Anyone ever done in speculative “What If” fiction about mccain/palin winning the election and mccain then dying of a heart attack so palin was prez.
Can you imagine her in control of the nuclear arsenal?
Can you imagine her in control of the CIA and FBI and the NSA?
Can you imagine how she would treat anyone who spoke out against her?
Actually, Goldy- she’s not your daughter. The Moyel was an over-achiever and at your Bris he left you a dickless wonder.
Half of HA is basically Goldy ranting about what he reads in the Seattle Times, making this blog seem more like the rants and rave section of Craigslist than a political blog. He relies on the Times so much, it’s become a crutch. So the question is, in February, when his crutch is taken away, and he is expected to create original pieces rather than just bitch about the Times, will he be able to do it? He’s been on autopilot for so long, will he remember how to write, and more importantly, will he be able to throw away his crutch?
Liberal Scientistspews:
The ST, as a dominant part of the local legacy media, is a perfectly good target and grist for a journalist like Goldy.
They fancy themselves the local paper of record, and many take them seriously – pointing out their hypocrisy and general nonsense and naked partisanship in the service of the right is an essential and estimable service.
President Obama on Wednesday night urged Americans to tone down their rhetoric and debate in a way that heals.
On Thursday Goldy writes “Sarah Palin murdered my daughter.”
Great jobs report today libs, only 35,000 more on ui. 445,000. Keep up the miserable record
What do you expectspews:
@6 Once again proving how anti-reality and just crazy Republicans are really. The last Republican leader LOST millions and millions of jobs and sent us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And your COMPLAINT is that the Democrat hasn’t dug us out of YOUR mess fast enough. ROTFLAMO. My god you’re crazy, but funny at least (unintentionally). Thanks!
@5 ROTFLMAO…you’re cute. After years of listening to brain dead Republicans bitch about “Obam-Mao”, the evils of gays, and how we need to “take back” our country to protect our gun rights (hint hint, nudge nudge), this is just funny. Pot…kettle calling on line 1…pot…kettle calling on line 1.
And stop supporting the terrorists! Why do all Republicans, and Troll support the terrorists? Do you just hate America? I know you support the terrorists because you ‘attack’ our Commander in Chief at a time of war, which gives comfort to our enemies, according to Ann Coulter (say, where IS she now a days?). Isn’t it fun when your own crazy logic is applied to your own actions. ROTFLMAO.
P.S. I’m not serious, I don’t think you’re REALLY supporting the terrorists, but your crazy party and nutball politicians keep saying Obama is/does … you can tell from his “terrorist fist bump”. Nutty. Just crazy. But thanks for the laughs!
Take some responsibility for the debt and the mess obama has created….he has the highest ui rate in years, and has done nothingbut piss away nearly 5 trillion dollars
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
re 6: Obama has created more jobs in his short time in office than Bush did in 8 years.
And — with all of the money spent under the table on the Iraq War, you’d think there would have been some job creation here in the U.S. from it — wouldn’t you.
But, as far as the $9 Billion in cash ‘lost’ in Iraq — that was money well spent. Each bill has an undetectable chip in it which allows the CIA to track the flow of money in the terrorist networks. Oddly enough, a good chunk of the money ended up in Halliburton’s coffers
You want proof of that. I’m sorry, yopu’ll just have to take my word for it. It’s a state secret.
Blue Johnspews:
I have a theory,
Anything that a right wing extremist attacks they are secretly doing. Anything a right wing extremist is for, they are secretly against.
If they are rabidly anti gay, they are secretly gay.
If they are for family values, they are secretly having an affair, or gay.
if they are for “fiscal values”, they will borrow and spend like drunk sailors on their pet projects and screw everyone else.
if they are rabidly anti socialist, they are secretly socialist for themselves and their corporate masters.
if they are rabble rousing against a Muslim mosque, they are secretly trying to install a Christan theocracy.
Take some responsibility for the debt and the mess obama has created
That’s a miserable lie.
The vast majority of the debt comes from the recession (no tax revenues coming in) and continuing the policies of the last administration (two wars, one of choice and things like the new medicare prescription drug benefit, costly new homeland security programs and tax cuts for the rich.)
Not all that much comes from anything new proposed by Obama.
And about the stimulus? At least 30 percent of it was a TAX CUT – according to right wingers, that’s supposed to do nothing but good.
