– This piece has a cute premise (if not wholly original) that was very well executed. Mostly, I’m linking to it because, what a wonderful opening sentence: “Those sensitive, shrinking violets on the right took a day off from their racist dog whistles and comparing Barack Obama to murderous tyrants to whine about their hurt fee-fees.”
– These pictures are pretty amazing.
– I guess Rick Santorum is also a fan of Langston Hughes. If I ever run for president, I’m blatantly ripping off Freedom Train.
– Goldy is right, Rob McKenna is a dick.
why dont you kikes just go backk to tel aviv and leave us alone
Oh goody…the racist motherfucking piece of shit is back.
The “manofshit”…
An anti-tax rally in Bellevue, by the million dollar a suite Bravern? Is this supposed to be a parody? I didn’t know mcKenna and the teabaggers had such a great sense of humor.
An anti-tax rally in Bellevue, by the million dollar a suite Bravern? Is this supposed to be a parody? I didn’t know mcKenna and the teabaggers had such a great sense of humor.
yeah, the same parody as john kerry, worth 600mil, parking his yacht in rhode island to avoid massachusetts taxes. so go fuck yourself jewboy
Just when I thought it was getting just a little bit more sane around here.
Of all “people” discussing HA blogger sanity…
Ya know, I think this is the first time Puddy agrees with the other Chicago baseed ASSclown Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. I’m sure the HA databaze fool @5 is checking…
Now who does Steve Jobs jock strap again?
$1,000 Republican
$209,000 Democrat
$19,000 special interest
total: $229,000
In 2010 Apple gave over $1.5 Million, and almost all to DUMMOCRAPTIC causes.
But hey, it’s okay cuz they jock strap DUMMOCRAPTS so the job killing technology is loved by DUMMOCRAPTS all over.
For the record, there is no iPhone, iPad, iPod or anything else in my house. How about the rest of the HA Leftists here? How many of you love that American job killing technology? How many of you don’t care the iFamily is mostly made overseas?
Rahm Emanuel… If he doesn’t like you he just cuts your access off. Typical DUMMOCRAPT!
I don’t expect ylb to read it cuz he’s stupid and ignorant 24x7x365
LMAO @ the ignoramus @ 8!
B&N gobbled up college bookstores all over this country before they invaded the malls. The rumor back in the day was that the founder of B&N was MOB-CONNECTED.
Shit any sale of a new or used college text through e-bay, craigslist or whatever is a victory against greed in my view.
Ask any FORMER independent bookseller what they think of B&N or Borders.
Shit, after the demise of the chains the independents may freaking come back. Stranger things have happened.
Why not let the market decide dumbo?
As for Apple? They follow the technology to where it leads like any innovator. Why should they give to the R’s? That’s the degenerate party who is bought and tasked to maximize the income streams of RENTIERS. RENT is about the PAST not the future moron.
9 – Not my concern dummy. The people of Chicago voted him in. They can vote him out.
New economy votes D old economy votes R, wow shocking. And Jobs has added far more jobs and money to the economy than Apple products have taken away. And you know it. Really Puddy, that one was just stupid.
The people of Chicago were well aware of who and what they were electing.
On the day that the House of Representatives passed Rep. Ryan’s budget plan (that doesn’t even really balance the budget), Moody’s lowered Ireland’s bond rating to one notch above junk bonds. This is the same Ireland that, just a few short years ago, was hailed as the poster child for right-wing Economic policies, and they’re presently in the course of implementing much of the same austerity measures that form the core of Rep. Ryan’s budget plan.
Perhaps our resident wingnuts, budget chickenhawks that they are, would care to explain how following Rep. Ryan’s roadmap won’t lead us down the same path to ruin currently plaguing Ireland?
All the right-wing wonder economies are going under while stogie old Canada is doing just fine.
“Rahm Emanuel… If he doesn’t like you he just cuts your access off.”
What’s next…will Rahm shoot his friend in the face?!?
YLB:really like what you were writing there. I couldn’t agree with you more.
In #10 you say: Why not let the market decide, dumbo?
Agree…so why do we need government intervention into every little nock and granny ? Let the market decide.
in #11 you say: The people of Chicago voted him in. They can vote him out.
Again yes. This is how democracy works. People get elected and if they don’t perform according to the wishes of the electorate they can and will get voted out.
