– Mother’s Day (week) actions for Macy’s workers.
– You probably wouldn’t want your dog off leash in this dog park.
– Oh, it looks like there’s a mayor’s race in Portland
– I’m glad the Obama administration is putting out feelers (h/t) on marriage equality, but it’s time to just make it happen.
– Here’s hoping Neil Sinhababu’s take on the Greek elections is right.
– How much latitude should artists have when copying photographs?
great editorial comparing Tim Tebow’s abstinence decision and the surrounding circus with Terrell Owens and his 4 kids with 4 different women with no child support and not seeing kids..then blaming it on his schedule. Who do you admire the most?
Remember that crazy man Shawn Kemp. What did he do? Something like 9 kids out of wedlock.
This is a huge issue. How many women ended up taking the abortion route and are now scarred for life by that decision?
So who do you admire most on this issue?
Who cares about women and respects them most? Lefty’s like Owens & Kemp…or Tebow? Conservatives are being ripped for being anti-woman. What about this?
Just thought I’d pass this one along.
Birthrates are at their lowest in about forever, teen births are at their lowest in about forever. When schools go the abstinence only route teen pregnancies go up.
I’m happy things worked out well for Mr. Tebow, but not everyone shares his religious views and you don’t have to abstain from sex to not get pregnant or to not get someone pregnant.
Did Indiana just jump the shark?
Citations Affected: IC 35-41.
Synopsis: Right to defend against unlawful entry. Permits a person to resist the unlawful entry into a dwelling by a law enforcement officer under certain conditions. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the Legislative Council Barnes v. State Subcommittee.)
Effective: July 1, 2012.
“Birthrates are at their lowest in about forever, teen births are at their lowest in about forever. When schools go the abstinence only route teen pregnancies go up.”
I don’t care whether it’s birth control, abstinence or abortions: as long as out-of-wedlock births continue to decline and eventually disappear.
For young women, the path to a life of poverty is an out-of-wedlock kid or two. Maybe young women are starting to finally realize this.
Ahhhh yes.. So much like a right wing troll.
Another person’s boorish behavior with consenting adults is more important than priorities in government spending, pollution of the environment, unemployment, blah, blah, blah..
Another person’s bedroom antics are more important.
I’ve taken my kids to have a ball signed by a professional athlete.. Groupies, young women dressed to the nines to snag a ball player are always in attendance. It’s pretty sad.
And it’s pretty sad when they’re tossed aside like a used tissue.
There are such remedies as paternity suits and the like but it’s such a tawdry business..
Mothers/Fathers don’t raise your daughters to be groupies. Raise your sons to keep it zipped for the right lady.
@ 4
You need to provide the context if you are going to post like that.
C’mon. You know how to do that.
I wonder why in the world a law like that might be proposed.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
@ 4
We hold that there is no right to reasonably resist
unlawful entry by police officers.
The law was passed because the Indiana supreme court found that it was OK, under prior statute, for cops to break the law, and citizens just had to take the abuse.
The law was passed to remedy it.
The context is provided by the question mark at the end. I’m asking a question. Did they jump the shark?
Thanks, for your input.
Why you shouldn’t check the box unless you’re SURE you should check the box:
Imagine if Bill Clinton decided he should look for his true father and found out it was Bull Connor. And it still wouldn’t be this bad.
Too fuckin’ funny.
10 – Just another case of the double standard it looks to me. If a man had a small amount of Native American heritage and identified in any way with that just a question or two and it’d be ignored.
The right wing screamers like Breitbart??? Heh. They smell blood all right.
Oh this is priceless:
“That Warren allowed Harvard to hold her up as an example of their commitment to diversity … is an insult to all Americans who have suffered real discrimination,” Brown campaign manager Jim Barnett said.
Let’s see any evidence that Jim Barnett gave the slightest damn about native americans or any other minorities before this tempest in a teapot.
@ 11
So, you’re pulling the gender discrimination card on this?
