– Oh hey, public pressure might have actually done something to stop the Arctic drilling fleet from coming to Seattle.
– I never drank as much as the author of this piece, but I can definitely relate to being one of the few non-drinkers by choice at a party.
– I’ve walked there a bunch, but it’ll be nice to try out the bike path is open at Mercer.
– I don’t really follow Canadian politics but it was explained to me at Drinking Liberally that Canada’s Texas just elected a bunch of commies.
– On busing and birthday parties (or, My brief encounter with a bus goddess)
I’ve no idea what’s going on in Alberta, but I’ve heard reports that a priest was seen administering last rites to Keystone XL there.
“Oh Canada!”
Some analysts suggest that Canada’s oil sands are only profitable at around $100/barrel. Currently it’s hovering around $70.
Will be interesting to see what the shakout and what effect on Keystone the New Democrats focus on Green Economics will be.
Oh, and BTW, a town in North Dakota had to be evacuated because an oil train derailed. But it was a small town so no biggie. It’s not like they have Stadia right next to the tracks.
Has Sawant taken her employees to W2 status yet to pay insurance, social security, and medicare payments?
@3 I’m glad you mentioned the subject of employees, because I was just thinking about it! Some Republicans think workers should subsist on below-subsistence wages. How, they don’t explain. Then there’s a group of slightly more practical Republicans who oppose increasing the minimum wage but concede, in principle at least, that low Republican wages should be supplemented with food stamps. A subset of this group wants to pass laws limiting what low-wage workers can spend their food stamps on — i.e., only bread and water. I suspect the workers would rather get a living wage they can spend as they choose. Finally, while no Republicans support paying living wages (because they’re the ones who would have to pay it), the most progressive group of Republicans support the government paying their workers for them, through a variety of devices that include not only food stamps but also Earned Income Credit, tax credits for employers, etc. A common thread runs through all of these Republicans’ thinking though: Employers shouldn’t have to pay for labor. Either workers should work for free, or government should pay them. The latter is made acceptable, of course, by the Republican tax schemes that would require wage earners to pay all the taxes, i.e. no taxation of estates, gifts, capital gains, dividends, rents, interest income, etc. Thus, in Wingnut World, you would work and pay taxes to pay yourself, and your employer wouldn’t pay anything for your labor.
You are kidding me, right FuckPuff. What does that have to do with your atupid article. Remember when you compare something it has to be comparable, like bananas to bananas.
You should sue any educators that tried to educate you, not their fault, but you failed.
Can anyone else take the time to explain to the fucking moron what he’s not getting. Refer to drinking liberally thread.
Puffy you have to be the biggest fucking idiot living. In stead of ape maybe I’ll call you a fucking cockroach instead.
Roger do you want to give it a shot, or would you rather not lose any brain cells trying to get it through his thick fucking skull, if you can get passed that he’s just fucking playing games here, he has nothing else to offer
It’s interesting that Jeb is dead-last in the new Iowa polls. He’s clearly the preferred candidate of Wall Street and the GOP establishment, but he’s looking more and more like a tough sell to the GOP base. Iowa isn’t the be-all and end-all of the GOP primary race, of course, but let’s suppose Jeb isn’t the nominee. Then what?
At this point, there are really only three GOP contenders. If not Bush, then the nominee likely would be either Walker or Rubio, but Rubio is more likely to end up on the ticket as #2, a spot I think he’d take because when Jeb or Walker loses to Hillary, he’ll automatically become the GOP frontrunner for the next cycle. So we could be looking at a Walker-Rubio ticket on the GOP side.
Hillary obviously is going to be the Democratic nominee and next president, but who will succeed Biden as vice president? Might we see a Hillary-Elizabeth ticket? Possible, but I doubt it, I don’t think Hillary wants such a strong rival on her ticket nor do I think Warren would give up her Senate seat for a dead-end ceremonial job exerting little or no influence over the policies of Hillary’s administration. Hillary might pick Amy Klobuchar or reach into the ranks of Democratic governors. I can’t think of an obvious choice for the Democratic #2 right now.
@6 I don’t know what to say to someone who goes to a job instead of rolling around in the grass like I do. Working is the worst way of making money there is. How in hell do you expect me to explain the S&P 500 to a friggin’ employee? If he doesn’t get capitalism by now, he never will.
