– The video in this post from Glenn Greenwald, showing a flag-filled rally of morons shouting racist slurs at Muslim families attending a charity event, is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen in a while:
– Another Friday in the Middle East and North Africa means another day of demonstrations. The AP has a roundup here.
– The State Senate passed the medical marijuana bill SB 5073, but with some additional amendments.
– Today at the Seattle Times building on John St, there’s an all-day protest against the Drug Czar’s apparent attempt to put pressure on the Times for their endorsement of an end to marijuana prohibition.
UPDATE: I was down at the Seattle Times building around lunchtime today. The rumor going around was that the meeting with Kerlikowske was at 2:30, although it was never confirmed and I had to leave before then. The Times has so far today only put out a short piece from the AP [emphasis mine]:
Pro-marijuana protesters in Seattle are telling White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske to “get with The Times.”
The group rallied outside as Kerlikowske met Friday with the editorial board of The Seattle Times, which recently endorsed marijuana legalization.
Kerlikowske is the former Seattle police chief who now heads the Office of National Drug Control Policy. He says chronic marijuana use is linked to mental illness and other health problems, and argues that legalizing cannabis would not be the cure-all proponents make it out to be because the black market would adapt to offer tax-free marijuana.
Of course! Just like how our city is besieged by gangsters who sell us tax-free whiskey and rum. At a certain point, you almost have to feel sorry for poor old Gil.
I notice many of our resident trolls have disappeared since Tom McCabe was fired from BIAW. I wonder if there’s a correlation? Does this mean Kevin Carns lost his BIAW “job”? How many screen personas did that guy have? Just curious …
What a misuse of the American flag.
One of the protester’s signs in the video says “No Women’s Equality.” These people are straight out of the 18th century.
I’d like to see a bunch of Native Americans picketing these protesters and yelling at them, “Get off my land! Go home! We don’t want you here!”
The Second Coming (Slouching towards Bethlehem)
W.B Yeats
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
Native Americans to Tea Baggers:
“Get off our land and go home, we don’t want you here.
hee hee
The modern Nazi movement is purely American based, and doesn’t even hide it’s intentions anymore.
“Nope, no racism or bigtory in the tea party. Move along.”
“Nope, no racism or bigotry or fascism in the tea party. Move along.”
I’m considering going to my local democratic party and working for a primary challenger to Obama.
My problem with Obama is that while he’s liberal on the social issues, but he acts like a moderate republican when it comes to financial issues. A healthy middle class is more important that DODT being repealed. What good is being able to marry my partner if we are both working for walmart wages?
Would having to fend off a primary challenger help or hurt him in his second term? Would it push him and the democratic party to be more progressive and defend the middle class more?
@10 I’m very dissatisfied with Obama but I don’t see a viable primary challenger on the horizon, and a primary fight probably would hand the election to whatever work-in-progress the Republicans pony up. As frustrated as I am with Obama, the alternatives look even worse.
In a properly conservative country, every job would be a contract job with the right to be fired or leave the job at any time. This would address the problem conservatives have with old workers being paid more. When a worker got old, or had kids, or had any sort of illness, or gets injured, or wanted to do anything that reduced his or her productivity for the company, the company should have the right to renegotiate their contract downward, or just let them go, to reflect their reduced income generating ability. If a woman needed more time off to take care of her sick kids, her pay should be cut or she should be let go because she is no longer cost effective. A new person, without the drain to the company of kids, or age, or health issues should then be hired.
This would allow those with merit to be paid appropriately to their work, and an easy mechanism to weed out the weak and unproductive. The people unwilling to work in unsafe conditions or work for 16 hour days can be let go or paid less because they are not good team players. For example: if a road construction worker loses an arm in an accident, they can be let go immediately and someone healthy and productive can be hired, saving the company money.
Another advantage of everyone being a contract employee is that health care, taxes, retirement are all offloaded onto the worker. The company no longer has to spend resources on those issues. It’s where it belongs, on the worker.
