Shorter Republican Party- “We’re so full of shit and you guys keep buying it. Why should we change? Look- Obama’s a Muslim! Deficit! Terrorist! Young Bucks and T-Bones! War on Christmas!”
Israel, other than the right of return, has laws very similar to ours. They have quotas, work visas, .. just like a “real” country.
Other countries with similar rights of return include Germany, England, Korea, and Japan.
Anyone who joins the Jewish people is eligible for the right of return. Not only that, I can even tell you how YOU can become Jewish and then you too can emigrate freely.
Not so sure you would have the courage to have the operation though!
since we are in an open thread, anyone here think we ought to REALLY deregulate drugs?
Puddy, in another thread, seems upset that the FDA will not approve use of Avastin for breast cancer, because .. ya know, they can nto show it works!
Our Reprican friends see death panels behind every Obamacare representative.
On the left, there seem to be people who think narcotics would be easier to control if we just let anyone sell them.
Of course marijuana is a magic drug that cures diseases even when those diseases can not be diagnosed.
Same for some vitamins! Remember how vitamin C cured the common cold?
Then there is that Smiling Bob character who sells Enzyte to men wanting bigger ding dongs. I am not sure which side of the political spectrum the folks behind Enzyte are on but I did note that the “discoverer” went to jail for mail fraud while his drug lives on!
The of course, here in Seattle, we have a school devoted to acupuncture, colonics and drugs that only work when diluted below Avogardro’s number.
So, what is the “liberal” point of view?
Do we penalize drug companies if they do not thoroughly test every nostrum or just make all drugs legal?
Do we demand scientific proof that a drug works or is it enough that it causes no harm?
Or maybe we should go the initiative route and decide that cocaine is, after all, a safe drug?
A few thoughts: we have to ask why someone wants to ingest a particular substance – is it to have better health, or just for fun (and perhaps endanger health)?
If it’s for health, then those people seem potentially vulnerable to charlatans and hucksters and pharmaceutical companies. I saw a woman in my practice just yesterday who was taking a number of herbal preparations because her “adrenalin was too low” and her “immune system needed boosting” – when there was no objective evidence supporting either of those diagnoses – it was just that her naturalopath had said so. (disclaimer: I have known many good and smart naturopaths who do good medicine, and far too many dishonest and greedy and stupid allopaths in it for the $$$)These herbals cost money, and are potentially harming her.
Similarly, our pharmaceutical overlords spend billions creating markets, convincing people they need their drug, medicalizing normal variation and the human condition.
It seems some sort of enforced proof of efficacy and safety when prodicing products for potentially ill and desperate people is reasonable.
OTOH, with regard to having fun…I lean more toward the legalize it all stance. Certainly marijuana – that’s an absolute no-brainer. Hallucinogens, too, seem to represent a pretty minor health threat, both personal and public levels (there are issues with ecstacy, but these could likely be gotten around with responsible, possibly supervised use – like diving with a dive master until you’re certified.)
The one that stands out for me is meth – it seems so profoundly destructive, in an intrinsic sense, even more than heroin or cocaine. I think that if you removed people’s motivations for doing that stuff – bleak, hopeless, opportunity-less lives in poor rural places, to begin with, then you do alot to remove any desire to escape that way. I’m not sure how to handle that stuff in an intellectually consistent manner, with personal liberty as a central goal.
Republicans said openly that they were bluffing on taxes, but Obama caved anyway. Now Republicans say they are bluffing on the debt ceiling and Obama is set to cave again anyway.
@2: The American electorate this last cycle seems an awfully lot like Dug the Dog from Up.
@5 Not so sure you would have the courage to have the operation though!
sj, i had the operation when i was too young to argue about it.
@5 Israel, other than the right of return, has laws very similar to ours. They have quotas, work visas, .. just like a “real” country.
what i was really wondering sj, is do they have a media that whines and complains if we dont let every freeloader in.
btw, “real” country, not bad.
your wife's pimpspews:
With regards to Israel….honestly, its time they started paying their own way. They are a wealthy country and no longer need our financial help.
For that matter, their Muslim neighbors dont need our financial help either.
time to cut the string on all those bastard children nations and let them fend for themselves.
Is this a good thread to see how Goldy is doing on that new years resolution?