.@GoldyHA asks you to marvel at the stupidity of @worstall. Do min wage workers spend just 15% of their income? http://bit.ly/1zyJ5tk
Retweeted by Goldy
I'll ask you to marvel at the stupidity of Goldy, who fails to note the word 'of' in the sentence to which he takes exception.
Here's more of Worstall's text, which some billionaire paid Goldy to turn into a blog post:
There’s a variety of reasons put forward, from the nonsensical (employers make so much profit they can just take the cash from there) to the simply wrong (if the poor have more money then they’ll spend it and this boosts the total economy. True, but given the marginal propensity to spend of perhaps 15% this isn’t large enough to have the claimed effect) to the truly delusional (raising waiters’ pay will mean that waiters spend more in restaurants meaning larger profits for restaurants).
The author wasn’t stating that minimum wage earners spend 15%, as Goldy would have you believe. He was stating that the lower earners in his example comprise 15% of some population. What population? Well, I don’t know exactly, since it isn’t stated, but 15% of Americans
are poor, so maybe he was using that figure.
What Worstall was not stating, to the reader who focuses on all words in his sentence, is that minimum wage workers spend 15%.
It’s an Emily Litella moment for Goldstein.
Perhaps when Goldy is done apologizing to Councilmember Sally Bagshaw for falsely accusing her of slander, he can send an apology to Mr. Worstall as well.
“So we could be looking at a Walker-Rubio ticket on the GOP side.”
“I can’t think of an obvious choice for the Democratic #2 right now.”
I’d be thinking young male Hispanic, like Julian Castro, former three-term mayor of San Antonio, or his brother, Rep. Joaquín Castro.
Thanks for the article on drinking. I liked it because it shows someone that is self aware and making choices regarding their quality of life. Alcohol is not for everyone.
@ 7,10
On the GOP side, in addition to Cruz and Rubio, Jeb Bush speaks fluent Spanish, is married to a Mexican-born woman, and has other ties to the Spanish-speaking community – check out his Cinco de Mayo video. He doesn’t need to eat at Chipotle to get his point across to them. If the nominee is other than one of these three (or even if it is one of these three), Susanna Martinez becomes a very attractive VP candidate.
On the Dem side, if it’s Hillary in the top spot, one would think it’s gotta be someone appealing directly to the minority group they can’t afford to lose in the VP slot.
Julian Castro was picked for the HUD slot for a specific reason. It’s not because he is the best man for the job. It’s to give him national exposure.
And because there is no way in hell, after what he did to her in 2008, that Hillary is going to tap
JudasBill Richardson for the VP slot.@ 9
More on Worstall/Goldy:
Here’s Worstall a year ago stating that the poor would spend all of an increase in money paid to them:
Richer people tend to save some part of their income, poorer people tend to spend it all. This is the very thing that Reich is referring to. But richer people do not save all of their extra income: the general estimate is that 15% of higher incomes are saved/invested. So, if we take that money off people and give it to poorer people who will spend all of it we don’t get an increase in demand of 100% of the money we’ve moved around. We get an increase in demand of 15% of the money we’ve moved around. Which, even at this absurd level of $15 an hour isn’t going to be enough to produce any noticeable change in the level of demand: not in a $15 trillion economy it won’t be.
Here’s Worstall using language similar to that in the text quoted in @9:
As basic background there are two effects of a minimum wage. There is, as Hanauer says, the movement of money towards lowly paid people. Clearly and obviously this does happen: it’s the very point of such a minimum wage. Given the different marginal propensities to consume and or save of people with high and low incomes this will indeed lead to less saving and more consumption.
There’s that vexing word ‘of’ again, followed by reference to groups of people rather than a numerical figure, just as Worstall wrote @9.
Why would Worstall state that the poor spend all of their income in 2014, only to state just a year later that they spend only 15%?, Goldy might have wondered.
Might have.
bickle is trying so hard to find that Worstall is correct about something, is someone trying to gore his sacred cow?
Some Republicans think workers should subsist on below-subsistence wages.
Puddy will do you one better IDIOT Savant money grubbing Wabbit.
