conclusion, it’s X group of peoples fault for failing to vote for GW Bush.
Maybe, but turning over that logical rock and guess what climbs out. If GW Bush had sensible policies in the first place, there might be fewer people who in the future will vote to increase the disprportionate amount of services they require be it WIC, Criminal Justice, Student Aid, and on, and on.
“Newt is running.”
So is Ron Paul, who kicked off his presidential campaign by announcing he would NOT have ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
“I don’t think it was necessary, no. It absolutely was not necessary,” he said, citing the rules of international law regarding respect for national sovereignty. “I would suggest the way they got Khalid [Sheikh] Mohammed. We went and cooperated with Pakistan. They arrested him, actually, and turned him over to us, and he’s been in prison. Why can’t we work with the government?”
Um, maybe because the government sheltered him? I mean the guy lived next door to a military base for six years, so don’t you think the government knew where he was?
And who says we haven’t cooperated with Pakistan? We’ve given them billions of dollars in aid, we’ve looked the other way at their nuclear weapons program and their international nuclear arms trafficking, we’ve ignored the fact that Taliban fighters killing American troops in Afghanistan are churned out by the tens of thousands in Pakistani madrasses, etc. etc. — how much more cooperative can you get? And they still didn’t give us Osama bin Laden, all they gave us was the finger, so what will more cooperation get us?
As for “sovereignty” — an amorphous concept at best in that particular stretch of South Asia — the Russians routinely bombed Pakistan when they ran Afghanistan, and we’ve been routinely bombing Pakistan ever since we started trying to run Afghanistan 10 years ago, and even Pakistanis regularly bomb Pakistani government buildings and assassinate Pakistani political leaders, so why shouldn’t we go into Pakistan to kidnap or kill a guy who isn’t even a Pakistani? He was a fucking Saudi.*
And this guy wants to be president?
* Well, maybe OBL wasn’t a fucking Saudi. Maybe he was impotent. Hell, I don’t know; if you really want to know ask his wives.
I love it. Puddybud just exposed another right wing corrupt political payoff – a cool 1 billion going to supporters of his beloved idiot son.
Sorry about the block quote error. Puddy likes the “show me where I said tantrum. Should be full stop after “Vote for GW Bush.” commentary follows.
How’s that edit function coming along?
22 – Sorry Puddybud the crown goes to:
4 tehchickenshit troll @23
You’re close behind though.
Followed by the ODS-addled, Koch-addicted moron, the ld/LD(iot).
Pudge doesn’t register much because he’s not here that often but oh my is he a piece of work.
LMFAO @ YLB who actually thought the Donald was serious..
29 – LMFAO @ tehchickenshit troll who takes himself waaaaayyy too seriously.
How’s that blind faith in Dori working out for you??
And Trump continues to at least play at being serious:
Here’s he’s actually making some sense. Too bad he started out a total clown. That part didn’t show he was serious.
For every rule there is an exception and I’m cool with Osama being the exception on this one. Anyone else and I’d agree with Paul, but Osama needed hunted down and shot.
we’re making money hand over fist right now…so things are workign out just dandy, TYVM.
tomorrow us supposed to be sunny, so you know what that means: time to pull out the mega horsepower sportscar and do some globull worming…..gobull worming is like my second hobby now….I love it.
I thnik I will have a big bonfire this weekend too.
hows that hanging out in the basement surfing nutty lefty websites paying? good thing your old lady has a job, eh?
We? You and and Dori? Glad to hear it. You two were made for each other.
Heh. Do whatever the fuck you want. Your kind always does within your means of course.
You can’t do as much as millionaire can and you hate yourself for it (but you don’t know that). If you’re a millionaire you can’t do as much as multi-millionaire and you hate yourself for it. And so on…
Instead you blame those you hate for it – the liberals, the media, Seattle, the guys you fill up van with at the Home Depot, etc. – anyone but yourself.