@15 With regards to Israel….honestly, its time they started paying their own way. They are a wealthy country and no longer need our financial help.
i’m pretty sure that the reason why our legeslative districts are gerrymandered to make sure the jews get to vote in blocks is so those districts are guranteed jewish reps, and with about 50 jews in congress, they’ll never cut funding to israel.
your wife's pimpspews:
I dunno about all that stuff….I would just rather we spend our money at home rather than giving it away to other nations all over the world.
The trouble I see with the naturopaths, enzyte, medical marijuana, or faith healing is that any of these can cause a person to NOT get help when they need it.
I do think that we all have the right hurt ourselves, BUT …
1. the government should do a MUCH better job of educating people about what does and does not work. Just as dangerous substances carry warning labels, anything sold as a therapeutic without authorization by the FDA should carry a warning label.
2. legislators should stay the hell away from legislating anything as being an effective drug (e.g. medical marijuana) or a dangerous drug (e.g. evil marijuana). Those decisions should be left to scientific bodies.
3. Anyone selling a nostrum that they know has no proven good effect should be subject to a law suit under a magistrate authorized to force the vendor to repay the costs.
The biggest problem with freeloaders in Israel is the far right, They claim the right to live in welfare while they study.
Immigrants to Israel are , AFIK, kike immigrants here … they come to w-o-r-k!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Check this insanity out – from the American Family Association:
God makes it clear in Scripture that deaths of people and livestock at the hands of savage beasts is a sign that the land is under a curse. The tragic thing here is that we are bringing this curse upon ourselves.
This Christianist loon Bryan Fischer is responding to a grizzly bear mauling a hiker by i) blaming humans for not following God’s laws, and ii) demanding that the bear be killed.
I guess that they are saying that since we don’t kill teh gays, God is sending tornadoes and earthquakes and grizzly bears to get us.
The stoopid – and the hate – sure is powerful with these people – I despair for humanity.
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
@22, LS: Except when one of his “prophets” gets dissed by the local boys and he needs bears to be enforcers.
I was more troubled by this quote:
One human being is worth more than an infinite number of grizzly bears. Another way to put it is that there is no number of live grizzlies worth one dead human being. If it’s a choice between grizzlies and humans, the grizzlies have to go. And it’s time.
I can heartily attest that the world would be a much better place with more grizzlies and no Mr. Fischer.
Siberian dogspews:
Incoming Corporate Republican Teabagger congressman just now said, “We’re tired of hitting the range balls, it’s time to tee it up for real.” Way to connect with the common voter, Teabagger.
Anyone want to make a bet that Tea Party members of the House won’t actually be listening to the reading of the Constitution on the House Floor today?
Too bad, really–some of them might be surprised to hear the actual language they purport to support. I’m guessing a number of them never make it past the second amendment (and skip most of the first . . .).
Liberal Scientistspews:
The whole sorry thing was profoundly wrong – the quote you made among the worst of it.
These people are hateful and hideous. What is so disheartening is that it is so much easier to destroy than to build – and to appeal to hate and fear as they do is to destroy.
Once again, we have right wing fundamentalist charlatans teaching the gullible and fearful and angry whom to hate, and making big $$$ doing it.
Welcome to 2011, time to start rationing the corn.
Corn Rationing Needs to Begin
USDA’s latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) put the carryout for the 2010-11 U.S. corn crop at 832 million bushels, less than half the previous year’s carryout of 1.7 billion bushels. USDA pegs the average U.S. farm price for the 2010-11 crop at $4.80 to $5.60/bu. World supplies have also tightened: USDA’s latest estimate for world ending stocks for the 2010-11 crop is 130 million metric tons, a nearly 12 percent drop from the previous year’s 147 million metric tons.
your wife's pimpspews:
golf is hardly a rich mans sport.
@28 “golf is hardly a rich mans sport”
At least not when you and I finally get around to teeing it up.
I learned to play at Jefferson Park and I still like the “Old Course”, as my friends and I call it. It’s not like there’s a whole lot of rich folk playing there, or at any other muny course.
For you trolls out there who think they are going to be raptured in the near future and who have pet goats they will be leaving behind, I make you an offer.
For a mere $5000 per goat paid in advance I will look after your loved ones for their natural life spans. I further promise that I won’t have any sexual relations with your goats. You can rest easy knowing you were the last to know your goat in the biblical way.