All the debt on Obama’s watch does is prove that doing the same old right wing thing does NOT produce different results.
Take responsibility for THAT asshole.
Bs. 150 billion per mo in. New debt, and who was running congress for the last 6 yrs…
Yup Sarah Palin’s alone in her use of the term “blood libel”…
Sarah Palin isn’t in office. Stop trying to redirect my attention away from the horrible job Gregoire and Obama are doing.
@12: Yeah, and Bush did not even COUNT the spending for the WARS in the budget – false accounting that Obama fixed and one of the reasons you don’t make any sense.
Troll – if you can’t focus your attention maybe you should be treated for ADHD.
Compare the job that Obama has done in turning around the worst economic conditions since the great depression with the “job” Bush did on us and maybe you will have some perspective. Bush turned the largest surplus in history into the largest deficit in history (and presided over the worst economic collapse since the great depression) and you and your fellow non-thinking republicans cheered him.
So – are you a fool with no memory or a hypocrite with no values?
@8: Id
What you don’t know about ecopnomics could fill a textbook. Republicans (specifically Phil Gramm and banking industry lobbyists) proposed the banking rule changes (including the credit default swap) that led to the banking collapse and the mortgage crisis. Most of the damage from the depression that started over 1 year before Bush left office (and republicans denied there was any problem) is what has cuased the current unemployment problems. Without the stimulus – things would have been much worse according to most economists. Only idiot republicans wanted to cut the budget during a recession.
@10 It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 I heard the working title of that film script is “Apocalypse Now” but since that title has already been used they’re kicking around titles like “Rapture Today” and “The End of All Times”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Don’t blame Bush’s mess on Obama. Obama saved the world from Bush’s mess.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Few things are more pathetically hilarious than the ravings of wingnut lunatics who blame this economic mess on Obama and the Democrats. These are the same people who want to dismantle the Federal Reserve, put us back on the gold standard, and re-de-regulate the financial industry. Talk about a prescription for economy calamity, conservatives won’t be satisfied as long as a single worker still has a job. They achieved 25% unemployment in the 1930s; this time they’re shooting for 100% unemployment.
Zotz sez: This space available! Previous wingnut tenant leaves to spend more time with his goat(s)!spews:
Several of HA’s resident Wingnut Idiot Trolls have incessantly bleated that Washington State’s budget woes are the fault of Gov. Gregoire’s policies, which of course is sheer nonsense.
At this moment, 46 of the 50 states have severe budget shortfalls caused by the Republican Depression of 2007 – . The only states that don’t are the oil-rich states of Montana, North Dakota, and Alaska, plus Arkansas which has a Democratic governor.
Meanwhile, one of the “poster” states for budget woes is Republican-run Arizona, where Republicans have cut taxes without cutting spending. Apparently they couldn’t find any “waste, fraud, and abuse” so they kept right on spending while slashing taxes. These guys must think money to pay the state’s bills will magically appear from … um … the next Democratic stimulus package?
When 46 states have to eviscerate public education, health care for the poor, and other core services to balance budgets in a wringer because revenues are in free fall, that should tell you something. Namely, that our state’s problem didn’t result from the fiscal management of our own governor and legislator. It’s a nationwide problem caused by a nationwide calamity brought on by the reckless and irresponsible policies of … let’s see … who was in charge in 2007 when this shit hit the fan? And in the years prior, when the financial system was allowed to spin out of control without any government supervision or intervention, akin to kids playing with matches in kindergarten? I believe that was a Republican president and a Republican Congress.
Blaming our state budget mess on Gregoire and the Democratic legislator is, of course, merely a lame attempt to deflect blame from themselves.
As reported this morning by (the web-only remnant of the defunct Post-Intelligencer), [Charles] Habermann was arrested today in Palm Springs. He is charged with violating several sections of Title 18 of the United States Code — Threatening a Federal Official — based on the evidence of several (very) troubling phone calls to Congressman [Jim] McDermott’s Seattle office.
@29: Pretty sure McCain was there, though he wasn’t in the front row. Better question: where the hell was Boehner?
Oops. Fundraising in D.C.
Blue Johnspews:
@26. LD spews
Got any other bumperstick wisdom for us? Everything if take to extremes is toxic. There must be a balance….
You posts seemed weak, so I thought I’d help you with more quotes.
“In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy.”
“Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force.”
“Unemployment is capitalism’s way of getting you to plant a garden.”