Wrong as ever yelling loser boy. The program was for all Americans stupido cabron! So how can it be a political payoff. Your his panic peeps ignored it.
Speaking of political payoffs how about that $787 Billion slush fund for DUMMOCRAPTICS and their union cohorts.
Leon Panetta CIA Head!
Strangely missing from the Dumb Rabbit poll; like most of his “conjured” facts.
Roger Dumb Rabbit Poll #2
Which HA Leftist posts the most moronic, idiotic, inane, and incoherent rants?
[ ] 1. Roger Dumb Rabbit
[ ] 2. ylb
[ ] 3. rhp6033
[ ] 4. rujax
[ ] 5. checksez
[ ] 6. write-in _______________________________
My my my checksez is a moronic near the Ides of May as he is on the Ides of March
Nope you dope. Another “useless fact” conjured up in the mind of checksez. Knowledge is available to all who seek it out. We know you’re an idiot because you post with no facts, hence no knowledge!
Ummm wrong again checksez. It’s the DUMMOCRAPTIC leaders who don’t want their “peeps” off of the government dole otherwise their constituency dies, so they only provide enough for basic sustenance and ensure the poor are kept poor. Then the DUMMOCRAPTIC leadership can always say look at what “we’re doing for you”. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
More failure from the mind of checksez!
The program was for all Americans stupido cabron!
So somehow poor people of all races, creeds, whatnot “ignored” it.
Yea right.. Like Medicare Part D and everything else the idiot son did – it was for buying votes – period.
Thanks again for illustrating that for our benefit.
Puddy and his “logic” again.
If Dems should celebrate the increased future Dems among exploding minority populations as a result of abstinence only “education” (as you suggest…”what’s ironic about Roger Dumb Rabbits’ commentary, it may be Bush’s ignored policies could produce a baby DUMMOCRAPTS in da future!”)
THEN Puddy and his idiot bretheren should praise family planning and even abortion in those communities as a means of keeping their taxes low.
Nuance Puddy. I know, you don’t do it.
But you have two choices. 1. Promote funding for fact based sex ed and fully fund programs to alleviate the societal effects of teen and other unwed pregnancies/children. 2.Admit that your world view is morally bankrupt because it seeks to make sure people don’t know how NOT to be pregnant, don’t terminate pregnancies if they do, and make the resulting children miserable due to the actions of their parents.
Et Tu, Dr. Faustus? (See I can drop not particularly clever literary antiquity refrences too. Me smart. Me clever. Me talk good. Just like Puddy.)
was anything coherent said in #39?
Medicare Part D yelling loser boy?
It must really suck to be either married ot an offspring of yours. Lunacy at it’s worst!
What you moronic twit? Why would Puddy support the annihilation of my people? Have you been paying attention. Abortion is rampant in the black community. How many Quincy Jones or Ben Carsons have been annihilated by policies you support? See how RACIST that commentary is? No because nuance isn’t part of your “mindset”.
More mindlessness from checksez
What is fact based sex ed checksez?
A) Tommy has two mommies?
B) Maddy has two daddies?
Or is it Tommy and Maddy have a Mommy and Daddy? You tell me moron!
How not to be pregnant? Don’t stick it in or pack in a sack? Simple as that!
Your simplistic views of the world are the reason 10.538 Million kids have been aborted since the beginning of the Iraq War
41 – Yeah that program that the idiot son’s people lied about costing 300 billion and ended up costing much, much more than that.
All so the idiot son could buy another 4 years at running the country into the ground.
All so morons like you could blame the outcomes of those lies on Obama when the bill came due!
It really must suck to be an insane dummy like you.
I have no idea how Dori is doing – dont have the time to listen to him as much as I used to..now its maybe an hour a week.
you still getting your nutball ideas from AM 1090? LOL..ya, there’s a real success story…lol.
