You’ve got a wingnut, Puddy, who has completely lost it on the “Rhetoric” post comment section. Since the shooting in Arizona he has become seriously deranged and I suspect that he might now be a danger to himself and others. I thought you should know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
All these people have a point. From now on, I’m going to kiss every Republican I see!
ArtFart isn't ready to be classified as a "useless eater"spews:
@1 Have to agree with you…he seems to be spinning his wheels particularly furiously over this, and making less and less sense as he goes.
Hopefully, he’s getting rid of a sufficient amount of his inner torment by venting it here, instead of out there in the real world.
Rush Limbaugh,
“What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He’s sitting there in jail. He knows what’s going on, he knows that…the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he’s just a victim. He’s the latest in a never-ending parade of victims brought about by the unfairness of America…this guy clearly understands he’s getting all the attention and he understands he’s got a political party doing everything it can, plus a local sheriff doing everything that they can to make sure he’s not convicted of murder – but something lesser.”
I really don’t know what to say at this point. Maybe someone else can come up with the right words.
Winston Wolfspews:
Since when does what Bill Maher have to say of any relevance to anything?
Christina Taylor Green. How could that man do that to her? She was just a kid. She had her whole life ahead of her. I just don’t understand. I don’t want to understand. God help us.
@ 6
Anyone who maliciously harms a child is a dangerous animal and probably should be dealt with as such.
That being said, it is likely that the shooter turned and just started spraying rounds around the area in his efforts to create the chaotic scene he wanted to see, and miss Green just happened to be in the path of the bullet. That makes the shooter a fucking nut in any case.
It is a fact that Arizona, just last October, cut all state funding to the State mental health system, making it an entirely local and private affair.
Excellent timing there, Ms. Brewer.
Winston Wolfspews:
the guy was an over-the-cliff nutball….dont think anybody will ever understand, including the shrinks.
a bullet into the back of his head should solve the issue….there really is no reason to keep the guy alive, is there?
He really believes this shit Steve. He took #205 and #206 seriously. Sigh.
@9 I saw that. I asked him again to seek help. I know he won’t, but it’s all I can do.
@ Rujax! and Steve…
I am not 100% convinced ol’ Spudds isn’t just trolling for attention with a lot of the shit he says. Trolling is an art form in a lot of ways. He’s an idiot, sure. But he sure garners a lot of attention for himself with his diatribes. If that is the real goal, he’s done quite well for himself here.
Froggy…that thought has crossed my mind as well.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Stupid Solution Steve,
The Bill Maher show is more up Jared Lee Loughner’s political persuasion. LEFTIST.
He’s an idiot, sure.
Yeah right DeadToad. Where are your facts? Your mental disabilities are voluminous!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh my Stupid Solution Steve finally discusses the 9 year old. Took him long enough.
Tsk tsk tsk.
My mental disabilities aren’t being laid out for the whole world to speculate on there, Mr Spudds.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hopefully, he’s getting rid of a sufficient amount of his inner torment by venting it here, instead of out there in the real world.
Correcting the LYING HA record leftist progressive projected by most of you since Saturday. It’s a yeoman’s job and Puddy is up to it. Puddy provides a buffet of FACTS, which the HA leftist progressives haven’t refuted!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
My mental disabilities aren’t being laid out for the whole world to speculate on there, Mr Spudds.
Oh yes they are. You claimed you discussed Puddy with your mother. When confronted by Puddy about meeting your mother for lunch you ran like a cowardly dog. Puddy even said he’d include you.
I don’t care if you’re crazy or not. I’m sick and tired of your fucking bullshit.
ya think the half kike mahr would blame the kike made hollywood movies for influencing the kids of america to kill at 12 years old?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
I don’t care if you’re crazy or not. I’m sick and tired of your fucking bullshit.
Then fucking tell the truth for a change Steve! Admit this fool was not inspired by Palin or Beck or Limbaugh. Admit your side always goes knee-jerk, and it’s downright ridiculous. The DLC map used bulleyes on Republicans, yet you are fucking silent Steve. You lost your foothold with reality!
Now we see Bernie Sanders trolling for money on the death of the 9-year old girl. That’s A-OK with you right Steve?
You goddamn son-of-a-bitch. My very first comment on this shooting was of my grief for that little girl. You go too far, you bastard. Take your crazy bullshit somewhere else.
Goldy, enough is enough. Man up and remove that foul bastard from this blog.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Puddy’s first comment asked will any leftist ask a prayer for those injured. There so you have it moron. Now who’s the BITCH again?
Not Puddy your honor! Correct.
Zotz sez: This space available! Previous wingnut tenant leaves to spend more time with his goat(s)!spews:
@10-12: Which basically means putting him on ignore in either case.
My assessment is that, at least in this space, he’s depersonalized and OC. No art about it, he’s clearly sick.
Given that, it becomes about you (and me), not him:
At some point it becomes unethical to engage with a mentally ill person on a blog except to suggest psychiatric care.
You’re a god-damned idiot.
All you’ve proved is that you are a total fucking moron.
I mean it, Goldy. I’ve had it up to here with that SOB’s foul posts. I’m damned sure I’m not the only one. Get rid of him. Let this blog end without that bastard leaving his foul stench in these last comment threads.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Where did rujax offer a prayer for the dead and injured?
So STFU rujax! You went into attack mode.
@ Spudds
And just because your mom gave you a new dictionary for Christmas does not give you the right to continue to abuse the language the way you have been doing. You will never convince people of the veracity of your argument if you continue to dangle participles and mix metaphorical syllogisms like a drunk with twenty bottles of varying liquors with a teaspoon of booze in the bottom of each one.
language abuse, as you demonstrate it is:
Accidental, habitual (subconscious) or deliberate (conscious) use of language patterns that are non-specific and which either
a) do not relate directly to matters in the observable, tangible real world or
b) refer to such matters in an ambiguous or vague manner.
From Dan Scorpio. A man who has raised the art of mauling the lexicon to a high art form and devoted much of his study to the results.
Seems to me thats you in a nutshell there, Spudds.
@11 I’m afraid that I’m about to get mean.
Goldy, dammit, let this blog end without that stupid SOB shitting all over these final threads.
A troll banishing post WOULD be a great idea Steve. Roasting all the bastards one more time.
@ Spuddy
Oh yes they are. You claimed you discussed Puddy with your mother. When confronted by Puddy about meeting your mother for lunch you ran like a cowardly dog. Puddy even said he’d include you.