“Fascism is capitalism plus murder.”
“Democracy is indispensable to socialism.”
“Socialism is the religion people get when they lose their religion”
“Marriage is socialism among two people. ”
“Capitalism and the market are presented as synonymous, but they are not. Capitalism is both the enemy of the market and democracy. ”
“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. ”
Or my favorite…. “Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true”
The Palin paradox in a nutshell. Her words are to be held blameless. But dare to criticize her and it’s dangerous “blood libel” and Beck jumps in advising her that she needs to ramp up her security.
This is something I posted at the end of a dead thread. Since I don’t often write in a serious manner I thought I’d repost it here. It was addressed to Right Stuff, who isn’t a bad fellow, and who has a young daughter of his own near the age of Christina Taylor Green.
“I would say that words have both meaning and context. If an advertising firm is targeting new clients and has Nike in their crosshairs, I wouldn’t be too worried about a shooting rampage committed by an ad executive at Nike’s headquarters. On the other hand, a politician using such language in front of extremely angery voters who are packing heat within the present political environment is playing with fire. In the former context, the words present no danger. With the latter, very bad things can happen.
Words like targeting and crosshairs have been used in a political context for ages. People are correct when they say that Democrats have used these words in the last campaign. They target a district. They might have so and so in their crosshairs. But remember, these are Democrats we’re talking about now. There’s good reason why the right characterizes them as pussies who can’t handle a gun. It is a characterization of a generalised truth. The Democrats are such pussies today that to generate fear, the right has to dredge up 70 year-old weathermen and a couple of loony black guys calling themselves the “New” Black Panthers. You don’t see the Democratics with cartridge belts and AK-47’s at rallys. To point a finger at the Democrats and say they’re using the terminology in the same way is a false equivalency. They use those words as advertising agencies would. There is no implied threat with these words. They are not speaking in code. These words are not a means to instill fear and anger.
I will go further here and say the use of such words and terminology by right wing candidates is done quite deliberately and solely for the selfish interests of those individual politicians. It is done without regard for the greater good or even the possible physical harm that might befall their opponents.
Now we’ve seen carnage. This carnage has a political context if for no other reason than the prime target was a politician. Included in that carnage was a nine year-old girl whose hopes and dreams will never come true. She is gone from this world and a nation grieves. This is something we need to give the deepest consideration. This is a time when we all need to calm down, start an open dialog and talk this through. Where have we gone wrong? What have we learned? If we can’t talk now, then when?
We must bring change to this political environment. If not for our own sakes, then we must do it for the sake of our children, for the sake of your own little girl.”
Politically Incorrectspews:
Blue John spews:
“Can you imagine her in control of the CIA and FBI and the NSA?”
Actually, John, I’d really like to know who is in control of the CIA, FBI, and NSA! As best I can tell, it ain’t our government!
8. ld spews:
Take some responsibility for the debt and the mess obama has created… he has the highest ui rate in years, and has done nothing but piss away nearly 5 trillion dollars
Just to help you interpret the graph. The left side of the graph in red shows the ever increasing job loss rate under Bush from January 2008 to January 2010. The right side in blue shows the ever decreasing job loss rate under Obama in 2009 and the positive job growth in 2011.
Please, look at the graph. Then tell me you still think the job loss is Obama’s fault.
Going down…
Glenn Beck dropped by New York’s WOR radio station over poor ratings, replaced by Mike Gallagher
as of Sept. 21, 296 advertisers have asked that their commercials not be shown on Beck’s show (up from 26 in August 2009). Fox also has a difficult time selling ads on “The O’Reilly Factor” and “Fox and Friends” when Beck appears on those shows as a guest. Beck’s show is known in the TV sales world as “empty calories,” meaning he draws great ratings but is toxic for ad sales.
Oh, this is fun!
15 Whoppers Beck Did Not Get Fired For In 2010
December 30, 2010 10:38 am ET — 635 Comments
In 2010, Glenn Beck repeatedly made up facts on Fox News show — a barrage of lies that would force any credible news outlet to fire him. Media Matters counts down 15 of the most notable fibs that Beck told this year on Fox News, culminating with the biggest lie of all.
ArtFart isn't ready to be classified as a "useless eater"spews:
Speaking of state finances…it seems that Texas, that high bastion of conservatism presided over Rick “We’re sovereign” Perry, faces a $25 billion budget shortfall in the next biennium.