Some Local Legislators think workers should subsist on below-subsistence benefits. So if the get injured they pay for it our of their pocket. When they get older the social security payments will be reduced because these 1099 paid years don’t get the special employer paid benefits. The 1099 person has to take their funds and pay both halves. This local legislator is roundly cheered on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Yup, that’s why I’m here, Better. That’s why I read all this posted HA material, and actually go through Goldy’s tweets and follow the links.
To prop up Worstall.
Last week I propped up Sally Bagshaw.
the Standard & Poor’s 500
You are kidding me, right Puddy the Great. What does that have to do with your atupid (read wonderful) article.
Well teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, If you looked at the link… http://horsesass.org/drinking-.....nt-1286001
Right at the top of the article it says
Meanwhile Guvnur Andrew Cuomo’s little bro got his ASS handed to him… https://twitter.com/ChrisCuomo/status/595934009764487168
Can you say rakeface?
Last week Goldy tweeted out 2008 Koch Brothers stuff debunked by a libtard in 2011. Seems if it’s left wrong jump on it!
@ 19
Possibilities, more than one of which may apply:
1. Low oxygen content in the air on the 28th floor.
2. Neurotoxicity associated with smoke inhaled while in the presence of billionaires using $100 bills to light
stogiesbongs.3. Few people see the downpage comments or blog post corrections made days later.
4. He’s not paid to be accurate and/or complete. He’s paid to push an agenda.
5. Turns out edited copy is sometimes more accurate than unedited copy. Who knew?
Worstal is still wrong and ‘boob’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists is still a greedy asshole.
What trap NBC? http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-th.....es-n354541
Who writes immigration law Hillary? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/72/5a/03/725a03ecd72bc9c5c794f50440cdb1d8.jpg
Not you! Why do you think the fed court ruled against Obummer? Now we are waiting for the SCOTUS on this.
@12 You call Goldy stupid, then write a post like this? How does speaking Spanish get Jeb out of the cellar in Iowa? What moron would write, “if it’s Hillary in the top spot”? Sheesh.
@16 That’s fine, edit Goldy’s stuff and keep him honest, somebody’s gotta do it — although you’re no Max Perkins.
@ 23
How does any of that restore Goldy’s accuracy?
@20 Who knows what toxic shit is in the ink used to print $100 bills? These days, the ink for $100 bills probably comes from China, where everything is toxic.
@25 Where did I say it does? I didn’t endorse what he wrote. I haven’t even read it yet. But let me play along with you for a minute, and let’s assume (hypothetically) that Goldy wrote something stupid, and then you write something stupid, in that case, which for you is the best case scenario, in that case two stupids don’t make a smart — get my drift?
@ 24, 27
Fair enough.
@ 23
How does speaking Spanish get Jeb out of the cellar in Iowa?
I don’t think Bush is all that concerned about Iowa.
Bush declines invitation to speak at immigration hard-liner’s Iowa summit
If Seattle is experiencing a housing crisis, I’m somewhat insulated from it, because I’m safely tucked away in my paid-for burrow. I don’t even know what mortgage rates are, because I don’t have a mortgage. I don’t know what rents are, either, because I don’t pay rent. However, I’m picking up vibes in various quarters that (1) a lot of people are moving to Seattle, (2) there’s not enough housing, (3) rents are soaring, and (4) there’s a shortage of homes for sale and a buying frenzy in the local real estate market.
For example, today’s Seattle Times has a frontpage story about a nondescript working-class house in Ballard with 3 bedrooms and a 1-car garage that was listed for $559,000 and sold for $717,000.
The same article says the median sale price for King County homes hit $480,000, the same as July 2007, and up 9% from a month ago. Anecdotally, a burrow next to mine was listed a couple weeks ago for $495,000 and sold the same day.
Within housing costs like that it’s obvious a $15 minimum wage won’t cut it and workers earning only $15 won’t be able to live in this city and employers paying only $15 won’t be able to hire workers. It seems $100,000 a year is an ordinary income around here. The way things are going the working class will need a minimum wage of $25 just to make rent.
@17 you are an idiot. What does the S&P 500 have any bearing on the data? And I’m not questioning the data. What I am questioning is the comparison being made with 21 female CEO’s against 433 male CEO’s. But you obviously are too stupid to understand, you must have only been taught religion and no math.