Sorry loser. I dont “hate myself” because someone is has more money – I dont really care. Unlike you progressives, who are CONSTANTLY stressing over people who do better than you. Fuck, its all you guys talk about. “the evul rich”…LMFAO. YLB you are such a jealous, pathetic person that I almost feel sorry for you.
I’m happy and doing great…YOURE the one who seems unhappy and pissed about anyone doing better than you.
but hey, you keep on keeping on with that DATUBAYZE! I’m sure it pays well….lol.
Here is another reason I like Newsbusters. They continually demonstrate how moronic Dr Rachel Maddow is.
Facts are not friends of Maddow. Even when she’s shown being wrong it doesn’t stop her from creating lie after lie after lie!
Being a moronic willfully ignorant bigot shopping for Iranian oil at his local Wal-mart.
When you find it, add it to your “bonfire”. I could give a flip.
Once again when caught… this time about Medicare Part D, yelling loser boy the worm crawls back under his rock.
Another useless lie from the lefty liar in chief.
You really like making stuff up. Your mentor Roger Dumb Rabbit should be really proud of you! It must really suck to be either married or an offspring of yours. Lunacy at it’s worst!
yep, and you are still in the basement, angry that so many people are doing so much better than you.
your anger and frusration shows itself all too well.
Well yelling loser boy… Glenn Beck is RIGHT AGAIN.
Sucks to be you. It must really suck to be either married to you or an offspring of yours. Lunacy at it’s worst!
48 – That iranian oil bonfire of hate burns hot in your empty head for Seattle, the guys you employ from the Home Depot, teh librul media, etc.
Well something’s gotta keep a simpleton like you going.
Read it and weep stupid:
You’ll believe any BULLSHIT served up by your beloved right wing idiot politicians.
49 – And there you go again! You love being led by the nose!
More liberal lunacy at it’s best…
So liberals when did it become illegal to express love of your country?
PuddyCommentary: This is what you get when liberalism runs amok. Where is rhp6033 on this? Naah he’s a Cass Sunstein useful idiot! Where is Roger Dumb Rabbit on this? He’s a vietnam verteran like John Effin Kerry. Wait a minute… where is John Effin Kerry on this, the vietnam veteran?
Yes, yelling loser boy… you went back to the Wa Post in 2005 for this feckless argument? So now you are against reduced prescription drugs fo jo mama? Who knew?
Looks like the costs drastically increased while Pelosiraptor was in charge of the House.
Sucks to be you. It must really suck to be either married to you or an offspring of yours. Lunacy at it’s worst!
Simplistic world-view? Projecting again?
Quick hit on your outrage. It’s a product of your thickness that when someone points out that your “logic” is silly by displaying an equal but analogous form of siad silly logic, Puddy doesn’t recognize the rhetorical device and takes it literally.
Simplistic world view:
Simple! And then every unmarried or young person is going to say, “Gee, that sounds great. I don’t need to know about menstruation or fertility or birth control. I’m good.”
That’s the Christian (hey everybody lay off you know I’m speaking of a certain sect of which Puddy is a proud member) version of sex education. A more nuanced approach recognizes that some people, including non-sinning married people who aren’t prepared financially to care for a child without assistance, are going to give in to their urges. But nah, no need to arm those types of people with factual information so the taxpayer doesn’t end up footing the bill for the basic medical and nutritional care of a child.
The truth will set you free yelling loser boy. But you’ll still be the HA butt boy! Soros is trying to control the news through his $Billions.
LMFAO @ “hire guys from Home Depot”? LOL, where you get this shit?
BTW, I work for a union contractor. HA!
Poor YLBasement keeps flailing around hoping that something sticks…lol
Oh my a church leftist pinheads could attend…
The newest leftist pinhead Mayday gospel hymn… “WalMart Sucks”.
The supid fucking puddybitch is back!!
Yay…ready to get your ass handed back to you again huh buddy…
…so that awesome rethugliklown House of Representatives is doing SUCH a good job.