I didn’t run. I ignored the offer. My mother spent 35 years dealing with crazy people and didn’t make much money doing it. She’s old and tired, and has had enough stress inflicted on her by dealing with other peoples madness. She raised three boys, and we weren’t always that nice to her growing up. She tamed a Vietnam veteran, and that took the better part of 25 years. Believe me, the man needed taming.
She needs the rest.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
21. Steve spews:
You goddamn son-of-a-bitch. My very first comment on this shooting was of my grief for that little girl. You go too far, you bastard. Take your crazy bullshit somewhere else.
01/11/2011 at 6:04 pm
Steve, Here are the three threads presented by Goldy you dumb ASS. And here are your first comments.
Sadly your first comment in any of those threads didn’t mention any sympathy or sadness for the 9 year dead girl. Try again ASShole!
So if Puddy missed it, present it or take your above advice on 01/10/2011 and start now!
@22 Goldy, enough is enough. Man up and remove that foul bastard from this blog.
for christ sakes steve, he should ban me before puddy
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh DeadToad, Puddy would love to meet jo mama. Puddy would want to understand how your liberalism came to be. Puddy will answer any question she asks.
If this is becoming a vote thing, I say let Spudds stay. A good threadshitter is always useful when generating discourse. I don’t think he’s gone too far in the way that maniac did a couple weeks ago.
To me, it’s a form of comic relief. It generates dialog and enhances the lifespan of the thread.
“Puddy’s first comment asked will any leftist ask a prayer for those injured.”
We don’t run our prayers through you, you fucking SOB. My prayers for that little girl and the other victims of that bastard are to God. They have nothing the fuck to do with you. Do you fucking understand? DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND??
and this shit blog ends its life where it started, in the gutter. as joe p kennedy said “jews ruin everything they touch”.
MOT, you’re trying too hard.
We already know you’re an asshole.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
My my my, this is Stupid Solution Steve…
My very first comment on this shooting was of my grief for that little girl.
Oopsie Puddy sees it wasn’t. Somehow when Puddy mentioned something like this which you just farted
My prayers for that little girl and the other victims of that bastard are to God
You went APESHIT. Wanna see those comments next?
So you scumbag liberal bastard, when caught by your own words the pink lace panties get all twisted around your shrunken scrote. EPIC FAIL! You’ve gone off the deep end.
Come on rujax, stand up for Stupid Solution Steve. Oops, his comments don’t measure up to the bluster.
So Goldy yeah, ban Stupid Solution Steve. He’s too moronic for a leftist poster.
Fuck, Puddy…give it a rest.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Why rujax… Steve made some interesting suggestions and accusations. Puddy just CLEARING the air about his postings. If Puddy gonna get the boot Puddy will demonstrate the silliness of Steve.
Zotz sez: This space available! Previous wingnut tenant leaves to spend more time with his goat(s)!spews:
If you just ignore him / his OC isn’t reinforced, he’ll eventually go away. I do get your desire to have shit free threads though, Steve.
And for once I agree with the girly_man_who_lies: he is orders of magnitude more despicable and therefore bannable than Pudpuller.
Especially from Goldy’s point of view.
OTOH, I suppose it serves some public purpose to have it known that racist, anti-semite scum live amongst us.
Winston Wolfspews:
you guys crack me up.
@37 MOT, you’re trying too hard.
We already know you’re an asshole.
deathfrogg, the problem is, its getting harder and harder to get these guys going. they’re either ignoring me or just numb to antisemitic, lunatic ravings.
@ 43
Perhaps it is an effect of immunization. I think that, in the light of current events and a long history of dealing with prejudice and intolerance, it is no longer considered very serious in the light of the current venue.
Now, if you were to say such things in a primarily Jewish forum, or over at ADL, you would be taken more seriously. Likewise you would get a lot of moral support and agreeable dialog at some place like Stormfront.
It depends on what you’re after I suppose. Everyone trolls on occasion. And most people presume a troll when the posts are most atavistic.
So, if you’re not trolling, you are an asshole. If you are, well its a shrug. There are other, more vehemently idiotic imbeciles to deal with in this place.
Liberal Scientistspews:
You know, there was a thread earlier today – I forget which one (I had a few too many tonight at How to Cook a Wolf) in which a number of sane commenters discussed a topic. With civility. And rationality. And logic. It was refreshing.
Puddy does several things here – foremost is to draw attention to himself. Then incite incredulity, then anger, then exhaustion.
He draws us all into his crazy – whether an act or not, it doesn’t matter – the point is that he draws the whole thread into orbit around his shit. At first it seems like a real argument, but as I’ve said before, there’s no there there. He’ll never be convinced, he’ll never provide a coherent, consistent argument or position, he’ll only drop his “FACTS” and his taunts. It’s performance art in the service of his personality disorder.
I’m not sure if banning is appropriate – I’m in agreement with strict freedom of speech rights – and so banning him is a failure in a way, but also makes him a martyr, though I do long ofr a facebook-like feature where I could click and make his posts disappear.
As I’ve said before, I’ve tried to take him seriously and to engage him on the level and earnestly, and he’s dishonest and delusional and refuses to really debate. He needs to be ignored. And medicated. Perhaps a Haldol dart gun.
Since when does what Bill Maher have to say of any relevance to anything?
Generally, I’d agree with you, but I think Maher nailed this one.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Puddy does several things here – foremost is to draw attention to himself. Then incite incredulity, then anger, then exhaustion.
There Lib Unscientist goes again. Prove how Puddy didn’t produce FACTUAL data. Show everyone how you refuted Puddy’s DATA! All you do is come on a thread and shoot blanks.
So PROVE IT! Be a man Lib Unscientist. Deliver the “scientific proof”!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Perhaps a Haldol dart gun.
Hmmm…? Seems that medication is for you Lib Unscientist. Better up the dose from once a month to biweekly!
@41 I had to step away from this. I know that the little girl’s death has hit me hard, as it has for so many others. For me she is the face of this tragedy. I know I am not singular in this regard. I called a best friend in Tuscon this evening and we were able to talk and the hurt finally came to the surface and broke through for both of us. I’d have given my life for that kid and yet I’ve been so powerless to do anything. It’s that powerlessness that is maddening. I’d pray that God take me instead but it’s just too late. She’s gone. Funny how that is, a kid I never knew and will never know has touched my life in a most remarkable way and now I’ll never forget her.
@41 She’s gone. Funny how that is, a kid I never knew and will never know has touched my life in a most remarkable way and now I’ll never forget her.
steve, would you have felt the same way if one of bill ayers bombs had killed a little girl?