Furthermore the article compares CEO compensation only, so althought the data expressed in the article, regardless of its false comparison, isn’t representative to other fields and occupations. What kind of stupid sampling is that. Great, as the article stated the average compensation of 21 female CEO, as per S&P 500, is a greater percentage of that of 433 male CEO’s. It means nothing and doesn’t represent anything other than that, beyond not being an accurate comparison.
I know your little pea brain can’t comprehend that, so let’s leave it at that. But I know you won’t, and you will reply with something very stupid that has no bearing on your point, similar to the stupid article you posted.
Keep playing a fucking game you loser.
This is a blue-state vote.
LANSING — Proposal 1, likely one of the most complicated and confusing questions ever placed on a Michigan ballot, was soundly rejected Tuesday as many voters expressed anger at lawmakers and state government for failing to come up with a better solution to the sorry state of the roads.
With all counties reporting, 1.4 million Michiganders voted no on Proposal 1 while less than 351,000 voted yes, according to the Michigan Secretary of State’s office. The 80-20 rejection was the most one-sided loss ever for a proposed amendment to the state constitution of 1963, records show.
It probably wasn’t because what the voters REALLY wanted was a higher state income tax, either.
80-20. Ouch.
@31 correction, the article didn’t state percentages. It stated that the average of 20 people’s pay was greater than the average of 433 people’s pay. Duhhhhh. The stupidity of the article is still the same. In no way does this at all indicate that women make less than men, or as the article infers that women make more than men.
Puffy you lose!
Maybe Puffy you take one female ceo’s pay and compare it to all the male janitors out there and then come to the conclusion that women make more than men.
You sir, are a fucking idiot. Even Boob knows it, and plays along with you too.
@32 you are starting to think like Puffy.
Once again all can see the stoooooooooooopidity of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! The First line has the Standard and Poor’s identification and what does the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla do?
Nothing intelligent! HAHAHAHAHA! A true waste of oxygen!
How can you call Michigan a blue state when it has a Republican Gov. Rick Snyder and the GOP-controlled Legislature. it’s a swing state at best.
Prop 1 was amazing complicated.
“Compounding the voter dissatisfaction, most of the details weren’t spelled out in the ballot language. Passage of Proposal 1 would have triggered into law 10 bills that the Legislature passed during an all-night, lame-duck session in December and tied to the success or failure of the constitutional amendment that went before voters.”
Can you blame them? Like the TPP, the voters don’t’ want to vote for something without knowing what it is.
“House Minority Leader Tim Greimel, D-Auburn Hills, said voters were skeptical about having their taxes increased to fix the roads after watching Snyder and the Legislature approve corporate tax cuts of more than $2 billion a year since 2011.”
“More than one in three voters — 37%– said they think the state can raise the needed money solely by cutting existing programs and services. Another 35% said it would be necessary to raise taxes and/or fees, while another 10% said a combination of cuts and new taxes would be needed.
But asked about specific cuts, 88% said they opposed major cuts to K-12 schools to pay for roads; 86% opposed big cuts in support for health care for the poor, elderly, disabled and children; 76% opposed major cuts to public safety; and 63% opposed big cuts to colleges and universities.
Of the respondents, 40% identified as Democrats, 38% as Republicans, and 22% as Independents or something else.”
So, Dems say they should raise taxes, repubs think they should cut services but nobody wants the services they use to be cut. Guess things will stay log jammed till one party or another gets a majority some day. Why would either party compromise?
the albany project @albanyproject
Breaking: Cuomo will create Labor board to investigate fast food wages. http://thealbanyproject.com/cu.....ood-wages/ … #FightFor15 pic.twitter.com/fnsrmQwmP7
Retweeted by Goldy
In other breaking news, the sun rose in the east today.
Google ‘Cuomo creates task force’.
Cuomo probably creates one for something nearly as often as he wipes his ass.
A recent example:
NYLCV @nylcv
Cuomo creates taskforce to develop a pollinator protection plan to promote the health & recovery of bees: http://ow.ly/M2fcQ
12:00 PM – 24 Apr 2015
Anything to distract from the fingers increasingly pointed toward Cuomo himself for various alleged misdeeds.