– hottest year on record (atmosphere then holds more water, tropical storms get more intense)
– wettest year on record (more floods, more snowfall)
Senator John Kerry:
“How many times do we have to be smacked in the face with factual evidence before we address global climate change? Report after report keep confirming it’s getting worse every year. Will we find common ground and adult leadership or keep piling the science on a shelf to collect dust?”
@3, Agreed. Right on the money.
I’m curious, now that Goldstein will be over at The Stranger sucking Dan Savage’s dick for a living, what will unemployed losers like YLB tenderhands and one-foot-in-the-grave and senility sufferer Roger “OCD” Rabbit do all fucking day long? Where will stoner Lee vent all his anger and frustrations about his obsession will illegal narcotics? Where will Steve fantasize about his goat affinity? Where will rectal-cranial inversion sufferer Headless Lucy vent her racist bigotry? Where will Daryll and his other brother hangout?
Sorry if I’ve left any of the other regular Libtards out, it certainly was not intentional, you are just not that important.
Remains to be seen. Good riddance all, and I even wish pansy-assed Goldstein luck, although I know he cannot possibly survive long out in the real world. Call your Mommy if you need to cry Goldstein, maybe she’ll even spring for yet another plane ticket for you and your daughter to Philly…
The search for the right psychiatrist begins…..
Later all, and good luck! You know Liberalism is in fact a curable disease. ;)
“You know Liberalism is in fact a curable disease.”
With what, a fucking bullet? I’ve got a Detonics .451 that says you ain’t got shit-fer-brains. Go fuck the goat with that one, asshole.
heh- I can put you on my ignore list now.
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that a nine year old girl out on an excursion to learn more about politics is dead because of the inflammatory rhetoric of ‘leaders’ like that screeching fishwife, Sarah Palin.
At whose political rallies were the attendees screaming ‘Kill him!!!’ It was you right wing nuts.
Buncha crackpots.
Tonedeaf Lipshit, if you think this sub-human lunatic committed this heinous act because of “inflammatory rhetoric”, then you aren’t playing with a full deck.
I think my favorite right wing gambit is their ability to pivot from being aggressive defenders of the right to say and do anything in a free country to a bunch of Victorian spinsters calling for the smelling salts over the ill-mannered behavior of their political opponents —- in the same day!
Daddy Lovespews:
45. AbitRetardedEh? spews:
Tonedeaf Lipshit, if you think this sub-human lunatic committed this heinous act because of “inflammatory rhetoric”, then you aren’t playing with a full deck.
It was sheerest coincidence that he shot a Demcratic Congressperson and Congressional aides.
Oh he almost certainly wanted to kill Giffords, however the likelihood that it had anything to do with inflammatory rhetoric from Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck etc… is about zip.
Anyone ever done in speculative “What If” fiction about mccain/palin winning the election and mccain then dying of a heart attack so palin was prez.
Can you imagine her in control of the nuclear arsenal?
Can you imagine her in control of the CIA and FBI and the NSA?
Can you imagine how she would treat anyone who spoke out against her?
Actually, Goldy- she’s not your daughter. The Moyel was an over-achiever and at your Bris he left you a dickless wonder.
Half of HA is basically Goldy ranting about what he reads in the Seattle Times, making this blog seem more like the rants and rave section of Craigslist than a political blog. He relies on the Times so much, it’s become a crutch. So the question is, in February, when his crutch is taken away, and he is expected to create original pieces rather than just bitch about the Times, will he be able to do it? He’s been on autopilot for so long, will he remember how to write, and more importantly, will he be able to throw away his crutch?
The ST, as a dominant part of the local legacy media, is a perfectly good target and grist for a journalist like Goldy.
They fancy themselves the local paper of record, and many take them seriously – pointing out their hypocrisy and general nonsense and naked partisanship in the service of the right is an essential and estimable service.
Goldy tells President Obama to go fuck himself.
President Obama on Wednesday night urged Americans to tone down their rhetoric and debate in a way that heals.
On Thursday Goldy writes “Sarah Palin murdered my daughter.”
Great jobs report today libs, only 35,000 more on ui. 445,000. Keep up the miserable record
@6 Once again proving how anti-reality and just crazy Republicans are really. The last Republican leader LOST millions and millions of jobs and sent us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And your COMPLAINT is that the Democrat hasn’t dug us out of YOUR mess fast enough. ROTFLAMO. My god you’re crazy, but funny at least (unintentionally). Thanks!