And Who Said:
If they bring a Knife to the fight, we bring a gun
If they want to watch from the back of the bus they can
Talk about rhetoric
Kanjorski said this about Florida’s new Republican Governor Rick Scott on October 23:
“That Scott down there that’s running for governor of Florida,” Mr. Kanjorski said. “Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he’s running for governor of Florida. He’s a millionaire and a billionaire. He’s no hero. He’s a damn crook. It’s just we don’t prosecute big crooks.”
Oh Please media, do not talk about libs envoking the use of inflamatory verbage.
@ 52
I would make an exception for that guy anyway. He defrauded the Federal Government to the tune of nearly $30 billion, and had to only pay back pennies on the dollar. He got to keep the rest. His friends in the White House helped pay for his legal bills for chrissake.
Simply because he had contributed to so many GOP campaigns around the country. He was one of GW Bush’s largest contributors, and a close personal friend of Dick Cheney.
The man should have been sentenced to life in Prison at the very minimum, and the Death penalty wouldn’t have been too harsh. Real prison, not the goddamn country clubs you wingers are so fond of building for your friends, with tennis courts, swimming pools and unlimited access to telephones, media and visits from family members. Some of those guys even get fucking vacation time.
“would you have felt the same way if one of bill ayers bombs had killed a little girl?”
You ask respectfully so I wll give you a respectful answer.
Of course I would have.
Now let me ask you something. Do you understand that all the Weathermen could have fit in my living room with room to spare for all the eco-terrorists and the entire Symbionese Liberation Army? The Oregon anarchists, they who see fit to shit on floors, would probably fit in there as well. Those were not and are not movements. They were very small groups of radicals, rejected by the progressives. The only people blown up by Weathermen bombs were themselves. That was no loss to me. The SLA got what they had coming to them. If the anarchists had died at WTO at the hands of Seattle’s street thugs, as my darkest thoughts wished, I would not have shed a single tear. Instead, the thugs joined them in trashing my city. I was so angry at the time at what I saw, I could have lined all of them, thugs and anarchists, against a wall and shot the lot of them.
I utterly reject extremists of any stripe. As I’ve said many times before, there are commies to my left and fascists to my right, and I don’t cotton to either of them.
@52 I reject the violent rhetoric. I might have expressed it this way,
“That Scott down there that’s running for governor of Florida,” Mr. Kanjorski said. “Instead of running for governor of Florida, he should be in prison. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he’s running for governor of Florida. He’s no hero. He’s a damn crook.”
Now I ask you, what type of rhetoric do you hear from the right that you will denounce?
Sarah Palin, in responding to criticism of her use of violent rhetoric and imagery, accusses her critics of “blood libel”.
From Wiki,
Blood libel (also blood accusation[1][2]) refers to a false accusation or claim[3][4][5] that religious minorities, almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays.[1][2][6] Historically, these claims have–alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration–been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.[4]
The libels typically allege that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and historically blood libel claims have often been made to account for otherwise unexplained deaths of children.
@45: I agree with liberal scientist. When I have taken the time to refute Puddy’s so-called facts (actually, most of his crap is standard right wing memes copied from other rightwingnut sites or improperly understood links that don’t say what he thinks they do) he switches his argument, brings up irrelevant “counter-examples”, calls me names or runs away. Puddy is incapabable of admitting being wrong and argues like athird grader. I am embarassed for him. Puddy does not really seek to enlighten or reach any kind of agreement – his goal is to prove he is superior to “liberals” and to call them stupid. Failing that, Puddy will just incite an argument or call people stupid.
Unfortunately for Puddy, he is clearly limited in intellectual capacity and engages in ad hominen attacks and fails to back up what he says – an intellectual bankruptcy that runs througout his comments. I am not sure if that is because of his over-sized ego or if that is simple a persona or game he plays. Either way, Puddy is not worthy of being taken seriously as a real commentator on politics who actually wants to engage in discourse.
Until she cleared it up for me I had no idea that Sarah Palin was the real victim of Saturday’s violence.
Until she cleared it up for me I had no idea that Palin’s critics are all Jews who dine on the blood of Christian children.
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
Sarah Palin. What a cunt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 This has got to be one of the best posts ever in the HA comment threads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy’s comments are so consistently incoherent the guy’s absolutely got to be on drugs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Geez, if you want to volunteer for something, join the Army and go to Afghanistan so my niece can come home early.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 “Puddy would want to understand how your liberalism came to be.”
You will NEVER understand why liberals are liberals. You’re incapable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Although my religious upbringing was nativistic, knowing what I know about Christianity, I’m gonna get down on my paws and pray for Puddy to get Salvation asap. It’s our best hope.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 “I do long ofr a facebook-like feature where I could click and make his posts disappear”
I usually scroll right past his comments. Puddy is the antithesis of pithy. It takes him forever to insult someone. It’s like waiting so long in the airport bathroom line for the guy in the stall to take a shit that you give up and go board your plane.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 Bill Ayers is a criminal who went free because of prosecutorial incompetence. But he and his pals never targeted human beings, much less kids. They bombed unoccupied government buildings to protest government bombs falling on occupied Vietnamese villages. I’m not defending the guy. But there’s no comparison between him and the monster who waded into a crowd in Tucson spraying bullets into a mass of human beings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 “You ask respectfully so I wll give you a respectful answer.”
You’re giving that troll credit he doesn’t deserve.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 I think puddy is just trying to bring this blog to its knees by clogging the comment threads with JCR-type gibberish.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There, I said it, I compared puddy to a banned troll.
Right Stuffspews:
I feel the same way with regards to this tragedy. My daughter is 8yo. Kind of hits home.
My heart is breaking for all the victims, especially the family of the little girl. Her whole life ahead of her…..F’ing senseless.
The problem, and most frustrating situation, IMO is that we want to understand why, assign blame and feel like we are safe again….The facts are, again IMO, that we won’t know what his fixation was with the congess woman. We can’t understand his motivation, who could? That leaves us feeling a little bit vulnerable to the reality that it can happen anytime, anyplace, anywhere. I’m sad and angry at the same time about what happened….I’m saddened that all the comments back and forth are really pointless and miss the point.
We are all Americans who love freedom and the opportunity that every new day brings to us.
Thanks Steve for understanding and expressing much of what I’ve been feeling.