Albany shivers after Bharara flips a major donor
Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, has benefited the most, taking in $1.45 million for his campaign committee and the soft money account he controls at the Democratic State Committee. Glenwood is also the largest donor to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Tom DiNapoli, both Democrats.
“They are equal opportunity givers,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of the good-government group Common Cause. “They have used the L.L.C. loophole for the benefit of the governor, and various committees and other legislators. I don’t believe there is anybody they don’t contribute to in some way.”
Spokesmen for Cuomo declined to comment.
Finally, far more notable than the issues Cuomo’s various lackeys will investigate investigate are the ones they won’t:
Cuomo’s anti-corruption panel stops at investigating his own Democratic party
ALBANY — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s anti-corruption commission killed a subpoena to the state Democratic Party that he controls, the Daily News has learned.
Sources said the subpoena sought to seek information on the party’s spending from its “housekeeping” account — which raised millions this year used to fund ads promoting Cuomo’s legislative agenda.
William Fitzpatrick, the commission’s co-chairman, informed panel members at a private meeting last week that the subpoena was never sent.
@ 36
Six straight presidential elections in which Michigan went blue.
Obama won in 2012 by 9.5%.
Detroit seem red to you? How about those auto manufacturing unions?
Now here’s a big challenge.
Perry To Texas: Stop Being Insane http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....e=politics
Puffy what does S&P500 say about this?
More Americans Are Comfortable With A Gay Presidential Candidate Than With An Evangelical One http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....16448.html
@32 “This is a blue-state vote.”
Last I heard, Michigan has a Republican governor and large Republican majorities in both houses of its legislature. When did it turn blue?
@38 Six straight presidential elections in which the GOP candidates were so bad even a state with a Republican governor and Republican legislature gave its electoral votes for the Democrat.
@ 42
Last I heard, Michigan has a Republican governor and large Republican majorities in both houses of its legislature. When did it turn blue?
Said Mitt Romney to Paul Ryan, November, 2012.
“Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has a commanding lead in a poll of Iowa Republican caucus-goers while former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush comes in a distant seventh among a large field of potential contenders.
According to a Quinnipiac University poll conducted April 25 to May 4 of 667 likely Iowa Republican Caucus participants:
Walker: 21 percent
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul: 13 percent
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio: 13 percent
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz: 12 percent
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: 11 percent
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson: 7 percent
Bush: 5 percent
No other candidate surveyed has higher than 3 percent”
At least Jeb is beating Carly, Christie and Jindal. So far.
Apparently Michigan is intelligent in local and state politics and LIV in national elections!
A recent poll question was asked… “Do you think small business owners who provide wedding-related services should be allowed to refuse services to same-sex couples if same-sex marriage violates their religious beliefs, or do you think small business owners should be required to provide services regardless of a couple’s sexual orientation?”
BTW this question was in that biased to DUMMOCRETINS Poll HA’s own senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit put forth earlier as being “great” for Hillary…
Result: After all that caterwauling from libtards about gay marriage being the theme of America now… 51% still think small business owners should be allowed to refuse wedding services to same-sex couples if it violates their religious beliefs!
Soooooooooooooooooooooo Even when the poll is biased libtard, there is still a majority. Amazingly interesting!
Go figure. You don’t suppose that the hookers feel threatened by the nazi conservatives do you?
Clinton Snags The Sex Worker Vote http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....29398.html
The Texas Tea party wackadoodles in action. Up close and personal with a Full-bird Colonel trying to keep a straight face while people act like the bunch of pants-pissing whiny babies they are.
This is what the Tea Party is all about. Spreading, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Finding someone to blame as the source of that FUD, and acting accordingly. It’s just a giant bullshit game of “telephone” and everyone in the game is trying to outdo each other with every new embellishment and every new telling of the tale.
They’ll be blaming the Jews next, and the Communists. Of course, now they have Islam to blame for that fear.
Tell me again, how this “Tea Party” is any different from the German and Italian paranoiac Fascist movements of the 1920s? It’s even being spread around in identical fashion. The churches and small-town preachers, the jackass radio, and now they have the internet to help them smear their bullshit over their own faces while pretending to look intelligent. This is what you get after 40 years of gradual but deep reductions in education funding. It’s the old Chinese method of torturous murder, death by a thousand cuts.