RR @ # 4. Yep, I’d love to see that, too.
As a matter of fact, when I encounter someone blathering about too many immigrants, I usually shake their hand, say I agree with them, and ask them which tribe they belong to. I love the deer-in-the-headlights look of confusion which comes across their faces.
But sometimes when they realized you’ve just displayed their hypocracy and foolishness for all to see, they get mad. So be prepared to duck. Then a swift uppecut to the groin usually quietens them down very quickly.
Yeah, that’s pretty disgusting.
News: EADS wont’ protest Boeing’s win of the tanker contract.
EADS Won’t Protest
The comments from EADS indicates that they conceed that Boeing won the contract squarely on price. They are scratching their heads and muttering that Boeing clearly can’t be making any profit on the contracts, so Boeing must be pursing a strategy to lose money just to keep EADS out of North America, even if it causes them to lose money in the process.
Of course, a number of our local wingnuts were predicting that Boeing would lose this contract because our “overpaid union slackers” and our state’s “anti-business environment” meant it was too expensive to build anything here.
But, apparantly we can do so better than the union labor in France, or the non-union labor in Alabama.
15 – Good news indeed. Any day where knee-jerk right wing heads are exploding is a good day.
That video is terrifying. I cannot believe that two US Congressmen showed up to speak at this hatefest. Plainly, the Muslims attending the charity event could teach the Teabagging, motherfucking protesters a thing or two about what it means to be an American, and probably even a thing or two about what it means to be a Christian. People like them defile the flag, stain Christianity, and shit on the Bill of Rights.
It appears that the “Know Nothing Party” of the early 1850’s has arisen again. Only now it’s the Republican Tea Party.
here’s a great example of a washington state union employee. only the best & brightest!
from today’s seattle times-
only 1 year. sweeeeeeeeet.
T-Pee’rs are all soaking in merde du taureau and paid to be insane (each protester is paid at least $10 or more per event to spew hatred. Thank you Koch bros and Americans for Prosperity). The ones with the bullhorns in the video are particularly vile shouting “go home”. The U.S. IS their home. This is what we faced in the ’60’s when pushing for Civil Rights and Voting Rights and racial equality and school integration. These protesters are despicable and obviously irretrievably ignorant. I am ashamed for my country and send out loving-kindness to the victims of this hatemongering.
Yeah, if that job had been filled by a nonunion person making half what she made an hour that sort of thing would never happen!
Nice to see the Republicans have that laser-like focus on creating jobs that they talked about on the campaign trail.
O’ and Johnny, the president isn’t deciding the constitutionality of the law, the supreme court is.
I’m telling you, fellow lefties, ammo up. Exercise your right to bare arms. They’ll be marching your ass off to Minadoka before this is over.
Seriously, these “people” are nuts.
My bad….Minidoka.
The post @23 was made before I happened upon this from the Golden one over on Slog.
Hmm… Seems that our governor is capable of working deals with the unions without ending collective bargaining or bringing the rest of the work of the state to a screeching halt.
I’m in agreement with Goldie and Slingshot. We need to be armed and ready. Show restraint of course. But they are bullies and if you don’t stand up to them, they won’t just start to be nice, because they got tired of beating you up.
Dude, we’re already armed.
Now rhp6033 who were they? Produce some names. Lately, you’ve been channeling your inner Cass Sunstein; being a malleable useful Homer Simpson idiot.
Wait ylb the crazed one will come to your rescue.
Hmmm… I been traveling around America the past few months especially in liberal land asking questions of liberals. Just got back from another trip. BTW any HA leftist leader can verify my various locations from the archive postings. I haven’t been posting a lot lately during the week because of my travels. Been fun seeing America again.