A great job for their Democratic opponents!
Maybe our favorite ignoramus wants to chew on that for a while.
Notice in the conversation with checksez he skips over part of his commentary that slaps him in his face… and remember he’s nuanced…
So why doesn’t checksez answer his own question — What is fact based sex ed checksez?
A) Tommy has two mommies?
B) Maddy has two daddies?
Or is it Tommy and Maddy have a Mommy and Daddy? You tell me moron!
Where is the vaulted checksez answer? NOWHERE to be found from the clown. Why? Because he believes Tommy has two mommies and Maddy has two daddies. Otherwise he’d have a cogent response. Crickets chirping…
Regarding “menstruation or fertility or birth control” where are those free clinics you scream and shout about checksez? You think health education in the school system is gonna prepare someone for their periods? “Hi I’m Jane and I’m bleeding down there. Can you help me?” How about those nocturnal emissions you had growing up checksez? “Hi, I’m checksez and last night my pajamas were all sticky and smelly around my crotch. Something wet and partially crusty was around my crotch. I remember dreaming about Suzy Slutcake and then I woke up to my wet pajamas. Can you help me?”
Did you learn about those in Health Ed in middle school checksez? Well?
I couldn’t give a flip where you work. If your moronic mentality is typical of such a place, I don’t care much for the place.
If you’re right wing you use cheap labor and most cheap labor is employed under the table and out of sight. So yeah, you could put lipstick on the pig with union hires but a pig is still a pig.
Like the construction trades are squeaky clean about undocumented hires.. Hilarious.
So the HA gutter dweller rujax thought he commented something pithy.
Another EPIC FAIL! Stupid is as stupid is!
Why do you use Jesus’ name in vain moron? Your “asskicking” was an EPIC FAIL!
Uhh.. Yeah, that’s when the stupid adminstration you voted for twice finally admitted to their lies.
They lied about the cost and of course refused to raise the money to pay for it. Just like their wars and everything else. So your beloved right wing gazillionaires could pay 17 cents on their federal income taxable dollar.
No problem with seniors getting a drug benefit. You obviously agree with kicking the can to future generations to pay for it.
I don’t.
And the worst part was that estate tax. George Steinbrenner’s heirs didn’t have to pay a frickin’ dime..
After a lifetime of tax avoidance, the old man’s heirs made out like thieves.
Well no doubt it must have been “hard work” being that SOB’s kid.
Dude, you have completely gone over the edge. LMFAO
so now YLBasement thinks that unions are hiring illegal aliens! HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
“if your right wing, you use cheap labor”…LOL.
So let me guess, when YLB hires out a job, he uses the most expensive labor he can find! LOL.
Dude, you have got to be the nuttiest loser in HA. Lucky for your kids, there are people like me – because its people like me who will end up paying for their college – you certainly wont be able to.
More useless babbling drivel from the HA databaze idiot! Apparently you hate seniors and their drug benefit since YOU brought it up!
61 – Yawwwwnn.. I bet your kids know from you where you can buy Iranian oil if they can’t find it at the Wal-mart.
And I bet they know in their hearts that you “don’t hate anyone”.
What a lucky sperm lottery they won!
George Steinbrenner…
Puddy loves how yelling loser boy throws large piles of Roger Dumb Rabbit pellets on HA hoping something will stick for his useless arguments…
$44,450 Republican
$82,050 Democrat
$137,900 special interest
total: $264,400
So more evidence of leftist tax evaders. Lots of New Yorkers knew of Steinbrenner’s politics. Most of the Republican money went to Rudy or John MCCain in the 2008 cycle, still less than his DUMMOCRAPTIC largesse yelling loser boy!
Do you actually research your rants? Nope cuz yelling loser boy is a dope!
Nope. You’re lying as usual. I bring it up only as an example of the lying mis-administration YOU VOTED FOR TWICE.
