– May Day
– A road to disaster for Europe.
-Darryl linked to people who made fun of The Heartland Institute’s godawful billboards in the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza, but here’s another link making fun of it, now mostly with the written word.
– I don’t know if other people were aware of We are the 1 in 3, but I just came across it (h/t).
– The French elected a new President.
– Cape Disappointment and Useless Bay make this list of most depressing place names.
Deception Pass?
Freedom and democracy in Michigan, Republican style.
Bye the bye, Rob McKenna is a lying piece of shit. Given the chance, he’d pull that same shit here. Given the chance, Republicans would pull that shit on the entire nation. They don’t give a flying fuck about freedom. If your personal freedom someday stands between a Republican and his profits, then you you can fucking kiss your fucking freedom goodbye.
@1 Amazing place and also a song by Mudhoney.
Democrap John Edwards is certainly a douchebag, isn’t he?
Did you see the latest about his pathetic effort to shakedown a 101YO lefty woman??? Why aren’t the NAGS outraged???
And mancrush ylb will still be here defending edwards
How about Point No Point? (That name has always left me feeling a little blue.)
Nope, why anyone would care about John Edwards is beyond me.
Not sure what a NAG is, but to be outraged is to say that you care, and I don’t.
Fair Warning — You really shouldn’t be eating or drinking anything after you click this link as pharyngal-nasal damage and airway obstruction may occur:
Women: Republicans, Get in My Vagina!
Those are people mancrush-on-mirror asswipe troll wants to put in prison. ONE THIRD of all women in this country!
What an empty-headed dolt!
Yes our trolls are indeed very vile.. Let’s not forget:
The asshat troll is a racist.
On a more sobering note, Ernest Callenbach, author of Ecotopia died on 16 April of cancer. He was 83. The essay at the link was found on his computer after his death.
Epistle to the Ecotopians
And they forgot Boring, Oregon.
Mitt Rmoney endorses the wingnut
Yeah, he’s a leader. L O S E R!
Ah man, that’s lame. Ecotopia was a great read. Thanks for the link.
FYI Michael, a NAG is a member of the National Association of Gals. N-A-G.
They seem to clam up whenever it’s a far lefty like Edwards who clearly is insulting both woman and the elderly. Edwards is a Democrap douchebag I’m certain Obama wishes would just STFU and take his well-deserved lumps rather than give the wingnuts more ammo about the character of Democrap Presidential candidates.
Too Funny.
Maybe they’re not up in arms about Edwards because he’s a washed up, one term senator, who’s been completely discredited, has no power, and is being held accountable for his misdeeds?
Old people getting taken?
Old school right wing funding strategy
LOL…I forgot about that one. good job.
Latest study shows that the the oceans are on the rise!!!!11111eleven
Latest calculations show the oceans will rise…wait for it…..wait for it…..almost there…wait for it……4 WHOLE IN INCHES OVER THE NEXT 90 YEARS!!!!!!
OMFG! Sell your beachfront property now!!!
NOTE: notice how the globull worming freaks fail to mention that the oceans have been rising for THE LAST 20,000 YEARS….
SHHHHHHHH! dont tell anyone!
How many inches in a meter? 39 or so. So .8 of a meter is about 31.5 inches.. Hmmmm..
A rise of just 20 inches means????
Too bad for them. Rag-head joke from the the northeast of tacoma racist coming in 5,4,3,2..
@12 Drain, OR always kind of, I don’t know. I guess I’m just whelmed.
Oh my… the DUMMOCRAPT Boston Mayor Ray Flynn endorses Scott Brown.
He knows something!
Be sure to get you “Hype & Blame 2012” bumper stickers libtards!
Like Puddy said before… when The Beast finally says enough you know peeps are wondering about Obummer!
@20 – To deny something for which there is such an overwhelming amount of evidence simply because your tribe tells you to requires an amazing combination of stupidity and arrogance. Congratulations. You’ve achieved that combination.
Maybe Obummer was against it before he was for it before he was against it?
No use denying it trolls. AGW is here and coming to a neighborhood near you.
Dinosaurs of the reptile kind may be extinct but you right wing troll dinosaurs have been passing noxious gas since the founding of the Republic.
You have stunk the place to high heaven, no joke.
and come to think of it, you’re pretty reptilian to boot.
isn’t ylb the lazy, pathetic fool who sits in the basement of the house his wife pays for, pounding on a computer that she bought?? She goes to work everyday while this ylb character dicks around posting horseshit from the biggest con artist of our time..Al Gore, Carbon Credit Salesman?
My gawd, this ylb is truly a POS isn’t he?!!!!
Is he serious or just stupid?
Only God knows… wait… the ex-catholic school boi doesn’t believe in God.
you still that from a 13 year old?
Perhaps you need a lesson in reading comprehension.
So guess what, I am feeling generous today – even towards a May Day reject like yourself – and will try to make it real simple for a simpleton like you to understand.
1. I never said globull worming(or is it Clymutt Chaynge? you libs keep changing the phrase) wasnt happening. In fact, I aknowledged that it has been going on(this time around) for the last 20,000 years.