1) Why do you support DUMMOCRAPTS? Best answer – My parents did so why change. Boston Mass
2) What has been Obama’s best act so far? Best answer – Health Care. Chicago
– Follow-up question When Obama said it would cost less than $1 Trillion or he would veto it, now that ObamaCare is over $1 Trillion and climbing why hasn’t he admitted oops… Best answer – He can’t admit he was wrong. Chicago again
3) Do you think Boeing got the tanker contract because it was Chicago politics? Best answer – Time will tell. Someone will leak out some details if there are any to leak. Chicago politicians have big mouths. Rod Blagojevich comes to mind. Chicago again
4) Why has unemployment dropped? Best answer – Businesses saw that DUMMOCRAPTS [insert my favrit word] were going to lose at least one house in 2010 and maybe two and Congress would become business friendly again. San Jose
5) Would you vote for Obama again? Best answer – Hell No! Indianapolis
6) Are you glad Nancy Pelosi is outta there? Best answer – Absolutely. Remember when she said this about unemployment benefit checks “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.” New York City [I busted a gut on that one]
7) What did Obama say that hurt the most? Best answer – Don’t go on conventions to Las Vegas. Las Vegas
8) What did you think about Obama’s attack on Arizona? Best answer – I came here legally yet the illegals make it tough for me to be seen as a naturalized American. Los Angeles
9) How do you feel about your Steelers? Best answer – Big Ben sucked Pittsburgh
– Followup question No credit to Aaron Rodgers? Sure he played well but we sucked. Pittsburgh again
The comment in San Jose reminded me when Obama attacked the Chamber of Commerce in 2010 for campaigning for Republicans. Then Obama got his ASS kicked in the elections because it wasn’t about jobs, it was his socialism projects. Now in 2011 Obama walks across LaFayette Park and puts his hand out to the Chamber and wants to be friends again. Wants to work together with the Chamber. What a crock! Businesses create jobs when they are not threatened with socialistic wealth transfers and exorbitant tax threats from fools like Pelosi and Rangel.
Then the comment about Las Vegas reminded me about how got Oscar Goodman, LV mayor and a DUMMOCRAPT was pizzed at Obama. So bidness rooms were cheep in LV. Going to another convention really soon.
Be leaving again really soon to other parts of the country to ask questions the media won’t ask. Stay tuned. I will be intermittently posting.
This is so much fun watching people respond around America.
OH! The fuckwit puddybitch is back. When’s he leaving again?
Yawwnnn.. Trying to ignore the ravings of a lunatic… Illegals making it hard??? How about bigots dummy??
I understand the House has introduced a hundred bills banning abortion but not ONE designed to create jobs.
Oh the dumb brick and the dumb cinder block came by.
Nothing was left except their standard turd droppings.
BTW ylb if you are yawning… why the two stupid questions? This was a His Panic from below the Rio Grande fool. You are such a nitwit ylb. Open mouth excrete fart!
We were told Obama had a jobs plan moron. He has the bully pulpit! Peeps are waiting on his “job pronouncements” first.
Two fools of the same pea pod!
Now if these Wisconsin teachers are such tame people just exercizing their “rights”, why did Wisconsin police find 41 rounds of live .22-caliber ammunition lying around.
Seems the local Wisconsin union fools are armed already!
Seems some of the union thugs they bussed in are up to their standard union tactics!
And you fools wonder why I don’t like Charles Rangel.
He’s definitely one of your crew!
This is one I found working in Boston just for ylb and Steve. James Marzilli, DUMMOCRAPT. He even pervs old ladies. The underwear lady was in her 60s.
Looks like some leftists are upset with Charlie Sheen (Carlos Estevez)
Gotta love DEM liberal judges.
Another question to ask while traveling America.
And of course I’ll be asking about DUMMOCRAPTIC perverts.
So why does Scary Reid want to shut down America?
Like attracts like Puddybud. One nitwit asks bullshit questions of another.
Like bigotry has nothing to do with how a minority is treated. What a dumbass…
The fuckwit puddybitch is the interloper here. Maybe we can get Snot Walker to shut the asshole out.