Social insurance like SS and Medicare/Medicaid is just fine with me. We just have to be responsible and pay for it.
69 – What an idiot. Of course he gave to Democrats. The D’s run the show in NY.
I’m pretty sure that Obama will win re-election. That should work out fine considering the Republicans will at least hold on to the House and maybe gain a little ground in the Senate. A divided government can do less harm.
Why don’t we just withdraw from the Middle East and all other foreign lands and look out for ourselves? The other countries can take care of themselves because the Islamic terrorists can’t even begin to convert the rest of the world to Islam. If we leave these countries, the Islamic terrorists will just fight among themselves and forget about the “great Satan.” Just forget about these crazies and we’ll be better off.
The problem we have is that our guys and gals are getting killed and maimed for NO GOOD REASON! I’d trade that problem for the future problem of helping our former troops find jobs after we bring them home from those crazy countries over in the Middle East! Let the Middle East police itself. Israel can take care of itself, too!!
72 – We are looking out for ourselves. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and Iran appears to want to acquire them as well.
If we don’t participate in the world, the world will one day force itself upon us.
I was pretty surprised to see this the other day here in the Puget Sound:
Is this kind of technical early warning system over the top? I hope so (a little). I’d hate to think we’re under equipped for the threats this sort of system is designed to look for.
Memo to tehchickenshit troll:
Send your kids to the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.
It’s where this guy studied:
Your kids will learn a lot. Like he did.
teh fayle.
Cause it’s a non-sequitor Puddy. Scientifically accurate Sex Ed is NOT analogous to acceptance of alternative families.
One is provable biology and one is a personal judgement. But pretending same sex families don’t exist or that appropriate age children should be shielded from the FACT of their existence ties into the head-in-the-sand Christian worldview.
Puddy. “It doesn’t mater that you destroyed 90% of my post, you failed to address the other 10%! I WIN!” So the scoreboard reads Yankees 9, Mariners 1 but the Ms had a home run while the Yanks kept it in the park. Yankees win in Puddyworld.
And way to keep it classy Pud. Fantasizing about the missed opportunities of your potent youth?
Whoops Ms win in Puddyland.
Heh. I hope so. Nothing would make me feel better about my kids’ future than the right wing failing.
@63…ok mister puddyklown…
@62..Here’s where Aravosis…
(who is THIS guy:
…btw…makes the puudybitch look like the stupid fuckwit he is.)
…got his information:
There’s more MISTER Fuckwit…look to your heart’s delight. Then you can try to prove to the class how ANY of this is wrong.
I’m so glad you’re back. You’re so blindly ideological, mind-numbingly stupid and childishly superstitious that ANYBODY…even ME!…can make you look like an ass.
73 – I’m all in favor of trade and whanot. It’s the getting involved in military operations all over the world that’s the problem.
Pakistan has nukes – that’s a problem for India. Iran wants nukes – that’s a problem for Israel. North Korea has nukes – that’s aproblem for Japan.
I believe we CAN interact with the world without having a battle be the form of the discourse. Let’s try minding our own business and getting out of these quagmires.
73 – Nope. It’s in this country’s interest to insure those weapons are secured responsibly and do whatever we can to prevent a war between Pakistan and India.
Nuclear war or terrorism means a debilitating economic headache that this world economy can ill afford.
Isolationism did little for us in the 30’s and was rudely interrupted by Pearl Harbor. Retreating from Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal only brought about the rise of the Taliban and its sponsorship of al Qaeda.
I love when Puddy thinks he has a win that proves how little he looks under the surface.
Pop quiz, what was Steinbrenner’s primary occupation for the final 30 years of his life? Which state was his business located? Which municipality? Where did Steinbrenner need to lobby hard to procure real estate and get a special exemption for existing zoning to build new Yankee stadium? How much taxpayer $$$ did t hold out his hat for to get surface roads and transit so customers could buy his product?