It’s not about qualification (she’s qualified). It’s about honesty.
And in all honesty, this would be far, far less of an issue if she hadn’t STOPPED checking the minority box once it couldn’t do her any more good because she already had the Harvard job.
Dimitry Orlov on shale gas: It’s a (another) scam.
Energy Bulletin
I saw that one over on http://kunstlercast.com/
I have way more native blood in me than Warren does (assuming she has any) and I’m a white guy from the suburbs. But, this story’s a mountains out of mole hills kinda thing. All sorts of people claim they’re part native when they’re not, or they’ve never been to the Res. It’s more an issue of white people needing to stop acting silly and claiming they’re Native or Irish or Whatever because they had one relative that was Native or Irish or Whatever way back in the day. They’re not.
@ 15
Agreed. But it’s one thing to make the claim over a Guinness on St. Pat’s day or a margarita on Cinco de Mayo.
It’s another to be the only Rutgers-educated lawyer (school ranked # 82 or something when she was there, today it’s ranked #99) in the top tier of educators, and she just also happens to be the only Indian at Harvard. With that law school background she wouldn’t have even been granted an interview otherwise. It’s an inbred, legal elite system, and they don’t take grads from UC Irvine School of Law to teach at Harvard Law School. They’re stooping if they take someone from Cornell.
Yes, it’s silly. But it’s less so if she did it to gain advantage. It’s more of one of those things that speaks to character. At least it would, to you, if she were GOP instead of Dem.
Good points. But, I still think this whole kerfuffle is a bunch on nonsense.
Please check out this AP report just in about Obama’s would-be bomber working for the CIA!!
This ought to be a real hoot once it gets traction.
HOLY SHIT! YLB actually crawled out of his basement!?!?!?!
I hope he got the Taurus running..
I miss Roger.
Shorter Russian dude: America, please dont pursue shall gas or any other domestic energy resource -instead you should buy oil from mother Russia or one of her client states like Iran.
heh – no thanks.
19 – I get out frequently enough asshole and when I drive somewhere it’s NEVER in a Taurus..
Why you’re so fixated on the Ford Taurus is strange. Must have gotten a lot of blow jobs from streetwalkers in one back in the day. The asshat Taurus must be well known in certain parts.
21 – LMAO! The content of that essay must have flown two Everests over your pin head.
@1 – Yeah, and Ted Bundy was a Republican. So what, asswipe?
Only a moron would take two non-political figures and try to prop them up as representative political figures.
The ant artist is BUSTED. If you steal from 10 sources, that’s “research”, but if you steal from a single source, that’s “plagiarism”.
That artist was sloppy and unethical.
Identity is a flexible thing.
I have some family heirlooms. I was always told they were in the family for generations. Recently a senile relative said they were all bought at a garage sale in the 1920s. I never gave my identity of someone with cool old heirlooms a thought until she said that.
There is a family rumor that my grandfather was half Mexican or maybe native to Texas. I kinda liked that idea. It would explain why my mom and uncle looked Navaho ish and not like someone from central Europe. That would mean I”m a bit Navaho too. If my son then claims he’s 1/16th Navaho, would he be wrong?
Now if nobody or nothing had challenged Warren on her identity, she had grown up with idea that she was part native. That was her identity.
You read the comments?
Nasty bunch of racist overgrown 7th graders. bob you must be proud.
Hey tweedle dumbo ylb… it was the Boston Globe who broke the Elizabeth Warren “Native American” story! Whatamoron!
For a moron who sits on his ASS all day cruising useless left wrong web sites, Puddy would have thought you’d know this. Butt, so much for ylb wasting a way each day.
He’s an ID10T!
BTW, looks like Elizabeth Warren used her ‘Native American’ status to get jobs at the University of Texas and the University of Pennsylvania. So seems to Puddy, the multimillionaire “99%er” is a lying ’bout something very important!
