I just adored this photo essay by McGinn on Seattle’s values. Of course a lot of them are universal values, not unique to Seattle or to cities in general, but all in all wonderful.
Yawwwn. For the benefit of morons who have trouble reading:
A team of physicists and statisticians that set out to challenge the scientific consensus on global warming is finding that its data-crunching effort is producing results nearly identical to those underlying the prevailing view.
I gladly concede your greater success at being a moronic bigot who believes Dori Monson is teh shiz..
I revel in my failure at that.
Blue Johnspews:
1. People stop voting republican when they find out that voting republican hurts them in their wallet. Maybe it’s greed, but as along as the pain is felt by someone else, they are gung ho republicans, but as soon as the people elected start to hurt THEM, then they turn. The bad side of this is that any party that tells unpleasant truths, like we have financial problems, will be voted out of office.
2. However, if the unpleasant truths are presented as a shared sacrifice, I think the people will go for it. Wisconsin was one sided. Only the unions were hurt and it gave away public utilities to the Koch brothers. That’s not shared sacrifice, that’s profiteering. The federal budget is one sided. It only cuts, it doesn’t address raising revenue on the rich and it doesn’t touch our three wars that are hemorrhaging our tax dollars. If you want to cut medicare, also cut congressional health care.
1. People stop voting republican when they find out that voting republican hurts them in their wallet.
No, they don’t. If they did, no Republicans would be in office. 2% of the population can’t elect anyone. Finding out isn’t the key–understanding it is.
McGinn an idiot. Over a third of Seattle’s tax revenue is based on jobs created by trade. Yet his “values” seek to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for his pet projects.
Lee- Dept of Justice action in Spokane- see DOJ notice that was sent yesterday to various MMJ business including a medical clinic. Please distribute as you see appropriate.
Brian Stone
CDC Board Member
Posted to CDC documents (internal): https://docs.google.com/a/cdc.coop/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&srcid=0ByDHP4UuQli0OTc0YzI1ZTEtNjhiNy00YzlhLWI5NDktN2ZkZWU2ZDY5OTA4&hl=en
Carl, that’s awesome.
I’m going back to bed, wake me up when it’s 70 degrees and sunny out.
Well with this strong run of globull worming we are having, you may be asleep until August..
For anyone in the Olympia area, evidently protesters are still occupying the Capitol building. Might go check it out..
Heh. It’s all a librul conspiracy:
Any idiot who still denies the overwhelming data is pretty much an idiot for life.
But hey after all it’s COLD outside!
LMFAO @ man-caused globull worming….oh wait, they dont call it that anymore – now its “climutt chaynge”..hahahahahha
Yawwwn. For the benefit of morons who have trouble reading:
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/te.....z1IoM0MWlZ
4,7 — You were home-schooled for sure.
is it slimy ex-lawyer night?
im feeling that scroll button warming up…
Home schooled. Heh. All he wanted to know he learned from the Monson show.
and yet, who is more successful?
poor tenderhands, you going to get in another two minutes of uncoordinated disappointment for the old lady tonight?
you little leg twitcher you…..
I gladly concede your greater success at being a moronic bigot who believes Dori Monson is teh shiz..
I revel in my failure at that.
1. People stop voting republican when they find out that voting republican hurts them in their wallet. Maybe it’s greed, but as along as the pain is felt by someone else, they are gung ho republicans, but as soon as the people elected start to hurt THEM, then they turn. The bad side of this is that any party that tells unpleasant truths, like we have financial problems, will be voted out of office.
2. However, if the unpleasant truths are presented as a shared sacrifice, I think the people will go for it. Wisconsin was one sided. Only the unions were hurt and it gave away public utilities to the Koch brothers. That’s not shared sacrifice, that’s profiteering. The federal budget is one sided. It only cuts, it doesn’t address raising revenue on the rich and it doesn’t touch our three wars that are hemorrhaging our tax dollars. If you want to cut medicare, also cut congressional health care.
No, they don’t. If they did, no Republicans would be in office. 2% of the population can’t elect anyone. Finding out isn’t the key–understanding it is.
McGinn an idiot. Over a third of Seattle’s tax revenue is based on jobs created by trade. Yet his “values” seek to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for his pet projects.