And the big question, which party dominates the State and municipal governments to which Steinbrenner went begging.
In Puddyworld, because Steinbrenner donated more to the party he desperately needed to get things done in New York, that proves Steinbrenner was a lefty.
I can’t afford to be as stupid as that moron.
@72 “A divided government can do less harm.”
That’s a good plan if you believe government can do no good in giving us relief from harm caused by renegade capitalists and unregulated free markets. But as a recipient of public education, social security, and medicare I disagree with you.
Perhaps I should also add that I’ve benefitted from veterans benefits, unemployment insurance, public highways, public libraries, public parks, police protection, fire protection, and a host of other government-provided services
Can government do harm? Sure. The Bush administration is a good example, so I would say “of course government can do harm, especially when Republicans run it.” Wtf anyone votes for Republicans is an effin’ mystery. They must be stupid or something.
I don’t understand why libertarians vote for Republicans. They really should be voting for Democrats. True, Democrats aren’t liberatarians, but Republicans spend even more money than Democrats do; and when Democrats spend our money, at least we get some benefit from it, whereas Republicans take our money and blow it up in Iraq or blow it up to Mars. And Democrats don’t do shit like illegally spying on innocent citizens (and lying about it), jailing people without trial, illegally torturing and killing people, and so on.
Prescription Drug Benefit works for seniors. yelling loser boy trying to look smart but all he did was drop a smelly fart!
In who’s mind checksez? Accurate sex ed describes how people are created. The rest of your rant is useless gibberish checksez!
Oh so in checksez world you need to grease the palms of DUMMOCRAPTS otherwise things just won’t get done. Isn’t that called graft and delivering bribes? Butt in checksez world that’s A-OK! You need to get the DUMMOCRAPTIC Machine going and use whatever means necessary.
Puddy goes out and proves political reality. So much for that superficial argument eh moronic one? You see checksez, yelling loser boy throws up Dumb Rabbit pellets (he worships the Dumb Rabbit) hoping he can score some useless political points. EPIC FAIL. So when George Steinbrenner’s prodigy appeared on this thread and yelling loser boy complained about their supposed “tax evasion” he always portends it’s a conservative issue. When Puddy ventures to the correct sites and delivers the real goods on Steinbrenner, you hate it. Oh BTW Steinbrenner been giving to DUMMOCRAPTS since records been kept. You can look it up too if you only had a brain. You spin like a foolish insect in a spider-web, lots of circular movement but no real lateral movement.
Puddy never left dumb as a cinder block rujax… I work for a living and in that work environment I have to disappear from HA to perform my job in certain environments. Idiots like you and yelling loser boy will never understand that since your “clearance” is only wiping your ASS approval.
It was you who delivered Americablog not me. So whenever a leftist pinhead such as yourself decides to go on the attack with something I’ve never heard of I validate it for political correctness. Since we now know
my PuddyInstincts were correct about your “entry”.
Using Ezra Klein is too damn funny. Back in early 2009 Ezra was cheer leading the $787 Billion and then the next $410 Billion championed by Obummer’s economic team. And how did that work out for the economy? Average unemployment over 9% for his regime so far? And where is most of that economic team? They scurried back into academia since those academic economic exercises FAILED. So I trust Ezra Klein as much as his Journolist activities allow me to!
See ya!
Obama already has blood on his hands. 80 killed and many injured in retaliation attack.
So how safe are we? Time will tell. If we get hit, Obama is done.
In honor of Klynical, I’d like to post Rasmussen which shows Obama has improved tremendously-
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12
Screw you Klynical!
I love how Puddy likes to drop in half a day later to get in the last word as if he had a point.
Re: Steinbrenner.
If Puddy really doesn’t know that “abstinance only” education is code for not teaching about contracptives and showing discredited links between abortion and cancer then he’s a bigger idiot than I realized.
Sun’s out. Taking the kids on an Argosy cruise. Get out. Enjoy the day.