Liberal Scientistspews:
That leaves us feeling a little bit vulnerable to the reality that it can happen anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
That vulnerability is immensely magnified by the fact that firearms are so widespread and easily obtainable, even by the delusional.
proud leftistspews:
I agree that affixing blame for a senseless tragedy is a means of restoring to people a sense of security; that which we don’t understand frightens us. Nonetheless, regardless of the possible causal relationship between violent political chatter and what happened in Tucson, is this not an opportune time to talk about whether the nature of contemporary political dialogue in this country is healthy for our democracy?
“Until she cleared it up for me I had no idea that Palin’s critics are all Jews who dine on the blood of Christian children.”
Uh Stevo you’ve got that ass-backwards, Palin wasn’t saying that all of here critics are Jews, she was saying that her critics are behaving like people spreading a blood libel.
Right Stuffspews:
I think that it’s always a good idea to look at the health of our democracy. I have to say that I think that the only REAL difference in the nature of political discourse in this country now, compared to the past, is how fast and accessible information is to everyone. I think that there have always been extremes and fringes. They get more “play” these days because of the speed and access of media.
Right Stuffspews:
@73 LS
I’m afraid I fall on the other side of that one.
If it’s not a legal gun, then it’s an illegal one..or a car, or a bomb, or a knife, bat, pipe, club etc etc etc…
Look at all the “security” put in place because of 9/11, yet it does nothing to make us safer when we fly…IMO…Ditto with gun control.
proud leftistspews:
RS @ 76
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’ve made the same point many times–the internet permits fringies to tag up with other fringies, then they start thinking they’re a force. Not much to be done about that, however.
I’ll say what I’ve said several times before, Right Stuff, you’re not a bad fellow at all in my book.
@75 Your comment is well taken. I was being facetious – a poor attempt at humor. But I understand that it might not have come across that way.
Right stuff @76
Gabrielle in her own words:
“Are you afraid? Are you fearful today?”
“You know, I’m not. We’ve had hundreds and hundreds of protesters over the course of the last several months. Our office corner has become a place where the Tea Party has congregated. And the rhetoric has become incredibly heated. Not just the calls, but the emails, the slurs. So things have really gotten spun up. But you gotta think about it. Our democracy is a light, a beacon really around the world because we effect change at the ballot box, and not because of these outbursts — of violence in certain cases, and the yelling, and it’s just … you know, change is important, it’s a part of our process, but it’s really important that we focus on the fact that we have a democratic process.”
“I think it’s important for all leaders, not just leaders of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party … community leaders, figures in our community to say, ‘Look, we can’t stand for this.’ I mean, this is a situation where people really need to realize that this rhetoric, and firing people up, and even things … For example, we’re on Sarah Palin’s targeted list, but the way she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district. And when people do that, they’ve gotta realize that there’s consequences to that action.”
“In the years that some of my colleagues have served, twenty, thirty years, they’ve never seen it like this. We have to work out our problems by negotiating, working together, hopefully Democrats and Republicans.”
–Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, March 25, 2010.
Right Stuffspews:
What is your point? Do you blame SP for what happened?
I’m not going to defend her, I don’t care about what she thinks, tweets, farts or anything else.
The truth is that “crosshairs”, “targets” and those kinds of images have been part of our political dialogue for a long time.
People following twitter, facebook, myspace etc….that is all new and lends itself to fringe thinkers getting more coverage than they merit.
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
re 81: Bullshit. ‘Targetting’ your political opponent is very different than putting them in the crosshairs of a rifle.
Your game of equivalency is sad and tired. No one is buying it.
Who was yelling: “Kill him!!” about Obama at Palin poitical rallies — and who egged them on.
@81 I would say that words have both meaning and context. If an advertising firm is targeting new clients and have Nike in their crosshairs, I wouldn’t be too worried about a shooting rampage committed by an ad executive at Nike’s headquarters. On the other hand, a politician using such language in front of extremely angery voters who are packing heat within the present political environment is playing with fire. In the former context, the words present no danger. With the latter, very bad things can happen.
Words like targeting and crosshairs have been used in a political context for ages. People are correct when they say that Democrats have used these words in the last campaign. They target a district. They might have so and so in their crosshairs. But remember, these are Democrats we’re talking about now. There’s good reason why the right characterizes them as pussies who can’t handle a gun. It is a characterization of a generalised truth. The Democrats are such pussies today that to generate fear, the right has to dredge up 70 year-old weathermen and a couple of loony black guys calling themselves the “New” Black Panthers. You don’t see the Democratics with cartridge belts and AK-47’s at rallys. To point a finger at the Democrats and say they’re using the terminology in the same way is a false equivalency. They use those words as advertising agencies would. There is no implied threat with these words. They are not speaking in code. These words are not a means to instill fear and anger.
I will go further here and say the use of such words and terminology by right wing candidates is done quite deliberately and solely for the selfish interests of those individual politicians. It is done without regard for the greater good or even the possible physical harm that might befall their opponents.
Now we’ve seen carnage. This carnage has a political context if for no other reason than the prime target was a politician. Included in that carnage was a nine year-old girl whose hopes and dreams will never come true. She is gone from this world and a nation grieves. This is something we need to which we must give the deepest consideration. This is a time when we all need to calm down, start an open dialog and talk this through. Where have we gone wrong? What have we learned? If we can’t talk now, then when?
We must bring change to this political environment. If not for our own sakes, then we must do it for the sake of our children, for the sake of your own little girl.
Blue Johnspews:
I saw this go by,
If words don’t matter, why listen to the sermon at church?
Liberal Scientistspews:
@ above
Don’t know if you guys are still around…
I saw this on Lawyers, Guns, and Money, an admittedly leftist site, a discussion of rhetoric, and the essential relationship between the speaker and the audience – it very much matters who the audience is.
This gets to steve’s very good point just above – the difference between violent/gun-related imagery between left and right is that on the right, guns are a very very powerful fetish. Moreover, the language of fear of government and that the government is coming to take away your guns (“out of my cold, dead hands” – remember that?) pervades rightward discourse. There is already fear and suspicion, coupled with love of/possession of firearms and the idiom of necessary self-defense. That audience is ready to hear and act on exhortation to gun-centric self-defense.
I saw this on another blog (The excellent Movin’ Meat – written by an ER doc commenting on policy and anecdotes from the ER):
Sorry, friend, but the implicit threat of violence if the government oversteps its authority too far is the only thing that keeps the government in check.
That notion – that the only thing standing between ordinary citizens and a rapacious dictatorial government is an armed citizenry seems deeply embedded in the right’s psyche, and seems to me very very wrong. It seems illusory and childish, really – I’m reminded of when my older son, then about 6 or 7, took a toy gun to bed to protect himself from ghosts.