I further promise that you may cancel your policy and receive a %50 refund if after the rapture you find you were left behind.
How is Univ Arizona going to deal with their new star quarterback, an UNDOCUMENTED alien?
Football uber alles?
Maybe Manuel Ortega want to throw balls here at the UW?
I like John Cole:
I guess they’re going to have to deport the guy.
do any of you know what the immigration policy of israel is?
Israel, other than the right of return, has laws very similar to ours. They have quotas, work visas, .. just like a “real” country.
Other countries with similar rights of return include Germany, England, Korea, and Japan.
Anyone who joins the Jewish people is eligible for the right of return. Not only that, I can even tell you how YOU can become Jewish and then you too can emigrate freely.
Not so sure you would have the courage to have the operation though!
@3 PI
Deport a star quarterbhack???
since we are in an open thread, anyone here think we ought to REALLY deregulate drugs?
Puddy, in another thread, seems upset that the FDA will not approve use of Avastin for breast cancer, because .. ya know, they can nto show it works!
Our Reprican friends see death panels behind every Obamacare representative.
On the left, there seem to be people who think narcotics would be easier to control if we just let anyone sell them.
Of course marijuana is a magic drug that cures diseases even when those diseases can not be diagnosed.
Same for some vitamins! Remember how vitamin C cured the common cold?
Then there is that Smiling Bob character who sells Enzyte to men wanting bigger ding dongs. I am not sure which side of the political spectrum the folks behind Enzyte are on but I did note that the “discoverer” went to jail for mail fraud while his drug lives on!
The of course, here in Seattle, we have a school devoted to acupuncture, colonics and drugs that only work when diluted below Avogardro’s number.
So, what is the “liberal” point of view?
Do we penalize drug companies if they do not thoroughly test every nostrum or just make all drugs legal?
Do we demand scientific proof that a drug works or is it enough that it causes no harm?
Or maybe we should go the initiative route and decide that cocaine is, after all, a safe drug?
Which is faster on Windows XP Opera or Chrome?
A complex and worthy question, SJ.
A few thoughts: we have to ask why someone wants to ingest a particular substance – is it to have better health, or just for fun (and perhaps endanger health)?
If it’s for health, then those people seem potentially vulnerable to charlatans and hucksters and pharmaceutical companies. I saw a woman in my practice just yesterday who was taking a number of herbal preparations because her “adrenalin was too low” and her “immune system needed boosting” – when there was no objective evidence supporting either of those diagnoses – it was just that her naturalopath had said so. (disclaimer: I have known many good and smart naturopaths who do good medicine, and far too many dishonest and greedy and stupid allopaths in it for the $$$)These herbals cost money, and are potentially harming her.
Similarly, our pharmaceutical overlords spend billions creating markets, convincing people they need their drug, medicalizing normal variation and the human condition.
It seems some sort of enforced proof of efficacy and safety when prodicing products for potentially ill and desperate people is reasonable.
OTOH, with regard to having fun…I lean more toward the legalize it all stance. Certainly marijuana – that’s an absolute no-brainer. Hallucinogens, too, seem to represent a pretty minor health threat, both personal and public levels (there are issues with ecstacy, but these could likely be gotten around with responsible, possibly supervised use – like diving with a dive master until you’re certified.)
The one that stands out for me is meth – it seems so profoundly destructive, in an intrinsic sense, even more than heroin or cocaine. I think that if you removed people’s motivations for doing that stuff – bleak, hopeless, opportunity-less lives in poor rural places, to begin with, then you do alot to remove any desire to escape that way. I’m not sure how to handle that stuff in an intellectually consistent manner, with personal liberty as a central goal.
Will Goldy be at Drinking Liberaly?
On Maddow yesterday:
Republicans said openly that they were bluffing on taxes, but Obama caved anyway. Now Republicans say they are bluffing on the debt ceiling and Obama is set to cave again anyway.
@2: The American electorate this last cycle seems an awfully lot like Dug the Dog from Up.
Not so sure you would have the courage to have the operation though!
sj, i had the operation when i was too young to argue about it.