First off moronic checksez, I was on an airplane flying from one location to another. Second off you moron, I don’t answer to your silliness unless I want to. Third off your “arguments” over sex ed are specious at best.
Since I have family members in public education (but you never seem pay attention to anything credible only left0wing whack off material) schools barely cover any of the “topics” you “identify” in your posts on this thread. Who brought up abstinence education issues except you. Who brought up sex ed? You did. When I asked how does one teach how a baby is made you run away because Maddy has two daddies is just fine for you even though biologically Maddy can’t come from two daddies.
You are a first rate moron!
The puddybitch can have his own story, but he can’t have his own facts.
Now onto Steinbrenner…
Looks like the National DUMMOCRAPTS got $48,000 vs $26,000 to a state, but that doesn’t count to checksez…
Puddy knows where to go to kick your silly ASS!
Ohhhh poor poor rujax,
His facts met the toilet and the toilet won. If he could use someone who is “credible” and not a left wing mouthpiece, he’d be taken seriously!
I honestly don’t know what this assclown is trying to accomplish here.
Fully 95% of the shit he spews is twisted, out of context or just plain wrong.
His infantile conception of the world and how it works would be laughable if it was not so completely insane.
I keep hearing how this guy is a reasonable sober-minded man. Could have fucking fooled me.
His is the insanity of the republican theo-fascists writ large…
Yes taxes really work eh HA liberals?
“New Yorkers under 30 plan to flee city, says new poll; cite high taxes, few jobs as reasons”
Can you say see ya Gov Andrew Cuomo?
See ya
…ever notice that this paragon of reason and moral rectitude never, ever, EV-ERRRR offers or posits any sort of postive agenda?
Anything he writes is in negative response to something already written.
Dude HAS no ideas of his own…the political party and theocracy he shills for are bereft of ideas, completely corrupt and intellectually bankrupt. Not to mention completely opposed to democracy…clearly preferring some kind of theo-fascist plutocracy.
Come up with an original thought sometime, why doncha.
Proves my point?
@92 “Obama already has blood on his hands. 80 killed and many injured in retaliation attack.
So how safe are we? Time will tell. If we get hit, Obama is done.”
Chickenshit motherfucker. So you’re afraid to hit those bastards because they might strike back? Damned coward. You’re obviously no Patton. With your mindset America would still be a colony, with dumbfucks like you shivering with fear that the redcoats might retaliate. Go to fucking hell.
Further proving my point, the WSJ article hav very little to do with taxes.
Twising again, buddy…tsk, tsk, tsk.
I think that was GWB…LOLOLOL.
For the past Decade, left-wing whackjobs spewed that if we attack terrorists, we will give them incentive to attack us. Now that Obama is Prez, it’s the exact opposite. Obama has all kinds of Bushie folks in his defense group and seems to be doing precisely what Bush would do. Imagine that.
I happen to agree with what Obama did in shooting Bin Laden in the back of the head with no trial.
Now come the consequences.
Appears people like Steve are now willing to accept retaliation. What a flip-flop!
106 – Nope. Barack Obama only did what he said he’d do during his campaign, in his debate with McSame to be exact. If only you right wing idiots would turn down the Ayers/Wright bulloney you would have caught it – not that you would have believed it.
Believe it. We’re happy that he’s causing you freaks to tear your hair out.
Nothing wrong with taking out crazy people who plot to kill Americans – we just shouldn’t create more terrorists in the process. Iraq did that in spades.
Bush failed to get bin Laden and his words on the subject seemed to indicate that he didn’t care.
A lot of people on the left are claiming that killing bin Laden puts this country into a moral quandary. Like so much of what Obama ends up doing killing bin Laden turns out to be pragmatic. A captured bin Laden leads to a huge incentive for more terrorism, killings, kidnappings, etc. A dead bin Laden leads to a power struggle within al Qaeda and other jihadist groups. Advantage: US.