@5 ROTFLMAO…you’re cute. After years of listening to brain dead Republicans bitch about “Obam-Mao”, the evils of gays, and how we need to “take back” our country to protect our gun rights (hint hint, nudge nudge), this is just funny. Pot…kettle calling on line 1…pot…kettle calling on line 1.
And stop supporting the terrorists! Why do all Republicans, and Troll support the terrorists? Do you just hate America? I know you support the terrorists because you ‘attack’ our Commander in Chief at a time of war, which gives comfort to our enemies, according to Ann Coulter (say, where IS she now a days?). Isn’t it fun when your own crazy logic is applied to your own actions. ROTFLMAO.
P.S. I’m not serious, I don’t think you’re REALLY supporting the terrorists, but your crazy party and nutball politicians keep saying Obama is/does … you can tell from his “terrorist fist bump”. Nutty. Just crazy. But thanks for the laughs!
Take some responsibility for the debt and the mess obama has created….he has the highest ui rate in years, and has done nothingbut piss away nearly 5 trillion dollars
re 6: Obama has created more jobs in his short time in office than Bush did in 8 years.
And — with all of the money spent under the table on the Iraq War, you’d think there would have been some job creation here in the U.S. from it — wouldn’t you.
But, as far as the $9 Billion in cash ‘lost’ in Iraq — that was money well spent. Each bill has an undetectable chip in it which allows the CIA to track the flow of money in the terrorist networks. Oddly enough, a good chunk of the money ended up in Halliburton’s coffers
You want proof of that. I’m sorry, yopu’ll just have to take my word for it. It’s a state secret.
I have a theory,
Anything that a right wing extremist attacks they are secretly doing. Anything a right wing extremist is for, they are secretly against.
If they are rabidly anti gay, they are secretly gay.
If they are for family values, they are secretly having an affair, or gay.
if they are for “fiscal values”, they will borrow and spend like drunk sailors on their pet projects and screw everyone else.
if they are rabidly anti socialist, they are secretly socialist for themselves and their corporate masters.
if they are rabble rousing against a Muslim mosque, they are secretly trying to install a Christan theocracy.
Think about it….
That’s a miserable lie.
The vast majority of the debt comes from the recession (no tax revenues coming in) and continuing the policies of the last administration (two wars, one of choice and things like the new medicare prescription drug benefit, costly new homeland security programs and tax cuts for the rich.)
Not all that much comes from anything new proposed by Obama.
And about the stimulus? At least 30 percent of it was a TAX CUT – according to right wingers, that’s supposed to do nothing but good.
All the debt on Obama’s watch does is prove that doing the same old right wing thing does NOT produce different results.
Take responsibility for THAT asshole.
Bs. 150 billion per mo in. New debt, and who was running congress for the last 6 yrs…
Yup Sarah Palin’s alone in her use of the term “blood libel”…
12 – Yawwwnnnn… Everytime Bush asked more for war (remember the surge?), the 2007 Congress GAVE IT TO HIM!
Sarah Palin isn’t in office. Stop trying to redirect my attention away from the horrible job Gregoire and Obama are doing.
@12: Yeah, and Bush did not even COUNT the spending for the WARS in the budget – false accounting that Obama fixed and one of the reasons you don’t make any sense.
Troll – if you can’t focus your attention maybe you should be treated for ADHD.
Compare the job that Obama has done in turning around the worst economic conditions since the great depression with the “job” Bush did on us and maybe you will have some perspective. Bush turned the largest surplus in history into the largest deficit in history (and presided over the worst economic collapse since the great depression) and you and your fellow non-thinking republicans cheered him.
So – are you a fool with no memory or a hypocrite with no values?
@8: Id
What you don’t know about ecopnomics could fill a textbook. Republicans (specifically Phil Gramm and banking industry lobbyists) proposed the banking rule changes (including the credit default swap) that led to the banking collapse and the mortgage crisis. Most of the damage from the depression that started over 1 year before Bush left office (and republicans denied there was any problem) is what has cuased the current unemployment problems. Without the stimulus – things would have been much worse according to most economists. Only idiot republicans wanted to cut the budget during a recession.
@10 It’s a Psych 101 thing.
@1 I heard the working title of that film script is “Apocalypse Now” but since that title has already been used they’re kicking around titles like “Rapture Today” and “The End of All Times”.