This fetishization of guns, and discussion of armed defense, of Glenn Beck claiming that “Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson” were going to keep the government from forcing him to get his kids vaccinated, of gun-owners having to brandish their toys at every public location and opportunity open to them, all seems very little-boy to me.
I think the way we keep our government responsive to our citizens is by participating in it. It is by not allowing it to be taken over by a small powerful elite. From my perspective, the capture of the government by the very wealthy, by the corporations is the huge threat to my liberty and well-being and ability to participate meaningfully. When government is only responsive to the Koch brothers, and Goldman-Sachs, and Lockheed-Martin, and that government has the resources that ours does – your basement armory is not going to protect your rights any more than my kids toy kept the ghosts away.
@84 “If words don’t matter”
The Palin paradox in a nutshell. Words are to be held blameless. But dare to criticize her and it’s dangerous “blood libel” and Beck jumps in advising her that she needs to ramp up her security.
You’ve got a wingnut, Puddy, who has completely lost it on the “Rhetoric” post comment section. Since the shooting in Arizona he has become seriously deranged and I suspect that he might now be a danger to himself and others. I thought you should know.
All these people have a point. From now on, I’m going to kiss every Republican I see!
@1 Have to agree with you…he seems to be spinning his wheels particularly furiously over this, and making less and less sense as he goes.
Hopefully, he’s getting rid of a sufficient amount of his inner torment by venting it here, instead of out there in the real world.
Rush Limbaugh,
I really don’t know what to say at this point. Maybe someone else can come up with the right words.
Since when does what Bill Maher have to say of any relevance to anything?
Christina Taylor Green. How could that man do that to her? She was just a kid. She had her whole life ahead of her. I just don’t understand. I don’t want to understand. God help us.
@ 6
Anyone who maliciously harms a child is a dangerous animal and probably should be dealt with as such.
That being said, it is likely that the shooter turned and just started spraying rounds around the area in his efforts to create the chaotic scene he wanted to see, and miss Green just happened to be in the path of the bullet. That makes the shooter a fucking nut in any case.
It is a fact that Arizona, just last October, cut all state funding to the State mental health system, making it an entirely local and private affair.
Excellent timing there, Ms. Brewer.
the guy was an over-the-cliff nutball….dont think anybody will ever understand, including the shrinks.
a bullet into the back of his head should solve the issue….there really is no reason to keep the guy alive, is there?
He really believes this shit Steve. He took #205 and #206 seriously. Sigh.
@9 I saw that. I asked him again to seek help. I know he won’t, but it’s all I can do.
@ Rujax! and Steve…
I am not 100% convinced ol’ Spudds isn’t just trolling for attention with a lot of the shit he says. Trolling is an art form in a lot of ways. He’s an idiot, sure. But he sure garners a lot of attention for himself with his diatribes. If that is the real goal, he’s done quite well for himself here.
Froggy…that thought has crossed my mind as well.
Stupid Solution Steve,
The Bill Maher show is more up Jared Lee Loughner’s political persuasion. LEFTIST.
Yeah right DeadToad. Where are your facts? Your mental disabilities are voluminous!
Oh my Stupid Solution Steve finally discusses the 9 year old. Took him long enough.
Tsk tsk tsk.
My mental disabilities aren’t being laid out for the whole world to speculate on there, Mr Spudds.
Correcting the LYING HA record leftist progressive projected by most of you since Saturday. It’s a yeoman’s job and Puddy is up to it. Puddy provides a buffet of FACTS, which the HA leftist progressives haven’t refuted!
Oh yes they are. You claimed you discussed Puddy with your mother. When confronted by Puddy about meeting your mother for lunch you ran like a cowardly dog. Puddy even said he’d include you.
I don’t care if you’re crazy or not. I’m sick and tired of your fucking bullshit.
ya think the half kike mahr would blame the kike made hollywood movies for influencing the kids of america to kill at 12 years old?
Then fucking tell the truth for a change Steve! Admit this fool was not inspired by Palin or Beck or Limbaugh. Admit your side always goes knee-jerk, and it’s downright ridiculous. The DLC map used bulleyes on Republicans, yet you are fucking silent Steve. You lost your foothold with reality!
Now we see Bernie Sanders trolling for money on the death of the 9-year old girl. That’s A-OK with you right Steve?
You goddamn son-of-a-bitch. My very first comment on this shooting was of my grief for that little girl. You go too far, you bastard. Take your crazy bullshit somewhere else.
Goldy, enough is enough. Man up and remove that foul bastard from this blog.
Puddy’s first comment asked will any leftist ask a prayer for those injured. There so you have it moron. Now who’s the BITCH again?
Not Puddy your honor! Correct.
@10-12: Which basically means putting him on ignore in either case.
My assessment is that, at least in this space, he’s depersonalized and OC. No art about it, he’s clearly sick.
Given that, it becomes about you (and me), not him:
At some point it becomes unethical to engage with a mentally ill person on a blog except to suggest psychiatric care.
You’re a god-damned idiot.
All you’ve proved is that you are a total fucking moron.
I mean it, Goldy. I’ve had it up to here with that SOB’s foul posts. I’m damned sure I’m not the only one. Get rid of him. Let this blog end without that bastard leaving his foul stench in these last comment threads.
Where did rujax offer a prayer for the dead and injured?
So STFU rujax! You went into attack mode.
@ Spudds
And just because your mom gave you a new dictionary for Christmas does not give you the right to continue to abuse the language the way you have been doing. You will never convince people of the veracity of your argument if you continue to dangle participles and mix metaphorical syllogisms like a drunk with twenty bottles of varying liquors with a teaspoon of booze in the bottom of each one.
language abuse, as you demonstrate it is:
Accidental, habitual (subconscious) or deliberate (conscious) use of language patterns that are non-specific and which either
a) do not relate directly to matters in the observable, tangible real world or
b) refer to such matters in an ambiguous or vague manner.
From Dan Scorpio. A man who has raised the art of mauling the lexicon to a high art form and devoted much of his study to the results.
Seems to me thats you in a nutshell there, Spudds.
@11 I’m afraid that I’m about to get mean.
Goldy, dammit, let this blog end without that stupid SOB shitting all over these final threads.
A troll banishing post WOULD be a great idea Steve. Roasting all the bastards one more time.