So goes the Republic. Crimentlies people are stupid.
Ahhh yes, the vomit producer went to Jon Stewart/Daily Kooks and drank his left kook aid for the day. This was covered in conservative circles back in March. http://www.scribd.com/doc/2586.....Document-1 So why did FEMA create maps with California, Nevada, and Colorado labeled as permissive areas while Texas and Utah as hostile areas vomit producer? The territory deemed “hostile” is all in Republican-leaning states vomit producer!!! Is that because they know people are sheep in those three left wrong states while Real Americans live in Texas and Utah? The first black Republican woman came from Utah so that has to be hostile to USASOC and Obummer’s sadministration! Why didn’t they place California as hostile? LIVs are sheep that’s why!
That’s the reason they reacted. Obummer’s sadministration believes the major threats to the country include those who are military veterans, people whom ‘cling to guns or religion,’ and support the Constitution! That’s what they said in Baltimore! It’s you vomit producer who are scared of patriotic 2nd Amendment Americans. It’s FASCISTS like you who want to take their guns and muzzle their voices! Of course the video you put forth doesn’t explain this whatsoever! Just biased “journalism”; the stuff you deliver every day? Did you read the USASOC document vomit producer or you like always accepted their “commentary”?
You guzzle the left wrong kook aid even while asleep. Justice Antonin Scalia answered a question earlier this year on concentration camp use… “You are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again. The ruling was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It’s no justification, but it is the reality.”
@ 50
Dude, get somebody to wipe off the drool. It’s starting to get your pants wet.
Since you possess 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady here is the blame the military commentary again.. http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....ots-video/
FACTS, not the friend of the vomit producer!
Ahhh yes that’s the best you can do when FACTS slap yo silly libtard ASS! Puddy was spot on with the Jon Stewart/Daily Kooks references!
Puddy bets this makes the Friday Night Comix… Stay Tuned!
Hookers for Hillary. Is that because they have vaginas? http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/206355/
Interesting commentary right teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Is that the reason you are voting for Hillary? Most HA DUMMOCRETINS will not read Kate’s reasoning!
Puddy bets this is ignored in the Friday Night Comix… Stay Tuned!
Oh no…. HA DUMMOCRETIN Hands Up Don’t Shoot” hero Dorian Johnson arrested on drug charges? http://twitchy.com/2015/05/06/.....ng-arrest/
Chick-fil-A in Lynnwood opens today. Still traffic jams in Bellevue due to popularity there.
Good to know that Puffy will stand with you at all times, even if all the feminestas are against you.
@54 and you vote with your dick and think with your anus. What’s the big deal?
Dodgers Fans Cheer Gay Kiss Cam Moment http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....09626.html
@60. That’s sweet.
Anyone remember that pathetic troll LD/YD/GS the moronic idiot?
Said TWO TERM Prez Obama was making things so bad it was going to jump ship and take advantage of its dual citizenship with Canada..
Geez yours truly hopes the idiot troll decamped to Alberta.. Sweet justice!!!
WTF happened there? Was it just oil prices? The NDP is the most LEFT WING party in Canada!
Here’s what the NDP promised:
1) An increase in the corporate tax rate from 10 to 10 percent.
2) $15/hr minimum wage
3) A review of the royalties petrocarbon outfits pay. (Which of course have gone WAY down in recent years.)
4) A BAN on corporate donations for elections.
5) A phase out of coal power.
Here is one for Puffy’s Hetero friends. And she is the principal, I’m sure there is a lot of good education going on in that school.
Fla. principal caught smoking pot with student in car: cops
07 May 2015 12:46 PM
Here’s one career going up in smoke.
This one is great. Religious nuts.
labama pastor’s emails: ‘I pray and wait’ for wife’s death
07 May 2015 12:14 PM
An Alabama pastor accused of killing his wife wrote emails to his secret boyfriend, fantasizing about her death, court records revealed.
@63 Ooops. Correction 10 to 12 percent..
Dr Carson. Can you tell the voters what YOU BELIEVE, to the best of your estimation, the total number of orbits the earth has made around the sun?
He’d sneer at the word “orbit” and accuse you of making that word up just to confuse him.