And silly morons like the Breitbart skeleton crew and you are pissing yourselves like over-excited curs!
See comment #26 fool!
Stay stupid mutt. It becomes you!
Here’s a picture of outraged civil rights advocate Jim Barnett (Brown’s campaign manager) by the way:
No not the failed 2008 pretender to the White House, the other guy.
When confronted with facts, ylb puts you to sleep with his continual useless garbage postings of worthlessness!
HAs home boi didn’t know that fact so he blames it on Breitbart.
2001 Ford Taurus, maroon, 24k miles. rarely driven but never taken care of. Lowered, hydraulics, spinner hubcaps, booming set of 16″ Fosgates. Only been broken into 3 times. Engine spins over but wont start.
Make offer. (425) 312-3279
31 – Blamed naught but right wingers soiling themselves over stories planted in the papers with the aiding and abbetting of Republican oppo research..
It’s plain as day when trolls come into these threads wagging their silly tails.
32 – Grab it while it’s hot asshat.. You can take it for a spin down memory lane on Aurora to hunt down a “date”. Relive your glory days.
Asshat is fantasizing yet again. She’s married dumbass..
You’re about as relevant to her as any other 3 time Dino Lossi voter.
Keep the faith.
Gosh, if complaining about Warren’s check-box is all they have against her, then the GOP is in real trouble in MA.
I used to work with a guy who was as right-wing as they come, from Walla-Walla, who complained that he “could have gotten into Harvard” if he was only Native American. He based that assertion by saying he had checked his application box as being Native American, “just to see what would happen”, and the University called him up and wanted his tribal registration number. When he didn’t (couldn’t) respond, his application was dropped. Of course, it didn’t seem to bother him that he had been caught in an outright lie. At least Warren has some basis for her claim, and apparantly back then they didn’t ask for tribal registry numbers. But now that they do, some right-wingers are getting caught with no basis whatsoever.
As for myself, according to my mother’s notes I am 1/32 Cherokee, with someone on her side of the family having taken a Cherokee bride in Mississippi in the early 1800’s. I havent’ been able to track it down, my mother had commented that it was considered a bit of a scandal in my family back then, and wasn’t talked about much. Of course, there is no tribal registry numbers, this coming long before the Cherokee removals and the “trail of tears”. I’m still trying to do some research.
What’s really upsetting the wingnuts isn’t that Warren checked the box, or whether Warren was qualified to check the box. What’s upsetting to them is that she got to check the box, and they don’t.
To the wingnuts here, it’s just another round of “what are THEY doing there – that should be MY spot at that school!” round-robin. They believe they are entitled to admission to the Ivy-League schools by virtue of race and birth, or at least their parent’s money. The idea that anybody from some other race can legitimately get into the school – and compete effectively in the school and graduate – is a horror to them.
We see it all the time in Rush Limbaugh’s racist comments about Obama, arguing that he couldn’t have gotten into college and law school except under some affirmative-action program. They are just expanding the scope of that argument a bit more to cover Warren.
Never thought about cruising aurora….does your old lady still hang out there? Maybe she needs a ride home…again.
It came from the Boston Globe! They are leftists!
I read
But yet we listen to Maddow denigrate these military peeps working for the man she “loves”.
Well she is an ASS!
The only person who hasn’t produced his “grades” is Obummer. So why is that?
The puddybitch KNOWS that the President’s grades would embarrass raw-money. It’s a courtesy, yo.
Yet again you make an inflammatory, insane, dishonest comment, and provide a link that does nothing to support your ‘idea’
You’re an ass, an unbelievably shameless, dishonest ass.
Maddow has been relentless in her support of the troops – the equivalent of the working class, BTW, in the hierarchy of national security – and your comment is once again scurrilous and wrong.
What, you don’t like her criticism of military trial versus open, civil, Constitutional ones? That sounds like a defense of the rule of law, to me.
Go away, pudliar, just go away.