Sorry libtardos but I kept getting this…
You don’t have permission to access /wp-comments-post.php on this server.
So can’t respond when you get this back
Yeah keep drinking that kook-aid moron. While Bush was deflecting he set up the methods and systems which allowed the CIA to track down bin Laden. Sucks to know it was GWBush methods that worked!
Sucks to know you are a moron each day you look in the mirror!
you missed some Puddy…
2008 Presidential Campaign:
Republican National Campaign Committee- $10,400
Republican Party of Florida- $7,700
Rudy Guiliani – $4,600
John McCain – $4,600
Hilary Clinton – $2,300
Democratic National Campaign Committee – $0
Barack Obama – $0
Totally the pattern of a lefty. It’s cute the way you dig in your heels when you’re beaten. My toddlers do that. They’ll grow out of it some day.
109 – Keep believing in lies like the moron you are.
Your idiot son pretender in chief failed. The Dem you hate succeeded.
110 – Yeah, the ACLU really helped out Ramzi Yousef.
Poor idiot Puddybud fails again.
The ACLU didn’t mention Ramzi Yousef moron!
EPIC FAIL again!
Please please please keep bring up Ramzi Yousef!
Hey checksez, you already mentioned this. I posted all the Steinbrenner campaign totals above. Of the $137,900 special interest it shows $48,000 to the DUMMOCRAPTIC National committees.
Schumer $4,800
Rangel $10,100
He even gave $4,000 to John Murtha!
Sorry you are too blind to see them. The truth really sucks eh?
Another moronic EPIC FAIL from the fool checksez.
Funny how some Dems succeed where right wingers always fail.
Because all right wingers try to do enrich themselves or go off on some stupid ideological tangent.
Or be terminally stupid like Puddybud.
The terminally stupid yelling lost boy!
Puddy can always be counted on to circle back when cornered.
Why would the owner of the New York Yankees want to curry political favor with long-time legislators from New York who stood virtually no chance of losing re-election? (See @83).
I don’t have a good answer for Murtha, point conceded.
But why would a lefty donate ZERO to the Democratic 2008 presidential campaign, only a small amount to the Democrat seeking the nomination from New York while giving double to the Republican from New York and then only give to the Republican who who won the Nomination?
Puddy has no answer. But he can go back through a long history of donations and try to pretend he has something. Did you find the 2004 donations to Kerry? I found the ones to Bush.
Found it.
Steinbrenner hired Murtha’s aide to lobby for an earmark benefiting one of Steinbrenner’s shipping companies. So did Steinbrenner stand to make millions by donating to Murtha? You Betcha. Is it sleazy? Ya better believe it (wink). Does a donation prove what Puddy says it does. Oh hell no.
Wow checksez,
I vitit Phil’s B-B-Q and I return to your inane commentary.
First curry political favor… above you called it
Steinbrenner supported Hillary Clinton for president. She lost. He didn’t support Barack Obama… Imagine that. When Clinton lost he decided to support John McCain. Thems da breaks checksez. And the cards broke saying you’re an idiot.
Wow checksez, you’re a real sleuth and “detective”.
It’s amazing the yelling lost boy keeps forgetting it was Bush policies that got Obama Osama’s head.
He can’t swallow that big load. His head explodes each time he thinks of it.
Yep…the puddybitch is wrong AGAIN.
Bush ignored Bin Laden to attack Iraq. That worked soooooo well.
Nice one, loser.
During the primary, contributions,
Giuliani – $4600
McCain – $2300
Clinton – $2300
(Guffaw, snort,chortle)
And that fits you Steinbrenner is a lefty claim how?
Did you drink heavily with dinner or does the colossal stupid just come naturally?
Yeah the policy of knocking off Saddam so we could get Iraq’s oil from a more friendly bunch really helped.
We’ll be paying off that bill for generations if it doesn’t bankrupt us first.
Nice policies you support stupid.