Israel, other than the right of return, has laws very similar to ours. They have quotas, work visas, .. just like a “real” country.
what i was really wondering sj, is do they have a media that whines and complains if we dont let every freeloader in.
btw, “real” country, not bad.
With regards to Israel….honestly, its time they started paying their own way. They are a wealthy country and no longer need our financial help.
For that matter, their Muslim neighbors dont need our financial help either.
time to cut the string on all those bastard children nations and let them fend for themselves.
Is this a good thread to see how Goldy is doing on that new years resolution?
With regards to Israel….honestly, its time they started paying their own way. They are a wealthy country and no longer need our financial help.
i’m pretty sure that the reason why our legeslative districts are gerrymandered to make sure the jews get to vote in blocks is so those districts are guranteed jewish reps, and with about 50 jews in congress, they’ll never cut funding to israel.
I dunno about all that stuff….I would just rather we spend our money at home rather than giving it away to other nations all over the world.
Its time to get our house in order first.
Lib Sci
Different problems ..
The trouble I see with the naturopaths, enzyte, medical marijuana, or faith healing is that any of these can cause a person to NOT get help when they need it.
I do think that we all have the right hurt ourselves, BUT …
1. the government should do a MUCH better job of educating people about what does and does not work. Just as dangerous substances carry warning labels, anything sold as a therapeutic without authorization by the FDA should carry a warning label.
2. legislators should stay the hell away from legislating anything as being an effective drug (e.g. medical marijuana) or a dangerous drug (e.g. evil marijuana). Those decisions should be left to scientific bodies.
3. Anyone selling a nostrum that they know has no proven good effect should be subject to a law suit under a magistrate authorized to force the vendor to repay the costs.
@13 MOT
in re your foreskin of the lack thereof
sorry, that operation did not count. Needs to be redone, the right way!
@14 MOT
The biggest problem with freeloaders in Israel is the far right, They claim the right to live in welfare while they study.
Immigrants to Israel are , AFIK, kike immigrants here … they come to w-o-r-k!
Check this insanity out – from the American Family Association:
This Christianist loon Bryan Fischer is responding to a grizzly bear mauling a hiker by i) blaming humans for not following God’s laws, and ii) demanding that the bear be killed.
I guess that they are saying that since we don’t kill teh gays, God is sending tornadoes and earthquakes and grizzly bears to get us.
The stoopid – and the hate – sure is powerful with these people – I despair for humanity.
@22, LS: Except when one of his “prophets” gets dissed by the local boys and he needs bears to be enforcers.
I was more troubled by this quote:
I can heartily attest that the world would be a much better place with more grizzlies and no Mr. Fischer.
Incoming Corporate Republican Teabagger congressman just now said, “We’re tired of hitting the range balls, it’s time to tee it up for real.” Way to connect with the common voter, Teabagger.
Anyone want to make a bet that Tea Party members of the House won’t actually be listening to the reading of the Constitution on the House Floor today?
Too bad, really–some of them might be surprised to hear the actual language they purport to support. I’m guessing a number of them never make it past the second amendment (and skip most of the first . . .).
The whole sorry thing was profoundly wrong – the quote you made among the worst of it.
These people are hateful and hideous. What is so disheartening is that it is so much easier to destroy than to build – and to appeal to hate and fear as they do is to destroy.
Once again, we have right wing fundamentalist charlatans teaching the gullible and fearful and angry whom to hate, and making big $$$ doing it.
Welcome to 2011, time to start rationing the corn.
golf is hardly a rich mans sport.
@28 “golf is hardly a rich mans sport”
At least not when you and I finally get around to teeing it up.
I learned to play at Jefferson Park and I still like the “Old Course”, as my friends and I call it. It’s not like there’s a whole lot of rich folk playing there, or at any other muny course.
Arizona death panel claims second victim.
So where are the tea baggers? Here we have a real live death panel successfully killing people and not a peep from them.
Biblical scholar’s date for rapture: May 21, 2011
For you trolls out there who think they are going to be raptured in the near future and who have pet goats they will be leaving behind, I make you an offer.
For a mere $5000 per goat paid in advance I will look after your loved ones for their natural life spans. I further promise that I won’t have any sexual relations with your goats. You can rest easy knowing you were the last to know your goat in the biblical way.
I further promise that you may cancel your policy and receive a %50 refund if after the rapture you find you were left behind.