@ Spuddy
I didn’t run. I ignored the offer. My mother spent 35 years dealing with crazy people and didn’t make much money doing it. She’s old and tired, and has had enough stress inflicted on her by dealing with other peoples madness. She raised three boys, and we weren’t always that nice to her growing up. She tamed a Vietnam veteran, and that took the better part of 25 years. Believe me, the man needed taming.
She needs the rest.
Steve, Here are the three threads presented by Goldy you dumb ASS. And here are your first comments.
Sadly your first comment in any of those threads didn’t mention any sympathy or sadness for the 9 year dead girl. Try again ASShole!
72. Steve spews:
@71 I’d guess that he’s refered to himself in the third person roughly 150,000 times. Nothing crazy about that! heh-
01/09/2011 at 12:44 pm
91. Steve spews:
@87 Puddy also repeatedly told us that the woman in Kentucky who was curb-stomped had it coming to her.
01/09/2011 at 2:05 pm
181. Steve spews:
@180 Here’s a timeline summary with links of the rise in right-wing violence and rhetoric.
@178 and 179
Go fuck yourself.
01/10/2011 at 8:47 am
So if Puddy missed it, present it or take your above advice on 01/10/2011 and start now!
Goldy, enough is enough. Man up and remove that foul bastard from this blog.
for christ sakes steve, he should ban me before puddy
Oh DeadToad, Puddy would love to meet jo mama. Puddy would want to understand how your liberalism came to be. Puddy will answer any question she asks.
If this is becoming a vote thing, I say let Spudds stay. A good threadshitter is always useful when generating discourse. I don’t think he’s gone too far in the way that maniac did a couple weeks ago.
To me, it’s a form of comic relief. It generates dialog and enhances the lifespan of the thread.
“Puddy’s first comment asked will any leftist ask a prayer for those injured.”
We don’t run our prayers through you, you fucking SOB. My prayers for that little girl and the other victims of that bastard are to God. They have nothing the fuck to do with you. Do you fucking understand? DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND??
and this shit blog ends its life where it started, in the gutter. as joe p kennedy said “jews ruin everything they touch”.
MOT, you’re trying too hard.
We already know you’re an asshole.
My my my, this is Stupid Solution Steve…
Oopsie Puddy sees it wasn’t. Somehow when Puddy mentioned something like this which you just farted
You went APESHIT. Wanna see those comments next?
So you scumbag liberal bastard, when caught by your own words the pink lace panties get all twisted around your shrunken scrote. EPIC FAIL! You’ve gone off the deep end.
Come on rujax, stand up for Stupid Solution Steve. Oops, his comments don’t measure up to the bluster.
So Goldy yeah, ban Stupid Solution Steve. He’s too moronic for a leftist poster.
Fuck, Puddy…give it a rest.
Why rujax… Steve made some interesting suggestions and accusations. Puddy just CLEARING the air about his postings. If Puddy gonna get the boot Puddy will demonstrate the silliness of Steve.
If you just ignore him / his OC isn’t reinforced, he’ll eventually go away. I do get your desire to have shit free threads though, Steve.
And for once I agree with the girly_man_who_lies: he is orders of magnitude more despicable and therefore bannable than Pudpuller.
Especially from Goldy’s point of view.
OTOH, I suppose it serves some public purpose to have it known that racist, anti-semite scum live amongst us.
you guys crack me up.
MOT, you’re trying too hard.
We already know you’re an asshole.
deathfrogg, the problem is, its getting harder and harder to get these guys going. they’re either ignoring me or just numb to antisemitic, lunatic ravings.
@ 43
Perhaps it is an effect of immunization. I think that, in the light of current events and a long history of dealing with prejudice and intolerance, it is no longer considered very serious in the light of the current venue.
Now, if you were to say such things in a primarily Jewish forum, or over at ADL, you would be taken more seriously. Likewise you would get a lot of moral support and agreeable dialog at some place like Stormfront.
It depends on what you’re after I suppose. Everyone trolls on occasion. And most people presume a troll when the posts are most atavistic.
So, if you’re not trolling, you are an asshole. If you are, well its a shrug. There are other, more vehemently idiotic imbeciles to deal with in this place.
You know, there was a thread earlier today – I forget which one (I had a few too many tonight at How to Cook a Wolf) in which a number of sane commenters discussed a topic. With civility. And rationality. And logic. It was refreshing.
Puddy does several things here – foremost is to draw attention to himself. Then incite incredulity, then anger, then exhaustion.
He draws us all into his crazy – whether an act or not, it doesn’t matter – the point is that he draws the whole thread into orbit around his shit. At first it seems like a real argument, but as I’ve said before, there’s no there there. He’ll never be convinced, he’ll never provide a coherent, consistent argument or position, he’ll only drop his “FACTS” and his taunts. It’s performance art in the service of his personality disorder.
I’m not sure if banning is appropriate – I’m in agreement with strict freedom of speech rights – and so banning him is a failure in a way, but also makes him a martyr, though I do long ofr a facebook-like feature where I could click and make his posts disappear.
As I’ve said before, I’ve tried to take him seriously and to engage him on the level and earnestly, and he’s dishonest and delusional and refuses to really debate. He needs to be ignored. And medicated. Perhaps a Haldol dart gun.
Generally, I’d agree with you, but I think Maher nailed this one.
There Lib Unscientist goes again. Prove how Puddy didn’t produce FACTUAL data. Show everyone how you refuted Puddy’s DATA! All you do is come on a thread and shoot blanks.
So PROVE IT! Be a man Lib Unscientist. Deliver the “scientific proof”!
Hmmm…? Seems that medication is for you Lib Unscientist. Better up the dose from once a month to biweekly!
@41 I had to step away from this. I know that the little girl’s death has hit me hard, as it has for so many others. For me she is the face of this tragedy. I know I am not singular in this regard. I called a best friend in Tuscon this evening and we were able to talk and the hurt finally came to the surface and broke through for both of us. I’d have given my life for that kid and yet I’ve been so powerless to do anything. It’s that powerlessness that is maddening. I’d pray that God take me instead but it’s just too late. She’s gone. Funny how that is, a kid I never knew and will never know has touched my life in a most remarkable way and now I’ll never forget her.
She’s gone. Funny how that is, a kid I never knew and will never know has touched my life in a most remarkable way and now I’ll never forget her.
steve, would you have felt the same way if one of bill ayers bombs had killed a little girl?
And Who Said:
If they bring a Knife to the fight, we bring a gun
If they want to watch from the back of the bus they can
Talk about rhetoric
Kanjorski said this about Florida’s new Republican Governor Rick Scott on October 23:
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
“That Scott down there that’s running for governor of Florida,” Mr. Kanjorski said. “Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he’s running for governor of Florida. He’s a millionaire and a billionaire. He’s no hero. He’s a damn crook. It’s just we don’t prosecute big crooks.”