But that is different from those thugs in the Wisconsin house (or WA for that matter) disrupting the legislative process and due process overall. If they don’t like what Gov Walker is doing, they can and will vote him out. But thuggery is not the answer or the solution.
Dutch @ 17,
“But that is different from those thugs in the Wisconsin house (or WA for that matter) disrupting the legislative process and due process overall. If they don’t like what Gov Walker is doing, they can and will vote him out. “
Bullshit. You are falsely equating the electorate’s remedy for an extremist executive with a legislative maneuver that was confined to the legislature as a way to block legislation.
TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THINGS (other than the extremist politics underlying them both).
A more proper analogy would be: if the Wisconsin State Senate doesn’t like their quorum rules…they are totally free to change them.
Priceless (comment @link on Goldy’s story):
Another one:
We don’t you fool. Government, when it does its job, is the PEOPLE’S WEAPON against the rapacious greed of corporations and their relentless drive to impose their costs, their “externalities” on EVERYONE they can possibly get away with.
Moron. Ok let’s say it’s a given that’s an extreme tactic. If the people don’t like it, when the time comes, they can substitute their favorite local greedhead Republican who’ll make things SO MUCH BETTER..
fine Darryl, if you want to talk about the quorum, so be it….so we have elected officials who are supposed to make a decision. For or against…fleeing the state to “avoid” voting on a bill is worse than voting “present”. Then have your thugs storm the building, disrupt everything and claim this is democracy ? Democracy would be if those elected officiclas voted bassed on their …whatever…but fleeing to avoid that is not what they were elected for.
If you don’t like it, vote against it…if the people don’t like it, they will change the makeup of the house/senate….but what’s happening in Wisconsin (or what happened here in WA) is just not right
The people of WI voted Walker in, they can vote him out, but for now, he’s the one tasked with governing.
23 – Read your history fool. A certain “thug” named Abraham Lincoln did the same thing.
and because Lincoln did it, that makes it right?
progressives have always hated democracy when they dont get their way.
strange sense of reality you have, chumply.
Moron @ 25
I said it was an extreme tactic didn’t I? Not to be used lightly. And usually it comes about because one side refused to negotiate or compromise.
Again at the end of the day let the people decide OTHERWISE negotiate or compromise.
Why do you hate democracy asshole?
the people DID decide you basement dwelling dweeb. The voted in the majority R legislators and R governor.
If they dont like what the gov and the legislature do, then they can vote them out.
why do you hate democracy?
ignorant piece of crap @ 27
Those Dems who took off to Illinois DID NOT make that decision lightly you moron.
Many of them had served for a long time and were willing to compromise with that Governor but that Governor felt he could do any damned extreme thing he pleased.
So you think the people voted to cut the public sector unions off at the knees and SELL PUBLIC ASSETS to the Koch Brothers for pennies on the dollar? Fine. We’ll see when the recall petitions are all signed, turned in and the votes on them come in.
There’s no need to ask. YOU HATE AMERICA!
Yes yes yes, keep making excuses.
bottom line is that you think its OK to usurp democracy as long as its about a subject a agree with.
typical progressive – democracy is only a good thing and only acceptable as long as you get your way.
you stupid fuckball, it wasnt the govt of WI doing the voting, it was the legislature.
god damned twit stupid ass.
nutball at 24: And because Lincoln did it makes it right ? And if you read the blog post to the end, not just the headline, you will find at the end:
— Lincoln was afterward embarrassed by what he had done and did not speak of it. —
at least he had the decency to realize it was wrong.
31 – And for what the article doesn’t say, it failed, it made him look bad, the whig party died and his political career took a hit?
Since he didn’t want to speak of it, we’ll never know will we?
Ahhh yes, back from my trip and I see the same fools are screaming like always.
Michael and his new economy argument. HAHAHAHA Jesse Jackson Jr. said it took American jobs away. Technological jobs. Manufacturing jobs. Yes the DUMMOCRAPTS vote for the new economy, where the manufacturing jobs are in Indonesia, China and the Philippines.
So Michael why do you own that iPhone and iPod and iPad?
And we see the ylbmunster screaming about B&N. Regarding Apple they are not making the iFamily in America but overseas.
So why does ylb and Michael hate America and American workers?
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