@8 Don’t blame Bush’s mess on Obama. Obama saved the world from Bush’s mess.
Few things are more pathetically hilarious than the ravings of wingnut lunatics who blame this economic mess on Obama and the Democrats. These are the same people who want to dismantle the Federal Reserve, put us back on the gold standard, and re-de-regulate the financial industry. Talk about a prescription for economy calamity, conservatives won’t be satisfied as long as a single worker still has a job. They achieved 25% unemployment in the 1930s; this time they’re shooting for 100% unemployment.
How the Recession Changed Us: The Nation in Numbers
It’s Not Gregoire’s Fault
Several of HA’s resident Wingnut Idiot Trolls have incessantly bleated that Washington State’s budget woes are the fault of Gov. Gregoire’s policies, which of course is sheer nonsense.
At this moment, 46 of the 50 states have severe budget shortfalls caused by the Republican Depression of 2007 – . The only states that don’t are the oil-rich states of Montana, North Dakota, and Alaska, plus Arkansas which has a Democratic governor.
Meanwhile, one of the “poster” states for budget woes is Republican-run Arizona, where Republicans have cut taxes without cutting spending. Apparently they couldn’t find any “waste, fraud, and abuse” so they kept right on spending while slashing taxes. These guys must think money to pay the state’s bills will magically appear from … um … the next Democratic stimulus package?
When 46 states have to eviscerate public education, health care for the poor, and other core services to balance budgets in a wringer because revenues are in free fall, that should tell you something. Namely, that our state’s problem didn’t result from the fiscal management of our own governor and legislator. It’s a nationwide problem caused by a nationwide calamity brought on by the reckless and irresponsible policies of … let’s see … who was in charge in 2007 when this shit hit the fan? And in the years prior, when the financial system was allowed to spin out of control without any government supervision or intervention, akin to kids playing with matches in kindergarten? I believe that was a Republican president and a Republican Congress.
Blaming our state budget mess on Gregoire and the Democratic legislator is, of course, merely a lame attempt to deflect blame from themselves.
@16 “So – are you a fool with no memory or a hypocrite with no values?”
Nah, he’s just a goddamned liar like the rest of the trolls here.
@15 Obama is doing a superb job. I find fault with Gregoire for failing to provide leadership to solve our state’s dysfunctional tax system.
As Margaret Thatcher said: “The Problem with Socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money!”
And you idiots will find this out in the next few years.
As Goldy and I wind-down HA, do any of you have any questions for us?
Heh.. The ld/LD(iot)s have graced us once again..
I have a simple and obvious question:
Where the fuck were Arizona’s Senators last night?
Were Kyl and McCain too “unmanly” to show up?
Maybe I’ve just gotten busy and haven’t been following enough myself, but surprised this hasn’t been a hotter topic here:
@29: Pretty sure McCain was there, though he wasn’t in the front row. Better question: where the hell was Boehner?
Oops. Fundraising in D.C.
@26. LD spews
Got any other bumperstick wisdom for us? Everything if take to extremes is toxic. There must be a balance….
You posts seemed weak, so I thought I’d help you with more quotes.
“In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy.”
“Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force.”
“Unemployment is capitalism’s way of getting you to plant a garden.”
“Fascism is capitalism plus murder.”
“Democracy is indispensable to socialism.”
“Socialism is the religion people get when they lose their religion”
“Marriage is socialism among two people. ”
“Capitalism and the market are presented as synonymous, but they are not. Capitalism is both the enemy of the market and democracy. ”
“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. ”
Or my favorite….
“Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true”
The Palin paradox in a nutshell. Her words are to be held blameless. But dare to criticize her and it’s dangerous “blood libel” and Beck jumps in advising her that she needs to ramp up her security.
This is something I posted at the end of a dead thread. Since I don’t often write in a serious manner I thought I’d repost it here. It was addressed to Right Stuff, who isn’t a bad fellow, and who has a young daughter of his own near the age of Christina Taylor Green.
“I would say that words have both meaning and context. If an advertising firm is targeting new clients and has Nike in their crosshairs, I wouldn’t be too worried about a shooting rampage committed by an ad executive at Nike’s headquarters. On the other hand, a politician using such language in front of extremely angery voters who are packing heat within the present political environment is playing with fire. In the former context, the words present no danger. With the latter, very bad things can happen.