Oh Please media, do not talk about libs envoking the use of inflamatory verbage.
@ 52
I would make an exception for that guy anyway. He defrauded the Federal Government to the tune of nearly $30 billion, and had to only pay back pennies on the dollar. He got to keep the rest. His friends in the White House helped pay for his legal bills for chrissake.
Simply because he had contributed to so many GOP campaigns around the country. He was one of GW Bush’s largest contributors, and a close personal friend of Dick Cheney.
The man should have been sentenced to life in Prison at the very minimum, and the Death penalty wouldn’t have been too harsh. Real prison, not the goddamn country clubs you wingers are so fond of building for your friends, with tennis courts, swimming pools and unlimited access to telephones, media and visits from family members. Some of those guys even get fucking vacation time.
“would you have felt the same way if one of bill ayers bombs had killed a little girl?”
You ask respectfully so I wll give you a respectful answer.
Of course I would have.
Now let me ask you something. Do you understand that all the Weathermen could have fit in my living room with room to spare for all the eco-terrorists and the entire Symbionese Liberation Army? The Oregon anarchists, they who see fit to shit on floors, would probably fit in there as well. Those were not and are not movements. They were very small groups of radicals, rejected by the progressives. The only people blown up by Weathermen bombs were themselves. That was no loss to me. The SLA got what they had coming to them. If the anarchists had died at WTO at the hands of Seattle’s street thugs, as my darkest thoughts wished, I would not have shed a single tear. Instead, the thugs joined them in trashing my city. I was so angry at the time at what I saw, I could have lined all of them, thugs and anarchists, against a wall and shot the lot of them.
I utterly reject extremists of any stripe. As I’ve said many times before, there are commies to my left and fascists to my right, and I don’t cotton to either of them.
@52 I reject the violent rhetoric. I might have expressed it this way,
“That Scott down there that’s running for governor of Florida,” Mr. Kanjorski said. “Instead of running for governor of Florida, he should be in prison. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he’s running for governor of Florida. He’s no hero. He’s a damn crook.”
Now I ask you, what type of rhetoric do you hear from the right that you will denounce?
Sarah Palin, in responding to criticism of her use of violent rhetoric and imagery, accusses her critics of “blood libel”.
From Wiki,
@45: I agree with liberal scientist. When I have taken the time to refute Puddy’s so-called facts (actually, most of his crap is standard right wing memes copied from other rightwingnut sites or improperly understood links that don’t say what he thinks they do) he switches his argument, brings up irrelevant “counter-examples”, calls me names or runs away. Puddy is incapabable of admitting being wrong and argues like athird grader. I am embarassed for him. Puddy does not really seek to enlighten or reach any kind of agreement – his goal is to prove he is superior to “liberals” and to call them stupid. Failing that, Puddy will just incite an argument or call people stupid.
Unfortunately for Puddy, he is clearly limited in intellectual capacity and engages in ad hominen attacks and fails to back up what he says – an intellectual bankruptcy that runs througout his comments. I am not sure if that is because of his over-sized ego or if that is simple a persona or game he plays. Either way, Puddy is not worthy of being taken seriously as a real commentator on politics who actually wants to engage in discourse.
Until she cleared it up for me I had no idea that Sarah Palin was the real victim of Saturday’s violence.
Until she cleared it up for me I had no idea that Palin’s critics are all Jews who dine on the blood of Christian children.
Sarah Palin. What a cunt.
@18 This has got to be one of the best posts ever in the HA comment threads.
Puddy’s comments are so consistently incoherent the guy’s absolutely got to be on drugs.
@32 Geez, if you want to volunteer for something, join the Army and go to Afghanistan so my niece can come home early.
@33 “Puddy would want to understand how your liberalism came to be.”
You will NEVER understand why liberals are liberals. You’re incapable.
Although my religious upbringing was nativistic, knowing what I know about Christianity, I’m gonna get down on my paws and pray for Puddy to get Salvation asap. It’s our best hope.
@45 “I do long ofr a facebook-like feature where I could click and make his posts disappear”
I usually scroll right past his comments. Puddy is the antithesis of pithy. It takes him forever to insult someone. It’s like waiting so long in the airport bathroom line for the guy in the stall to take a shit that you give up and go board your plane.
@50 Bill Ayers is a criminal who went free because of prosecutorial incompetence. But he and his pals never targeted human beings, much less kids. They bombed unoccupied government buildings to protest government bombs falling on occupied Vietnamese villages. I’m not defending the guy. But there’s no comparison between him and the monster who waded into a crowd in Tucson spraying bullets into a mass of human beings.
@54 “You ask respectfully so I wll give you a respectful answer.”
You’re giving that troll credit he doesn’t deserve.
@57 I think puddy is just trying to bring this blog to its knees by clogging the comment threads with JCR-type gibberish.
There, I said it, I compared puddy to a banned troll.
I feel the same way with regards to this tragedy. My daughter is 8yo. Kind of hits home.
My heart is breaking for all the victims, especially the family of the little girl. Her whole life ahead of her…..F’ing senseless.
The problem, and most frustrating situation, IMO is that we want to understand why, assign blame and feel like we are safe again….The facts are, again IMO, that we won’t know what his fixation was with the congess woman. We can’t understand his motivation, who could? That leaves us feeling a little bit vulnerable to the reality that it can happen anytime, anyplace, anywhere. I’m sad and angry at the same time about what happened….I’m saddened that all the comments back and forth are really pointless and miss the point.
We are all Americans who love freedom and the opportunity that every new day brings to us.
Thanks Steve for understanding and expressing much of what I’ve been feeling.
That vulnerability is immensely magnified by the fact that firearms are so widespread and easily obtainable, even by the delusional.
I agree that affixing blame for a senseless tragedy is a means of restoring to people a sense of security; that which we don’t understand frightens us. Nonetheless, regardless of the possible causal relationship between violent political chatter and what happened in Tucson, is this not an opportune time to talk about whether the nature of contemporary political dialogue in this country is healthy for our democracy?
“Until she cleared it up for me I had no idea that Palin’s critics are all Jews who dine on the blood of Christian children.”
Uh Stevo you’ve got that ass-backwards, Palin wasn’t saying that all of here critics are Jews, she was saying that her critics are behaving like people spreading a blood libel.