2. I simply referenced a new study that stated a 4″ ocean rise over `100 year. YLBleeder, basement hobknob supreme, quoted another study that stated a rise of 20″..WOW, thats quite the spread! BUT, I thought “the debate was over”?? Sure seems like a big ass spread in conclusions, dont you think? Perhaps people dont know as much as they think they do..hmmm….
3. You mention arrogance. Wow, very interesting that a progressive accuses someone else of arrogance. I mean really, arrogance is at the center of progressivism, now isnt it. Arrogance is thinking you have the power to control nature, to control what the planet does, and to control a cycle its been going on for millions of years. Arrogance is thinking that by spending money(strangely, its always someone elses money getting spent, and not yours) and buying carbon credits(hey now, whats wrong with algore pimping a little fear in order to get rich?) you can “sayve teh mommy erf!”
3. Tribe? LMFAO Well if you consider my family a tribe, then I guess I am a member of one. hey wait, you were referring to a political party! HAHA, I get it now! Funny indeed coming from a brainwashed party lemming like yourself.
4. Do yourself a favor – keep pushing that broom and listening to 1090 AM. Its obvious you are not capable to thinking for yourself, and I think some people, like yourself, are just better off being brainwashed and irrelevant in society.
5. BONUS! hows that hockey stick graph working for ya? I bet you still think its accurate. LMFAO…
Heh.. Welcome back Montana friendo..
The gas comment really brought it home for the trolls.
Mitt’s gonna lose “friendo”.. Hardly anyone wants a hopelessly out of touch flip-flopping robotic slave to wall street in the White House except for well almost EVERYONE who has Obama Derangement Syndrome. Thankfully Americans are still in the majority a little more sane.
Besides, you ought to have some religious issues with the Mittster. Sure sucks don’t it?
Uhh.. Got none of those cites from al gore, hopelessly stupid Klown. Mouldering in retirement.
Sure sucks to be you Bozeman friendo!
Montana friendo???
Wrong guy paranoid idiot…I live in Western Washington south of Seattle.
ylb seems to be trying all he can to avoid talking about what a looooser he is by making his wife work & slave so he can post useless shit. ylb ought to get a job and treat his wife like a queen, rather than a slave.
ylb doesn’t believe in God? doesn’t surprise me a bit. obviously he doesn’t have a conscience either.
34 – Dead ringer anyway..
Look you’re a miserable gassy troll who suffers from ODS.. Willingly suffers to boot..
I’ll never treat my wife as a queen. I treat her to the respect due as a wife and to the mother of my kids..
It’s right wingers who pledge fealty to their “betters”. In your case, your “betters” have more money than you do. People like Mitt. Treating them like kings and queens is your natural inclination.
Back in the founding days you would have been a loyalist to the crown.
And no I have little use for mythologies used to oppress women and sexual minorities not to mention other foolishness.
Stick around troll. We’ll have some fun.
I care about the only world I know troll. The world in which we inhabit that humanity tends to treat quite shabbily at the moment. I believe that has to change.
You apparently are pining for pie in the sky when you die. So this world matters not so much to you. Not too conscientious in my view. Great future you’re leaving to your kids, if they’re so unlucky to have you as a parent.
so ylb is trying to tell us his job is to sit on his ass posting comments about caring about the world we inhabit while his wife, who he claims to treat with respect, is the breadwinner.
nice gig dude. your wife buys that bs? have you hypnotized or brainwashed her with your Zen-ness?
You really ought to go into marketing ylb. If your wife believes anything other than you are a lazy slacker, you could sell ice cubes to eskimo’s. you have really missed your calling. Are you allergic to paychecks other than someone elses you can suck off of? seems pretty apparent although i’ll admit i don’t know you.
you should change your monikor to mr. zen-ylb.
ylb seems to equate with
37 – Hmmmm. I see we have a great respecter of women here who treats his wife like a queen.. Great practice when a millionaire is not around to bore with how much he wants to cut his taxes.
And here’s your latest tool with which you’d treat women – other than your wife I hope.
And make sure you always catch the latest Limbaugh – always instructive in regards to treatment of the fairer sex.
ylb keeps trying to deflect from his useless life of slavedriving his poor wife while he doesn’t do jackshit. i doubt anyone here, even you commie brethren, have an ounce of respect for your actions.
get a job asshole!
One has to be hireable first.
39 – I’m driving home why your kind should never be allowed near the levers of power…
I understand you conserva-holes are for “smaller government” – only not when it comes to a woman’s control over her own body:
In that case, you can’t have enough of those kind of regulations. Bunch of f’ing hypocrites.
Be sure to send some money to help put on King Willard (R – Money)’s coronation next January. The hapless climber will say any stupid pandering piece of bullshit for it.
Now we come to the stupid, arrogant and racist asshat troll @ 35.
Thank you doggril for inspiring this troll to spew out 8 paragraphs of drivel for all to either shake their heads at the stupidity of right wing trolls or to ignore – whatever.. I’m sure the crap made the idiot FEEEEL good to type it.
It’s usually more than he can manage since he spewed this legacy to stupidity.
@39 Sigh! Other blogs get trolls. We get stupid goatfuckers. It just doesn’t seem right.