Words like targeting and crosshairs have been used in a political context for ages. People are correct when they say that Democrats have used these words in the last campaign. They target a district. They might have so and so in their crosshairs. But remember, these are Democrats we’re talking about now. There’s good reason why the right characterizes them as pussies who can’t handle a gun. It is a characterization of a generalised truth. The Democrats are such pussies today that to generate fear, the right has to dredge up 70 year-old weathermen and a couple of loony black guys calling themselves the “New” Black Panthers. You don’t see the Democratics with cartridge belts and AK-47’s at rallys. To point a finger at the Democrats and say they’re using the terminology in the same way is a false equivalency. They use those words as advertising agencies would. There is no implied threat with these words. They are not speaking in code. These words are not a means to instill fear and anger.
I will go further here and say the use of such words and terminology by right wing candidates is done quite deliberately and solely for the selfish interests of those individual politicians. It is done without regard for the greater good or even the possible physical harm that might befall their opponents.
Now we’ve seen carnage. This carnage has a political context if for no other reason than the prime target was a politician. Included in that carnage was a nine year-old girl whose hopes and dreams will never come true. She is gone from this world and a nation grieves. This is something we need to give the deepest consideration. This is a time when we all need to calm down, start an open dialog and talk this through. Where have we gone wrong? What have we learned? If we can’t talk now, then when?
We must bring change to this political environment. If not for our own sakes, then we must do it for the sake of our children, for the sake of your own little girl.”
Blue John spews:
“Can you imagine her in control of the CIA and FBI and the NSA?”
Actually, John, I’d really like to know who is in control of the CIA, FBI, and NSA! As best I can tell, it ain’t our government!
Oh this is good. Where did Obama get the highest ui in years? Can you say Bikini Graph?
Just to help you interpret the graph. The left side of the graph in red shows the ever increasing job loss rate under Bush from January 2008 to January 2010. The right side in blue shows the ever decreasing job loss rate under Obama in 2009 and the positive job growth in 2011.
Please, look at the graph. Then tell me you still think the job loss is Obama’s fault.
Going down…
Oh, this is fun!
Speaking of state finances…it seems that Texas, that high bastion of conservatism presided over Rick “We’re sovereign” Perry, faces a $25 billion budget shortfall in the next biennium.
– hottest year on record (atmosphere then holds more water, tropical storms get more intense)
– wettest year on record (more floods, more snowfall)
Senator John Kerry:
@3, Agreed. Right on the money.
I’m curious, now that Goldstein will be over at The Stranger sucking Dan Savage’s dick for a living, what will unemployed losers like YLB tenderhands and one-foot-in-the-grave and senility sufferer Roger “OCD” Rabbit do all fucking day long? Where will stoner Lee vent all his anger and frustrations about his obsession will illegal narcotics? Where will Steve fantasize about his goat affinity? Where will rectal-cranial inversion sufferer Headless Lucy vent her racist bigotry? Where will Daryll and his other brother hangout?
Sorry if I’ve left any of the other regular Libtards out, it certainly was not intentional, you are just not that important.
Remains to be seen. Good riddance all, and I even wish pansy-assed Goldstein luck, although I know he cannot possibly survive long out in the real world. Call your Mommy if you need to cry Goldstein, maybe she’ll even spring for yet another plane ticket for you and your daughter to Philly…
The search for the right psychiatrist begins…..
Later all, and good luck! You know Liberalism is in fact a curable disease. ;)
“You know Liberalism is in fact a curable disease.”
With what, a fucking bullet? I’ve got a Detonics .451 that says you ain’t got shit-fer-brains. Go fuck the goat with that one, asshole.
heh- I can put you on my ignore list now.
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that a nine year old girl out on an excursion to learn more about politics is dead because of the inflammatory rhetoric of ‘leaders’ like that screeching fishwife, Sarah Palin.
At whose political rallies were the attendees screaming ‘Kill him!!!’ It was you right wing nuts.
Buncha crackpots.
Tonedeaf Lipshit, if you think this sub-human lunatic committed this heinous act because of “inflammatory rhetoric”, then you aren’t playing with a full deck.
preach on, sister:
It was sheerest coincidence that he shot a Demcratic Congressperson and Congressional aides.
Oh he almost certainly wanted to kill Giffords, however the likelihood that it had anything to do with inflammatory rhetoric from Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck etc… is about zip.