– It’s nice that we have a mayor and at least one challenger who are at least willing to talk the talk on addressing the pay gap in Seattle. Not sure if that translates into actual progress.
– I’m not sure that a wishy washy factor would be meaningful in any way, and a couple debates is way too small of a sample size. Also, those yes/no lightning rounds are pretty much unhelpful.
– Oh hey, the Volunteer Park conservatory is having a plant sale next weekend.
Thanks Chris Kluwe for being such an upstanding individual. Thanks for not being some scum bag who is supposed to be the watchdog for sexual assaults in the military and then found arrested for a sexual assault.
Bob Corker (R-TN) is on the House Armed Services committee. He held a press conference discussing American strategy towards Syria, saying “there is a lot more going on – on the ground – than has has been reported.” He also said we would begin direct military aid to the rebels sooner, rather than later.
All of which got my attention. Are American boots on the ground (special forces) in Syria? If so, should Corker be talking about it?
In one aspect, the rescue of the three kidnapped women in Cleveland reminds me of the Kari Swenson case. That was when father and son were looking for a bride, and kidnapped her while she was out in the woods training for the Olympics. Her ordeal lasted only 18 hours, but her friend that stumbled upon the camp was killed. An old-fashioned Sheriff’s Posse later found her chained to the tree. The dad got 85 years, the son only got 20. The prosecutor later moved on from his Missoula County, to the top job in Helena.
WHat reminds me of the case I mentioned, is that this looks like a kidnapping for sex slavery. The Montana case I mentioned, same thing, although the kidnappers called it a search for a mountain bride.
The Jaycee Dugard case also has similarities, as well.
I was going to suggest, mostly for puddybigot’s benefit, that we should consider whether Obama has houses full of long-kidnapped women, there for the ‘sudden’ release to knock things like Issa’s BENGHAZZZZZIIII hearings off the front pages.
However, Rush goes there….Cleveland did vote for Obama, and they may have been collecting ‘welfare’ for the baby who was also being held captive.
What must it be like to have your thinking aligned with that of Rush Limbaugh? The mind boggles….
I can make a gun in my garage shop in about an hour with spare shit I’ve got laying round. The “Liberator” isn’t news.
The original “Liberator” was an extremely cheap stamped pistol dropped by the thousands into occupied Europe. The idea was that a guerrilla could sneak up on a German, shoot him and steal a real gun off his body. These plastic pistols break the Reagan law banning undetectable weapons. That said, I think these plastic pistols are much more of a danger to their owners than their targets. It will give us a whole generation of one handed NRA members.
4)Unfortunately, somebody went there, and with Rush, if WABC loses more ad revenue, Cumulus will point the finger at Rush, and we will see if Rush actually follows through on his threat to drop Cumulus. That is 40stations in major markets.
6)I remember seeing something about that on the History Channel. That weapon made sense, at the time.
@4 No, you don’t get it, Benghazi WAS the “safe house” where Obama’s kidnapped women were kept until the Mooslims stole them for themselves.
A 20 MPH speed limit is probably associated with a photo enforcement mechanism as a way to garner revenue for the folks who put up the cameras. It has nothing to do with traffic safety.
I have no problem with a 20 MPH speed limit on a residential street with a bike path, provided it also applies to, and is enforced against, cyclists. Too many cyclists think none of the traffic rules apply to them and they can do whatever they want to.
You are consistent, I’ll give you that (consistently wrong)….
See here.
Took about 10 seconds to refute your unsupported assertions. Bozo.
From 13,
It’s always about the money.
@ 14
Just to people like you. It’s all you really care about.
6 cities that shortened yellow lights for profit
Google that and give the article a read.
@ 16
And what exactly do stoplights at intersections have to do with speed limits on residential streets?
I think we found sideshow Bob’s new alt. Either that, or they all watch the same TV shows. Don’t you guys have some dead Iraqi baby pictures to fap to?
From 17,
Shortened red light durations mean higher rates of clicking cameras garnering more dollars in fines for those entities that put up the cameras to catch “violators.”
@11 you were complaining, a la Eyman (sp?), about traffic cameras, and you posited that they had no effect on safety.
You were proven wrong @13.
Now @16 you’re whining about something totally different, that shares the most superficial resemblance to the first issue, and making like it’s a rebuttal.
Right now, it looks like the Cleveland kidnapping case boils down to this. http://tinyurl.com/c4wcje2
20)nailed it. That was the similarity to the Kari Swenson case I was mentioning.
Now this will be a tail project that would span continents, but I doubt it will happen. Linking Japan, Russia, South Korea, and eventually North America.
First, assuming that the political hurdles are overcome, and the money is there. The technical hurdles of big tunnels will be a major one, and then there are the gauge issues. North America and South Korea are standard, Japan is narrow gauge except for the bullet trains(which are standard), and Russia uses Broad Gauge track. Although Japan Rail may have a solution, since all JR Freight operations are on the older narrow gauge network, they will have to find a way to share the Seikan Tunnel when Bullet trains start serving Hokkaido. It involves putting the narrow gauge freight trains on a standard gauge shuttle transporter.
@11 As a matter of fact, the sign pictured is near where we live, and just a few blocks from the spot by Nathan Eckstein Middle School where about three weeks ago a combination of sun-blindness and a mixture of gasoline, alcohol and testosterone put a mother and her days-old baby in intensive care and her in-laws in coffins.
For a while, the news coverage of that incident combined with the placement of temporary “SLOW DOWN” signs on both sides of the hill and a shrine to the victims next to the scene of the crime made motorists think “Oh, yeah…” and slow down, but we’re seeing more and more drivers reconnect their gonads and their “nobody’s-gonna-tell-ME-what-to-do” attitudes to their right foot again. Any of y’all who think that traffic laws are “just a suggestion” and have a compulsion to show the world what hot stuff you are when you get behind the wheel (and I’m talking to you, “Ten Years After”)…well, please do so in another neighborhood, or better yet, on another planet.
Looks like the Delaware legislature just voted for marriage equality.Makes 11, although in Minnesota, I think that they should slow down, although the voters did reject the attempt at a Constitutional ban. The DFL took back both houses last year, and there were DFL lawmakers from districts that voted for the amendment. Then again, there could be Republicans from districts that voted against. Although the GOP did open the door by putting the amendment on last year’s ballot.
@ 19
I’ve pointed this out before, but perhaps a video might help:
Ten Years After were a one-hit-wonder. The chorus is:
That’s our TYA. Cynical, half-heartedly ambitious, and completely clueless.
Oh, and Alvin Lee is dead.