No outrage from the fuckwit puddybitch about the Wall Street Banksters who nearly crashed the global economy….but those union guys…those unionized Public School TEACHERS!!! FUCK…do you realize a teacher makes FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR!!!! Why mother-fucking jesus on a popsicle stick….for only NINE MONTHS WORK!!!! (let’s see that’s a whopping…$50k/12=$4,166 before taxes) Holy mother of puke…what a racket. Must make all those Wall Streeters jealous.
The puddybitch. What a pimp and a shill this shitheel is. Where’s his bling and his four inch platforms and his hot pink d’Artagnion hat?
He’s absolutely insidious. He is nothing but a sewerpipe discharging toxic waste into the midst of a conversation between rational adults. He has no interest in discussion, or solving problems, or discussing the state of the world. He is a bomb-throwing knuckle-dragging young earth creationist bent on returning civilization to the 12th century. He would do well with the Taliban.
The pudpuller is the reason God created the scroll wheel.
Scroll wheel keep on turnin’
Down the page to somethin’ worth learnin’
Scrollin’, scrollin’,
Scrollin’ on the river.
Why moronic fool dumb cinder block rujax? The really vile Wall Street ones, the ones who cleaned lots of clocks were in the pockets of DUMMOCRAPTS. Bernie Madoff… J Allen Stanford… Raj Rajaratnam… Goldman Sucks… Merrill Lynch… Citigroup… Morgan Stanley… Lehman Brothers… Countrywide… etc… etc… etc…
Glad you finally identified your most redeeming quality. I couldn’t determine any!
You don’t even read Roger Dumb Rabbit anymore do you fool? When I proved by OpenSecrets which groups give more to DUMMOCRAPTS he agreed. Ask the idiotic ylb for Roger Dumb Rabbit’s posts.
Man this rujax is a real certified moron when it comes to facts. http://articles.latimes.com/20.....llstdems21
The puddybitch is THE useful idiot.
Keep sellin’ out…you’re passin’ so why give a fuck about anybody else.
Wow rujax,
Now that was a cumback!
ylb and idiots are alike.
ylb and morons are alike.
ylb and fools are alike.
ylb and dolts are alike.
ylb and underachievers are alike.
ylb and loudmouths are alike.
ylb and fartASSes are alike.
ylb and bullshit are alike.
They attract each other.
Sorry dummy. No one’s impressed with your stupid ‘man on the street’ interviews.
You’re a documented liar. No one in their right mind would take anything you’d “report” as anything but right wing bullshit.
If live ammo was found at a Tea Party event, this blog would be full of screaming and shouting from the Cass Sunstein idiot crew. Since the bullets were found at a union event, the press gives it a pass.
If you could afford a plane ticket moron ylb you’d hear them for yourself. More from other cities will follow slurpee brains! Traveling again real soon!
Now that oil and gas prices are climbing, the Cass Sunstein morons have nothing to say. Now why is that?
If GW Bush did this the HA Cass Sunstein crew would be screaming and shouting…
Yep, nary a peep from the HA morons!
Moron @ 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53…
Such a stupid, stupid, STUPID fetid litle turd.
He does seem dogged in his demands that we pay attention to him.
What an asshole.
Like I’ve said before, I’ve tried to earnestly engage him – and he is a dishonest, disingenuous little creep. I hate to resort to name-calling, but he’s only about shouting and distracting and getting in the way of his ‘enemies’ conversations.
I always try to check myself – because the times I’ve posted over at SP, I’m met with mindless, ideologic vituperation and name-calling – and I worry that we do the same to puddy. However, I think we’ve given him a chance, and many others besides myself have tried to argue with him and taken him at face value – and he lies and changes the subject, and mindlessly spouts Beck paranoia and drivel, and engages in just despicable nastiness without constructive purpose.
I wish he’d just go away and hang out with people who appreciate his ravings – but then he wouldn’t likely get his check from the Tea Party for ‘spontaneous’ blogging on a liberal site.
Go to hell, puddy.
Yeah, I try not to read or respond to puddy comments unless I’m really bored. He doesn’t listen to us. Even when he does bring in fragments of real truth, or intelligent points, his delivery is so unpleasant that I still don’t read him.