I think that it’s always a good idea to look at the health of our democracy. I have to say that I think that the only REAL difference in the nature of political discourse in this country now, compared to the past, is how fast and accessible information is to everyone. I think that there have always been extremes and fringes. They get more “play” these days because of the speed and access of media.
@73 LS
I’m afraid I fall on the other side of that one.
If it’s not a legal gun, then it’s an illegal one..or a car, or a bomb, or a knife, bat, pipe, club etc etc etc…
Look at all the “security” put in place because of 9/11, yet it does nothing to make us safer when we fly…IMO…Ditto with gun control.
RS @ 76
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’ve made the same point many times–the internet permits fringies to tag up with other fringies, then they start thinking they’re a force. Not much to be done about that, however.
I’ll say what I’ve said several times before, Right Stuff, you’re not a bad fellow at all in my book.
@75 Your comment is well taken. I was being facetious – a poor attempt at humor. But I understand that it might not have come across that way.
Right stuff @76
Gabrielle in her own words:
“Are you afraid? Are you fearful today?”
“You know, I’m not. We’ve had hundreds and hundreds of protesters over the course of the last several months. Our office corner has become a place where the Tea Party has congregated. And the rhetoric has become incredibly heated. Not just the calls, but the emails, the slurs. So things have really gotten spun up. But you gotta think about it. Our democracy is a light, a beacon really around the world because we effect change at the ballot box, and not because of these outbursts — of violence in certain cases, and the yelling, and it’s just … you know, change is important, it’s a part of our process, but it’s really important that we focus on the fact that we have a democratic process.”
“I think it’s important for all leaders, not just leaders of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party … community leaders, figures in our community to say, ‘Look, we can’t stand for this.’ I mean, this is a situation where people really need to realize that this rhetoric, and firing people up, and even things … For example, we’re on Sarah Palin’s targeted list, but the way she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district. And when people do that, they’ve gotta realize that there’s consequences to that action.”
“In the years that some of my colleagues have served, twenty, thirty years, they’ve never seen it like this. We have to work out our problems by negotiating, working together, hopefully Democrats and Republicans.”
–Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, March 25, 2010.
What is your point? Do you blame SP for what happened?
I’m not going to defend her, I don’t care about what she thinks, tweets, farts or anything else.
The truth is that “crosshairs”, “targets” and those kinds of images have been part of our political dialogue for a long time.
People following twitter, facebook, myspace etc….that is all new and lends itself to fringe thinkers getting more coverage than they merit.
re 81: Bullshit. ‘Targetting’ your political opponent is very different than putting them in the crosshairs of a rifle.
Your game of equivalency is sad and tired. No one is buying it.
Who was yelling: “Kill him!!” about Obama at Palin poitical rallies — and who egged them on.
@81 I would say that words have both meaning and context. If an advertising firm is targeting new clients and have Nike in their crosshairs, I wouldn’t be too worried about a shooting rampage committed by an ad executive at Nike’s headquarters. On the other hand, a politician using such language in front of extremely angery voters who are packing heat within the present political environment is playing with fire. In the former context, the words present no danger. With the latter, very bad things can happen.
Words like targeting and crosshairs have been used in a political context for ages. People are correct when they say that Democrats have used these words in the last campaign. They target a district. They might have so and so in their crosshairs. But remember, these are Democrats we’re talking about now. There’s good reason why the right characterizes them as pussies who can’t handle a gun. It is a characterization of a generalised truth. The Democrats are such pussies today that to generate fear, the right has to dredge up 70 year-old weathermen and a couple of loony black guys calling themselves the “New” Black Panthers. You don’t see the Democratics with cartridge belts and AK-47’s at rallys. To point a finger at the Democrats and say they’re using the terminology in the same way is a false equivalency. They use those words as advertising agencies would. There is no implied threat with these words. They are not speaking in code. These words are not a means to instill fear and anger.
I will go further here and say the use of such words and terminology by right wing candidates is done quite deliberately and solely for the selfish interests of those individual politicians. It is done without regard for the greater good or even the possible physical harm that might befall their opponents.
Now we’ve seen carnage. This carnage has a political context if for no other reason than the prime target was a politician. Included in that carnage was a nine year-old girl whose hopes and dreams will never come true. She is gone from this world and a nation grieves. This is something we need to which we must give the deepest consideration. This is a time when we all need to calm down, start an open dialog and talk this through. Where have we gone wrong? What have we learned? If we can’t talk now, then when?
We must bring change to this political environment. If not for our own sakes, then we must do it for the sake of our children, for the sake of your own little girl.
I saw this go by,
@ above
Don’t know if you guys are still around…
I saw this on Lawyers, Guns, and Money, an admittedly leftist site, a discussion of rhetoric, and the essential relationship between the speaker and the audience – it very much matters who the audience is.
This gets to steve’s very good point just above – the difference between violent/gun-related imagery between left and right is that on the right, guns are a very very powerful fetish. Moreover, the language of fear of government and that the government is coming to take away your guns (“out of my cold, dead hands” – remember that?) pervades rightward discourse. There is already fear and suspicion, coupled with love of/possession of firearms and the idiom of necessary self-defense. That audience is ready to hear and act on exhortation to gun-centric self-defense.
I saw this on another blog (The excellent Movin’ Meat – written by an ER doc commenting on policy and anecdotes from the ER):
That notion – that the only thing standing between ordinary citizens and a rapacious dictatorial government is an armed citizenry seems deeply embedded in the right’s psyche, and seems to me very very wrong. It seems illusory and childish, really – I’m reminded of when my older son, then about 6 or 7, took a toy gun to bed to protect himself from ghosts.
This fetishization of guns, and discussion of armed defense, of Glenn Beck claiming that “Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson” were going to keep the government from forcing him to get his kids vaccinated, of gun-owners having to brandish their toys at every public location and opportunity open to them, all seems very little-boy to me.
I think the way we keep our government responsive to our citizens is by participating in it. It is by not allowing it to be taken over by a small powerful elite. From my perspective, the capture of the government by the very wealthy, by the corporations is the huge threat to my liberty and well-being and ability to participate meaningfully. When government is only responsive to the Koch brothers, and Goldman-Sachs, and Lockheed-Martin, and that government has the resources that ours does – your basement armory is not going to protect your rights any more than my kids toy kept the ghosts away.
@84 “If words don’t matter”
The Palin paradox in a nutshell. Words are to be held blameless. But dare to criticize her and it’s dangerous “blood libel” and Beck jumps in advising her that she needs to ramp up her security.